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1. Fill in with the Past Simple. 4. Fill in with have been to

1. Jane (live)in Greece many years ago. / in or have gone to.
2. Mike (lose)his keys again yesterday. 1. Kim isn't at home. She
3. (you/ see) Paul at the office? her friend's house.
4. (notwake up) on time and missed the bus. 2. we Crete once or
5. We (eat)dinner at a new restaurant last night. twice.
6. (Bill/ take)his car to work yesterday? 3. you ever this
7. Ruth (notfly)to Paris last week. funfair?
4. George this village for
2. Fill in with the Past Simple or Continuous.
5. - Where is Jill?
I. When Kim (enter)the house, the - She the office.
children (not sleep). 6. Dylan Berlin since he
2. While I (take)a shower, my sister was 25.
(talk)on the phone. 7. Athens twice this
3. Sarah (wakeup)at 7:00 and year.
(go) to work.
4. Dina (do)the dishes when she
(hear)a strange noise.
5. Fill in with the present
5. As Philip
Perfect Simple or Continuous.
(listen)to music.
6. What (Harry/ do) when you 1. The kids have been watching / have
(get)into his room? watched TV all evening.
(walk)in the park, a ball 2. We haven't been seeing / haven't seen Tom
7. While I
(hit)me. for months.
3. Jay has been teaching / has taught at this
school since 2009.
3. Fill in with the Present Perfect Simple. 4. You look tired! Have you been studying /
1. We (visit)Rome a few times. Have you studied all night?
2. (you J' ever eat) Italian food? 5. How long has he been waiting / has he
3. Jason (notfinish)his homework yet. waited at the bank?
4. I can't believe you (forget)Becky's birthday. 6. I have been visiting / have visited Sam once
5. (Nick/take)the dog for a walk? this month.
(nothave)a tastier hamburger before. 7. I have always been wanting / have always
7. The dog (dmk) a lot of water but it's still thirsty. wanted to become a teacher.
I. Fill in the word list. / 20
1. strict 15. separate 29. OUV6ÉO
2. headache 16. get sick 30. vuotaypÉvos
3. charming 17. look like 31. ÉQnßOS
4. sensitive 18. empire 32. Ef110KÉntns,
5. creature 19. frightening Ef110KÉntp10

6. disease 20. familiar 33. E13Eü&pos

7. explore 21. state 34. nE60ivo
8. field 22. donkey 35. 610QOPEt1KÖs
9. construct 23. stressful 36. åoxnpos
10. independent (from) 24. prince 37. Evoon
11. adopt 25. loyal 38. E6VJKÖS
12. female 26. pond 39. 6naaotlKö
13. revolution 27. tiring 40. 5Öpo
14. unfortunately 28. nature

2. Choose and circle. / 10

1. The test was difficult so nobody passed. 11. The frog into a prince and kisses the princess.
a. gradually b. extremely c. unfortunately a. locks b. transforms c. disappears
2. It s midnight. We have to go home. 12. The museumwas full of that were made
a. almost b. though c. deadly thousands of years ago.
3. We said goodbye to our friends and left. a. statues b. stages c. scrapbooks
a. giant b. identical c. beloved 13. Do you believe that really exist?
4. The square was with people for the concert. a. seals b. goals c. aliens
a. crowded b. grumpy c. native 14. Do you have any or ore you an only child?
5. Australia is the smallest in the world. a. brochures b. siblings c. colonies
a. continent b. habitat c. row 15. That was the most day of my life.
6. Helen is always about the noise in her a. tired b. tire c. tiring
16. She's on a She wants to lose 5 kilos.
a. rescuing b. declaring c. complaining a. diet b. magazine c. slave
o strange, anonymous letter yesterday.
17. Thereweren't any empty so we had to leave
a. crossed b. settled c. received a. chapters b. stripes c. seats
8. Kim is a very singer. She'll definitely win the
18. Don't be so Everything is going to be alright!
song contest.
a. talkative a. darling b. grumpy c. independent
b. talented c. temperate
9. The Greek 19. We were so when the strange mon knocked ot
is blue and white with a white
cross our door.
on the left.
a. lifespan a. frighten b. frightening c. frightened
b. landmark c. flag
10. t'm interested in organizations 20. Mrs Murphy, we don't understand.
that protect Can you grve us
wild one more please?
a. endangered b. tiny a. example b. liberty c. borough
c. loyal

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