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Anal. Chem.

1982, 54, 499-503 499

the Cd net concentration in the lake samples. If one assumes to determine Cd coincentrationsin the Great Lakes. After a
that contamination affected individual samples and blanks critical review of the historical data, Rossman (16) concluded
equally on average, then most of the irreproducibility in the that none was reliable. For Lake Michigan, the Cd data
MSID determinations is attributable to variability in the reported here are the first to be gathered with sufficient at-
extent of contamination. tention to contamination control, using independent methods
of sufficient sensitivity, to provide a glimpse of the actual
CONCLUSIONS present concentrations. In a separate report (17), we have
The ED-MSID combination proved to be a suitable method shown how these rrneasurements are crucial to arriving at a
for determining Cd at very low concentrations in freshwater. budget for Cd in Lake Michigan and to establishing the rate
Once the proper precautions are taken, the procedure yields of its accumulation in the future.
a concentrate that is free of significant interferences and which
gives steady ion currents from samples and blanks containing LITERATURE CITED
25-100 ng total Cd. In practice the lower working limit is (1) Settle, D. M.; Patterson, C. C. Science 1980, 207, 1167-1176.
determined by the blank value, rather than inherent sensi- (2) Rosman, K. J. R.; DeLaeter, J. R. J. R . SOC.West. Aust. 1977, 59,
tivity. And it is the variability introduced by contamination (3) Batley, 0. E.; Malousek, J. P, Anal. Chem. 1977, 49, 2031-2034.
that appears to controll the overall precision. (4) Torsi, 0. Ann. ChJm. (Rome) 1977, 67, 557-566.
In our experience, tlhe most persistent and troublesome (5) Brandenberger, H.; Bader, H. At. Absorpt. Newsl. 1987, 8 , 101-104.
(6) Falrless, C.; Bard, A. J. Anal. Left. 1972, 5433-437.
source of this contamination is Cd-laden particulate matter (7) Fairless, C.; Bard, A. J. Anal. Chem. 1973, 45, 2289-2291.
in the laboratory and shipboard atmospheres. Airborne Cd (8) Lund, W.; Larsen, B. V. Anal. Chim. Acta 1974, 72, 57-64.
(9) Catanzaro, E. J. ,/.-Water Pollut. Control Fed. 1975, 47, 203-204.
often reaches several micrograms per cubic meter around (IO) Elzerman, A. W.; Armstrong, D. E; Andren, A. W. Environ. Sci. Tech-
urban-industrial centers (14) and can be higher in dusty en- no/. 1979, 13, 720-725.
vironments or where tobacco is being smoked. These particles (11) Allen, H. E; NOH, K E.; Jamljun, 0.; Boonlayangoor, C. Radlological and
Environmental Research Dlvision Annual Report, Jan-Dec 1977, Ar-
readily contaminate not only open liquid samples but also the gonne National Laboratory, ANL-77-65. Part 111, pp 70-73.
surfaces of containers and reagents exposed to unfiltered air. (12) Cameron, A. E.; Smith, D. H.; Walker, R. L. Anal. Chem. 1989, 4 7 ,
Much of the associated Cd is found near the surface of these (13) Bickford, M. E.; Sllka, L R.; Shuster, R. D.; Anglno, E.;Ragsdale, C. R.
particles (15) and is readily available for solubilization. Anal. Chem. 1978, 50, 469-472.
Our use of closed conlahers and clean air work stations was (14) Thompson, R. Adv. Chem. 1979, 772, 54.
(15) Natusch, D. F. S. Environ. Health Perspect. 1978, 22, 79.
effective in dealing with these problems. In some control (16) Rossman, R. Absiracts of the 24th Conferance of Great Lakes Re-
samples, Cd was undetectable even by ED/MSID, indicating search, 28-30 April 1981, Columbus, OH, p 34.
that further experience with the technique will lead to even (17) Muhlbaler, J.; Tisue, G. T. Water, Air, Soil Pollut. 1981, 15. 45-59.
lower mean blank values. However, other reports ( 1 , Z ) in-
dicate that clean room conditions may still be required if metal RECEIVED for review October 7,1981. Accepted December 8,
concentrations below 10 ng L-l are to be studied routinely. 1981. A preliminary account of this work was presented at
Unrecognized difficulties in controlling contamination the 2nd Midwest Water Chemistry Workshop, Minneapolis,
and/or lack of sensitivity appear to have plagued earlier efforts MN, 8-9 Oct 1979.

Direct Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry with

Polyimide-Coated Wires
V. N. Reinhold” and !Steven A. Carr
Department of Biological Chemistry and Laboratory of Human Reproductlon and Reproductive B/ology, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, Massachusetts O.? 115

A procedure is descrlbed for improving the results obtalned highly polar and thermally labile compounds with a minimum
in the analysts of thermally labile organic compounds by direct of decomposition. One approach has been to rapidly heat
chemlcal Ionization (DCI)mass spectrometry. The nichrome nonvolatile samples coated on an extended direct insertiton
wire sample support is coated wlth a polyimide material probe within a chemical ionization reagent gas plasma. This
(Pyre-ML) In a two-step procedure uslng an eiectrlcal current technique, known as direct chemical ionization (DCI), has
to induce polymeriratlon. Comparison of the DCI mass evolved through the contributions of a number of research
spectra of numerous bioioglcaliy Important compounds (ln- groups into a useful alternative approach for obtaining
cluding oilgosaccharides and peptldes) obtained with poly- structural information on thermally labile samples. For a
imide-coated wire vs. bare metal Indicates a dlminutlon in recent review of this topic see ref 1.
pyrolysis and a correspondlng Increase In the intensity of ions In contrast to conventional solids probe electron impact or
related to molecular welght for samples desorbed from the chemical ionization mass spectrometry, the spectra of polar
coated wlres. Avolding metal-sample interactton by coatlng
compounds obtained by direct sample insertion into the
reagent gas plasma contain (and are often dominated by) ions
the wire with a polylmide surface extends the DCI approach
indicative of the molecular weight as well as structurallly
to compounds of greater polarity and higher molecular weight.
significant fragment ions. The DCI technique is more sensitive
than field desorption (FD) mass spectrometry, and invariably
more fragmentation is observed, if only, in some cases, a
A major goal of mass spectrometric research is to develop spectrum of the products of pyrolysis. However, a number
ionization methods which will enable the determination of of involatile compounds fail to exhibit ions diagnostic of
0003-2700/82/0354-0499$0 1. W O 0 1982 American Chemical Society

I 200
Total Ion
,:'"',.. . /Current 175
I .

6000 - 150

5000 - I25
I=(342+360) R =
4000 - IO0

3000 - 75

2000 c 50

, I , , I 25


0 0
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Scan Number
Figure 1. Total and selected ion current profiles obtained by DCI of kojibiose from uncoated nichrome wire. Profile I = C [ m / r342 m / z
3601 ([M - H20) + +
NH,]' and (M NH,)', respectively) which are ions related to the intact or nearly intact molecule. Curve R is the ratio of
pyrolysis ions m / z 180 and m l z 198 to I as a function of heatlng current and mass spectral scan number. The wire was heated linearly at 2
molecular weight by DCI but do by FD. (magnetic sector preceding electric sector) and fitted with a
Sample analysis by DCI is most frequently initiated by a combined CI/EI ion source. The programmable DCI probe power
programmed heating current through a resistive wire (such supply unit for ramping the wire current was obtained from
as rhenium or nichrome) on which the sample has been coated. Finnigan-MAT, Sunnvale, CA. Modifications were made to read
Since heating and sample-surface interactions are involved, applied DCI wire current through an ammeter on the ion source
control unit (2).
pyrolysis is a constant problem and the DCI technique must
contend with this fact. As would be anticipated, pyrolytic RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
products are enhanced over molecular weight related ion The ideal mass spectrum for an unknown material would
products as the sample increases in molecular weight, de- be one that yields ions indicative of the molecular weight as
creases in amount, and possesses greater ionic character. Thus, well as structurally informative fragment ions. Unfortunately
obtaining molecular weight information on nanogram amounta for many classes of compounds, including carbohydrates,
of large thermally labile compounds by DCI can be exceedingly glycoconjugates, amino acids, and peptides there is often a
difficult. disproportionate distribution of ions when using electron im-
We report here the use of polyimide-coated (PIC) wires, pact (EI) or field desorption (FD). Conventional chemical
a technique which extends the limits of the DCI approach. ionization (CI) and electron impact ion sources are designed
EXPERIMENTAL SECTION to analyze samples in the gas phase with sample material
Polyimide Wire Coating. A 5 cm length of nichrome wire vaporized external to the ionization chamber. Under these
(0.0125 in. diameter) bent into a "U" shape is attached to a conditions, molecular weight related ions can only be observed
variable ac power supply and the voltage is adjusted to obtain for polar and thermally labile materials which have been
between 0.7 to 0.9 A flowing in the circuit (- 1 V ac). The wire derivatized prior to their analysis. The mass spectra of com-
is then immersed briefly in polyimide primer (primer and topcoat pounds ionized by FD are usually dominated by the molecular
are available from American Durafilm Co., Inc., Newton Lower weight related ions with very few (if any) fragment ions.
Falls, MA, under the trade name Pyre-ML) diluted 1:l with In contrast, vaporization of involatile samples by DCI gives
N-methylpprolidone. Upon removal of the wire from the primer rise to intact or nearly intact neutral molecules which are
the current initiates polymerization (5-10 8); droplets which may subsequently ionized to produce both molecular and fragment
form on the wire are removed by touching with a glass rod. This ions ( I ) . Ions indicative of the molecular weight are observed
step is repeated. the polymerized primer covered wire is then very early in the desorption profile and usually last for only
dipped into a topcoat solution and treated identically. Fully
coated wires are attached to the DCI probe, inserted into the CI a few seconds ( I , 3 ) . Desorption and subsequent ionization
chamber, and programmed slowly through a heating cycle to of neutral pyrolysis products formed on the support results
remove interfering background. Although a relatively large in an abundance of low mass ions which become dominant
amount of material desorbs during this initial "burn-in", we have in the latter part of the total-ion profile. These factors can
experienced no loss in sensitivity or increase in the rate of ion be demonstrated with the disaccharide kojibiose and a plot
source contamination. To initiate desorption a linear programmed of the ratio of ions associated with glycosidic bond rupture
heating current (mA/s) was started coincident with repetitive ( m / z 180 and 198) to those ions related to the molecular
scanning. Current applied to the PIC wire during an analysis weight ( m / z 342 = [(M - HzO) + NH4] and m / z 360 = (M
should not exceed that which is sufficient for sample desorption,
since excess heating shortens the usable life of the polyimide
+ NH4)+)against the repetitive scan number (Figure 1). This
coating. The coated wires are reusable (up to 10 different samples) ratio (R) is observed to increase dramatically on the de-
with no problem of cross-contamination. scending side of the selected ion profile for the intact di-
Instrumentation. The mass spectrometer utilized in this saccharide (I). The abundance of ions desorbing after the
study was a Finnigan-MAT 312 instrument with reverse geometry initial molecular weight related ion plume (i.e., total ion plot

For compounds more polar than simple saccharides (such as

amino acids and peptides) the total-ion current profile usually
maximizes well after the molecular weight related ion current
profile and recovers only slowly to base line. Furthermore,
for these materials the percentage of the total-ion currenit
carried by molecular weight related ions is much smaller and
is observed for a shorter duration.
Other workers have indicated that the relative ratio of
pyrolysis products to intact neutrals depends largely on two
factors: the nature of the surface on which the sample is
coated and the rate of sample heating (3-7). To reduce
sample-surface interactions and, therefore, increase the de-
sorption of intact neutrals, experimenters have used glass (51,
quartz (7), Teflon (:I), silicone gum (IO), and Vespel ( 4 ) .
However, these materials are not good conductors and are
difficult to heat rapidlly in a controlled fashion. In an effort
to combine the conductivity of wire with the inert surface
properties of the above materials, we explored various ther-
mally stable polymeric coatings. The polyimide material used
in a two-step coating of primer and topcoat proved most
The influence of wire heating and the resulting pyrolysis
can be decreased by desorbing samples from this PIC wire.
The strength of sample-surface binding is probably much
Flgure 2. Total ion Intensity and selected ion plot of m l r 537 obtained
lower for these polymer-coating wires than for bare metal andi,
from equal amounts of the pentapeptide (Phe-Asp-Ala-Ser-Val) de- therefore, the heat of vaporization is now more related tio
sorbed from (a) bare, wire and (b) PIC wire as a function of increasing overcoming sample-s,ample interaction. This can be dem-
scan number and linear heating current. Mass 537 corresponds to [(M onstrated by desorbing equal amounts of the pentapeptide
- H20) NH,]' rather than M', as demonstrated by using "NH3 as Phe-Asp-Ala-Ser-Val(mol w t = 537) from bare wire and PIC
the reagent gas ( I ? ) . wire and assessing the results by plotting the selected ion
profiles of m / z 537 ([(M - H20) ",It) +
and the total ion
and R, Figure 1)indicatee that sample remaining on the wire profiles, (Figure 2) (11). The peptide desorbs intact from both
is pyrolyzing as a result of the increased heating current and substrates at essentially the same heating current but is
the closer proximity to the metal surface. Mass spectra ob- sustained as such for a longer period of time with greater
served from this trailing edge of the total-ion profile consist molecular weight related ion intensity in the PIC wire ex-
of a series of high intensity low mass ions formed by pyrolysis. periment. Not only is there a quantitative increase in the ion



'i I I I 188
M W = 537



(M-17,- 18)'

373 393 427 449

55 le@ 150 200 3 0 16 358 400 458 500 550 608

Flgure 3. Mass spectrum obtained at the maximum of m l z 537 for the pentapeptide (Phe-Asp-Ala-Ser-Val) using (a) bare wire (scan no. 36,
Figure 2a) and (b) PIC wire (scan no 38, Flgure 2b).

' C0.e

AAI :N + YH if

*' IS88


M W = I490

Reduced Perrnethylated Heptasaccharide

ElgUre 4. Mass spectra obtained at the polnt of maximum Intensity of (M NH4)+ for the reduced and permethyiated glucose polymer isolated
from corn syrup and purified by HPLC. The A series ions correspond to cleavage of the glycosidic llnkage with charge retention on the reducing
end whereas the 2 series ions correspond to charge retention on the nonreducing portion of the molecule.

MW = 481

34 1

Flgure 5. Mass spectrum of 1-0-stearoyi-2-hydroxy-sn lyceryl-3-phosphorylcholine(lyso platelet activating factor) taken at the point of maximum
molecular weight related ion intensity ( m / z 482 = (MH) ).

522 /

N-Palmi toy1 DI h y d r o l a c t o c e r e b r o s i d e

Flgure 6. Mass spectrum of N-palmitoyl dlhydrolactocerebroside taken at the polnt of maxlmum molecular weight related ion intensity ( m / z 864
= (MH)' and m / z 881 = (M 4- NH4)+).

current carried by the molecular weight related ion but there We have compared DCI using PIC and bare wire for a
is also a qualitative difference in the spectra with the ap- number of compound classes and noted in every case two
pearance of more ions related to sequence structure when major advantages with the PIC wires: (1)A larger percentage
using the PIC wires (Figure 3). of the ion current within each scan is carried by molecular


Flaure 7. Mass sDectrum of 12.13-dihexanoate ahorbol ester taken at the polnt of maximum molecular weight related intensity ( m / z 578 = (MI

weight related ions [(M t- H)+ and (M + NHd)+], and (2) a extreme lability of the ester side chains and field desorption
greater number of scans within the total-ion profile contain or chemical ionization (9) is required to determine their
this molecular weight information. A comparison of the limits molecular weights. Using PIC wires these tumor promoters
of sample detectability for coated and uncoated wires has not showed a threefold enhancement of the molecular weight
been pursued extensively in out laboratory. However, pre- related ion intensity over bare wires and a detectability to the
liminary results by single-ion monitoring of the disaccharide low nanogram range. ‘Theresults obtained for 12,13-dihexa-
melibose and the phorbol diester 12-myristate-13-acetatehave noate phorbol ester were typical (Figure 7 ) .
indicated sensitivities down to the 2-5 ng level using the PIC From an instrumental standpoint, DCI is simple to set up,
wires. Similar experiments on these compounds using bare easy to perform, and inexpensive to operate. The use of
wires were unsuccessful at the 50-ng level. polyimide-coated wires as the emitter substrate instead of the
Earlier studies with FDMS had indicated that derivatization commercially supplied bare metal wires extends mass spectral
aids in sample analysis by yielding a more lasting and stable analysis to higher masses with greater sensitivity and at a
ion current (8). For DCI analysis of polar compounds de- minimum of cost. We would expect this technique to be most
rivatization is also helpful and becomes mandatory at higher helpful for materials of high polarity which are often available
molecular weights. As an example, 100 ng of the underivatized only in trace amounts.
trisaccharide raffinose yielded a protonated or cationized
molecular weight related ion which was only 5% of the base ACKNOWLEDGMENT
ion. The molecular ion was not detectable using a bare wire. The authors thank C.E. Costello for providing the phorbol
Using the combined approach of a PIC wire and derivatization, ester samples and for excellent assistance in gathering and
a permethylated heptasaccharide of a(1-4) linked glucose interpreting the data. We also thank Bruce Stratton, Pres-
residues yielded a base ion at m / z 1508 corresponding to the ident, American Durafdm, for the samples of Pyre-ML topcoat
ammonia cationized molecular ion (Figure 4). It is important and primer, Peter Blmberg for the samples of phorbol diester,
to note that the fragment ions produced in this spectrum allow and Edward Goetzl for the sample of lyso platelet activating
the sequence to be “read” from either end of the molecule factor.
whereas both the field desorption and fast atom bombardment
spectra of this same compound consist almost entirely of ions
indicative of the molecular weight. (I) Cotter, R. J. Anal. Chem. 1980, 52, 1589 A.
(2) Kaufman, H., Flnnigan-MAT, Bremen, Germany.
Further comparison of PIC and bare wires for two classes (3) Hansen, G.; Munson, 13. Anal. Chem. 1880, 52, 245.
of lipids, and the very labile phorbol diesters indicated again (4) Cotter, R. J.; Fenselau, C. C. Blomed. Mass Spectrom. 1979, 6 , 287.
(5) Baldwin, M. A,; McLafferty, F. W. Org. Mass Spectrom. 1973, 7 ,
that desorption from PIC wires provides greater intensity of 1353.
high mass ions with a minimum of pyrolysis. One class of (6) Beuhler, R. J. Flanagan, E.; Greene, L. J.; Friedman, L. J. Am. Chem.
lipids, the phosphatidylcholines, were evaluated by using as Soc . 1874, 96, 3990
(7) Ohashi, M.; Nakayamti, N. Org. Mass Spectrom. 1978, 73,642.
an example l-O-stemoyl-2-hydroxy-sn-glyceryl-3- (8) Costello, C. E.; Wilson, B. W.; Biemann, K.; Reinhold, V. N. I n “Cell
phosphorylcholine (lyso platelet activating factor). This Surface Glycolipids”; dweeley, C. C., Ed.; American Chemical Society:
Washington, DC, 1980; p 35; ACS Symp. Ser., No. 128.
zwitterionic material gave an intense protonated molecular (9) Solomon, J. J.; Van Duuren, B. L; Tseng, S A . Biomed. Spectrom.
ion with numerous structural fragments which allowed ex- 1978, 5 (2), 164.
cellent characterization of‘ the lipid and phosphorylcholine (IO) Howlln, J. G.; Carroll, D. I.; Dzldlc I.; Hornlng, M. G.; Stillwell, R. H.;
Hornlng, E. C. Anal. Lett. 1979, 72, 573.
moieties (Figure 5). In a contrasting lipid class, the neutral (11) Carr, S. A.; Reinhold, V. N. I n “Proceedings of the I V International
but very polar cerebrosides were analyzed. The DCI mass Conference on Methods in Protein Sequence Analysis”; Elzlnga, M.,
spectrum from PIC wire of one example in this lipid class Ed.; The Humana Press: Clifton, NJ, 1981, in press.
(lacto-N-palmitoyl cerebroside) is presented in Figure 6.
Again, the protonated molecular ion (MH+ = 864), the am- RECE~VED for review September 24,1981. Accepted November
monium attachment ion ( m / z 881), and the dehydration 24, 1981. A preliminary account of this work was presented
product [ m / z 846 = (MH - HzO)’] aid in molecular weight at the 29th Annual American Society for Mass Spectrometry
characterization. Additional fragments characterizing loss of meeting held in Minneapolis, MN, May 1981, papers num-
the galactose (m/z 702) and glucose (m/z 522) moieties as well bered RPA 12, RPA lB, and RPA 14. This work was sup-
as ions related to the fatty acid and sphingosine residues are ported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences,
also observed. The phorbol esters, potent tumor promoters National Institutes of Health (Department of Health and
isolated from croton oil, are a class of compounds which show Human Services, USA), Grant No. 5 RO1 GM2625.

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