Internal Table p121

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17. ECG &Arrhythmia (Ehsan Group)

18. Ischemic Heart disease
19. Heart Failure
20. Essential Hypertension
21. Secondary hypertension *
22. Pericarditis
23. Infective Endocarditis(Ehsan Group)
24. Rheumatic fever
25. Valvular Heart diseases *
26. Cardiomyopathy and myocarditis

1.Review of the respiratory system
2.Interstetial lung disease
3.Bronchogenic CA
8. pneumonia*
9. Sleep apnea *
11. Pulmonary function test
12. Venous Thromboembolism
13. Arterial blood gases
14. Respiratory failure “Book P 660”
15. Pulmonary Hypertension “Book P 720”
16. Diseases of the pleura “Book P 725”

28. Investigation of GIS
29. Viral Hepatitis (part1)+
Autoimmune Hepatitis (part2)
30. Inflammatory bowel disease
31. Malabsorption syndrome
32. Peptic Ulcer Disease*
33. Diseases of the Esophagus
34. Investigation of liver diseases
35. Jaundice
36. Liver cirrhosis
37. UGI bleeding
38. Irritable bowel syndrome “Book ( P904)”
39. Ischemic gut injury “Book (P906)”
40. Portal hypertension “Book (P929)”
41. Intra-hepatic biliary diseases “Book (P945)”
41. Gout +Behcet's disease + systemic sclerosis
42. RA + SLE
43. Spondyloarthropathy + FMF
44. Vasculitis “Book (P1112)”

45. Anemia
46. Lymphoma + Chronic Leukemia
47. lymphadenopathy
48. Myeloproliferative Disorders (Ehsan Group)
49. Thrombocytopenia + ITP + TTP + DIC + HUS
50. Blood transfusion
51. Bone marrow failure and transplant

52. Nephrotic and nephritic syndrome + GN*
53. Chronic Renal failure
54. Acute Renal failure
55. Urine analysis
56. Electrolyte Disturbance

57. DM
58. thyroid
59. parathyroid and calcium metabolism
60. Adrenal
61. Pituitary

Immunology & oncology

62. Immunodeficiency Syndromes and AIDS
64. Hypersensitivity Reactions
65. Parasitic infection 1,2
66. Pyrexia of unknown origin “book (292)”
67. oncological ER
ATLA syndrome
SE of Drugs
SVC syndrome
‫دوسية الطوارئ‬
6th yr
Stable CAD
Unstable Angina/ ACS + timi-score
Valvular Heart Disease
Infective endocarditis + Acute pericarditis
Arrhythmia (Causes + management)
Heart failure
Hypertension and Hypertensive crisis
ECG Interpretation
Pituitary/Adrenal + Thyroid
DM & Diabetic Emergencies
Thyroid and parathyroid gland Diseases
Endocrine Emergency
Acute upper GI-bleeding
P.U.D and GERD
Liver Cirrhosis
Restrictive lung diseases
Asthma & COPD + Pulmonary function tests
Respiratory Failure
Pleural Effusion & TB
Approach to Patient with Arthritis + SLE
Gout, Pseudogout and Septic Arthritis
Miscellaneous talks about Rheumatology
Immunodeficiency and hypersensitivity reaction
Approach to Patient with Renal Failure
Fluid and Electrolyte disorders +ABG
Approach to Patient with Anemia+DIC
Coagulation and Platelets disorders
CXR interpretation
Emergency conditions “By HAYAT Group”
Oncological Emergencies + Lymphoma + Leukemia

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