1.1 Background of The Study: Human Resource Practices of Jamuna Bank Limited

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Human Resource Practices of Jamuna Bank Limited

Bank is the heart of an economy to keep the wheels moving forward and to play the key
role in the economic development of the country. The present economic condition of
Bangladesh demands immediate development of the financial institutions. Banking
sector has lot of areas to improve upon. One of the measures to improve this condition is
to introduce style made professional programs that are designed to develop the
managerial efficiency.

As fulfillment of the BBA program well approved by Department of Management

Studies, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh I had to experience a three months
internship program which is a practical orientation stage and will definitely guide to the
potential managers to build up a successful professional career.

After participating in the internship program conducted in Jamuna Bank Limited, I am

assigned to submit a report on “Human Resource Practices of Jamuna Bank Limited”.
The report helps significantly to build a perception about day to day affairs of the bank.
This report attempts to describe the functions of a branch of commercial bank and some
recommendation for improvement and efficiency of some of those functions.

1.1 Background of the study

Academic knowledge is far away from the practical knowledge. It is quite impossible
practice all the academic assets in the venality. Sometimes institution is very much
effective for managerial decision and also to continue with the ongoing global business
trend rather than theoretical aspects, which are learnt in the institutions. On the other
hand as the world is becoming abridged with the passes of time due to alarming
innovation of modem technology and at the same time people are getting radically
danged for sociality and business reasons, it is quite impossible to deal with day-to-day
transaction without the extending help of banking sector.

Bank plays an important role in the business sectors and in the industrialization of a
country. Basically the banks take deposits from the customers against interest and lend it
to borrowers against interest for a cessation period. Under these circumstances bank
offers different interest rates and other options are very common among all the banks,

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Human Resource Practices of Jamuna Bank Limited

but only the customer services and other facilities vary from bank to bank. In our country
there are 4 types of bank there are Central bank, Nationalized bank, Private commercial
bank (Islamic and traditional) and Foreign commercial bank (Islamic and traditional).

1.2 Origin of the Report

The report is an attempt to provide an orientation to real life circumstances in which one
can observe and evaluate the use and applicability of theoretical concepts that were taught
in BBA program. During the internship program, I was assigned to Jamuna Bank Limited
(JBL), at Kalampur Branch, Dhaka to observe practical applications of my theoretical
knowledge. Finally a report with proper analysis and possible solution of the organization
needs to be submitted to Assistant Professor ‘Mr. Muhammad Abdul Baset’ supervisor
of Internship program, Department of Management Studies, Jahangirnagar University.

1.3 Rationale of the Study

Due to the increased competition of the increased number of the commercial banks and
the growing economy the expectations of the customers have also increased than ever
before. To become skilled in any field a person should identify each and every aspect of
that particular area. So that I choose the Human Resource Management (HRM) practices
in Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL), because HRM is the fundamental part of an organization.
Without the HRM an organization cannot accomplish its goal successfully. And I try to
identify the each and every aspect of HRM in JBL, like their policies and procedures,
their recruiting & selection process, training & development program, performance &,
and compensation & employee benefits.

1.4 Objectives of the Study

1.4.1 Primary Objective

The primary objectives to submit a report, for the fulfillment of my BBA program, and
to find out the Human Resource Practiced by Jamuna Bank Limited.

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1.4.2 Secondary Objectives

The objectives of this Report given below:

 To acquire practical knowledge about the overall Human Resource

Practice in Jamuna Bank Limited.

 To study and understand the various services offered by this bank to its

 To study how JBL has maintained their roles and regulations and build a
strong relationship with its clients.

 To highlight the problems and necessary recommendations to overcome

the problem.
 To evaluate the affairs and activities of the bank.

 Evaluation of the present performance of the bank.

 To gain knowledge about the deposit and credit management strategies of

the Banking sector and to evaluate how well bank is doing in its Deposit
and Credit Scheme.

 To identify the limitations and possible weak points of

successful/effective credit management system.

 To analyze Human Resource Division by Jamuna Bank Ltd.

 To understand the needs and HRM.

 To find out the satisfaction level of the clients with the financial products
and deposit schemes provided by the bank.

 Market feasibility of different schemes and financial products offered by

the JBL.

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1.5 Coverage of the Study

This report is based on my observation & studies during my internship period in Human
Resource Practices of Jamuna Bank Limited at Kalampur Branch. The study covers the
as well as bank’s Human Resource Department of Jamuna Bank Ltd.

1.6 Methodology & Sources of the Data

It is tried, in the study, to identify the policy scenario and recommendations Human
Resource Practice of JBL. Some existing reports, working papers, websites are also
surveyed. In order to make the study meaningful and presentable, both primary and
secondary sources of data have been used.

1. Primary Sources.
2. Secondary Sources.
How I used those sources for collecting information are briefly discussed bellows:

 The primary sources are as follows:

 Face-to-face Conversation with the respective officers, executives & also with
the staff of the Branch.
 Informal conversion with the clients.
 Practical work exposures form the different desks of the departments of the
Branch covered.
 Relevant file study as provided by the officers concerned at each desk of the
departments I have worked.

 The “Secondary Sources” of the data & information are follows:

 Annual Report of the “Jamuna Bank Ltd”

 The Published materials as such; various books, articles regarding “General
Banking Functions, “Foreign Exchange Operations, & also “Credit Policies”.
 Different “Procedure Manual” Published by JBL.
 Different Circular Sent by the Head office of JBL & Bangladesh Bank.

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In order to collect the data I usually used informal questionnaires which were the
combination of both open ended & close ended. Group discussion & Personal interview
also used as a means to collect the data. From their website I also collected their updated
financial position.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

This Internship Report is my first assignment outside of our course curriculum in the
practical life. I, the student of Department of Management studies, just have completed
our formal educational stage. After completing the institutional experience, practical
performance in the formal stages becomes difficult. So in performing this report our lack
of proper knowledge greatly influenced in this performance. Besides, I have to face some
other limitations which are:

 Time Limitation:

The time for the study was short to make and in-depth report.

 Non availability of adequate data:

It was very tough to collect data for making a comparative study on the performance &
the different banks credit schemes. So I was not able to gather all banks data for preparing
a more in depth presentation.

 Lack of combination:

Improper combination among various departments.

 Lack of experience:

Experience makes a man efficient. I am not experience enough to complete the study
because I am a person of new hand on such study. That is why inexperience creates
obstacles to follow the systemic approach and logical research methodology.

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 Lack of Up-to-date Information:

Up-to-date information was not available.

 Lack of records:

Sufficient books, Publications, Fats and Figures are not available. These constrict
narrowed the scope of accurate analysis. If these limitations were not been there, the
report would have been more useful and attractive.

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Human resources are considered the most important assets of an organization, but very
few organizations are able to fully harness its potential (Ahmed & Schroeder 2002).
Human resources system is a set of distinct but interrelated activities, functions and
process that are directed at attracting, developing and maintaining or disposing firms‟
human resources (lado & Wilson 1994).

Banks, like any other firm, need to transform inputs into outputs at an efficient rate in
order to maximize profitability and to survive under competitive conditions. Therefore,
if a bank is using more resource in the process than is technically required, it will be
operating below the “frontier” of efficiency. Chief among the resources is used to
produce output is labor or human resources which typically consumes between one third
and one half of the operating expenses (Jaffry & Ghulam 2008 ). Human resources are
the operative of other resources. So proper nurturing of them ensures the success of
commercial bank.

Human resources in other words, well informed capable citizenry can improve the total
ability of an organization, a society, a government agency and virtually of a country, of
a nation (khan, 2003).

Banking industries across the world are going through a series of rapid changes due in
part to the pace of technological development. Use of automated teller machines (ATM),
advance statistical models for risk management and Advance Ledger Posting Machines
(ALPM) has transformed the way traditional banking activity was performed.
Technological advancement has changed the nature of banks demand for employee to
perform banking activities. Computer literate, skilled workers are in demand with better
compensation on offer compared to that received by low paid clerical and subordinate
workers even a few years ago (S. Jaffry et al. 2008).

Banking industry is the knowledge based industry. Knowledgeable and well equipped
employee is essential to operate the business. People can be transformed in to human
resources when they are equipped with adequate knowledge, skills and competencies
(Roknuzzaman, 2006).

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Commercial banking system dominates Bangladesh financial sector. Bangladesh bank

is the central bank of Bangladesh and the chief regulatory authority. The banking system
is composed of four state-owned commercial banks, five specialized developments
banks, thirty private commercial banks and nine foreign commercial banks. In
Bangladesh most of the human resources related decisions are mainly taken by the central
management. In different branches these decisions are just implemented (Afroj, 2012).

The modern view of HRM first gained prominence is 1981 with its introduction on the
prestigious MBA course at Harvard Business School (Price, 2004). Sarkul (2003) defines
manpower as power available from or supplied by the physical as well as intellectual
efforts of man.

Effective HR practices are found to lead to positive organizational outcomes (Becker

and Gerhart, 1996) such as turnover (Huselid, 1995) and productivity (Katz et al., 1987).
HR practices are generally categorized into the following: hiring and selection practices,
incentives and rewards, safety training, communication and feedback, worker
participation, management commitment, and performance evaluation.

The implementation of human resource management policies in an organization requires

HR practitioners or professionals to take an active part in different organizational
activities (Islam 2011). HRM policies and practices involve the development of how
individuals should be managed and specific HR initiatives (Schuler, 2002). HRM policies
and practice refers to the activities of planning, staffing, appraising, and compensating,
training and development and labor relations. HR planning confirms the organization has
right people at right number for the right position on right time.

Staffing is a major HRM practice that organization uses to help to co-ordinate and control
their global operations (Schuler et al, 2002). Recruitment, selection and placement are
the activities concerned with fining suitable people to fill job vacancies within
organization (Molander, 1996).

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Performance appraisal is a managerial tool to control individual performance in

organizations in order to achieve maximum performance (Morley, 2004). Compensation
should be more immaterial in nature. This might involve the person’s career prospects,
for example the opportunity to grow within the company or participate in international
exchanges of information which allow him to get involved in strategic policy planning
(Harzing and Van Ruysseveld, 1995). HRM is being practiced either formally or
informally to a greater or lesser extent in business enterprises regardless of their size
(Moyeen and Hug, 2001). There is, in fact, no comprehensive study found on overall
HRM practices in Commercial banks of Bangladesh.

Human resource management (HRM) is considered a critical organizational resource

that helps an organization sustain its effective operation. It is an important area that
influences a number of employees' attitudes and behavior such as intent to leave, levels
of job satisfaction, and organizational commitment (Lee & Heard, 2000).

Pfeffer (1998) suggested that soft or high commitment human resource management
practices are those that generate trust in employees and these practices include giving
employees empowerment and involvement in decision making; extensive
communication about functioning and performance of the employees service; designing
training for skills and personal development of employees; selective hiring; team-
working where idea are pooled and creative solutions are encouraged; rewards system
that commensurate with effort; reduction of status between the management and staff
and all workers are valued regardless of their role.

According to Macky & Boxall (2007), the scientific literature assumes a causal link
flowing from HRM practices to organizational performance via the responses of
employees. Organizations that do not pay equitably compared to others may lose their
employee’s because of the non-competitive compensation package (Adams, 1965).

According to Lawler (2005), society has entered a new era in the relationship between
organizations and their employees. In this new era, people are the primary source for a
company’s competitive advantage and organizational prosperity and survival depends
on how employees are treated. The ‘human’ aspect of HRM is concerned with the

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relationship between employer and employee and is associated with the human relations
movement and the concept of high commitment work practices developed till the day
(Walton, 1985).

There are four top models of HRM, such as the Fombrun, Tichy and Devana model of
HRM, the Harvard model of HRM, the Guest model of HRM, and the Warwick model
of HRM (Bratton and Gold, 1999). The most referred definition of employee satisfaction
was offered by lake (1976) who defined job satisfaction as a pleasing or positive
emotional state resulting from the evaluation of a person’s job (Haque and Taher, 2008).

Mullins (1993) mentioned that motivation is closely related to job satisfaction. Various
factors such as an employee’ s needs and desires, social relationships, style and quality
of management, job design, compensation, working conditions, perceived long range
opportunities, and perceived opportunities elsewhere are considered to be the
determinants of job satisfaction (Byars and Rue, 1997; Moorhead and Griffin, 1999).

Job satisfaction has a significant influence on employees’ organizational commitment,

turnover, absenteeism, tardiness, accidents, and grievances (Byars and Rue, 1997;
Moorhead and Griffin, 1999).

According to Robbins (1999), a satisfied workforce can increase organizational

productivity through less distraction caused by absenteeism or turnover, few incidences
of destructive behavior, and low medical costs. HR practices and job satisfaction are
studied widely in different parts of the world. It is assumed that HR practices are closely
associated with job satisfaction (Ting, 1997). Because many scholars and practitioners
believe that sound HR practices result in better level of job satisfaction which ultimately
improves organizational performance (Appelbaum, Bailey, Berg and Kalleberg, 2000).

Steijn (2004) found that HRM practices had positive effect on job satisfaction of the
employees of Dutch public sector whereas individual characteristics such as age, gender,
and education had insignificant effect on job satisfaction.

Gould William (2003) showed that use of specific HR practices in local government
organizations in the United Kingdom (UK) was associated with a greater degree of job

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satisfaction, workplace trust, commitment, effort, and perceived organizational

performance. The best Human Resource practices areas are recruitment and selection,
socialization, job design, training, communication/participation, career development,
performance management, employee reward and job security (Huselid, 1995). It is
plausible that when employees judge the organization to be fair and supportive in their
treatment particularly with regards to the availability and frequency of promotional
opportunities, adequacy of pay and good supervision, positive feelings of wellbeing will
be created, which is likely to stimulate that to reciprocate by increasing their loyalty to
the organization and reducing turnover (Nasurdin et. al., 2001).

The motivation and opportunity focused bundles of Human Resource practices

positively related to affective commitment and negatively related to turnover (Gardner
et. al., 2007).

Wayne et. al. (1997) suggested that HRM practices that signaled the organization's
intentions to invest in employees (such as developmental International Review of
Management and Marketing, Vol. 2, No.1, 2012, pp.52-58 54 experiences and training)
produced higher levels of affective organizational commitment. HR practices such as
pay, benefits and training are negatively related to turnover because they motivate
employees and "lock" them to their jobs (Lazear, 1986; Madrian, 1994; Gruber &
Madrian, 1994).

Shaw et al. (1998) indicate that involuntary turnover is affected by staffing practices
(recruitment and selection process) and employee monitoring (performance appraisal).

DeCenzo and Robbins (1996) opine that employee training has become increasingly
important as job have become more sophisticated and influenced by technological

Bernardin and Russel (1993) opine that over the years, training has become increasingly
popular as HR tool for improving employee and managerial performance in

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Buck and Watson’s (2002) indicated nine important HRM practices such as
decentralization, Compensation, Participation, training, development, employment
security, social interactions, management style, communications, and performance

According to Klaus et al. (2003), through better job assignment or work design,
employees may display greater commitment, leading to better job performance.

On the basis of the above literature review, the study consider the following dimensions
of HRM practices have impacts on employees’ satisfaction towards organization such as
recruitment and selection systems, compensation package, job security, career growth,
training and development, management style, job design and responsibilities, reward and
motivation, and working environment.

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3.1 Profile of Jamuna Bank Limited

Name of the Company : Jamuna Bank Limited

Legal Form : Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL) is a Banking Company

registered under the Companies Act, 1994 with its Head
Office at Hadi Mansion, 2, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000,
and Bangladesh.

Date of : 3rd June 2001


Registered Office : Hadi Manson, 2, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka - 1000,

Telephone : 9555141,Ext.130

Tele-fax : Fax: 880-2-9565762


E-mail : info@jamunabank.com.bd

Web Page : www.jamunabankbd.com

Auditors : M/S Howladar Yunus & Co.

Chartered Accountants

Tax Consultant : Howladar, Yunus & Co.

Chartered Accountants

Managing Director : Mr. Shafiqul Alam

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3.2 Background of Jamuna Bank Limited

Jamuna Bank Limited is a highly capitalized new generation Bank with an Authorized
Capital and Paid-up Capita of Tk. 4000.00 million and Tk.1622.00 million respectively.
Currently the Bank has 106 branches. More branches and service center will be opened
at commercially important location during the future year.

Jamuna Bank Limited is a fast growing private sector bank in Bangladesh. This is a
new generation private commercial bank. It has created a new horizon of its own in the
banking arena of Bangladesh in terms of service to the customers. The bank has expanded
and consolidated its customer base in both of its core businesses and retail banking.

The Bank undertakes all types of banking transactions to support the development of
trade and commerce in the country. JBL’s services are also available for the
entrepreneurs to set up new ventures and BMRE of industrial units.

To provide clientele services in respect of international trade it has established wide

correspondent banking relationship with local and foreign banks covering major trade
and financial centers at home and abroad.

Jamuna Bank Limited is operating branches on both conventional interest based banking
and Islamic Shariah Principle based Banking. The Bank starts Islamic Shariah based
banking by opening an Islamic Banking Branch at Nayabazar, Dhaka. The Islamic
Banking operations are completely separate from the conventional banking.

The operation hour of the Bank is 10:00 A.M. To 6:00 P.M. from Sunday to Thursday
with transection hour from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. The Bank remains closed on Friday
and Saterday including goverment holidays.

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3.3 Vision of JBL

To become a leading banking institution and to play a significant role in the development
of the country.

3.4 Mission of JBL

To satisfying diverse needs of its customers through an array of products at a competitive

price by using appropriate technology and providing timely service so that a sustainable
growth, reasonable return and contribution to the development of the country can be
ensured with a motivated and professional work-force.

3.5 Objectives of JBL

 To earn and maintain CAMELS Rating Strong.

 To establish relationship banking and improve service quality through
development of strategies marketing plans.
 To become one of the best banks in Bangladesh in terms of Profitability and
assets quality.
 To introduce fully automated system through integration of Information
 To ensure an adequate rate of return on investment
 To keep risk position at an acceptable range (including any of balance sheet
 To maintain adequate liquidity to meet maturing obligation and commitments
 To maintain a healthy growth of business with desired image
 To maintain adequate control systems and transparency in procedure
 To develop and retain a quality work force through an effective Human
Resources Management System
 To ensure optimum utilization of all available resources

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 To pursue an effective system of management by ensuring compliance to

clinical norms, transparency and accountability

3.6 Business Ideology

Alongside providing best service to the clients, patronizing and taking part in social
development activities as well as making due contribution to growth of the national

3.6.1 Values of JBL

The value of Jamuna bank Ltd. “Your Partner for growth”.

 Customer Focus
 Integrity
 Teamwork
 Respect for the Individual
 Quality
 Responsible Citizenship

3.7 Branches of JBL

JBL started its journey through its first branch at, 32, Ismail Mansion, Mohakhali C/A,

Dhaka, on June 3, 2001 in Bangladesh. The Bank is now at 14 years of age and

meanwhile it has established as many as 106 branches throughout the country and made

a smooth and comprehensive network inside the country as well as around the globe.

At present area wise Branches of the Bank around the country is presented below:

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Region Number of Branches

Dhaka Division 53

Chittagong Division 22

Khulna Division 06

Barisal Division 01

Comilla Division 03

Sylhet Division 05

Rajshahi Division 16

Total 106

Table 1: Branches of JBL

3.8 Division of JBL

The Bank has strict control over its all organizational activities. The Bangladesh Bank
directives indicate some control measures. The central bank conducts credit inspection
by a team. Jamuna Bank Ltd (JBL) has audit and inspection department to take
controlling measures in internal operations. Audits and inspection team send to the
branches now and then is responsible for preparing report that will be submitted to the
Chief Administration to take necessary actions. Name of the divisions of JBL are as

 Human Resource Division.

 General Banking Division.
 Audit and Inspection Division.
 Credit Card Division.
 Finance and Administration Division.
 Marketing Division.

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 CRM Division
 Retail Banking Division
 IT Division
 Reconciliation Division
 Dispatch.
 Accounts Division.
 Remittance.
 Public Relation.
 Law and Recovery Division.
 Foreign Exchange Division.

Two Special Divisions:

 Special Audit Division.
 Tax Department.

3.9 Role of Various Department of JBL

3.9.1 Operation of JBL

Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL) is a third generation private commercial bank which a
main aim is to support for country’s industrial growth. It emphasized long term
lending to the viable new projects having comparative advantage, export prospects,
forward and backward linkage technology as well as raw material based projects.

JBL complete its activities through 11 departments. Out of them, we inspected 5

departments and tried to find their details operations. These 5 departments are as

 Investment Department (ID)

 Financial Administration Department (FAD)

 General Banking Department (GBD)

 Marketing Department (MD)

 Human Resource Department (HRD)

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Human Resource Practices of Jamuna Bank Limited Investment Department (ID)

Investment is the starting of sanctioning loan to the sponsors and in this department
various analysis are made for making decision whether the proposed projects are
viable or not. Anyone who wants loan from JBL, he has to fulfill certain criteria:

The major Functions of Investment Department are as follows:

 Issue of application of loan form

 Instruction & co-ordination to fulfill the form Put– up loan appraisal is
 Loan sanctioned with memorandum
 Preparation of Appraisal Report
 Granting / Rejecting loan application
 Send information to PID, documents & other department.
 Scrutiny of loan application & others papers for evaluation of loan
proposal Financial Administration Department (FAD)

International Trade Finance constitutes one of the major business activities conducted
by Jamuna Bank Ltd. The Bank with its global correspondent’s network and close
contact with leading financial institutions delivers a widespread trade services
network to lever your transactions professionally. Our branches in Dhaka and
Chittagong are being operated by a group of skilled personnel experience in
International Trade Finance. Our professionals are always ready to meet your
requirements by giving tailored made solutions. We offer you a bundle of professional
advice and services namely:

 Issue, advising and confirmation of Documentary Credits.

 Pre-shipment and post-shipment finance.
 Negotiation and purchase of Export Bills.
 Discounting of Bills of Exchange.
 Collection of Bills.

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 Assist customers to insure all risks.

 Foreign Currency Dealing General Banking Department (GBD)

General Banking Division (GBD) is the most important department of JBL. It is

known as store house of data. It does all the work accordingly to its requirements. In
this division staffs are very much efficient to their work. The entire JBL very much
pleased to its performance.

GBD basically related with three (3) types of activities. The activities are:
 Card Operations;
 Foreign Remittance;
 Bill Collections or Billings from different sources Marketing Department (MD)

The purpose of credit card marketing is to acquire new clients or offering a new credit
line to the existing clients.

The step-by-step marketing procedure is given as follows:

 Identify Target Customers

 Identify Eligibility of Clients
 Meeting Prospective Client
 Collection of Documents
 Post Sales Service
 Customer Service
 Queries from new applicants

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Human Resource Practices of Jamuna Bank Limited Human Resource Department (HRD)

HRD is the department where I inspected most of the time as my topic is highly
related with this department. At the time of visiting this department I got them
effective & efficient except in some cases. I observed their functions very closely,
which are given below:

Functions of the Human Resource Department.

 To control the administration of human resources of the bank

 To access and collect compatible personnel who will be perfect for the bank
 To take program and implement for developing human resources.

 To make appointment , promotion and appraising skill of officer and stuff

 To make service rules, correction, expansion administration rules sub rules,

orders notice etc. for collecting and stuff.
 To Conduct the Training & Development programs.

 To maintain relationship with government and other institution

 To access and grant retirement facilities at the time of retirement

 To give general sip to the brilliant student of the university for appointing and
finding skilled officer
 To communicate with union scrutinizing their demands

 To give loan for house building , by cycle , motorcycle and ensure their
proper utilization
 Developing relationship with administration proper implementation of labor

 To give medical facilities t o the staff.

 To maintain relationship with retired or dead stuffs and their families to

know their condition
 To maintain and grant leaves without regular leave
 To coordinate and evaluate the branch office
 To prepare and implementation policy about human resources and related

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 To control the activities the staff of the banks and take proper step to
implement computer technology.
 To perform the activities assigned by the department head

 To give general scholarship to the brilliant and daughter of the staff.

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3.10 Hierarchy of JBL

The hierarchy of Jamuna bank limited is given below:


Managing Director

Deputy Managing Director


Senior Executive Vice President Senior Executive Vice President Senior Executive Vice President

Executive Vice President Executive Vice President






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Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL) follows the Rules and Regulations under ‘Employees
Service Rules 1999’.

4.1 Human Resource Planning

Once HR planners have collected information from both internal and external sources,
they forecast the demand for labor. How many and what type of people will be needed
to carry out the organization’s plans in the future? These forecasts are grounded in
information about the past and present and in assumptions about the future. Different
methods of forecasting the demand for labor require different assumptions. Some of the
more common assumptions are that past trends and relationships among variables will
hold up in the future; that the productivity ratio is constant (or follows a known pattern)
as the number of units produced increases; and that the business plans of the organization,
sales forecasts, and so on are reasonably descriptive of what will actually happen. In a
highly volatile business, these assumptions may not be valid. It is always wish to
explicitly list one’s assumptions in forecasting and to put on more faith in the forecast
than in the assumption on which it was based.

Forecasts of labor demand Forecasts of labor supply

Forecasts of labor surplus

and shortage

Goal setting and strategic


Program implementation
and evaluation

Figure 1: General process Human resource planning

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4.1.1 Human Resource Demand Forecasting

Once HR planners have collected information from both internal and external sources,
they forecast the demand for labor. How many and what type of people will be needed
to carry out the organization’s plans in the future? These forecasts are grounded in
information about the past and present and in assumptions about the future. Different
methods of forecasting the demand for labor require different assumptions. Some of the
more common assumptions are that past trends and relationships among variables will
hold up in the future; that the productivity ratio is constant (or follows a known pattern)
as the number of units produced increases; and that the business plans of the organization,
sales forecasts, and so on are reasonably descriptive of what will actually happen. In a
highly volatile business, these assumptions may not be valid. It is always wish to
explicitly list one’s assumptions in forecasting and to put on more faith in the forecast
than in the assumption on which it was based. Judgmental Methods

Judgmental methods make use of knowledgeable people to forecast the future. This
technique is very simple. In this, manager sits together, discuss and arrive at a figure
which would be the future demand for labor. The technique may involve a ‘bottom-to-
top’ or ‘top-to-bottom’ approach. Ratio Analysis

Ratio analysis means forecasting techniques for determining future staff needs by using
ratio between two variables. For example: sales volume and number of employees needed

4.1.2 Supply Forecasting

Supply is another side of human resource assessment. It is concerned with the estimation
of supply of manpower given the analysis of current resource and future availability of

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human resource in the organization. It estimates the future sources of HR that are likely
to be available from within an outside the organization. Internal source includes
promotion, transfer, job enlargement and enrichment, whereas external source includes
recruitment of fresh candidates who are capable of performing well in the organization.
Once the demand for labor is predicted, it is necessary to forecast the supply of labor that
the organization will already have available to meet the demand. It is basically of two

1. Internal supply of labor

Promotion, transfer, demotion, replacement, skills inventories etc.

2. External supply of labor

Labor market, Agency, Campus recruitment etc.

4.1.3 Forecasts of Labor Surplus and Shortage

In an organization there might be two type of gap exists:

1. Shortage: When demand is more and supply of human resource is less in a particular area
this called shortage.

2. Surplus: When supply is more and demand of human resource is less in a particular
area this called surplus.

4.1.4 Goal Setting and Strategic Planning

 The purpose of setting specific numerical goals is to focus attention on the

problem and provide a basis for measuring the organization’s success in
addressing labor shortages and surpluses.
 The goals should come directly from the analysis of supply and demand.
 For each goal, the organization must choose one or more human resource

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4.1.5 Program Implementation and Evaluation

 When implementing the HR strategy, the organization must hold some individual
accountable for achieving the goals.
 That person must also have the authority and resources needed to accomplish
those goals.
 Regular progress reports should be issued.
 The evaluation of results should not only look at the actual numbers, but should
also identify which parts of the planning process contributed to success or failure.

Organizational Practices is properly followed by JBL Bank Limited. Job description and
specification exists in the organization. In the case of demand and supply of their human
resource in different department and branches they usually assess the demand and supply
gap properly; as a result employee surplus and shortage have been found in their several
department and branches as well. if there is shortage of employee they have tried to find
out the area and then search employees from other areas and by giving proper training
they sent them and if there is any surplus employees exists the branch manager or
divisional head usually informed Human Resource Department.

4.2 Job Analysis

In this office, there are particular duties and responsibilities for particular employee or
department. There are five steps which are followed by the Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL)
for their job analysis in every department. But in this report the duties and responsibilities
of HRD has been discussed. The duties and responsibilities of the Human Resource
Department (HRD) are discussed below:

Firstly, after selecting the CV’s the HRD calls the applicants for interviewing them. This
interview is very confidential and it is very strictly observed that no information’s such
as which applicants are being called for the interview, what questions are being asked,

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etc. are getting out of the interview board. This type of arrangement called Lateral

Secondly, the interview board tries to identify an applicant’s responsibility that he or she
can take for performing in the particular area of the job. Apart from this, a very important
factor is background verification through which the board comes to know about
particular employees previous performances such as punctuality, honesty, integrity,
educational background, etc. This verification varies from case to case.

Thirdly, the HRD assesses the needs of every branches and employees and tries to build
a strong manpower budget.

Fourthly, the HRD tries to organize a very effective training program, so that it develops
the organization.

Finally, the HRD tries to make a competitive compensation package, so that the
employees of the bank are satisfied.

4.3 Recruitment Process of JBL

JAMUNA BANK LIMITED follows comprehensive and extensive selection procedures

in their search for the most ideal and competent professionals. The testing methods are
effectively designed in order to accurately evaluate the required competence and skill for
particular jobs.

4.3.1 Recruitment

When a vacancy occurs and the recruiters receive authorization to fill it, the next step is
a careful examination of the job and an enumeration of the skills, abilities, and experience
needed to perform the job successfully.

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4.3.2 The Recruitment Cycle of the JBL

Identify vacancy

Prepare job description and person


Advertising the vacancy

Managing the response


Arrange interviews

Conducting interview and decision making

Figure 2: Recruitment Process of the JBL

Source: Flowchart, Jamuna Bank Ltd., Kalampur Branch.

4.3.3 Identification of Vacancy

The recruitment process begins with the human resource department receiving
requisitions for recruitment from any department of the company. These contain

 Posts to be filled
 Number of persons
 Duties to be performed
 Qualifications required

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4.3.4 Preparation of Job Description and Job Specification

A job description is a list of the general tasks, or functions, and responsibilities of a

position. It may often include to whom the position reports, specifications such as the
qualifications or skills needed by the person in the job, or a salary range. A job
specification describes the knowledge, skills, education, experience, and abilities you
believe are essential to performing a particular job.

4.3.5 Advertising the Vacancy

After choosing the appropriate sources, the vacancy is communicated to the candidates
by means of a suitable media such as television, radio, newspaper, internet, direct mail

4.3.6 Managing the Response

After receiving an adequate number of responses from job seekers, the sieving process
of the resumes begins. This is a very essential step of the recruitment selection process,
because selecting the correct resumes that match the job profile, is very important.
Naturally, it has to be done rather competently by a person who understands all the
responsibilities associated with the designation in its entirety. Candidates with the given
skill set are then chosen and further called for interview. Also, the applications of
candidates that do not match the present nature of the position but may be considered for
future requirements are filed separately and preserved. The recruitment process is
immediately followed by the selection process.

4.3.7 Short-Listing

Once the application deadline has closed, Human Resources will send the Presiding
Member the applications received together with an alphabetical summary listing of all
the applicants. On receipt of all the relevant documentation following short listing, the

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Recruitment and Selection Administrator will invite the short listed applicants for
interview. Candidates will be informed at this stage if they will be expected to undertake
selection activities in addition to the panel interview e.g. presentation, psychometric

4.3.8 Arrange Interviews

Interview dates should be agreed at the earliest opportunity and ideally published in the
job advertisement to ensure candidates will be available for the selection process.

4.3.9 Conducting Interview and Decision Making

The interview is designed to enable the Selection Panel to seek further elaboration on an
applicant's claims and to assess likely “fit” in the work area. It is also designed to enable
the applicant to obtain a realistic job preview, which may result in the applicant either
continuing or withdrawing their application. The structure and format of the interview
should be determined well in advance. Generally a patterned, panel interview is
recommended. The recruitment process is immediately followed by the selection process
i.e. the final interviews and the decision making, conveying the decision and the
appointment formalities.

4.3.10 Sources of Recruitment

There are two method of recruitment:

1. Internal recruitment
2. External recruitment

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Sources of Recruitment

Internal Sources External sources

1. Employment at factory
1. Transfer level
2. Promotion 2. Advertisement
3. Re-employment 3. Employment Agency
4. Educational Institution
5. Recommendations
6. Labor contractors
7. Certified Union

Figure 3: Sources of Recruitment of JBL

Source: According to Kalampur Branch Internal Recruitment

Most companies fill vacancies internally. A number of internal recruitment methods are
used for different level of jobs. External Recruitment

In addition to looking internally for candidates, it is customary for organizations to open

up recruiting efforts to the external community. Through the recruiting process, the hiring
manager should stay in close touch with the recruiter. The hiring manager should
examine resumes or application that have passed initial screening by the recruiter and
should also review some of the application that the recruiter rejected during the first steps.
Such involvement on the part of the hiring manager allows feedback as to whether or not
the recruiter’s decisions are consistent with the hiring manager’s preferences.

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 Recruitment through Advertising

 Internet Recruiting
 Employment Agencies
 Unions
 Campus Recruiting
 Executive Search Firms etc.

4.4 Selection Process of JBL

The process of interviewing and evaluating candidates for a specific job and selecting an
individual for employment based on certain criteria. Employee selection can range from
a very simple process to a very complicated process depending on the firm hiring and the
position. Certain employment laws such as anti-discrimination laws must be obeyed
during employee selection. Selection the right employees are important for an
organization. Employees with the right skills and attributes will do a better job for the
company. Employees without these skills won’t perform effectively and as a result the
firm will suffer.

Selection activities typically follow a standard pattern, beginning with an initial

screening interview and concluding with the final employment decision. The selection
process typically consists of eight steps:

Initial screening interview

1. Completing the application form

2. Employment test
3. Comprehensive interview
4. Background investigation
5. A Conditional job offer
6. Medical or physical examination
7. The permanent job offer.

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4.4.1 Initial Screening

As a culmination of our recruiting efforts, organization should be prepared to initiate a

preliminary review of potential acceptable candidates.

4.4.2 Completion of the Application Form

Once the in initial screening has been complicated, applicants are asked to complicate
the organization’s application form. The amount of information required may be only the
applicant’s name, address, telephone number and other information.

4.4.3 Employment Tests

Organization historically relied to a considerable extent on intelligence, aptitude, ability

and interest tests to provide major input to the selection process.

4.4.4 The Comprehensive Interview

The applicant may be interviewed by HRM interviewers, senior manager within the
organization, a potential supervisor, potential colleagues or some or all of these.

4.4.5 Background Investigation

The next steps in the process are to undertake a background investigation of those
applicants who appear to offer potential as employees. This can include contacting
former employers to confirm the candidate’s work record and to obtain their appraisal of
his or her performance, contacting other job- related and personal references, verifying
the educational accomplishments shown on the application, checking credit reference
and criminal records, and even using third party investigation, to do the background

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4.4.6 Conditional Job Offer

If a job applicant “passed” each steps of the selection process so far, it is typically
customary for a conditional job offer to be made. Conditional job offers usually are made
by an HRM representative. In essence, what the conditional job offer implies is that if
everything checks out “okay- passing a certain medical, physical or substance abuse test”
the conditional nature of the job offer will be removed and the offer will be permanent.

4.4.7 Physical/ Medical Examination

Physical exams can only be used as a selection device to screen out those individuals
who are unable to physically comply with the requirements of a job.

4.4.8 Job Offer

Those individual who perform successfully in the preceding steps are now considered to
be eligible to receive the employment offer.

4.5 Training and Development

4.5.1 Training institutes of Jamuna Bank Limited

Jamuna Bank training institution was established in September 2001. Since then,
institute has been conducting various types of training programs on different banking
affairs in order to develop knowledge, skill, and attitude of the employees of bank.

The course summary of Dhaka Training Institute of Jamuna Bank Ltd. (2013) is
depicted below-

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4.5.2 Training Methods of Jamuna Bamk Limited

Methods are the ways through which employees are trained. Jamuna Bank Limited
uses several methods of training depending on the situation and training objectives.
However, the methods of training can primarily classify into two types. On the job Training

On the job training is normally given by a senior employee or manager on the job site
of the Bank. The employee is shown how to perform the job and is allowed to do it
under trainer’s supervision. The various forms of on the job training include the
following: Job Instruction Training

In this type of training a sequence of instructional procedures used by the trainer to

train employees while they work in their assigned job. In this method a supervisor
explains the knowledge, skills, and the method of doing the job to the trainee or the
employee. The supervisor then asks the trainee to do the job himself. The supervisor
provides the feedback. Job Rotation

Job rotation is also called cross-training method. This method requires an individual
to learn several different jobs in a work unit or department and perform each for a
specified time period. Apprenticeship Training

Apprenticeship training is a system in which an employee is given instruction by

more experienced employee or employees in all the practical and theoretical aspects
of the work required in a skilled occupation.

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In the training Institute of Jamuna Bank Ltd. Generally Off the job Training is
provided. The common forms of off the job trainings are as follows: Class Room Training

Classroom training is the most familiar off-the job training method. It is a lecturing
method of training useful for quickly imparting information to large groups with
little or no knowledge of the subject. Video Presentation

Television, films and slides presentation are similar to lectures and are very useful to
train the new incumbents. Conferences and Seminars

Under this method, Group discussions, exchange of ideas and opinions take place
which help the participants develop leadership qualities. Two-way communication
in this method proves to be effective. Lecture method

It represents the oral presentation of information by a subject matter expert to a group

of listeners. It is an efficient way of transmitting factual information to a large
audience in a relatively short amount of time. The concepts, ideas, theories, and
principles are explained through this method. It emphasizes one way communication.
It is poorly suited to for facilitating transfer of training and individualizing training.
It is less effective in facilitating attitudinal and behavioral changes.

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4.5.3 Activities of Training Institute

General Courses for the training institute Dhaka.

Course Summary for the of 2013

A-I General Course Title Duration Frequency Participants

1 Foundation course for probationary 30 2 75
2 Credit management course 15 3 50
3 Industrial credit & project 15 5 25
financing course
4 Credit risk analysis course 12 4 50
5 Banking laws 9 3 25
6 Human resource management 6 4 25
Total 21 250

Course summary -2013

YEAR Location No. of course/Ref. No. of

2013 JBTI, Dhaka 60 300
2012 JBTI, Dhaka 45 180
2011 JBTI, Dhaka 30 100

Table 2: Activities of Training Institute of JBL

Source: According to Kalampur Branch

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4.5.4 Evaluating Training Programs

After finishing the training at the institute the trainees have to take participation in
the written tests & certificates are given by Jamuna bank training Institute. Also the
Skill-based outcomes are measured by or learning of skills and use of skills on the job.

4.5.5 Problems Faced by Jamuna Bank Ltd. In Imparting Training

& Development

 The development of a good technical training system requires a clear vision,

strategic planning, initiatives and effective implementation. The system is
constantly subjected to changes arising from and need for responses to the
society and Banking industry.

 The most important challenge is to ensure that the Jamuna Banks training
system remains relevant and responsive to the changing skilled manpower
needs for banking industry. The system needs to be integrated and yet
comprehensive and flexible in accommodating existing and emerging needs of
the economy.

 The executives who join the training programs are usually from different
background & don’t always have the basic knowledge about banking.
 Often Executives cannot afford to take employees away from customers and
other job duties because they are lean with no “relief” workers available to
fulfill the duties of others who have “gone to training.”

 The evaluation of training programs is not very comprehensive at Jamuna

Bank Ltd. Generally the supervisors do the evaluation.

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4.6 Performance Appraisal

4.6.1 Basic Concept

Performance appraisal (or performance review) is a process for individual employees and

those concerned with their performance, typically line managers, to discuss their

performance and development, as well as the support they need in their role. It’s used to

both assess recent performance and focus on future objectives, opportunities and

resources needed.

While performance appraisal is an important – and often contested – part of performance

management, in itself it is not performance management: rather, it’s one of a range of

tools that can be used to manage performance. Performance management is a holistic

process bringing together many activities that collectively contribute to the effective

people management and organizational performance. The process is strategic, in that it’s

about broader issues and long-term goals, and integrated in that it links various aspects

of the business, people management, individuals and teams.

Because performance appraisal is usually carried out by line managers rather than HR

professionals, it's important that they understand their role in managing performance and

how performance appraisal contributes to the overall aims of performance management.

CIPD research stresses the importance of a positive relationship between individuals and

line managers. Carried out sensitively, the performance appraisal is an important vehicle

in developing and maintaining this relationship.

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4.6.2 Steps involved in performance appraisal

Establishing Performance Standards

Communicating Standards And Expectations

Measuring The Actual Performance

Comparing With Standards

Discussing Results (Providing Feedback)

Decision Making- Taking Corrective Actions

Figure 4: General Performance Appraisal Steps

 A system of annual reporting on the work performance and conduct of the

employees shall be laid down by the Board, and such report shall be called
the Annual Confidential Report (ACR).

 The competent authority may also call for Special Confidential Report on any
employee as and when considered necessary.

 An employee shall not have any access to his Annual Confidential Report (s),
but he shall be informed, in writing, of adverse remarks, if any, in order to
make him aware of such weaknesses and also to give him an opportunity to
explain his position or to correct / improve / rectify himself.

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4.6.3 Performance appraisal system of Jamuna Bank Limited

Employee performance appraisal system as adopted in Jamuna Bank with effect from September,
2005, is a part of the whole system to Human Resource Development. There are two components
of the Jamuna Bank appraisal system. These are

i) Periodic Performance Review (PPR),

ii) Annual Performance Appraisal (APA) Periodic Performance Review (PPR)

Periodic Performance Review is used for assessment of skill and to identify the development
need of the employees. This assessment is done once a year. Annual Performance Appraisal (APA)

The annual performance appraisal forms at the Jamuna Bank are designed by following a simple
management model that the employees at lower level require more of technical skills whereas
employees moving upwards gradually require more of conceptual and human skills.

Management Model

Based on the management model the employees at the Jamuna Bank have been grouped as

Group A

Executive Vice -President/Senior Vice- President/First -Vice President/Vice- President.

Group B

Senior Asst.Vice -President/ First Asst.-Vice President/ Asst.Vice- President.

Group C

Senior a Staff Officer/Staff Officer/Officer Grade-1.

Group D

Officer Grage-2/Asst.Officer.

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Group E

Officer Assistant.

Group F

Driver/Security staff/Officer Attendant. Rating

All employees are rated on 100 marks. That is allocated to different factors. The different boards
categories of factors are given different weight age depending on the categories of the employees.
These are-

1. Excellent (over70%)

Employees achieving exceptional results consistently under adverse conditions are rated as
excellent. An excellent employee is one who demonstrates complete mastery of the job and is
recognized as a rare professional in the field.

2. Good (over 55% and up to 65%)

Employees showing acceptable performance which meets normal expectation where targets have
always been met and occasionally exceeded under normal conditions are rated as good.

3. Average (over 40% and up to 55%)

Employees showing marginal performance with occasional failure to achieve expected results
are rated as Average. An average performer who has reached his/her peak requires corrective

4. Unsatisfactory (40% and below)

Employees showing unacceptable performance with frequent failures to meet expected result are
rated as unsatisfactory. He/she lacks adequate knowledge of the job and exerts little to overcome

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his/her shortcomings and finds excesses around. He is totally misfit future jobs for the

Jamuna Bank uses an Annual Confidential Report (ACR), approved by Bangladesh Bank
for appraising performance is given below:

Annual Confidential Report (ACR), approved by Bangladesh Bank

Confidential report for the period form _______________ to ________________


1. Name :

2. Present designation :

3. Date of joining :

4. Date of birth :

5. (a) Marital status :

(b) No. of children :

6. Permanent address :

7. Local address :

8. Position at the time of joining :

9. Present scale of pay :

10. Present basic pay :

11. Due date of :

(a) Confirmation :

(b) Annual increment :

12. Qualifications :

(a) Academic qualification :

(b) Special technical qualification :

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(c) Training :

(d) Experience before joining JBL :

(e) Brief history of service in JBL :


 The rating denoted by the alphabets is as follows:

Excellent (“A+”) =5; Very Good (“A”=4); Good (“B”=3); Average (“C”=2); &
Below Average (“D”=1).

SL RATINGS A+=5 A=4 B=3 C=2 D=1

i) Intelligence & mental alertness

ii) Personality

iii) Judgment & sense of proportion

iv) Initiative & drive

v) Power of expression

vi) Ability to perform assigned work

vii) Discipline

viii) Perseverance & devotion to duty

ix) Ability to implement decision

x) Tact

xi) Integrity

xii) Sense of responsibility

xiii) Ability to plan organize & supervise work

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xiv) Capacity of taking independent decision

xv) Preserve the official record/documents and

maintenance of confidentiality

xvi) Punctuality

xvii) Dealing with colleagues & Superior Officer

xviii) Knowledge pf Rules & Regulations

xix) Dealing with Bank’s clients

xx) Suitability in the present assignment

Table 3: Performance Appraisal Format of JBL

After finishing the marking of an employee by the reporting officer the Annual
Confidential Report (ACR) is taken to the manager or supervisor for signing. Then the
report is sent to the Human Resource Department (HRD). Next the HRD finds out the
overall performance of an employee. If the performance of an employee is excellent, then
he or she is awarded by the HRD, like bonus, increments etc. the HRD also has the
authority to punish any employee if he or she does not abide by any rules and regulations
of the JBL.

The reward and the punishment policies which are imposed by the HRD of JBL are
discussed in the next topic: Employee benefit & compensation and Discipline &

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4.7 Employee Benefits and Compensations

The Jamuna Bank is committed to follow a fair, competitive and flexible remuneration
policy. The Board is the final authority for approval of this policy and will amend and
review the policy on recommendation of the Managing Director / Management
Committee periodically. The remuneration policy of the bank will cover all persons
engaged in permanent service of the bank.

The different job grades at Jamuna Bank are as follows:

 Managing Director
 Associate Managing Director
 Deputy Managing Director
 Senior Executive Vice President
 Executive Vice President
 Senior Vice President
 Vice President
 Senior Assistant Vice President
 Assistant Vice President
 First Assistant and Vice President
 Senior Executive Officer
 Executive Officer
 First Executive Officer
 Officer
 First Officer
 Assistant Officer

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4.7.1 Salary Structure of Jamuna Bank Limited

Managing Director TK 600000 – TK 800000

Associate Managing Director TK 600000 – TK 700000

Deputy Managing Director TK 500000

Senior Executive Vice President TK 300000

Executive Vice President TK 250000

Senior Vice President TK 200000-TK 220000

Vice President TK150000 –TK 180000

Senior Assistant Vice President TK130000- TK 150000

Assistant Vice President TK 100000 – TK 120000

First Assistant Vice President TK 85000 – TK 90000

Senior Executive Officer TK 75000 – TK 80000

Executive Officer TK 65000- TK 70000

First Executive Officer TK 55000- TK 60000

Officer TK 30000 – TK 35000

First Officer TK 25000-TK 30000

Assistant Officer TK 20000 – TK 25000

Table 4: Salary Structure of JBL

Source: Kalampur Branch,JBL.

Salaries are confidential between the employees concerned and the Management. The
salary ranges for these job grades are reviewed from time to time.

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HR Temporary & outsource staff do not have any assigned job grade. The contracts get
a consolidated payment per month and there are no other entitlements applicable except
commission based on job criteria.

4.7.2 Basic Pay

Basic Salary Ranges (BSRs) is commensurate with the job grades and is determined by
the Board on the recommendation of the Managing Director. The Board reviews the
BSR at least once every two/three years. Initial Pay

 The initial pay of an employee on first appointment shall be the minimum to

the time-scale of pay of the post to which he is appointed.
 The initial pay of an employee appointed on promotion to a higher post shall
ordinarily be fixed at the initial stage of the scale of pay of the post to which
he is promoted, and the pay so fixed shall be his substantive pay.
 Provided that if his substantive pay in the previous scale of pay is higher than
the initial pay of the post to which he is promoted, his pay in the higher post
shall be fixed at the stage of the scale of the higher post which is next above
his substantive pay in the previous scale of pay.
 An officer / employee may, in the case of first appointment, in recognition to
his special qualification, experience and merit be granted higher initial pay in
the scale of pay of the post by the Appointing Authority, and the reason for
such action is to be recorded in writing; provided that this will not give the
employee any claim in the matter of his seniority. Annual Increment

 When an increment in pay falls due to an employee, his service records and the
ACR of the preceding year shall be submitted to the Competent Authority and:

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 Where the service records & ACR are satisfactory, the Competent Authority shall
sanction the increment; but
 Where the service records and ACR are not satisfactory, the Competent Authority
may put the employee on special report for a period not exceeding 6 (six) months,
and upon receipt of such report may sanction the increment either from
retrospective or from immediate affect or may defer it for the whole year.
 An employee may, in recognition to his outstanding and meritorious performance
or merit be granted one or more advance increments not exceeding three in a
single year by the Board or any other Competent Authority empowered by the
Board to do so in this behalf, the particulars of which shall be recorded in writing.
 When the competent authority orders the reduction of an employee to a lower post
as a measure of penalty, such authority may allow him to draw any pay but not
exceeding the maximum pay of the lower post, which it may think proper.

When a competent authority withholds an increment or orders stoppage of pay at a

particular stage as a measure of penalty, such authority shall state the period on which
such penalty shall remain operative.

4.7.3 Festival Bonus

All regular and confirmed employees get two bonuses each year. One in Eid-Ul-Fitr and
another during Eid-Ul-Azha only for Muslims and employees of different religion gets
that bonus during their respective religious festival.
Other than the above benefit there is a Provident Fund System, a Gratuity System,
Insurance Policy, Employee Security and Welfare Fund maintained by the Bank.
Regular and confirmed employees can apply for House Building Loan and Car Loan.
Allowances are also available to only regular and confirmed employees but Car
Allowances are only for the grades above Assistant Vice President (AVP).
There is an annual increment for all regular and confirmed employees on their joining
anniversary. Festival Bonus will be paid to all confirmed officers/staff at one month
basic salary which will be reimbursed twice in each calendar year. All confirmed
employees would get one bonus during Eid-ul-Fitre and another one for Muslims during
Eid-ul-Azha and for others based on their respective religious festival.

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 Non-confirmed employees will be entitled to get Festival bonus as pro rata basis
depending on his/her joining Date.
 HR Contract & Outsource Staff would get 1 bonus, which is 50% of this gross

4.7.4 Pay for time not worked Weekly Holiday

Two holidays (Friday & Saturday) per week for the employees of Jamuna Bank.
Security guards (male) can enjoy one holiday for every 15 working days. That means
they get 2 holidays in a month. Annual Holiday

According to the published list of leave by main office the annual leave plan for the
employees of JAMUNA Bank is decided. These holidays are basically the government
holidays. It is determined based on government holidays. Sick Leave

14 days sick leave with pay is provided to the staffs of JAMUNA each and every year. Maternity Leave

Jamuna Bank provides 6 months with pay maternity leave to its female staffs. Extra 6
months non paid maternity leave is also given to the staffs of JBL Paternity Leave

7 days paternity leave is given to the all confirmed staffs of JBL at a stretch. Non
confirmed staffs are not eligible to get this leave.

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Human Resource Practices of Jamuna Bank Limited Accidental Leave

Every employee can take this leave due to accident in work place, in case of hospitalized
because of accident or surgery issues. JBL gives 21 days with pay accidental leave for
accidental or surgical issue to its staff. If required more leave, staffs of JBL can take
more days leave but that will be given as without pay. For certain cases authority
provides 21 day’s extra leave. Compulsory leave

Those who work five days in a week they get 5 days compulsory leave in a year at a
stretch. Extra ordinary leave

It is without pay leave. To get this leave staffs must work for JBL at least 5 years. Those
who work 5 years they are given 1 year extra ordinary leave at a stretch.

Those who work 10 years or more they are given 2 years extra ordinary leave at a stretch.

4.7.5 Gratuity

The Gratuity Fund is a terminal benefit that an employee receives at the time of
retirement/resignation. Eligibility

Regular confirmed employees who have completed at least 5 Years continuous service
are entitled to receive Gratuity Benefit.

4.7.6 Security Fund

The objective of the fund is to provide predetermined monetary benefit against death
and permanent disability of regular confirmed staff to his/her Dependent/Heir/Nominee
by the Bank. All Regular Confirmed employees are eligible to avail this benefit. The
fund for this benefit is created solely with The Bank’s Contribution.

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The Bank will contribute Taka 5.00/Thousand on a yearly basis against the last basic
salary of each eligible employee. (The rate of contribution may be changed subject to
the approval of the board.) The Bank maintains a liability account to manage the fund.

4.7.7 Exclusion from Employee Security Benefit

Employees will not be eligible for the benefit, if Death or disability is caused by:

- For further injury of Employees with pre-existing degree of disablement.

- Attempted suicide or self-inflicted injury.

- Civil commotion, Assault, homicide or any war like operations -

Making an arrest as an officer of law.
- Committing a felony.

- Racing on wheels.

- Accident while the employee is affected by Alcohol/Drug.

The Board of Directors reserves the power to close fund at any time. At such event the
fund shall be refunded to the Bank

4.7.8 Jamuna Bank Employee’s Provident Fund

The Jamuna Bank employees’ provident fund requires the employer i.e. Jamuna Bank
Limited to contribute to the fund 10% of basic salary for all regular confirmed
employees. Every member of this fund on retirement is provided with a sum of money
as determined by the established rules for the fund on retirement or resignation from his
or her services. A board of trustee is entrusted with the control, management and
investment of the fund.

4.7.9 Contribution

As stated by the rules, each member contributes a sum equal to 10% of the basic salary
each month that is deducted by the bank at the time of payment. JAMUNA Bank

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Limited matches the employee’s contribution with a monthly payment equal to 10% of
the basic salary of each member. Every half year, each member’s account is credited
with interest pertinent to the income earned on the investments from the fund. The sum
of money given by the members and the amount contributed by the bank are credited
separately to his/her account in a special ledger kept by the trustee at the head office of
the bank in Dhaka

4.7.10 Payment

At the time of resignation or retirement, the employee is entitled to receive the

employer’s contribution and the accumulated interest subject to his or her length of
membership in the contributory provident fund.

If the employee has been a member for less than or equal to year then he/she will not be
eligible to receive any of the above mentioned contributions. He/she will only be able
to obtain his added contributions over the period of his membership.

If the duration of membership has been equal to or less than three years then the member
will be entitled to receive 50% of the employer’s contribution and accumulated interest.
If the duration of membership has been more than 3 years then the member will be
entitled to receive 100% of the accumulated interest and employer’s contribution.
In case a member is dismissed due to negligence or incompetence, he or she will be
entitled to receive her/her own contribution along with the accrued interest thereon at
the settled interest rate. The bank’s contribution however may be forfeited and
distributed among the members according to the individual balances of the members.

The same is applicable in case of an employee dismissed from the bank due to
misconduct or fraud. However, for such purposes, only the trustees shall be the sole
judge of whether the cause of dismissal or forced retirement is significant enough or

4.7.11 Car Loan Scheme

The car loan facility is extended to employees of or above the grade PO. The amount of
loan that these employees can take obviously varies according to their respective job

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Principal and Senior Principal Officers can take loan amounting to Tk.800, 000

AVP, FAVP, SAVP can file for loan amounting to Tk.10, 00, 000

VP and SVP can file for loan extending up to Tk 14, 00,000

4.7.12 Car Allowances

Employees of or above the grade of AVP are also provided with car allowances that in
expenses for Fuel, Driver and Maintenance.

AVP, FAVP, SAVP can have an amount of TK.29, 000 allocated as car allowance per

The VP and SVP can have an amount of TK.37, 000 allocated as car allowance per

4.7.13 Staff Loan

Staff loan is granted to regular confirmed employees of the bank. The duration of service
of the employee has to be at least a year long. The employee can apply for loan
extending up to 5 times of his/her gross salary at 10 % interest rate.

4.7.14 House Building Loan

Employees who have had a service length of 5 years and above are eligible to apply for
house building loan. A committee will oversee the loan application and monitor the
location for house building the debt burden ration of the employee and other relevant
issues. The debt burden ratio for the employee has to be 50% or below for the loan to
be approved. The repayment schedule for the loan has to be before the retirement of the
employee. The interest rate of the loan is 3%.

4.7.15 Termination Benefit

In case a confirmed employee is asked to resign from his/her services by the relevant
authority without stating any reason, he/she is eligible to receive one month’s notice in
writing or one month’s gross salary as payment. If the employee is duly notified with

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one month’s notice, he/she will not be entitled to receive any form of compensation for
the termination of services.

4.7.16 Suspension Benefit

In the event that a report/information about misconduct or fraud is received against an

employee, he/she has to undergo stages of disciplinary proceedings. The employee is
presented with charge sheet and is given 4 days to come up with an explanation. A
preliminary enquiry committee is formed and an enquiry notice is issued that marks the
beginning of a proper domestic enquiry. If, according to the committee’s report, the
employee is found guilty he is duly punished. In case the employee is found not guilty,
he/she is retained with due respect. During the period of enquiry, the employee may be
suspended and will only receive 50% of his basic salary. In case he/she is proven to be
not guilty, then the full amount of salary must be refunded to the employee.

4.7.17 Others Benefits Board’s Commendation Letter

In addition, the Board, May at any time during the year, issue Commendation Letter(s)
to the employees for any of the special achievement. These Commendation Letters along
with the advance increment (s) and Honorarium / Cash Award particulars will be placed
in the Annual Confidential Report files and may be taken into consideration for
accelerating promotion. Honorarium/ Cash Award

The Board may grant honorarium or cash reward to any of its officer / employee for
performance of a work which is occasional in character and innovative or research and
development oriented warranting special merit as to justify the payment of the same;
Provided that no honorarium or cash reward shall be granted unless it is recommended
by a committee constituted for the purpose.

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Human Resource Practices of Jamuna Bank Limited Bonus

Festival Bonus and other bonus may be allowed to the officers and employees of the
Bank as per Board’s order to be issued in this behalf from time to time. Conveyance Allowance, etc.

 Conveyance allowance may be paid to the employees at such rates and on

such conditions as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time.
 If a transport cannot be provided to an employee who is entitled to it for
official work outside, he may be entitled to reimbursement of conveyance
charges at rates determined by the Board from time to time. House Rent Allowance

House rent allowance may be paid to the employees at such rate and on such conditions
as may be determined by the Board from time to time. Residential Facilities

The Bank may provide residential facilities to its employees on such grades of pay and
on such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Board from time to time. Medical Facilities

The employees of the Bank may be allowed medical facilities on such scales of pay and
on such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Board from time to time. Income Tax

An employee of the Bank, whose annual income exceeds the amount as is set by the
Govt. from time to time, will be liable for payment of income tax. The concerned
employee will be responsible for payment of his income tax and obtain tax payment
certificate. The Bank, at the time of disbursement of month salary/ bonus/ allowances,

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shall deduct estimated amount of Taka as income tax based on his/ her estimated amount
of taxable income for that particular financial year and adjust the same based on the actual
yearly taxable income from the pay-bill of the month on June every year. In this regard
it will be the responsibility of the concerned employee to make necessary arrangement
for assessment of his income from the income tax department at his own initiative and
expenses, if any. No legal or advisory support will be provided by the Bank in respect
of assessment and hearing of income tax issue for any employee. Overtime Allowance

The Bank may, at such rates and subject to such conditions as may be considered
appropriate grant overtime allowance to such employees as may be decided by the Board
from time to time.

4.8 Discipline & Punishment

4.8.1 Grounds for Punishment

Without prejudice to any provisions contained in these rules, an employee, who is in the
opinion of the competent authority:

a. commits a breach of the provisions of these rules; or

b. displays negligence in the discharge of his duties; or

c. does anything detrimental to the interest and good-will of the Bank; or

d. contravenes instruction issued to him in connection with his assigned official

duty; or

e. commits a breach of discipline, or is guilty of any other act of misconduct,

desertion or insubordination; or

f. is convicted of any offence involving moral turpitude; or

g. is inefficient, or has ceased to be efficient, whether by reason of infirmity of

mind or body; or

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h. is guilty of theft, misappropriation, embezzlement or fraud; or

i. is corrupt or may reasonably be considered to be corrupt, because:-

(i) he is, or any of his dependents or any other person through him or
on his behalf is, in possession (for which he cannot reasonably
account) of pecuniary resources or of property disproportionate to
his known source of income; or

(ii) he has assumed a style of living beyond his ostensible means ; or

(iii) he has a persistent reputation of being corrupt ; or

j. is engaged, or is reasonably suspected of being engaged, in subversive
activities or is reasonably suspected of being associated with others engaged
in subversive activities, and whose retention in service is considered
prejudicial to national security ;
The authority may impose on him one or more penalties under these rules.

Explanation: A person shall be presumed to have a persistent reputation of being corrupt

if allegations of corruption are received against him during his tenure of service in more
than two branches / departments of posting.

4.8.2 Kinds of Penalties

There shall be two kinds of penalties which may be imposed under these rules;

1. Minor penalties
2. Major penalties. Minor Penalties

The following are the minor penalties: -

a. Fault

b. Withholding, for a specified period, of promotion or of increment otherwise than

for unfitness for promotion, or financial advancement

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c. Stoppage, for a specified period, at an efficiency bar in the time-scale of pay,

otherwise than for unfitness to cross such bar;

d. Deduction of an amount equivalent to 7 (seven) days substantive pay

e. Reduction to a lower stage in the time-scale of pay Major Penalties

The following are the major penalties: -

a. Reduction to a lower post or time-scale of pay

b. Recovery from pay or any other amount due to the employee of the whole or part
of pecuniary loss caused to the Bank by the employee due to negligence or breach
of orders.

c. Removal from the service

d. Dismissal from the service

Note: Removal from service does not, but dismissal from service does, disqualify from
future employment under the Bank or its constituents.

Explanation - 1

Without prejudice to the generality of the term, “Misconduct” includes, for the purpose
of these rules, the following acts of omission and commission:

a. Insubordination alone, or in combination with others, disobedience to any lawful

or reasonable order of superior;

b. Theft, fraud, or dishonesty in connection with the Bank’s business or property ;

c. Damage to or loss of the Bank’s goods or property ;

d. Habitual late attendance, habitual leaving from office early, or returning to office
late from lunch break ;

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e. Absence from duty without obtaining prior permission of the competent authority

f. Drunkenness, drug-addiction, gambling, riotous, disorderly or indecent behavior

while on duty ;

g. Striking, picketing, or agitation in any form within the Bank premises and in
places where it is lawfully prohibited;

h. Illegal striking of work, singly or with others, in contravention of any law or rule
for the time being in force, or inciting others to strike ;

i. Holding of meetings or gathering within the Bank premises without the previous
permission of the competent authority ;

j. Refusal to work in another job / post or at any other office or place of the Bank
as may be directed by the competent authority in or outside Bangladesh.

k. Habitual indiscipline and leaving of work without permission, disappearance

from the seat or place of work without permission during the duty hours ;

l. Unauthorized use of Bank’s property ;

m. Malingering, slow-down of work, undue delay in the discharge of duty, refusal

or negligence to carry out an official order of the superior ;

n. Habitual negligence to duty ;

o. Breach of Bank’s rules, standing orders or directives and instructions ;

p. Improper and non-use of uniforms, if supplied, while on duty ;

q. Writing anonymous letter, or criticizing the superior or misbehaving with the

superiors ;

r. Threatening or intimidating any employee within or outside the Bank premises;

s. Refusal to accept a charge sheet , order or any other communication by the

competent authority ;

t. Failure to notify the Competent Authority of change of present address within

seven working days ;

u. Failure to inform the leave address before proceeding on authorized leave ;

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v. Signing of attendance register for another employee or asking another employee

to sign his attendance;

w. Doing personal or private work within the office with or without tools / materials
/ equipment belonging to the Bank, without the previous written permission of
the Head of the Office.

Explanation - 2

‘Desertion’ means acquitting of service without permission or remaining unauthorized

absent from duty for a period of 30 (thirty) days or more, or leaving the country without

4.8.3 General Guideline for Imposing Penalties

General guidelines for imposing penalties are:

 For inefficiency, any penalty except censure and dismissal from service;
 For any other inefficiency, any penalty except dismissal from service;
 For misconduct, any major penalty;
 For desertion, any penalty;
 For corruption, any major penalty except reduction to a lower post / time-
scale of pay, or recovery of the pecuniary loss;
 For subversion and sabotage, dismissal.

4.8.4 Power to Impose Penalty

The power to impose penalty upon an employee shall vest in the authority competent to
make appointment to the post which is held by the employee in the Bank. However, the
Board / Competent Authority may designate Officers to award minor punishment for
offence other than listed below:-

a. Corruption;

b. Involving himself in any assault case;

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c. Theft, misappropriation, embezzlement or fraud;

d. Willful misrepresentation ; or suppression of facts leading to the loss of

property or causing damage of the image or good will of the Bank;

e. Involving himself in any criminal offence which may call for police

f. Desertion, sabotage or subversion.

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5.1 My internship experiences in Jamuna Bank Limited

I have been filling in as an Intern at JBL Bank Limited in the Kalampur branch from
fourth April, 2016 till date. The entry level position program has given me gigantic open
doors and degrees to learn and get the bits of knowledge of functional keeping money
works which will help me in building up my future vocation. Through the temporary job
program I have learnt customary work and in addition work encounter that I never could
have learnt in the classroom. In addition, other than the normal office work I have figured
out how to manage the difficulties of the keeping money industry, got the chance to apply
information picked up from the scholarly experience, investigated numerous extensions
to watch different parts and employments in the saving money area and all these
learning's helped me to increase "genuine" involvement in saving money world. Since
my first day, I had the opportunity to handle a huge number of assignments and
obligations. I worked by and large saving money segment, branch HR, credit and
Advances, Foreign settlement all through my entry level position program till now.

5.2 Separate Documents Preparation

As an assistant my fundamental center was on advances and advances however I

additionally have to the accompanying exercises:

 Jamuna bank Limited Kalampur branch is uncommonly is in the Business range

that is the reason it for the most part manages the Current accounts and some of
the time I worked with the issue of check, where I just composed check number,
date of issue, name of the contributors, name of the branch and so forth.

 Jamuna Bank Limited is an all-around perceived bank, so distinctive govt, non

govt and private associations requested pay request and request draft from this
bank. Jamuna Bank restricted Kalampur branch issued part of interest drafts and
pay requests to various customers. I needed to compose diverse issues on the
receipt and the mindful officer gave the mark.

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 I needed to give fundamental PC sections of those Demand Drafts and Pay

request. As a matter of first importance, senior officer helped me to this action.
At the first run through committed some error however he helped me warmly and
gave me fundamental guidelines.

 Sometimes I gave passages in the record book, where I needed to present the
sections concurring on the charge and credit of the individual sum.

 After recording all passages I entirety up the all add up to adjust charge and credit
segment. It is truly an irritating undertaking. I committed error a few time around
there. This territory really is connected with looking in register.

 Helping the investors to open diverse records in Jamuna Bank Limited, Kalampur
Branch, where I discovered the vast majority of the general population of our
nation don't know how to open a ledger, they don't know what are the archives
they have to submit in the bank. I helped them to top off the structure.

 General Manager, here and there needed to keep in touch with some archives for
the benefit of the Head office then he simply directed I needed to compose and
created it.

 General Manager of Jamuna Bank Limited at Kalampur branch, now and again
examined about the possibility of Jamuna Bank Limited and over all saving
money segments of Bangladesh.

 From my temporary position in this bank I came to realize that reasonable life
and scholastic period is entirely unexpected. In the down to earth life I found that
to manage the man is truly troublesome. In any association the most imperative
issue is order. This will help me to work appropriately in my future life.

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6.1 SWOT Analysis of Jamuna Bank Limited

After analyzing the functions and performance of Jamuna Bank Limited, we find out
some strengths and some problem of the bank. And from this point we can do a SWOT
analysis of Jamuna Bank Limited.

SWOT analysis contains –

S --- Strengths
W --- Weakness
O --- Opportunity
T --- Threats

Strength of JBL

During my working period I find-out some strength of Jamuna Bank Limited especially
in Kalampur Branch. These are –

▪ Computer based banking

▪ Efficiency and effectiveness of the employees.
▪ Loyal customers
▪ Formal training program for new employee
▪ Formal and Informal training program for existing employee
▪ On-line Banking through a smart software like FLORA.

Weaknesses of JBL

In the working period of Jamuna Bank Limited I personally find some lacking in the
branch banking. These lacking are not a major one but management needs to improve
those area. Areas where the bank needs to improve are as follows:

▪ Insufficient presence of modern communication equipment.

▪ Lack of development program for existing employee.
▪ Lack of fair entrepreneur class.
▪ Branch office is not well decorated like Head office.

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▪ Lack of promotional activities.

▪ There is not sufficient Office stuff enough for operating the Branch.

Opportunity of JBL

When we observe the overall banking function of JBL we can see the opportunity of the
Jamuna Bank Limited. These are –

▪ JBL has software like FLORA. So they can provide more quality service to
the clients
▪ By increasing the number of branches in the rural area JBL can provide more
service to the rural people as well as the urban people
▪ Social Responsibility of Jamuna Bank Limited like – scholarship program
for poor students; makes goodwill for the bank.
▪ Customer responsiveness
▪ Its up-to-date training program makes the employee more effective.
▪ Because of on-line banking it can serve the quicker service to the clients.
▪ Banking sector is a most raising institution in this competitive world.

Threats of JBL

By analyzing the functions of JBL we find out some sort of threats of the bank. These
threats are not very major issue but bank need to observe these problem.

▪ To compete with the other commercial bank in Bangladesh; JBL need

to improve their service quality
▪ Incumbent competitors
▪ New entry of competitors
▪ Need to increase the number of efficient employee
▪ Lack of promotional activities for the clients
▪ JBL is not well known in the rural area as well as the urban area
▪ This sector is much more challenging rather than other sectors.

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6.2 Findings

 Right people right place right time is the purpose of HR planning of JBL Bank
and most of the employees agree with the statement.
 JBL Bank recruits from external and internal sources. JBL bank also recruits
through agency as an external source of recruitment. But the bank recruited
people in tradition way.
 JBL bank prefers experience in term of selection a candidate. Realistic job
previews are made in the selection process.
 Tanning is conducted frequently. JBL Bank has vendors or outside trainers to
conduct tanning programs. From the point of Training it can be said that their
training course is well but not that much practical
 JBL bank provides performance awards. The performance appraisal system of
JBL bank is quite back dated.
 JBL Bank provides many compensation packages. But Compensation for its
employees is comparatively very low.
 JBL use test of cognitive ability, test of physical ability, simulation test, measuring
personality and interest test, work sample test for recruiting new employees.
 A large number of applicants, lack of specialized skills, political pressure, union
pressure, nepotism etc are the measure problem faced by the organization regarding
 About four-fifths of the executives reported that the performance appraisal system in
Jamuna Bank serves as a control device, it is a good mechanism to control employee.
They opined that it should continue.
 There is a system of holding the orientation classes at JBL Bank where all fresher
are made aware of the bank, and internal policies of the organization.

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7.1 Problems Identification

During collection of information and data from JBL for this report the following
problems have been found:

 The total number of employees in comparison with needed is very short. This
is hampering the daily operation of the bank.

 There is hardly any arrangement for training of lower level employees.

 Numbers of branches are not enough to serve the people of all places of the

 The salary structure of the bank is not impartial. There is wide gap between
the officers and of the staffs. That’s why the rate of switching is so high.

 Turnover rate is not proficient as per JBL target.

7.2 Recommendations

1. A handsome number of staffs and officers are necessary to be appointed very

soon for maintaining the normal flow of work.
2. Effective implementation of credit policy and recovery rate depends on higher
educated, trained and skilled personnel. Bank should procure and develop such
types of employees for its credit wings.
3. People from different corners of Bangladesh need modern banking services and
credit facilities for total economic uplift of the country. So JBL should consider
this matter from a realistic point of view and set up new branches.
4. If they can arrange fulltime faculty for their training sessions, it will very effective
for the organization. If they have full time faculty, they would be able to present
an attractive training sessions and the employees will be able to learn their works
quickly and properly.

5. Employees of all departments should be positive in terms of allowing bonus in

several times.

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6. Training supervisor should be smart who can able to give dynamic and timely
training to the employees.
7. While selecting 5 C’s i.e. (character, capital, capacity, collateral and condition)
must be considered.
8. For recruiting and selecting employees it’s provide arrange outside training
facility to make specialized on a particular jobs.

9. JB should provide promotion every year on the basis of greater efficiency as a

result every employee will be more assertive, attention and try to show better
performance for promotion.

10. It should use job analysis, job description and job specification in exchange of
annual confidential report (ACR) like other banks.

11. JB should prepare job analysis every half-year as result employee neglects of
work will reduce.

12. It should uses greater pay scale, efficiency people to reduce absenteeism.

13. It should be taken procedure of discharge against the employees if any employees
violate its banking rules and regulation.
14. Recruitment is an important thing for an organization. The process of recruitment
in JBL Bank is traditional. In this case what they can do is that they can go for
campus recruitment, hire different well equipped institutes for helping them in
recruiting people. This is a current method.
15. JBL bank should use Modern Performance appraisal system, like- 360 Degree
Performance appraisal, Management by Objective etc.
16. Many times it seen that employees are not properly posted; they are posted in the
wrong areas. This is bad for the organization. So, after training the employees
should be properly posted. It is very important.

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7.3 Conclusion

Jamuna Bank Limited, the rapid growing private bank of the country has created a sense
of mass participation through its diversified activities over the last 16 years. The number
of client’s service recovers and supporters have been increased rapidly. For its diversified
banking service, it has got a wide range of publicity and created a special image the
banking area of the country.

The report is aimed at the Human Resource Practice. Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL) can
expand the distribution network through improving their capacity to deliver unique value
to their customers by improving productivity, distribution and communication network
and strengthening IT platform to provide faster information and customer service. JBL
continued to be a customer focused, need based and solution-driven Bank. Their products
and services are strongly supported by IT infrastructure and online banking facilities,
which are upgraded and expanded on a continuous basis. JBL are providing any branch
anytime banking services to their clients 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.

At last I want to say that JBL performance based on customer service is very much
appreciable, outstanding and qualitative. If they can maintain these services for their
customers then I hope they could be one of the top banks in Bangladesh within 4 to 5

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