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Niler Quispe Ortiz

Full name:…………………………………………………………………………………………..
Date : October 26th, 2020 Grade: Second Section: A, B y C


Swin Run


The. Macaws and the cóndor fly

The lions and cats run fast

The cat to the mouse
Let’s help endangered animals English: Level A1

Activity 2 Do it yourself – D.I.Y.

Brochure about endangered animals
El centro de rescate de animales salvajes o silvestres, donde eres voluntario, necesita tu ayuda para
seguir sensibilizando sobre la existencia de animales en peligro de extinción o que son víctimas de
maltrato o tráfico ilegal. Nadie ama lo que no conoce. Como voluntario te has ofrecido a describir dos
animales para la página web del centro de rescate y así seguir sensibilizando sobre estos animales.

Elabora un folleto (brochure) para la página web del centro de rescate para el que eres voluntaria/o que
contenga las descripciones de dos animales. Para realizar tu desafío puedes escoger entre dos opciones:

Option A: Option B:
Create a brochure about the jaguars Create a brochure about two
and Felipe, the dolphin endangered animals from your region

Option A: Create a brochure about the jaguars and Felipe, the dolphin.

Step 1: Remember the information about animals you learned about last week. You can check
your portfolio.


Step 2: Complete the chart with the animals’ characteristics and abilities. Follow the

Animals Body parts Abilities

Example: long tail. Example: jump very high.

JAGUARS - Biggest feline - Excellent swimmers

- Strong claws - Very fast

FELIPE, - Short fins - Stay awake

DOLPHIN - It is very big - They are by name
Let’s help endangered animals English: Level A1

Step 3: Write sentences about the animals’ characteristics, abilities and some extra
information if you want to:

1. Body parts: The jaguar is a large feline and its claws are very strong .

2. Abilities: The jaguar is a very excellent swimmer and is very fast

Step 4: Create your brochure and add pictures and a name for the rescue centre. Be creative!

Option B: Create a brochure about two endangered animals from your region. You decide!

Step 1: Choose two endangered animals from your region.

Step 2: Complete the chart with the animals’ characteristics and abilities:

Animals Body parts Abilities

Powerful and graceful body

- Has a long tail
Leon Very intense roar
- Has a short coat -

ANIMAL 2: Slim and agile body Extreme balance

- -
Gato - Retractable fangs and claws - Selective taste

Step 3: Write sentences about the animals’ characteristics and abilities:

The lion has a long tail and a short coat
1. Body parts: .

2. Abilities: The lion has a powerful and graceful body and has a very intense roar .

Step 4: Create your brochure and add pictures and a name for the rescue centre. Be creative!
Let’s help endangered animals English: Level A1

For options A and B, you can use the suggested template and the useful phrases:

Suggested template:


Picture Picture
It is beautiful/
of of
animal 1 animal 2 amazing/ incredible/
cute/ etc.
They are beautiful/
amazing/ incredible/
cute/ etc.

Sentence about the Sentence about the

animal’s body parts. animals’ body parts.

Sentence about the Sentence about the

animal’s abilities. animal’s abilities.

Mientras elaboras tu brochur es importante que tomes en cuenta estas características:

Características o criterios Sí No

1. El folleto (brochure) tiene como título el nombre del nuevo centro de

rescate de animales salvajes y como subtítulos los nombres de los animales
que se presentan.

2. El folleto (brochure) contiene al menos una oración sobre las partes del
cuerpo y dos oraciones sobre las habilidades de cada animal descrito.

3. Las oraciones sobre las habilidades de los animales contienen el verbo

“can” utilizado correctamente.

4. Las oraciones sobre las partes del cuerpo de los animales contienen el
verbo “have” o “has” utilizado correctamente.

5. El folleto (brochure) enfatiza palabras o frases para transmitir mejor el



Esboza el primer borrador de tu brochure. Verifica si cumple con todas las

características del cuadro. Recuerda que tienes el glosario donde encontraras
todas las expresiones y palabras nuevas que debes usar.

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