Iq Verbal Model Test 311 PDF

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IQ VERBAL MODEL TEST 311, Time 35 Mins (Checked by Hasan 27 Jun 20)

1. Complete the series: W, Q, L, H, __, __? Ans: (a) C,H (b) E,C (c) F,J (d) E,B (e) V,W Ans: (b)
2. Re-arrange: ORANGE=173219, PARROT=037718; RAPPORT=?
Ans: (a) 7200197 (b) 7300187 (c) 7500178 (d) 7400528 (e) 7300178 Ans:
(e) 7300178
3. What is the day 03 days after tomorrow? Today is Monday. (a) Friday (b) Sunday (c) Wednesday (d)
Tuesday (e) Saturday
Ans: (a) Friday
4. Re-arrange: EGEMTRANOAP (FRUIT), Find the last letter_ Ans: (a) O (b) G (c) P (d) E (e) N Ans: (d)
E (Pomegranate)
5. Complete the series: 1, 4, 9, 16, __, __?Ans: (a) 24,36 (b) 20,25 (c) 25,36 (d) 36,49 (e) 18,22 Ans: (c)
25, 36 (Square)
6. A woman pointing Jafor and said, “I have no brother or sister but your mother is my father’s daughter.” What
is the relation between them? Ans: (a) daughter (b) father (c) son (d) Aunt (e) grandfather Ans: (c)
7. You are at a Field. Go 8 miles North, then 6 miles East to a Pond. What is the distance from field to pond?
(a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 8 (d) 9 (e) 12 Ans: (b) 10 miles.
8. Finger is to Hand as leaf is to_____ Ans: (a) Twig (b) Tree (c) Branch (d) Bloosm (e) Bark Ans: (a)
9. 4 years later father will be thrice of his daughter. Now she is 11. How old is he? Ans: (a) 45 (b) 36 (c) 41 (d)
(e) 31 Ans: (c) 41 Years
10. Divide 30 by ½ and add 10. What is the result now? Ans: (a) 70 (b) 60 (c) 50 (d) 75 (e) 80 Ans: (a)
11. Complete the series: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, __? Ans: (a) 8 (b) 13 (c) 21 (d) 26 (e) 31 Ans: (c) 21 (add
12. Find the odd: (a) Abuja (b) Dakar (c) Berlin (d) Yokohama (e) Islamabad Ans: (d) Yokohama (Not a
13. Rearrange: All good things must come to a start. Ans: (a) None (b) True (c) False (d) All (e) Can’t tell
Ans:(b) True
Ans: (c) VBBZH
15. Complete the series: U, W, Y, __, __ Ans: (a) D,R (b) Z,A (c) C,G (d) B,C (e) A,C Ans: (e) A,C
16. Re-arrange: OCEUMTPR (Device), find the 2nd letter_ Ans: (a) P (b) M (c) R (d) O (e) U Ans: (d)
17. Today is Saturday, the day before yesterday before more two days is which day? Ans: (a) Saturday (b)
Tuesday (c) Wednesday (d) Sunday (e) Monday Ans: (b) Tuesday.
18. Complete the series: 9,16,25,36,__,__ Ans: (a) 49,64 (b) 50,65 (c) 64,81 (d) 100,400 (e) 36,49 Ans:
(a) 49,64 (square)
19. What is the son of your uncle to you? Ans: (a) son (b) sister (c) nephew (d) father (e) cousin Ans: (e)
20. You are at your home. Walk towards WEST for 5 Miles. Then, turn left and go 2 miles. Turn Left again, Go
10 Miles. Now, what is your direction from your home? Ans: (a) WE (b) NS (c) EN (d) SE (e) SW Ans:
(d) South East
21. Which number doesn’t belong to the series: 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 30, __?Ans: (a) 3 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) 15 (e) 30
Ans: (c) 8
22. You are 18 years old. 5 years later, difference between you and your younger will be 10. Now, how old is
your brother? Ans: (a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 6 (e)13 Ans:(b) 8 years.
23. If there are 3 apples and you take away 2. How many apples with you? Ans: (a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 2 (d) 8 (e) 7
Ans: (c) 2
24. Rearrange and justify: A right don't make two wrongs. Ans: (a) None (b) True (c) False (d) All (e) Can’t
tell Ans: (b) True
25. Find the odd: Ans: (a) Camel (b) Deer (c) Tiger (d) Monkey (e) Cow Ans: (c) Tiger (Takes meat)
26. Complete the series: O, N, M,_,_? Ans: (a) Q,K (b) X,B (c) S,V (d) L,K (e) N,P Ans: (d) L, K
27. If Rabat is the capital of Morocco, write False, otherwise write Abuja. Ans: (a) True (b) False (c) None (d)
New York (e) District of Colombia. Ans: (b) False: Rabat is the capital of Morocco. So Follow Instruction.
28. Complete the series: 35, 48, 63, 80, _, _? Ans: (a) 99,120 (b) 121,144 (c) 81,100 (d) 100,144 (e)
100,121 Ans: (a) (square minus one)
29. ACDF= KMNP; BLNP=?Ans: (a) ZACR (b) LXVZ (c) LZXY (d) LVXZ (e) KMEN Ans: (d) LVXZ
30. Re-arrange: QRIRUELS (Animal), find the last letter_Ans: (a) S (b) Q (c) R (d) U (e) L Ans: (e) L
31. Complete the series: 100,121,144,169,_,_ (a) 144,121 (b) 196,225 (c) 200,225 (d) 197,224 (e) 150,200
Ans: (b) 196,225
32. Complete the series: A,P,C,S,E,V,G,__,__ Ans: (a) A,B (b) X,E (c) Y,F (d) Z,X (e) Y,I Ans: (e) Y,I
33. You have 04 haystacks in four different field and you bring all those in one field. How many haystacks are
Ans: (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 10 (d) 1 (e) 16 Ans: (d) 1 (one big stake now)
34. Joe lives in a hut. He went 08 miles north, then 10 miles south-west. Here is a banyan tree. How far is the
tree from his hut? Ans: (a) 5 (b) 9 (c) 6 (d) 7 (e) 8 Ans: (c) 6 miles.
35. Find the Odd: Ans: (a) flower (b) Novel (c) Painting (d) Statue (e) Poem Ans: (a) Flower (living
36. After 5 years your brother’s age will be twice as yours. He will be 30 after 15 years from now. How old are
you now?
Ans: (a)7 (b)10 (c) 9 (d)8 (e)5 Ans: (e) 5 yrs.
37. A doctor gave you 03 pills and told to take every half an hour. Minimum how much time do you require to
finish all? Ans: (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 1.5 Ans: (a) 1 hour
38. Complete the series: P,U,R,W,T,Y,__, __Ans: (a) X,W (b) V,C (c) V,A (d) X,B (e) R,W Ans: (c)
39. Complete the series: W,Q,U,O,S,M,Q, __,__ Ans: (a) S,P (b) L,N (c) L,P (d) K,O (e) M,N Ans: (d)
40. Find the odd: (a) Hawk (b) Tiger (c) Crocodile (d) Cow (e) Falcon Ans:
D)(Cow (Eat Herbs)
41. Rearrange: Feather of a bird doesn’t flock together Ans: (a) None (b) True (c) False (d) All (e) Can’t tell
Ans: (c) False
42. CMW=DOZ; DNX=? Ans: (a) FPS (b) EPA (c) ZPF (d) ZPP (e) FPZ Ans: (b) EPA
43. Complete the series: 8, 27,64,__,__, 343. Ans: (a) 81,100 (b) 125,130 (c)144,169 (d) 125,216 (e)
120,250 Ans: (d) 125,216
44. Find the odd: (a) Bat (b) Bear (c) Fox (d) Cat (e) Sparrow Ans:
(e) Sparrow (Bird) Others Mammals.
45. Rearrange: Who help God those helps themselves. Ans: (a) None (b) True (c) False (d) All (e) Can’t tell
Ans: (b) True
46. Complete the series: B,Z,Y,W,V ,T,__,__, Ans: (a) R,Q (b) P,X (c) O,U (d) S,Q (e) S,P Ans: (d) S,Q
47. Complete the series: 27,A, 64,C,125,E,216,__,__ Ans: (a) 343, G (b) F,350 (c) 343,J (d) G,343 (e) 343,F
Ans: (d) G,343
48. PEACH is to HCAEP as 46251 is to:____ Ans: (a) 25641 (b) 26451 (c) 12654 (d) 51462 (e) 15264
Ans: (e) 15264
49. Complete the series: O,Y,B,M,Z,C,K,A,D,__,___,___ Ans: (a) I,N,E (b) I,C,E (c) I,B,E (d) S,P,D (e)
A,B,R Ans: (c) I,B,E
50. Re-arrange: ILNUEATTNE (Fighter), find the first letter_Ans: (a) E (b) T (c) L (d) N (e) A Ans: (c) L
51. What relation is your niece’s brother to you?Ans: (a) Cousin (b) Son (c) Nephew (d) Daughter (e) Uncle
Ans: (c) Nephew
52. Complete the series: 216,343,512,_,_ Ans: (a) 728,1000 (b) 743,1000 (c) 400,500 (d) 729,1000 (e)
737,1000 Ans: (d)
53. C is the mother of D. But D is not the daughter of C. What is the relation between them? Ans: (a) D is the
Son of C (b) C is the Son of D (c) No relation (d) D is the father of C (e) D is the daughter of C Ans: (a)
D is the Son of C.
54. Complete the series: 5,Y,10,X,17,V,26, S, ___,____ Ans: (a)O, 36 (b)38,S (c)42,Q (d)P, 36 (e)37,O Ans:
55. You are facing to South in your Home. You turned right and went 3 miles, then turned right again and went 4
miles. Now, what is your direction and distance from Initial point? (a) S-E 3miles (b) N-E 3miles (c) S-W
5miles (d) W-N 2miles (e) N-W 5 miles Ans: (e) North-West, 5 miles.
56. Complete the series: 16,26,38,52,__,__ Ans: (a) 70,90 (b) 65,82 (c) 64,81 (d) 63,80 (e) 68,86 Ans: (e)
57. Ralph likes 25 but not 24; he likes 400 but not 300; he likes 144 but not 145. Which does he like: Ans: (a)
10 (b) 50 (c) 12 (d) 200 (e) 1600 Ans: (e) 1600
58. Complete the series: 1,16,V,2,26,U,3,38,S,5,52,P,8__,__ Ans: (a) 68,L (b) 8,68 (c) P,68 (d)M,65 (e) N, 64
Ans: (a) 68,L
59. Choose the number that is 1/4 of 1/2 of 1/5 of 200: Ans: (a) 2 (b) 5 (c) 10 (d) 25 (e) 50
Ans: (b) 5
60. AKU=DMV; CMW=?Ans: (a) PON (b) FXN (c) DOX (d) FOX (e) EPZ
Ans: (d) FOX
61. LIVED is to EVIL as 16323 is to: Ans: (a) 3623 (b) 3263 (c) 2361 (d) 3236 (e) 3596
Ans: (c) 2361
62. Complete the series: 1,5,11,18,28,__ Ans: (a) 38 (b) 39 (c) 40 (d) 41 (e) 42 Ans: (b)39 (12+1,
22+1,32+2,42+2, 52+3,62+3)
63. How many birthdays does the average man have in Bangladesh? (a) 1 (b) 20 (c) 60 (d) 100 (e) 40
Ans: (a) 1
64. Re-arrange: OTISSHGYOCLP (Professional), find the second letter-Ans: (a) C (b) P (c) R (d) S (e) T
Ans: (d) S (Psychologist)
65. Three brother’s age is 15, 12 and 8. 10 years passed. Now subtract 5 from the sum of their age. Then divide
the result by 6. Write the answer. Ans: (a) 15 (b) 10 (c) 30 (d) 20 (e) 50 Ans: (b) 10
66. Complete the series: 2,9,28,65,__,__ Ans: (a) 120,160 (b) 80,100 (c) 70,90 (d) 125,216 (e) 126,217 Ans:
(e) 126,217 (Cube+1)
67. Find the odd: (a) Lion (b) Leopard (c) Bear (d) Fox (e) Deer Ans: (e) Deer (Herbivore- Eats
68. Re-arrange: Choosers can be beggars. Ans: (a) None (b) True (c) False (d) All (e) Can’t tell Ans: (c)
69. Complete the series: 3,8,15,24,__, __Ans: (a) 34,48 (b) 36,49 (c) 64,125 (d) 35,48 (e) 30,36 Ans: (d)
70. Which one of the five is least like the other four? Ans: (a) Dog (b) Mouse (c) Lion (d) Snake (e)
elephant Ans: (d)
71. Which one doesn’t belong in the series: 1 - 2 - 5 –10-13-26-29-38. (a)10 (b)13 (c)26 (d)29 (e) 38 Ans:
(e) 38
72. Complete the series: 24,35,48,63, __,__Ans: (a) 80,99 (b) 82,101 (c) 80,100 (d) 82,90 (e) 73,90 Ans:
(a) 80,99
73. Jony’s father is 5 times from him now. After 5 years their age difference will be 28. What is Jony’s age now?
Ans: (a) 10 (b) 9 (c) 7 (d) 5 (e) 6 Ans: (c) 7
74. Complete the series: 7,26,63,124,_,_Ans: (a) 150,200 (b) 220,343 (c) 215,342 (d) 363,474 (e) 170,225
Ans: (c) 215,342
75. A man started walking from a point. At first he went 10 miles north. Then turned right and went 15 miles.
Then turned right again and walked 25 miles. Then walked 15 miles west. What is the distance from his
starting point?
Ans: (a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 15 (d) 18 (e) 25 Ans: (c) 15 miles.
76. Complete the series: 2,7,14,23,__,__ Ans: (a) 36,49 (b) 34,47 (c) 30,43 (d) 34,50 (e) 36,64 Ans:(b) 34,47
(12+1, 22+3, 32+5,42+7, 52+9, 62+11)
77. Two days after tomorrow is Thursday. What is the day before yesterday? Ans: (a) friday (b) tuesday (c)
monday (d) wednesday (e) saturday Ans: (e) Saturday.
78. Complete the series: 28,65,126,217,__,__ (a) 343,554 (b) 280,320 (c) 300,500 (d) 344,513 (e) 343,512
Ans: (d) 344,513
79. Robi’s father is 4 times as his sister. After 20 years he (Father) will be twice than her. What is her present
age? Ans: (a) 15 (b) 12 (c) 10 (d) 8 (e) 5 Ans: (c) 10
80. How many two taka stamps are there in a dozen? Ans: (a) 8 (b) 4 (c) 30 (d) 24 (e) 12 Ans:
(e) 12
81. Some months have 31 days, how many months have 28 date in a calendar? Ans: (a) 6 (b) 12 (c) 1 (d) 2 (e)
7 Ans: (b) 12
82. 218,345,514,_,_ Ans: (a) 665,1000 (b) 665,729 (c) 730,1001 (d) 731,1002 (e) 729,1000Ans: (d) 731,1002
83. X and Y are children of Z. Z are the father of X but Y is not the daughter of Z. What is Y to Z? Ans: (a) son
(b) father (c) daughter (d) mother (e) nephew Ans: (a) Son
84. Mary, who is sixteen years old, is four times as old as her brother. How old will Mary be when she is twice
as old as her brother? Ans: (a) 20 (b) 24 (c) 25 (d) 26 (e) 28 Ans: (b) 24
85. Complete the series: 3,10,29,66,__,__ Ans: (a) 71,100 (b) 80,90 (c) 125,215 (d) 127,218 (e) 100,120
Ans: (d) 127,218
86. Mother and kid’s age difference is 27 now.What will be the difference after 13 years? Ans: (a) 15 (b) 20 (c)
27 (d) 30 (e) 25 Ans: (c) 27 Years
87. Complete the series: 3,6,11,18,__,__ Ans: (a) 30,40 (b) 20,24 (c) 25,30 (d) 25,36 (e) 27,38 Ans: (e)
88. You are participating in a race. You overtook the second person. What position are you in? Ans: (a) 2nd (b)
4th (c) 1st (d) 3rd (e) 7th Ans: (a) 2nd
89. If Lt Colonel (BA) is senior than Group Captain (BAF), write false, otherwise write colonel. Ans: (a) True (b)
false (c) Colonel (d) None (e) Lt colonel Ans: (c) Colonel
90. Find the odd: (a) Dilli (b) New York (c) Cairo (d) Accra (e) Neypyidaw Ans: (b) (New York is not
91. Complete the series: 124,215,342,511,__,__Ans: (a) 612,727 (b) 729,800 (c) 624,700 (d) 728,999 (e)
729,1000 Ans: (d)
92. Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Add another 1000 and now add 20. Now
add 1000 and now add 10. What is the total? Ans: (a) 4100 (b) 4000 (c) 4200 (d) 3500 (e) 3000 Ans: (a)
93. Find the odd: (a) Cairo (b) Juba (c) Dhaka (d) Dakar (e) Cape Town Ans: Ans: (c) Dhaka
94. Rearrange: Perfect makes Practice. Ans: (a) None (b) True (c) False (d) All (e) Can’t tell Ans: (b) True
95. Complete the series: 51,66,83,__,__ Ans: (a) 102,121 (b) 99,120 (c) 90,100 (d) 102,123 (e) 100,121
Ans: (d) 102,123
96. Mary’s father has 5 children names Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono and__?Ans: (a) Nono (b) Nini (c) Marry (d)
Nana (e) Nene Ans: (c) Marry
97. Find the odd: Ans: (a) Istanbul (b) Paris (c) Shenzhen (d) Karachi (e) Rajshahi Ans: (b) (Paris is the
98. Osakgtma, psaltzgs, kantwrzct age were 12, 15 and 18 respectively before 5 years. What will be their age
total after 4 years? Ans: (a) 36 (b) 12 (c) 50 (d) 70 (e) 72 Ans: (e) 72 Years
99. You have 14 books on car. You can bring 4 at a times. How many times you require to bring all those? Ans:
(a) 4 times (b) 5 times (c) 3 times (d) 6 times (e) 7 times Ans: (a) 4 times
100. Brother and sister age difference is 4 years now. After 11 years what will be their age difference? Ans: (a) 2
(b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 8 Ans: (c) 4 Years.

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