"One of Them, The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved, Was Reclining Next To Him." John 13:23

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“One of them, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was reclining next to him.” John 13:23

3 forms of the word “love” in Greek:

• “Eros” — self-interested type of love; sexual love

• “Philia” — friendship type of love; affection

• “Agape” — divine love; selfless loving, as God loves us

In context, the author used the “agape” form of the word love (“ahGOPay”) in John 13:23. What does this
tell you about how Jesus loved the disciple?

If Brownʼs claim about Jesus physically loving Mary were true, what Greek word for “love” would be used
in this verse?

2 forms of the word “whom” in Greek:

• “hen” (hane) — feminine singular relative pronoun

• “hon” (hawn) — masculine singular relative pronoun

The Greek word “hon” was used in this verse … what does this tell you about whom Jesus loved with
agape love; was it a man or a woman?

Could the author have been talking about Mary Magdalene? Why not?

In Greek, the word “gnosis” (noss-iss) means “knowledge.” Consider all of the unsubstantiated
“knowledge” claimed by “The DaVinci Code” and its author, Dan Brown. Then consider the Gnostic
Gospels which Brown claims were the basis of the code—but which the experts in the DVD you just
watched have discounted and disclaimed totally.

• Why were the Gnostic Gospels excluded from the New Testament if they contained such valuable

• What happened two other times when mankind tried to gain extraordinary knowledge?

(Genesis 2:17)

(Genesis 11:4-7)


Jesus & Mary Magdalene • (John 20:10-18) Is this an
were married. exchange between a husband
and wife?

• (Use a concordance) How

often is Mary Magdalene
mentioned in the Bible? What
can we conclude about Maryʼs
relationship with Jesus?

Jesus & Mary Magdalene • (John 3:16; 1 John 4:9) How

had children. many sons did God send?

• What do these verses tell us

about the number of sons God/
Jesus had?

• (Romans 8:16, 17) Who are

Godʼs children and co-heirs to
the kingdom?

Mary Magdalene was a • (1 Corinthians 8:6) How

goddess equal to God. many Gods or Lords do we

• What does this tell us about

Brownʼs claim concerning
Mary Magdaleneʼs divinity?

People from the town of Fibbersville always tell lies and fibs. In fact, itʼs impossible for them to
tell the truth. Of the following people below, only one person is not from Fibbersville. Can you
tell which one is the outsider based on the statements each person made?

MR. MAC: “Iʼm a very honest person indeed!

MISS DAISY: Iʼm from the North Pole.

MS. POPPY: Mr. Mac is not from Fibbersville.

DR. DOMUCH: I am a liar and fibber!

MRS. PEACH: Miss Daisy never lies.

MRS. PEACH: Miss Daisy never lies.

DR. DOMUCH: I am a liar and fibber!

MS. POPPY: Mr. Mac is not from Fibbersville.

MISS DAISY: Iʼm from the North Pole.

MR. MAC: “Iʼm a very honest person indeed!

tell which one is the outsider based on the statements each person made?
tell the truth. Of the following people below, only one person is not from Fibbersville. Can you
People from the town of Fibbersville always tell lies and fibs. In fact, itʼs impossible for them to


Discuss or write your thoughts to the following questions.

• What are possible motives Dan Brown had for writing “The DaVinci Code” and making his
surprising and unsubstantiated claims?

• Do you think God would have a motive for sending a “secret” child or children even though He
told us in His Word that Jesus was His One and Only Son?

• What motives could Satan have for wanting these unverifiable claims floating around?

• Do you think God would have mentioned a royal bloodline, if indeed there was one, in the
book of Revelation when He reveals our futures and in light of the fact we already know Jesus
will be present and have the ultimate victory?

• List the reasons why people have babies or children. Now consider if Jesus needed to use any
of these reasons Himself. What does this tell you about how logical it would be for Jesus to have
or produce children.

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