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Some flags are available throughout the gcloud experience, like:

The gcloud command-line tool is a tree; non-leaf nodes are
command groups and leaf nodes are commands. (Also, tab
completion works for commands and resources!)
Cheat sheet
For when in doubt M ost gcloud commands follow the following format:

--project gcloud + release level (optional) + component + entity + GETTING STARTED

operation + positional args + flags
If using a project other than the current one
For example: gcloud init
--quiet Initialize, authorize, and configure gcloud
gcloud + compute + instances + create + example-instance-1 +
Disable interactive prompts (and apply default values for --zone=us-central1-a
inputs) gcloud version
Wh ere: Display version and installed components
elease Level refers to the command’s release status
gcloud components install
Can set verbosity levels at debug, info, warning, error, critical,
and none alpha or beta. GA (General Availability commands require
no release level specification Install specific components *
--version Component refers to different Google Cloud services gcloud components update
Display gcloud version information (only available at the global level) compute for Compute Engine, app for App Engine, ect. Update Cloud SDK to the latest version *
--format Entity refers to the plural form of an element or collection of
gcloud config set project
Set output format as config, csv, default, diff, disable, flattened, elements under a component
Set a default Cloud Platform project to work on
get, json, list, multi, none, object, table, text, value, or yaml. disks, firewalls, images, instances, regions, zones for
gcloud info
CLEANING UP RESULTS Operation refers to the imperative verb form of the operation to Display current gcloud environment details
be performed on the entity
Extricate the most from your output with the filter, format, limit,
and sort-by flags. Examples: common operations are describe, list, create/update, gcloud help
delete/clear, import, export, copy, remove, add, reset,
Search gcloud reference documentss for specific terms
gcloud compute instances list restart, restore, run, and deploy
--filter="zone ~ ^us AND Positional args refer to the required, order-specific arguments gcloud feedback
-machineType:f1-micro" needed to execute the command Provide feedback for the Cloud SDK team
For Compute Engine instances with prefix us and not machine INSTANCE_NAMES is the required positional argument for
type f1-micro gcloud compute instances create gcloud topic
lags refer to the additional arguments, --flag-name(=value), Supplementary help material for non-command topics like
gcloud projects list F
passed in to the command after positional args accessibility, filtering, and formatting
--machine-type=MACHINE_TYPE and --preemptible are * For apt-get and yum, see

optional flags for gcloud compute instances create

--filter="createTime>=2018-01-15T12:0 PERSONALIZATION
0:00" --sort-by=createTime

For a list of projects created on or after 15 January 2018, gcloud config set
sorted from oldest to newest, presented as a table with project Define a property (like compute/zone) for current configuration
number, project id and creation time columns with dates and
times in local timezone gcloud config get-value
Fetch value of a Cloud SDK property
gcloud compute instances list
--filter="*" gcloud config list
--limit=10 Display all the properties for the current configuration
For a list of ten Compute Engine instances with a label my-label
(of any value) gcloud config configurations create
Create a new named configuration
gcloud config configurations list gcloud iam list-grantable-roles gcloud app deploy
Display a list of all available configurations List IAM grantable roles for a resource Deploy your app’s code and configuration to App Engine server

gcloud config configurations activate gcloud iam roles create gcloud app versions list
S witch to an existing named configuration C reate a custom role for a project or org List all versions of all services deployed to the App Engine
CREDENTIALS gcloud iam service-accounts create
C reate a service account for a project gcloud app browse
gcloud auth login O pen the current app in a web browser
Authorize access for gcloud with Google user credentials and gcloud iam service-accounts keys list
set current account as active List a service account’s keys gcloud app create
C reate an App Engine app within your current project
gcloud auth activate-service-account gcloud iam service-accounts
Like gcloud auth login but with service account credentials add-iam-policy-binding gcloud app logs read
Add an IAM policy to a service account Display the latest App Engine app logs
gcloud auth list
gcloud iam service-accounts ISCELLANEOUS
List all credentialed accounts M
gcloud auth print-access-token Replace existing IAM policy gcloud kms decrypt
Display the current account’s access token Decrypt ciphertext (to a plaintext file) using a Cloud Key
COMPUTE ENGINE Management Service (KMS) key
gcloud auth revoke
Remove access credentials for an account gcloud compute z ones list gcloud logging logs list
List Compute Engine zones List your project’s logs
gcloud projects describe
Display metadata for a project (including its ID) gcloud compute instances describe gcloud sql backups describe
Display a virtual machine (VM) instance’s details Display info about a Cloud SQL instance backup
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding
Add an IAM policy binding to a project gcloud compute instances list gcloud sql export sql
List all VM instances in a project Ex port data from a Cloud SQL instance to a SQL file
gcloud compute disks snapshot INSTALLING THE CLOUD SDK
gcloud auth configure-docker C reate snapshot of persistent disks Docs and installation instructions:
Register gcloud as a Docker credential helper
gcloud compute snapshots describe
gcloud container clusters create Display a specified snapshot’s details FLAGS & ARGUMENTS
C reate a cluster to run GKE containers
gcloud compute snapshots delete Arguments can be positional args, which are set after
gcloud container clusters list Delete a snapshot command name and must respect the order of positional args
or flags, which are set after positional args where the order of
List clusters to run GKE containers flags doesn’t matter.
gcloud compute ssh
gcloud container clusters C onnect to a VM instance by using SSH A flag is either a name-value pair (--foo=bar) or boolean
(--force/no-force). Additionally, flags can either be required or
get-credentials optional. When optional, the default value is used if the flag
U pdate kubeconfig to get kubectl to use a GKE cluster isn’t defined.

gcloud container images list-tags

List tag and digest metadata for a container image CONTINUE ON BACK

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