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Clinical Toxicology

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Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome: potential

mechanisms for the benefit of capsaicin and hot
water hydrotherapy in treatment

John R. Richards, Jeff M. Lapoint & Guillermo Burillo-Putze

To cite this article: John R. Richards, Jeff M. Lapoint & Guillermo Burillo-Putze
(2018) Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome: potential mechanisms for the benefit of
capsaicin and hot water hydrotherapy in treatment, Clinical Toxicology, 56:1, 15-24, DOI:

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Published online: 21 Jul 2017.

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VOL. 56, NO. 1, 15–24


Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome: potential mechanisms for the benefit of

capsaicin and hot water hydrotherapy in treatment
John R. Richardsa , Jeff M. Lapointb and Guillermo Burillo-Putzec
Department of Emergency Medicine, University of California Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA, USA; bDepartment of Emergency

Medicine, Southern California Permanente Medical Group, San Diego, CA, USA; cArea de Toxicologıa Clınica, Servicio de Urgencias,
Universidad Europea de Canarias, Tenerife, Spain


Introduction: Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome is a clinical disorder that has become more preva- Received 7 April 2017
lent with increasing use of cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids, and which is difficult to treat. Accepted 28 June 2017
Standard antiemetics commonly fail to alleviate the severe nausea and vomiting characteristic of the Published online 14 July
syndrome. Curiously, cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome patients often report dramatic relief of symp- 2017
toms with hot showers and baths, and topical capsaicin. KEYWORDS
Objectives: In this review, we detail the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of capsaicin and Cannabinoid hyperemesis;
explore possible mechanisms for its beneficial effect, including activation of transient receptor potential cannabis; capsaicin; heat;
vanilloid 1 and neurohumoral regulation. Putative mechanisms responsible for the benefit of hot water hot shower; TRPV1
hydrotherapy are also investigated.
Methods: An extensive search of PubMed, OpenGrey, and Google Scholar from inception to April 2017
was performed to identify known and theoretical thermoregulatory mechanisms associated with the
endocannabinoid system. The searches resulted in 2417 articles. These articles were screened for rele-
vant mechanisms behind capsaicin and heat activation having potential antiemetic effects. References
from the selected articles were also hand-searched. A total of 137 articles were considered relevant
and included.
Capsaicin: Topical capsaicin is primarily used for treatment of neuropathic pain, but it has also been
used successfully in some 20 cases of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. The pharmacokinetics and
pharmacodynamics of capsaicin as a transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 agonist may explain this
effect. Topical capsaicin has a longer half-life than oral administration, thus its potential duration of
benefit is longer.
Capsaicin and transient receptor potential vanilloid 1: Topical capsaicin binds and activates the
transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 receptor, triggering influx of calcium and sodium, as well as
release of inflammatory neuropeptides leading to transient burning, stinging, and itching. This elicits a
novel type of desensitization analgesia. Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 receptors also respond
to noxious stimuli, such as heat (>43  C), acids (pH <6), pain, change in osmolarity, and endovanilloids.
The action of topical capsaicin may mimic the effect of heat-activation of transient receptor potential
vanilloid 1.
Endocannabinoid system and transient receptor potential vanilloid 1: Cannabinoid hyperemesis
syndrome may result from a derangement in the endocannabinoid system secondary to chronic
exogenous stimulation. The relief of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome symptoms from heat and use
of transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 agonists suggests a complex interrelation between the endo-
cannabinoid system and transient receptor potential vanilloid 1.
Temperature regulation: Hot water hydrotherapy is a mainstay of self-treatment for cannabinoid
hyperemesis syndrome patients. This may be explained by heat-induced transient receptor potential
vanilloid 1 activation.
“Sensocrine” antiemetic effects: Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 activation by heat or capsa-
icin results in modulation of tachykinins, somatostatin, pituitary adenylate-cyclase activating polypep-
tide, and calcitonin gene-related peptide as well as histaminergic, cholinergic, and serotonergic
transmission. These downstream effects represent further possible explanations for transient receptor
potential vanilloid 1-associated antiemesis.
Conclusions: These complex interactions between the endocannabinoid systems and transient recep-
tor potential vanilloid 1, in the setting of cannabinoid receptor desensitization, may yield important
clues into the pathophysiology and treatment of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. This knowledge
can provide clinicians caring for these patients with additional treatment options that may reduce
length of stay, avoid unnecessary imaging and laboratory testing, and decrease the use of potentially
harmful medications such as opioids.

CONTACT John R. Richards Department of Emergency Medicine, U.C. Davis Medical Center, 4150 V Street, PSSB 2100, Sacramento,
CA 95817, USA
ß 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Introduction the only published sources describing capsaicin treatment of

cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome to date.
Cannabis is the most commonly used drug both in the US
and worldwide [1,2]. Legalized cannabis use has increased in
recent years, and modern-day cannabis strains have tripled in Objectives
potency over the past two decades [3,4]. In this period of In this paper, we detail the pharmacokinetics and pharmaco-
time, cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome has become more dynamics of capsaicin and explore possible mechanisms for its
prevalent [5,6]. In 2004, Allen and colleagues [7] described beneficial effect, including activation of transient receptor
cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome as a variant of cyclic potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) receptors, neurohumoral regula-
vomiting syndrome in a case series of 19 chronic cannabis tion, and modulation of the emetogenic neurotransmitters his-
users with episodic, intractable nausea and vomiting relieved tamine, acetylcholine, and serotonin. We also review potential
only by showering and bathing in hot water. Patients with physiological mechanisms behind hot water hydrotherapy.
cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome often present to the
emergency department for antiemetics, rehydration, and
electrolyte replacement, and they are frequently subjected to Methods
unnecessary laboratory testing and imaging [8,9]. An extensive search of PubMed, OpenGrey, and Google Scholar
Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome has three phases: pro- from inception to May 2017 was performed to identify known
drome, hyperemesis, and recovery [10,11]. The prodromal and theoretical thermoregulatory mechanisms associated with
phase is characterized by nausea, anorexia, and vague abdom- the endocannabinoid system. The initial PubMed search string
inal discomfort. The hyperemetic phase presents with bouts of utilizing medical subject headings (MeSH) and text words (TW)
emesis and diffuse abdominal pain that can last for hours. This ((“capsaicin”[MeSH] OR “hot temperature”[MeSH] OR
is followed by a recovery phase with resolution of all symp- “hyperthermia, induced”[MeSH] OR “hydrotherapy”[MeSH])
toms. In 2012, Simonetto et al. [12] refined the diagnostic cri- AND (“TRPV1”[TW] OR “endovanilloid”[TW] OR “vanilloid”[TW]
teria of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome to include long- OR “endocannabinoid”[TW] OR “cannabinoid”[TW] OR
term cannabis use with the major features of: cyclic nausea “cannabis”[TW] OR “marijuana”[TW])) resulted in 2417 articles.
and vomiting; resolution with cannabis cessation; relief of These articles were screened for relevant mechanisms behind
symptoms with hot showers or baths; abdominal pain; and fre- capsaicin and heat activation having potential antiemetic
quent use of marijuana. Other features supporting the diagno- effects. References from the selected articles were also hand-
sis of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome include: age less searched. A total of 137 articles were considered relevant and
than 50 years; weight loss >5 kg; morning predominance of included. All three authors were involved in the review process
symptoms; normal bowel habits; negative laboratory, radio- and analysis.
graphic, and endoscopic test results.
The pharmacologic treatment of cannabinoid hyperemesis Capsaicin
syndrome has been systematically reviewed recently by
Richards et al. [13], and routinely-prescribed antiemetics such Capsaicin (trans-8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide) is an alkaloid
as prochlorperazine, metoclopramide, and ondansentron are extract from Capsicum, a genus of flowering plants in the night-
shade family Solanaceae. It is a vanilloid, a group that includes
often ineffective. Clinicians must then experiment with off-
vanillin from vanilla, zingerone from ginger, and eugenol from
label agents to control hyperemesis [11]. Benzodiazepines,
cloves [20,21]. Capsaicin, first extracted in impure form in 1816,
haloperidol, and topical capsaicin are most commonly associ-
was later isolated and named by John Thresh in 1876 [22].
ated with resolution of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome
Capsicum species are native to the Americas and have been
[13]. Hot showering/bathing and cessation of cannabis use
detected in microfossils dating from 6000 years BC [23].
appear to be the only consistent short- and long-term treat-
Capsaicin is the main ingredient responsible for the hot,
ment for cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome [11].
pungent taste of chili peppers, and ranks high on the
Lapoint and associates [14–16] described the successful
Scoville scale, a measure of pungency, or spicy heat [24]. The
use of capsaicin for cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome in
bell pepper rates zero Scoville units, a habanero pepper up
three abstracts in 2014. Together they described eight to 350,000 units, and pure capsaicin 16 million units [20].
patients with cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome symptoms Resiniferatoxin, extracted from the cactus Euphorbia resinifera,
resolving usually within 45 min of topical application of cap- has the highest Scoville ranking at 16 billion units [25].
saicin to the abdomen, back, and arms. One of these patients Capsaicin is present in the placental tissue surrounding seeds
had failed treatment with ondansetron prior to receiving top- in Capsicum and likely serves as a teleological deterrent
ical capsaicin. Two years later, Burillo-Putze and colleagues against herbivores. After its introduction by Europeans to
[17,18] reported successful resolution of symptoms in a Asia and Africa, the chili pepper became an essential ingredi-
patient with cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome from appli- ent of cuisines unique to those regions [26].
cation of 0.075% topical capsaicin cream after metoclopra-
mide and granisetron failed. In 2017, Dezieck et al. [19]
Capsaicin pharmacokinetics
detailed a case series of 13 cannabinoid hyperemesis syn-
drome patients successfully treated with topical capsaicin for Topical capsaicin absorbed into the epidermal and dermal
whom multiple rounds of antiemetics failed. These represent layers can be detected in the blood in quantifiable

concentrations even 24 h after removal from the skin [27]. It members of the transient receptor potential channel family.
is metabolized by the cytochrome P450 system, and its These receptors respond to noxious stimuli, such as heat
metabolites are excreted by the kidney [27,28]. In contrast to (>43  C), acids (pH <6), pain, and change in osmolarity, as
topical capsaicin (plasma half-life of 1.64 h), oral capsaicin has well as endogenous lipid compounds, termed endovanilloids
a half-life of only 25 min from hepatic first-pass effects [29]. [41]. The endovanilloids, which include anandamide and N-
arachidonoyl-dopamine, induce TRPV1 currents much smaller
than those evoked by topical capsaicin [42]. The action of
Capsaicin pharmacodynamics
topical capsaicin may mimic the effect of heat-activation of
Topical capsaicin was first noted to have analgesic properties TRPV1.
in the mid-1800s [30]. Since that time, topical capsaicin has
been used in the treatment of nociceptive and neuropathic
The endocannabinoid system and TRPV1
musculoskeletal pain, such as arthritis, migraine, post-herpetic
neuralgia, and diabetic neuropathy [31]. Since capsaicin is The endocannabinoid system is involved in myriad physio-
lipophilic, organic solvents, and alcohols are used to solubil- logical and emotional processes including nausea/emesis,
ize the compound for topical use. Capsaicin is available in nociception, motor function, thermoregulation, analgesia,
some countries as a 0.025, 0.075, and 0.1% topical cream, cognition, memory, energy, mood, hunger, stress, sleep,
and a high concentration (8%) patch (QutenzaV, Acorda
addiction, and immune function [43]. Two primary cannabin-
Therapeutics, Ardsley, New York) [32]. Over-the-counter oral oid receptors have been identified, CB1 and CB2. Both recep-
and topical formulations are also widely available. A recent tor subtypes are present in the central and peripheral
Cochrane review on topical capsaicin for treatment of chronic nervous system, as well as in muscle, adipose cells, skin, kid-
neuropathic pain concluded that high concentration products neys, and the gastrointestinal tract. CB2 receptors are also
were more effective than lower concentration formulations, found in peripheral immune tissues such as the spleen, ton-
although the number of high-quality studies was limited [33]. sils, and thymus. Both subtypes are G protein-coupled recep-
Application on the skin results in a sensation of local heat tors located on the pre-synaptic membrane. Activation by
and burning. endocannabinoids causes a decrease in cyclic adenosine
monophosphate (cAMP) by inhibition of adenylyl cyclase and
a rise in mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP kinase) [44].
Capsaicin adverse effects
The endocannabinoid and endovanilloid systems are
Skin irritation, burning, and cough are the most common highly synergistic from a functional and anatomical stand-
adverse effects reported by patients. Personal defense sprays point [45]. Anandamide, considered both an endocannabi-
containing capsaicin causes disabling irritation to the skin noid and endovanilloid, interacts with TRPV1, CB1, and CB2
and eyes. receptors [46]. Anandamide is able to inhibit trigeminal neu-
rons, act as a vasodilator of dural blood vessels, and modu-
late calcitonin gene-related peptide release from its
Capsaicin and transient receptor potential activation of TRPV1 receptors [47–50]. TRPV1 and CB1 recep-
vanilloid 1 tors are widely co-expressed, and anandamide can bind to
In the 1940s, Jancso et al. [34] observed that topical capsaicin TRPV1 and CB1 receptors of the same neuron [51].
elicited a novel type of desensitization analgesia. Capsaicin- Anandamide binding to TRPV1 elevates calcium concentra-
treated animals did not react to inflammation from noxious tions with potentiation of synaptic transmission, whereas
chemicals but retained responsiveness to physical stimuli binding to CB1 has the opposite effect. This counter-regula-
[35]. The transient receptor potential channels were discov- tory interplay between TRPV1 and CB1 receptors appear to
ered in Drosophila in 1989 and have several subfamilies [36]. play a role not only in nausea, emesis, and nociception, but
In the 1980s, evidence suggested the existence of a dedi- also in anxiety-related behaviors and stress maladaptation
cated capsaicin receptor [37]. In 1997, this receptor was suc- which are associated with cyclic vomiting syndrome and can-
cessfully cloned and named “vanilloid receptor 1,” later nabinoid hyperemesis syndrome [52–55]. Chronic stress is fre-
renamed “transient receptor potential vanilloid 1” (TRPV1) by quently accompanied by visceral hyperalgesia and altered
the International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology bowel function, possibly from down-regulation of CB1 recep-
Committee (IUPHAR) Nomenclature Committee [35,38]. tors and up-regulation of TRPV1 receptors [56–58]. As with
The TRPV1 receptor is an outwardly rectifying, nonselec- cyclic vomiting syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome, can-
tive cation channel located on C and Ad peripheral nocicep- nabinoid hyperemesis syndrome may represent a disorder of
tive neurons and in the brain, gastrointestinal tract, airways, allostatic or epigenetic regulation of response to stress that
bladder, and kidney [25]. Capsaicin binding activates the is mediated by endocannabinoid and endovanilloid syner-
TRPV1 receptor triggering influx of calcium and sodium, as gism [10,11,52,53,59–61].
well as release of inflammatory neuropeptides leading to Cannabis, which contains over 100 phytocannabinoids,
transient burning, stinging, and itching [39]. TRPV1 receptors has been used by humans for centuries for its medicinal and
are also expressed on the endoplasmic reticulum and regu- psychotropic properties [62,63]. These phytocannabinoids
late intracellular calcium concentrations [40]. In addition to and their metabolites bind not only to CB1 and CB2 recep-
TRPV1, capsaicin-sensitive receptors express several other tors, but to transient receptor potential receptors as well

[64,65]. Tetrahydrocannabinol is the phytocannabinoid Pro-inflammatory mediators lower the temperature activa-
mimetic to anandamide, and cannabidiol is the phytocanna- tion threshold of TRPV1 [75]. Topical capsaicin reverses this
binoid mimetic to the other main endocannabinoid, 2-arachi- process and leads to “desensitization” or “defunctionalization”
donoylglycerol [64]. One theory regarding the precipitation of the dorsal root ganglion sensory nerves to heat and capsa-
of an acute episode of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome is icin [37,39]. Several mechanisms are responsible for this
that chronic cannabis users experience acute elevations of effect. Topical capsaicin activation of the TRPV1 nociceptor
plasma cannabinoids during periods of stress and fasting, results in an influx of calcium ions. This, in turn, triggers cal-
which may overwhelm the endocannabinoid system. It is cium-dependent protease enzymes causing microtubule
possible TRPV1 receptor activation from hot showers or top- depolymerization, which diminishes or eliminates fast axonal
ical capsaicin may counter this effect. transport [76]. Influx of calcium, sodium, and chloride ions
results in osmotic swelling of the nerve fiber [35]. Capsaicin
inhibits the electron-transfer activity of nicotinamide adenine
Temperature regulation dinucleotide (NADH)-coenzyme Q oxidoreductase, resulting
According to reports, hot showers and baths consistently in mitochondrial dysfunction [77]. This chain of events initi-
mitigate cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome symptoms ated by topical capsaicin effectively leads to a non- or
[10,11,65]. Several theories have been proposed to explain limited-functional state of the nociceptor nerve fibers.
this phenomenon (Table 1). Endogenous cannabinoids and Other possible mechanisms include capsaicin-induced
CB1 cannabinoid receptors in the hypothalamus play an depletion of tachykinin peptides substance P and neurokinin
important role in thermoregulation. Cannabinoids regulate A, after which sensory nerves become insensitive to heat and
body temperature in a dose-dependent manner, with high noxious chemical stimuli and lose their ability to release pro-
doses decreasing heat production and causing hypothermia inflammatory mediators [75]. Depletion of membrane
[67]. High doses might result from chronic or excessive acute phospholipid phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate results
intake of phytocannabinoids or release of stored cannabi- from capsaicin-associated TRPV1 activation of Phospholipase
noids from lipids during periods of fasting or stress. Warm C [78,79]. Activation of TRPV1 from capsaicin results in
water hydrotherapy decreases sympathetic nervous system receptor down-regulation from endocytosis and lysosomal
activation resulting in decreased heart rate and blood pres- degradation. Desensitization is also enhanced by increased
sure in human subjects [68,69]. A “cutaneous steal” syndrome calcium-dependent calmodulin and calcineurin activity
is another theory, in which cutaneous vasodilation from [80–82]. Capsaicin causes degeneration of nociceptive fibers,
external heating alters core temperature and diverts splanch- leading to desensitization [83].
nic circulation, lessening abdominal discomfort [70]. Thermal hyperalgesia, or increased sensitivity to heat, is
In the 1970s, Szolcsanyi [35] reported that application of commonly associated with inflammatory pain. In animal
capsaicin resulted in a decrease in body temperature in cats. models, genetic deletion of TRPV1 eliminates thermal hyper-
This response was absent in capsaicin-desensitized animals. algesia induced by inflammation [84]. Thermal hyperalgesia
This hypothermic effect was due to a coordinated physio- may result from higher expression of TRPV1 at the RNA and
logical response consisting of vasodilation, salivation, pant- protein level, and increased sensitivity or activity of TRPV1
ing, and reduced metabolic rate. These results were receptors [75,85–88]. Based on these findings, cannabinoid
confirmed in several later studies using different species hyperemesis syndrome patients may have lower than normal
[71–73]. Certain experimental TRPV1 antagonists, such as expression of TRPV1 receptors from gene polymorphisms and
AMG 517, cause hyperthermia, which in some cases may feel cold even when normothermic. Genetic polymorphisms
reach dangerous levels in humans [74]. Based on the hypo- of CB1 increase the likelihood of cyclic vomiting syndrome
thermic effect of TRPV1 activation, it seems unlikely that the [89]. These effects of these abnormal genotypes may be syn-
improvement in symptoms of cannabinoid hyperemesis syn- ergistic with excessive cannabinoid stimulation of CB1 recep-
drome from hot showers or baths represents a solely tem- tors in the temperature-regulating areas of the
perature-related effect to counter cannabinoid-induced hypothalamus. Genetic polymorphisms such as these may
hypothermia. also explain why only a minority of chronic cannabis users
develop cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome.
The concept of diffuse noxious inhibitory controls repre-
Table 1. Hydrotherapy (>43  C) for cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome: sum- sents another potential explanation for the beneficial effect
mary of potential molecular and neurohumoral effects. of heat and topical capsaicin on acute episodic cannabinoid
Cutaneous thermoceptor and TRPV1 activation [25,39,41,42,75,84] hyperemesis syndrome. Diffuse noxious inhibitory controls
Reversal of hypothalamic cannabinoid-induced hypothermia [10,11,66,67]
Decreased HPA-axis and sympathetic nervous system activation [68,69] are central nervous system mechanisms controlling spinal–
Restoration of DNIC balance [90–96] medullary–spinal inhibition of noxious stimuli, such as pain
“Cutaneous steal” syndrome [70] and itch, in which these stimuli are suppressed by stimuli
Stimulation of somatostatin [24,107–112]
Stimulation of PACAP [113–119] remote from the origin [90]. Diffuse noxious inhibitory con-
Depletion/inhibition of CGRP [120–130] trols are triggered by activation of peripheral nociceptors
Restoration of CB1/TRPV1 balance [45–65] transmitting sensation via C- and Ad-fibers, inhibiting noxious
TRPV1: transient receptor potential vanilloid-1; HPA: hypothalamic–pituitary– stimuli from any part of the body [90]. Clinical studies indi-
adrenal; DNIC: diffuse noxious inhibitory controls; PACAP: pituitary adenylate-
cyclase activating polypeptide; CGRP: calcitonin gene-related peptide; CB1: cate that fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome patients
cannabinoid receptor 1. have dysfunctional diffuse noxious inhibitory controls [91,92].

The application of heat >43  C or topical capsaicin can evoke The authors of these studies postulated capsaicin may block
diffuse noxious inhibitory controls in human subjects the transport and synthesis of substance P from sensory C-
[90,93–95]. Endocannabinoids enhance diffuse noxious inhibi- and Ad-fibers leading to the medullary chemoreceptor trigger
tory controls, especially during periods of stress [96]. Excessive zone. This antiemetic effect from TRPV1 activation also repre-
phytocannabinoids and associated metabolites released during sents the most logical explanation for improvement in canna-
periods of stress and fasting in cannabinoid hyperemesis syn- binoid hyperemesis syndrome symptoms from hot showers/
drome patients may overwhelm this intrinsic balance, leading baths greater than 43  C and topical capsaicin treatment.
to diffuse noxious inhibitory controls impairment in the form
of nausea and abdominal discomfort. It is possible hot show-
ers or topical capsaicin may reverse this imbalance. Somatostatin
TRPV1 receptors appear to be involved in gastric protection
“Sensocrine” antimetic effects and modulation of inflammation [25]. Capsaicin stimulation
of these receptors results in the release of somatostatin, a
Nausea and emesis may be initiated by calcium-dependent peptide hormone with anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory
release of multiple neurotransmitters from the gastrointes- properties [107]. Somatostatin suppresses the release of
tinal tract or the brainstem, activating several different pro- gastrointestinal hormones gastrin, cholecystokinin, secretin,
emetic receptors, such as dopaminergic D2, histaminergic H1, ghrelin, motilin, vasoactive intestinal peptide, gastric inhibi-
serotonergic 5-HT3, cholinergic M1, and tachykininergic NK1 tory polypeptide, and the pancreatic hormones insulin and
[97,98]. Capsaicin may also be effective for treatment of can- glucagon [108–110]. Somatostatin increases the rate of gas-
nabinoid hyperemesis syndrome from antiemetic effects tric emptying, and reduces gastrointestinal smooth muscle
unrelated to thermosensation (Table 2). contraction and blood flow [106]. Capsaicin protects against
Activation of capsaicin-sensitive nociceptors is associated indomethacin- and ethanol-associated gastropathy, reduces
with a novel neurohumoral regulatory “sensocrine” function, gastric acid output, and increases gastric emptying [111].
with subsequent release of several other neuropeptides such Capsaicin-induced release of somatostatin may be beneficial
as substance P, neurokinin A, somatostatin, pituitary adenyl- in cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome patients because of
ate-cyclase activating polypeptide, and calcitonin gene- these inhibitory effects on the gastrointestinal tract.
related peptide [99]. There is a complex interdependence Capsaicin improves esophageal peristalsis and reduces dis-
and synergism in the antiemetic and nociceptive mechanisms tention in healthy human subjects, which may mitigate nau-
mediated by transient receptor potential receptors for these sea and emesis [112].
neuropeptides, as well as histamine, acetylcholine, and sero-
tonin (Figure 1) [100,101].
Pituitary adenylate-cyclase activating polypeptide

Tachykinins Pituitary adenylate-cyclase activating polypeptide is another

peptide hormone released from capsaicin-sensitive receptors.
Capsaicin and other TRPV1 agonists have antiemetic effects Pituitary adenylate-cyclase activating polypeptide stimulates
from depletion and inhibition of the tachykinin peptides sub- enterochromaffin-like cells in the gastrointestinal tract
stance P and neurokinin A in the spinal cord, vagus nerve, [113,114]. It also modulates psychogenic and metabolic stress
and medulla oblongata [102,103]. The medulla oblongata is response by activating catecholamine secretion and biosyn-
especially important in this regard, as it contains several thesis in the adrenal medulla [115]. Pituitary adenylate-
nuclei involved in the regulation of nausea and emesis, such cyclase activating polypeptide acts as an emergency
as the chemoreceptor trigger zone (area postrema), nucleus response peptide and is required for survival by promoting
tractus solitarius, and central pattern generator [97]. In sev- gluconeogenesis to counter life-threatening hypoglycemia
eral trials, capsaicin applied at acupressure points prevented [116]. Genetic variations in the pituitary adenylate-cyclase
post-operative nausea and vomiting for patients undergoing activating polypeptide receptor have been implicated in mal-
abdominal, thyroid, and middle ear surgery [103–106]. adaptive responses to stress, anxiety, and fear, and are
believed to be important factors in the development of post-
Table 2. Topical capsaicin treatment for cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome: traumatic stress disorder [117–119]. Thus, stimulation of pitu-
summary of potential molecular and neurohumoral effects. itary adenylate-cyclase activating polypeptide may be
Shift in TRPV1 temperature activation threshold [25,26,28,75] another benefit of capsaicin treatment, in that fasting and
“Desensitization” or “defunctionalization” of nociceptors [22,23,25,35,74–78]
TRPV1 and CB1 polymorphisms and down-regulation [70,80–89]
emotional stress has been reported as a common precipitant
Restoration of DNIC imbalance [90–96] of acute episodes of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome in
Depletion/inhibition of substance P, neurokinin A [101–106] genetically predisposed individuals [10,11,53].
Stimulation of somatostatin [25,107–112]
Stimulation of PACAP [113–119]
Depletion/inhibition of CGRP [120–130]
Inhibition of histamine, acetylcholine, and serotonin [131–147] Calcitonin gene-related peptide
Restoration of CB1/TRPV1 balance [45–65]
Calcitonin gene-related peptide, a potent peptide vasodilator,
TRPV1: transient receptor potential vanilloid-1; DNIC: diffuse noxious inhibitory
controls; PACAP: pituitary adenylate-cyclase activating polypeptide; CGRP: calci- is produced in peripheral and central neurons and is involved
tonin gene-related peptide; CB1: cannabinoid receptor-1. in pain transmission. Although not found to have a direct

Figure 1. Potential therapeutic neurohumoral effects of hydrotherapy (>43  C) and topical capsaicin for cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome at anatomic structures
involved in nausea and emesis. TRPV1: transient receptor potential vanilloid-1; SNS: sympathetic nervous system; HPA: hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal; DNIC: diffuse
noxious inhibitory controls; PACAP: pituitary adenylate-cyclase activating polypeptide; CGRP: calcitonin gene-related peptide; (þ): activation; (): inhibition; ":
increase; #: decrease; ?: unclear. (Adapted from medical images freely available through creative commons license from Blausen Medical Communications,
WikiJournal of Medicine.)

pro-emetic effect, calcitonin gene-related peptide is an versus non-migraine subjects [130]. This further demonstrates
important factor in the genesis and duration of migraine and that topical capsaicin has both local and systemic effects
cluster headaches, which are frequently accompanied by nau- which may explain its potential benefit for treatment of can-
sea and emesis [120]. Topical and intranasal capsaicin has nabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. It is possible that capsaicin-
been used successfully for prophylaxis and treatment of induced depletion of calcitonin gene-related peptide and
migraine and cluster headaches [121–124]. There is a high tachykinins may also have a role in its antiemetic effect in
prevalence of concomitant migraine headache in patients cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome [10,11,52,53].
with cyclic vomiting syndrome [52]. Cannabinoid hyperemesis
syndrome is considered to be a variant of cyclic vomiting
syndrome, which some researchers describe as an
Histamine, acetylcholine, and serotonin
“abdominal migraine” [52,125,126]. TRPV1 receptors are Histamine and TRPV1 receptors are co-expressed in sensory
expressed by inner ear ganglion cells, and intracranial blood neurons, and primary afferent C-fibers are sensitive to hista-
vessels are innervated by trigeminal sensory nerve fibers, mine and capsaicin [131,132]. One-time topical capsaicin
which store and release calcitonin gene-related peptide, sub- application often evokes pruritus, whereas repeated applica-
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