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SciFinder assignment
(25 points)


1. Using SciFindern, to determine how many documents are in the CAplus and MEDline
database that have the concept “enantioselective resolution by an esterase” found
anywhere in the document.
a. List the number of documents determined to have the “best” relevance, “good” relevance
and “fair” relevance (just the number, not the actual titles!)
b. Filter the results for “journal articles” in English with the “best” relevance, give the
reference for the document that has been cited the most in that category.
c. Refine your search within the filtered results in part b to include the search term
“porcine”. List the references for the papers listed.


2. Using SciFindern, determine how many documents are present in the CAplus and Medline
databases that have an author with the same last name as you do. If there are more than
100, then refine the list to a single initial or name and use that subset.
a. Which year had the most publications from that list?
b. List the name of the author who has the most publications from that list and the number
of listed publications.


3. Using the substance identifier search program, find the chemical identity of a component of
“vitamin @“ where @= one of the initials of your name. Some will be single compounds,
others may be multiple compounds. Some can be obtained by adding a number after the
letter (like B1 or D3). Generally, some digging in SciFinder and Google will uncover the
components. Continue the exercise with a component that has a drawable chemical
structure. Some vitamins just don’t have anything drawable. You can switch to the next
nearest letter.
a. What is the CAS number of the component you have identified?
b. Draw the structure of the component you have identified.
c. How many references refer to the component you have chosen?


4. Using SciFindern drawing editor, draw the structure of the compound shown below, a
common monoterpene added to CBD oils, and search for substances with that structure.
1. What is the CAS number and common name for the result that has the most commercial
2. How many commercial suppliers are there for this substance?
3. Select the reactions for that substance. Filter the results for reactions where the
substance plays the role of product. Draw the starting material and product for the most
commonly occurring scheme from those reactions.

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