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Importance of Unfair Marriages for the wellbeing of


It is important to gauge the awareness levels of the people regarding their conceptual
constructs and definition of unfair marriages. Marriages are decided by parents followed by
the patriarchs of the immediate family i.e. brothers, uncles, grandfathers etc.
Forced marriages and violence against women is the result of a mentality existing in
patriarchal societies whereby man has the upper hand over the woman. Women are deemed
as commodities and used as a means to settle tribal disputes.
The constitution of Pakistan clearly states that “Islam shall be the State religion of Pakistan”
no law can be enacted that contradicts the basic teachings of Quran and Sunnah (Constitution
of Pakistan 1973).
Local and international media widely reported the handing over of 13 girls aged between four
and sixteen from one tribe to another to settle a feud. The girls will be forced to marry
members of the tribe to which they are given to as restitution for the murder of a member of
the second tribe (Habib, 2012).
Females tend to suffer in silence as they are not only scared of dire consequences if they were
to seek help rather they themselves also want to avoid the social shame that comes with
narrating personal problems to a “third” party.
Renowned writer Fauzia Saeed reported a fatwa announced in the mosque of a small town
Noshki, in the region of Balochistan, that any woman using a cell phone will have acid
thrown in her face. (Mahjar-Barducci, 2012), hence this shows how religion is used to
implement such unlawful activities.
Community leaders shall play their role in shaping community behaviour via speaking
against this social evil and supporting the victim. Men need to made aware regarding the
rights women have ordained by religion as in the backdrop of a patriarchal society, the
awareness of men is most necessary. Awareness program needs to be organized especially for
men whereby they are educated and informed regarding the rights of women.
The use of religion especially to advocate the rights of women prescribed by religion i.e. right
to marriage with consent, inheritance rights and the harmonious conduct that needs to be
maintained with the wives, daughters, etc. will be very valuable. With a prevalent sentiment
that the concept of “women rights” serves western agendas and is aimed at corrupting the
social values of the local communities, the best way to speak to the local communities is in a
language they are willing to listen to and also hold reverence for. Thus, advocating women
rights through Islamic teaching with a focus on marriage with consent and the responsibilities
the religion levies on the husband towards his wife need to be propagated. Incidents from the
Prophet Muhammad’s (P.B.U.H) life can be narrated as his behavior towards his wife and
daughters was one of unmatched kindness and love.

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