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Date: 11th June, 2020

Mini-Project for CPL103 [10 Marks]

The evaluation criteria for Mini-Project as a part of practical assessment. The following given
topics should include in their mini-project for the assessment purpose.

Sl. No. Topic Mark Allocation

1. GUI 2
2. Event Handling 2
3. Logic (Algorithm) 2
4. Exception Handling (Validation) 2
5. Modularity (User defined packages) 1
6. Documentation (Comments inside the 1
Total Marks= 10

Task 1)
• Select the Topic which covers all the given topics. However, your topic must be
different from other friends. Submit the topic latest by 14th June, 2020, 12 Hours.
• Submit your topic using following Google sheet link:

Task 2)
• Start your Mini-Project w.e.f. 14th June, 2020
• Submission of Mini-Project (2 Weeks duration) : 28th June, 2020.
• Submission Type: Zipped all the files and submit through VLE.

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