Purpose of Irradiation

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Irradiation is a recent food preservation method (Urbain, 1978). Ionizing radiation, usually
gamma rays, can kill microorganisms in food and influence specific physiological processes in
vegetable and fruit products. Food irradiation (controlled application of ionizing radiation such
as x-rays, gamma rays, electron beam, etc.) refers to improve hygiene, safety and to reduce
microbial load in order to extend the shelf life of perishable food products. Gamma irradiation is
considered as effective method of food processing to reduce microbial load and to extend the
shelf life of product without any detrimental effect on food quality. The use of ionizing radiation
in foods has been approved for gamma-rays (from 60Co or 137
Cs sources), X-rays, and electron
beam. Although all these processing techniques can ultimately break chemical bonds, remove
electrons (forming ions, free radicals, or reactive oxygen species), and induce water radiolysis
(Smith et al., 2004), the type of radiation used can potentially alter the processing outcome of the
irradiated material (Kikuchi et al., 2003). Ionizing radiation has been reported to affect the
cellular antioxidant status through the induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in living tissue
(Choe et al., 2005). This oxidative stress can have an impact on the nutritional components of
foods such as fruits and vegetables. Ionizing radiation can cause a stress that may affect the
secondary metabolism of fresh produce. Recent work has shown that ionizing radiation may
increase quercetin levels in onions (Patil et al., 1999), anthocyanins in strawberries (Breitfellner
et al., 2002), flavanones in grapefruits (Vanamala et al., 2003), and other phenolic compounds in
oranges (Dubery et al., 1992) and mushrooms (Benoit et al., 2000). International agencies
including IAEA, FAO and WHO concluded that irradiation of any food commodity up to a dose
of 10 kGy exhibits no health risks (WHO report, 1981; Diehl, 2002).

Radiation of wavelengths less than 200 nm, such as ultraviolet light, X-rays, gamma rays, alpha
particles, beta particles and cosmic rays are called ionizing rays and are of importance in food
preservation. These radiations have sufficient energy to ionize molecules in their path. They
destroy microorganisms in foodstuffs without rising the temperature, hence the irradiation
process is termed as cold sterilization.
Purpose of Irradiation:

1. It can be used as an alternative to chemical fumigation to control insects in foods such as

spices and fruits and vegetables.
Shafi Ahmed, Senior Lecturer, Department of Nutrition & Food Engineering, DIU
2. To inhibit sprouting or other self-generating mechanisms of deterioration.
3. To destroy vegetative cells of microorganisms including those that might cause human
disease. These results in an increase in safety and shelf life.

The main advantages of irradiation are as follows:

 There is little or no heating of the food and therefore negligible change to sensory
 Packaged and frozen foods may be treated
 Fresh foods may be preserved in a single operation, and without the use of chemical
 Energy requirements are very low
 Changes in nutritional value of foods are comparable with other methods of food
 Processing is automatically controlled and has low operating costs.

A major disadvantage is the high capital cost of irradiation plant,

Why Irradiate?
 Low Dose (<1 kGy)
 Control insects
 Inhibit maturation
 Inhibit sprouting
 Medium Dose (1-10 kGy)
 Extend shelf life
 Reduce microorganism level
 High Dose (> 30 kGy)
 Sterilize - analogous to canning
 Decontaminate certain food additives, e.g., spices

What Can Irradiation Do?

 Prevent Food Poisoning By Reducing
 E. Coli )157:H7 (Beef)
 Salmonella (Poultry)
 Campylobacter (Poultry)
 Parasites
 Prevent Spoilage by Destroying Molds, Bacteria and Yeast
 Control Insects and Parasite Infestation
 Increase Shelf Life by Slowing Ripening of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Shafi Ahmed, Senior Lecturer, Department of Nutrition & Food Engineering, DIU
Forms of Energy:

There are several forms of radiant energy emitted from different sources. These belong to the
electromagnetic spectrum of radiations and differ in wavelength, frequency, penetrating power,
and the effects they have in biological systems. Some of these forms of radiant energy and their
bactericidal effects are indicated in table:

Shafi Ahmed, Senior Lecturer, Department of Nutrition & Food Engineering, DIU
Mechanism of Action of Radiations:
Ionizing radiations penetrate the food to varying degrees depending on the nature of the food and
the characteristics of radiations. Gumma radiations have greater penetrating power than beta
particles but the latter have greater ability to ionize molecules. Electron beams of higher energy
also have grater penetrating and ionizing power. When ionizing radiations pass through foods,
breaking of chemical bonds occur resulting in the formation of ion pairs and free radicals. The
reaction of these species with other molecules provides the mechanism of alteration food
constituents, enzymes and microorganisms.

Radiation Effects:
1. Direct Effects:

In the case of living cells and tissues, destructive effects and mutations from radiation were
originally thought to be due primarily to direct contacts of high-energy rays and cells.

A change in the color or texture of a food would be due to direct collision of a gamma ray or
high-energy beta particle with a specific pigment or protein molecule.

2. Indirect effects:

Shafi Ahmed, Senior Lecturer, Department of Nutrition & Food Engineering, DIU
When radiations colliding with a cell or specific food molecule would produce ion pairs and free
radicals, same thing occurs when high-energy radiations pass through water. Water molecules
are altered to yield highly reactive hydrogen and hydroxyl radicals.

H2O •H + • OH
These radicals can react with each other, with dissolved O 2 in the water, and with many other
organic and inorganic molecules and ions that may be dissolved or suspended in the water.

Thus two hydroxyl radicals upon combining form hydrogen peroxide,

Hydrogen peroxide is strong oxidizing agent and a biological poison. Hydroxyl and hydrogen
radicals are strong oxidizing and reducing agents, respectively. They can enter also into reaction
with organic materials and grossly alter molecular structure.

In food irradiation preservation, the primary goal is to inactivate undesirable microorganisms and
enzymes while producing minimum changes in other food constituents. Microorganisms and
enzymes can be inactivated by direct hits from radiations as well as by indirect effects. Other
food constituents, largely in aqueous solution, are largely affected by indirect effects from free
radicals produced during radiolysis of water.

Limiting indirect effects:

Efforts to limit the indirect effects of radiations have been largely directed at minimizing free
radical formation from water and reaction of free radicals with food constituents. Three
approaches that have had varying degrees of success,

1. Irradiation in the frozen state. Free radicals are produced even in frozen water, though
possibly to a lesser extent.

Shafi Ahmed, Senior Lecturer, Department of Nutrition & Food Engineering, DIU
2. Irradiation under in a vacuum or under inert atmosphere. As indicated earlier, a hydrogen
radical reaction with oxygen will produce highly oxidative peroxide radical. Peroxide
radicals produce hydrogen peroxide. By removing O2 from the system, such reactions can
be minimized and food constituents are more protected.
3. Addition of free radical scavengers. Addition of ascorbic acid and certain other materials
to food results in consumption of free radicals through reaction.

Dose-Determining Factors:
When the purpose of irradiation is food preservation, the choice of dosage must take into account
several factors. The most important of these include:

1. Safety and wholesomeness of the treated food,

2. Resistance of the food to organoleptic quality damage.
3. Resistance of microorganisms.
4. Resistance of food enzymes
5. Cost.

Shafi Ahmed, Senior Lecturer, Department of Nutrition & Food Engineering, DIU
Safety and Wholesomeness of Irradiated Food:
1. Effects of irradiation treatments on the nutrient value of foods.
2. Possible production of toxic substances from irradiation.
3. Possible production of carcinogenic substances in irradiated foods.
4. Possible production of harmful radioactivity in irradiated food

Irradiation does not result in an unsafe product, particularly at the low doses now being
considered for pasteurization, insect control, and sprouting inhibition.

Shafi Ahmed, Senior Lecturer, Department of Nutrition & Food Engineering, DIU

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