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Assistant in Prosecution Directorate 2018


BPS-16 (2018)
The answers of questions marked with * are subject to change with time

The demand of separate electorate for Indian Muslims was first accepted in the Act of:

A. 1909
B. 1919
C. 1935
D. None of these

The provincial government of Congress resigned and All-India Muslim League as a mark of
relief observed the “Day of Deliverance” on:

A. 22 Oct, 1939
B. 22 Nov, 1939
C. 22 Dec, 1939
D. None of These

The Lahore Resolution was amended and Pakistan was made an integral part of League’s
objective. The amendment was made in the Annual session (1941) of All India Muslim
League, which was held at:

A. Karachi
B. Lahore
C. Madras
D. None of these

Ch. Rahmat Ali, the architect of the name of Pakistan, died on:

A. Feb 2, 1951
B. Feb 12, 1951
C. Feb 22, 1951
D. None of these

Liaquat Ali Khan, the first Prime Minister of Pakistan, while addressing a meeting at
Rawalpindi was assassinated on:
A. Oct 6, 1951
B. Oct 16, 1951
C. Oct 26, 1951
D. None of these

The Legal Frame Work Order,which amended a constitution of Pakistan unilaterallly was
issued by: 

A. Yahya Khan
B. Ayub Khan
C. Zia-ul-Haq
D. None of thses

Durand Line,which divided the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan is as long as:

A. 2252 Km
B. 2262 Km
C. 2272 Km
D. None of these

Which mountain range  is located between China and Pakistan:

A. Siwaliks
B. Hindu Kush Range
C. Great Himaliyas
D. None of these

What is the total area of Pakistan (Sq Km):

A. 695095
B. 795095
C. 796096
D. None of these

The Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD) was established among Pakistan, Iran
and Turkey in 1964 and was annulled in:

A. 1969
B. 1979
C. 1989
D. None of these
The resolution of non-cooperation with British Government was passed in the meeting of
All India National Congress in 1920, which was held at:

A. Madras
B. Bombay
C. Nagpur
D. Calcutta

The Simon Commission arrived in Indian on:

A. 3rd February, 1927

B. 3rd February, 1928
C. 3rd February, 1929
D. None of these

The British Prime Minister Ramsay Macdonald announced the Communal Award in 1932 at
the end of:

A. First Round Table Conferrence

B. Second Round Table Conferrence
C. Third Round Table Conferrence
D. None of these

All India Muslim League observed the “Direct Action Day” on:

A. August 6, 1944
B. August 6, 1945
C. August 6, 1946
D. August 16, 1946

Objective Resolution was passed by the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on:

A. March 12,1947
B. March 12, 1948
C. March 12, 1949
D. None of these

With regard the division of power between Federation and Provinces the constitution of
Pakistan (1962) was provided with:
A. Single list of subjects
B. Two lists of subjects
C. Three lists of subjects
D. None of these

The height of Pakistan’s highest mountain Pak-Godwin Austin is as high as:

A. 26,250 ft
B. 27,250 ft
C. 28,250 ft
D. None of these

_________ is a landlocked country.

A. Bangladesh
B. Myammar
C. Nepal
D. Sri-Lanka

The capital city of Kenya is __________.

A. Nairobi
B. Entebbe
C. Cairo
D. Port Louis

The Planet which comes close to the size of Earth is ____________.

A. Venus
B. Jupiter
C. Saturn
D. Mercury

A narrow passage of water that connects two large bodies or water is known as

A. Bay
B. Isthmus
C. Strait
D. Archipelago
Which of the following Planets is the brightest?

A. Mercury
B. Mars
C. Jupiter
D. Venus

At which particular place on earth are day and nights of equal length always?

A. Prime Meridian
B. Poles
C. Equator
D. Nowhere

Ozone layer is present in

A. Stratosphere
B. Troposphere
C. Tomosphere
D. Exosphere

What is the unit of measurement of the distance of the stars from the earth?

A. Fathems
B. Kilometers
C. light years
D. Nautical miles

The Intereational Date Line is

A. 180 degree longitude

B. the equator
C. 90 degree east longitude
D. 0-degree longitude

Which one of the following is not an astronomical object?

A. Pulsar
B. Brittle Star
C. Black Hole
D. Quasar
The 38th parallel seperates

A. North Vietnam from South Vietnam

B. South Korea from North Korea
C. Hungary from Serbia
D. Afghanistan from Uzbekistan

The only land-locked country in South-East Asia is

A. Laos
B. Thailand
C. Malaysia
D. Kampuchea

Savana is a

A. Desert
B. Forest
C. Grassland
D. Snowclad mountains

Ozone layers absorb

A. infrared rays
B. ultraviolet rays
C. all radiations from the sun
D. cosmic rays

Humidity in the air is measured in a

A. Barometer
B. Electrometer
C. Hygrometer
D. Hydrometer

Which of the following is known as ‘golden fiber’?

A. Silk
B. Egyptian
C. Jute
D. Manila hemp
The process which leads to the formation of clouds is known as

A. Evaporation
B. Condensation
C. Cloud-transpiration
D. precipitation

These two books are called ‘Sahibaia’

A. Bukhari Sharif, IbneMaja

B. Bukhari Sharif, Muslim Sharif
C. Bukhari Sharif, IbneDawood
D. Muta, IbneMaja

Imam Bukhari was born in :

A. 194 A.H
B. 180 A.H
C. 190 A.H
D. 210 A.H

Which Prophet has been called as Zun-Noon in the Holy Quran?

A. Hazrat Yousaf (A.S)

B. Hazrat Younas (A.S)
C. Hazrat Issa (A.S)
D. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)

She was alive at the time of Karbala Tragedy:

A. Ayesha(R.A)
B. Hafsa(R.A)
C. Mamoona(R.A)
D. Umm-e-Salma(R.A)

AL-Azhar Mosque was completed in :

A. 920 AD
B. 972 AD
C. 980 AD
D. 985 AD
He is called as Sani as -Nain:

A. Hazrat Nub (A.S)

B. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A)
C. Hazrat Yahya (A.S)
D. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)

He lived zakat on horses:

A. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

B. Hazrat Umar (R.A)
C. Hazrat Usman (R.A)
D. Hazrat Ali (R.A)

King Herodotus ordered the execution of the behest of dancer sloma

A. Hazrat Issa (A.S)

B. Hazrat Yahya (A.S)
C. Hazrat Zakariya (A.S)
D. Hazrat Loot (A.S)

Which is the 4th month of the Islamic year?

A. Muharram
B. Rabi us Sani
C. Shawal
D. Shaban

Name the first Abbasid Caliph:

A. Saleh bin Abdullah

B. Abbas Saffin
C. Marwan
D. Abbas bin Ali

Name the first Muslim ruler who established Navey:

A. Hazrat Umar (R.A)

B. Hazrat Usman (R.A)
C. Hazrat Ali (R.A)
D. Hazrat Muswiya (R.A)

Who was called Abul Bashar Sani?

A. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)

B. Hazrat Nuh (A.S)
C. Hazrat Adam (A.S)
D. Hazrat Musa (A.S)

Which “Surah” was the first to be revealed upon Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW)?

A. Surah”al-Alaq”
B. Surah”al-Fatah”
C. Surah”al-Falak”
D. Surah”al-Nisa”

Name the person whose house became the centre of preaching of Islam?

A. Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)

B. Hazrat Usman (R.A)
C. Hazrat Arqam (R.A)
D. Hazrat Talha (R.A)

How many years after the birth of Holy Prophet (SAW), Aamina (R.A) died?

A. Six years
B. Eight years
C. Ten years
D. Two years

When did the second migration to Habshah take place?

A. 605 A.D
B. 615 A.D
C. 630 A.D
D. 620 A.D

Select the correct option:

Autocracy is government by

A. One person
B. Self
C. President
D. None

Carnivorous refers to the one who lives on

A. Corn
B. Flesh
C. Both
D. None

Fastidious means the one who is very

A. Slim
B. Concerned about accuracy and detail
C. Troublesome
D. cruel in one’s taste

Fragile means easily

A. Broken
B. Handled
C. Carried
D. Taken

Infallible refers to the one who is free from all

A. cares & mistakes

B. cares & failures
C. mistakes & failures
D. Worries & troubles

Utilization refers to the one who looks at the _______ side of things

A. Useful
B. Helpful
C. Personal
D. Powerful
Incredible means something that cannot be

A. Heard
B. Spoken
C. Believed
D. Conveyed

Identify the opposite word:


A. Thin
B. Slim
C. Light
D. Less


A. Green
B. Grassy
C. Fertile
D. All


A. Prompt
B. Rapid
C. Stale
D. Active


A. Friendly
B. Refined
C. Tame
D. Polite


A. shock
B. Disnay
C. Reassure
D. Outrage


A. Advantage
B. Favorable
C. Counteract
D. None


A. Consistent
B. Variegated
C. Uniform
D. Equal


A. Horizontal
B. Plain
C. Smooth
D. Straight

Choose the correct meaning of underlined words:

He’s the boss’s blue eyed boy and favourable enjoys all benefits

A. Favourite
B. Clever
C. Cunning
D. Intelligent

The ruin played havoc with the city’s drainage system

A. Blocked
B. Damaged
C. Overflowed
D. All

Successful people must be hard headed

A. Cruel
B. Brave
C. Clever
D. Careful

The project came to grief

A. Sorrow
B. Sadness
C. Difficulty
D. Unsuccessful

He served three terms before he fell from grace

A. faced punished
B. was imprisoned
C. was dismissed
D. lost privelege

Select the correct sentence:

A. Guilty must be punished

B. The Guilty must be punished
C. The Guilities must be punished
D. A Guiltied must be punished

Select the correct sentence:

A. He is honest worker.
B. He is the honest worker.
C. He is a honest Worker
D. He is an honest worker.

Select the correct sentence

A. Some students are interested but the majority don’t care

B. Some students are interested but the majority doesn’t care
C. Much students are interested but the majority don’t care
D. Few students are interested but the majority doesn’t care
Select the correct sentence

A. See, it hurts.
B. See it’s hurting
C. See,it is hurting
D. All

Select the correct sentence

A. I am thinking to change my living place

B. I am thinking of changing my living place
C. I’m thinking to change my living place
D. I’ve been thinking to change my living place

I looked at ___________  in the mirror.

A. Me
B. Mine
C. Minoself
D. Myself

She is married___________ a professor

A. With
B. To
C. By
D. For

I hope you will enjoy at the party next weekend because I won’t be able to be there________.

A. Mine
B. Myself
C. Yourself
D. Ourselves

They as well as I___________ fine.

A. Am
B. Is
C. Was
D. Were
Virtue is__________________ own reward.

A. Ones
B. Its
C. Hers
D. None

I’ll do it _____________ you help me

A. When
B. While
C. Provided
D. Until

_____________ hard you may try, you cannot beat him.

A. Much
B. However
C. Enough
D. Very

He is younger than_____________

A. Me
B. I
C. My
D. All

I am __________ than you.

A. Older
B. Elder
C. More old
D. Much elder

The mother____________ the picture on the wall.

A. Hanged
B. Hung
C. Hanging
D. All
She died two days_________

A. Before
B. Ago
C. Early
D. Late

Monkeys live ___________ trees.

A. On
B. Over
C. In
D. Above

I’ll come ______________ two days

A. In
B. After
C. Of
D. With

She swears ____________ God

A. Of
B. In
C. By
D. To

I’m getting late___________ office

A. From
B. For
C. To
D. In

Choose correct passive options:

Lizards Frighten me.

A. I am frightened by lizards
B. I am being frightened by lizards
C. I was frightened by lizards
D. I was being frightened by lizards

Do not rake up the past.

A. Let not the past be raked

B. Let not the past be raken
C. The past be not raked
D. None

He teaches us grammar.

A. Grammar is taught to us by
B. We are taught grammar by him
C. Grammar is being taught to us by him
D. Both a & b

Choose the correct indirect choice:

Napoleon said to the soldiers,”March forward.”

A. Napoleon told the soldiers that they should march forward

B. Napoleon ordered the soldiers that they should march forward
C. Napoleon commanded the soliders to march forward
D. Napoleon ordered the soldiers to march forward

The patient said,”Good morning,doctor.”

A. The patient Welcomed the Doctor

B. The patient greeted & welcomed the doctor
C. The patient greeted the doctor
D. None

He said to his boss, “Please,allow me leave for 2 days.”

A. He requested his boss to allowed him leave for 2 days

B. He requested his boss and told him to allow him leave for 2 days
C. He requested his boss to allow him leave for 2 days
D. All
Choose the wrong choice:

He used to visit us every week, but he rare comes now

A. To
B. Us
C. Rare
D. Now

If the pilot had been careless, the aeroplane shall have crashed

A. Had
B. Careless
C. Shall
D. Crashed

It started raining on Sunday and raining continuously for the last 24 hours

A. Raining
B. Raining
C. For
D. Hours

I know an old man who never leave the town in which he was born.

A. Know
B. Who
C. Leave
D. In Which

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