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Small-sized Church and Megachurch:

A Comparative Analysis with Special Reference to Acts 11:19-30


The church is significantly essential in the process of Christian growth. Every believer

is identified not only by their religion but also by the church to which they belonged. A

Christian feels the need to attend or be a member of a church organization. It is the reason

why different churches with different programs exist. It varies in terms of schedule, programs,

and sizes. Now, there are questions that many are asking. What are the differences between

those varieties of churches? Are they the same?

The Scripture is clear in defining that church talks about the people who became

sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be his holy people, and those who call on the name of our

Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 1:2). It talks about the people and not the building or

physical structure. So, the primary aspect that is being considered in this research is the size

spectrum of the people- the Evangelical Christians who are attending small-sized churches

and megachurches. Size is the most visible characteristic of a congregation, and it is a product

of the culture of that congregation.1 From here, the researcher will present several matters

with regards to the ministries or programs conducted by the two contingents.

Analyzing the culture of the churches is quite extensive, so the framework used is

based on Acts 11:19-30. This account narrates the beginning of the church at Antioch-Syria.

The ministries that the early church believers did are not the official “Core Values” of the

church, but these convictions and priorities determined their mission. Thus, the researcher

Lyle Schaller, The Very Large Church (Nashville: Abingdon Press 2000), 13.

formulated four factors of consideration based on this context, and they are as follows: (1)

Evangelism, (2) Encouragement, (3) Edification, and (4) Extending Help. To fully understand

these factors, let us describe each facet.

Firstly, evangelism is seen in Acts 11:20 as it tells how some of the believers who

were scattered at the time of Stephen’s martyrdom went to Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch,

taking the message of the gospel to Jews. But some of them came from Cyprus and Cyrene

(North Africa) to Antioch, and they began to preach the good news to the Hellenists.2 One

popular definition of evangelism is that of J. I. Packer, an Anglican theologian, which says


“To evangelize is to present Christ Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit, that men may
come to put their trust in God through Him, to accept Him as their Savior, and serve
Him as their King in the fellowship of His Church.”3

The main message of evangelism is Jesus Christ, and its central focus is on the

conversion of the people. This mandate is built into the Great Commission. It refers to all the

church efforts and activities to share the gospel in the form of outreach, local community

evangelism, church planting, or foreign missionary works.

Secondly, Acts 11:22-23 designates Barnabas as the one sent by Jerusalem church to

look into the situation, and upon seeing what the grace of God had done, he encouraged the

Greeks to be faithful to the Lord. The Greek word parekalei (παρεκάλει) was used in the text,

W. James Moorhead, The Reign of Christ and the Early Church (Metro Manila: Church Strengthening Ministry
1994), 39.
Elmer L. Towns, “Evangelism: The Why and How,” in Church Growth: State of the Art, cited in, Paul Seung-
oh An, 7 Key Principles of Dynamic Church Growth, (Makati, Philippines: Church Strengthening Ministry,
2002), 93.

and Strong’s Concordance defined it as “to call to or for, to exhort, to encourage.” The Bible

did not make detailed specifications on how Barnabas exhorted the Christians in Antioch.

However, based on his characteristics as a good man, and full of the Holy Spirit and faith, he

can be considered as a good counselor and support system who helped the Christians to

remain true to God. The Bible commands the believers to “encourage one another,” so it is the

role of the church to encourage others. It may come in various forms like counseling, prayer

support ministries, and fellowships.

The third aspect of ministry that the early church practiced is “Edification.” Acts

11:26 narrates how Paul and Barnabas stayed in Antioch for one year and conducted teaching

efforts for the believers there. Teaching is one of the most significant elements in the church

because it imparts the biblical truths to the people, and it supplies them life. This is how

Albert Grammage Jr. made an emphasis on the importance of teaching the Word of God:

“It takes a lot of hard work to help young plants to grow well. It is the same with new
converts. Our work is not finished when we lead people to trust Jesus as their Savior.
We must help them grow to be strong Christians. It takes a lot of teaching to prepare
them to be good church members. If we do not teach them, they will not grow up in
their faith; they will be spiritual babies all their lives. Baby Christians do not make
good church members.”4

The continuous preaching of the Word of God is the priority of the church. Also,

Sunday school classes and Bible Studies similarly provide substantial knowledge about the

biblical principles to the believers. The implementation of cell groups or discipleship groups

also became one of the most effective tools in the teaching aspect of the church. The small

group is the basic building block of the life of the local congregation and is fundamental to the

Albert W. Gammage, Jr., How to Plant a Church (Makati: Church Strengthening Ministry 1995), 51.

development of individual and corporate Christian life-style.5 All these teaching approaches

are helpful for the sake of educating and instructing the church members about biblical truths.

The final aspect of ministry seen in our framework is “Extending Help.” Acts 11:27-

30 talks of how the believers immediately wanted to help their fellow Jewish believers who

experienced famine in Judea. They delivered their gifts and relief provisions by sending Paul

and Barnabas to the church. The church is to minister to all kinds of needs: spiritual,

emotional, relational, and physical.6 Hence, the church holds the task of loving his neighbor

as himself by helping other believers in times of their need. It can take place through

community relief operations and aiding the needs of fellow believers.

What is a small-sized church?

According to Schaller, size is a revealing and useful frame of reference for examining

the differences among congregations in American Protestantism. the average weekly

attendance in worship is the most reliable yardstick to use in measuring size. So, he

formulated a simple five-category classification system based on church attendance in

America. He assumed that small-sized church has below 100 average worship attendance, the

midsized church has 101-350 attendance, the large church has 351 to 750, the very large

church has 751 to 1800, and lastly, megachurch has 1801 or more attendees.7 However, there

is no official bracket with regards to the church size categories in the Philippine Christian

John Mallison, Building Small Groups in the Christian community (England: SU Printing 1978), 7.
Rick Warren, The Purpose-Driven Church (Metro Manila: OMF Literature Inc. 1998), 104.
Schaller, The Very Large Church, 14-15

churches. But for the sake of the study, the researcher adopted the same format in clustering

the churches based on its size spectrum.

In the context of the New Testament church, Christians primarily met in a small group

or home setting. When the apostles finished preaching in the synagogues, they moved on to

more intimate home gatherings.8 Also, Apostle Paul writes: “Greet also the church that meets

at their house. . .” (Romans 16:5). Household churches became evident in the Book of Acts

and Epistles of Paul. Several people in the early church times were administered through this

kind of set-up.

To cite some examples, we recall how Peter went to Cornelius house (Acts 11:14);

Apostle Paul’s letter to Nympha and the church in her house (Colossians 4:15); and Paul’s

letter to Philemon addressing Apphia, Archippus, and the church in his house (Philemon 2). It

suggests that the early church was in a house church setting. Therefore, it is in a limited space

setting, and it implies that their number is often small. Mallison writes about how houses

became centers of worship:

“Luke describes two focal points in the Church’s mission: the temple (center and
symbol of the old which was even then passing away) and their home (center and
symbol of the new which was shortly to replace it) . . .They describe private houses as
centers of worship and hospitality, of Christian teaching and missionary

Moreover, Schaller mentions that one of the central characteristics of a small church is

its resemblance to an extended family.10 Some of the small churches in the Philippines are

Tony and Felicity Dale, and George Barn, The Rabbit & the Elephant: Why Small is the New Big for Today's
Church (Brentwood, Tennessee: Fedd and Company Inc., 2011), 14.
Mallison, Building Small Groups in the Christian community, 23.
Lyle Schaller, The Small-Membership Church: Scenarios For Tomorrow (Nashville: Abingdon Press 1994),

“family church,” which means that the members are closely related to each other. Members

are identified by kinship roles. Due to the numbers, people expect to find homogeneity within

the membership, and they share many things in common. It is in contrast with the big

churches with the growing congregation because they are often heterogeneous in nature

because of different groups, classes, and backgrounds. So, there is a sense of relationality in a

small-sized church because of its members.

In this type of church, there are few associates, but there are deeply dedicated

volunteers. It is an advantage of a small-membership congregation since it naturally tends to

be organized around relationships, not tasks or functions, or obligations. The work revolves

around volunteerism, unlike bigger churches with recruited staff. Also, Christians who are

under small-sized churches place importance on simplicity, local traditions, and attachments

to kinship ties.

Dale and Barna asserted that small churches should be multiplies rather than seeking

to be larger. They presented several reasons why churches should do so. The researcher notes

some of them: (1) Jesus ministered in homes, and much of the gospel narratives take place in

a home, (2) Most of the aspects of ministry are better in a small setting, and (3) Simple

churches allow the members of Jesus body to be fully functioning.11 The three details they

presented are considered as advantages of leading a small-sized church.

Dale and George Barn, The Rabbit & the Elephant: Why Small is the New Big for Today's, 15.

What is a Megachurch?

Hartford Institute for Religion Research defined the term "megachurch" as generally

refers to any Protestant Christian congregation with a sustained average weekly attendance of

2000 persons or more in its worship services, counting all adults and children at all its

worship locations.12 The word “mega” suggests that the church has a relatively very large or

huge number of attendees. In the Philippines, some famous Christian megachurches are Jesus

Is Lord Church Worldwide (JILCW), Christ's Commission Fellowship (CCF), and Victory

Christian Fellowship (simply known as Victory). Aside from the numbers, these churches are

characterized by having not only a single worship service, but multiple worship schedules.

Schaller emphasized that the reason why he wrote a book about the role and future of

the large church is because of cultural transformation. He asserted that American culture has

been equipping people to live in a world of big institutions. This new culture organized

around big institutions is governed by a different rule book from that which was used in the

old culture composed largely of small institutions.13 As a result, there is a rapidly growing

number of nondenominational megachurches in the world.

Other reasons why these churches attract many people are the convenience and

accessibility to the needs of the members and attendees. As mentioned above, there are many

schedules of worship services, and some megachurches conduct two to four services during

Sunday. This kind of program that the church offers creates convenience for the part of the

members. They can select whatever time they want to attend. Also, most megachurches are

Hartford Institute for Religion Research, Megachurch Definition,, (accessed 27 November 2020).
Schaller, The Very Large Church, 6.s

inside or near other establishments like malls. The location of the church also gives the

attendees easy access to their concerns and needs.

Moreover, megachurches in the Philippines also provides different programs that

interest Christians like seminars and training. Another thing is the preference of young people

to praise and worship music that is offered by megachurches. Besides, the rise of campus

ministries that is related to megachurches is a dominant factor why many are attending. The

greatest asset that megachurches possess is their size that makes them offer a broad range of

choices and mobilize more people to do the ministry. The church implements an organized

system and flow of information and activities.

Meanwhile, Warren emphasized several myths about growing churches by saying that

these rumors are circulated among pastors and church leaders, and in his book, he expressed

his dislike in designating big churches as “megachurches.” Some of the misconceptions he

mentioned in his book are the following: (1) The only thing that large churches care is about

attendance; (2) All large churches grow at the expense of smaller churches; and (3) You must

compromise the message and the mission of the church to grow.14 Schaller also mentioned

how other people critiques megachurches:

“The contemporary megachurch often can be described as a large worshiping

community surrounded by a ring of tourists seeking to experience it and a larger ring
of critics who enjoy articulating reservations and questions about the relevance and
viability of those very large congregations. These critics, and some of the tourists,
however, do raise questions that deserve serious consideration.”15

This kind of issue that rises should be correctly dealt with. If not, misconceptions will

continue to rule the minds of other Christians, which will lead them to think negatively about

Warren, The Purpose-Driven Church, 47-53.
Schaller, The Very Large Church, 122.

megachurches. Nevertheless, these churches are continuously catering to the needs of their

members and attendees. A megachurch is recommended for those who seek a bigger network

of acquaintances.

How a small-sized church does functions in terms of the four ministries mentioned in

Acts 11:19-30?

The small churches in the Philippines and abroad are not identical. All of them have

different church cultures, programs, and ministry focuses. For the sake of the study, the

researcher selected Looc Fundamental Baptist Church (LFBC), a small-sized church in

Calamba, Laguna, with 70 regular weekly attendance. To gather the information, the

proponent interviewed with the Program Coordinator of the church to determine how it

functions based on the four aspects of ministries.

LFBC gives strong emphasis on evangelism efforts to reach out to unbelievers. The

church employs different techniques like evangelism by individuals and by teams.16 They are

conducting outreach ministry for children in their locality and share the gospel with them.

Also, the church accommodates Korean missionaries who also practice house-to-house

evangelism. This activity is done with the participation of church leaders and members. The

church also started another outreach ministry in another barangay in Calamba. There is also

active involvement in foreign missions through monetary support and sending some members

to participate therein, and it is done every year.

An, 7 Key Principles of Dynamic Church Growth, 100-102.

In the aspect of encouragement, the three departments of the church (Youth, Men, and

Women) are actively conducting their fellowships weekly, and it serves as the leading form of

exhortation. Also, the church has an online communication platform where communication is

made, and the members can post their prayer concerns, and the entire church will pray for

these requests. Warren writes how the Saddleback Church always keep their communication

lines open:

“It is vital that clear lines of communication are established within your church.
People tend to be down on what they aren’t up on. Informed members are effective
members, whereas uninformed members, . . . Build redundancy into your
communication channels for disseminating congregational information.”17

The church initiates visitation, especially to those sick members and former members

who are not attending anymore. Counseling is an active ministry, particularly for the senior

pastor as he deals with the apprehensions of the members. It can be done in personal

approaches, so the members visit the pastor to ask for advice and assistance.

Thirdly, the church gives utmost emphasis on edification, that is, to the teaching of the

Word of God and its significance to the members. Preaching of the Word is done during

Prayer Meeting and Sunday Service, which last for 45-60 minutes. Different departments

have their own Sunday School classes (kids, juniors, and adults). Besides, the senior pastor is

reaching-out and teaching the members through Home Bible Study. Different houses of

members are visited three times a week. The church also conducts other forms of teaching,

like seminars once a month with various topics.

Warren, The Purpose-Driven Church, 327.

Based on the above activities, LFBC explores different forms of teaching approaches.

Gammage mentions that there are several methods a church can use in teaching. The

important thing that matters is whether it fit the people we are administering.18 For instance,

for old members who cannot travel to the church or some who were not able to attend the

worship service, the church can still teach the Word of God through other ways like home

bible studies or visitation.

With regards to the church’s act of extending help to others, they are giving support to

the members who were bereaved. During times of calamities, the church also participates in

relief operations by sending goods to the victims of natural disasters. They also give special

offerings to other churches who require financial assistance.

How a mega church does functions in terms of the four ministries mentioned in

Acts 11:19-30?

Same as with small-sized churches, the megachurches in the Philippines and other

countries vary depending on the ministry focuses, programs, and culture. For the research, the

proponent carefully chosen Victory Christian Fellowship- Calamba, which is known to be a

megachurch. It has four worship services during Sundays, and many people are attending. The

researcher inquired the church through a former-staff who provided the necessary information

needed for this study.

Victory Calamba conducts several activities in the area of evangelism. The church

puts effort in its campus ministry, which is known to be “Every Nation Campus Ministry.” It

Gammage, How to Plant a Church, 56.

is one of their mainstream ministries that is happening in different schools and universities in

Calamba City. The church sends “campus missionaries” who are in charge of sharing the

gospel to the students. They are well-trained and equipped to be in the position. Victory

Calamba has its department assigned to the planning and mobilization concerns for the

campus ministry.

Moreover, the church is involving in foreign missions together with other Victory

churches. The whole organization of Victory churches has this “Ten Days Mission” program

wherein they go to other countries for evangelism efforts. The involvement of Victory

Calamba is limited to sending their elders or other members to participate in foreign missions.

Before this, intensive training is done through the School of Campus Ministry. This kind of

ministry is accomplished not by Victory Calamba alone but in cooperation with other


Victory Calamba also has ongoing church planting activities as they are working to

establish another church in Cabuyao, Laguna. They also conduct seasonal activities like

giving something to certain individuals followed by the sharing of the gospel. The church

implements the program “Real Life Scholar,” wherein they are providing educational support

for selected people to evangelize the entire family.

Secondly, in the area of “Encouragement,” Victory Calamba implements small groups

called “Victory Group” (V-Group). Just like other megachurches, the church carries out this

format of growth group or fellowship groups, which is one of the newest and largest

developments in the Christian church. Mallison describes how these personal growth groups

create clear contact with fellow Christians:

“They are supportive groups where people share pressures, doubts, fears, successes,
failures, etc. Essentially, they are designed to find people who care enough to listen to
each other and who have enough genuine concern to provide support for one another,
particularly as they venture into new areas of openness in sharing of themselves.” 19

It is another main ministry of the church, and it is done weekly, or sometimes once or

twice in a month. The meetings vary depending upon the agreement of the leader and its

members. The discipleship ministry has its department led by a specific person.

The pastor administers the counseling process. The church handles this act carefully to

the point that when a woman is undergoing counseling under the guidance of the male pastor,

windows and doors are open to being seen by the staff. Dr. Harold Sala warned against

unethical behavior like sexual involvement as counseling often deals with volatile emotional

issues, which are, at times, sexual in nature.20 So, the church is practicing the right ethics and


Thirdly, in the aspect of “Edification,” the teaching of the Word of God is being

emphasized as well. The pastor preaches for about 30-45 minutes. Training and seminars with

different topics are often being conducted. There is no home Bible Study done by the pastor,

but through the V-Groups, other teachings are passed on to other church members.

Lastly, the church extends help to other people by giving financial assistance to those

who experienced the loss of their loved ones. There are also seasonal activities, like giving

some relief to tricycle drivers and victims of natural disasters.

Mallison, Building Small Groups in the Christian community, 40.
Harold J. Sala, Coffee Cup Counseling (Metro Manila: OMF Literature Inc., 1998), 106.

What are the similarities and difference between small and mega church with special

reference to Acts 11:19-30?

Beginning with the similarities between the small-sized church and megachurch in

terms of Evangelism, both implement different approaches in reaching out to the people. Both

churches conduct outreach, Church Planting, and involved in foreign missions. Also, they are

giving financial support for missionary works. Victory Calamba and LFBC are partnering

with other churches or agencies in sharing the gospel. Now, the varying factors the researcher

saw are the scope of ministry, consistency, and system. Because of its nature as a

megachurch, Victory has a wide range of ministries, as seen in their campus outreach

program, while LFBC is limited to a smaller group of people. Also, the first one has its

department that implements an organized system with more resources compared to the latter,

which has fewer human resources. However, there is more consistency in the conduct of

outreach of the small-sized church as it happens weekly and not occasionally.

Then, in the aspect of Encouragement, the small group program of Victory Calamba

helps communicate and reach out to its members. Consistent gatherings provide comfort and a

sense of belongingness among the group. Nevertheless, as mentioned earlier, small churches

resemble an extended family. In the case of LFBC, a stronger connection is holding the

members because of their close family relationships. Acquaintances in the small-sized church

build a deeper connection. Also, geographically speaking, the members are close to each

other. So, in times of practical or emotional needs, members can easily approach each other.

Moreover, the pastor plays a major role in encouraging the members. In the

megachurch, the leaders are the first-hand people dealing with their subordinates. Because of

the size spectrum, the pastor is being consulted only when there are special cases. In the

small-sized church set-up, most of the time, the pastor is directly dealing with the issues and

concerns of its members. It varies because of the number of church members and attendees.

Thirdly, being deeply rooted in Baptist background, LFBC emphasizes teaching the

doctrines. More time is allotting to preaching (45 – 60 minutes), compared to the other, which

designates 30-45 minutes preaching to the pastor. The proclamation of the Word of God is

done mainly by the pastor, same as in Victory Calamba, but it is not limited during worship

services. The pastor himself conducts Bible studies at the houses of the members. Sunday

School plays a significant role in educating the members from children to adults. Doctrinal

classes before baptism are given attention as well. Few dedicated members helped the pastor

in the teaching area.

In the megachurch, aside from the pastor’s preaching, the discipleship group acts as

the main agent to communicate and disseminate the teachings. There are trained leaders who

carefully minister to their assigned group, and also, they are guided by the pastor. The system

is very organized, and specific teaching materials are utilized. The church mobilizes its staff,

elders, and members to do the teaching efforts.

Lastly, in the area of Extending Help, both churches show consistent efforts in

reaching out to the communities, especially in times of calamities and death of members’

loved ones. Monetary support and goods are shared with them. In the case of LFBC as a

small-sized church, the members are not financially well-off, so they make extra-efforts by

giving special offerings for the above purposes. For Victory Calamba, the resources are

bigger, thus, the church can provide more for those who are in need.


Based on the information presented, the researcher concludes that there are several

similarities and differences between the small-sized church and megachurch about the

framework applied, which is Acts 11:19-30. Because of the size, that is, assumed to be based

on weekly church attendance, each church implements a different system that is relevant and

applicable to the culture and number of people. The programs that the churches implement

vary depending on the people they are ministering to. Also, the bigger the number, the more

personnel are needed to accomplish the ministry set by the church.

Megachurches possess a great advantage to utilize their available resources to fulfill

the four aspects of ministries mentioned. However, due to a large number of members and

attendees, the megachurch cannot accommodate to minister to each member in a more

personal way. The utilization of discipleship groups is valuable but not enough to reach all of

its attendees. Thus, the church should exert more effort to satisfy their needs through

Encouragement and Edification (teaching of the Word). This area is noticeably the strength of

a small-sized church because the smaller number of members makes the church to concentrate

on doing the internal duties of the church, which is already mentioned above, Encouragement

and Edification. The church can focus on providing the spiritual needs of the believers in a

deep and intimate approach. As seen in LFBC, the pastor can conduct visitation and bible

studies to deal with the primary needs of each member.

Meanwhile, the resources of the megachurches can be an opportunity to reaching out

to other people through Evangelism and Extending help. The evangelism ministry of Victory

Calamba is seen as wide in scope by utilizing its departments and staffs to do university-wide

outreach ministry. Also, with the funds of the church, they are capable to support the

education of other students, which is considered as an outreach ministry as well. On the other

hand, the limited resources of a small-sized church cannot make accomplished these kinds of


In different cases, the small-sized church and megachurch possess advantages and

disadvantages. However, these things are good opportunities to be developed and be the

church God designs to be. Each type of church can learn and adopt the system of the other for

the sole purpose of growth. Maybe there is no perfect church who can reach to all kinds of

people and cater to the needs of all its members. Nevertheless, the important thing is that the

church functions for the glory of God and acts based on the Word of God. The Christian

gospel provides the foundation and resources for every worshiping community, regardless of

size. Every kind of church that is built in a strong foundation where Christ is the Head

belongs to God. Warren concluded his book with his final advice:

“Don’t worry about the growth of your church. Focus on fulfilling the purposes of
your church. Keep watering and fertilizing and cultivating and weeding and pruning.
God will grow his church to the size he wants it, at the rate that’s best for your

Finally, every church is the body of Christ, and, since only one universal church

exists, we can accept the differences in the culture, strategies, and programs of small-sized

churches and megachurch. These make each of them unique and beautiful as God the Creator

fashioned it, and it is desirable to witness the beauty of unity in diversity. At this moment, the

Warren, The Purpose-Driven Church, 394.

church as the bride of Jesus Christ should grow, and it will be accomplished not by any

human efforts, but by God’s grace and power. As Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian

church, “but only God, who makes things grow” (1 Corinthians 3:7).

Works Cited

An, Paul Seung-oh. 7 Key Principles of Dynamic Church Growth, Makati, Philippines:
Church Strengthening Ministry, 2002.
Dale, Tony. Dale, Felicity. & Barn, George. The Rabbit & the Elephant: Why Small is the
New Big for Today's Church, Brentwood, Tennessee: Fedd and Company Inc., 2011.

Gammage, Jr., Albert W. How to Plant a Church, Makati: Church Strengthening Ministry,
Hartford Institute for Religion Research. “Megachurch Definition.”
Mallison, John. Building Small Groups in the Christian community, England: SU Printing,

Moorhead, W. James. The Reign of Christ and the Early Church, Metro Manila: Church
Strengthening Ministry, 1994

Sala, Harold, J. Coffee Cup Counseling, Metro Manila: OMF Literature Inc., 1998.
Schaller, Lyle. The Small-Membership Church: Scenarios For Tomorrow, Nashville:
Abingdon Press 1994.
Schaller, Lyle. The Very Large Church, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2000.
Warren, Rick. The Purpose-Driven Church, Metro Manila: OMF Literature Inc., 1998.


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