Vertical Irregularity of Buildings: Regularity Index Versus Seismic Risk

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Vertical Irregularity of Buildings:

Regularity Index versus Seismic Risk

A. S. Bhosale 1; Robin Davis 2; and Pradip Sarkar 3

Abstract: The seismic performance of buildings with irregular distribution of mass, stiffness, and strength along the height may be sig-
nificantly different from that of regular buildings. Design codes prohibit construction or recommend special seismic design of such buildings
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depending on the level of irregularity and site hazard. It is generally believed that the regular buildings have a dominant fundamental mode
participation in their seismic response and as the irregularity increases the contribution of higher mode increases. Accordingly, previous
studies have proposed methodologies to quantify the vertical irregularity of the buildings in terms of their fundamental mode properties.
This paper checks the adequacy of fundamental mode properties for the quantification of vertical irregularity. Further, this study attempts to
check the correlation between existing vertical irregularity indicators and the seismic risk. Seismic risks of selected vertically irregular build-
ings in terms of fragility curve, annual probability of collapse, and drift hazard curve indicates that there is no correlation between existing
vertical irregularity indicators based on fundamental mode properties and seismic risks. Results of seismic risk analysis show building frames
with open-ground story and floating columns are found to be more vulnerable than a similar regular building. However, stepped and setback
building frames perform even better than a regular frame. Therefore, stepped and setback buildings under the category of vertical geometric
irregularity needs to be investigated in detail to validate the special design requirements recommended by design codes. DOI: 10.1061/
AJRUA6.0000900. © 2017 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Vertical irregularity; Framed building; Fragility curve; Seismic risk; Reinforced concrete; Drift hazard curve.

Introduction It is generally thought that the contribution of higher modes to

the seismic response of irregular buildings is significant. Many pre-
The behavior of multistory framed buildings subjected to strong vious researchers reported that the higher mode participation
earthquake motions depends on the distribution of its mass, stiff- increases with the increase in building irregularity. Accordingly,
ness, and strength in both horizontal and vertical planes. In such many of the previous studies correlate irregularity of the building
buildings damages from earthquake ground motion generally ini- with its fundamental mode properties and proposed methods to
tiates at locations of structural weaknesses present in the lateral quantify the irregularity. Table 1 presents the different definitions
load-resisting frames. In some cases, these weaknesses may be of the regularity index proposed in previous literature (Karavasilis
due to discontinuities in stiffness, strength, or mass between adja- et al. 2008; Sarkar et al. 2010; Varadharajan et al. 2013) to quantify
cent stories. Major international design codes [IS 1893 (Indian the vertical irregularity.
Standard 2002); NZS 1170.5 (New Zealand Standard 2004); An important aspect of these studies while defining vertical
ASCE/SEI 7-10 (ASCE 2010); ICC 2015, etc.) classified irregular- irregularity is that the proposed theories were purely based on indi-
ity into two categories: vertical and horizontal. The present study vidual perceptions with no engineering justification. A review
considers vertical irregularities in RC framed buildings. There are study by De Stefano and Pintucchi (2008) also concluded that de-
five different vertical irregularities listed in ASCE/SEI 7-10: stiff- sign codes are in need of improvement of the existing methods in
ness irregularity, mass irregularity, vertical geometric irregularity, order to define indicators that actually predict irregular behavior.
in-plane discontinuity in vertical lateral force-resisting element, Therefore, it is important to check the validity of existing vertical
and strength irregularity. Design codes prohibit construction or rec- irregularity indicators by establishing a correlation between first-
ommend special seismic design of such buildings depending on the mode properties of vertically irregular buildings and its seismic risk
level of irregularity and site hazard. However, the quantification of quantitatively. This is the underlying motivation of the present
irregularity of such given buildings in the design codes is not al- study.
ways supported by its structural characteristics. This study investigates the vertical irregularity of buildings con-
sidering two important parameters: higher elastic mode participa-
Ph.D. Scholar, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha tion and seismic risk. Three different types of vertically irregular
769008, India. E-mail: building that are commonly encountered in urban construction
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, are considered in the present study: setback building representing
Odisha 769008, India (corresponding author). E-mail: vertical geometric irregularity, building with floating columns
Associate Professor, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, (FCs) representing in-plane discontinuity, and open-ground story
Odisha 769008, India. E-mail: (OGS) building representing a soft and weak story. A similar regular
Note. This manuscript was submitted on June 3, 2016; approved on
building having no unusual irregularity in spatial form is also studied
September 27, 2016; published online on January 23, 2017. Discussion
period open until June 23, 2017; separate discussions must be submitted as a reference.
for individual papers. This paper is part of the ASCE-ASME Journal Mode participation factors and effective modal masses in the
of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engi- fundamental mode of selected buildings have been evaluated from
neering, © ASCE, ISSN 2376-7642. modal analysis with the goal of finding the correlation between the

© ASCE 04017001-1 ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng.

ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng., 2017, 3(3): 04017001
Table 1. Quantification of Irregularity Proposed in the Previous Literature
References Building type Regularity index proposed
1 Pns −1 Li 1 Pnb −1 H i
Karavasilis et al. (2008) Steel setback frame Φs ¼ ,Φ ¼
ns − 1 1 Liþ1 b nb − 1 1 H iþ1
Sarkar et al. (2010) RC stepped frame η¼
P ω
Varadharajan et al. (2013) RC setback frame λr ¼ Nk¼1 k;ir
Note: H i and Li = height from base and width of i’th floor; ns and nb = number of story and number of bays at the first story of the frame; Γ1 and Γ1;ref = first
mode participation factor of stepped and similar regular building; ωk;ir and ωk;r = k’th mode frequency of irregular and regular building.
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higher mode participation and irregularity. Seismic risks of these

buildings are evaluated using performance-based seismic design
and assessment guidelines to find the correlation between the seis-
mic risk and first mode-based vertical irregularity indicators.

Selected Buildings ST SB OGS FC R

Three different types of vertically irregular buildings commonly Fig. 1. Selected vertically irregular buildings
encountered in construction practice are considered in the present
study: the setback building representing vertical geometric irregu-
larity, a building with floating columns representing in-plane dis- A bay width of 4–6 m can be considered as a globally common
continuity, and an OGS building representing soft and weak story construction practice. The characteristic strength of concrete and
irregularity. A regular building is also considered as a reference. reinforcement steel are taken as 25 and 415 MPa, respectively.
Setback buildings are characterized by staggered, abrupt reduc- All of the building frames (except the ground story of OGS and
tions in the floor area along the height of the building, with cor- FC frame) are assumed to have masonry infill wall that are 230-mm
responding drops in mass, strength, and stiffness. Buildings with thick. Modulus of elasticity of infill is taken as 2,300 MPa. The
both single and multiple setbacks are popular in urban areas, and story masses are calculated considering the dead loads and appro-
both of these forms separately received attention in the research. priate portion of imposed load. The size (breadth and depth) of col-
Therefore, two building models, one with a single setback (SB) umns and beams are taken as 400 × 400 mm and 300 × 400 mm,
(where a narrow tower projects from a wide base) and the other respectively. The regular (R) building frame is designed as per
with multiple setbacks [popularly known as stepped building IS 456 (Indian Standard 2000) for the highest seismic zone of
(ST)] are considered in this study. India with peak ground acceleration (PGA) of 0.36g as per IS
A common form of discontinuity in the load path of moment 1893. The design details of the regular building frame are also
frames arises with floating columns, i.e., when a column is intro- available elsewhere (Haran et al. 2016). The frame geometries
duced at higher floor levels, have more open space available on the of the regular buildings are modified to obtain the irregular build-
lower floor. ings without modifying the design details. Fig. 1 presents the sche-
Open-ground story buildings are the most common form of matic diagram of four selected irregular building frames: a ST,
irregularity especially in populated metropolitan cities where the building with a single SB, building with a FC, and a building with
ground story is built without any infill walls to allow easy move- an OGS along with a similar R building frame. The details of floor
ment of vehicles, but the upper stories are covered with infill walls. mass and story stiffness for all the selected buildings are presented
The sudden reduction in lateral stiffness and strength of the ground in Table 2.
story in OGS buildings results in large lateral displacements in
ground floor level, which increases the curvature and force in the
ground story columns. Structural Modeling
In order to keep the focus on the establishment of the correlation
between first mode properties and their seismic risks, one code- Selected buildings are modeled for elastic free vibration analysis
designed 8-story RC building that is regular in plan is considered. and nonlinear time history analysis for seismic risk assessments.
The results of this study remain valid for all different building The Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation
models provided the building is symmetric in plan. Plan asymmetry (OpenSees) Laboratory tool developed by McKenna et al. (2014)
due to several reasons such as asymmetric distribution of mass is used for all of the analyses. A force-based nonlinear beam-
and stiffness in plan and asymmetric arrangement of infill openings column element that considers the spread of plasticity along the
in plan, are outside the scope of the present study. Hence, a element is used for modeling the beams and columns for nonlinear
representative plane frame in the direction of loading is considered time history analysis. Formulation of the fiber-based element is ex-
for the seismic analysis. Similar type of building models are plained in Lee and Mosalam (2004). The core concrete is modeled
common in published literature (Dolsek and Fajfar 2001; Hashmi by considering the effect of confinement due to the special
and Madan 2008; Celarec et al. 2012; Fiore et al. 2012; Bolea reinforcement detailing in the beams and columns using the Kent
2016; Haran et al. 2016; Li et al. 2016) for seismic analysis of and Park (1971) model. The cover concrete is modeled as uncon-
buildings. fined concrete. Steel-reinforcing bars are modeled using uniaxial
The selected building frames are assumed to have four bays with Giuffre-Menegotto-Pinto steel material model with isotropic strain
a uniform bay width of 5 m and a uniform story height of 3.2 m. hardening. More details about reinforcement modelings used in the

© ASCE 04017001-2 ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng.

ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng., 2017, 3(3): 04017001
Table 2. Floor Mass and Story Stiffness of Selected Vertically Irregular Frames
Mass Stiffness Mass Stiffness Mass Stiffness Mass Stiffness Mass Stiffness
Story/floor (t) (kN=mm) (t) (kN=mm) (t) (kN=mm) (t) (kN=mm) (t) (kN=mm)
1 86.5 270 86.5 270 74.8 81 43.2 16 86.5 270
2 86.5 270 86.5 270 86.5 270 86.5 270 86.5 270
3 64.9 202 86.5 270 86.5 270 86.5 270 86.5 270
4 64.9 202 86.5 270 86.5 270 86.5 270 86.5 270
5 43.2 135 43.2 135 86.5 270 86.5 270 86.5 270
6 43.2 135 43.2 135 86.5 270 86.5 270 86.5 270
7 21.6 67 43.2 135 86.5 270 86.5 270 86.5 270
8 21.6 67 43.2 135 86.5 270 86.5 270 86.5 270
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present study can be found in Filippou et al. (1983). The in-plane Table 3. Details of Random Variables Considered in the Seismic Risk
stiffness of the floor is modeled using a rigid diaphragm constraint. Assessment
In the present study door or window openings in the infill panels
are ignored under the assumption that the presence of such uniform Material/property Mean (%) Source
openings in the infill walls in all of the stories may not alter the
conclusions of the present study. Accordingly, infill walls are Concrete compressive 30.28 MPa 21.0 Ranganathan (1999)
modeled as equivalent diagonal single struts in both diagonals strength
Yield strength of steel 468.90 MPa 10.0 Ranganathan (1999)
of each bay. Recently published literature (Klingner and Bertero Global damping ratio 5% 40.0 Davenport and
1976; Madan et al. 1997; Negro and Colombo 1997; Crisafulli et al. Carroll (1986)
2000; Dolsek and Fajfar 2001, 2002, 2008; Celarec et al. 2012; Shear strength of 0.2041 MPa 12.0 Agarwal and
Ravichandran and Klinger 2012) present building analysis consid- masonry infill Thakkar (2001)
ering similar models for seismic performance of the infill-framed
buildings. A recent infill wall model proposed by Celarec et al.
(2012) is considered in the present study. The typical quadrilinear
force-displacement relationship of the diagonal struts (in compres- 80
Present Study Experiment
sion) were measured in the axial direction as suggested by Celarec 60
Top displacement (mm)

et al. (2012). 40
In order to model the strength and stiffness degradation of the 20
infill walls in the time history analysis, a pinching material model 0
which is implemented in OpenSees (Ibarra et al. 2005) is used. The -20
same modeling approaches are used in previous literature (Landi -40

et al. 2012; Ravichandran and Klinger 2012). -60

The number of ground motions required for an unbiased esti- -80

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
mate of the structural response is three or seven as per ASCE/SEI Time (s)
7-10. However, ATC 58 (ATC 2012) recommends a suite of 11
pairs of ground motions for a reliable estimate of the response Fig. 2. Comparison of roof displacement time histories for ICON bare
quantities. ASCE/SEI 41 (ASCE 2013) suggests 30 recorded frame
ground motions to meet the spectral matching criteria for nuclear
power plant structures. Celik and Ellingwood (2010) used 40
ground motions for developing fragility curves. In the present
study, 22 pairs (44 ground motions) collected from Haselton et al. (a bare frame and an infilled frame) that were available in liter-
(2012) are converted to match with the IS 1893 design spectrum ature. The pseudodynamic experimental test conducted at the
using a computer program, WavGen, which was developed by European Laboratory for Structural Assessment (ELSA) test lab-
Mukherjee and Gupta (2002). These modified earthquake ground oratory on four-story, three-bay, RC full-scale frames (ICON
motions are used for the nonlinear dynamic analyses for the esti- frame—bare and infilled) are considered. The building frames
mation of seismic risk. are tested under two subsequent unidirectional pseudodynamic
Uncertainties associated with concrete compressive strength, loadings, first using Acc-475 input motion and then the Acc-
yield strength of reinforcing steel, shear strength of infill masonry, 975 input motion. A detailed description of the test specimens,
and the global damping ratio are considered in the probabilistic material properties, and the loading schemes are available in
seismic risk assessment. The mean value and coefficient of varia- the SeismoStruct verification report. The nonlinear pseudody-
tion (COV) of the normal probability distributions of the previously namic time-history analysis for the record (Acc-475) is conducted
mentioned parameters (uncorrelated) are obtained from published and the top displacement time histories are recorded. Figs. 2 and 3
literature and presented in Table 3. show the comparisons between the roof displacement histories ob-
tained from the present computational study and from the
experimental study for the bare and infilled frames, respectively.
Validation Study From these results it can be inferred that the modeling approach
adopted in the present study can yield a reasonably accurate
Validation of the modeling approach used in the present study is behavior of a bare frame as well as infilled building frames for
conducted by considering experiments on two RC building frames earthquake.

© ASCE 04017001-3 ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng.

ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng., 2017, 3(3): 04017001
Top Displacement (mm)
20 Present Study Experiment freedom (MDOF) system to an earthquake ground motion can
15 be expressed using the mode superposition method as
0 X
-5 ½uðtÞ ¼ ðφn Þqn ðtÞ ð2Þ
-10 n¼1
-25 where
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time (s)
ðφn ÞT ðmÞð1Þ
qn ðtÞ ¼ Γn Dn ðtÞ ¼ D ðtÞ ð3Þ
Fig. 3. Comparison of roof displacement history for ICON infilled ðφn ÞT ðmÞðφn Þ n
where ðφn Þ = mode shape; qn ðtÞ = modal amplitude; Γn = modal
participation factor of the nth mode; and Dn ðtÞ is governed by the
equation of motion for nth mode equivalent single-degree-of-free-
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Higher Mode Participation dom (SDOF) system, with natural period T n and damping ratio ξ n
subjected to support motion üg ðtÞ. Dn can be alternatively obtained
Participation of a fundamental mode for buildings regular in plan from the elastic spectrum of the earthquake under consideration for
and elevation is generally considered to be the maximum, hence the the nth mode period. The displacement contribution of nth mode
equivalent lateral force method of seismic analysis (developed can be written as
based on fundamental mode properties) is recommended in the
design code and is intended for regular buildings only. From a ½un ðtÞ ¼ ðφn Þqn ðtÞ ¼ ðφn ÞΓn Dn ðtÞ ð4Þ
structural dynamics point of view, it is believed (Chopra 2001;
Chintanapakdee and Chopra 2004; Guler et al. 2008; Hosseini Therefore, the lateral equivalent static force associated with nth
and Abbasi 2008; Bilgin 2010; Maniatakis et al. 2013; Reyes et al. mode response can be written as follows:
2015) that regular buildings display a dominant first mode indi- ½f n ðtÞ ¼ ðkÞðφn ÞΓn Dn ðtÞ ¼ ω2n ðmÞðφn ÞΓn Dn ðtÞ
cated by a higher first mode participation factor (Γ1 ) and a higher
first mode effective modal mass (M 1 ). It is reported (Sarkar et al. ¼ Γn ðmÞðφn ÞAn ðtÞ ð5Þ
2010) that as the vertical irregularity of a building increases the first
mode effective mass or first mode participation factors reduces where An ðtÞ = pseudo acceleration response of nth mode SDOF
(thereby the higher mode participation increases). Most of the system subjected to the earthquake under consideration. Therefore,
international design codes (IS 1893; NZS 1170.5; TERDC the base shear response associated with the nth mode response is as
2007; ASCE/SEI 7-10; ICC 2015; etc.) and published literatures follows:
indirectly mention this fact. V B ðtÞ ¼ Γn ðmÞðφn Þð1ÞAn ðtÞ ¼ Mn An ðtÞ ð6Þ
A large amount of research effort (Valmundsson and Nau 1997;
Al-Ali and Krawinkler 1998; Chintanapakdee and Chopra 2004; P
Pinho and Antoniou 2005; Tremblay and Poncet 2005; Fragiadakis ðm φ Þ2
M n ¼ Γn ðmÞðφn Þð1Þ ¼ P i ni2 ð7Þ
et al. 2006; Karavasilis et al. 2008; Le-Trung et al. 2012; Pirizadeh mi φni
and Shakib 2013) has been spent in last two decades on the
safety of vertically irregular buildings subjected to lateral loads. where Mn = effective modal mass for nth mode vibration. Γn and
These studies have identified the contribution of higher mode in M n provide a measure for judging the significance of a vibration
seismic response as the major difference between vertically irregu- mode. Modes with a relatively high modal participation factor
lar and regular buildings. The majority of the literature including (Γn ) and high effective masses (M n ) can be readily excited by base
international design codes relate vertical irregularity with the fol- excitation. Conversely, modes with a low participation factor and
lowing three parameters: (1) the changes of structural dimension; effective masses cannot be readily excited in this manner.
(2) changes in lateral story stiffness and strength; and (3) changes in Modal analyses of all the selected frames are conducted, and the
story mass along the height of the building. All three of these first mode participation factors (Γ1 ) are computed as shown in
aspects directly influence the modal properties of building. The Fig. 4. The Γ1 of the irregular frames, ST and SB, are found to be
definitions of vertical irregularity available in published literature less than that of R. However, Γ1 for OGS and FC are found to be
(with respect to first mode properties) also support the contribu- slightly higher than that of R, which is contrary to the conventional
tion of higher modes in seismic response of vertically irregular understanding. Therefore, the first mode participation factor cannot
building. This section studies the contribution of higher mode par- be considered as an acceptable indicator for quantifying vertical
ticipation in the seismic vibration of selected vertically irregular irregularity.
buildings in terms of mode participation factor and effective modal The effective modal mass for the first mode, M 1 (as a fraction of
mass. total seismic mass), for all the frames are plotted in Fig. 5. The
The differential equation governing the elastic response of a similar trend, as observed for the Γ1 , is also observed here. M 1 for
multistory building subjected to horizontal earthquake ground ST and SB are found to be lesser than that of R, whereas M1 for FC
acceleration, üg ðtÞ, is given by Chopra (2001): and OGS frames are found to be higher than that of R. This means
that the effective modal mass for the fundamental mode also has no
ðmÞðüÞ þ ðcÞðu̇Þ þ ðkÞðuÞ ¼ −ðmÞð1Þüg ðtÞ ð1Þ relation with the irregularity of building.
In order to better understand the variation of first mode partici-
where ðuÞ = floor displacement vector relative to the ground with pation (Γ1 and M 1 ) in different selected buildings, the quantity
ðu̇Þ and ðüÞ representing floor velocity and acceleration vectors, mi ϕ1i [normalized for ðφn ÞT ðmÞðφn Þ ¼ 1] in every story is com-
respectively; (m), (c), and (k) = mass, classical damping, and stiff- pared among all the selected frames and presented in Fig. 6.
ness matrix of the system, respectively. The solution of the previous The profile of mi ϕ1i for the regular and irregular frames are not
differential equation governing the response of a multi degree of consistently different.

© ASCE 04017001-4 ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng.

ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng., 2017, 3(3): 04017001
30 Sarkar et al. (2010) Varadharajan et al. (2013)

20 1
Γ1 (KN-m)


Regularity Index

0 0.4
Selected Frames 0.2

Fig. 4. First mode participation factors (Γ1 ) of the selected frames 0

Selected Frames
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120 Fig. 7. Regularity index of selected frames as per previous literature

First Modal Mass Particpation


for OGS and FC are found to be more than one when calculated

using the procedure given by Sarkar et al. (2010). A regularity in-
40 dex greater than unity implies that the building is having more mass
20 participation in the first mode than the reference regular frame.
Both of these two methods indicate that ST is the most irregular
ST SB OGS FC R among the selected buildings. The orders of the frames in terms
Selected Frames of increasing irregularity are FC < OGS < R < SB < ST and
R < SB < FC < OGS < ST according to Sarkar et al. (2010) and
Fig. 5. Comparison of first mode mass participation for selected frames Varadharajan et al. (2013).

Probabilistic Seismic Risk Assessment

8 In order to have a rational understanding of how the existing ver-

tical irregularity indicators correlate with their seismic risks, the
present study evaluates the seismic risks of selected buildings. This
6 section discusses the methodology used in the present study for
5 seismic risk assessment.

4 ST
Mean Annual Frequency of Exceeding Different Limit
3 SB
State (P PL )
2 Probabilistic seismic risk assessment provides the likelihood of
1 unacceptable behavior. The likelihood of various levels of future
R intense ground motions at the site are represented in the standard
0 way by a hazard function HðPGAÞ, which gives the annual prob-
0 2 4 6
mi φ1 ability that the random intensity PGA will be equal to or more than
a given intensity level pga. The calculation of probabilities of ex-
Fig. 6. mi ϕ1i profile of selected buildings ceeding any performance level such as collapse prevention or life
safety damage state is achieved in two steps. The first step couples
the first two basic element hazards of PGA and drift demand to
Regularity Index produce a drift hazard curve H D ðdÞ. HD ðdÞ provides the annual
probability that the drift demand (D) exceeds any specified value
Different regularity indices for quantifying the irregularity of build- (d). The second step combines this curve with the third element, the
ings are available in literature (Table 1). Although these approaches drift capacity (C) to produce PPL . PPL is defined as the annual
are developed for setback/stepped buildings, it is informative to probability of the performance level not being met (i.e., the annual
check the validity of these approaches for other vertically irregular probability of collapse or the annual probability of exceeding the
buildings. Karavasilis et al. (2008) is not considered in this study as selected performance level). This accepted simplified method re-
it is based on geometric properties alone, which is only suitable for ported by Cornell et al. (2002) for the development of PPL is
stepped/setback buildings. Regularity indices of selected building adopted in the present study.
frames, namely ST, SB, OGS, FC, and R are calculated using To facilitate the computations, the probability of interest has
Sarkar et al. (2010) and Varadharajan et al. (2013) and presented been expanded by conditioning on all possible levels of the ground
in Fig. 7. As per these two literary works, the regularity index for motion. Using the total probability theorem (Benjamin and Cornell
regular building should be unity. The regularity index decreases 1970) H D ðdÞ can be written as
with the increase in irregularity of the building. Fig. 7 shows that Z
the regularity indices for all of the irregular buildings are less than H D ðdÞ ¼ P½D ≥ djPGA ¼ xjdHðxÞj ð8Þ
unity as per Varadharajan et al. (2013). However, regularity indices

© ASCE 04017001-5 ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng.

ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng., 2017, 3(3): 04017001
where the derivative of the differential of the site’s PGA hazard parameters is described by Yun and Foutch (2000) and Yun et al.
function dHðxÞ can be obtained from standard hazard curve (2002). With this assumption, the first factor in Eq. (15) becomes
HðPGAÞ. The absolute value of dHðxÞ is used in the Eq. (8) as the  
derivative is negative. Assuming that the hazard curve can be esti- Inðd=ĈÞ
PðC ≤ dÞ ¼ φ ð16Þ
mated in the region of interest, by the form (Cornell et al. 2002) βC
HðPGAÞ ¼ PðPGA ≥ pgaÞ ¼ k0 · ðPGAÞ−K ð9Þ Substituting and carrying out the integration, PPL can be
written as
Eq. (9) implies that the hazard curve is linear on a log-log plot in 1k 2 2
PPL ¼ HðPGAĈ Þ exp ðβ þ βc Þ ð17Þ
the region of interest. It has been suggested by Cornell et al. (2002) 2 b2 D1PGA
that the estimate of the median drift demand (D̂) can be represented
approximately by the form where PGAĈ = peak ground acceleration corresponding to the
median drift capacity
D̂ ¼ aðPGAÞb ð10Þ
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where a and b are the constant coefficients. In the probabilistic rep- PGAĈ ¼ ð18Þ
resentation of drift at any given PGA, Shome and Cornell (1999)
suggests that the drift demands are distributed lognormally about
the median with the standard deviation of the natural logarithm
β DjPGA (the dispersion for drift D at a given PGA level). Although Development of Fragility Curves
this log normal assumption of drift demands was originally devel- A fragility function represents the probability of exceedance of the
oped for steel frames, it has been successfully used for RC framed seismic demand (D) beyond a selected performance level for a spe-
buildings by many researchers (Song and Ellingwood 1999; cific ground motion intensity measure (PGA). The fragility curve is
Cornell et al. 2002; Ellingwood et al. 2007; Rizzano and Tolone the cumulative probability distribution that indicates the probability
2009; Rajeev and Tesfamariam 2012; Haran et al. 2016). The three that a system will be damaged to a given damage state or a more
parameters, a, b, and β DjPGA , are obtained by performing a number severe one as a function of ground motion intensity. The fragility
of nonlinear analyses and then conducting a regression analysis of curve can be obtained for each damage state and can be expressed
lnðDÞ on lnðPGAÞ. in closed form as follows:
With the Eq. (10) and the log-normality assumption, it follows 0 1
that the first factor in Eq. (8) can be represented as (Cornell et al.
2002) B lnðD̂=ĈÞ C
PðC − D ≤ 0jPGAÞ ¼ ϕ@qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiA ð19Þ
β DjPGA þ β c þ β m 2 2
lnðd=axb Þ
P½D ≥ djPGA ¼ x ¼ 1 − ϕ ð11Þ
where D̂ = median of the demand and Ĉ = median of the chosen
in which ϕ is the widely tabulated standardized Gaussian distribu- performance level. Eq. (19) can be rewritten as follows:
tion function. Using this result and Eq. (10), Eq. (8) for the drift 8 9
<lnðĈÞ − ln½a · ðPGAÞb > =
hazard curve, in a simplified form, becomes
PðC − D ≤ 0jPGAÞ ¼ 1 − ϕ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð20Þ
: β 2DjPGA þ β 2c þ β 2m > ;
1 k2 2
HD ðdÞ ¼ P½D ≥ d ¼ HðPGAd Þ exp β ð12Þ
2 b2 DjPGA
The dispersion in capacity β c is dependent on the building type
in which PGAd is the peak ground acceleration corresponding to and construction quality. ATC 58 suggests three values for β c as
the drift level d, i.e. 0.10, 0.25, and 0.40 for good, moderate, and poor quality of con-
 1=b struction, respectively. In this study, dispersion in capacity has been
d assumed as 0.25 considering a moderate construction quality.
PGAd ¼ ð13Þ

Using the total probability theorem, PPL can be defined as Comparison of Probabilistic Seismic Demand Models
X A set of 44 random values are generated as per the Latin hypercube
PPL ¼ PðC ≤ DÞ ¼ P½C ≤ DjD ¼ di PðD ¼ di Þ ð14Þ
sampling technique using the material properties given in Table 3.
all di
These values are used randomly to create 44 different computa-
Both the demand and capacity that are presumed here are to be tional models for each of the selected frames. The 44 selected
measured in terms of the maximum interstory drift (ISD). The sec- ground motions are scaled linearly from 0.1 to 1.0g, and each
ond factor in Eq. (14) represents the likelihood of a given displace- of the 44 computational models is analyzed for a particular earth-
ment demand level, PðD ¼ dÞ, which can be determined from the quake (randomly selected) with a particular PGA. A total of 44
drift hazard curve derived in Eq. (8). Eq. (14) can be represented in nonlinear time history analyses are performed for each of the se-
continuous form as lected buildings and the maximum ISD for each frame are obtained.
Z The ISD along with the corresponding PGAs are plotted in a log-
arithmic graph as shown in Fig. 8. Each point in the plot represents
PPL ¼ PðC ≤ dÞjdH D ðdÞj ð15Þ the PGA values and the corresponding maximum ISD. A power law
[Eq. (10)] relationship for each frames is fitted using regression
The drift capacity C is assumed to have a median value Ĉ and to analysis, which represents the probabilistic seismic demand model
be log-normally distributed with dispersion β C . Estimation of these (PSDM) for the corresponding frames.

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ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng., 2017, 3(3): 04017001
10 1

Probability of Exceedance
SB 0.8
Interstory drift, %

FC 0.6

ST-fitted 0.4 FC
OGS-Fitted 0.2 R
R-Fitted 0
0.01 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0.10 1.00 PGA, g
PGA, g

Fig. 10. Fragility curves at LS performance level

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Fig. 8. PSDMs for all frames considered

Table 4. PSDM Model and Dispersions of EDP for Selected Building

Probability of Exceedance
Frame PSDM R2 β DjPGA 0.8 ST

ST 3.78ðPGAÞ1.6109 0.814 0.4826 SB

SB 5.14ðPGAÞ1.6554 0.785 0.5421 0.6
OGS 4.60ðPGAÞ1.1152 0.756 0.3968 OGS
FC 6.12ðPGAÞ0.9981 0.6197 0.4905 0.4 FC
R 5.47ðPGAÞ1.7297 0.777 0.5808
0.2 R

1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Probability of Exceedance

PGA, g
0.8 ST

Fig. 11. Fragility curves at CP performance level
0.4 FC
increasing exceedance probabilities is ST < SB ¼ R < OGS <
R FC, which is not consistent with order of their first mode partici-
pation factors and first mode mass participation (Figs. 4 and 5).
0 Therefore, any approaches to quantify the vertical irregularities
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 in terms of their first mode properties is inappropriate.
PGA, g

Fig. 9. Fragility curves at IO performance level Comparison of Drift Hazard Curves

The drift hazard curves for the selected buildings are developed
considering the seismic hazard curve of Guwahati, India (available
in Nath and Thingbaijam 2012) as given in Fig. 12. In order to fit
The regression coefficients, a and b, are found out for each
this seismic hazard curve in to the closed form equation [Eq. (9)],
frame and reported in Table 4. The PSDM provides the most likely
the hazard curve is plotted in a log-log format as shown in Fig. 13
value of ISD (%) in the event of an earthquake of certain PGA (up
and parameters ko and k are found out. The drift hazard curves for
to 1g) in each frame. Depending on the PSDM, the vulnerability of
all the selected frames are computed (as per the procedure previ-
the particular frame can be identified. Fig. 8 demonstrates that FC
ously discussed) and shown in Fig. 14. The order of frames in terms
and OGS frames have higher drift demands (ISD) compared to a R
of increasing drift hazard is ST < SB < R < OGS < FC. The rela-
frame, whereas the ST frame has the lowest drift demand for any
tive mean annual rate of exceedance of the drift for the selected
given intensity measure (PGA). SB and R frames are found to have
frames are found to be similar to their fragility curves. The vulner-
approximately equal drift demand.
ability of these frames are not in the order of their first mode
Comparison of Fragility Curves
In order to study the performance of selected vertically irregular Comparison of Mean Annual Probability of
Exceedance (P PL )
buildings, the fragility curves are developed for all the frames for
each performance limit states (IO, LS, and CP as per ASCE/SEI 41) The values of annual probability of collapse or the annual proba-
as shown in Figs. 9–11. Fragility curves for the selected building bility of exceeding the selected performance level (PPL ) are
frames support the conclusions drawn from PSDMs. The fragility calculated for three selected performance levels (IO, LS, and
curves demonstrate that FC has the highest and ST has the lowest CP) as presented in Table 5. PPL of FC and OGS frames are found
value of exceedance probabilities. The fragility curves for R and SB to be higher as compared to other frames, while that of SB and ST
are found to be identical. The order of the frames in terms of frames are lesser than the R building for all the performance

© ASCE 04017001-7 ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng.

ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng., 2017, 3(3): 04017001
Table 5. Annual Probability of Collapse (PPL ) for Selected Buildings

Annual mean rate of exceedance

Annual probability of
collapse, PPL (×10−3 )
of frame Γ1 (kN · m) IO LS CP

ST 18.16 4.50 2.07 0.95
SB 20.18 6.13 2.89 1.37
OGS 25.41 13.30 4.34 1.41
0.001 FC 25.82 36.70 10.50 2.99
R 24.34 6.18 3.00 1.46

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5
PGA, g Table 6. Comparison of Existing Regularity Index with Associated
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Probability of Failure
Fig. 12. Hazard curve for Guwahati region (adapted from Nath and
Existing regularity Probability of failure,
Thingbaijam 2012)
index PPL (×10−3 )
Frame Sarkar et al. Varadharajan
identifier (2010) et al. (2013) IO LS CP
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 ST 0.746 0.967 4.50 2.07 0.95
0 SB 0.829 0.984 6.13 2.89 1.37
OGS 1.044 0.971 13.30 4.34 1.41
FC 1.061 0.980 36.70 10.50 2.99
-2 R 1.000 1.000 6.18 3.00 1.46
ln H(PGA)


Correlation between Regularity Indices and Probability

-6 of Failure
Table 6 compares the regularity index calculated as per the existing
-8 literature and corresponding probabilities of failure for all the
y = -1.8037x - 7.0766
frames. As per the existing irregularity indicators, the ST frame
appears to be most irregular. However, the present study shows that
ln (PGA) it possesses the lowest seismic risk. Similarly, the existing pro-
cedure may qualify OGS and FC as the least irregular, but the seis-
Fig. 13. Evaluations of k0 and k parameters mic risks associated with these buildings are found to be the highest
among the selected buildings.
These conclusions indicate the inadequacy of the existing meth-
odologies to quantify the vertical irregularities in buildings. This
1 may be due to the lack of theoretical basis behind the formulation
Annual mean rate of exceedance

of these methodologies.
0.1 ST
HD (d)

0.01 OGS Conclusions

0.001 R
Regular buildings are commonly considered to have high first
mode participation. As the irregularity increases the contribution
0.0001 of first mode decreases. Accordingly, many previous studies have
0 1 2 3 4 5 proposed methodologies to quantify the vertical irregularity in the
ISD (%) buildings in terms of first mode properties. This paper reviewed the
existing regularity indices on the basis of the seismic risk of se-
Fig. 14. Drift hazard curve for the selected buildings
lected buildings using a performance-based framework and the
salient conclusions of this study are as follows:
• The present study shows that the first mode participation factor
levels. The order of the frames in terms of increasing PPL is (Γ1 ) and effective modal mass (M 1 ) of the irregular frames, ST
ST < SB < R < OGS < FC. Both story stiffness and floor mass and SB, are lesser than that of R frame. However, Γ1 and M 1 for
reduces along the height for ST and SB frames when compared OGS and FC frames are found to be higher than that of R, which
to a similar R building frame. Lesser stiffness induces higher is contrary to the conventional understanding.
story displacement whereas lesser mass attracts lesser force and • As per both the existing irregularity indicators (Sarkar et al.
thereby reduces the story displacement of such buildings. Lesser 2010; Varadharajan et al. 2013), the ST frame is found to be the
stiffness in the upper stories has lesser negative impact than the most irregular, which implies that the ST frame must be the most
positive impact of lesser mass in the upper stories. This may per- vulnerable. However, the seismic risk assessment shows that ST
haps make ST and SB frames perform better than the similar regular is the least vulnerable frame. Similarly (with regard to FC
building. frame), the existing irregularity indicator (Sarkar et al. 2010)

© ASCE 04017001-8 ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng.

ASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng., 2017, 3(3): 04017001
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