Teso Okwenyu Constitution

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Grass root Initiatives for Fundamental Transformation (GIFT)

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Unless the context otherwise requires, this PROSA hereafter called
non-denominational, non-racial development association established
to offer services to its members, associates and the community at
large for sustainable socio-economic transformation.

Well aware that challenges and poverty can NEVER be
solved/eradicated by lamentations & tears but sweat &strategy,
we are convinced of our common focus, potential, experiences and
expertise, and will to mobilize, strategize, and utilize our own
resources and support from government and development partners
to champion this new approach to development in TESO & beyond.

Proverbs 19:8 “Do yourself a favour and learn all you can, then
PREAMBLE: remember what you learn and you will prosper”.

Recognizing that for long, government and other development

partners have put efforts to fight against poverty, ARTICLE ONE: GROUP IDENTITY.
Whereas 75% of the population in TESO still lives in Abject 1.1: Name
Poverty, a) The group shall be called TESO OKWENYU
Having carefully studied and reflected on numerous interventions DEVELOPMENTGROUP.
by government and other development partners, need for full, well b) The group’s official acronym shall be TESO OKWENYU.
focused grass root initiatives and or participation is a necessity to c) The above name shall appear in all official group
create a meaningful, sustainable transformation in our society. documents and stamps.
Realizing the above gaps, we the community of AKUM PARISH,
came up with a new ideology-Project Oriented Savings 1.2: Logo:-Shall feature the following;
Association(PROSA) to galvanize our efforts, resources, i. A book symbolizing learning as a key element in the
knowledge & skills for community-led, reliable and sustainable group,
socio-economic transformation on the 13th day of September 2020. ii. A cock symbolizes hard work and time management,
The group under the PROSA ideology was formed by 24 members iii. A man with broken chains signifies victory and freedom,
(12 F and 12 M) of sound mind, common interest and focus. iv. A ladder signifies progress and support.
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a) The above logo shall be the seal of the group & shall +256 785 253636 +256 782 067313
appear in its stamps and all documents. +256 770 447684
b) NO group/institution or individual shall use the above
logo except with written permission from TESO 1.4: Area of coverage:
OKWENYU. The group shall operate within Akum parish at the initial stage but
upon successful performance and recommendation from our
supervisors, we shall expand to other areas in TESO and beyond.

1.5:Time of operation:
i. Savings:-Every Monday2:00 P.M -4:30 P.M in Omadi
Trading Centre.
ii. Project implementation: - 24hrs daily in Project
Implementation Grounds (PIGs)-member households.


2.1: Vision: -A Healthy, Educated, Socially & economically
1.3: LOCATION. empowered self-reliant, progressive community for
a) physical address: improved livelihood.
Omadi Trading Centre, 2.2: Mission: -Enhancing grass root initiatives for fundamental &
Aguyaguya village, sustainable transformation in TESO.
Akum parish, 2.3: Motto: -By sweat not tears.
Acowa s/c, 2.4: Values: - We cherish;
Kapelebyong district, Transparency,
Teso-Uganda. Equity,
Tel: +256 785 253636 Sustainability,
E-mail: teso-okwenyudevelopmentgroup@gmail.com Oneness.
b) Direction from Acowa T/C headquarters:
The group is located 2km South-East of the Town Council
c) Contact persons: The official group contact persons of the 3.1: Aim: -To offer high quality, accessible, friendly and
group shall be; sustainable services to our members, associates and
The Coordinator Chairperson community for socio-economic empowerment &
Publicity secretary transformation.
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3.2: Objectives: - vi. Financial support services,
i. To create a forum for sharing knowledge, experiences, vii. Value addition,
expertise, & skills on improved agricultural practices. viii. Cottage industrial skill training,
ii. To strategize for improved food security, better nutrition ix. Capacity building.
and prevention of diseases at household level. x. Collective bargain.
iii. To re-direct community attitude & mindset from non- 3.4: Mode of operation:
focused savings to project oriented savings for i. Members save an agreed amount of money on
development. weekly basis (project development fund).
iv. To respond to common disasters, Emergencies,& welfare ii. Members select an enterprise to undertake as they
issues through strategic management and mitigation save.
measures. iii. The executives shall identify & invite trainers for
v. To contribute resources into a common pool towards the such an enterprise.
establishment of a village bank that offers extremely iv. All members MUST attend the basic project
friendly, accessible, investment financing services to management training as it is conducted.
members. v. A budget is drawn together with the trainer for the
vi. To collectively produce and market farm products for project selected.
meaningful gains among members. vi. The procurement & Disposal committee shall
vii. To promote value addition & processing of the locally implement the budget.
produced commodities. vii. The procured items shall be verified by the finance
viii. To promote practical oriented education & skill acquisition & quality assurance committee.
for self-reliance. viii. The executive committee distributes project
ix. To create a Centre of empowerment for the vulnerable facilities to members.
members of the community. ix. Members’ homes shall be the project
x. To mobilize& sensitize members to meaningfully implementation grounds (PIGs).
complement development efforts by government and other x. Joint monitoring, management & security measures
development partners. shall be done
3.3:Activities: xi. At an agreed time, collective sale of products shall
The main activity shall be project oriented savings to be done.
generate & run the following projects; xii. After sale, each member shall contribute share
i. Poultry keeping, capital to TESO OKWENYU FINANCIAL
ii. Piggery, SERVICE CENTRE.
iii. Bee keeping,
iv. Vegetable growing,
v. Disaster, Emergency & Welfare
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4.1: Superiority: i. Members shall be guided by the group constitution, group
a) The 1995 constitution of the Republic of Uganda, any act of resolutions and the group penal guide that must be
parliament or ordinance/bye-law of the district/sub-county of enforced by the Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) without
operation shall be supreme to this constitution. contempt, fear or favour with support from members.
b) Incase this constitution or part of it contradicts the above or ii. All matters arising between/among members within the
any provision of the above, such a provision of the supreme group or outside the group (but concerning the group) shall
law shall prevail. be handled by the group except those of a criminal nature.
c) This constitution shall be null and void without the iii. Any member who rushes to any other authority with matters
approval/endorsement of a law practitioner or person that could have been easily sorted out by the group shall be
lawfully authorized to handle group matters. subjected to the disciplinary committee.
4.4.2: With the community:
i. The group shall work in liaison with community leaders to
4.2: Registration: offer services in the community as corporate social
a) Teso Okwenyu Development Group shall register as a responsibility.
COMMUNITY BASED ORGANISATION (CBO) at ii. Any grievance against/from the group shall always be dealt
various levels. with urgently and transparently.
b) All LCs of the areas of operation MUST be informed in 4.4.3: With other associations/CBOs/CSOs:
written about the existence of the group in their areas of i. Through associate membership, TESO OKWENYU
jurisdiction. accommodates and relates with other duly registered
c) Members shall ensure full facilitation of a) and b) above. operational groups that have similar activities and or
4.3: Legal battles: objectives.
a) TESO OKWENYU can sue or be sued in its own name and ii. The group can register (or be registered) associate (or as an
capacity. associate) member.
b) The group shall hire a lawyer(s) to represent it as deemed fit 4.4.4: With government:
by the General Assembly. i. The group shall abide by government guidelines, directives
c) The group shall not be responsible for personal offences and or requirements issued from time to time.
committed by its members. ii. The group shall lobby for and utilize support from
d) Any member who commits an offence while performing any government.
group activity for which he/she was not authorized, shall be 4.4.5: With international friends/bodies and or institutions:
charged in his/her own capacity. i. The group shall strive to have an open, & healthy
relationship with international individuals, institutions and
4.4: Relations: TESO OKWENYU shall maintain cordial or organizations that seek to promote our objectives and or
relationships with/by activities.
4.4.1: Within the members:
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5.1: Types of membership and qualities  Appreciating the TESO OKWENYU objectives and
or activities.
a) Founder membership: - Is for members who  Having an unquestionable character/reputation.
conducted the consecutive group formation meetings  Will to support TESO OKWENYU.
till the final establishment of the group.  Possessing a remarkable wealth of knowledge, skills,
Qualities: expertise and experience.
 Being an adult of sound mind,
 Having will to share information, knowledge and 5.2: Procedure to join TESO OKWENYU DEVELOPMENT
expertise. GROUP.
 Having concern for community transformation. The following procedure shall apply in various
b) Ordinary membership: - Is open to members who 5.2.1: Founder members;
register upon payment of membership fee and any i) Participating in reflection and analysis level,
other contributions as determined by the General ii)Attending PROSA policy & guideline formulation
Assembly. meetings,
Qualities: iii) Attending/conducting awareness meetings,
 Being an adult of sound mind, iv) Participating in group formation meetings,
 Willingness to learn, readiness to abide by the group v) Drafting the constitution for adoption by full
constitution, members.
 Having interest in group activities and mode of 5.2.2: Full members;
operation. i) Appearing to the group in person for vetting,
ii) Members discuss and vote whether to or not to allow
c) Associate membership:- Is open to groups/CBOs membership,
with similar objectives and or activities. iii) Once allowed, such a person shall pay membership
Qualities: fee as set from time to time,
 Being registered at least to the sub-county level. iv)Upon payment, the approved candidate shall be
 Being functional registered,
 Being willing to relate with TESO OKWENYU. v) During registration, such a member shall declare
 Payment of associate membership fees as set by the his/her next of kin.
General Assembly from time to time. vi)After registration, one shall take off with group
activities as scheduled.
d) Honorary membership: - Is open to
individuals/groups/institutions and or CSOs with 5.2.3 Associate members;
integrity and will to empower others.  Completing a partnership application form at a fee set
Qualities: from time to time.
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 Attaching a certified copy of their constitution,  Contributing for the development of the group.
registration certificate and certificate(s) of partnership.  Electing and or firing group executive committee officers.
 Paying a partnership fee set by the AGM from time to  Caring for group project inputs.
time.  Reporting any eventualities affecting group performance.
 Sign a memorandum of understanding with TESO b) Rights and privileges:
OKWENYU DEVELOPMENT GROUP. i) Can vote and or be voted into any office in the group.
5.2.4: Honorary members; ii) Can freely access group records & books of accounts
 Filling an honorary membership acknowledgement form. through the chairperson.
iii) Can get adequate, clear & timely information.
5.3: Roles, responsibilities, rights & privileges of members; iv) Can demand for accountability on any matter with
Each category of membership has different roles, responsibilities, immediate effect.
rights and privileges as; v) Can join freely and leave freely.
5.3.1: Founder members;
a) Roles and responsibilities: 5.3.3: Associate members:
 Put in place PROSA tenets (policies and guidelines).
 Draft a constitution for the group. a) Roles & responsibilities:
 Indoctrinate members with the PROSA ideology &  Paying associate membership fee and other
philosophy. contributions from time to time.
 Lead in group PROSA formation.  Attending meetings on invitation.
b) Rights &privileges:  Representing TESO OKWENYU in any
Have a right to; development forum with consent from the
i. Attend group meetings. chairperson.
ii. Offer technical support to members.  Sharing information with TESO OKWENYU in an
iii. Access records and books of accounts through the open and clear manner.
iv. Responsible use of group property. b) Rights and privileges.
 Attending workshops, trainings, study trips etc.
5.3.2: Full members; organized by/in conjunction with TESO OKWENYU.
 Access to records with permission from the
a) Roles and responsibilities: chairperson.
 Ratify and endorse the group constitution.  Lobbying together with TESO OKWENYU.
 Observe, enforce & protect the group constitution.  Support from TESO OKWENYU handling their
 Attend group meetings. challenging areas.
 Implement all resolutions made by majority vote in  Free entry-free exit.


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5.3.4: Honorary members:

i. Roles and responsibilities: 5.5.2: Ceasation of membership:

 Attending meetings at will.
 Organizing for seminars/workshops/trainings/study A person ceases to be a member;
trips for the group at will. a) Voluntarily/ at will:
 Organizing platforms for the group to showcase the The following procedure shall apply;
new ideology and or their products.  A member intending to leave shall inform the executive
 Supporting the group an any time, in any manner committee in written at least 3 weeks earlier.
possible.  A person intending to leave must not possess any
 Lobbying for or on behalf of the group at will with document, property, or sum of money that belong to the
consent from the executive committee. group.
ii. Rights and privileges:  Anybody wishing to leave at will MUST not have unsettled
i. Access to records and books of accounts. dispute/conflict/debt or task in the group.
ii. Can withdraw membership at will.  One shall wait for clearance from the executive committee.
iii. Support from group members that shall be deemed fit by
the General Assembly.
iv. Treatment with respect and dignity. b) Mandatory termination:
One shall be expelled from the group due to any of the
following reasons;
5.5: REGISTRATION & CEASATION OF MEMBERSHIP:  Continuously breaching the constitution for 3 times,
without adhering to the penalties given.
Entry & exit shall be governed by the following;  Failure to renew membership within 14 days from the
start of the new activity year.
5:5.1 Registration of membership:  Refusing to make contributions resolved by majority
i. Having met the qualities prescribed under article 5,section  A resolution by 3/4s of the General Assembly having
1, clause a-d and procedure in section 2 sub-section 1- realized that his/her presence and or actions may be a
4,members shall; threat to the security, progress and or image of the
ii. Be entered in the group register. group.
iii. In cases where membership fee is applicable, late entrants Where a resolution to expel a member is reached at;-ensure that
shall pay 30% late entry surcharge. such a member does not have;
iv. The surcharge in ii) above applies to those who join a  Un cleared debt in or with the association.
month later.  Group property in his/her custody.
v. Late entrants shall pay off all the accumulated sums of
money already contributed by others.
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 Unsettled conflict in the group except when his/her d) Donation and gifts
expulsion is a solution to the conflict. e) Group development funds (GDF)
 To seem denied a chance to fair hearing. If one feels
justice is denied, he/she can seek for legal redress within 5.7: STRATEGY IN TERMS OF DEATH
14 days &the executive committee be informed in written A. All members must attend the funeral except;
of such a decision within 24hrs.  For those far away at the occurrence of death
 In case one is contented with his/her expulsion, he/she shall  If the place for burial is very far and may and
be given his/her terminal benefits within 48hrs. may cost a lot in terms of transport, a few
 Upon reception of the terminal benefits, one shall sign a representatives shall be sent.
form of conformity.  If circumstances surrounding death may lead to
 Having filled the form of conformity, such a person shall chaos
NEVER have any right to any property/part of property and  If there is a legal directive preventing mass
all activities of the group. attendance in the burial
B. there shall be a uniform amount of condolence contribution
c) By death: from the group to the bereaved family for the loss in curved
Upon death, one automatically loses membership! But; that shall be set up by the GPA from time to time but not
i) The next of kin may take over at will. less than 100.000/= (one hundred thousand shillings)
ii) Where the next of kin may not be willing to take over, the C. The adjustments in b) above must not be made unless it is
benefits of the befallen member shall be handed to the in the AGM
NOK. D. The contribution in b) above does not prohibit members
from making any additional contribution to the bereaved
5.6 Benefits of terminated members: family.
i. A terminated member shall get his/her due entitlements up E. The following categories of people are the ones cared for in
to the time of his/her termination. the section;
The benefits in (i) above include; i) A member
 All refundable funds, ii) A members’ official partner (married wife/husband )
 All dividends in kind & in cash, iii) A member’s biological parent (real father or member)
 All due extension services. iv) A member’s biological children
ii. No member shall claim for ownership of any property of v) A member’s siblings (real brother/sister)
the group from the time of his /her exit.
iii. Non refundable funds stipulated below shall not be claimed ARTICLE SIX: LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNMENT
for by terminate members. STRUCTURE
a) Membership fee 6.1 Committees;
b) Annual subscription fee The group shall have the following structures for its smooth
c) DEW funds (disaster emergency and welfare fund) operations.
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i. General assembly; composed of all members from all forms ii. Mediate incase of conflicts among members in the group
of membership. and any external force
ii. Executive committee; put in place by the G.A in the A.G.M iii. Identify gaps in the group and suggest remedies
iii. Advisory board; composed of a team of highly valued iv. Be referees to the group where need be
members of the community with integrity, expertise, skill v. Identify and inform the executive committee opportunities
and vast experience appoints to various departments as for development
advisors vi. Cross check group work plans, budgets, proposals, reports
iv. Departmental committees; shall be put in place by the etc and advise accordingly.
executive committee to carry out specific duties and tasks. D. Departmental committees: shall;
6.2: Duties of Committees i. Prepare work plans, budgets and accountabilities for their
A. General assembly: shall; sectors
i. Be a final decision making body ii. Be answerable to the executive committee
ii. Put in place the executive committee and approve iii. Keep records of their activities and present when needed
departmental committees and advisory board iv. Perform any other assignments given.
iii. Appoint bankers, lawyers and auditor to the group
iv. Reviews, renews and or terminates services of the above 6.3: Leadership positions and functions of offices bearers.
officers in ii and iii above 6.3.1: Executive Committee:
v. Approves budgets and work plans of the group A. Coordinator shall;
vi. Ratifies the constitution and ensure strict adherence i. Identify training needs for group members’ capacity
vii. Amends the constitution building
B. Executive committee shall; ii. liaise with appropriate service providers
i. Draw budgets and work plans for the group iii. Link the group with government, CSO, institutions, groups
ii. Prepare and present accountability to the G.A and individuals of help
iii. Lay strategies for the smooth running of the group iv. Lobby for and on behalf of the group
iv. Organize trainings for members v. Be the custodian of the group’s on-line banking pin
v. Hire and fire technical staff on behalf of the G.A vi. Be a chief signatory to the group accounts
vi. Put in place departmental committees, supervise and vii. Represent the group in any development forum
dissolve them where appropriate. viii. Ensure legal adherence by the group
vii. Liaise with the government, NGOs and other organizations ix. Give guidance to the group
viii. Lobby for the group x. Linking up the activities of departmental committees and
ix. Report to the G.A executive committees
x. Appoint advisors to various departments xi. Be the ex- official in the advisory committee
C. Advisory board: shall; xii. Be the chief contact person in the group
i. Offer technical guidance to departmental and executive B. Chairperson: shall;
committees i. Calls for and chairs meetings
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ii. Be the custodian of the groups mobile money pin F. Publicity secretary; shall
iii. Be a signatory to the group documents i) Circulate official group information to all group
iv. Be a secretary in the advisory committee members in time and accurately.
v. Represent the group in any development forum ii) Mobilize members for group meetings, trainings, etc.
vi. Give guidance to the office bearers iii) Head project monitors in monitoring and evaluating
vii. Harmonize activities, work plans and budgets of the progress in project implementation.
departmental committees iv) Present comprehensive reports of their findings &
viii. Presents accountability to the general assembly recommendations for improvement.
ix. Be the custodian of the mobile banking phone number v) Serve as project records officer.
x. Be the custodian of the group seal vi) Keeps up to date & clear project records.
xi. Give permission for access of records and books of G. Treasurer; shall
accounts i. Be the custodian of the group’s mobile money and on-line
C. Vice chairperson; shall account number.
i. Perform all the duties of the chairperson accept being in ii. Be a signatory to all group accounts.
possession of the groups mobile money pin iii. Keep all group finances
ii. Perform any other delegated/assigned to him/her by the iv. Keep all financial records of agreements, receipts etc
chairperson from time to time v. Prepare and present accountability to the executive
D. General secretary: shall; committees
i) Be a minute secretary in all meetings vi. Offer technical advice on financial matters to the group.
ii) Be a signatory to the bank accounts vii. Cash out any amount of money according to cleared
iii) Keeps copies of financial documents requisitions, work plan and budget.
iv) Originate notices/ letters for group activities in liaison viii. Perform any other duties assigned from time to time.
with the chairperson H. Disaster, emergency and welfare (DEW) officer: shall;
v) Be the custodian of all minutes of the group i. Receive reports of any DEW issues from members
vi) Take record of all transactions conducted in the group ii. Take immediate action to verify as soon as possible the
vii) Prepare any other duties assigned report in his/her desk
iii. Recommend for the release of due funds to a member as
E. Law enforcement officer; shall per the guide lines
i) Perform the duties of a secretary in the absence of or iv. Notify members of the DEW issue received
delegation of duties by the General Secretary. v. Prepare and present DEW funds accountability
ii) Use a separate record book to avoid manipulation, vi. Keep a record of DEW funds \
accusations & counter-accusations. vii. Make an effort to ensure timely recovery of DEW funds as
iii) Harmonize his/her records with the secretary. prescribed in this constitution
iv) Ensure that all fines are paid, the constitution is I. Project monitors: shall;
observed and enforced.
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i. Perform visits to project implementation grounds for
ii. Establish the status of projects implemented ARTICLE 7: ELECTIONS
iii. Identify challenges in the project implementation grounds 7.1: Election procedure
iv. Lay down strategies for improvement  The election shall be chaired by an election officer who
v. Table a report of performance to the executive committee shall be one of the following;
vi. Give Guidance To Members In Project Handling
i. An area L.C 1 chairperson
ii. CDO
iii. Parish chief
 It shall be conducted during an AGM or a special meeting
called for such a purpose, attended by 80% of the members
6.4: Organizational Of Structure  Elections shall be by secret ballot
 Each candidate for any office must have a nominator and a
AGM seconder
 Votes shall be counted and declared immediately
 In case of positions that remain unfilled, members shall be
nominated, seconded and voted in immediately
 Elected officials shall be sworn in and hand over conducted
after one week from the time of elections
EXECUTIVE ADVISORY  No officer shall carry more than one office in a committee
COMMITTEE COMMITTEE 7.2: Term of office
 The term of office for the executive committee shall be 2
DEW MANAGEMENT  Departmental
ASSET committees shall serve for a term of one year
 Advisory board shall serve for a period of two years
 An officer shall serve for not more than two consecutive
terms in the same office

7.3: Terms of service, removal; of office bearers before the end

of the term
7.3.1: Terms of service
INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS.  All positions in the group are or voluntary service accept
technical offices


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 The general assembly may decide to give a honorium to  Incase reason is found for the meeting in iv above the
distinct office bearers for excellent service rendered officer in question shall be given enough time and space to
 The honorium in ii above shall vary from time to time and table his/her defense
depending on the degree of excellence  Where he accused does not attend the meeting, his or her
7.3.2: Removal of office bearers before the end of their term fate shall be decided by members in his/her absence
A. Circumstances for removal of office bearers  The resolution to remove or retain the officer shall be
 Evident failure to perform duties prescribed in article 6 of decided by ballot after careful analyze
this constitution  Upon retention all instruments of power shall be given back
 Evidence of a conflict of interest in group matters/ to the office bearer
proceedings  If the office bearer is terminated, a replacement shall be put
 Evidence of misuse of office and abuse of power in place in the same meeting
 Committing an offence that puts the group into disrepute  In case the terminated officer has committed serious
 Mental incapacity crimes, he/she may be handed over to police for further
 Running away from the area of operation of the group investigations
 Defying the constitution, the group penal guide or
directives from the disciplinary committee ARTICLE 8: MEETINGS
 Resignation of the office bearer 8.1 Categories of Meetings
 Being appointed into a technical office in the group.
B. Procedures for removal of an office bearer A. Educational Meetings:
 There shall be reports and or a motion for the removal of  For project management trainings in various enterprises
the said officer with reasons and evidence tabled before the  All members must attend except in extreme cases with
executive committee apology
 The accused officer shall be informed of the accusations  Shall be organized in line with the project enterprises and
against him/her in written needs of the group members
 Instruments of power shall be revoked from the said officer
within 12 hours from the time he/she is served with a vote B.Project Oriented Savings Meetings: shall;
of no confidence notice to allow room for proper  Be attended by at least half of the members
investigation  Be for making financial contributions to the pool
 A meeting shall be called for such purpose attended by at  Be for sharing experiences, knowledge and minor
least 80% of all members challenges
 Where the executive committee finds no or insufficient  Be held every Monday from 2.00 to 4:30pm
evidence the motion mover shall be informed within 14
days and there shall be no reason for a meeting C. Executive committee meetings: shall;
 Be attended by at least 80% of all executive members


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 Be conducted after every three months between 20 th to 30th Article 8.2: Resolutions of the Meetings
of every third month
 Review and harmonize departmental work plans and I) all resolutions of the meetings conducted without the
budgets required quorum shall be nal and void
 Scrutinize reports from departmental committees II) Any resolution made in a meeting with the required
 Discuss and resolve any other matters of relevance to the quorum binds all members
group III) Any member who being present or absent defies, derails
or opposes a decision made by majority vote in ii above
D. Departmental meetings: shall; shall be penalized
 Be held after every two months between 15th to 20th of
 Draw departmental work plans, budgets and reports for
approval by the executive committee 9.1: Approved Sources of Funds
 Forward their resolutions to respective advisors for counsel
The group shall have funds categorized as follows
 Review the previous work plans, budgets, reports and take
lead in their implementation a) Non-refundable funds
 Be attended by at least 80% of the members I) Registration fees set by the general assembly from time
to time.
E. Emergency meetings: shall; II) Annual subscription fees
 Be called upon at any time depending on the urgency of the III) Donations
matter or matters at hand IV) Fines
 Be chaired by the DEW officer or coordinator in the V) Disaster emergency & welfare (DEW)fund
absence of the chairperson VI) Group management fund(GMF)
 Be attended by at least 50% of the members with one b) Refundable funds;
advisor i) Project development fund (PDF)-savings –in kind.
ii) Share capital (for TESO OKWENYU FINANCIAL
F. Annual general meeting (AGM): shall; SERVICE CENTRE)
 Be organized once in a year in the month of September iii) Dividends from share capital projects
between 15th to 30th c) Other approved resources
 Review work plans, budgets and reports of the group i) Soft loans from reputable institutions and government
 Approve new work plans, budgets and other necessary ii) Grants
documents iii) Profits from loans and projects
 Be attended by 80% of the members and advisors
 Carry out all other functions of the general assembly as in 9.2: Securities of Funds and Project Management Strategies
article 6.2 clause a paragraph i-vii
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A. Hard cash kept by the treasurer i) Any project item placed under a member’s custody
shall remain the property of Teso Okwenyu
 Shall not exceed 100,000/= for emergency services only Development Group
ii) No project item shall be used as a plague/security for
B. Mobile money banking: any loan or debt settlement. Both the presenter and the
 Shall be used to secure money that may easily be needed to taker shall face the rough of the association.
be put into action iii) Any member who fails to take good care of the project
 The treasurer shall be in custody of the mobile money item(s), causing a loss, damage and or misuse shall be
account without knowing the pin forced to replace the item in question and pay a fine of
 The pin shall be in custody of the chairperson 50% of the project item value.
 Transactions shall always be done by two people iv) It shall be the duty of the group to carry out routine
(chairperson and treasurer) with consent from the DEW vaccination and spray of all project animals and birds.
officer v) In case of theft or any form of damage/ loss caused by
 The Secretary must always confirm and record all mobile anybody not in direct custody of the project item, the
money transactions conducted custodian of the item shall report to the DEW officer
 Members must be updated with the weekly transactions within 12 hours from the incident.
made vi) The group shall in its own name, under the witness of
C. Banking the custodian of the project item in question lead the
 The group shall have a group account (s) from a bank legal battle against the person in v above
appointed by members vii) The group shall also face 40% of treatment costs for
 The signatories to the bank accounts shall be; the project item treatment reported and witnessed by the
chairperson, general secretary and the treasurer executive committee.
 The treasurer shall be the custodian of the on-line banking
phone number without knowing its pin only known by the 9.3: Loans:
coordinator. Teso Okwenyu Development Group shall borrow and or dis buzz
 No transaction must be effected in absence of one of the loans to its members for investment support at very friendly terms
above signatories except with written permission from the and conditions
absent member and clearance from the coordinator A. loan acquisition
 All cash withdrawals must be done with clearance from the  The group shall in its own name borrow soft loans from
finance control committee of the group institutions offering not beyond 20% p.a interest rate.
 Any on-line banking must be done jointly by the  Teso Okwenyu will only get a loan from one institution at a
coordinator, chairperson, treasurer and secretary time with approval from the general assembly
D. Project management strategies B. Disbursement and specifications
 Loans shall be given to members for investment purposes
in kind (investment inputs)
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 Shall be given not exceeding 3% per month interest rate  Failure to pay in two weeks shall attract a disciplinary
 Shall be given to carefully vetted members with strict guide action.
lines to be issued by the finance control committee at an 9.4.3: Areas catered for by the DEW fund
interest rate not exceeding 6% per month A. Death Of:
C. Repayment and recovery plans  A member
 Members’ share capital shall be used as collaterals for the  A member’s official marital partner (wife/husband)
loan  A member’s biological parent (real father/mother)
 The finance control committee shall put in place  A member’s biological child
mechanisms to handle the repayment and recovery of these  A member’s biological sibling (brother/sister)
funds  DEW funds for this purpose shall be paid to condole with
9.4: DEW Management Fund. the bereaved family not individuals.
There shall be a uniform amount of money set by the general B. Emergencies Like;
assembly for members to contribute for purposes of+ handling  Life threatening accidents
disasters, emergency and welfare issues  Destruction of habitats by natural calamities
 Life threatening sickness.
9.4.1: Deposits
i. Shall be made uniformly and evenly by members as agreed C. Social Functions; Like
upon.  Traditional marriages
ii. No member shall be exceptional to this  Wedding ceremonies
iii. Member can deposit his/her DEW funds once covering the  Graduation ceremonies
required sum. D. Project Support
9.4.2: Mode of handling  Purchase of feeds
 There shall be a DEW mobile money account kept by the  Purchase of tools and equipment.
treasurer E. Family Issues
 The DEW mobile money pin number shall be kept by the  Visitors
DEW officer.  Minor deficiencies
 The DEW officer shall receive reports and authorize
payment of the DEW funds 9.4.4: Dew Fund Specifications:
 He/she shall keep very clear and accurate records of DEW S/N Area Amount Repayment
transactions 1 Condolence 200,000 X
 The treasurer can keep hard cash up to a maximum of 2 Accidents 50,000 
100,000/= 3 Destruction Of 50,000 X
 On issues that require rebursement, members accessing the Property
DEW fund shall repay within two weeks 4 Sickness 50,000 
5 Project Support 50,000 
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6 Family Issues 20,000  Shall be done after three months (quarterly) but;
7 i) Can be carried out at the discretion of the executives or
general assembly.
9.5: POWERS TO BORROW, USE AND ACCOUNT FOR ii) Have internal auditors or external auditors appointed by the
FUNDS. group to carry it out.
9.5.1: Borrowing iii) Be fully facilitated by the group.
i. The executive committee shall with authority from the iv) Have a report produced and comprehensively to the
general assembly funds in accordance with the group work members within 24 hrs from the time of audit.
plan and budget as approved.
ii. No individual member shall borrow money or any item in 9.5.5: Audit Queries
the names of Teso Okwenyu Group. i) In case of any audit query, as in the report the implicated
iii. Members capital shares can be used collaterals for the loan officer shall be answerable to an emergency meeting called
security in (i) above. for such a purpose.
9.5.2: Use of group funds. ii) Should such an officer in (i) above fail to turn-up or gives
i) The finance control department shall approve the use of any unsatisfactory explanation and or evidence he/she shall be
money in the group according to the work plan and budget. subjected to the disciplinary committee.
ii) The implementing officers shall immediately account to the iii) Where one feels aggrieved by the audit report and there the
executive committee for the money spent within seven (7) resultant disciplinary action he/she shall petition within 48
days from the completion of an activity in which the money hours to the general assembly for further investigations and
was spent a fair hearing.
iii) The finance control department shall receive a copy of the iv) If the officer undertakes (iii) above he/she shall step aside
accountability and forward to the executive committee for to allow room for smooth investigations into the matter by a
scrutiny. team selected for that purpose by the general assembly.
9.5.3: Books of accounts. v) The investigating team shall report within fourteen (14)
i) Each department shall keep clear records of all transactions days and their report discussed in another emergency
done meeting attended by 80% of the general assembly.
ii) All records in (i) above must copied to the office of the vi) If the report still pins the officer any of the following
coordinator with clear levels of the forwarder, receiver and options shall be adopted by the general assembly:
dates of forwarding and reception.  Fine
iii) Shall be readily available and accessible to all members  Removal from office.
with permission from the chairperson on clear grounds.  Or both of the above.
iv) Anybody who tries to alter, destroy or hide any record book  Filling a case in police.
or part of it shall be punished by either the disciplinary
committee or subjected to courts of law. ARTICLE 10: ASSETS AND LIABILITIES.
9.5.4: Audit
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10.1: Asset Acquisition. vi) Custodians of the properties must report any damage/loss of
i) The group shall acquire both current and fixed assets in its the property for immediate action.
own name.
ii) All assets acquired must as a result a minuted resolution. 10.1.5. Asset disposal.
iii) All donated assets must reported to the general assembly  There must be a minuted resolution made by not less than
and, minuted
¾ of the group members for the disposal of any item.
iv) All acquired assets must be in good condition and approved
 All group items for disposal must be disposed off publicly
by members.
to the highest bidder.
 All disposed items shall be officially written off the asset
10:1.2 Asset Registration & Encryption: acquisition register and entered into asset disposal register.
i) Any group item must be encrypted “TESO OKWENY U”  All money got from the disposal of items shall be put into
followed by its number of acquisition. the group account.
ii) All assets must be entered in the group asset register.
iii) The asset register must in triplicate (kept by the secretary, 10.2: liabilities.
chairperson and co-ordinator.
The executive committee may incur a current liability on behalf of
the group in line with work plan and budget of the group.
10.1.3: Asset ownership.
i) All group items are owned by current active members. The above liability must be easily sorted out and has to be reported
ii) No individual has a right to claim for any asset/part of it in to the general assembly before acquiring another one.
his/her capacity.
iii) Any person whose membership has been terminated has Any liability must be acquired honestly and transparently.
ownership right of any or part of the group assets.
Any long term liability not sanctioned or acknowledged by the
10.1.4 Care For, Use, Custody and Safety of Assets. general assembly shall be the responsibility of the person(s) who
i) All members have a right to responsible use of group incurred it.
assets. All liabilities must be clearly documented with relevant evidence.
ii) Members reserve the right to allocate group assets to
members for care, custody and safety. All liabilities cleared must be signed off by the chairperson and
iii) A register for use and custody of assets shall be kept in treasurer.
triplicate as in 10.1.2 (iii) above.
iv) Anybody using the asset must take much attention to its All liabilities sanctioned or acknowledged by the members shall be
care. met by the group.
v) Any fault, damage or loss encountered by the person using
such a group item/asset shall be sorted out by the user.
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iii. A meeting for such a purpose shall be convinced
within 21 days from the date members got the
iv. The meeting in (iii) above must be attended by at
Teso Okwenyu Development Group shall take the following into
least 90% of the members.
consideration at the time of dissolution.
v. Such a motion must be supported by at least 70% of
11.1: Situations That Lead To Dissolution the members present.
vi. Where the resolution for dissolve the group is
 A directive from government.
passed, the executive committee shall in liaison with
 Decision of members.
advisory board be given 60 days to sort out and
11.2: Procedures for Dissolution. close business.
vii. At the close of business all partners and government
a. Through a directive from government.
authorities shall be notified.
i. A written communication must be served to the
executive committee clearly stating reasons for such 11.2.1: Guidelines for dissolution.
a directive.
 Ensure that all funds, properties and documents shall be
ii. The office/officer communicating shall set a
ground, time and or guidance from the group to get
All items capable of being sold must be sold.
a fair hearing in the matter.
 Ensure that all liabilities are cleared.
iii. Where the group feels uncomfortable by the
 Carry out an audit & ensure that all audit queries are fully
decision to dissolve the group, it shall seek for legal
handled to their logical conclusion.
assistance ion courts of law.
 Ensure no legal battle is unsettled.
iv. In case members feel satisfied with the directive the
 Distribute all funds and or properties to active members
executives shall write to respective office or officer
requesting for time to sort out outstanding matters
 Obtain conformity certificates from all members.
and close business.
 Publicize such a dissolution to ensure no member dubiously
b. Dissolution by the member decision.
deals with anybody/association in the name o Teso
i. A written motion of dissolution must be forwarded
Okwenyu Development Group.
to the executive committee at least 90 days before
 Hand over all group documents/stamps and any other item
the intended date of dissolution.
not capable of being sold to police.
ii. Such a motion must be circulated to members
within seven (07) days from the time it was
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iv. Response to current dynamic needs of the group
11.2.2: Assets and Liabilities during dissolution.
12.3: Procedures to Amend.
a. All assets shall be sold to:
i. Sort out all liabilities before dissolution. i. Notify the executive committee in written giving details of
ii. Raise funds to be distributed among members. the intended amendments at least 30 days before the
ii. Secretary circulates the note of amendment to members 21
ARTICLE 12: AMENDMENTS. days towards the AGM for scrutiny.
iii. Amendment is tabled in then AGM attended by at least
This constitution shall for the first time be amended after three (03) 90% of the members for discussion.
years of operation if need be. iv. Such a motion must be supported by at least 70% of the
12.1: Powers to Amend. members present.
v. Once passed such a provision shall take fourteen (14) days
i. Any full member has a right and power to move a motion from the time of amendment to come into force.
seeking the amendment of this constitution or part of it. vi. Any matter that occurred before the new provision shall be
ii. Such a motion shall be at least 30 days before the AGM handled in accordance with the old provision within the 14
sent to the executive committee through the secretary. days before the new provision takes effect.
iii. The motion mover shall in his/her letter state clearly the
article/clause/paragraph/sub paragraph he/she wishes to
amend and how he/she wishes it to appear.
iv. The chairperson shall cause the secretary to circulate the
intended amendments to full members at least seven
(07)days from the time of reception.

12:2: Reasons for Amendment

i. Contradiction with the national constitution/act(s) of
parliament/district ordinance(s) or sub county bye-laws in Any offence not stated here shall be penalized by the disciplinary
the area of operation. committee as deemed fit by the committee members in accordance
ii. Luxicity/gaps identified in the existing provisions of this with this constitution and the law of natural justice.
S/ Offence(S) Penalty
iii. High handedness of the constitution or part of it.
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N el
1 Gossiping/Rumor 50,000/= 2 Oumo Chairper CM79058101 078206
Mongering/Non Confidentiality Richar son 4U8L 7313
2 Opposing Group Resolutions 15,000/= d
3 Quarreling/Use Of Vulgar 20,000/= 3 Kiyai Vice CF66058102 078515
Language Janet Chairper QTMH 8388
4 Disobeying Lawful Orders 2,000/= Marga son
5 Lying To The Group 2.000/= ret
6 Absenteeism/Escaping 1,000/= 4 Emase Secretar CM97058103 077588
7 Late Coming 500/= Dan y 64HF 3460
8 Distracting Attention/Not Paying 200/= 5 Ekocu Treasure 077387
Attention Matus r 2764
6 Akise Law CF950581055 078161
Declaration and endorsement. Scovia Enforce 4FJ 6584
We the undersigned members of Teso Okwenyu Development Officer
Group hereby solemnly declare and affirm that; 7 Ongab Publicit CM90058104 077044
a y Sec DDWJ 7684
i. The above provisions from the preamble to article 13 are
our own views & aspirations.
ii. We made these provisions out of our free will and sound
8 Okwa DEW 078873
p Officer 4288
iii. These provisions bind us, direct us, guide us and govern us.
We hereby pledge to abide by, protect, support, enforce and uphold 9 Acam Project CF81043102 077843
our constitution Stella Monitor XTWF 4376
10 Etiang Project CM92058103 078489
So help us GOD. Joshua Monitor BWJX 9588
11 Ijangat Project CF890581009 078870
N E ON ACT URE 12 Ojamo Member 078422
Noah 5697
1 Opwa Co- CM8504310 078525 13 Alayo Member CF80058103J
nya Ordinat GMGF 3636 Christi ZPL
Rapha or ne
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14 Lemu Member CM54058102 Esther 2414
kol 3WKD 25
Enoch 26
15 Apio Member CF890581009 27
Esther K4C
16 Okoli Member CM80058103
17 Dusen Member CF93018101 077134 NAME: ……………………………………………….. TITLE:
ge EKYH 5853 ……………………………………..
Mario SIGN: ………………………………………………….STAMP:
n ……………………………………
18 Alung Member CONTACT: ……………………………………………
19 Konga Member
20 Okure Member CF62058103
Joyce KDGH
21 Aseke Member 078596
nye 3115
22 Opio Member
23 Oitiko Member CM97058104 077149
u 42TJ 0772
24 Atim member 070714
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