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Name: Filza Syafira bt Zulkifli

Matric no.: 202177 Group: 57

Due Date: 3 January 2021

Summarising Academic Sources

1.Summarise the excerpt below on how technology improves communication in

the workplace. Include an in-text citation according to APA style.

The use of technology in a workplace simplifies the way workmates
communicate. Today employees and business managers use advanced
communication tools and means to exchange information. The use of virtual
communication tools such as electronic mail and video conferencing is on the
rise amongst employees and business managers. Good communication at the
workplace builds strong relationships among employees, and it also facilitates
the flow of information through multiple channels which might be needed in the
decision-making process. Some of this communication technology used in
most workplaces includes; mobile texting apps like ”whatsapp messenger”
which is a cross-platform mobile messaging app for all smart phones.

Source Book

Authors Brian Tracy and Thomas Malthus

Date of January 2014

Title Technology and Workplace Communication

Tracy and Malthus (2014) states that technology help the colleagues to

communicate easier by using progressed communication devices to trade data.

Great conversation at the office can fabricates the solid connection between

colleagues and at the same time make the problem solving process smoother

while sharing the information through various types of platform.


2. Summarise the excerpt below on the importance of time management for

students. Include an in-text citation according to APA style.

Time management is a key to academic success for students. The best
students are not necessarily those who are smarter, but those who use their
time effectively. When students plan their days and weeks in advance, time
can be their friend rather than their enemy. Although time management is
challenging, it will benefit students in many ways.
The first importance of time management is it helps students to prioritise. By
doing this, they will be able to concentrate on the more urgent tasks first
before moving on to the next. Moreover, if time has been allocated for specific
purposes, it is easier to cope with unforeseen circumstances such as
emergencies, visitors and invitations. However, if students notice that they are
losing a lot of time to other activities than studying, they should try to manage
their time better. They ought to start eliminating the time bandits by making
small adjustments in their habits and behaviours in order to get better control
of their precious time.
Source Online article

Author University of Nottingham

Date of April 2013


Title Effective Time Management

According to University of Nottingham (2013) the main significance of time

management is it encourages students to organize. By doing so, they will have

the option to focus on the more dire assignments before proceeding onward to

the following. Additionally, if time has been apportioned for explicit purposes, it

is simpler to adapt to unanticipated conditions, for example, crises, guests and


3. Summarise the excerpt below on the benefits of using e-mails. Include an in-text
citation according to APA style and the citation format given.


Electronic mail most commonly known as e-mail has been around since 1993.
It is a method of exchanging digital messages from an author to one or more
recipients. E-mails operate across the Internet or other computer networks.
The invention of e-mails has influenced our lives and become an important
medium of communication.

One benefit of using e-mails is it is eco-friendly as no paper is used which

means no chopping down of trees. Mails sent by postal service make use of
paper. However, e-mails prevent a large number of trees from getting axed.
Using e-mails also saves fuel that is consumed in the process of transporting
letters. As compared to faxes and letters, e-mails are extremely environmental

Another benefit of using e-mails is it is very fast. When the message has been
written, all one has to do is click the 'send' button on the screen. The e-mails
get transferred from the computer to the ISP (Internet Service Provider) and is
then automatically sent to the recipient. For that reason, many business
people spend their time in front of the computer or make time to access their
e-mails several times a day. E-mails can also help people reach anyone,
anywhere around the world instantly.

Source Journal Article

Authors Jennifer Gore, Terence Lovat and Dennis Dayman
Date of October 2015
Title Benefits of Using E-mails
Citation format At the end of the sentence

Using electronic mail are very advantageous as it is environmentally-safe which does

not involved deforestation. It also save fuel that is devoured during the time spent

shipping letters . Another advantage of electronic mail is it is quick as it only need to

click a button to send. Electronic mail also help individuals arrive at anybody, anyplace

around the globe quickly. (Gore, Lovat & Dayman, 2015).


4. Summarise the excerpt below on the impact of fear of missing out. Include an
in-text citation according to APA style and the citation format given.


Source : Journal Article

Authors : Stephanie L. Knight and Robert F. Richmond

Date of publication : July 2016

Title : Motivational, Emotional and Behavioral Correlatation

of Fear of Missing Out

Citation format : Within the sentence

Fear of missing out could be a factor contributing to greater alcohol use and a
higher rate of negative alcohol-related consequences among college students.
Because students who have high levels of fear of missing out check social media
sites more regularly, they may be exposed to more social events involving alcohol.
In addition, these students may also have stronger social or conformity motives to
consume alcohol (e.g., drinking to be liked or drinking to not feel left out) which has
been associated with heavy drinking in college. Fear of missing out could also be
associated with more negative alcohol-related consequences either through higher
alcohol use or greater willingness to engage in high risk behaviours (e.g., checking
text messages while driving). Therefore, to avoid missing out, those with high levels
of fear of missing out may be more willing to place themselves in risky social
situations and contexts such as attending parties at unfamiliar locations.

Another important dimension of fear of missing out is its potential links with
psychological health and well-being. For example, the strong desire to stay
continuously connected is potentially dangerous as it encourages people to check
in with their digital technology even when they are operating motor vehicles.
Additionally, accounts of fear of missing out presented by journalists writing for The
New York Times and San Francisco Chronicle highlight how a mix of social media
and fear of missing out may be linked to general unhappiness. Furthermore,
Wortham (2011) proposes that the fear of missing out may be a source of negative
mood or depressed feelings because it undermines the decisions that one has
made in life.

In addition, mood deficits and disatisfaction with life caused by the fear of missing
out may lead to social media addiction. Research on internal motives for social
media engagement indicates that avoiding negative emotional states such as
loneliness (Burke, Marlow & Lento, 2010) compel Facebook use. Furthermore,
dissatisfaction with the present state of one’s life has been identified as a motive


supporting social media use (Ellison, Steinfield & Lampe, 2007). These examples
suggest social media provides an outlet for social and emotional frustrations caused
by the fear of being left out. Thus, it appears that the fear of missing out could serve
an important role in linking factors such as psychological need satisfaction, overall
mood and general life satisfaction to dependency on social media engagement.

Knight and Richmond (2016) write that students that deal with higher alcohol intake

is because the effect of fear of missing out. Another critical measurement of fear

of missing out is its potential joins with physical and mental well-being as Wortham

(2011) states that negative moods and depressive feeling comes from the fear of

missing out. Moreover, unhappy with life and reluctant mood may lead to social

media compulsion.

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