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SEMESTER 1, 2020/2021







Name Matric No.


Group No. : 57






MATRIC No.: 202177

Transfer your topic, thesis statement and supporting sentences in Task 1 into this form.
Paraphrase and/or summarise your selected excerpts to be used as supporting details.
Include in-text citations according to APA style.

You MUST have a total of 2 paraphrases and 2 summaries.

(Example: SD 1- Paraphrase, SD 2- Summary, SD 3 – Summary, SD 4 – Paraphrase)



Thesis Statement:

The benefits of artificial intelligence are they can deliver virtual lectures and
learning environment as well as providing personalized help to the students.

Body Paragraph 1:

Topic Sentence:

First, the benefit of artificial intelligence in education is as virtual lectures and learning

Supporting Sentence 1:

Artificial Intelligence may replace a lecturer with a robot with virtual human guides.
Supporting Detail 1:

Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) use AI techniques to simulate one-to-one

human tutoring, delivering learning activities best matched to a learner’s
cognitive needs and providing targeted and timely feedback, all without an
individual teacher having to be present. Some ITS put the learner in control
of Paraphrase
their own learning in/ order
to help students develop self-regulation skills;
others use pedagogical strategies to scaffold learning so that the learner is
appropriately challenged and supported.

Based on your excerpt, underline the following:

a. type of supporting detail: Example/ Statistic/ Quotation/ Fact
b. method to use: Paraphrase / Summarise

Lunkin et al. (2016) claim that Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) use AI approaches
to represent one-to one human tutoring, provide learning experiences best fit to
the cognitive needs of a student and offer targeted and timely guidance, all without
wanting individual instructor being available. In order to help student to develop
self- regulation skills, some ITS place the student in charge of their own learning.
While other use pedagogical techniques to scaffold learning so that the student is
sufficiently challenged and encouraged.


Luckin,R., Holmes,W., Griffiths,M.,& Forcier, L.B.(2016). Intelligence unleashed:

An argument for AI in education. Pearson Education.
Supporting Sentence 2:

The rise of augmented and virtual reality bring benefits to the classroom.

Supporting Detail 2:

Method: Paraphrase / Summary

Virtual worlds are computer-based simulations of objects and activities that

appear in real life. Buildings, landscapes, and basically any object that can
be conceived in one’s imagination can be designed and placed in a setting
to create the sense that one is immersed in the environment that the
designer wants visitors to experience. Visitors operate within the space as
avatars. These avatars can be human in form but can also be animals.
Avatars can be designed with various facial and physical features as well
as clothes. The avatars can also be given commands to run, walk, fly, and
teleport to different locations within the virtual space. Background audio
contributes to a sense of being immersed in the space. Additionally,
photographs and videos from other platforms such as YouTube can be
streamed while in the virtual space. Thus, instructors can customize virtual
classrooms to have content-specific information and resources
continuously available in the virtual environment. The ability to create
various environments has made 3D virtual worlds useful for experiencing
dangerous or logistically impractical science labs, simulations, and medical
experiments, which online students would have great difficulty seeing and
experiencing in. Virtual worlds have also been used to provide virtual tours
of real geographic landforms to students of various ages. The ability to
design complex environments makes virtual spaces ideal for providing
experiential, constructivist learning experiences. The capacity of visitors to
navigate these spaces at their own pace and ability makes them student
centered environments in which the instructor is more of a facilitator than a
distributor of knowledge.
Based on your excerpt, underline the following:
a. type of supporting detail: Example/ Statistic/ Quotation/ Fact
b. method to use: Paraphrase / Summarise

Domingo and Bradley (2017) stated that virtual worlds are computer-based
simulations of objects and activities that appear in real life. The avatars can also
be given commands to run, walk, fly, and teleport to different locations within the
virtual space. Additionally, photographs and videos from other platforms such as
YouTube can be streamed while in the virtual space. Thus, instructors can
customize virtual classrooms to have content-specific information and resources
continuously available in the virtual environment. The ability to create various
environments has made 3D virtual worlds useful for experiencing dangerous or
logistically impractical science labs, simulations, and medical experiments, which
online students would have great difficulty seeing and experiencing in. Virtual
worlds have also been used to provide virtual tours of real geographic landforms to
students of various ages. The ability to design complex environments makes
virtual spaces ideal for providing experiential, constructivist learning experiences.

Domingo, J., & Bradley, E. (2017). Education student perceptions of virtual reality as a
learning tool. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 46(3), 329-342.
Body Paragraph 2

Topic Sentence:

Second, artificial intelligence also provides personalized help in education.

Supporting Sentence 1:

Students need additional tools outside of the classroom.

Supporting Detail 1:

A chatbot is a software tool that interacts with users on a certain topic or in

a specific domain in a natural, conversational way using text and voice. For
many different purposes, chatbots have been used across a wide range of
domains, including marketing, customer service, technical support, as well
as education and training. Current developments in this area suggest that
interaction with technologies, either by natural language or by speech, is
possible because technology develops, and users become more used to
interacting with digital entities. Rather than creating a human-like smart
machine application, it is about creating effective digital assistants who are
able to provide information, answer questions, discuss a specific topic, or
perform a task.

Method: digital assistants
Paraphrase like Siri from Apple, Alexa from Amazon,
/ Summary
Microsoft's Cortana or Assistant from Google are at the forefront of
technology of voice recognition and artificial intelligence. These digital
assistants use machine-learning techniques and are able to manage some
day-to-day tasks of traditional assistants or secretaries (such as email
prioritization, highlighting the most important content and interactions) to
help their users become more effective. A vast number of simpler and
more domain-specific text-based chatbots complement target-specific
functionalities such as raising support tickets to leave feedback,
disseminating content for publishing sites, booking a hotel room, making a
restaurant reservation, etc. Text-based chatbots typically follow a set of
established rules or flows to respond to questions posted by a user. These
rules or flows enable them to respond effectively to requests within a
specific domain, but are not efficient in answering questions, the pattern of
which does not match the rules on which the chatbot is trained.
Based on your excerpt, underline the following:
a. type of supporting detail: Example/ Statistic/ Quotation/ Fact
b. method to use: Paraphrase / Summarise

A chatbot is a software tool that interacts with users on a certain topic or in a specific
domain in a natural, conversational way using text and voice. Rather than creating
a human-like smart machine application, it is about creating effective digital
assistants who are able to provide information, answer questions, discuss a specific
topic, or perform a task. Personal digital assistants like Siri from Apple, Alexa from
Amazon, Microsoft's Cortana or Assistant from Google are at the forefront of
technology of voice recognition and artificial intelligence. These digital assistants
use machine-learning techniques and are able to manage daily tasks of traditional
assistants or secretaries to help their users become more effective. Text-based
chatbots typically follow a set of established rules or flows to respond to questions
posted by a user (Smutny & Schreiberova, 2020).

Smutny, P., & Schreiberova, P. (2020). Chatbots for learning: A review of
educational chatbots for the facebook messenger. Computers & Education,
Supporting Sentence 2:

Smart content creation will make students be easier to study.

Supporting Detail 2

The concept of smart content is a hot topic now as robots can create digital
content with the same degree of grammatical prowess as their human
counterparts, and this technology has finally reached the classroom. AI can
help digitize textbooks or create customizable learning digital interfaces
that apply to students of all age ranges and grades. One such system
called Cram101 uses AI to condense the content in textbooks into a more
digestible study guide with chapter summaries, practice tests and
flashcards. Another platform called Netex Learning allows lecturers and
professors to design a digital curriculum and content across a variety of
devices, including video, audio and an online assistant. Virtual content
such as digital lectures and video conferences are also a reality now
thanks to AI.

Based on your excerpt, underline the following:

a. type of supporting detail: Example/ Statistic/ Quotation/ Fact
b. method to use: Paraphrase / Summarise

Subrahmanyam and Swathi (2018) note that the idea of smart content is a big topic
now since robots can produce digital content with similar level of skill as their human
companions and this innovation has officially entered the class. AI can help
computerize textbook or develop personalized interactive learning environment for
all students. Cram101 utilizes AI to gather the content in course readings into a more
readable lesson plan with section recap, practice tests and cheat sheets. In addition,
instructors are allowed to plan advanced educational programs through wide range
of platforms by using Netex Learning. Virtual content, for example, advanced talks
and video gatherings are likewise a reality to AI.

Subrahmanyam, V. V., & Swathi, K. (2018) Artificial intelligence and its
implications in education.

Review your PARAPHRASE & SUMMARY FORM (DRAFT). Tick the relevant boxes.
• Task 2 consists of 2 paraphrases and 2 summaries. YES NO

Excerpt 1 Excerpt 2 Excerpt 3 Excerpt 4



• Is from reliable academic sources. √ √ √ √

• Is suitable for inclusion as supporting details in the writing √ √ √ √



• Contains information/ main ideas relevant to the topic √ √

sentence/supporting sentences.

• Has the same meaning as the original excerpt √ √

- all main ideas included
- no new ideas added

• Has changed most of the words and the sentence structures √ √

- use own words/phrases
- change grammar and vocabulary
- use different sentence structure

• Has in-text citation according to APA style. √ √

Excerpt 1 Excerpt 2 Excerpt 3 Excerpt 4



• Contains information/ main ideas relevant to the topic √ √

sentence/supporting sentences.

• Is shorter in length than the original excerpt. √ √

• Is completely paraphrased with the original meaning of the √ √

excerpt retained.

• Has in-text citation according to APA style. √ √


• Are provided for each supporting detail. The reference √ √ √ √

sources are formatted according to APA style.

*Tick either paraphrase OR summary for each excerpt

If you ticked ‘NO’ in any of the boxes above, please review your paraphrases and/or summaries and make necessary
amendments in the PARAPHRASE & SUMMARY FORM (FINAL).


MATRIC No.: 202177

Based on the feedback, revise your paraphrases and/or summaries to be used as

supporting details.



Thesis Statement:

The benefits of artificial intelligence are they can deliver virtual lectures and
learning environment as well as providing personalized help to the students.

Body Paragraph 1:

Topic Sentence:

First, the benefit of artificial intelligence in education is it functions as virtual lectures

and provide better learning environment.

Supporting Sentence 1:

Artificial Intelligence may replace a lecturer with a robot with virtual human guides.
Supporting Detail 1:

Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) use AI techniques to simulate one-to-one

human tutoring, delivering learning activities best matched to a learner’s
cognitive needs and providing targeted and timely feedback, all without an
individual teacher having to be present. Some ITS put the learner in control
of their own learning in order to help students develop self-regulation skills;
others use pedagogical strategies to scaffold learning so that the learner is
appropriately challenged and supported.

Based on your excerpt, underline the following:

a. type of supporting detail: Example/ Statistic/ Quotation/ Fact
b. method to use: Paraphrase / Summarise

Lunkin et al. (2016) claim that Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) use AI approaches
to represent one-to one human tutoring, provide learning experiences best fit to
the cognitive needs of a student, all without having an instructor to be in the same
physically space with the students. In order to help student to create self-guideline
aptitudes, a few ITS place the student in charge of their own learning. While other
utilize instructive methods to maintain engagement and motivation so the student
is adequately tested and energized.

Luckin,R., Holmes,W., Griffiths,M.,& Forcier, L.B.(2016). Intelligence unleashed:
An argument for AI in education. Pearson Education.
Supporting Sentence 2:

The rise of augmented and virtual reality bring benefits to the classroom as it offers the
opportunity to explore and interact with objects within a computer-generated environment.

Supporting Detail 2:

Virtual worlds are computer-based simulations of objects and activities that

appear in real life. Buildings, landscapes, and basically any object that can
be conceived in one’s imagination can be designed and placed in a setting
to create the sense that one is immersed in the environment that the
designer wants visitors to experience. Visitors operate within the space as
avatars. These avatars can be human in form but can also be animals.
Avatars can be designed with various facial and physical features as well
as clothes. The avatars can also be given commands to run, walk, fly, and
teleport to different locations within the virtual space. Background audio
contributes to a sense of being immersed in the space. Additionally,
photographs and videos from other platforms such as YouTube can be
streamed while in the virtual space. Thus, instructors can customize virtual
classrooms to have content-specific information and resources
continuously available in the virtual environment. The ability to create
various environments has made 3D virtual worlds useful for experiencing
dangerous or logistically impractical science labs, simulations, and medical
experiments, which online students would have great difficulty seeing and
experiencing in. Virtual worlds have also been used to provide virtual tours
of real geographic landforms to students of various ages. The ability to
design complex environments makes virtual spaces ideal for providing
experiential, constructivist learning experiences. The capacity of visitors to
navigate these spaces at their own pace and ability makes them student
centered environments in which the instructor is more of a facilitator than a
distributor of knowledge.
Based on your excerpt, underline the following:

a. type of supporting detail: Example/ Statistic/ Quotation/ Fact

b. method to use: Paraphrase / Summarise

Domingo and Bradley (2017) stated that virtual worlds are computer-based
simulations of objects and activities that appear in real life. The symbols can
likewise be provided orders to run, walk, fly, and transport to various areas inside
the virtual space. Additionally, photographs and videos from different stages, for
example, YouTube can be transferred while in the virtual space. Thus, instructors
can customize virtual classrooms to have content-specific information and
resources continuously available in the virtual worlds. The capacity to establish
different conditions has made 3D virtual environment valuable for encountering
risky or strategically illogical science labs, simulation, and clinical investigations,
which online students would have trouble seeing and encountering in. Virtual
worlds have likewise been used to give virtual trips through existent geographic
landforms to students of different ages. The capacity to plan complex conditions
makes virtual spaces ideal for giving experiential, constructivist learning


Domingo, J., & Bradley, E. (2017). Education student perceptions of virtual reality as a
learning tool. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 46(3), 329-342.
Body Paragraph 2

Topic Sentence:

Second, artificial intelligence also provides personalized help in education.

Supporting Sentence 1:

Students need additional tools outside of the classroom to allow students to

access more information.

Supporting Detail 1:

A chatbot is a software tool that interacts with users on a certain topic or in

a specific domain in a natural, conversational way using text and voice. For
many different purposes, chatbots have been used across a wide range of
domains, including marketing, customer service, technical support, as well
as education and training. Current developments in this area suggest that
interaction with technologies, either by natural language or by speech, is
possible because technology develops, and users become more used to
interacting with digital entities. Rather than creating a human-like smart
machine application, it is about creating effective digital assistants who are
able to provide information, answer questions, discuss a specific topic, or
perform a task.

Personal digital assistants like Siri from Apple, Alexa from Amazon,
Microsoft's Cortana or Assistant from Google are at the forefront of
technology of voice recognition and artificial intelligence. These digital
assistants use machine-learning techniques and are able to manage some
day-to-day tasks of traditional assistants or secretaries (such as email
prioritization, highlighting the most important content and interactions) to
help their users become more effective. A vast number of simpler and
more domain-specific text-based chatbots complement target-specific
functionalities such as raising support tickets to leave feedback,
disseminating content for publishing sites, booking a hotel room, making a
restaurant reservation, etc. Text-based chatbots typically follow a set of
established rules or flows to respond to questions posted by a user. These
rules or flows enable them to respond effectively to requests within a
specific domain, but are not efficient in answering questions, the pattern of
which does not match the rules on which the chatbot is trained.
Based on your excerpt, underline the following:
a. type of supporting detail: Example/ Statistic/ Quotation/ Fact
b. method to use: Paraphrase / Summarise

A chatbot is a software tool that interfaces with users on a specific subject or in a

particular area in a essential, conversational way using text and voice. Instead of
making a human-like smart machine application, it is about creating effective digital
assistants who can give data, answer questions, talk about a particular theme, or
perform a task. Individual computerized collaborators like Siri from Apple, Alexa from
Amazon, Microsoft's Cortana or Assistant from Google are at the front line of
innovation of voice recognition and artificial intelligence These advanced aides use
AI strategies and are able to manage daily tasks of secretaries or secretaries to
assist their users become more efficient. Text-based chatbots regularly observe a
bunch of set up principles to react to questions posted by a user (Smutny &
Schreiberova, 2020).


Smutny, P., & Schreiberova, P. (2020). Chatbots for learning: A review of

educational chatbots for the facebook messenger. Computers & Education,
Supporting Sentence 2:

Furthermore, smart content creation will make students be easier to study.

Supporting Detail 2

The concept of smart content is a hot topic now as robots can create digital
content with the same degree of grammatical prowess as their human
counterparts, and this technology has finally reached the classroom. AI can
help digitize textbooks or create customizable learning digital interfaces that
apply to students of all age ranges and grades. One such system called
Cram101 uses AI to condense the content in textbooks into a more digestible
study guide with chapter summaries, practice tests and flashcards. Another
platform called Netex Learning allows lecturers and professors to design a
digital curriculum and content across a variety of devices, including video,
audio and an online assistant. Virtual content such as digital lectures and
video conferences are also a reality now thanks to AI.

Based on your excerpt, underline the following:

a. type of supporting detail: Example/ Statistic/ Quotation/ Fact
b. method to use: Paraphrase / Summarise

Subrahmanyam and Swathi (2018) note that the idea of smart content is a big topic
now since robots can produce digital content with similar level of skill as their human
companions and this innovation has officially entered the class. AI can help
computerize textbook or develop personalized interactive learning environment for
all students. Cram101 utilizes AI to gather the content in course readings into a more
readable lesson plan with section recap, practice tests and cheat sheets. In addition,
instructors are allowed to plan advanced educational programs through wide range
of platforms by using Netex Learning. Virtual content, for example, advanced talks
and video gatherings are likewise a reality to AI.

Subrahmanyam, V. V., & Swathi, K. (2018) Artificial intelligence and its implications in
Instructor’s Comments:

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