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Faculty of Civil Engineering

Universiti Teknology MARA
40450 Shah Alam



NO.MATRIX : 2018262536






Learning Outcomes:
1. By completing this project, students should be able to prepare a research proposal
related to the selected topic. (CO2, PO3)
2. By completing this project students should be able to display competency in presenting
the proposal in slides and writing a proposal. (CO3, PO12)
CO2: Critically prepare the literature review PO3: Design solutions for complex civil
and design experimental procedure to solve engineering problems and design systems,
research problem. components or processes that meet specified
CO3: Prepare a research proposal related to needs with appropriate consideration for
the selected topic. public health and safety, cultural, societal, and
environmental considerations.
PO12: Recognize the need for, and have the
preparation and ability to engage in
independent and life-long learning in the
broadest context of technological change.


The objectives of this assignment are:

1. to critically review relevant literature and produce a research design that is adequate
to obtain answers to the research questions and achieve research objectives; and

2. to prepare full proposal of the proposed research project.


From previous assignments, you have proposed a research project. You are required:

1. to write a proposal for the research project that you have chosen. The proposal should
consist of:
1. Introduction
a) Background of study
b) Problem statement
c) Objectives
d) Contribution/ Significance of study
e) Scope and limitations
2. Literature review
3. Methodology
4. Expected results
5. References
6. Plan of action and milestones (Gantt chart)

The research methodologies SHOULD NOT BE MORE THAN 7 PAGES not including your
references, gantt chart and any appendix you might include. It should be written in MS Word.

2. to prepare presentation slides (ppt) for your proposal. The slides SHOULD NOT BE
MORE THAN 6 SLIDES for your proposal. The creativity of preparing the presentation
slides is required.

Submission of Research Proposal

The report/ research proposal must be submitted on 12th June 2020. Please include the
evaluation form in your research proposal.
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Universiti Teknology MARA
40450 Shah Alam



REPORT WRITING Weightage Marks

Research Background 5 1 2 3 4 5
Problem Statement 5 1 2 3 4 5
Objectives 5 1 2 3 4 5
Significance of Study 5 1 2 3 4 5
Scope and limitations 5 1 2 3 4 5
Literature Review 15 3 6 9 12 15
Methodology 15 3 6 9 12 15
Timeline/Gantt chart 5 1 2 3 4 5
Expected Results 15 3 6 9 12 15
Conclusion 10 2 4 6 8 10
Bibliography 5 1 2 3 4 5
Writing Skills 10 2 4 6 8 10
Sub-Total 100

A. Sub-Total marks A= A* = _________ x 0.40 = ______________

PRESENTATION Weightage Marks

Content 5 1 2 3 4 5
Slide Creation 5 1 2 3 4 5
Picture, Clip Arts & Background 5 1 2 3 4 5
Mechanics 5 1 2 3 4 5
Sub-Total 20

B. Sub-Total marks B=

Total Marks (60%) = (A*)__________+ (B)__________ = _____________



1.1 Research background 1

1.2 Problem Statement 1

1.3 Objectives 1

1.4 Scope of Study 2

1.5 Significance of the Study 2

1.6 Limitation Of Study 2


2.1 Introduction 3

2.2 Body 3

2.2.1 Artificial aggregate 3

2.2.2 Fly ash 4

2.2.3 Properties of fly ash 4

2.2.4 Utilization of Fly Ash in Road Construction 4

2.3 conclusion 4






In the presence scenario, the development of the road construction industry is

increasing rapidly. Consequently, the raw aggregates resources in Malaysia are becoming
depleted and the land is being sacrificed to obtain raw materials. Thus, it is necessary to find
the recycled material that can replace aggregates in road construction. One of the solutions
is artificial aggregates. The artificial aggregates can be used to replace the usage of raw
aggregates. Artificial aggregates are eco-friendly materials. They are made out of various by
products and can be considered as pollutants to the environment. One of the materials is fly
ash. Fly ash is a fine residue of coal combustion in the Thermal Power Plants. Meanwhile,
management and disposal of fly ash is an environmental issue. Storage of fly ash in ponds
and mounds also require large amount of land. By using artificial aggregates which fly ash
on road construction, it solves the problem of this disposal and at the same time save natural
resources. Thus, this method can be applied to road construction and maintenance in UITM
SHAH ALAM that encourage useable of eco-friendly and sustainable materials.


The increasing demand of major source of energy in thermal power plant will
contribute to high amount of disposal of fly ash. The management and disposal of fly ash will
contribute to environmental issue and required large amount of land to storage. Next, the
demand for availability of raw aggregates will occur cause by road construction that growing
with very fast manner. The demand will cause depletion of natural aggregates sources.
Then, the higher useful of raw aggregates for road construction and the disposal of amount
by waste products like fly ash did not have effective solution. Lot of natural aggregates used
for road construction and dump of waste products like fly ash need engineering innovation to
balance the nature. There is still less research on conducting the study on using waste by
products as replacement for raw materials on road construction. So, the encouragement of
the research on this field like using fly ash as aggregates on road pavement as replacement
for raw aggregates to produce sustainable pavement need to be taken.


The objectives of this study are:

1. To produce sustainable and eco-friendly concrete pavement by using artificial

aggregates which fly ash.

2. To analyse physical and mechanical properties of artificial aggregates (fly

ash) and impacts by using artificial aggregates from fly ash in concrete


This study is carried out to investigate the effectiveness of using fly ash as artificial
aggregates for road pavement in Uitm Shah Alam. There are about three significant factors
that are related on this study such as engineering factor, environmental factor and economic
factor. For engineering factor, if the use of fly ash is compatible then it could be an
alternative to replace the high demand of aggregates from various sectors where it is a finite
source which can deplete in the future time and shortage of aggregates leads to another
problem. Then, the related this study on environmental factor is pollution from dumping and
disposal of waste material by various products such as fly ash can be reduce which directly
produced sustainable development and protect the environment. In economic factor, it can
been seen from cost reduction in road construction for cost extracting raw aggregates which
required cost of worker, process and transportation as no use the natural aggregates for
road pavement. Based on the previous studied, the result show that using the fly ash in the
concrete generally increases the workability of the fresh concrete, decreases the bleeding,
decreases the hydration temperature, decreases the permeability of the hardened concrete,
increases resistance of the concrete to the chemical effects, and decreases the costs
(Erdo˘gan,1997). However, there is still little and limited studies on using fly ash as artificial
aggregates for road pavement. So, this study will help strengthen the proof of effectiveness
of using fly ash as road pavement.


This study was focused on the use of artificial aggregates from fly ash as coarse
aggregates replacement for pavement construction. The process use to produce the artificial
aggregates from fly ash is pelletization. The pelletization process includes cold-bonding,
sintering and autoclaving method. The test carried out include the specific gravity (SG) and
water absorption (WA), Unit weight test, Crushing value test, Soundness tests, and sieve
analysis test. All the tests were carried out according to the standard and specification of
JKR standard (JKR/SPJ/2008). Meanwhile, this study has potential limitations. Firstly, the
cost required to conduct the process of pelletization can considered higher. The mixture
proportions to produced fly ash aggregates like fly ash class c, binder like cement, lime, clay
(20% to 25% weight of binders) and super plasticizer like Varaplast PC 432 are consider a
bit expensive for the student. Other than that, the time required to do this study is limited to
20 weeks. The sharing equipment among students to do their studies can cause delay to the
time of the project. Then, the suggestions for the future studies that same area with this
project are find any sponsorship to cover cost for this project and plan time wisely to manage
the project that considering the limitation that can make your project delay.


In Malaysia, the estimation showed that about 23000 tones solid waste by products were
produced every day and predicted to increase to 30000 tonnes by the year 2020 (Norlia
Mohamad It showed that there are high amount of waste by product
that produced in our country. This problem will contribute to pollution to our country due to
disposal and managing the wastes (ODISHA, 2015). Other than that, the rapid construction
industries contribute to demand of raw aggregates. This problem effects the depletion of
natural aggregates in our land. Thus, this effect gives a challenge to the engineers to resolve
this potential sustainability problem (Ibrahim HA & Abdul Razak, 2016). The recovery of
usable materials from waste as well as utilization of waste as raw materials that gives
feasibility in construction industry in present now become current global trend focusing
(Norhaiza From the studies by researchers, the solid waste by product
like fly ash can be used as artificial aggregates that can replace raw aggregates in concrete
(Dr. M.Vijaya Sekhar Other than that, recycled fly ash from industries that
apply on artificial aggregate can create green city concept .The fly ash aggregate also create
environment friendly along with economical (Biswaroop . This study
indirectly gives solution for both problems at the same time. This will contribute to
sustainability eco system in construction industry.


2.2.1 Artificial aggregate

Many artificial aggregates are made out from waste by products of industrial process (Ian
Sims, 1998). There are many of waste by products materials that made into artificial
aggregates such as heavy metal sludge, mining, residues, palm shell, paper sludge, pet
bottles, sewage sludge, steel slag, bottom ash, and fly ash (V., 2015).
Artificial aggregate were used to replace raw aggregate to avoid depleted of natural
aggregate because of demand in construction industry. It also conserved environment from
pollution due to disposal and managing the waste by product. Markedly, artificial aggregates
are one of effective way in technological solution for waste recovery (Baykal et al. 2000).
Other than that, the purpose of artificial aggregates production is produce materials with a
strong surface layer, good structural performance, higher porosity and associated lightweight
characteristics. These artificial aggregates also suitable used for light weight concrete,
lightweight geotechnical fill and insulation products (Ravindra K. The
methods of manufacturing these artificial aggregate divide into three stage which sintering,
autoclaving, and cold bonding (P.
2.2.2 Fly ash

Coal combustion in thermal power plant produced fine residue that called fly ash. Fly ash is
produced in thermal power plant from the burning zone in the boiler by the flue gases that
form fine residue and then collected by either mechanical or electrostatic separators
(ODISHA, 2015). As coal being one of major source energy, there is more number of
thermal power plants that have been setup because of increasing demand of power.
Currently in Malaysia, there is about nine of coal fired power plant that operating (Paul
Baruya, 2010). 6.8 million tonnes of fly ash were estimated to be produced by those power
plant (Mutahharah M. Mokhtar,2014). There are materials contains in fly ash that turn fly ash
into hazardous material such as silica, alumina, ferric oxide and other oxides material. All
this materials can lead into human health problems and various geo-environmental issues
when contributing into air, water and soil pollution (Krishna Gopal Ghosh, 2015)

2.2.3 Properties of fly ash

Fly ash can categorize into two classes which class F and class S (Nallaiahgari Sivanagi Fly ash class F usually produce from burning of harder, older anthracite
and bituminous coal. The characteristic of this fly ash more towards as pozzolanic in nature,
and contains less than 20% lime (CaO). Then, this fly ash requires a cementing agent, such
as Portland cement, quicklime, or hydrated lime, with the presence of water in order to react
and produce cementations compounds. While for fly ash class S, It produced from the
burning of younger lignite or subbituminous coal. It has pozzolanic properties and some self -
cementing properties. Class C fly ash will harden and gain strength over time in the
presence of water. It also contains more than 20% lime (CaO) and higher Alkali and sulphate
(SO4) (V. 2015).

2.2.4 Utilization of Fly Ash in Road Construction

Utilization of fly ash in road construction has been used for constructing different layers of
road pavements. Interaction between fly ash and subgrade soil is the factor contributes to
stabilisation of sub-grades. Then, strength parameters of the soil would improve when fly
ash is added if soils that area is responsive to pozzolanic action with fly ash (ODISHA,
2015). Concrete containing large amounts of fly ash can be proportioned to meet strength
and durability requirements for road paving work. High quality of pavements with excellent
performance can be achieved with high volume of class C and class F fly ash
( Then, fly ash aggregate concrete beam can assure the
serviceability requirements of deflection and cracking. Fly ash aggregate obtain adequate
ductility and load factor against flexural failure (Arivalagan. S).


Fly ash is the waste material by product that can be turn into valuable material when
properly utilized. By utilized fly ash as artificial aggregate for pavement directly reduced the
pollution from waste fly ash and depletion of raw aggregate. The utilization of fly ash also
gave many benefits in term of economic and ecological. It also creates sustainability eco
system in construction industry. However, further study needs to be done on utilization of fly
ash to get more effective performance in construction industry.


Sub-Objective 2: analyse physical and mechanical properties of artificial aggregates from fly ash.
Mixture proportions to produced fly ash Laboratory test
 Unit weight experiments.
Objective 1: produce sustainable and strong artificial aggregates by using fly ash

 Fly ash class c

 Specific gravity and water absorption
 Water
 Binder like Cement, Lime, Clay (20% to
 Crushing value test.
25% weight of binders).
 Soundness tests.
 Super plasticizer like Varaplast PC 432.
 Sieve analysis

Laboratory process Data analysis

 The pelletization process to  Particle size and gradation.
manufacture fly ash aggregate  Unit weight value.
include:  Specific gravity and water absorption
 Cold-bonding value.
 Sintering  Durability or resistance to weathering.
 autoclaving  Hardness and resistance to wear.

Previous studies results

Parameters control  Particularly, fly ash aggregates that
 Speed of revolution of pelletizer disc. passing through 12.5 mm and retained in
 Moisture content. 10 mm sieve were used.
 Angle of pelletizer disc.  The fly ash aggregate shows Increment in
 Duration of pelletization. unit weight varying between 2 and 8%.
 The size and shape of aggregate  It also shows the increasing of specific
produced. gravity by 3–4% and increase the water
 The temperature and time of high heat absorption by 4–9%,
treatment.  It has 21.6% of crushing strength and
 Time curing. 23.40% of impact value with pass
allowable limit.

Physical properties
Sub-objective 2: impacts by using artificial

 Improves workability of concrete

aggregates from fly ash in concrete

 It makes the mix homogeneous and hence
reduces segregation and bleeding.
 Have less durable than raw but meet
requirement of standard.

 It was suitable for stabilizing gravel roads.

Economy and environmental

 Usage is economical and reduces cost of
production raw aggregate.
 Can reduce depleted raw aggregates
problem cause of demand in construction
 Reduce environmental problem cause of
disposal and management waste by
products from fly ash.

Task Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1 Planning the project

1.1 Selection of the topic

1.2 Collection of the data

1.3 Planning the proper layout

1.4 Literature review

Planning specific
1.5 methodology

Development of
2 research plan
Collect fly ash sample
2.1 from selected factory
Collect all material
required to develop
2.2 methodology
Conducting pelletization
process include cold
bonding, sintering and
2.3 auto claving
Evaluate laboratory test
include unit weight
experiments, specific
gravity and water
absorption experiments,
crushing value test,
soundness tests and
2.4 sieve analysis.

3 Data Analysis

3.1 Interpretation of findings

4 Result Implementation
Write final paper and
4.1 prepare presentation

5 Final Submission


From this project, it is expected the production of artificial aggregate can be made
from fly ash that meet requirement of standard specification and functional of aggregate in
constructing pavement. This project finding will help engineer to solve two problems with one
effective way with sustainable solution. It can be assumed the useful of raw aggregate in
constructing pavement and the environment pollution from fly ash can be reduce by
utilization of fly ash in production of artificial aggregate. The good impacts in three significant
factors such as economic, engineering and environmental factor also can be achieve from
the finding of this project. Although the strength of artificial aggregate from fly ash is less
than raw aggregate, but it still meet the requirement of standard specification that be used in
pavement construction. Thus, the further studies in this area need to be encouraged to
improve knowledge in upgrading the physical properties and effectiveness of artificial
aggregate from fly ash.


In conclusion, fly ash from the thermal power plant waste product can be utilised to
produce artificial aggregates as course aggregates replacement for pavement construction.
There are two problem related on this study as mention before. On the other hand, there is a
huge demand for raw aggregates. While on one hand, there is a problem of disposal of
waste by-products such as fly ash. By utilised fly ash as artificial aggregates for pavement
construction, it helps to give effective solution to handle two problems at the same time.
Other than that, it also gives benefit in terms of engineering, economic and environmental.
Thus, this study is suitable to apply on the pavement construction in Uitm Shah Alam. Lastly,
this study also will help the future of the engineering construction to achieve sustainability,
green concept and eco-friendly construction.


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4. Ravindra K. Dhir OBE and Rui V. Silva (2018). Sustainable Construction Materials.
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7. V. Jagadish and R. Jagadeesan. (2015). A feasibility study on artificial aggregates
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8. Dr. M.Vijaya Sekhar Reddy, Dr. M.C. Nataraja, K.Sindhu, V.Harani and
K.Madhuralalasa (2016). Performance of Light Weight Concrete using Fly Ash
Pellets as Coarse Aggregate Replacement. International Research Publication
9. Krishna Gopal Ghosh, Kaustuv Mukherjee and Sunil Saha (2015). Fly Ash Of
Thermal Power Plants: Review Of The Problems And Management Options With
Special Reference To The Bakreshwar Thermal Power Plant, Eastern India.
International Journal of Geology, Earth & Environmental Sciences.
10. Paul Baruya (2010, July). Prospects for coal and clean coal technologies in Malaysia.
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Measurement of PCDD/Fs emissions from a coal–fired power plant in Malaysia and
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12. Norhaiza Ghazali, Khairunisa Muthusamy and Saffuan Wan Ahmad (2019).
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13. Ibrahim HA and Abdul Razak H 2016 Effect of palm oil clinker incorporation on
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14. Tarun R.Naik, Bruce W.Ramme and John H.Tews (1994). Use Of High Volumes Of
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CCAGPD, VOL 16 NO1, PP.12-20.
15. Biswaroop Ghosh and Dr.A.k.Rath (2017). Fly-Ash Pellets: A Replacement of Coarse
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16. Nallaiahgari Sivanagi Reddy and Ch.Vema Reddy (2017, April). Study Of Concrete
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17. Baykal, G. Döven, A.G. (2000). Utilization of fly ash by pelletization process. theory,
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18. P. Priyadharshini, G. Mohan Ganesh and A. S. Santhi (2012, June). A Review on
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19. Norlia Mohamad Ibrahim, Khairul Nizar Ismail, Roshazita Che Amat and Mohamad
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20. Arivalagan. S. Flexural Behaviour of Reinforced Fly Ash Concrete Beams.
International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering.
21. Jenny Vestin, Maria Arm, Desiree Nordmark, Anders Lagerkvist, Per Hallgren, Bo
Lind. (2012). Fly ash as a road construction material, presented at WASCON
Conference proceedings, Sweden, 2012. Sweden: ResearchGate Publishing,

Component Weightage Very Weak Weak Average Good Excellent
Research 5 1 2 3 4 5
Missing all the Present 1 of the followings Present 2 of the Present all of the Provides the reader with all
followings: needed needed information to followings needed followings needed needed information to
information to understand the present information to information to understand understand the present
understand the present study: a description of the understand the present the present study:a study, a description of the
study: a description of specific purpose of the study: a description of description of the specific specific purpose of the study
the specific purpose of study, a description of the specific purpose of purpose of the study, a and its impact on the
the study, a description hypothesis of the study the study, a description description of hypothesis previous study, a description
of hypothesis of the and a brief summary of of hypothesis of the of the study and a brief of hypothesis of the study
study and a brief the experimental strategy study and a brief summary of the and a brief summary of the
summary of the being used at the end of summary of the experimental strategy experimental strategy being
experimental strategy the introduction. experimental strategy being used at the end of used at the end of the
being used at the end of being used at the end the introduction. Gives a introduction. Piques the
the introduction. of the introduction. description of the study readers interest and makes
Gives a description of system with some the importance of the
the study system. comment on its question real. Gives a
appropriate. description of the study
system with some comment
on its appropriate.
Problem 5 Not able to identify all Able to identify one of the Able to identify two of Able to establish three Able to formulate the three
Statement the three elements elements however, it is the elements that are elements consistent with elements that are consistent
which are: 1) What is inconsistent with the title. consistent with the the title. Able to identify with the title. Able to
the current situation Not able to identify title. There is evidence issues/problems directly identify issues/problems
(brief literature review issues/ problems. of issues/problems related to the intended directly related to the
of similar works)? highlighted but study. Able to establish intended study. Able to
2) What is wrong with indirectly related to the the shortcomings with establish the shortcomings
the current situation intended study. brief proposal of suitable with some justifications.
(issues/problems regard measures. Brief proposals of suitable
to similar area of measures are also included.
3) What needs more to
be done?

Objectives 5 Not able to identify Able to identify the Able to determine at Able to establish at least Able to establish at least two
objectives. objectives of the study. least two numbers of two numbers of numbers of objectives that
However, objectives are objectives in line with objectives that are are SMART with correct
nonSMART (Specific, problem statements. SMART with correct usage of verbs consistent
Measurable, Achievable, Objectives are SMART usage of verbs consistent with problem statement,
Realistic and Timeliness) with correct usage of with problem statement scope of work, methodology
with incorrect usage of verbs. and scope of work. and conclusions.
Significance 5 Unable to identify who Able to identify the Able to explain some Able to outline and Able to outline and justify
of Study will benefit the study parties that will benefit of the parties that can justify some of the all the parties that can
the study benefit the study parties that can benefit benefit the study.
the study

Scope of 5 Not able to identify Able to identify main Able to identify Able to establish Able to establish activities
Work and main activities activities undertaken. activities and activities that are that are consistent with
Limitations undertaken. However, the activities consistent with consistent with the objectives, problem
indicated are inconsistent objectives and problem objectives, problem statement, methodology that
with objectives and statement. statement and include limitations. Flow of
problem statement. methodology showing activities presented briefly
the limitation of the the methodology,
work. apparatus/techniques to be
parameters/variables to be
measured and tools used for
Literature 15
3 6 9 12 15
Not able to identify Able to make a review but Able to make a review Able to establish Able to adapt related
relevant themes to it is summary of general with little analysis on substantial coverage of theories/ concept and studies
review. literature related to the the previous research related theories/ concept on the subject area. Able to
topic. Write-up consists of and with limited and studies on the integrate the previous
merely a copy and paste coverage of related subject area. Proper findings and conclude the
job, rewritten facts and theories/ concept and citations (include figures uniqueness of the present
full of annotations. studies on the subject and tables taken from work. Proper citations
area. Improper citations various sources). (include figures and tables
are evident. Materials Materials organized taken from various sources).
organized according to according to theme. Summary of important
chronology and not There is some evidence information given. Materials

according to theme. of good organization. organized according to
theme. There is evidence of
good organization. Provide
some form of justifications
on why research should

Methodolo- 15 Methodological Methodological Methodological Methodological Methodological Framework

gical Framework outlined not Framework outlined Framework outlined Framework outlined are outlined are consistent with
Framework consistent with consistent with 1 consistent with consistent with objectives and scope of work
objectives and scope of objective and scope of objectives and scope of objectives and scope of and adopt the standard
work. No evidence of work. At least 1 evidence work but does not work and adopt the method of measurements
data collection planning. of data collection follow the standard standard method of (even if it is not a standard
planning is given. method of measurements (even if it method of measurement, and
measurements. Some is not a standard method proper justifications
evidences of data of measurement, no included). All evidences of
collection planning are proper justifications data collection planning are
given. included). Some given.
evidences of data
collection planning are
Timeline/ 5
Gantt chart 1 2 3 4 5
Timeline is not suitable Timeline appears to meet Timeline meets most of Timeline may not be Timeline is clearly presented
for the activities less than half of the the activities proposed. clearly presented but and is clearly suitable for
described activities proposed. Not Timeline may not be appears to be suitable for and meets all the activities
clearly presented clearly presented. all the activities described.

Expected 15
3 6 9 12 15
Not able to identify the Able to identify the Able to state the Able to highlight the Able to outline the possible
possible outcomes possible outcomes but possible outcomes that possible outcomes that outcomes that are consistent
inconsistent with are consistent with are consistent with with objectives. All
objectives. objectives. objectives. Some significant citations and
significant citations and references are included
references are included based on previous
based on previous findings/theory
Conclusion 10 2 4 6 8 10

A conclusion is made A conclusion is made Some detailed Detailed conclusions are Comprehensively evaluates
but not relevant to the from the evidence but conclusions are reached from the the proposal and presents
whole proposal. incomplete. reached from the proposal but few are wide-ranging, sophisticated
proposal but missing. conclusions, perspectives
incomplete. and consequences.
References/ 5
Bibliograph 1 2 3 4 5
References are merely References include References include References include References more than eight
from website. No articles from website, articles from website, articles from website, (8) from
citations in the text. The books, newspaper and books, newspaper and books, newspaper and nonrefereed/refereed
references do not follow magazines. Most of the magazines and 5 to 6 magazines and 7 to 8 proceedings of conferences
APA format. citations are missing. The articles from from and 3 to 4 from refereed
references do not follow nonrefereed/refereed nonrefereed/refereed journals. Citations are
APA format proceedings of proceedings of included and consistent with
conferences. Some conferences and 1 to 2 references. All the
citations are missing. from refereed journals. references follow APA
Some of the references Few references do not format
follow APA format follow APA format
Writing 10 2 4 6 8 10
Poor in writing skill Weak in writing skill with Average writing skill Good writing skill, with Good narrative structure
with substantial substantial grammatical with grammatical correct grammar usage. with excellent writing skill.
grammatical errors. errors. Information errors. Information Information conveyed Information conveyed can be
Information conveyed conveyed cannot be easily conveyed can be fairly can be understood. well understood.
cannot be understood. understood. understood.


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