River Protection Efforts Bear Fruit: US Urged To Bring China Ties Back On Right Track

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revolutionize several industries at Cambridge Parents, though worried, provide safety ty
net for extreme athletes CHINA, PAGES 6-77

MONDAY, August 17, 2020

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US urged to bring China
River President Xi Jinping
By WANG QINGYUN and Nonproliferation under the
wangqingyun@chinadaily.com.cn House Foreign Affairs Committee,
according to a statement issued

A senior Chinese diplomat has on Sunday.
urged US officials to stop making In the face of the urgent chal-
negative remarks or behaving in lenge posed by COVID-19, the
Number of rivers in China with a drainage ways that would harm bilateral United States should immediately
basin of 50 sq km or more — their combined
relations, and he called for joint stop its defamation of China and
length is about 1.5 million km
efforts to bring the relations back facilitate bilateral cooperation to
on the right track. tackle the pandemic, Zheng said.
Vice-Foreign Minister Zheng
Zeguang made the remark in a See Ties, page 3
video meeting on Thursday with a
group of US Congress members, Inside
including Ami Bera, chair of the
Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, Comment, page 9

PBOC to promote further

cross-border use of RMB
By CHEN JIA investors will be further facilitat-
chenjia@chinadaily.com.cn ed, and domestic financial market
transactions by foreign investors
Farmers load plums that were just harvested to a vehicle in Wushan county, Chongqing, in June 2018. The county, located in the Three China will further facilitate will keep growing rapidly.
Gorges Dam area, has embarked on the path of ecological development in recent years. WANG QUANCHAO / XINHUA cross-border use of the renminbi by Cross-border use of the RMB
promoting pilot programs to boost has sustained rapid progress and

River protection efforts bear fruit

trade and investment, making it maintained robust growth this
possible for more foreign central year, even amid the impact of the
banks and monetary authorities to COVID-19 pandemic, which has
hold the currency as a reserve severely hit global trade, finance
asset, according to a report from and the economy, analysts said,
the nation’s central bank. commenting on the report
After a decade of the currency’s released late on Friday by the Peo-
Top leadership attaches increasingly greater importance to conservation of Yangtze internationalization, Chinese poli- ple’s Bank of China.
cymakers expect that the alloca-
By HOU LIQIANG in Wuhan damming, water pollution, overfish- Major rivers in China 1 YANGTZE RIVER tion of RMB assets by foreign See RMB, page 3
houliqiang@chinadaily.com.cn ing, sand excavation and quarrying. Length: about 6,300 km
Some species endemic to the river, Drainage basin:


1.8 million sq km
Xu Dong’s colleagues jokingly such as the baiji dolphin, also
refer to his cellphone as a hotline known as the Yangtze River dolphin,

because so many people call the have not been sighted for years and
Length: 5,464 km
researcher at the Institute of Hydro- others are critically endangered. Drainage basin:
biology in Wuhan, Hubei province. According to the Ministry of Agri- 795,000 sq km
Now more often based at the pro- culture and Rural Affairs, the annu- 4 X
vincial capital’s ecology and environ- al catch from the Yangtze fell from 1 3 PEARL RIVER
ment bureau, Xu is part of a team of 427,000 metric tons in 1954 to less Length: 2,214 km Series of campaigns
experts from his institute and seven than 100,000 tons in recent years. Drainage basin:
others that is just one of 58 deployed President Xi Jinping chaired two 442,100 sq km launched nationwide
by the Ministry of Ecology and Envi- symposiums about the Yangtze
ronment to major cities in the Yang- River Economic Belt, in January 3 4 HUAIHE RIVER By XING YI in Shanghai,
tze River Economic Belt with the aim 2016 and April 2018. At both con- Length: 1,000 km XIN WEN in Xi’an,
of fixing up the river’s ecosystem. ferences, he demanded concerted Drainage basin: ZHU LIXIN in Hefei,
As an intermediary facilitating efforts to protect the Yangtze and Surface water quality at 270,000 sq km
and ZHANG YU in Tangshan, Hebei

communication between the avoid excessive development. national monitoring sections
team and the bureau, he has been “We must proceed from the long- Unit: percent Grade I-III Below Grade V
fter a satisfying lunch,
busy answering phone calls from term interests of the Chinese nation to Qian Bingkun and his Dong Xiujie, the restaurant’s
both sides. put restoring the ecological environ- (Under China’s five-tier quality system for surface water, 64.5 wife watched a waitress manager, said a series of measures
Grade III is considered fairly good quality, with Grade V
Xu returns to the institute, an affil- ment of the Yangtze River at a domi- the lowest acceptable level. Water below pack their leftover stir- have been introduced to remind
iate of the Chinese Academy of Sci- nant position, making all-out efforts Grade V is extremely polluted.) 67.8 fried tofu and dessert into takeout customers not to order too much
ences, when the bureau needs its to protect it, and forbidding large- boxes as their daughter paid for food. The slogan “food is a gift
advice on how to address water pol- scale development of the river,” he said 67.9 the meal. from nature, let’s not waste it!”
lution in Wuhan, which is located in when presiding over the latest sympo- “You’ve upgraded the appear- adorns a wall at the eatery.
the midstream of the Yangtze River sium, which was held in Wuhan. 71.0 ance of your to-go boxes, right?” Some measures were first
and known for its numerous ponds The program Xu and other experts Qian, 80, asked the waitress at the rolled out two years ago when the
and lakes. are involved in features both front- 74.9 Yongmama restaurant in Lubei 22-table restaurant noticed that
With China’s central leadership line and follow-up research, and the 2017 district, Tangshan, Hebei prov- leftovers each day amounted to
attaching increasingly greater 58 teams in the major cities in the 8.8 ince, on Thursday. more than 250 kilograms.
importance to conservation of the basin had tapped more than 5,000 2018 Busily packing the uneaten food “Some food had hardly been
Yangtze, Asia’s longest river, Xu’s role experts from some 300 institutes by 8.6 into a microwaveable box bearing touched, because customers were
is a microcosm of a campaign the end of last year, according to the 2019 a design of traditional blue-and- used to ordering more than they
launched in late 2018 that aims to National Joint Research Center for 8.3 white Chinese porcelain, the wait- could eat to show their generosity,”
turn environmental officials and sci- Yangtze River Conservation, estab- ress replied, “Yes, it’s to encourage she said, adding that the measures
entists into comrades in arms to lished by the Ministry of Ecology and Sources: Bulletin of First National Census For
6.7 customers to take leftovers after have succeeded, as the amount of
remediate the basin’s aquatic ecosys- Environment in April 2018. Water published by the Ministry of Water Resources and they’ve eaten.” daily leftovers has since halved.
National Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, 3.4
tem, which was damaged by many Changjiang Water Resources Commission, Yellow River Conservancy
Qian said: “Good! Very good! Too
years of human activity, including See Efforts, page 4 Commission, Huaihe River Commission, Pearl River Water Resources Commission CHINA DAILY much waste should be avoided.” See Eating, page 2

Ringing bell for peace

Paws crossed for panda birth at Smithsonian zoo
By ZHAO HUANXIN in Washington Mei Xiang’s companion who also Smith, however, said that Mei Xiang
huanxinzhao@chinadailyusa.com came to the zoo nearly 20 years ago, has “a very small chance of giving
the zoo said in a statement. birth” but veterinarians were always
Mei Xiang, a 22-year-old giant Early on Friday, the zoo said that hopeful for a healthy cub or cubs.
panda who came to the United States an ultrasound revealed tissue that Mei Xiang has had twins twice
in 2000, could deliver a cub — or indicates a baby panda could be before. In both cases only one cub
cubs — in the next few days, the growing, though it is too early to survived, which is not unusual,
Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Wash- determine if the tissue is a complete- Neiffer said.
ington has announced, after imaging ly viable developing fetus. “Mei Xiang always keeps us on our
revealed what appeared to be a fetus. Mei Xiang holds her cub, Bei Bei, “If the fetal tissue continues to toes. Most years, the question is
News that Mei Xiang may be preg- at the Smithsonian National develop, veterinarians estimate that whether she has a pseudopregnancy
nant has brought a joyful sign of Zoological Park in December Mei Xiang could give birth within or the real thing. Today, the q is
hope to the US capital that is gripped 2015. MATT MCCLAIN / GETTY IMAGES the next few days,” it said. whether she’ll GIVE BIRTH (!!!) in a
by the brutal COVID-19 pandemic. “In the middle of a pandemic, this few days or just reabsorb the fetal A bell-ringing ceremony on Saturday marks the 75th anniversary
If successful, “she would be the is a joyful moment we can all get tissue into her body,” tweeted Rachel of Japan’s surrender in World War II at the Memorial Hall of the
oldest panda in the United States to Research Center for the Giant Pan- excited about,” said Don Neiffer, the Kurzius, senior editor of DCist.com, Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders in Nanjing,
give birth”, Brandie Smith, deputy da in Sichuan province in July 2017. zoo’s chief veterinarian, who con- a news portal in Washington D.C. Jiangsu province. YANG BO / CHINA NEWS SERVICE
director of the National Zoo and Reproductive scientists from the ducted the ultrasound.
head of animal care, told China Daily. Smithsonian Conservation Biology “We are optimistic that very shortly See Panda, page 4
The record for the oldest panda to Institute and zoo veterinarians per- she may give birth to a healthy cub or 国内统一编号: CN11-0091 国际标准编号: ISSN0253-9543 邮发代号:1-3
give birth is held by a 23-year-old formed the artificial insemination cubs,” Neiffer said. “We’re watching Inside
© 2020 China Daily
female named Hai Zi, who gave of Mei Xiang in late March, with fro- her closely and welcome everyone to All Rights Reserved A member of the
birth at the China Conservation and zen semen collected from Tian Tian, watch with us on the panda cams.” See more, page 5 Vol.40 — No.12567 Asia News Network
2 | Monday, August 17, 2020 CHINA DAILY

Eating: Livestreaming shows targeted
From page 1 Chen Xiaojing, a former kinder-
garten teacher in Shanghai, said she
Campaigns against food waste hates wasting food, and always
were launched nationwide after praises children when they clear
President Xi Jinping on Tuesday their plates at lunch.
reiterated the need for greater “It’s only a small encouragement,
awareness of the risks posed to the but it helps cultivate a good habit.
country’s food security and called Saving food is the responsibility of
for resolute efforts to promote thrift every citizen,” she said.
and combat food waste.
Citing the words of a Tang Dynas- Bumper harvest
ty (618-907) poem — “Who knows According to the National Bureau
that of our meal in the dish, every of Statistics, China’s food output last
grain comes after hard toil?” — the year reached a record 660 million
president urged the nation to con- metric tons, a rise of 20 percent
stantly be aware of huge food wast- from 2010.
age despite consecutive years of However, a report published by
bumper grain harvests. The impact the UN Food and Agriculture Orga-
of the COVID-19 pandemic had nization in April said the coronavi-
sounded alarm bells, he said. rus pandemic has disrupted the
Xi, also general secretary of the food supply chain.
Communist Party of China, has A preliminary assessment from
made a number of remarks on safe- the FAO suggested that the pandem-
guarding food security and halting ic could result in an additional 83
food waste. million to 132 million people being
In 2013, he said, “Food waste in undernourished worldwide this
the catering sector is shocking and year.
distressing, as a large number of On Aug 8, Han Changfu, minister
people are still experiencing poor of agriculture and rural affairs, said
livelihoods … Food waste must be in a People’s Daily article that some
stopped, and the virtuous tradition countries had limited their food
of thrift should be promoted.” exports, but with international agri-
In 2018, during an inspection tour cultural markets facing increased
in Heilongjiang province, he said, volatility, China had been able to
“The rice bowl of the Chinese peo- maintain ample food supplies and
ple, in any situation, must be firmly stable prices.
held in our own hands.” “Safeguarding national food secu-
Responding to the president’s call, rity is a perennial task, and we
restaurants, trade associations and A farmer teaches primary school students in Rugao, Jiangsu province, how to grow rice. XU HUI / FOR CHINA DAILY should not neglect it or be compla-
local governments have come up cent,” Han wrote.
with measures to reduce food waste.
The China General Chamber of “I cultivated this habit in child-
Commerce, the China Cuisine Asso- hood, and I feel it would be a great
ciation and the China Hotel Associa- waste if I just throw the food away
tion jointly proposed that the after shooting,” he added.
In recent decades,
catering industry should curb food On Wednesday, China Central Tel- Chinese people’s
waste and promote thrift. evision criticized food waste, citing attitude toward food
In Hubei province, the Wuhan some livestream broadcasts as a bad
Catering Association suggested that example. The post on Sina Weibo has changed
diners adopt the “N-1 mode”, mean- was quickly “liked” by tens of thou- significantly — from
ing that if they eat together, they sands of people.
should order dishes as though there Many video-sharing platforms merely hoping to get
was one fewer person in the group. responded to the criticism by sus- adequate supplies, to
In Shaanxi province, the Xi’an pending accounts that publish foot-
municipal commerce bureau called age of food being squandered. pursuing a healthy
for local eateries to provide smaller Searches for “chibo” on the Bilibili diet. But at the same
dishes or to serve half portions to video-sharing website produce a
avoid waste. notice at the top of the results time, food waste has
In the Yaohai district of Hefei, reminding people to cherish food gradually become
Anhui province, local authorities and eat sensibly.
used more than 500 volunteers to On Thursday, the short-video app
common in society.”
distribute leaflets about table eti- Kuaishou said it would deal serious- Li Zhou, economist and former
quette, including taking away ly with videos showing excessive director of the China Academy of
leftovers and using serving chop- eating and drinking, while those Social Sciences’ Rural Develop-
sticks to select food from shared that feature fake eating and vomit- ment Institute
dishes. The leaflets went to more ing would be deleted and the
than 2,300 eateries. accounts closed. Many factors are involved in
ensuring security of the food supply

New laws on way chain, from production and distri-
Meanwhile, the national legisla- bution, to consumption manage-
ture is planning new laws to prevent ment and storage.
million metric food waste. Li Zhou, an economist and
tons In an interview with the National former director of the China Acade-
China’s food output last year, Supervisory Commission website my of Social Sciences’ Rural Devel-
according to the National on Thursday, Zhang Guilong, senior opment Institute, said food waste in
Bureau of Statistics counsel for the Legislative Affairs the catering sector may not lead to
Committee of the National People’s famine, but will put pressure on the
Congress, said a task force had been environment.
formed to research new legislation “In recent decades, Chinese peo-

100 on food waste.

“Rules and regulations on pre-
ple’s attitude toward food has
changed significantly — from mere-
yuan venting food waste are scattered ly hoping to get adequate supplies,
fine introduced by Acqua, throughout existing laws, and lack to pursuing a healthy diet. But at the
an Italian restaurant in the a system and focus,” Zhang said. same time, food waste has gradually
Kempinski Hotel, Shanghai, for “We will make new laws that give become common in society,” he said.
every 50 grams of food wasted clear instructions on avoiding In 2018, an investigation by the
at its Saturday brunch waste in every part of food produc- Institute of Geographic and Nation-
tion, purchasing, storage, transpor- al Resources Research and the
tation, processing and World Wide Fund for Nature esti-
Jiang Zhuyue, who lives in the dis- consumption.” mated that Chinese consumers in
trict, said, “When I saw people tak- Many people have voiced support four large cities wasted 17 million to
ing food from shared dishes with for stricter rules against squander- 18 million tons of food in 2015 —
their own chopsticks, I was reluc- ing food. enough to feed 30 million to 50 mil-
tant to take leftovers home to share Zhang Siying, 56, a publishing lion people for a year.
with my family, due to concerns house editor in Beijing, said she The investigation, which sur-
about hygiene.” becomes angry every time she sees veyed 366 restaurants in Beijing,
However, she added that more food left uneaten in canteens and Shanghai, Chengdu and Lhasa, cap-
eateries are now placing several Top: Food saving is encouraged at a restaurant in Hai’an, Jiangsu province. ZHAI HUIYONG / FOR CHINA DAILY restaurants. ital of Tibet autonomous region,
pairs of serving chopsticks or Above: A customer serves herself at a hotel buffet in Taizhou, Jiangsu. TANG DEHONG / FOR CHINA DAILY “My generation went through found each person wasted 93 grams
spoons on tables, adding, “As a tough times when there were food of food at a meal, or 11.7 percent of
result, I’m now more willing to take supply quotas and we saved our that served. At large banquets, more
the leftovers away.” precious ‘meat tickets’ for holidays than one-third of the food was
At the Anhui Jinling Grand Hotel ful, thrift is to be applauded”. On Renepol Bouldoires, the hotel’s In recent years, chibo, or lives- such as the Lunar New Year or thrown away.
in Hefei’s downtown Baohe district, tables seating 10 diners, a plate is laid food and beverage director, said the treaming people eating food, which when hosting special guests,” she Eating all the food placed on a
diners who avoid food waste have bearing the words “no leftovers”, culinary team ensured the menu initially became popular in Japan said. table is just the first step to putting
been rewarded since April. If they while a large electronic screen, usual- featured a variety of dishes with suf- and South Korea, has been taken up “Sometimes, because of shorta- an end to squandering, as a consid-
take away their leftovers, customers ly used to show newlyweds’ photos, ficient portions for each diner. The by increasing numbers of online ges, we couldn’t get food even if we erable amount is wasted in other
receive either a 10 percent discount displays the slogan: “We are in action! menu has been particularly popular broadcasters in China. had tickets. Back then, there were areas of the supply chain.
or a 50 yuan ($7.19) coupon to use on Say no to waste food!” for business meals, he added. Some shows feature excessive no leftovers after meals. Wasting Li said the government should edu-
their next visit. Zheng Lina, the company’s general At Acqua, its Italian restaurant, quantities of food being eaten in a food was simply out of the question.” cate people that refined processing of
Shen Qi, the hotel’s catering man- manager, said: “These are all very nec- the hotel has introduced a fine of 100 short time, while others focus on Zhang remembers one Spring commodities such as rice and wheat
ager, said, “In contrast to family gath- essary measures because weddings yuan for every 50 grams of food diners tucking into raw seafood or Festival when she had a ticket to buy will not necessarily increase nutrition-
erings, banquets are more prone to and parties are typical examples of wasted at its “all-you-can-eat” Satur- extremely spicy dishes. candy and visited all the shops near al value, but will use more natural
food waste, because hosts often serious food waste. To avoid this, we day brunch. “We promote food Li Yijun, a food video producer on her home in Chengdu, Sichuan resources and create additional waste.
wrongly think that extravagance have also changed our serving sizes.” awareness, and to avoid waste we Douyin, the short-video sharing province, only to find that confec- He also hit out at the commercial
demonstrates their generosity.” Previously, a dish of shrimps usu- advise guests not to over-order,” platform, said he disagrees with tionery had sold out. hype surrounding imported food
The Datang Fenghuangyuan ally comprised as many of the crus- Bouldoires said. such practices. “I was only about 10 at the time, and fine dining.
Catering Entertainment Co in Lubei taceans as a plate could hold, but The Shanghai Yuyuan Tourist “Every time I make a food video at and I felt so sad and disappointed. “To reduce energy use and resource
district of Tangshan, Hebei, which now only 10 to 12 shrimps are served Mart Co said the long-established a restaurant, I’m frequently offered My father, who experienced starva- costs per unit of food in production
caters to weddings and parties, has to a table of 10 diners. restaurants it operates have always a table full of dishes, but I always tion, always taught us to cherish all and transportation, we should pro-
put up notices reminding customers In Shanghai, the Suntime Century encouraged customers to order sen- pack up the leftovers if I cannot eat our food, but young people nowa- mote the idea of eating locally instead
to avoid food waste. restaurant in the Kempinski Hotel sibly and take their leftovers home. them all,” said Li, who started post- days don’t have such memories, so of eating globally,” he said.
A banner hung at the door to a introduced an individual set menu The eateries also specify the weight ing food videos in January and now we should educate them about just
wedding hall states, “Waste is shame- in May. of food in each dish on their menus. has nearly 50,000 followers. how precious food is,” she said. Gu Yuhan contributed to this story.
CHINA DAILY Monday, August 17, 2020 | 3

Fleet sets sail
Cambridge urged not to Fishing boats head out to sea

bow to whims of politics from Yazhou Central Fishing

Port, Hainan province, on Sun-
day. After a three-and-a-half-
month annual summer fishing
By ELEANOR HUANG tive instead of moratorium in the South China
in Hong Kong punishing Lam Sea ended on Sunday, the South
eleanorhuang@chinadailyhk.com for bringing China Sea (Sanya) Fishing Fes-
peace to the tival was held to welcome the
A world-class university should region,” said new fishing season.
not willingly bow to the whims of Pinkstone, who is CHEN WENWU / FOR CHINA DAILY
politics and judge any city without also a veteran
knowing the whole story, prominent journalist.
educators and a former high-placed Carrie He continued
official in Hong Kong said on Sunday. Lam Cheng that there will be
The remarks came after Chief Yuet-ngor no academic free-
Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet- dom in the UK if a
ngor rescinded her honorary fellow- college’s president puts pressure on
ship at the Wolfson College of one of its fellows at the behest of Brit-
Cambridge University because the ish politicians.
college accused her of deviating Ho Hon-kuen, chairman of local
from the principle of academic free- teachers’ alliance Education Conver-
dom and of speech by actively pro- gence, said it is baffling to him that
moting the National Security Law such a prestigious institution of
for Hong Kong. higher learning as the University of
In a social media post on Satur- Cambridge could make such ground-
day, the Hong Kong leader less and discriminative allegations.

US WeChat move puts firms at risk

expressed her disappointment with “There are many other interna-
the school, as it admitted to her in a tional jurisdictions, like the US, that
letter that it based its accusation on have enacted their own national
what it heard and what had been security law. Why hasn’t the college
reported. She added that she revoked all those US politicians’
believed the school had been under honorary titles,” Ho asked, “Is the
pressure from British politicians, University of Cambridge still an aca- Multinational companies voice their sales drop 42 percent year-on-year said they would get rid of their
the media and other groups. demic institution, or has it turned but got some relief from 11.5 per- Apple phone if WeChat had to be
Mark Pinkstone, a former chief into a political organization?” concerns in White House phone call cent growth in China. removed from its devices, com-
information officer of the Hong Wong Yuk-shan, the president of the More than a dozen major US mul- pared with 48,000 who said they
Kong government before 1997, said Open University of Hong Kong, said By HU YUANYUAN for domestic tinationals, including Apple Inc, would remove the app instead.
it showed extreme “shortsighted- the UK university is not right to make huyuanyuan@chinadaily.com.cn and interna- Walmart and Walt Disney Co, raised According to Tencent’s first-quar-
ness” for Wolfson College to criticize such claims against a city’s leader. tional produc- concerns in a telephone call with ter financial report of 2020, the
one of its fellows over national issues As the chief executive of Hong As China is about to become the ers. White House officials on Tuesday monthly active users of WeChat
of which it knows nothing about. Kong, it is Lam’s lawful duty to safe- world’s largest consumer market Retail sales about the potentially broad scope have exceeded 1.2 billion.
“If the president of the college knew guard the city’s security, Wong said, this year, the US government’s in China and impact of President Donald Wei considered the US govern-
the real story behind the need for the adding honorary titles and degrees executive order against WeChat reached 41.2 Trump’s executive order targeting ment’s latest move against Chinese
National Security Law – to combat given by the universities should be may result in US companies leaving trillion yuan WeChat, saying it could undermine internet companies a part of its
the nearly 12 months of lawlessness in based on alums’ achievements or China, said a former vice-minister ($5.92 tril- their competitiveness in the world’s “maximum pressure” campaign,
Hong Kong — she would have extend- their commitment to serving their of commerce. lion) last year, second-biggest economy. forcing China to compromise on
ed her sympathies to the chief execu- communities. “For a country boasting a free Wei Jianguo and retail WeChat is a widely used app issues of core interests.
economy, the Trump administra- sales dropped around the world, especially by “Those moves, on the other hand,
tion’s recent move is unimaginable by 1.1 percent in July on a yearly Chinese, and banning it could reflect a US image as a closed and
Let the games begin and will severely damage US com-
panies’ businesses in China,” Wei
basis, narrowing from the 1.8 per-
cent decline in June, according to
effectively cut off much informal
communication between people in
isolated economy, a retreat for the
world’s largest economy,” Wei said.
Jianguo, vice-chairman of the China the National Bureau of Statistics. China and the United States. Despite the US government’s
Center for International Economic Market research firm eMarketers “For those who don’t live in China, pressure, 18,800 foreign-funded
Exchanges, said in an exclusive said in a report in June that retail they don’t understand how vast the companies were established across
interview with China Daily. Wei is a sales in the US will drop 10.5 per- implications are if American com- China between January and July,
former vice-minister of commerce. cent to $4.89 trillion this year, a lev- panies aren’t allowed to use it,” Craig including 860 US companies, justi-
“This is particularly unwise as el not seen since 2016. Allen, president of the US-China fying global investors’ confidence
China is going to become the world’s “Quite a number of US compa- Business Council, was quoted by in the market. And foreign direct
largest consumer market this year, nies, in fact, are betting on the Chi- The Wall Street Journal as saying. investment from the US continued
owing to its rapid recovery from the nese market to salvage their global “They are going to be held at a severe to flow into China, rising 6 percent
pandemic,” said Wei, adding that earnings,” Wei said. disadvantage to every competitor.” year-on-year in the first half of
this development has made the The shoemaker Skechers US, for In a recent online survey by 2020, according to the Ministry of
country’s consumer market critical instance, saw overall quarterly xueqiu.com, 807,000 respondents Commerce.

Ties: Envoy urges Washington to increase contact, talks

Chinese tanks arrive in Alabino, Russia, on Friday, to participate in From page 1 Such erroneous behavior has led China’s internal and foreign poli- in interfering in US domestic
the International Army Games 2020 from Aug 23 to Sept 5. The par- to an extremely complex and severe cies have always remained open and affairs, and it never has.
ticipation in the games is aimed at strengthening strategic coopera- China has always remained open situation in bilateral ties, he said. transparent, Zheng emphasized, Urging the US to increase con-
tion between the Chinese and Russian militaries. BAI XUEQI / XINHUA and transparent on its disease con- The Chinese government has adding that China today is more tact and talks with China at all
trol efforts, briefed the international taken, and will continue to take able to deal with risks and challen- levels and maintain normal per-
community in a timely manner and legitimate and necessary steps to ges than ever before, and its econo- sonnel exchanges, Zheng said
done its best to provide humanitar- uphold China’s sovereignty, securi- my is turning for the better. China hopes to strengthen talks

Guangdong virus situation ian aid to other countries, he said.

China sincerely hopes the US will
overcome COVID-19 soon and
ty and development interests, as
well as to keep China-US ties stable,
Zheng added.
China continues to encourage
mutually beneficial cooperation
between Chinese and US compa-
with members of the US Congress
to deepen understanding and
expand common ground.

stable after 6 cases Friday stands ready to cooperate with the

US to control the disease, but firmly
opposes the US stigmatizing and
Cooperation between China and
the US serves the interests of the
two countries and the world, while
nies, Zheng said, urging the US to
stop its crackdown on Chinese
companies and its “hysterical anti-
The members of the US Congress
who attended the meeting said the
stable development of bilateral ties is
deflecting blame to it, Zheng said. confrontation between them will China clamor”. in line with the interests of the people
By LI WENFANG in Guangzhou and Daily testing capacity in Shanwei Pointing out that China-US ties are only lead to disasters, Zheng said, He emphasized that China is of the two countries and the world.
PEI PEI in Shenzhen, Guangdong has been boosted from 2,500 to at an important juncture, Zheng said adding that people of insight must committed to developing ties with Though the two countries uphold
26,000. Shenzhen has a daily testing the two countries must work to work to stop a handful of US offi- the US featuring non-conflict, non- different values, have different politi-
The novel coronavirus situation capacity of 103,000. A daily capacity maintain and stabilize their ties. cials from “disrupting bilateral ties confrontation, mutual respect and cal systems and have differences over
remains largely stable in South Chi- of more than 55,000 tests can be The US has been provoking China wantonly”. win-win cooperation. many issues, they should enhance
na’s Guangdong province, with no shifted to places in need in Guang- for some time by interfering in its The two countries must always Through development, China mutual understanding through can-
new local infections reported after dong, Duan said. domestic affairs and undermining stick to cooperation, manage their seeks to enable its 1.4 billion pop- did dialogue, manage their differen-
six domestically infected cases were “The incubation period of corona- its interests, while some US politi- differences in a constructive way, ulation to live a better life and ces and expand cooperation in
announced on Friday, according to a virus is generally three to seven cians have been attacking China and observe the three China-US joint contribute to global peace and tackling COVID-19 and trade.
provincial health official. days. Early detection and isolation distorting and denying the history communiques and respect each prosperity, instead of replacing The US Congress hopes to
A 41-year-old woman, who are the most effective methods to of bilateral ties over the past five other’s core interests and major any other country, Zheng said, maintain communications with
worked at a Hema Fresh supermar- curb the virus’ spread,” prominent decades, Zheng said. concerns, he said. adding that China has no interest China, they said.
ket in Shenzhen, was confirmed as infectious disease expert Zhong
having COVID-19 after she returned Nanshan said in a media interview
to her hometown in Shanwei,
Three of her family members and
on Sunday. A massive spread of the
virus is not possible in Guangdong,
he said.
RMB: More expected to use yuan as settlement currency
two of her co-workers at the super- A total of 9,989 samples had been
market tested positive for the virus tested from 36 Hema Fresh super- From page 1 better control the overall money countries or areas related to the fifth and surpassing the Canadian
but had no symptoms. markets and 12 businesses related supply and foreign debt,” Jin said at Belt and Road Initiative. Free trade dollar’s share of 1.88 percent.
The six became the first domesti- to the chain in Guangdong, with the More than 70 central banks and a seminar held last week by the zones and the Guangdong-Hong Due to the impact of China-US
cally infected people in the province focus placed on imported frozen monetary authorities worldwide China Finance 40 Forum. Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will trade frictions and other external
since April 29 — only imported cas- meat and aquatic products, said have incorporated the RMB into Jin suggested issuing RMB-de- become the driving force of RMB vulnerabilities, the foreign exchange
es were reported before them since Mai Jiaomeng, director of the pro- their foreign exchange reserves so nominated treasuries and central cross-border payment. market showed increased fluctua-
that date. vincial administration for market far, according to the PBOC’s 2020 bank bills in the offshore market. tions, and more enterprises prefer to
The epidemic situation remains regulation. RMB Internationalization Report. Meanwhile, the stock market can Record high use the RMB as a safe investment
largely stable in Guangdong, but The province has stepped up testing The central bank promised to attract more foreign investors Last year, cross-border RMB set- asset to mitigate risks, said Guan
epidemic control remains grave and at produce markets, supermarkets, steadily push forward RMB inter- through establishing an internation- tlement hit a record high of 19.67 Tao, chief global economist at BOC
complicated as the risk of infections food companies, cold storage facilities nationalization based on market al board, which allows initial public trillion yuan ($2.83 trillion), International (China) Co Ltd.
imported from other parts of the and cold-chain logistics firms. forces and the orientation of better offerings for high-growth enterpris- increasing 24.1 percent year-on- Another survey conducted
country and world remains, said Three samples from frozen chick- serving the real economy. es from emerging economies. year, the PBOC’s report said. recently by the Bank of China also
Duan Yufei, director of the provin- en wings imported from Brazil and “We expect more foreign traders Under the complex international The yuan’s share of global foreign showed that the international cur-
cial health commission, at a news stored in a facility in Longgang dis- to join crude oil, iron ore and other environment at the moment, “RMB exchange reserves hit a record high rency status of the RMB reached a
conference on Sunday. The risk of trict, Shenzhen, tested positive. commodity futures trading and use internationalization is not a subor- of 2.02 percent as a global currency new high in 2019.
scattered new cases still exists. The virus on the chicken wings the RMB more frequently in real dinate target that can be sacrificed, in the first quarter, according to the About 80 percent of domestic
Workplaces and residences in was not active and could not infect commodity trading. More varieties but a major issue related to whether IMF. This was the highest level and foreign respondents to the
Shenzhen and Shanwei related to humans, said Deng Huihong, direct- of RMB-denominated financial China’s economy can effectively since the fund first published survey believed that the RMB’s role
the new cases were put under strict or of the provincial Center for Dis- products will be provided,” it added. alleviate the impact of external details of renminbi reserve assets as an international currency will
management. Cinema operations in ease Control and Prevention. Jin Zhongxia, the International shocks”, Jin added. in 2016. not be inferior to that of the Japa-
Shanwei were suspended. The produce market in Guang- Monetary Fund’s executive direct- Supported by the monetary The fund also said that by the end nese yen or the British pound in
Since the new infections were dong remains safe and under con- or for China, said, “China’s capital authorities’ policies, analysts of 2019, the scale of renminbi the next decade. The result was 3
found, 37,669 samples in Shanwei trol, Mai said. market can further open up, which expect more market participants reserves had reached $217.67 bil- percentage points higher than that
and 83,413 samples from people and requires free floating of the RMB.” will accept the RMB as a settlement lion, accounting for 1.95 percent of in 2018, and had continued to rise
the environment in Shenzhen have Contact the writers at “It also needs to develop foreign and payment currency, especially the total foreign exchange reserves for the fourth consecutive year
been tested, Duan said. peipei@chinadaily.com.cn exchange forward products, and those located either in neighboring of designated currencies, ranking since 2016, Bank of China said.
4 | Monday, August 17, 2020 CHINA DAILY

Panda: Zoo
Villagers out of poverty, into dancing grateful for
China’s help
Fujian area’s prosperity gives women
From page 1
time to take part in fun, healthy activity
In an email interview, Smith said
By MO JINGXI breed mudskippers to boost their zookeepers have maintained regu-
and HU MEIDONG in Fuding, Fujian incomes. lar contact with Chinese colleagues
In 2000, the whole village was during the pandemic, talking about
At 6:30 pm every day, Zeng Yan- relocated down from the moun- Mei Xiang’s health and well-being.
hong joins about 60 other women tains thanks to a resettlement pro- “We communicate with our col-
in Boyang village’s public square to gram, and all its households, leagues in China regularly. We have
dance the night away. including Zeng’s family, moved into been talking about Mei Xiang, most-
Their repertoire covers a range of three- or four-story buildings. ly conversations about her general
dance styles, from folk to shuffle As the village was gradually con- health and well-being,” she said.
and even ballroom. nected to the outside by newly built “We knew that, at this age, she had a
“Thanks to our village’s develop- expressways and railway lines, Bo- very small chance of giving birth, but
ment in recent years, almost every yang opened up land in 2002 for we were always hopeful,” Smith said.
household owns a house and a car,” use as an industrial park to bring in In the decade since 2005, Mei
Zeng, 46, said. “And every villager investment and enterprises. Xiang had given birth to three sur-
can earn several thousand yuan a The Boyang industrial park, now A panoramic view of Boyang village in Fuding, Fujian province. The once poverty-stricken village was viving cubs, Tai Shan, Bao Bao and
month without leaving home, so covering an area of 33.3 hectares, relocated 20 years ago and now has its own kindergarten, primary school, park and a cultural square Bei Bei. The trio have all returned to
we have the time and energy for has attracted eight enterprises with with a pond and fountain. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY China in accordance with agree-
such recreational exercise to keep a total annual output value of 2.2 ments between China and the US,
ourselves happy and healthy.” billion yuan ($316.5 million) and according to zoo sources.
Boyang, a village in Fuding, Fu- provides employment for more yuan a month by renting their for women’s work, said the dancing She joined the group after “We are especially grateful for our
jian province, used to be poverty- than 1,300 villagers. houses and running noodle stalls. was started to enrich villagers’ lives watching its members dance sev- Chinese colleagues because they
stricken and only accessible by Wang said the next step for the Last year, the per capita disposa- after their day’s work. eral times and is now one of the vil- have so much experience with panda
foot. village will be to develop tertiary ble income of Boyang villagers was The village gave the dance group lagers who leads the nightly cubs and they are great partners and
When Zeng moved to Boyang industry by opening hotels and 28,976 yuan. more than 20,000 yuan to pur- dances. always willing to provide assistance
with her husband more than 20 supermarkets to provide services Seven years ago, to provide more chase audio equipment and dance After a day’s work at a factory in and share information,” Smith said.
years ago, most villagers lived in for people working for the industri- public services for villagers, Bo- wear. the industrial park, Kong said she The zoo was closed to visitors in
shabby wooden houses in the al park and a nearby nuclear power yang started to build a park, kin- Zeng and some of the other vil- enjoyed the time she spent dancing March to contain the spread of coro-
mountains and the villagers’ per station. dergarten, primary school and a lagers later found that the regular with “a group of sisters”. navirus but reopened on July 24 with
capita income was less than 600 “In recent years, many villagers, cultural square with a pond and a dancing greatly eased the symp- “I love dancing and being togeth- new safety measures, including
yuan a year. who were farmers before, have fountain. toms of common ailments such as er with them,” she said. “Whenever requiring visitors to reserve passes
Under the leadership of Wang become self-employed business The cultural square, where the diabetes and hypertension. I come to dance, I feel a sense of online ahead of time and capping the
Zhouqi, who gave up his own busi- people, private business owners or villagers now gather to dance each Kong Shiqin, who arrived in Bo- great relief and relaxation.” number of people allowed in at once.
ness and returned home to serve as even enterprise shareholders,” night, was put into use in 2015. yang more than 10 years ago after “The panda house has remained
Boyang’s Party head in 1994, villag- Wang said, noting that some villag- Zeng, who is also a member of marrying a local, is an enthusiastic Contact the writers at closed because we have been on
ers started to grow waxberries and ers can earn more than 30,000 the village committee responsible member of the dance group. mojingxi@chinadaily.com.cn birth watch,” Smith said.

Revision clarifies procedure Honoring

for handling IPR crimes Visitors peer at a Buddhist stat-
ue during an exhibition at a
caoyin@chinadaily.com.cn 16,132 museum in Chengdu, Sichuan
province, on Sunday. The exhi-
IPR-related bition focuses on the Dazu Rock
Intellectual property rights Carvings, a UNESCO World Her-
experts have lauded a recent regu- cases itage Site in Chongqing. It was
latory revision that clarifies the were cracked by public rolled out as the two cities,
procedure to be used by govern- security authorities which are closely linked in cul-
ment departments when passing nationwide last year. ture, are engaged in a plan to
evidence of suspected IPR crimes jointly develop tourism.
to police. tent in the revised regulation will XIANG YU / FOR CHINA DAILY
The revised regulation, pub- be an effective way to fight IPR-re-
lished by the State Council, China’s lated offenses.
Cabinet, on Friday, specifically He said referring cases of sus-
stipulates that if a government pected IPR crimes to the public
department suspects, after collect- security departments for criminal
ing evidence, that a case consti- investigation was needed because
tutes an IPR-related crime, it it represented the strongest possi-
should be transferred to the public ble protection for IPR.
security authorities. “The amended regulation, I
This change came into effect on think, also tells administrative law
Friday. enforcement agencies to work
“The clearer procedures on closely with public security author-
dealing with IPR-related cases is ities when finding suspected cases
to help better connect the admin- to further ensure IPR-related
istrative protection of IPR with the crimes can be cracked down on
judicial protection,” said Ma Yide,
an IPR professor at Zhongnan
University of Economics and Law
through joint efforts,” Liu added.
The China National Intellectual
Property Administration said in
Efforts: Share of surface water with good quality rises
in Wuhan, Hubei province. April that it had called on adminis-
“The clarified process shows our trators at all levels to inspect sus- From page 1 to the 58 cities in the Yangtze basin. emphasized the importance of eco- water bodies, which was key to tap-
country’s determination to oppose pected IPR infringements more The solutions that researchers logical protection of the Yellow Riv- ping their self-repair potential.
IPR infringements, and the effi- thoroughly. It said some 31,900 The joint center is a platform that assigned to the Yangtze protection er, known as China’s “mother river”. He said the new arrangement
cient case handling will contribute trademark-related cases had been “effectively integrates scientific teams apply to the river’s environ- “The protection of the Yellow River could help address the problem. The
to boosting high-quality economic solved by administrations across research and administrative man- mental problems yield tailor-made is critical to the great rejuvenation team’s long-term follow-up work on
and social development.” the country last year, up 2.24 per- agement”, said its head, Li Haisheng. and feasible solutions for its conser- and sustainable development of the water pollution could help identify
The move is also an implemen- cent year-on-year. Many other campaigns are also vation, said Li, who is also president Chinese nation,” Xi said, adding that major sources of pollutants in differ-
tation of the central leadership’s It added that public security proceeding, and in the past few of the Chinese Research Academy of it is a major national strategy. ent water bodies and aid in the
demands for full protection of IPR, authorities nationwide cracked years chemical plants near the river Environmental Sciences. Since August 2018, Xi has checked choice of aquatic plants best suited
the intensification of law enforce- 16,132 IPR-related cases in 2019, have been dismantled or relocated The Yangtze has seen a continu- the Yellow River at least four times to activate their self-repair.
ment in the sector and the promo- with 29,852 suspects being detained. far from it, and illegal ports closed to ous improvement in its water quali- during inspection tours to various The novel coronavirus outbreak in
tion of innovation and the Statistics released by the stop them polluting the river. ty in recent years. By the end of last provinces and regions. Wuhan, the city in China hit hardest
commercialization and applica- Supreme People’s Court, the coun- In January, a 10-year fishing mor- year, water from 91.7 percent of In 2016, the general offices of the by the COVID-19 pandemic, led to
tion of IPR, Ma said. try’s top court, in April showed atorium began in 332 conservation monitored sections of the river was Communist Party of China Central the temporary suspension of some of
Liu Bin, a lawyer from Beijing that Chinese courts concluded areas in the Yangtze River Basin to at or above Grade III, the third-high- Committee and the State Council the team’s remediation projects, but
Zhongwen Law Firm who special- 475,853 IPR-related cases last year, stem the free fall in the river’s biodi- est in China’s five-tier quality system jointly issued a document to imple- they found other ways to contribute.
izes in IPR cases, said the new con- up 48.87 percent year-on-year. versity. Ecological problems caused for surface water, up 4.2 percentage ment a river keeper system nation- At least 30 team members based
by small hydropower stations were points year-on-year. Water from 0.6 wide. The system, established across in Wuhan helped monitor water
also targeted for rectification in a percent of the sections was below the country in 2018, names top local bodies around hospitals where
Briefly campaign launched by four minis- Grade V, the lowest quality, down by officials as river chiefs and makes COVID-19 patients were being treat-
tries in the past year. 1.2 percentage points. them responsible for protecting ed, as well as the waste water they
A law devoted to Yangtze River water resources, controlling and pre- discharged. They also conducted
Patent for COVID-19 Fugitive Chinese conservation was drafted and sub- ‘Mother river’ venting pollution, and restoring research on the effect the wide-
mitted to national legislators for a Other rivers that suffered similar aquatic ecosystems. spread use of disinfectants had on
vaccine a first in China gangster repatriated first review last year. problems during the country’s evo- the aquatic ecosystem.
China has granted its first COVID- A fugitive gangster surnamed Xu said that being an intermediary lution from an agricultural nation to Seeds of hope Some of the team’s demonstration
19 vaccine patent to the adenovi- Zheng was brought back to China had contributed a lot to making the an industrial one are now also see- As the national joint center’s pro- remediation projects resumed on
rus vector vaccine developed by from the Dominican Republic on mechanism more efficient. ing their ecosystems restored. gram and the other campaigns forge April 1, before the lockdown of
Chen Wei of the Academy of Mili- Sunday after 15 years on the lam, “Once any demands emerge in the Government data show that 68.9 ahead, more improvements to the Wuhan due to the COVID-19 pan-
tary Medical Sciences and Chinese the Ministry of Public Security bureau, they can always get in touch percent of surface water across the Yangtze’s ecosystem are expected. demic was lifted on April 8, and
biotech company CanSino Biolog- said. The suspect was the first with me and let me know first,” he country had a good quality rating — Yan Zhongning, head of Wuhan’s work has now returned to normal.
ics, the National Intellectual Prop- fugitive repatriated by the Carib- said. After learning the details, he Grade III or above — in 2012, while ecology and environment bureau, Xu said restoring the health of
erty Administration said. The bean country to China, the minis- can return to the institute that day 10.2 percent was rated below Grade V. said dedicated teams, such as the one water bodies by planting aquatic
patent application was submitted try said. Zheng is suspected of to discuss the issue with Professor Thanks to protection efforts, the headed by Wu, are an innovative solu- plants is a complicated undertak-
on March 18 and approved on Aug organizing criminal activities in Wu Zhenbin, who works there and share of surface water with a good tion to problems faced by the Yangtze. ing. Plants with a strong ability to
11, the patent document showed. Fuzhou, capital of Fujian province, heads the team in Wuhan. Experts quality rating rose to 74.9 percent “Previously, we looked for experts resist pollution are usually planted
The vaccine, dubbed “Ad5-nCoV”, including illegally running a gam- from the eight institutes, who have a last year, while only 3.4 percent was after we decided to launch certain first to improve the water quality so
uses a weakened common cold bling house and instigating a mur- range of expertise, could then gather rated below Grade V. projects,” he said. “We might turn to that other less-resistant plants can
virus to introduce genetic material der in 2005, the ministry said. and come up with a preliminary The improvement was made pos- Professor Wu today and then have no then survive.
from the novel coronavirus into Zheng, subject to an Interpol Red solution the next day, Xu said. sible by the importance attached to idea which expert we would approach The efforts of his team have borne
the human body. The goal is to Notice, was arrested in March by The national joint research center ecological protection by the top next time. It wasn’t systematic at all.” fruit, with some plants especially
train the body to produce antibod- Dominican authorities, the minis- said that by the end of last year, teams leadership. On many of his inspec- The frequent changes of experts suited to ecological remediation that
ies that recognize the novel coro- try said. it deployed had introduced around tion tours, Xi has inspected work to made it hard for individual teams at researchers from Wu’s institute have
navirus’ spike protein and fight it 600 treatment technologies and solu- protect major local rivers. various institutes to gain a thorough planted on a small stretch of water
off. XINHUA—CHINA DAILY tions drawn from scientific research Apart from the Yangtze, he has understanding of the conditions of having survived the test of time.
CHINA DAILY Monday, August 17, 2020 | 5

Rescue mission
Report calls for boost
to net’s cloud security
By CAO YIN network is a trending problem, as
caoyin@chinadaily.com.cn their stronger computing power can
help hackers initiate massive online
Cloud platforms need to strength- attacks.
en security measures in the face of He called on internet users to do a
increasing attacks, according to an security risk evaluation of cloud ser-
internet security report. vice providers and carefully read the
Released by China’s National service agreements before upload-
Computer Network Emergency ing pictures, documents or other
Response Technical Team and Coor- messages on the cloud platforms.
dination Center last week, the “Everyone can easily access cloud
report showed that 74 percent of dis- platforms, but while we enjoy the
tributed denial of service (DDoS) convenience, risk awareness must
attacks, 86 percent of backdoor be enhanced at the same time,” he
attacks and 87 percent of falsified said.
webpages in the Chinese mainland’s To ensure the efficiency and safety
network occurred on cloud plat- of cloud services, the Cyberspace
forms last year. Administration of China, the
It also revealed that cloud plat- nation’s top internet regulator, has
forms were often used as control ter- issued rules for Party and govern-
minals by hackers to launch online ment agencies on what can be
attacks, adding that about 86 per- uploaded on cloud platforms and
cent of all the recorded DDoS attacks how to do so, Zuo said. Rescuers try to retrieve a car (right) stranded in floodwaters in Heishuihao village, Suining, Sichuan province, on Sunday that inundated
on mainland targets last year were In the report, the center also laud- much of the village (left). Many areas in the Sichuan Basin experienced extremely heavy rainfall over the weekend, with 38 counties see-
initiated from cloud platforms. ed the mainland’s achievements in ing more than 100 millimeters from Saturday morning to Sunday morning, and a maximum of 466 mm in 24 hours. More than 60,000
Although cloud service providers its fight against malware. people were evacuated. LIU CHANGSONG / FOR CHINA DAILY
have been taking measures to It said that last year, about 5.81
improve the security of the plat- million mainland computers were
forms, “the situation for cloud net- infected by malware such as Trojans

Taiwan youth urged to take

work security is not optimistic,” the and botnets, down 11.3 percent year-
report said, suggesting providers on-year and marking the fourth
build a cybersecurity test and pre- consecutive year of decline.
vention system to tackle online About 56,000 malware servers
attacks and determine whether the overseas controlled about 5.52 mil-
platforms have been hijacked. lion computers on the mainland, it
If cloud platforms are being
attacked or used by hackers, the ser-
vice providers should report to
authorities as soon as possible, and
they are allowed to suspend services
said, adding the servers were mainly
in the United States, Japan and
Hong Kong.
The transmission routes of mal-
ware were effectively and strictly
part in cross-Straits relations
to users in accordance with the Chi- controlled in 2019 due to joint
nese Cybersecurity Law. efforts by the center and mobile net- Annual festival designed to promote to its battle against the COVID-19 including their experiences fight-
Zuo Xiaodong, vice-president of work operators to discover and pandemic. ing on the front line against COV-
the China Information Security block malicious software, it said, exchanges between young people As the mainland has taken the lead ID-19, the latest policies for Taiwan
Research Institute, confirmed that with the eradication of 3,057 pieces in effectively controlling the pan- residents on the mainland and the
using cloud platforms to harm the of malware on 319 mobile platforms. By ZHANG YI demic, and both its economic and resumption of work and produc-
zhangyi1@chinadaily.com.cn social development have shown resil- tion after the outbreak was brought
ience and vitality, young people from under control.
I hope that young
Guideline sets rules for A mainland official called on
young people from Taiwan to con-
tribute to the development of cross-
people in Taiwan will
bear in mind the great
Taiwan coming to the mainland will
have better prospects, he said.
Liu called on young people on
Kuo Yi-fan, a resident of Tai-
chung on the island who started a
coffee shop in Fuzhou in 2017,

school reopenings in fall Straits relations at an event attended

by young people from both the Chi-
nese mainland and the island.
interests of the nation
and overcome
both sides to work together to push
forward the process of national
rejuvenation and reunification.
spoke about how he distributed
over 1,000 cups of coffee for medi-
cal workers for free in February.
Liu Jieyi, head of the Taiwan About 500 representatives “Their persistence and dedica-
By WANG KEJU body temperature checked and Affairs Office of the State Council, obstacles to make attended the event in Fuzhou, and tion moved me and made me
wangkeju@chinadaily.com.cn their health code scanned, the addressed the opening of the 8th contributions to the speakers from six other cities, believe the city would be better, so I
guideline said. Cross-Straits Youth Festival on Sat- including Taipei and Beijing, partic- wanted to do something to show
Chinese authorities have rolled Colleges and universities should urday. Held in Fuzhou, Fujian prov- development of cross- ipated by video link. About 100,000 my respect,” said Kuo, 29.
out plans for the opening of schools step up checking, registration and ince, the festival is an annual event Straits relations.” people watched the event online. Hou Han-ting, from Taiwan’s New
for the autumn semester that management of food and parcel aimed at promoting exchanges The event is one of the largest Party, said the mainland’s supply
include targeted COVID-19 control delivery workers entering campus- between young people from both Liu Jieyi, head of the Taiwan cross-Straits grassroots exchanges chain is deeply embedded in the glob-
Affairs Office of the State Council
and prevention measures to safe- es, and designate areas for the col- sides of the Taiwan Straits. to take place since the beginning of al economy. It is the world’s largest
guard the health of students and lection and delivery of parcels, it “I hope that young people in Tai- the novel coronavirus outbreak late production base and will be the larg-
teachers. added. wan will bear in mind the great provide support for young people last year. Many activities had been est consumer market in the future.
The Ministry of Education and The guideline also said kindergar- interests of the nation and overcome in Taiwan who are seeking oppor- canceled due to the pandemic and He appealed to the island’s young
the National Health Commission ten children will not have to wear obstacles to make contributions to tunities on the mainland, he added. tense cross-Straits relations, the people to make up their minds as
recently issued a guideline on COV- masks, but their teachers and other the development of cross-Straits Liu said a great many Taiwan organizer said. early as possible to come to the
ID-19 control and prevention for all staff are required to do so. Parents relations,” he said via video link. compatriots and enterprises on the Participants talked about their mainland and share in the fruits of
schools, including universities, pri- who are dropping off or picking up The mainland will continue to mainland have made contributions lives and work on the mainland, its development.
mary schools and kindergartens, to children will not be allowed to enter
facilitate their reopening for the fall kindergartens or nurseries.
Schools across the country will
reopen on a staggered schedule in the
Students in primary and middle
schools will need to carry medical
face masks, but those in low-risk
Suspect in 3 killings captured in Jiangxi’s Le’an county
coming weeks, and a number of uni- areas will not have to wear them, it
versities and colleges in cities, includ- said, adding that primary and mid- By WANG XIAOYU The public security bureau in the The Le’an county public security The daughter of the first two vic-
ing Beijing, welcomed their first dle schools will be put under rela- wangxiaoyu@chinadaily.com.cn city of Fuzhou, which administers bureau had raised the reward for tims said on her weibo micro blog
batches of students who were check- tively closed management, with no Le’an, said Zeng was arrested at information leading to the arrest of on Wednesday that the injured
ing in or registering on Saturday. entry for visitors, in a bid to reduce A suspect in the killings of three about 4:30 pm on Sunday and the the suspect from 50,000 yuan child was her 7-year-old nephew.
The guideline said all teachers, the risk of spreading COVID-19. people in Jiangxi province’s Le’an case is under further investigation. ($7,194) on Aug 8 to 300,000 yuan He had suffered severe brain inju-
students and staff from low-risk are- Schools should enhance the disin- county was captured by local police Zeng was seen being stopped by on Thursday. ries and was being treated in an
as must present a green health code fection, ventilation and hygiene of on Sunday after a manhunt lasting local police officers on patrol while During the search, a local auxilia- intensive care unit.
to be able to return to school. Those canteens and stagger meal hours to more than a week in the country- riding a motorcycle in Le’an on ry police officer was hit by a truck She said Zeng had broken into
from medium-risk or high-risk are- prevent crowding, and also guide side, including mountainous areas, Sunday afternoon, the Beijing and killed while examining vehi- her parents’ house on July 22 and
as will need to have a negative result students to maintain a safe distance authorities said on Sunday. News reported. cles on a provincial-level highway, injured her brother. Her family
in a nucleic acid test in the week from each other when waiting in The 44-year-old suspect, Zeng The search for the suspect had local media reported. reported the incident to the police
before their return to campuses. lines. Chunliang, was suspected of killing involved local and nearby public Zeng had twice been convicted of immediately after Zeng left and
College staff and students will not Students and teachers who are an elderly couple and injuring a security officers, the armed police burglary — in 2002 and 2013 — and called the police again on July 24
be required to wear masks on cam- currently overseas will not be child on Aug 8. He was also suspect- and the militia, with many check- was most recently released from when some clothing and tools left
puses. But students and staff enter- allowed to return to campuses until ed of killing a local poverty relief points set up on roads and drones prison in May, according to ThePa- by the suspect were found under a
ing campuses should have their further notice. official on Thursday. deployed, it reported. per.cn, an online news portal. bed.

Oldest captive giant panda as she ages, the zookeepers peel the
hard skin off the bamboo shoots
and choose tender bamboo leaves
In addition to her longevity, she is
also a “hero mom”, having given
birth to 10 cubs and serving as the

celebrates 38th birthday that they can cut into small pieces.
Tang Jiagui, the director of the
zoo’s animal management depart-
matriarch of a huge family of 153
Her offspring are spread across
By TAN YINGZI in Chongqing Despite the hot weather, Xin ment, said that good genes and sci- the globe in more than 20 countries
tanyingzi@chinadaily.com.cn Xing came out of her air-condi- entific animal management are and regions, including the United
tioned panda house and enjoyed a probably the secrets to Xin Xing’s States, Canada and Japan.
Over 100 panda fans sang Happy cake made of ice covered by her longevity. There are many star pandas in
Birthday and enjoyed cake as they favorite foods, including bamboo “She has been quite healthy for Xin Xing’s family, such as grand-
celebrated the 38th birthday of Xin leaves and shoots, apples, carrots the past 38 years with no major ill- daughter Er Shun, who gave birth
Xing, the world’s oldest giant panda and watermelon, in the outdoor nesses, only occasional high blood to twins Jia Panpan (male) and Jia
living in captivity on Sunday morn- playground. pressure,” he said. “We monitor her Yueyue (female) in 2015, the first
ing at Chongqing Zoo. Mario Gutierrez, a panda fan health closely, including daily blood giant pandas born in Canada.
This female panda is expected to from the United States, said he had pressure checks and two overall A panda’s average life span in the
break the Guinness world record for seen Xin Xing before, “but this is physical checks a year. All her major wild is 14-20 years, but they can live
the longest living giant panda ever. my first time celebrating her birth- organs are in good condition.” up to 30 years in captivity, accord-
The record is held by a panda named day. I wish she will have a long, Panda Xin Xing celebrates her 38th birthday, equivalent to about 110 Xin Xing, born in Sichuan prov- ing to the World Wide Fund for
Jia Jia that passed away on Oct 16, healthy, good life for another 30 to 130 in human years, at Chongqing Zoo on Sunday. TANG YI / XINHUA ince in 1982, was rescued in the Nature.
2016, at Ocean Park Hong Kong about years.” wild and sent to Chongqing Zoo in The latest census in 2014 found
two months after she turned 38. The celebrity panda is in good 1983. From July to September is the there were 1,864 giant pandas alive
“At 38, Xin Xing has reached the physical condition and maintains a she ate faster and much more than Xing’s panda house in case she period during which mother pan- in the wild. There were 600 in cap-
equivalent of about 110 to 130 in weight of 90 to 100 kilograms. She other pandas,” said Zhang Nai- needed him. His night-shift room is das give birth, so it is estimated that tivity by November last year.
human years,” said Yin Yanqiang, eats seven meals a day, including 30 cheng, the head of the zoo’s panda only 20 meters away from hers. Xin Xing was born in August. “Xin Xing’s 38th birthday is a big
the zoo’s panda expert. “There are kg of bamboo shoots, 1 kg of bam- house, who has looked after Xin “We spend so much time togeth- She visited Calgary, Canada, dur- encouragement for those of us who
less than 30 giant pandas in the boo leaves and some fruit. Xing for 28 years. er, and she is like a family member ing the 1988 Winter Olympics, dedicate ourselves to protecting the
world that have lived longer than “Xin Xing always has a good In recent years, Zhang has spent to me,” said Zhang, 56. where she attracted over 1 million precious species,” Yin said. “We
the age of 30.” appetite. When she was younger, most of his nights staying in Xin Now that her teeth are loosening visitors. have more confidence in our work.”
6 CHINA DAILY Monday, August 17, 2020 | 7


Passion, pride and pain build character

Parents provide safety net for extreeme athletes By YANG ZEKUN

Running, climbing, suddenly swinging and

Practitioners of lthough Zhang Ning’s son is accepted d my son’s work and lifestyle, just in a basement in Beijing for a year when he rolling the body, then jumping from a high wall
famous in the world of park- so long as
a he is able to live happily and practiced the longboard there. The family — these smooth parkour moves provide
parkour, BMX and our in China, the father rarely safely.” worried about him after learning he had 27-year-old Zhang Yunpeng with the unre-
longboarding rely mentions his boy’s skills and
achievements to colleagues Career development
quit his 6,000 yuan-a-month job, especially
as he only earned about 3,000 yuan a
strained freedom he is obsessed with.
Like many other extreme sports participants,
on family support. and friends. Zhang g Yunpeng, who took up parkour month in Beijing. We didn’t know how his Zhang has gained a lot from the pursuit, both
Instead, his fervent wish is that 27-year- in 2009, is publicizing the sport and act- future would be without a stable job and mentally and physically. His passion
Yang Zekun reports. old Zhang Yunpeng, who holds a Guinness ing in filmms. Although the young man income,” Wu Hongjun said. for and devotion to parkour have
World Record in the sport — in which prac- has enjo oyed success in Chinese He added that riding the never wavered in the 11-plus
titioners, or “tracers”, move through com- parkour circles, his father still longboard is a young person’s years he has been chasing that Dedication
plex environments by running, climbing doesn’t think
t it is a good career sport, so as Wu elusive feeling. Some of Liang’s friends have quit BMX, hav-
and jumping without equipment — stays choice. Enming He has never considered giving up, ing just wanted to experience it for a while and
safe during competitions. The yo ounger Zhang has also ages and even during tough times when he was then return to other pursuits. He has never
Over the past three decades, extreme been stu udying Jackie Chan’s films begins injured or lacked resources to practice. thought about giving up, though, and he keeps
sports have attracted tens of thousands of and has moved into the movie to lack Instead, he constantly pushes the publicizing the sport as his passion and devo-
participants, but that has led to enormous industryy to act and work as a the energy boundaries and promotes his sport. tion push him to continue riding.
pressure on the parents of these fearless stunt dirrector. His father thinks required, he Since the early 1990s, when they first “My family has been concerned about my
young people, who are usually the family’s this is a better option than may find his became known in China, extreme sports career development and my future. They think
only child. pure spo ort, and hopes Zhang efforts were in have grown rapidly and become increasingly the sport will never bring me promotion, a
Whenever Zhang Ning knows his son is Yunpeng g will make a break- vain and he will popular among young people, and although good reputation and a stable life. But I will nev-
participating in a parkour competition or From left: Parkour “tracer” Zhang Yunpeng (second from left) poses with his grandparents and a cousin; farmer Wu through h in the be left with the sector is improving in terms of safety, expe- er quit. Every time I perfect a new move I feel
exhibition, he and his wife become Hongjun and his wife are photographed in their fields in Jilin province. Their son, Wu Enming, is a professional long- industryy. regrets. rienced athletes still urge participants to prac- real satisfaction,” he said.
extremely nervous because they worry board rider. PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY Many o of Wu Hongjun is tice carefully to avoid unnecessary injuries. Despite his coaching duties, he squeezes in
about the many uncontrollable factors of Zhang Ning’s
Ni also worried that time to practice at least three days a week. He
the sport that could lead to injuries. colleaguees the risks inherent in Joy and risks believes the challenge of the sport is endless,
The father, from Datong, Shanxi pro- er from Beijing, said she cannot change have to tell him what to do. All I need to do only after he had struggled for a long admire anda extreme sports may affect Zhang, from Datong, Shanxi province, holds because even a world champion cannot claim
vince, wanted his son to finish undergrad- his mind about the sport, although she is support him fully.” time to decide whether to view the per- praise hiss son’s his son’s marriage prospects a Guinness World Record for parkour. He start- to be the best and other riders always have the
uate studies, irrespective of whether that once asked him to stop taking part. formance on the spot. He didn’t want to talent, buut he and scare the parents of future girl- ed practicing the discipline in 2008 as a junior chance to set new records.
was in the liberal arts or sciences, and then Her son, Liang Wenqing, 36, has been Growing concerns watch because of a potential accident, doesn’t seee much friends. high school student who hated studying Li Wenjin, a professional skateboarder from
find a stable job like other people’s chil- hooked on BMX since 1999 and shows Extreme sports provide participants but he was determined to be there for to crow about,
a In China, parental opinions often because he believed academic work was affect- Beijing, took up the sport in 2001. Two years lat-
dren. He certainly didn’t view sports as a no signs of quitting. Zhou is impressed with excitement and a sense of freedom, his son in the event of injury. because thet sport is have a significant influence on chil- ing his enjoyment of life. er he gained sponsorship, so he quit his job in
good career choice. by Liang’s persistence and thinks having but many are injured or even killed “My wife and I went to the venue, but dangerou us. After dren’s decisions regarding jobs, mar- He was immediately attracted when he saw the information technology industry and
an interest in sports is a good thing. every year. In May, a 22-year-old female instead of trying to push our way through all, if Zha
ang Yun- riage, children and almost every aspect of parkour on a television program and started focused on the skateboard, running an online
Supportive stance There was a period when Liang was wingsuit flying enthusiast died during a the crowd and stand at the front, we walk- peng had d an life. Some parents even arrange match- imitating the moves whenever he had enough shop and working in a skateboard store.
When he was in junior high school, obsessed with BMX and cared about noth- jump in the central province of Hunan. ed back and forth anxiously about 100 accident those making dates for their unmarried chil- time — he practiced on his bed, on stairs and For the first few years, he felt confused about
Zhang Yunpeng was addicted to online ing but training. However, many of his Zhang Ning and his wife began to meters away. We waited until he had com- same col-- dren. in parks. his prospects as a professional because China’s
Wu Enming performs a games and showed no interest in study- friends who had competed with him for worry about their son’s safety after pleted the challenge safely, and then left,” leagues “What if his future girlfriend’s parents “Injuries are quite common among partic- skateboard scene was in its infancy.
longboard move for a live ing, resulting in a poor academic per- several years quit the sport, which had a noticing that he had been injured sever- he said. might don’t want their daughter to marry a ipants, but they can be avoided as long as the “I tried many times to persuade myself to
show in Shanghai in 2017. formance. Although Zhang Ning huge impact, Zhou said. al times during training. They also knew He added that his son rarely tells him blame th he man who plays extreme sports? Maybe I athlete trains step by step. People may have give up my dream of becoming a professional
PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY complained to his son many times, the “I know that for a long time my son was that some of his friends had been seri- about injuries he has suffered, but he and father forr am a little stubborn or traditional, but I misunderstandings about parkour and think skateboarder, but my perseverance and love of
boy’s attitude didn’t change until park- quite lonely chasing his dream, so he need- ously injured or killed when taking part his wife have taken their son to the hospital allowing think all parents hope their child and it is risky. I think it is a safe sport, even safer the sport always overcame the difficulties and
our caught his attention. ed my support, although he never said so,” in the sport. several times. The long waits depressed him to ta ake their family can live safely and stably,” than basketball or swimming. Parkour mas- pushed me to carry on,” he said.
“We thought that having a sports-based she said. “He has decided to take the parkour them and they never want to experience part. Wu Hongjun said. ters practice their highly dangerous maneu- Skateboarding has changed Li’s attitude to
hobby was not a bad thing — at least he “He appreciates my support, which, in path. We cannot stop him and we choose that again. “The b biggest progress for my son is that He often asked his son to drop the sport, vers hundreds of times, so they are fully life, providing the passion and willpower to
“I didn’t have the would have a healthy body and a regular truth, I don’t want to give because no par- to support him, believing that he can pro- All Zhou’s knowledge of BMX comes he has beecome sunny, and understands life but gave up after understanding Wu confident when they undertake the moves. face difficulties. As an indispensable part of his
heart to obstruct life. He also shed his addiction to online ent wants their child to get involved in tect himself adequately, and bury our wor- from sports channels she has watched better tha an before and has a clear life goal. Enming’s passion for longboarding and Also, the sport has boosted my agility and life, he is stepping up efforts to promote the
his choice (for games, so my wife and I acquiesced, but such a dangerous sport and worry about ries inside. We often tell him to be well- with her son. She thinks the moves are People wh ho have spoken with him think he is the fact that he had overcome many obsta- balance,” Zhang said. skateboard culture.
initially we showed no obvious opposition them getting hurt. But parents shouldn’t prepared before undertaking the moves to risky, but understands that they excite very colleected and stylish. His future is in his cles on his journey. He does not believe that the sport itself is
extreme sports), or support for him practicing parkour,” interfere too much in their children’s deci- avoid injury,” Zhang Ning said. spectators. She has repeatedly asked her- own hand ds and I cannot help him too much, “I didn’t have the heart to obstruct his dangerous, but that some parkour athletes — Life-changing pursuits
so I was helpless. Zhang Ning said. sions either — we cannot force them to go In July 2018, Zhang Yunpeng set a self if she is right to support Liang because except byy giving him guidance to face life choice, so I was helpless. After thinking known as “tracers” — introduce risks by reck- Before he became interested in parkour,
After noticing that Zhang Yunpeng on a route designed by us and leave them world record by jumping over four he has been injured so many times. and difficculties bravely,” Zhang Ning said. about it for several days, I realized that it lessly attempting moves that are beyond their Zhang was introverted and stubborn. He
After thinking showed potential and achieved outstand- with no interests.” sports cars that were speeding toward To save her from worrying, Liang rare- is his life’s path, so he should follow his capabilities, which can have serious conse- appreciates the way parkour has changed his
about it for several ing results in many competitions and exhi- While Zhou offers almost no advice, she him in a line at about 80 kilometers an ly tells her about competitions he has Longbo oard lover heart, no matter if that brings pain or joy, quences. He has seen many friends sent to the life, turning him from a shy boy who was
bitions, the family gradually became more always listens when Liang talks about his hour, breaking the previous best of three entered and never invites her to training Wu Ho ongjun is a farmer in Jilin pro- failure or success. Additionally, the hospital with training injuries, while one died addicted to online games into an energetic and
days, I realized supportive and helped him financially, life, work and training. She feels that chas- cars held by an athlete from the United sessions. Zhou simply watches video vince. Hiis 29-year-old son, Wu Enming, is a extreme sports scene is improving in Chi- after attempting a risky maneuver. outgoing young man.
that it is his life’s covering almost all his training expenses ing the BMX dream is hard and Liang States. clips after the competition has finished. professio onal longboard rider who has his na, so he may seize some opportunities “Parkour is about respecting and focusing on He said if he had not taken up parkour, he
and attending events nationwide. needs a place to open his heart sometimes. Zhang Ning attended the event, but “Every time I know he will attend a own bra and and media platforms in and be a success,” Wu Hongjun said. the body and people’s connection with the envi- might still be confused about life and lack a
path, so he should His mother relocated to Taiyuan, capital Liang coaches the Beijing Freestyle competition or exhibition performance, Zhengzh hou, capital of Henan province. Wu Enming returns to Jilin once or ronment. You can feel the freedom and don’t clear goal. In addition to parkour, Zhang has
follow his heart, of Shanxi province, and rented a house BMX team and other young riders. Zhou I am very nervous, but I cannot call him The 51--year-old doesn’t approve of his son’s twice a year, and whenever Wu Hongjun have to compete with other people, as in sports started working as a stunt director in movies
near Shanxi Sports Vocational School, thinks her son’s involvement could help before the competition because it would activity, so
o he was pleased when Wu Enming gets the chance, the two discuss the young like basketball or soccer. Whenever I complete and taken up acting.
no matter if that where Zhang Yunpeng studied, to take to raise standards among China’s BMX disturb his concentration. All I can do is took a staable job as an urban planner after fin- man’s career plans, work and relation- a new move I feel pure joy and my inner nature “The sport has brought me honor and repu-
brings pain or joy, care of his diet and daily life until he grad- riders. stay home and pray he doesn’t get ishing co ollege in Wuhan, capital of Hubei ships. Although Wu Hongjun still doesn’t is released,” he said. tation in parkour circles and also changed my
failure or uated in 2012. “If nobody promotes the sport, there will hurt,” she said. province.. However, the young man quit after fully support his son, he has full confi- Wu Enming, a professional longboard rider inner world. I am no longer confused, and it
“Interest is the best teacher for chil- be less general support, and young people “I expected him to quit about sixx months and moved to Beijing to dence in his ability. from Jilin province, said injury is inevitable for has given me the faith to face and solve all diffi-
success.” dren. We want our son to achieve some- who love the sport wouldn’t find a proper BMX once he hit 30 and focus on his
h longboard brand. He relocated to “I often tell him that no matter what job he extreme sports’ novices, but the pain enables culties and break through my limitations. No
Wu Hongjun, father of
thing in sports by being a professional place to go or a group to practice with. That find another job. I know he Zhengzho ou last year. does, he must plan well, ensure his own safe- participants to understand the pleasures matter what job I do in the future, the spirit I
Wu Enming and a leading parkour master, so we could mean they stop training,” Zhou said. will do all types of work Wu Ho ongjun was angry, and other family ty and not make the family worry too much. earned and lessons taught by the pursuits. have learned from the sport will accompany
supported him — especially his mother, “I am proud of my son — he makes great well because he is diligent memberss were also firmly opposed to Wu He always says that he keeps those words “Nowadays, young people enjoy good finan- me and help me conquer all obstacles,” he said.
who accompanied him for years. I also efforts in the sport and is persistent. I hope and devoted to whatever Enming’ss decision to quit his job, because uppermost in his mind,” Wu Hongjun said. cial circumstances and smooth lives. They need Wu’s life has also been changed, thanks to the
visited a lot to encourage him at that he will succeed. If a young man changes he does. Now, I have in their opinion
o sports will not bring him a to go longboarding, feel frustration and pain longboard. He has seen highs and lows, but he is
time,” Zhang Ning said. his mind day after day, he may achieve gradually shelved stable futture and showcase his talents. Contact the writer at and develop willpower. Otherwise, they could grateful for all the experiences.
Zhou Ran, 68, whose son is a BMX rid- nothing. He is an adult, and I shouldn’t my concerns and “I was so sad when I heard he had lived yangzekun@chinadaily.com.cn easily feel discouraged if they encounter set- He took up the sport as a sophomore in 2012,
backs,” the 29-year-old said. and worked as an urban planner after finishing
He has experienced countless failures and college in 2014. However, quit his “boring job”
training injuries, but he has got back up again after a few months, because it was making him
and again. If he gets scrapes and cuts, he simply depressed, and moved to Beijing alone to focus
covers the wounds with plastic wrap when he on the longboard.
takes a shower. Sometimes when he injures “I like the inner peace and happiness
bones and muscles, he may need to rest for one brought by the longboard, which my previous
to two months, which frustrates him because job could not offer. So, I set a goal, giving myself
he cannot ride his board. Instead, he devises three years to focus on the longboard — if I
new moves during the recovery period. could not achieve anything, then I would find
Wu said that unlike China’s first batch of another job,” he said.
extreme sports enthusiasts, who had little From top: A wingsuit flier hits a target dur- For a year he worked as a longboard sales-
knowledge and limited means to protect them- ing a competition in Zhangjiajie, Hunan man, living in a basement in Beijing and earn-
selves, the current crop is more mature, so province; a paramotorist flies over a park in ing 3,000 yuan a month, which strengthened
younger participants can learn from experi- Hunan last year. ZHOU GUOQIANG / FOR CHINA DAILY his desire to realize his dream. In 2015, when his
enced devotees and avoid making too many mis- Li Wenjin performs a skateboard trick in mother and sister visited Beijing, he moved out
takes. They can also enjoy professional training, Beijing in 2018. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY of the basement and rented a new, smarter
which makes life safer. Of course, they also need apartment. He decided to start his own long-
to prepare for possible injuries, he said. board brand and take part in commercial exhi-
Liang Wenqing, 36, is a professional bicycle bitions to raise his company’s profile.
Limited resources motocross rider and also coach of the Beijing Extreme sports have had a profound influ-
Initially, Zhang had no proper training part- Freestyle BMX team. Before taking up the ence on Wu, turning him from an unsociable
ners or places to practice, while his hometown sport, he had no interest in the things his youngster into an outgoing person. He has also
lacked professional guidance and other resour- peers enjoyed, such as basketball, soccer, toys made many friends by attending competitions
ces. However, after about a month, he discov- or video games, which made his parents very and other activities.
ered a parkour group in Taiyuan, capital of concerned. Wu believes that doing extreme sports can
Shanxi, and joined it. Then, in 1995, he watched a BMX competi- bring one closer to nature. Riding the long-
“The people around me had no idea how to tion on television and fell in love with the board makes him feel an almost childish won-
practice parkour, so to continue my studies I sport. He saved more than 1,600 yuan from der and he feels brighter, more positive and
had to take a train to Taiyuan every Friday and lunch money, pocket money and gift money younger.
practice with the group at the weekend. I grad- from his parents and relatives and bought his Last year, Wu moved to Zhengzhou, capital
ually discovered that I was quite talented and first bike in 1999. His BMX life really started of Henan province, and focused on his long-
after training for about two months I surpassed then. board brand, organizing competitions and
all my peers,” he said. There were no professional BMX facilities operating new media platforms related to the
Initially, his parents did not oppose his inter- for Liang to use, so almost every weekend for sport. His parents have gradually changed their
est. They thought the sport would at least help two years he rode many kilometers to meet minds and now actively support his career
to cure his addiction to online games and friends in parks and practice. choice. Privately, though, they still worry that
improve his health, but after Zhang started get- “I just wanted to enjoy BMX and didn’t want his life is unstable and think he would be better
Above: Liang Wenqing practices a BMX move at an extreme ting injured they began to express concerns to take a career path. We were one of the earli- off working for a big company.
sports venue in Beijing, in June; Zhang Yunpeng performs about his safety. est groups of BMX enthusiasts in China, so “If I hadn’t chosen this path, I would not have
during a shoot for a series of videos to demonstrate parkour, “I was quite stubborn, and I cared little about there was no one to guide us — we just had experienced so much. I have felt grief, confu-
filmed in Los Angeles, United States, last year. what my parents said. They knew I had a hard some magazines about BMX and a worn video- sion and hesitation during the past five years,
PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY time finding something I was really interested tape about the sport. Today, riders can get sys- but I have learned to overcome difficulties, con-
in, so they kept their concerns to themselves and tematic training materials online or receive stantly asking myself what I want and whether
never stopped me taking part in the sport. I now professional training and purchase profession- I am good enough. I am so glad I stuck with it,
realize that my biggest sporting resource is the al protective items for their head, knees and and the years I spent in Beijing provided
support of my parents,” Zhang said. elbows,” Liang said. enough spiritual wealth for a lifetime,” he said.
6 CHINA DAILY Monday, August 17, 2020 | 7


Passion, pride and pain build character

Parents provide safety net for extreeme athletes By YANG ZEKUN

Running, climbing, suddenly swinging and

Practitioners of lthough Zhang Ning’s son is accepted d my son’s work and lifestyle, just in a basement in Beijing for a year when he rolling the body, then jumping from a high wall
famous in the world of park- so long as
a he is able to live happily and practiced the longboard there. The family — these smooth parkour moves provide
parkour, BMX and our in China, the father rarely safely.” worried about him after learning he had 27-year-old Zhang Yunpeng with the unre-
longboarding rely mentions his boy’s skills and
achievements to colleagues Career development
quit his 6,000 yuan-a-month job, especially
as he only earned about 3,000 yuan a
strained freedom he is obsessed with.
Like many other extreme sports participants,
on family support. and friends. Zhang g Yunpeng, who took up parkour month in Beijing. We didn’t know how his Zhang has gained a lot from the pursuit, both
Instead, his fervent wish is that 27-year- in 2009, is publicizing the sport and act- future would be without a stable job and mentally and physically. His passion
Yang Zekun reports. old Zhang Yunpeng, who holds a Guinness ing in filmms. Although the young man income,” Wu Hongjun said. for and devotion to parkour have
World Record in the sport — in which prac- has enjo oyed success in Chinese He added that riding the never wavered in the 11-plus
titioners, or “tracers”, move through com- parkour circles, his father still longboard is a young person’s years he has been chasing that Dedication
plex environments by running, climbing doesn’t think
t it is a good career sport, so as Wu elusive feeling. Some of Liang’s friends have quit BMX, hav-
and jumping without equipment — stays choice. Enming He has never considered giving up, ing just wanted to experience it for a while and
safe during competitions. The yo ounger Zhang has also ages and even during tough times when he was then return to other pursuits. He has never
Over the past three decades, extreme been stu udying Jackie Chan’s films begins injured or lacked resources to practice. thought about giving up, though, and he keeps
sports have attracted tens of thousands of and has moved into the movie to lack Instead, he constantly pushes the publicizing the sport as his passion and devo-
participants, but that has led to enormous industryy to act and work as a the energy boundaries and promotes his sport. tion push him to continue riding.
pressure on the parents of these fearless stunt dirrector. His father thinks required, he Since the early 1990s, when they first “My family has been concerned about my
young people, who are usually the family’s this is a better option than may find his became known in China, extreme sports career development and my future. They think
only child. pure spo ort, and hopes Zhang efforts were in have grown rapidly and become increasingly the sport will never bring me promotion, a
Whenever Zhang Ning knows his son is Yunpeng g will make a break- vain and he will popular among young people, and although good reputation and a stable life. But I will nev-
participating in a parkour competition or From left: Parkour “tracer” Zhang Yunpeng (second from left) poses with his grandparents and a cousin; farmer Wu through h in the be left with the sector is improving in terms of safety, expe- er quit. Every time I perfect a new move I feel
exhibition, he and his wife become Hongjun and his wife are photographed in their fields in Jilin province. Their son, Wu Enming, is a professional long- industryy. regrets. rienced athletes still urge participants to prac- real satisfaction,” he said.
extremely nervous because they worry board rider. PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY Many o of Wu Hongjun is tice carefully to avoid unnecessary injuries. Despite his coaching duties, he squeezes in
about the many uncontrollable factors of Zhang Ning’s
Ni also worried that time to practice at least three days a week. He
the sport that could lead to injuries. colleaguees the risks inherent in Joy and risks believes the challenge of the sport is endless,
The father, from Datong, Shanxi pro- er from Beijing, said she cannot change have to tell him what to do. All I need to do only after he had struggled for a long admire anda extreme sports may affect Zhang, from Datong, Shanxi province, holds because even a world champion cannot claim
vince, wanted his son to finish undergrad- his mind about the sport, although she is support him fully.” time to decide whether to view the per- praise hiss son’s his son’s marriage prospects a Guinness World Record for parkour. He start- to be the best and other riders always have the
uate studies, irrespective of whether that once asked him to stop taking part. formance on the spot. He didn’t want to talent, buut he and scare the parents of future girl- ed practicing the discipline in 2008 as a junior chance to set new records.
was in the liberal arts or sciences, and then Her son, Liang Wenqing, 36, has been Growing concerns watch because of a potential accident, doesn’t seee much friends. high school student who hated studying Li Wenjin, a professional skateboarder from
find a stable job like other people’s chil- hooked on BMX since 1999 and shows Extreme sports provide participants but he was determined to be there for to crow about,
a In China, parental opinions often because he believed academic work was affect- Beijing, took up the sport in 2001. Two years lat-
dren. He certainly didn’t view sports as a no signs of quitting. Zhou is impressed with excitement and a sense of freedom, his son in the event of injury. because thet sport is have a significant influence on chil- ing his enjoyment of life. er he gained sponsorship, so he quit his job in
good career choice. by Liang’s persistence and thinks having but many are injured or even killed “My wife and I went to the venue, but dangerou us. After dren’s decisions regarding jobs, mar- He was immediately attracted when he saw the information technology industry and
an interest in sports is a good thing. every year. In May, a 22-year-old female instead of trying to push our way through all, if Zha
ang Yun- riage, children and almost every aspect of parkour on a television program and started focused on the skateboard, running an online
Supportive stance There was a period when Liang was wingsuit flying enthusiast died during a the crowd and stand at the front, we walk- peng had d an life. Some parents even arrange match- imitating the moves whenever he had enough shop and working in a skateboard store.
When he was in junior high school, obsessed with BMX and cared about noth- jump in the central province of Hunan. ed back and forth anxiously about 100 accident those making dates for their unmarried chil- time — he practiced on his bed, on stairs and For the first few years, he felt confused about
Zhang Yunpeng was addicted to online ing but training. However, many of his Zhang Ning and his wife began to meters away. We waited until he had com- same col-- dren. in parks. his prospects as a professional because China’s
Wu Enming performs a games and showed no interest in study- friends who had competed with him for worry about their son’s safety after pleted the challenge safely, and then left,” leagues “What if his future girlfriend’s parents “Injuries are quite common among partic- skateboard scene was in its infancy.
longboard move for a live ing, resulting in a poor academic per- several years quit the sport, which had a noticing that he had been injured sever- he said. might don’t want their daughter to marry a ipants, but they can be avoided as long as the “I tried many times to persuade myself to
show in Shanghai in 2017. formance. Although Zhang Ning huge impact, Zhou said. al times during training. They also knew He added that his son rarely tells him blame th he man who plays extreme sports? Maybe I athlete trains step by step. People may have give up my dream of becoming a professional
PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY complained to his son many times, the “I know that for a long time my son was that some of his friends had been seri- about injuries he has suffered, but he and father forr am a little stubborn or traditional, but I misunderstandings about parkour and think skateboarder, but my perseverance and love of
boy’s attitude didn’t change until park- quite lonely chasing his dream, so he need- ously injured or killed when taking part his wife have taken their son to the hospital allowing think all parents hope their child and it is risky. I think it is a safe sport, even safer the sport always overcame the difficulties and
our caught his attention. ed my support, although he never said so,” in the sport. several times. The long waits depressed him to ta ake their family can live safely and stably,” than basketball or swimming. Parkour mas- pushed me to carry on,” he said.
“We thought that having a sports-based she said. “He has decided to take the parkour them and they never want to experience part. Wu Hongjun said. ters practice their highly dangerous maneu- Skateboarding has changed Li’s attitude to
hobby was not a bad thing — at least he “He appreciates my support, which, in path. We cannot stop him and we choose that again. “The b biggest progress for my son is that He often asked his son to drop the sport, vers hundreds of times, so they are fully life, providing the passion and willpower to
“I didn’t have the would have a healthy body and a regular truth, I don’t want to give because no par- to support him, believing that he can pro- All Zhou’s knowledge of BMX comes he has beecome sunny, and understands life but gave up after understanding Wu confident when they undertake the moves. face difficulties. As an indispensable part of his
heart to obstruct life. He also shed his addiction to online ent wants their child to get involved in tect himself adequately, and bury our wor- from sports channels she has watched better tha an before and has a clear life goal. Enming’s passion for longboarding and Also, the sport has boosted my agility and life, he is stepping up efforts to promote the
his choice (for games, so my wife and I acquiesced, but such a dangerous sport and worry about ries inside. We often tell him to be well- with her son. She thinks the moves are People wh ho have spoken with him think he is the fact that he had overcome many obsta- balance,” Zhang said. skateboard culture.
initially we showed no obvious opposition them getting hurt. But parents shouldn’t prepared before undertaking the moves to risky, but understands that they excite very colleected and stylish. His future is in his cles on his journey. He does not believe that the sport itself is
extreme sports), or support for him practicing parkour,” interfere too much in their children’s deci- avoid injury,” Zhang Ning said. spectators. She has repeatedly asked her- own hand ds and I cannot help him too much, “I didn’t have the heart to obstruct his dangerous, but that some parkour athletes — Life-changing pursuits
so I was helpless. Zhang Ning said. sions either — we cannot force them to go In July 2018, Zhang Yunpeng set a self if she is right to support Liang because except byy giving him guidance to face life choice, so I was helpless. After thinking known as “tracers” — introduce risks by reck- Before he became interested in parkour,
After noticing that Zhang Yunpeng on a route designed by us and leave them world record by jumping over four he has been injured so many times. and difficculties bravely,” Zhang Ning said. about it for several days, I realized that it lessly attempting moves that are beyond their Zhang was introverted and stubborn. He
After thinking showed potential and achieved outstand- with no interests.” sports cars that were speeding toward To save her from worrying, Liang rare- is his life’s path, so he should follow his capabilities, which can have serious conse- appreciates the way parkour has changed his
about it for several ing results in many competitions and exhi- While Zhou offers almost no advice, she him in a line at about 80 kilometers an ly tells her about competitions he has Longbo oard lover heart, no matter if that brings pain or joy, quences. He has seen many friends sent to the life, turning him from a shy boy who was
bitions, the family gradually became more always listens when Liang talks about his hour, breaking the previous best of three entered and never invites her to training Wu Ho ongjun is a farmer in Jilin pro- failure or success. Additionally, the hospital with training injuries, while one died addicted to online games into an energetic and
days, I realized supportive and helped him financially, life, work and training. She feels that chas- cars held by an athlete from the United sessions. Zhou simply watches video vince. Hiis 29-year-old son, Wu Enming, is a extreme sports scene is improving in Chi- after attempting a risky maneuver. outgoing young man.
that it is his life’s covering almost all his training expenses ing the BMX dream is hard and Liang States. clips after the competition has finished. professio onal longboard rider who has his na, so he may seize some opportunities “Parkour is about respecting and focusing on He said if he had not taken up parkour, he
and attending events nationwide. needs a place to open his heart sometimes. Zhang Ning attended the event, but “Every time I know he will attend a own bra and and media platforms in and be a success,” Wu Hongjun said. the body and people’s connection with the envi- might still be confused about life and lack a
path, so he should His mother relocated to Taiyuan, capital Liang coaches the Beijing Freestyle competition or exhibition performance, Zhengzh hou, capital of Henan province. Wu Enming returns to Jilin once or ronment. You can feel the freedom and don’t clear goal. In addition to parkour, Zhang has
follow his heart, of Shanxi province, and rented a house BMX team and other young riders. Zhou I am very nervous, but I cannot call him The 51--year-old doesn’t approve of his son’s twice a year, and whenever Wu Hongjun have to compete with other people, as in sports started working as a stunt director in movies
near Shanxi Sports Vocational School, thinks her son’s involvement could help before the competition because it would activity, so
o he was pleased when Wu Enming gets the chance, the two discuss the young like basketball or soccer. Whenever I complete and taken up acting.
no matter if that where Zhang Yunpeng studied, to take to raise standards among China’s BMX disturb his concentration. All I can do is took a staable job as an urban planner after fin- man’s career plans, work and relation- a new move I feel pure joy and my inner nature “The sport has brought me honor and repu-
brings pain or joy, care of his diet and daily life until he grad- riders. stay home and pray he doesn’t get ishing co ollege in Wuhan, capital of Hubei ships. Although Wu Hongjun still doesn’t is released,” he said. tation in parkour circles and also changed my
failure or uated in 2012. “If nobody promotes the sport, there will hurt,” she said. province.. However, the young man quit after fully support his son, he has full confi- Wu Enming, a professional longboard rider inner world. I am no longer confused, and it
“Interest is the best teacher for chil- be less general support, and young people “I expected him to quit about sixx months and moved to Beijing to dence in his ability. from Jilin province, said injury is inevitable for has given me the faith to face and solve all diffi-
success.” dren. We want our son to achieve some- who love the sport wouldn’t find a proper BMX once he hit 30 and focus on his
h longboard brand. He relocated to “I often tell him that no matter what job he extreme sports’ novices, but the pain enables culties and break through my limitations. No
Wu Hongjun, father of
thing in sports by being a professional place to go or a group to practice with. That find another job. I know he Zhengzho ou last year. does, he must plan well, ensure his own safe- participants to understand the pleasures matter what job I do in the future, the spirit I
Wu Enming and a leading parkour master, so we could mean they stop training,” Zhou said. will do all types of work Wu Ho ongjun was angry, and other family ty and not make the family worry too much. earned and lessons taught by the pursuits. have learned from the sport will accompany
supported him — especially his mother, “I am proud of my son — he makes great well because he is diligent memberss were also firmly opposed to Wu He always says that he keeps those words “Nowadays, young people enjoy good finan- me and help me conquer all obstacles,” he said.
who accompanied him for years. I also efforts in the sport and is persistent. I hope and devoted to whatever Enming’ss decision to quit his job, because uppermost in his mind,” Wu Hongjun said. cial circumstances and smooth lives. They need Wu’s life has also been changed, thanks to the
visited a lot to encourage him at that he will succeed. If a young man changes he does. Now, I have in their opinion
o sports will not bring him a to go longboarding, feel frustration and pain longboard. He has seen highs and lows, but he is
time,” Zhang Ning said. his mind day after day, he may achieve gradually shelved stable futture and showcase his talents. Contact the writer at and develop willpower. Otherwise, they could grateful for all the experiences.
Zhou Ran, 68, whose son is a BMX rid- nothing. He is an adult, and I shouldn’t my concerns and “I was so sad when I heard he had lived yangzekun@chinadaily.com.cn easily feel discouraged if they encounter set- He took up the sport as a sophomore in 2012,
backs,” the 29-year-old said. and worked as an urban planner after finishing
He has experienced countless failures and college in 2014. However, quit his “boring job”
training injuries, but he has got back up again after a few months, because it was making him
and again. If he gets scrapes and cuts, he simply depressed, and moved to Beijing alone to focus
covers the wounds with plastic wrap when he on the longboard.
takes a shower. Sometimes when he injures “I like the inner peace and happiness
bones and muscles, he may need to rest for one brought by the longboard, which my previous
to two months, which frustrates him because job could not offer. So, I set a goal, giving myself
he cannot ride his board. Instead, he devises three years to focus on the longboard — if I
new moves during the recovery period. could not achieve anything, then I would find
Wu said that unlike China’s first batch of another job,” he said.
extreme sports enthusiasts, who had little From top: A wingsuit flier hits a target dur- For a year he worked as a longboard sales-
knowledge and limited means to protect them- ing a competition in Zhangjiajie, Hunan man, living in a basement in Beijing and earn-
selves, the current crop is more mature, so province; a paramotorist flies over a park in ing 3,000 yuan a month, which strengthened
younger participants can learn from experi- Hunan last year. ZHOU GUOQIANG / FOR CHINA DAILY his desire to realize his dream. In 2015, when his
enced devotees and avoid making too many mis- Li Wenjin performs a skateboard trick in mother and sister visited Beijing, he moved out
takes. They can also enjoy professional training, Beijing in 2018. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY of the basement and rented a new, smarter
which makes life safer. Of course, they also need apartment. He decided to start his own long-
to prepare for possible injuries, he said. board brand and take part in commercial exhi-
Liang Wenqing, 36, is a professional bicycle bitions to raise his company’s profile.
Limited resources motocross rider and also coach of the Beijing Extreme sports have had a profound influ-
Initially, Zhang had no proper training part- Freestyle BMX team. Before taking up the ence on Wu, turning him from an unsociable
ners or places to practice, while his hometown sport, he had no interest in the things his youngster into an outgoing person. He has also
lacked professional guidance and other resour- peers enjoyed, such as basketball, soccer, toys made many friends by attending competitions
ces. However, after about a month, he discov- or video games, which made his parents very and other activities.
ered a parkour group in Taiyuan, capital of concerned. Wu believes that doing extreme sports can
Shanxi, and joined it. Then, in 1995, he watched a BMX competi- bring one closer to nature. Riding the long-
“The people around me had no idea how to tion on television and fell in love with the board makes him feel an almost childish won-
practice parkour, so to continue my studies I sport. He saved more than 1,600 yuan from der and he feels brighter, more positive and
had to take a train to Taiyuan every Friday and lunch money, pocket money and gift money younger.
practice with the group at the weekend. I grad- from his parents and relatives and bought his Last year, Wu moved to Zhengzhou, capital
ually discovered that I was quite talented and first bike in 1999. His BMX life really started of Henan province, and focused on his long-
after training for about two months I surpassed then. board brand, organizing competitions and
all my peers,” he said. There were no professional BMX facilities operating new media platforms related to the
Initially, his parents did not oppose his inter- for Liang to use, so almost every weekend for sport. His parents have gradually changed their
est. They thought the sport would at least help two years he rode many kilometers to meet minds and now actively support his career
to cure his addiction to online games and friends in parks and practice. choice. Privately, though, they still worry that
improve his health, but after Zhang started get- “I just wanted to enjoy BMX and didn’t want his life is unstable and think he would be better
Above: Liang Wenqing practices a BMX move at an extreme ting injured they began to express concerns to take a career path. We were one of the earli- off working for a big company.
sports venue in Beijing, in June; Zhang Yunpeng performs about his safety. est groups of BMX enthusiasts in China, so “If I hadn’t chosen this path, I would not have
during a shoot for a series of videos to demonstrate parkour, “I was quite stubborn, and I cared little about there was no one to guide us — we just had experienced so much. I have felt grief, confu-
filmed in Los Angeles, United States, last year. what my parents said. They knew I had a hard some magazines about BMX and a worn video- sion and hesitation during the past five years,
PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY time finding something I was really interested tape about the sport. Today, riders can get sys- but I have learned to overcome difficulties, con-
in, so they kept their concerns to themselves and tematic training materials online or receive stantly asking myself what I want and whether
never stopped me taking part in the sport. I now professional training and purchase profession- I am good enough. I am so glad I stuck with it,
realize that my biggest sporting resource is the al protective items for their head, knees and and the years I spent in Beijing provided
support of my parents,” Zhang said. elbows,” Liang said. enough spiritual wealth for a lifetime,” he said.
8 | Monday, August 17, 2020 CHINA DAILY


Bad week for the White House

in bid to force its will on allies Luo Jie

t the United Nations Security Council on claiming that Germany is already too reliant on
Friday, the United States motion for pro- Russia for natural gas and that the Nord Stream-II
longing sanctions against Iran failed. pipeline would allow Russia to expand its economic
Washington has responded by circulat- influence in Europe.
ing to council members a six-page memo outlining The EU and US remain allies, but not on every-
why it still has the right to use the so-called snap thing because Europe isn’t yesterday’s Europe. The
back provision in the 2015 UN Security Council res- US isn’t yesterday’s US. Nor are their relations what
olution endorsing the nuclear agreement between they were.
Iran and six major powers despite it withdrawing That there is a schism between Washington and
from the deal, saying that it will seek to trigger a Brussels is evident. And it keeps widening under
return of all UN sanctions on Iran in the coming Donald Trump’s “America first” agenda. This is a
days. reality Pompeo and his colleagues tend to ignore.
Responding to visiting US Secretary of State Mike European countries are struggling to get rid of
Pompeo’s demand last week that his country not backbreaking economic recession. That is a threat
cooperate with China in the nuclear power and tele- bigger than those Pompeo has been tirelessly
communications sectors, the Czech prime minister trumpeting. They are turning to China and Russia
reportedly said they wouldn’t exclude any country for what Donald Trump’s America is unable, or sim-
that abides by European Union rules. ply unwilling to offer.
The US has hit China’s 5G leader Huawei with China’s Huawei, for instance, means affordable
heavy sanctions in a bid to kill the company. 5G telecommunications solutions for European
The Czech president was quoted as saying major countries with financial troubles. The Nord Stream-
countries should target international terrorism as II project, for its part, is considered to be the best
their common enemy, instead of each other. possible option to meet the energy needs of many
And all but three of the EU’s 27 member states EU members.
expressed their disapproval to the US State Depart- Perhaps the US’ European allies might be more
ment during a videoconference on Wednesday, willing to lend Washington an ear if it came up with
denouncing Washington’s sanctions against the some alternatives when it called on Europe to shun
Nord Stream-II project as a breach of international China and Russia. Unfortunately it doesn’t.
law. That is why Brussels finds it difficult to swallow. Opinion Line
The US administration opposes the pipeline That is why Beijing calls it bullying.

Ugly smearing of Confucius Institute US Center Vaccine sellers on WeChat,

they’re just liars and crooks
hat the US administration on Thursday learn Chinese and understand China”.
ordered the center which runs the Confu- Steve Knapp, who was president of George Wash-
cius Institutes in the United States to reg- ington University and served as the president of the
ister as a “foreign mission” of the People’s US center council, the governing body of the CIUS, Some people have been claiming domestic novel coronavirus vaccine are strictly regulated. According to
Republic of China is obviously another move by said when the center was unveiled in 2013 that the on the social media platform candidates is that some of them the law, only those enterprises
Washington to initiate an ideological confronta- Confucius Institutes provide a unique platform for WeChat that they have a novel cor- have entered the third phase of approved by the government can
onavirus vaccine available for peo- clinical trials. produce vaccines, and the vaccines
tion with China, pushing normal cultural invaluable cultural educational opportunities for
ple to buy. They claim that they No domestic vaccine has com- can only be sold at government-run
exchanges between the two countries to the brink students and faculties across the United States. only have limited amounts and pleted the testing process yet and epidemic prevention stations.
of severance. About 500 kindergartens through 12th grade people should get them while they been approved for sale. Therefore, Any sales channel beside this
Given the Cold War mentality that prevails in classrooms are affiliated with the Confucius Insti- can. anyone claiming to have a vaccine authorized one is illegal. If those
Washington, it was no surprise that US Secretary of tute US Center, and the institute also operates on As a vaccine researcher, my for sale is trying to scam money selling vaccines on WeChat get
State Mike Pompeo should justify the move by 65 US campuses, they have contributed a great deal advice is that anybody who sees from people. them from unqualified enterprises,
claiming in a statement that the Confucius Insti- to the teaching of Chinese language and cultural such advertisements should pick up Then what about later? If a Chi- then the vaccines are illegally pro-
tute US Center is “an entity advancing Beijing’s exchanges between the two countries and two peo- the phone and call the police imme- nese enterprise announces its vac- duced. Even if they get them from
global propaganda and malign influence campaign ples. diately, because we can be 100 per- cine has passed all the tests and is the authorized producers they will
on US campuses”. With the strong capacity of the US to have a cul- cent sure that what they are selling on sale, could we trust anyone on still have obtained the vaccines ille-
Although Assistant Secretary of State for East tural impact on other cultures, it is strange that is illegal. According to the law, in WeChat claiming to have the vac- gally.
Asia and Pacific Affairs David Stilwell said when some US politicians should fear the teaching of order for a vaccine to enter the cine for people to buy? In either case, selling the vaccines
making the announcement that “this is not going Chinese. Why should they be so afraid of the influ- market it has to pass three phases The answer is no. would be illegal, and those respon-
after the Confucius centers per se”, he urged US uni- ence of China when their own culture is so perva- of tests on volunteers and patients. Vaccines are a special medical sible deserve punishment.
versities to take “a hard look” at what the institutes sive? So far, the latest news about the product whose production and sale — TAO LINA, A VACCINE RESEARCHER

were doing on their campuses and then decide for It is because of China’s ever greater opening-up
themselves if they advance “our democratic values to the world that an increasing number of foreign-
or not”. It is this over-politicization of almost every-
thing Chinese and the narrow-mindedness it
ers, Americans included, want to know more about
Chinese culture and learn the Chinese language.
Student applies learning to practical training
embodies that have become hallmarks of this There is no evidence that such teaching has ever
administration and fueled its confrontational been used as a tool of political propaganda. And the Zhang Yadong is an engineering and down a “mountain” made out domestic social networks, with
stance toward China. establishment of Confucius Institutes was at the freshman from Zhoukou, a city in of clay and even crosses “rivers”. many hailing Zhang as a future
Such accusations against the Confucius Insti- request of the US universities and was to meet the Central China’s Henan province. Zhang built eight bridges in all, high-speed railway engineer.
tutes are without basis and are motivated by “ideo- needs of US students. During the last semester, as he had some are made of concrete and It might be too early to assert his
logical prejudice and self-interest”, as Chinese It is the paranoia of politicians in Washington to stay at home for online classes, some of steel and wood, to cross the future career because there are still
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said. that is the reason why everything, even the teach- he bought the necessary materials rivers and go above the uneven years before his graduation, and
He stressed that “Confucius Institutes are bridges ing of the Chinese language, is politicized to stig- and parts to build a miniature rail- ground, and he dug a tunnel building such a miniature railway is
and links that help people from all over the world matize China. way in the yard of his home. through the “mountain”. Just as Cao different from building high-speed
As a report by China Central Tele- Xinglin, the head of his college, said railways in reality.
vision shows, the “mini railway” is in an interview, the building proc- Yet Zhang’s railway is still praise-
more than a toy. The 70-meters of ess requires both an innovative worthy. We have seen many college
It is not Hong Kong that will fail track traverses a variety of different
landscapes, and has curves, goes up
mind and good working abilities.
The video has gone viral on
graduates who are good at passing
exams and writing essays, but who
are unable to do anything practical.

Compared with them, Zhang has
n a televised interview on Thursday on Hong The president also alleged that Hong Kong will demonstrated excellent practical
Kong, US President Donald Trump claimed never succeed with China running it, something ability.
that Hong Kong will “fail” without the bene- contrary to the evidence. Many US financial, legal, Some might say that Zhang stud-
fit of the special status that allowed Hong and accounting businesses have a presence in Hong ies in an engineering major and
Kong to enjoy lower trade tariffs and a separate Kong. In all, more than 1,300 US companies are those studying in other majors
customs framework in its dealings with the United based there. As such, the US will unavoidably suffer might not need the same practical
skills. But that is incorrect, practical
States. from both the chaos it has championed, which has
skills are necessary for all. What
Although the US leader has previously conde- roiled the SAR since June last year, miring it in the students learn should not stay on
scendingly claimed that the Chinese mainland’s worst economic recession in a decade, and the paper only, but also be applied in
success is thanks to US largesse, this is the first time so-called pulling back of US investment, as both are reality.
that unwarranted notion has been applied to the politically driven, rather than the consequence of After all, what society needs are
special administrative region. normal market activities. not people who only know about
The Hong Kong markets will “go to hell”, he said, As the US-China Business Council’s latest survey theories, but people who are capa-
without the “very expensive incentives” granted it shows, most US enterprises doing business with ble of doing things.
by the US. “Very few people are going to do business and in China remain optimistic about the prospects JIN DING / CHINA DAILY — ZHANG ZHOUXIANG, CHINA DAILY
in Hong Kong anymore,” he predicted. of the Chinese market. With further opening-up of
He even took it a step further this time alleging the world’s second-largest economy, Hong Kong’s
that Hong Kong was the beneficiary of “billions role as a financial and logistics hub between the What They Say
and billions and billions of dollars” that had been Chinese mainland and the world can only become
given to it not only to “make it work”, but also “to
keep a certain amount of freedom over there,
more prominent.
And Hong Kong will not easily lose its status as a
Xinfadi Market reopens, but not as it was
knowing that they have China looming over the top separate customs territory, which is recognized by
On Thursday, at a news confer- ations is one of the necessary meas- better enforce prevention and con-
of them”. the World Trade Organization and cannot be arbi- ence on the epidemic prevention ures to ensure the market’s safety. trol measures.
That offers some food for thought, especially trarily abolished by the US. and control work in Beijing, it was As one of the largest food markets Some said it might be inconven-
since he acknowledged that Hong Kong is owned by That being said, it is not Hong Kong that will “go announced that Xinfadi Market in Asia, Xinfadi previously had tens ient for local residents who used to
China — it is natural to ask what exactly he meant to bad”, but the US investment that is being forced will reopen. However, it will now be of thousands of customers coming shop at the market. That concern
by that. to leave it. wholesale only. every day to buy meat, seafood, veg- has already been taken into consid-
Two months have passed since etables and even eggs. eration. Outside the market, a new
the market was shut down in early Xinfadi was therefore usually market for retail that covers 1,000
CHINA DAILY WORLDWIDE June because of a cluster of novel crowded. Moreover, many of the square meters has been established,
Contact us at: China Daily UK China Daily USA
coronavirus cases that originated buyers come from various corners plus 77 convenience stores and 164
90 Cannon St, London EC4N 6HA, UK 1500 Broadway, Suite 2800, there. During the two months, of Beijing, even nearby cities, while vans will sell vegetables to residen-
China Daily +44 (0) 207 398 8270 New York, NY 10036 Xinfadi has been closed, it has the products on sale come from all tial communities. In this way, the
15 Huixin Dongjie Chaoyang District, editor@chinadailyuk.com +1 212 537 8888
been sterilized, and all workers at over the world. agricultural products from Xinfadi
Beijing 100029 editor@chinadailyusa.com
News: +86 (0) 10 6491-8366 China Daily Asia Pacific the market and recent visitors Now the market will only serve can still be bought by local resi-
editor@chinadaily.com.cn China Daily Hong Kong China Daily Africa have been tested. registered wholesale buyers, includ- dents without any middle dealer.
Advertisement: +86 (0) 10 6491-8631 Unit 1818, Hing Wai Centre, 7 Tin Wan P.O. Box 27281-00100, Nairobi, Kenya These efforts must be cherished ing those from hotels and restau- The only difference is they now buy
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Subscription: +86-400-699-0203 +852 2518 5111 editor@chinadailyafrica.com
and measures must be taken to rants. In that way, the number of the vegetables and meat in separate
subscription.chinadaily.com.cn editor@chinadailyhk.com enquiries@chinadailyafrica.com ensure the safety of the market. visitors will be effectively reduced. spaces, which is much safer.
App: www.chinadaily.com.cn/mobile/daily.html editor@chinadailyasia.com subscription@chinadailyafrica.com The terminating of its retail oper- That will enable the market to — BEIJING YOUTH DAILY
CHINA DAILY Monday, August 17, 2020 | 9

Blaming China won’t solve US’ problems
Editor's Note: In an essay, a sen- and other US and international tion Army Navy has done a much
ior research fellow at China Insti- media outlets have reported, the US better job of controlling the virus
tute of International Studies has
exposed Washington’s problems in administration is putting science than the US Navy. On May 10, in a
dealing with the novel coronavirus aside in the battle against the virus. tweet, Trump accused CBS of “doing
pandemic, saying the blame game everything within their power” to
won’t cure the US’ ills. Following is Cuts in medical emergency “defend China”, shortly after the net-
the full text: funds fuelled US crisis work’s 60 Minutes aired a story fea-
Second, the lack of attention to turing virologist Daszak debunking
By Friday, the United States had federal preparedness and coordina- false claims about the Wuhan lab.
more than 5 million confirmed COV- tion helps explain why the US The US administration and
ID-19 cases and over 163,000 deaths, administration has consistently Republican strategists have deter-
both highest in the world. Stunned botched its response to the pan- mined that their best bet would be
by the surging cases, people in the demic. Fortune magazine has to turn the anti-virus fight into a
US and around the world can’t help reported that over the past two political game, focusing on which
but wonder what has happened to years, the Trump administration countries and individuals can stand
the US and why. To that question, has been systematically dismant- up to China, instead of who can bet-
the White House and Republicans ling government agencies and cut- ter deal with the pandemic. Accord-
have an answer: It is China’s fault. ting funds specifically designed to ing to news and information
But the China blame game is both protect against pandemics such as website Axios, a leading pro-Trump
undesirable and deadly. the one raging now. super political action committee
Third, the US administration is has been testing a new ad campaign
US’ favorite prioritizing politics over public to paint Democratic presidential
blame game health amid the worst public health candidate Joe Biden as being soft on
A punching bag for political for- crisis in the US in a century. Like it China and redirecting criticism of
ces in the US for decades, China is or not, in the election year voters Trump’s coronavirus response.
an easy target to pick during a will almost certainly choose sides So far, the US administration has
health crisis in a presidential elec- based on how Trump and his chosen to intensify animosity with
tion year. In the past decade, China- administration have responded to China, instead of playing a role in
bashing has taken on new intensity, the pandemic. Trump and his politi- forging a global coalition against the
and under President Donald cal strategists feel very comfortable coronavirus. After weeks of shifting
Trump’s watch, China has been with their familiar playbook of the blame to China, Trump has publicly
increasingly viewed as a strategic 2016 campaign as he seeks a second threatened to cut off all ties with
competitor. Blaming China, in fact, term: blame the outsiders. China. As Richard Haass, president
has become part of a well-publi- As for the Democrats, they would of the Council on Foreign Relations,
cized Republican campaign strategy put all the blame on Trump, high- recently wrote, “It would be a major
in the election year. lighting how he initially downplayed strategic error to make confronting
Some American politicians the pandemic, and underlining his China the organizing principle of
accuse China of covering up the epi- subsequent follies. They would try to US foreign policy. To do so would be
demic, not sharing sufficient infor- show voters that they can do a better to misread a world in which the
mation timely, and underreporting job of governance. most significant threats come from
the number of cases. They claim, A political battle leading to bigger global problems such as disease, cli-
explicitly or implicitly, that the nov- and bitter polarization among Amer- mate change, & terrorism.”
el coronavirus originated in a lab in icans does not bode well for the fight
Wuhan. They would even like to against the pandemic. And blaming A way out
make China accountable for the China won’t solve the US’ problems. and forward
losses the US has suffered in the The US’ blame game has further Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the
pandemic. And the US president soured Sino-US relations and Chinese government has acknowl-
has accused the World Health Orga- SONG CHEN / CHINA DAILY increased tensions between the two edged that prevention and control
nization of being “China-centric”, sides. As a result, the number of of the pandemic is a major test for
even pulled the US out of the WHO. nature, scale and infectiousness of reported in China. viewed and esteemed journals such Americans holding a negative view China’s medical system and govern-
The Chinese side has refuted all the disease and sharing their findings The US side has touted conspira- as the Lancet, Nature and Science about China is increasing, with ance capacity, which has helped it
these allegations. with the rest of the world in real time. cies without offering any evidence, have published articles dismissing Republicans being more likely than gather experiences and learn les-
The first three suspected cases of They wasted no time in conduct- and ignoring the counterarguments such weird claims. Democrats to view China unfavora- sons. Despite the difficulties and
pneumonia of unknown cause in ing research on the cases available. of leading scientists around the A representative voice is that of bly, according to a recent survey by shortcomings experienced in its ini-
China were reported by Zhang Jixi- Their successive findings and world including US scientists. It Peter Daszak, who has been work- Pew Research Center. tial encounter with COVID-19, Chi-
an, a doctor from Hubei province, achievements over time include the even began doubting China’s data ing with the Wuhan institute for the na has made decisive progress in
on Dec 27, 2019. Then a sizable identification of the pneumonia to as if a much higher number of Chi- past 15 years. In his interviews with Serious strategic fighting the invisible enemy.
group of professionals from local be viral and caused by the novel cor- nese infections and deaths would CNN on April 26, and CBS’ 60 Min- policy mistake Indeed, human beings make
centers for disease control and pre- onavirus, development of testing have made American numbers look utes on May 10, Daszak said the Besides, by making China the progress by learning from their mis-
vention and hospitals, as well as kits, and submission to the WHO nicer to US voters, and US leaders Wuhan P4 Laboratory didn’t have scapegoat for all its ills, the US will takes. With a population of 1.4 bil-
from China’s National Health Com- the genome sequence of the novel less accountable for the high num- the virus that led to COVID-19. In weaken its response to COVID-19 and lion, China has vowed to draw
mission scrambled to investigate coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) as well as bers of infections and deaths. That his words, “Nobody has the virus harm cross-border cooperation in the lessons from the ordeal and further
how contagious the virus is and preliminary estimates of key epide- is the key to understanding the shift from bats that then led to COVID- fight against the pandemic, leading improve its preparedness to deal
assess its destructive potential. This miological parameters of COVID-19 in the White House’s narrative from 19. We’ve not found it yet. We found to loss of more lives. For instance, with similar events in the future.
level of early alertness, awareness — the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 acknowledging China’s transparen- close relatives, but it’s not the same some Americans tend to view the cor- In the same vein, global govern-
and quick response by Chinese — such as the incubation period, cy and professionalism in contain- virus.” Therefore, the virus could onavirus outbreak in China as a ance has been put to test in the face
medical experts could be attributed, case fatality ratio, the serial interval ing the outbreak to blaming China not have come from that lab. result of its unique political system, of the pandemic. The coronavirus
to some degree, to their experiences and the basic reproduction number for the US’ problems. As for those pursuing lawsuits and China’s vigorous response meas- knows no border or nationality, nor
of the 2003 severe acute respiratory (R0). against China based on their allega- ures as being “draconian” and “totali- does it believe in any faith. In medi-
syndrome (SARS) outbreak and les- Richard Horton, editor of the Stringent anti-pandemic tions that China is responsible for tarian”. The White House and many cal terms, until a vaccine is ready, a
sons learned thereafter. prestigious medical journal Lancet, measures behind success the global spread of the virus, there of its supporters also view China’s cluster of cases in one country may
said: “Under immense pressure, as The fact is, China succeeded in is no legal basis for any such law- interaction and cooperation with pose a threat to people’s health and
Regular updates on the epidemic exploded around them, “flattening the curve” by taking com- suits and no factual evidence to other countries through a prism of safety in another country. And no
pandemic situation they took time to write up their find- prehensive and stringent measures, support their allegations against great power competition. country can weather the unprece-
The first week after the disease ings in a foreign language and seek not by distorting data. The Chinese China. This line of ideology-driven logic dented pandemic crisis alone. As
was detected saw China beginning to publication in a medical journal government has time and again has clouded some Americans’ UN Secretary-General António
send timely updates to the WHO, thousands of miles away. Their rapid stressed the importance of ensuring White House fails understanding and judgment of Guterres put it, “This is, above all, a
and other countries, including the and rigorous work was an urgent the data are accurate throughout the to see big picture COVID-19, and their ability to act in human crisis that calls for solidari-
US. As of Feb 3, China had given the warning to the world. We owe those fight against the pandemic, and “They’ve simply lost time they proportion to the severity and ty.” So world leaders must come
US briefings on the epidemic and scientists enormous thanks.” those who fail to follow the rules of can’t make up. You can’t get back six nature of the pandemic. together and offer urgent and coor-
information on its prevention and And Michael Head, a senior reporting are disciplined. weeks of blindness,” Jeremy Konyn- When China is demonized and dinated global response.
control measures 30 times, almost on research fellow in global health at the Over 100 days, more than 3,000 dyk, a senior policy fellow at the deemed untrustworthy, US opinion As the world’s two largest econo-
a daily basis. The WHO, too, has been University of Southampton, stated: press conferences were held by gov- Center for Global Development and leaders tend to treat China as the mies, the UN Security Council per-
providing frequent briefings and “The Chinese have been leading the ernments and health departments a Barack Obama-era administration “other”, and believe it is politically manent members and major players
updates on the outbreak. According way in publishing open-access evi- at the national, provincial and staffer involved in the government’s incorrect to discuss the effectiveness in many multilateral institutions,
to various news sources, the US Cen- dence on case management, genom- municipal levels, providing daily response to the Ebola virus epidem- of China’s response to the outbreak. the US and China have shared inter-
ters for Disease Control and Preven- ics and numerous areas of public updates on the pandemic situation ic in Africa, told The Washington They may talk about how the Repub- ests and responsibilities in prioritiz-
tion (CDC) has acknowledged that it health and epidemiology, which has and answering related questions, Post. “To the extent that there’s lic of Korea, Japan and Singapore ing cooperation over competition
first learned of a “cluster of 27 cases been vital in informing the response and releasing information on both someone to blame here, the blame have responded to the outbreak, and avoiding tensions and conflicts.
of pneumonia” of unexplained origin in more or less every country.” infections and deaths, so as to is on poor, chaotic management without mentioning China, which
in Wuhan as early as Dec 31. increase public awareness and from the White House and failure to has a far larger population and Collective, coordinated
China has regularly updated the Firm foundation for assist in timely contact tracing. acknowledge the big picture.” might offer equally, if not more, response need of the hour
WHO, too, about the epidemic situa- govt decision-making With a cell phone in hand, every Numerous news reports of inter- important references for the US. Just imagine how consequential
tion in the country, fulfilling its obli- These findings laid a firm founda- Chinese citizen has access to infor- views with current and former US for the world it would be if the US
gations of notifying the global health tion for government decision-mak- mation that may alert them to risks officials, internal emails, memoran- Anti-China moves remind and China join hands with other
body under the framework of Inter- ing, leading to strict anti-epidemic of being physically close to infected dums and other recently unearthed of the McCarthy era countries to work out a collective
national Health Regulations. China measures nationwide ahead of the people or suspected cases either in evidence from Washington indicate Under such circumstances, and coordinated response to ensure
also hosted a field visit by a WHO del- Spring Festival holiday, which affect- their neighborhoods, workplaces or that the White House was being con- reporting and discussing China’s cross-border supplies of medical
egation to Wuhan on Jan 20-21, and ed hundreds of millions of people in in public transport vehicles. China tinuously warned of a coming pan- effectiveness in mitigating and con- products and food, and collaborate
the WHO-China Joint Mission on China. This drastic and unprece- has a policy of meticulous case and demic and its possible consequences taining COVID-19 are often viewed in research on treatment and vacci-
Coronavirus Disease 2019 on Feb dented move alone served as a contact identification for COVID-19. but chose to play down the serious- as parroting “Chinese propaganda”, nes, as well as provide economic
16-24 — two members of the mission strong message to the world about In Wuhan alone, more than 1,800 ness of the virus. Trump even tweet- siding with China, and undercut- recovery packages.
were from the US. the nature and severity of COVID-19. epidemiologists, in a minimum of ed that, “We have it totally under ting Trump’s presidential campaign. As former US secretary of state
China’s intensity of action and In his tweet on Jan 24, Trump five-member teams, were tracing control”, and “USA in great shape!” No wonder former US ambassador Henry Kissinger recently argued,
interaction including exchange of praised China’s efforts to control the tens of thousands of contacts a day. In addition to these missed early to China Max Baucus said that the today’s leaders should choose a path
information with the WHO and its spread of the virus thus: “China has Timely and accurate data on the warnings, other major missteps and US administration’s anti-China rhe- of cooperation that will lead toward
member states shows that from the been working very hard to contain pandemic are what they needed to lost opportunities at the federal lev- toric reminded him of the improved international resilience.
very beginning, the US administra- the Coronavirus. The United States make the fight successful. el also contributed to the surging McCarthy era. History shows that the US and Chi-
tion has been regularly and well greatly appreciates their efforts and Under such circumstances, any cases, especially stalled testing In April, for example, the White na, despite their persistent differen-
informed by the Chinese side and transparency. It will all work out cover-up or deliberate underreport- issues. Testing is a key link in the House criticized the Voice of Ameri- ces, have worked together on major
the WHO on the epidemic situation well.” Since then and throughout ing of COVID-19 cases or the scale of chain of necessary measures of ca, the US’ official propaganda tool global issues, such as nuclear non-
in China and the rest of the world. late January and February, Trump the outbreak in China is beyond response. Had the US tracked the and foreign policy instrument, for proliferation, counter-terrorism, cli-
In retrospect, even China’s public repeatedly praised China’s handling imagination, even punishable. No virus’ earliest reach and identified running an Associated Press article mate change, energy security, the
announcement on COVID-19 to of the outbreak, acknowledging that one in the world is more willing and hidden hot spots of community referring to Wuhan’s lockdown as a 2008 international financial crisis,
alert the whole nation on Jan 20 left China was “doing a very profession- eager than the Chinese government transmission, local quarantining “model” for other countries battling and the Ebola virus outbreak.
the US nearly two months to make al job” and was in touch with the and people to get a clear understand- might have been able to confine the the novel coronavirus. The White Containing the coronavirus pan-
preparations for preventing and WHO and the US CDC. ing of the scale, nature and infec- disease, according to a report in The House statement asserted that in so demic should be a point of rally
controlling the spread of the virus. But when the numbers of infec- tiousness of the virus in the country. New York Times. doing, the VOA “amplified Beijing’s rather than conflict for the US and
Therefore, the perceived “delay” in tions and deaths in the US climbed As for allegations that the novel There are some root causes for propaganda” about COVID-19. China. There are a thousand rea-
China’s response cannot serve as an to the top of the global list, the coronavirus was made in the the negligence and inaction, and CNN and its journalists, who often sons for the two countries to
excuse for the US administration’s White House changed its attitude, Wuhan Institute of Virology or the loopholes in dealing with the give negative coverage to China, embark on a path of cooperation,
sluggish response. and turned the pandemic into a bat- spread through an accidental leak pandemic. First, the White House have recently been accused by the but not a single one to drive bilater-
The first couple of weeks also wit- tle against China, stoking national- from the institute, the institute has has engaged in a tug-of-war with pro-Trump camp of “shielding Chi- al relations astray.
nessed Chinese professionals deep- ism by overstressing the fact that unequivocally stated that the virus scientists and experts over the anti- na” because CNN.com ran an article To begin with, the US should stop
ening their understanding of the the virus was first detected and did not originate there. Peer-re- pandemic policy. As CNN, the NYT indicating that the People’s Libera- the blame game.

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10 | Monday, August 17, 2020 CHINA DAILY

MODERATELY Editor’s note: As China aims to eliminate extreme poverty and be a “moderately prosperous society” (xiaokang shehui) in time for the 100th
PROSPEROUS anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China next year, we talk to leading experts for their take on the country’s commitment.


Kerry Brown is one of the leading Sinolo-

gists in the United Kingdom, specializing in
Chinese history and politics.
He is the author of more than 10 books on
modern Chinese politics, history and lan-
guage, including: The New Emperors: Power
and the Princelings in China (2014); What’s
Wrong with Diplomacy: The Case of the UK
and China (2015); Berkshire Dictionary of
Chinese Biography (in four volumes, 2014-
15); China’s CEO: Xi Jinping (2016); China’s
World: What Does China Want? (2017).
Brown, a professor of Chinese studies,
currently directs the Lau China Institute at
King’s College London. He believes that Chi-
na’s changes and growth over the past 25
years have contributed substantially to the
improvement of living standards worldwide.

The idea of China as a teacher may be will-

ingly accepted in Africa or Latin America, but
the general mindset for most Europeans is
that China should still be learning from the
West, in areas such as technology, developing
a finance sector and addressing its environ-
Florists pick roses in a garden of Xiaozuo village, in Hebei’s Shijiazhuang city. The garden brings more than 1.8 million yuan ($259,000) in annual net income. The Chinese mental and sustainability challenges, he said.
government has been enormously successful in lifting people into greater wealth and creating a more prosperous society, as Kerry Brown says. ZHANG XIUKE / FOR CHINA DAILY “It is very difficult to convey to people
unfamiliar with China’s conditions now that

China, from good student

it does have a vast amount to teach, and that
in many areas it is already ahead of the West.
The patronizing idea that it just needs to sit
and take instruction from others needs to
disappear. The best position for all of us is to
learn together — and China being a teacher

to wise teacher
in many areas is important.”

Post COVID-19 collaboration

The Chinese government takes poverty
reduction very seriously and has set itself the
goal of eliminating all extreme poverty by the
end of this year, a goal Brown said China is
“well on track” to achieve despite the challen-
As the country has sped along the path of rapid growth and better living standards, ges posed by the impact of COVID-19.
China’s record of responding to crises in
it has learned much from others, and now many can learn from it the past few decades, particularly in dealing
with the post-2008 global financial crisis,
By WANG MINGJIE in London has been effective, he said.
wangmingjie@mail.chinadailyuk.com “So there is a good likelihood that the cen-

tral government and provincial ones have the
mpoverished rural areas of China right levers, policy options and resources to
made a distinct impression on the Brit- be able to get on top of the vast challenges of
ish Sinologist Kerry Brown when he COVID-19 and then move beyond them.”
lived in Inner Mongolia between 1994 The challenges China faces are probably
and 1996. He recalls vividly traveling to stay not so much whether it can deal with its aim
on a simple farm on a number of occasions of lifting the final group of people out of
and sleeping on a brick kang (bed stove) and absolute poverty, he said, but what sort of
being awoken by pigs grunting or cockerels role it may take in the face of large-scale pov-
calling out. erty elsewhere in the world. The World Bank
“You could see that people’s living condi- estimates that up to 60 million people are
tions were tough — limited sanitation, often likely to be pushed into extreme poverty as
unpredictable electricity supply and pretty COVID-19 takes its toll on the world.
backbreaking lives. And there was a desire “This could be a moment for China to also
to move forward in the 1990s, but the levels play a role in addressing with other govern-
of development were very uneven and ments these issues through its own experi-
patchy.” ence of poverty alleviation, but also through
In stark contrast to what he had wit- enhanced cooperation and greater efforts to
nessed in the 1990s, on a research trip to the work together.”
villages of Hebei province about 10 years While China is being seen as geopolitically
earlier, there were already signs of wealth ambitious and having large strategic aims,
and development that one usually observes Brown said few really understand that it can
in rural areas of more wealthy provinces play a huge role in practically addressing
such as Fujian or Zhejiang, he said. developmental issues in the developing world.
“In the 1990s, one would imagine that Kerry Brown shows his Chinese characters alongside a secondary school student. PHOTO PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY “That is truly win-win because it assists in
maybe one day the Chinese countryside creating a much more understandable
would be developed, but perhaps not as image for China, (and) also aids countries
quickly as happened.” standards of life than they did even a quar- In contemporary Chinese might work for China, but to that are really likely to struggle with the
From 1998 to 2005 Brown served with the ter of a century ago. A big part of that has society, the opportunity to never lose sight of local con- tough economic conditions we seem to be
British Foreign and Commonwealth Office been because of what has happened in Chi- think of oneself as no longer ditions. heading quickly into.”
as first secretary at the British embassy in na. That is something that should be under- being poor and feeling that at It is very difficult “This created the very
Beijing. While China’s rapid economic stood and recognized no matter what other least something is possible, to convey to bespoke and particular Chi- Milestone marked
growth over the past 40 years has been inte- issues there might be.” and things will get better, is nese development model Brown hails China’s aim to be a moder-
gral to how the world has developed, it is not crucially important, he said.
people that we have seen over the ately prosperous society by the end of this
widely recognized, he said. Importance of mentality “It shows an optimistic unfamiliar with last decades, and which has year as a milestone, because for the first
The country has managed to lift more than President Xi Jinping made poverty eradi- mindset, and where there is been behind so much growth time the world will see modernity with Chi-
850 million people out of poverty since cation a personal mission more than 30 optimism, then things are
China’s and stimulation.” nese characteristics — the emergence of a
reform and opening up began in the late years ago when he was Party chief of Ningde always possible. That also conditions now China is unique in its own middle-class in a country with most people
1970s, with GDP growth averaging almost 10 in Fujian province. demands a set of govern- that it does have way in terms of scale, Brown working in the services sector.
percent a year, according to the World Bank. In his book Up and Out of Poverty he sets ment policies and attitudes said, and it has come up with “This is an important milestone because
“The vast majority of humanity is better out four important principles: avoiding a that support this.” a vast amount to a set of policies that deal with it means the world really will be dealing
off than it was 50 years ago, and a large part poverty mentality (if you believe you are The Chinese government teach, and that in improving human develop- with a China unlike any they have dealt
of that is because of the achievement from poor, you will be); adopting development has been enormously success- ment, education, health lev- with before in modern history — a place
reforms in China which have made such a measures suitable to local conditions; the ful in lifting people into great- many areas it is els and the physical where in terms of prosperity levels it will no
fundamental impact on Chinese people’s importance of strong leadership and coordi- er wealth and creating a more already ahead of infrastructure in rural and longer be a developing or undeveloped
lives and on the wider world,” Brown said. nation; and not wasting money on grandi- prosperous society, he said. peri-urban areas, allowing a country, but a place where many areas will
These days Brown is a professor of Chi- ose projects just because they may be In less than 40 years China the West.” combination of innovation be as advanced, or even more advanced,
nese studies and director of the Lau China popular. The element regarding mentality is has emerged from an agrari- Kerry Brown but also central health. than in Europe or America.”
Institute at King’s College London and is important, Brown said, and in many ways an society to become an “This probably explains The main issue the country will now face
now working on a study of the Communist feeling impoverished is almost comparative. upper-middle-income coun- some of the flexibility of the is how to restructure the economy through
Party of China as a cultural movement. He cited the UK of the 1980s as an example. try and the world’s second-largest economy. Chinese approach, and why it worked. It urbanization and how to improve the servi-
While his main role is to try to communi- “Many argued that people shouldn’t feel It began this period by being the manufac- wasn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, but nor ces sector to create good jobs for young Chi-
cate to Britain and greater Europe some- poor because they had a basic social security turing workshop of the world and now has a did it mean that everywhere went their own nese entering the labor market each year,
thing about the history of China’s net and support, and there weren’t the levels large service sector and one of the biggest way.” and to address the inequalities and imbal-
development over the past 70 years, and in of poverty seen in the developing world, in consumer markets in the world. Over the past decade, this way of develop- ances within the country.
particular what has resulted from this, this Africa or Latin America for instance. Such transitions, Brown said, were ment has gradually been depicted by some “Poverty is often relative. Today’s relative-
has not been easy, he said. “But some argued that in a society like achieved because China studied the outside economists as a “China model”, in which the ly well-off people may be tomorrow’s less
“Knowledge levels of China are uneven, Britain, just lacking a decent television, world, including organizing study tours for country gained a huge amount of informa- well-off, with nothing changing for them-
for instance, in the UK. Talking about pover- decent housing and decent cars made peo- government officials to places such as tion and knowledge about implementing selves, but the world around is transform-
ty alleviation and China’s achievements ple feel poor. Absolute poverty in fact is sim- Japan, Singapore and the UK in the 1980s, growth strategies, and making it possible ing, so the constant process of ensuring that
here is important — and from my point of ply a theory; relative poverty is the reality. but at the same time the government also for large groups of people to lift themselves people feel their lives are going in a positive
view I am sincerely admiring of what China And to make people feel that they live in a strove to adapt to its own conditions. from poverty since 1978. direction, and that tomorrow will be better
has achieved. society where they can aspire to get out of “It was clear that Deng Xiaoping’s instruc- Brown said China is now in a position not than today, is crucial. This is not so much
“For all the challenges facing the world their current situation and move into better tions even then were to be open-minded just to be a learner, but to be a teacher as about poverty eradication, but about eradi-
today, people live longer, and have better ones is important.” about what was looked at, to take ideas that well. cating the feeling of relative poverty.”
CHINA DAILY Monday, August 17, 2020 | 11

Name-calling Battling a fire
Belarus president
seems to be
part of poll says Putin ready to
plan in US help ensure security
By BO LEUNG in London By REN QI in Moscow would be willing to provide. But he
boleung@mail.chinadailyuk.com renqi@chinadaily.com.cn said “when it comes to the military
component, we have an agree-
United States President Donald Belarusian President Alexander ment with the Russian Federa-
Trump will blame China for any- Lukashenko said his Russian tion”, referring to a mutual support
thing that he can in order to win counterpart has pledged to sup- deal the two former Soviet repub-
the upcoming presidential elec- port and offer security assistance lics signed back in the 1990s.
tion, according to Gayle Allard, in the case of external military The President of Belarus also
professor of Economics from IE threats, if requested by Belarus. noted the buildup of the military
University, Madrid, Spain. According to Belarusian state component in neighboring Poland
“This is his strategy and it is not news agency BelTA, Lukashenko and Lithuania, where NATO mili-
limited to China, but to anyone had a telephone conversation with tary exercises are held.
that he can attack publicly and win Vladimir Putin on Saturday, and “I am more worried about the
votes by doing so: immigrants, the two presidents made an agree- situation that is unfolding on the
Democrats, protesters, etc,” Allard ment “as far as military matters territory of our neighboring states
said, noting that Trump’s rhetoric are concerned”. — Poland and Lithuania. As you
will become more intense in the Saturday was the seventh con- know, military exercises of NATO
next few months. A farmer tries to pour water on an area close to an illegally lit fire in the Amazon rainforest reserve, south secutive day of large protests troops are taking place there.
“This will unlikely make a dif- of Novo Progresso in Para state, Brazil, on Saturday. CARL DE SOUZA / AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE against the results of the country’s That would have been fine, but
ference in the election, however,” Aug 9 presidential election in there is an escalation and a build-
she said. “Recent surveys show which election officials up of the armed component in
that Trump is very unpopular announced the 65-year-old these territories,” Lukashenko

War end anniversary

with most Americans due to his Lukashenko won a sixth term in a said hours after the phone talks
poor handling of the COVID(-19) landslide. It was reported that the with Putin.
pandemic and the onset of a very police have cracked down against
severe recession.” the protesters and detained some Settling the crisis
According a tally kept by the 7,000 people so far. The talks took place the day after
Johns Hopkins University, as of The Central Election Commis- European Union foreign ministers

sees no Abe apology

Sunday, over 169,400 people have sion said Lukashenko won 80.1 agreed to prepare new sanctions
now died of COVID-19 in the US percent of the vote and the main against Belarusian officials.
and there are over 5 million cases. opposition candidate Svetlana The EU will offer to Minsk its
A recent media report by Vox Tikhanovskaya 10.12 percent. assistance in the dialogue with the
said the United States “has fail- Opposition supporters opposition to settle the current cri-
ed” to contain the COVID-19 pan- claimed that the election figures sis in the country, the EU foreign
demic, with case counts far Emperor vows to reflect on actions and the shrine were Koichi Hagiuda, the were manipulated and protest- ministers said in a statement after
ahead of other developed nations education minister; Seiichi Eto, the ers have been beaten mercilessly a video conference on Friday.
and more than 1,000 deaths hopes tragedy will never be repeated minister in charge of territorial by police since the vote. Tikhan- US Secretary of State Mike
reported a day for over two weeks issues; Sanae Takaichi, the internal ovskaya insisted she won sup- Pompeo said Saturday that he
and counting,” said the report By WANG XU in Tokyo only gave thanks for the sacrifices of affairs minister and Shinjiro Koi- port ranging from 60 percent to was glad to see that some protest-
titled “America’s uniquely bad wangxu@chinadaily.com.cn the Japanese war dead and had zumi, the environment minister and 70 percent. ers in Belarus had been freed, but
COVID-19 epidemic, explained in nothing to say about the sufferings a rising political star seen as a poten- “I had a long and thorough dis- that it was not enough. He also
18 maps and charts”. Japan on Saturday marked the of Japan’s neighbors. tial prime minister whose father is cussion about the situation with said the presidential election in
75th anniversary of its surrender in In a largely domestic-focused former Japanese prime minister the president of Russia. And I was Belarus fell short of democratic
World War II, with Emperor Naru- speech, Abe said the peace that Junichiro Koizumi. a bit surprised by how up to date standards.
hito expressing “deep remorse” over Japan enjoys today is built on the sac- Defending his visit, Koizumi said he is on what’s going on,” Lukash- In another development, a
Some countries his country’s wartime actions, but rifices of those who died in the war. that paying respects to those who enko said. funeral was held Saturday for
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made no He also listed damage inflicted on made sacrifices for their country is “He and I agreed: at our request Alexander Taraikovsky, a 34-year-
have failed to word of apology for the sufferings of Japan and its people, including the natural. they will provide comprehensive old protester who died Monday in
respond correctly its neighbors. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and “Whether to visit or send offer- security assistance to ensure Bela- the capital of Minsk. Belarusian
In a much scaled-back ceremony Nagasaki by the United States and ings, it equals the worship of Class-A rus’s security.” police said he died when an explo-
(to COVID-19) due due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the massive firebombings of Tokyo. war criminals, which means sup- Lukashenko did not specify sive device he intended to throw at
to political Naruhito, Japan’s first emperor Since taking office in 2012, Abe porting the glorification of the war what sort of assistance Russia police blew up in his hand.
born after the war, pledged to reflect has increasingly sought to white- of aggression, and will seriously
considerations.” on the war and expressed the hope wash Japan’s brutal past by not undermine Japan’s postwar peace
Gayle Allard, professor of that the tragedy would never be
acknowledging Japan’s wartime
hostilities in his Aug 15 speech.
order,” said Takakage Fujita, direct-
or-general of a civil group dedicated
Independence Day parade
Economics from IE University
“Reflecting on our past and bear- Before Abe, there had been a nearly to upholding and developing the
ing in mind the feelings of deep 20-year tradition of apology and 1955 Murayama Statement.
“It didn’t have to be this way. In remorse, I earnestly hope that the reflecting on Japan’s responsibility Repeated Yasukuni visits by Japa-
March and April, other devel- ravages of war will never be repeat- in an event that was begun in 1995 nese government officials “indicates
oped countries had significant ed,” Naruhito said, adding that he by Japan’s former prime minister that Japan has not made a clear cut
COVID-19 outbreaks, but they would follow in the footsteps of his Tomiichi Murayama. with its militaristic past,” said Yu
did a much better job than the US father, who devoted his 30-year Qiang, a professor at the University
in containing the coronavirus career to making amends for a war ‘Clear cut with past’ urged of International Relations in Beijing.
and keeping it down after the fought in the name of Hirohito, the Meanwhile, Abe on Saturday sent “Japan has long portrayed itself as
virus arrived,” the report said. current emperor’s grandfather. a ritual offering to Tokyo’s Yasukuni the ‘victim’ of World War II, especially
“So while some other devel- “Together, with all of our people, I Shrine, a symbol of Japan’s past mil- of the nuclear explosions, but made
oped nations have experienced would like to pay a heartfelt tribute itarism, and four ministers from little reference to the historical back-
upticks, they all pale in compari- to all those who lost their lives during Abe’s administration visited the ground of the atomic bombings and
son to the massive surge in cases, the war … and pray for world peace infamous shrine the same day. its brutal aggression and colonial
hospitalizations, and deaths that and for the continuing development Yasukukni honors 14 Japanese rule cast upon its neighbors. As mem-
the US has seen since May and of our country,” the Emperor added. wartime leaders convicted as ories about the history of aggression
June,” it said. In contrast, there was no word of Class-A war criminals by an Allied are fading, it is worrying that reflec-
“Now America is stuck with apology from Abe, who did not echo tribunal, as well as Japan’s war dead. tion on the war in Japanese society
the consequences, with the death Naruhito’s reference to remorse, but The four Cabinet members visited will get neglected,” he said. Flower petals are showered on Indian soldiers participating in an
toll likely to climb by the tens of Independence Day parade in Gauhati, India, on Saturday. India’s
thousands in the next few weeks, prime minister said on Saturday his country has done well in
and the possibility of another
shutdown looming larger as the
country heads into the fall and
ByteDance gets 90 days to sell TikTok containing the coronavirus pandemic and announced $1.46
trillion infrastructure projects to boost the sagging economy.
winter,” it said.
Commenting on the global By LIA ZHU in San Francisco the authority to take action,” said fear and a future fear” beyond the
handling of the pandemic, Allard liazhu@chinadailyusa.com Melissa Hathaway, an expert in current issue itself, said Hathaway.
said: “There have been a great cyberspace policy and cybersecurity. Gary Rieschel, a US venture capi- Briefly
variety of responses to the pan- US President Donald Trump TikTok is working to challenge talist who founded Qiming Venture
demic in Western developed issued an executive order late on Fri- the legality of Trump’s orders Partners in Shanghai, said: “I look at
countries. Some, like Denmark, day giving ByteDance, the Chinese through a lawsuit, according to NPR TikTok again, there’s no real history UNITED STATES Institute and the first for the coro-
New Zealand, Germany have parent company of TikTok, 90 days citing an unnamed lawyer working of turning data over to the Chinese Trump’s younger navirus to go into production, will
been very successful, while oth- to sell the popular video-sharing app. for the company. government.” be rolled out by the end of this
ers like the UK or the United This latest order comes a week aft- Another lawyer, Mike Godwin, There’s nothing in TikTok’s own-
brother dies at 71 month. Russia will offer the vac-
States have been less successful.” er the president signed two orders said in a tweet that he’s representing ership structure to cause concerns US President Donald Trump’s cine to other countries once its
Further, she said: “The key prohibiting US companies and indi- a TikTok employee to sue the Trump — most of the investment in Byte- younger brother, Robert Trump, own citizens are vaccinated,
appears to be willingness to sup- viduals from conducting transac- administration, because under the Dance and TikTok are international died on Saturday night at the age Health Minister Mikhail Murashko
port government measures, and tions with TikTok and WeChat over initial order, TikTok employees funds, with firms like Sequoia Capi- of 71, according to the White said on Wednesday.
good scientific input driving gov- national security concerns. The pri- would lose their paychecks on Sept tal, Hillhouse and SIG as primary House. Trump visited his brother
ernment decisions. Some coun- or orders take effect on Sept 20. 20 and it violates the employees’ investors, said Rieschel. on Friday at a New York hospital NEPAL
tries have failed to respond Trump again in the new order cit- constitutional rights, including to At the same time, Hathaway after being told he was seriously
correctly due to political consid- ed the same rationale, saying: the right to be paid. argued that the current conversa- ill, staying for about 45 minutes. 18 killed, 21 missing in
erations: harsh measures might “There is credible evidence that The Trump administration has tion around TikTok should be much The cause of the death has not yet massive landslide
make them unpopular and cause leads me to believe that ByteDance been scrutinizing TikTok for more transparent — not just about been revealed. Robert Trump, born Landslides triggered by heavy rain
them to lose elections.” … might take action that threatens months, claiming that the platform the US and China, but about the in 1948 as the youngest of real swept away dozens of houses and
Trump will go head-to-head to impair the national security of the shares the data of US users with the apps broadly. estate developer Fred Trump’s five killed 18 people in mountainous
with Democratic Party nominee United States.” Chinese government, despite the “The conversation needs to be children, was a longtime business- villages of Nepal, and many people
Joe Biden when Americans go to The order also requires Byte- company’s repeated denial of the about the data, not about the app, or man as well, managing the Trump were missing. Mud and stone came
the polls on Nov 3 to decide who Dance destroy all data of US users accusation. the company, because that’s what it’s Organization’s real estate holdings hurtling down on the remote hill-
will sit at the White House. collected on TikTok’s platform and really coming down to — the data outside Manhattan. The younger side village in Sindhupalchowk
But there are still issues that inform the Committee on Foreign ‘Tech fear’ and ‘future fear’ flows, the access to that information Trump was a staunch supporter of district on early Friday morning.
will need to be resolved between Investment in the United States, or CFIUS, a multiagency group that and what you can do with it,” she said. his brother’s when the latter ran Police said that their personnel
the two sides, such as intellectual CFIUS, when it has destroyed all reviews mergers for national securi- Steve Orlins, president of the for president in the 2016 election. and Nepal Army personnel were
property rights, which have been that data. ty threats, opened an investigation in National Committee on US-China engaged in rescue efforts along
straining Sino-US relations and Microsoft, the leading bidder to November into ByteDance’s takeover Relations, noted that the current RUSSIA with local people. Helicopters were
will continue to do so if not acquire TikTok’s US operations, has of Musical.ly in 2017. The acquisition issues with TikTok and WeChat also Nation starts making also used to reach the remote site
addressed, she said. said negotiations with ByteDance led to the current version of TikTok. reflect the Trump administration after the landslide blocked roads.
“The new administration … could be completed by Sept 15, Experts in the cybersecurity space lacking expertise on China.
COVID-19 vaccine The search continued on Sunday
can be expected to pressure for ahead of the prior deadline. said the administration lacked “I actually don’t agree with that Russia has started manufacturing for missing people. Eighteen bod-
change in this issue, though their “Executive orders could be super- transparency and evidence to back assumption that the Chinese compa- its new vaccine for COVID-19, the ies have been recovered in Jugal
style and approach will be differ- seded by another executive order its claims. nies would not resist the request of Interfax news agency reported on Rural Municipality, while 21 people
ent,” she added. that changes or softens the policy. The White House is currently the Chinese government (to send data Saturday, citing the health minis- are still missing.
The thing that’s important to watch defining national security issues very back to China),” said Orlins at a recent try. Russia has said the vaccine,
Xinhua contributed to this story. is which of the agencies are given broadly, and that might reflect “a tech webinar hosted by his organization. developed by Moscow’s Gamaleya AGENCIES—XINHUA
12 | Monday, August 17, 2020 CHINA DAILY

Transport debated by local

officials in bid to lift trade

Representatives of the nine trillion yuan

provinces and autonomous in foreign trade achieved by the
provinces and autonomous
regions which the Yellow River regions along the Yellow River
runs through met on Aug 8 to dis- between January and July
cuss the future of their only
access point to the sea — Qingdao Qingdao is also creating an
city in East China’s Shandong international logistics network
province. that reaches Japan, South Korea,
The main topics of the seminar Europe, South Asia, Russia, Mon-
included land-sea intermodal golia and members of the Shang-
transport and cooperation hai Cooperation Organization and
between the upper and lower the Association of Southeast Asian
reaches of the Yellow River, which Nations via sea, land, air and rail
flows from west to east. transport.
Qingdao, a coastal city in East China’s Shandong province, is taking the lead in promoting intercity cooperation among areas along the In the first seven months of “We have played an active part
Yellow River and member cities of the Jiaodong Economic Circle. ZHANG XIAO / FOR CHINA DAILY 2020, foreign trade in the nine in Shandong’s effort to promote
provinces and autonomous cooperation between the upper

Qingdao takes the initiative to

regions totaled 2.22 trillion yuan and lower reaches of the Yellow
($320 billion), accounting for 13 River and land-sea intermodal
percent of the country’s total, transport,” said Wang Haimin,
said Zou Zhiwu, vice-minister of director of the board of China
the General Administration of COSCO Shipping Corp.

boost nationwide cooperation

Customs, Qingdao Daily report- “COSCO has entered into a
ed. strategic partnership with
The growth rate of foreign trade Shandong Port Group and estab-
in these regions during that period lished COSCO Qingdao, mark-
was 5.3 percentage points higher ing a new stage in COSCO’s
than the national. It means that development in Shandong,”
the Yellow River basin has tremen- Wang noted.
Coastal city of Shandong province holds seminar among areas that share links to Yellow River dous potential to develop an Jiang Mingbao, chief engineer
export-oriented economy, Zou not- at the Ministry of Transport, said:
ed at the seminar. “Qingdao Port is the country’s first
By YUAN SHENGGAO and the global port and shipping However, due to natural condi- port operator to accommodate
industry.” tions and other factors, the Yellow over 1 million standard containers
Qingdao, a coastal city in East At the seminar, a land-sea link- River has not become a “golden for sea-rail combined transport.
China’s Shandong province, has age cooperation initiative was waterway” like the Yangtze River Its convenient location is a natural
taken the lead in promoting inter- launched by the 14 cities in ques- and the flow of people and goods advantage for the city to connect
city cooperation among areas tion. Involving Shandong Port along the river and out to sea does domestic and overseas markets
along the Yellow River and mem- Group, Qingdao Customs, Jinan not all go smoothly. The key to and promote land-sea intermodal
ber cities of the Jiaodong Econom- Customs and Shanghai Futures solving this problem is ports, transport.”
ic Circle, as part of its efforts to Exchange, the platform aimed to according to Qingdao Daily. Wang believes that digital ship-
stimulate domestic demand and bridge cooperation between the “Shandong Port Group has ping and digital ports are the
explore new room for China’s eco- Yellow River basin and the Jiao- built an inland port in Gansu, future of the sector.
nomic growth. dong Economic Circle. which serves as an efficient and “COSCO and Shandong Port
The 2020 Qingdao Land-Sea Link- Zou Zhiwu, vice-minister of the convenient trade path for Gansu Group together launched block-
age Seminar was held on Aug 8 and General Administration of Cus- to go east and for Shandong to go chain-based contactless services
invited nine capital cities along the toms, said at the seminar that the west,” said Li Rongcan, Party sec- during the COVID-19 outbreak,”
Yellow River — Xining in Qinghai total value of foreign trade in nine retary of Lanzhou city in North- Wang was quoted as saying by
province, Chengdu in Sichuan prov- provinces along the Yellow River west China’s Gansu province. It Qingdao Daily.
ince, Lanzhou in Gansu province, Local representatives help launch the land-sea linkage cooperation basin has been growing rapidly in is one of the nine provinces and “In the future, the two compa-
Yinchuan in Ningxia Hui autono- initiative in Qingdao. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY recent years. It demonstrates the autonomous regions the Yellow nies will further their coopera-
mous region, Hohhot in Inner Mon- region’s great potential of devel- River traverses. tion in developing blockchain-
golia autonomous region, Xi’an in oping an export-oriented econo- So far, Qingdao has established based port and shipping
Shaanxi province, Taiyuan in Shanxi domestic economic development. between land and sea and inter- my. inland ports in provinces includ- solutions, 5G ports and the inter-
province, Zhengzhou in Henan prov- The crucial cities along the Yellow city cooperation, according to the Shandong has the capability of ing Shaanxi, Gansu, Henan, Hebei net of things to jointly create a
ince and Jinan in Shandong prov- River have gathered in Qingdao, sig- local government. promoting mutual economic devel- and Shanxi, according to Qingdao digital shipping ecosystem,”
ince — and the five member cities of nifying openness and cooperation “As one of China’s first coastal cit- opment between the eastern and Daily. Wang added.
the Jiaodong Economic Circle: Qing- while also injecting strong momen- ies to open to the rest of world and western parts of China, and the
dao, Yantai, Weifang, Weihai and tum into the common development an international port city, Qingdao land-sea integrated development.
Rizhao. among domestic cities, insiders plays a role as a pivotal point in the The province is a region of strong
The seminar brought the cities said. New Eurasian Land Bridge econom- strategic emerging industries and
together to conduct in-depth The COVID-19 pandemic has seri- ic corridor as well as maritime coop- advanced manufacturing industries
exchanges and discussions on ously hampered the global econo- eration,” said Zhang Shenfeng, vice- in the Yellow River basin, Zou add-
strengthening economic coopera- my. But trade protectionism chairman of the China Council for ed.
tion between the western and east- aggravates the reverse of globaliza- the Promotion of International Statistics show the volume of for-
ern parts of China. tion, which challenges the structure Trade at the event on Aug 8 in Qing- eign trade in the Yellow River basin
Originating from the Qinghai-Ti- of the global economy. dao. rose from 1.7 trillion yuan ($245.09
bet Plateau to the east coast of Chi- “The more difficult the times, the Jiang Mingbao, chief engineer at billion) in 2010 to 3.3 trillion yuan
na, the Yellow River winds more more valuable cooperation the Ministry of Transport, said: in 2019, with an annual growth rate
than 5,000 kilometers and spans the becomes,” said an official from Qing- “Shandong is a province strong in of 7.6 percent. That rate is 2.5 per-
eastern and western parts of north- dao. economy, especially in maritime centage points higher than the
ern China. It coincides with the Shandong is the only coastal economy, and it is crucial in promot- national average for the same peri-
domestic section of the Silk Road province among the nine provin- ing land-sea cooperation and inter- od.
Economic Belt. ces in the Yellow River basin, and nal and external communication. In the first seven months of this
The Yellow River basin is Qingdao is the bridgehead of “The 2020 Qingdao Land-Sea year, the region’s growth rate of for-
believed by insiders to have a Shandong’s opening-up to the Linkage Seminar will certainly exert eign trade was 5.3 percentage
strong geo-economic value, espe- world. The city plays a vital role in positive influence on the regional points higher than the national Qingdao Port of Shandong Port Group helps the city to connect
cially as China greatly values the integrated development economic and social development average. domestic and overseas markets. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY

Potential of industrial internet industry surpasses manufacturers’ upgrades

By YUAN SHENGGAO with advanced intelligent manu-
facturing technologies, which
Thanks to its achievements in helps the manufacturer achieve
the industrial internet industry, Looking ahead, the an annual production capability
Qingdao, an eastern coastal city in industrial internet of 60,000 sets of customized prod-
Shandong province, is poised to ucts.
boost the high-quality develop- can help boost the After the intelligent upgrading,
ment of the Yellow River basin. economic the clothing manufacturer
The development will come by improved its production efficien-
helping local industries with digi- development of the cy by 28 percent, shortened its
tal transformation and upgrading. Yellow River basin delivery period from 45 days to
Giving full play to its regional and seven working days and cut an
industrial advantages, Shandong from multiple annual average cost of 1.8 million
province held the 2020 Qingdao perspectives ...” yuan ($259,000).
Land-Sea Linkage Summit on Aug The COSMOPlat established a
Zhou Yunjie, chairman of Haier
8. It aimed to deepen openness and regional industrial internet plat-
coordination between the Yellow form in Longnan, Gansu province,
River basin and its Jiaodong Eco- which helps build intelligent fac-
nomic Circle and inject momentum The industrial internet will not tories, digital workshops and
into China’s domestic economic only help shore up companies and automatic production lines in the
growth. cities, but also help cities comple- city.
The industrial internet, as one ment each other and realize sound Empowering local agriculture,
of Qingdao’s most competitive resource allocation, local officials tourism and medicinal material
industries, is believed by insiders said. industries with digital solutions,
to have the capability of promot- COSMOPlat is assisting 387 com- the platform helped offer 1,200
ing the high-quality development panies in seven provinces in the Yel- new jobs to local residents and
of the Yellow River basin thanks to COSMOPlat is an industrial internet platform developed by Qingdao-based household appliance low River basin by improving helped local companies improve
its series of digital solutions. manufacturer Haier. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY production capability and efficiency their popularity and competitive-
The industrial internet gathers while also cutting costs. ness.
all kinds of enterprises on one In Houma, Shanxi province, “Looking ahead, the industrial
online platform and enables them With 340 million users, COSMO- in 2019, according to the Ministry of Weihang, Rizhao and Yantai. COSMOPlat launched a medical internet can help boost the eco-
to collaborate and interact. Topics Plat has developed into one of the Industry and Information Technol- Taking full advantage of COS- supplies production solution in nomic development of the Yellow
of potential collaboration include top three industrial internet plat- ogy. MOPlat, Qingdao will share its just 48 hours to allow the prov- River basin from multiple per-
human resources, capital, tech- forms in the world, alongside simi- At the 2020 Qingdao Land-Sea industrial data resources and ince’s first automatic medical spectives, including the cultiva-
nology and market trends. lar platforms developed by General Linkage Summit, COSMOPlat dis- application scenarios with the cit- mask production line to produce tion and strengthening of
COSMOPlat, an industrial inter- Electric of the United States and Sie- played targeted creative solutions ies in the Yellow River basin, to 100,000 masks a day. The mask emerging industries, the trans-
net platform developed by house- mens of Germany, according to offi- to help promote concerted cooper- help the cities’ companies trans- producer can have a gross profit forming and upgrading of tradi-
hold appliance manufacturer Haier, cials in Qingdao. ation among the cities along the form and upgrade while improv- rate of 50 percent. tional industries and the
is the backbone of Qingdao’s efforts COSMOPlat ranked first among Yellow River and the five member ing production efficiency and In Xi’an, capital city of Shaanxi acceleration of modern service
to build a global industrial internet China’s cross-industry and cross- cities of the Jiaodong Economic product competitiveness, local province, COSMOPlat empow- industry development,” said Zhou
hub. sector industrial internet platforms Circle, namely Qingdao, Weihai, officials said. ered a clothing manufacturer Yunjie, chairman of Haier.

This page is sponsored by the Qingdao government.


Killer tech combo is a real game-changer

Beidou Navigation
Satellite System,
The era of Beidou as a
5G and IoT are set global system is
to revolutionize coming. Just as high-
several industries speed railways,
Beidou will become
masi@chinadaily.com.cn another high-tech
name-card for China.”
Global acceptance and applica-
tion of China’s Beidou Navigation Miao Qianjun,
Satellite System will gather former secretary-general of the
Global Navigation Satellite
momentum on the back of further System and Location-based
integration with telecom technolo- Services Association of China
gies like 5G and the internet of
things, company executives and
experts said. ed high-precision equipment.
Their comments came after Bei- Beijing Enterprises Group Co Ltd,
dou started offering full-scale global a major infrastructure builder in
services on July 31. More important- Beijing, has also used Beidou to
ly, navigation technologies are track gas pipelines, which can help
increasingly intertwined with tele- swiftly locate gas leaks before they
communication technologies to cause serious damage.
enable more applications in trans- Even during the typhoon season,
portation, energy, fishing, agricul- Beidou has played an indispensable
ture, city management and other part in helping fishermen cut losses
areas. and evade the strong winds and
“The era of Beidou as a global waves.
system is coming,” said Miao Qian- When typhoon Hagupit, the
jun, former secretary-general of fourth typhoon this year,
the Global Navigation Satellite approached the coastal areas in
System and Location-based Servi- eastern China’s Fujian province in
ces Association of China, which early August, all the boats in Sansha
goes by the abbreviation GLAC A farmer plants paddy on an unmanned transplanter supported by Beidou Navigation Satellite System in Changzhou, Jiangsu province, in township, Xiapu county, were
and was founded in 1995 to pro- June. HU PING / FOR CHINA DAILY already moored at the bay.
mote commercial applications of “All of our boats have returned to
Beidou technologies. the harbor thanks to the Beidou
“Just as high-speed railways, Bei- position indicators that were
dou will become another high-tech installed in them, which allow us to
name-card for China,” Miao said. locate the exact position of the boats
According to a GLAC report, syn- in real-time and give prompt notifi-
ergy of navigation and telecommu- cations,” said Lin Peng, who is with
nication is an inevitable trend, with the local marine and fishery
the two becoming increasingly enforcement brigade.
inseparable and destined to power “The Beidou position indicator is
wider industrial applications. non-detachable, and the built-in
“This is the most noteworthy battery can supply power autono-
development. Such integration has mously for five years and realize the
greatly broadened the application real-time location of the boats even
scenarios of Beidou,” the report said. when they are in the open waters,”
Beidou is China’s largest space- said Ma Jianhua, director of the dis-
based system and one of four global aster response center of the Fujian
navigation networks, along with the provincial department of ocean and
US’ GPS, Russia’s GLONASS and the fisheries.
European Union’s Galileo. Ma also said the Beidou-support-
Since 2000, 59 Beidou satellites, ed system can also help with disas-
including the first four experimen- Left: Technicians install Beidou Navigation Satellite System on a bus in Tianjin. ZHANG CHAOQUN / XINHUA ter alarms, automatic identification,
tal ones, have been launched, and Right: An ARJ21-700 plane with Beidou Navigation Satellite System on a test flight in Dongying, Shandong province. DING DING / XINHUA information release and early warn-
some of them have been retired. ings about the state of the seas,
With China pioneering com- which has significantly improved
mercialization of the IoT and 5G, Technicians can use the Beidou dou is a key element in shared trav- applied in nearly 6.6 million taxis, are foreseen, the GLAC has fore- the safety of fishermen.
Beidou is expected to benefit big system for real-time management of el. buses and trucks around China. cast. Equipped with Beidou-based
time. By the end of June, China road vehicle information in the In the future, every shared bicycle More than 3,200 navigation facili- Sun Jiadong, an academic at the geological sensors, officials in dis-
had built 410,000 5G base sta- background and effectively control will be equipped with a Beidou posi- ties along rivers and over 2,900 mar- Chinese Academy of Sciences and aster-prone regions can also detect
tions, laying a foundation for local traffic tides, ride out hot spots and tioning chip. Shared travel contains itime navigation instruments former chief designer of the Beidou and forecast landslides or other
companies to experiment with deal with vehicle accumulation, said diversified scenarios, and the appli- employ Beidou services, according system, had said earlier: “What we abnormal geological movements
new applications. executives of bike-sharing compa- cation prospect of Beidou system is to a GLAC report. are doing in China is we are all lay- and deliver early warnings to resi-
A typical combination of Beidou nies. promising, he said. In the agricultural sector, Beidou- ing the foundation for Beidou’s glob- dents.
and 5G finds application in servi- Wang Peng, assistant professor at To better promote the integrated enabled functions are used in at al applications. Beidou will start Ran Chengqi, director-general of
ces of bike-sharing companies. the Renmin University of China, development of 5G and Beidou, Chi- least 50,000 farm machines and providing full-scale global services the China Satellite Navigation
Shanghai-based bike-sharing com- who specializes in transportation, na Mobile, the nation’s largest tele- have improved operational efficien- in 2020, and I believe its globaliza- Office and the spokesperson of the
pany Hello Global has brought its said: “The combination of 5G and com carrier, and Wuhan University, cy. tion boom will come around 2021.” Beidou Navigation Satellite Sys-
shared bikes under the Beidou Beidou solves the signal problem of a prestigious Chinese university, Cotton growers in the Xinjiang More efforts are needed to tem, said that high-accuracy func-
umbrella. Similarly, Beijing-based shared bikes. Previously, the bikes have set up an industry alliance and Uygur autonomous region have explore the industrial application of tion is possible thanks to
Meituan has installed Beidou on were equipped with 3G, or even 2G a joint innovation laboratory to pro- found it more efficient and cost-ef- Beidou, he said. collaboration between Beidou sat-
its bikes. networks, and the signal was poor, mote cross-industry communica- fective to deploy Beidou-navigated Amid the COVID-19 outbreak, ellites and the vast ground-based
Li Kaizhu, co-founder and execu- making it difficult for users to find a tion and the use of precision unmanned aerial vehicles or drones Beidou has also played a positive network of nearly 3,000 augmenta-
tive president of Hello Global, said: bike or make a payment online. The positioning technologies in more to spray farm chemicals rather than role in helping quickly build make- tion stations.
“The application of the Beidou sys- combination of 5G and Beidou sectors. doing so manually, thus saving man- shift hospitals for patients in Beidou is so capable that even
tem is the first large-scale attempt in solves the problem, offering a better The industry alliance has already power, money and time. Wuhan, Hubei province. abnormal movements at the centi-
the shared travel sector. It will help user experience.” attracted more than 20 enterprises, In China, the overall value of sat- Take the construction of meter level can be detected in real-
shared bicycles better integrate into Yu Zejun, a research fellow at the including internet heavyweights ellite-enabled navigation and posi- Huoshenshan and Leishenshan time, he said.
the urban public transportation research institute of China Fortune such as Baidu, Tencent, as well as tioning services in 2019 was 345 hospitals. Beidou-powered map- Wang from Renmin University
ecology.” Land Development Co Ltd, said that technology powerhouses such as billion yuan ($48.5 billion), up more ping equipment was used to said Beidou’s efficiency and reliabili-
The Beidou network will help shared bikes are among the four Huawei. than 14 percent year-on-year, quickly locate the construction ty have been tested in all the domes-
users to park vehicles in an orderly major application fields — A (auto- Such moves are part of Chinese according to a GLAC report. sites for the two hospitals, said tic applications, which can be
manner as the technology will prior- mobile), B (bike), C (cellphone) and companies’ larger efforts to make The number is expected to Zhou Ruxin, chairman of BDStar replicated overseas, after factoring
itize the parking order of vehicles on D (drone) — of the Beidou system. the best use of Beidou. By the end of exceed 400 billion yuan by the end Navigation, a Beijing-based com- in peculiar characteristics of each
municipal roads, he said. The location service offered by Bei- 2019, Beidou functions had been of this year, as wider applications pany that develops Beidou-relat- country.

Spirit of ‘Father of Beidou’ will guide homegrown scientific app prospects of Beidou. Sun said: “What
we are doing in China is we are all lay-
ing the foundation for Beidou’s glob-
al applications. Beidou will start
occasion, Sun made lasting impres- er soldiers, was sent to study aircraft eral satellite design department at technical problems. providing full-scale global services in
sion on my mind with his palpable engines at an academy in Russia. Its the CAST. For instance, he and his team built 2020, and I believe its globalization
REPORTER’S dedication to China’s space industry. traditions included hanging pic- Just like he did nine years earlier the first and second generations of boom will come around 2021.”
LOG His perseverance in times of difficul- tures of students who scored a 5, the on his return to China, Sun gave up the Beidou Navigation Satellite Sys- Finally, the moment for Beidou
ties is legendary in space circles. highest grade, in all their examina- the more familiar field of guided tem, laying a solid foundation for its came! There is no reason to doubt
By Ma Si
Sun’s life is closely associated with tions on the school gate. If the stu- missiles, his domain of expertise, for third phase of development, which its future on the global stage,
many firsts in China’s aerospace his- dent could maintain such shouldering the responsibility of sat- finally saw Beidou offering full-scale because an increasing number of

tory, and his experience offers a excellence, the picture level on the ellite research. He was 37 at the time. global services on July 31. entities are keen to adopt Beidou
t the launch ceremony for glimpse into how the domestic gate would be raised. The higher it Beginning in 1967, when he took Because of his contributions to and apply it in their operations, just
the Beidou Navigation Sat- space industry took off and why Bei- went, fewer would be the competing charge of the design of China’s first the country’s satellite technologies like Sun had predicted.
ellite System’s full-scale dou stands out in the global arena, images, and the larger your picture man-made satellite, he also worked and space exploration, Sun received Currently, China has about 14,000
global services on July 31, a hoary- now on a par with the US’ GPS, Rus- got. If it remained on the gate on as the technical superintendent and the Two Bombs, One Satellite enterprises and more than 500,000
haired man in a wheelchair caught sia’s GLONASS and the European graduation, the student concerned general designer for both China’s Achievement Medal in 1999, the people who work on businesses
many people’s attention. Sun Jiad- Union’s Galileo. would be awarded a gold medal. first remote sensing satellite and a country’s top award to scientists related to satellite-based navigation
ong, 91, is considered the “father of Sun was born in 1929 in Fuxian, In 1958, Sun brought one of these recoverable satellite. In addition, he contributing to China’s nuclear and systems, according to a report from
Beidou”. He is the former chief Liaoing province. On turning 18, he precious gold medals to China. In was the chief designer of the sec- satellite projects. the Global Navigation Satellite Sys-
designer of both the Beidou naviga- enrolled into the Harbin Institute of 1967, China decided to set up the ond-generation of special applica- Three years ago, when I got an tem and Location-based Services
tion system and China’s lunar explo- Technology to start preparatory China Academy of Space Technolo- tion satellites, such as the ones used opportunity to interview him, Sun, Association of China (which is
ration project, and has been courses in Russian, and later trans- gy. The CAST’s then president was in communication, meteorology then 88, remained sharp in mind, abbreviated as the GLAC). It was
instrumental in the design of the ferred to the automotive depart- Qian Xuesen, who appointed Sun to and earth resource detection. With and expressed his ideas very clearly. founded in 1995 to promote the
country’s navigation satellites. ment. Later, Sun was chosen to join a role that involved restructuring an iron will, Sun led his team-mem- I was struck by his boundless enthu- commercial application of Beidou
I have had two opportunities to the army as a Russian translator. staff for satellite research. Later, Sun bers to many breakthroughs in new siasm for China’s space program. technologies. As I see it, it will power
interview him in person. On each In 1951, Sun, together with 29 oth- became the vice-director of the gen- techniques, and solved a series of I asked him about the global Beidou ahead on its global journey.
14 | Monday, August 17, 2020 CHINA DAILY

Chinese system illumines
path for users worldwide
By MA SI events, and pushed forward the
masi@chinadaily.com.cn establishment of the Beidou System
Centers in a number of countries.
Chinese companies are working The BSCs will enable better under-
to introduce Beidou-related prod- standing of the navigation system,
ucts in more overseas countries, aft- said a white paper on China’s Bei-
er the navigation system has dou Navigation Satellite System
garnered about 100 million users published by the State Council
and covered more than 200 coun- Information Office.
tries and regions. According to the white paper, Chi-
Zhou Ruxin, chairman of BDStar na has also opened the Beidou Inter-
Navigation, a Beijing-based compa- national Exchange and Training
ny that develops Beidou-related Center, and a demonstration plat-
high-precision positioning equip- form for education and training in
ment, said: “After Beidou started the field of satellite navigation.
offering full-scale global services, In addition, academic education,
people anywhere in the world can summer schools, short-term train-
access Beidou’s high-quality servi- ing courses, symposiums, and other
ces, which will further promote the international education and training
global application of the Beidou sys- activities have been regularly held to
tem and accelerate Chinese prod- popularize knowledge of Beidou.
ucts’ go-global push.” In April 2019, the second China-
In recent years, the company has Arab States BDS (Beidou System)
acquired a 50-percent stake in Cooperation Forum was held in
In-tech GmbH, a German automo- the Tunisian capital Tunis, which
bile engineering service provider, was reported by Xinhua News
for 60 million euros ($71 million) Agency.
MG vehicles are assembled at SAIC Motor’s fully-automatic production line in Thailand. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY and a 100-percent stake in Rx Net- “The BDS cooperation is the best
works Inc, a Canadian navigation example of strategic cooperation
satellite system provider, for an between China and Arab states, as

Virus-proof wheels on a roll

undisclosed amount. The moves satellite navigation integrates many
are part of its broader efforts to go high-tech areas, including telecom-
global. munication and space technolo-
By the end of 2019, Chinese prod- gies,” said Slim Khalbous, Tunisian
ucts based on the Beidou system minister of higher education and
had been sold to more than 120 scientific research, at the forum.
countries and regions, playing a Wang Zhaoyao, chairman of the
Chinese passenger vehicle sales will Chinese automakers that planned requirements of each market.” helpful role in a number of public Chinese Satellite Navigation Com-
GOING GLOBAL | fall by about 10 percent this year overseas development, beginning About 16,000 units of the locally sector fields, according to a report mittee, said the Beidou system has
due to the contagion. But, they will with technology upgrades and made MG Hector have been sold in from the Global Navigation Satellite been applied in many Middle East
SAIC Motor’s auto still outperform sales in US and strengthened research and devel- the India market. More than 12,000 System and Location-based Services and African countries, including
sales sustain Europe markets. opment capability. orders are going to be delivered Association of China, which goes by Tunisia, Algeria, Kuwait and Sudan,
SAIC Motor’s vehicle sales turned “In contrast to its Chinese peers from the factory at Halol in the the abbreviation GLAC. in areas such as precision agricul-
momentum in 60 positive in June, and its quarter-on- that first established marketing western Indian state of Gujarat, Beidou covered the entire Asia- ture, telecommunication, maritime
overseas markets quarter sales doubled in the second and sales channels to export their according to Rajeev Chaba, manag- Pacific region in 2012, and started monitoring and disaster relief.
quarter, confirming the uptrend in vehicles, SAIC Motor built its own ing director of MG Motor India. offering full-scale services on July Following the full commissioning
the company’s performance and factories locally in overseas mar- Back home, SAIC Motor had main- 31. During the time period, Beidou of the Beidou system, Simonetta Di
By WANG YING in Shanghai suggesting that sustained and con- kets as the group had resolved to tained its position as the nation’s top has seen increasing applications, Pippo, director of the United
wang_ying@chinadaily.com.cn sistent efforts will pay off sooner or become part of the global automo- vehicle seller overseas for four years from land ownership investigations Nations Office for Outer Space
later. tive industrial chain.” in a row (2016-19). It sold some to smart agriculture, intelligent con- Affairs, said in a congratulatory let-
As the global auto industry’s SAIC Motor has spent years SAIC Motor is also China’s first 350,000 vehicles abroad in 2019 struction, and other areas in Asia, ter: “This historic milestone is a sig-
wheels came off due to the impact before taking the first step toward automaker to have formulated a alone, up 26 percent from 2018. Europe and Africa. nificant step toward increasing the
of COVID-19, one Chinese company global development. “There are lots long-term go-global strategy. To “SAIC Motor’s recognition in For instance, Beidou has helped availability of precise geolocation
— SAIC Motor Corp Ltd — bucked of challenges and bumps, and it is date, the Shanghai-based company the Southeast Asian market has Russia improve its electric grid services through Global Navigation
the worldwide downtrend and too early to celebrate any achieve- has set up three innovation R&D reached the level of some Japa- inspections, made operations more Satellite Systems for people all over
zoomed ahead with impressive per- ment, but the efforts are worth- bases outside of China (in the Unit- nese automakers, while its out- convenient for users of unmanned the world.
formance. while. Like all major industries, the ed States, Israel, and the United standing sales in developed auto aerial vehicles or drones in Cambo- “Initiated in 1994, the Beidou pro-
China’s largest A-share listed Chinese automotive industry will Kingdom), three overseas produc- markets including the UK and dia, boosted management efficiency gram has been over 25 years in the
automaker, SAIC Motor not only build its presence in the global mar- tion bases in Thailand, Indonesia Australia showed Chinese passen- of many warehouses in Thailand, making. This result is only possible
continued its overseas expansion ket sooner or later,” said Yu. and India, and 12 regional market- ger carmakers are capable of com- and facilitated construction work in with a long-standing and sustained
amid the pandemic but posted a He divides SAIC Motor’s evolu- ing service centers in Europe, peting in the mainstream market,” Kuwait, according to the China Sat- commitment to space. Indeed, the
17.3 percent growth in overseas tion over the past few decades into South America, the Middle East, said Fang. ellite Navigation Office. completion of the Beidou program
sales of its own brand vehicles in three phases. The first phase, he North Africa, Australia, New Zea- The MG model’s overseas sales in To promote the global application reminds us all: space is not easy and
the first six months this year. said, started from the middle of the land, and markets of member coun- the first half surpassed 70,000 of Beidou, China has implemented must always be considered in the
“Our international team did not 1980s through joint ventures. The tries of the Association of Southeast units, up 37 percent year-on-year. the “Beidou System Tour” series of long term.”
take a single day of break even second phase involved creation of Asian Nations. The regions that reported the most
when the pandemic was most its own brands and products SAIC Motor’s products and servi- significant sales growth include the
severe in overseas markets. Our around 2000. The third phase start- ces are available today in more than Middle East, Southeast Asia, Aus-
communications at work stayed ed in 2013 and is still on. Incidental- 60 countries and regions where tralia and New Zealand, and the
regular as before,” said Yu De, man- ly, it was in 2013 that the SAIC more than 750 outlets constitute its UK.
aging director of SAIC Motor’s brand first sought to go global. global marketing and service net- Yu credited the stellar perform-
international business department. The go-global plan necessitated work. Thailand, the UK, Indonesia, ance to the company’s years-long
The company sold 132,000 vehi- enhancement of its operations and Chile, Australia and New Zealand, efforts in exploring global markets
cles in overseas markets in the first management capabilities, which the Middle East and India are the and its ability to follow the latest
half, accounting for 34 percent of may now hold the company in top seven overseas markets whose trends in the automotive sector,
overseas sales of Chinese automak- good stead, in the context of the annual sales volume exceeds including the gradual shift to elec-
ers, and keeping its leading posi- post-COVID phase. The rapid 10,000 vehicles each. tric, intelligent and connected vehi-
tion in China’s auto exports. recovery of business in China from SAIC Motor’s three overseas tech cles, the concept of sharing
Up to 60 percent of SAIC Motor’s the COVID onslaught has helped R&D centers will customize prod- economy as embraced by ride-hail-
overseas sales were contributed by put Chinese companies in a rela- ucts according to various local mar- ing firms that are now among auto-
its own brands, whose sales surged tively better position for their ket requirements and customer makers’ biggest clients, and
more than 17 percent to reach overseas development. But they feedback, Fang said. internationalization of auto com-
79,000 units. Its MG brand was the need to make breakthroughs and Agreed Yu. “We have one of the panies.
bestseller among China’s exported upgrade their products, branding, most comprehensive product mod- “We are confident that our MG
cars. and innovative capabilities to els among all Chinese auto manu- brand will be able to reach annual
Fang Yinliang, global partner become truly world-class, said facturers, which enables us to global sales of more than 1 million A remote-controlled lightship equipped with Beidou Navigation
and vice-president for China with Fang. provide the most suitable products vehicles by 2025,“ said Wang Xiao- Satellite System is seen at the Pearl River estuary.
consultancy Roland Berger, said “SAIC Motor is one of the earliest in accordance with the unique qiu, president of SAIC Motor. TIAN JIANCHUAN / XINHUA

Beijing recovery boosts foreign firms’ confidence circumstances under the ongoing
guidance and support from related
government authorities,” said Tom
board of directors at ABB Ltd. “ABB
will work together with our Chinese
customers and partners to further
Mehrmann, president of the resort. develop the industrial and supply
BEIJING — Foreign enterprises in
Beijing are regaining confidence as 21.6 Mehrmann said he has full confi-
dence in the Chinese economy and
In order to promote the resump-
the city’s work and production
resumption continues to accelerate
percent the tourism industry, and the total
demand for Chinese tourists is sig-
tion of work and production at
major foreign firms in Beijing and
sales growth of Mercedes-Benz
amid further containment of COV- nificant. Although the short-term minimize the impact of the epidem-
vehicles in China in the second
ID-19, while its economy has impact seems inevitable, it will even- ic, the city has launched several
rebounded with strong resilience tually lead to a dramatic rebound commercial activities through the
and vitality. and growth, Mehrmann said. internet since May. The activities
“We highly appreciate the gui- highly attractive business location Data from the Beijing municipal provided an online platform for
dance and support we got from the for international companies. Daim- bureau of statistics showed that the local officials to meet leaders of mul-
Beijing government and municipal ler is committed to further investing city’s regional gross domestic prod- tinational companies. Besides, the
authorities … Thanks to the effec- and strengthening its local footprint uct edged down 3.2 percent year-on- overseas side could see real-time
tive measures taken by China in in research and development, and year to 1.62 trillion yuan ($232 videos of production lines of foreign
fighting COVID-19, we are witness- production and purchase, Troska billion) in the first half of this year. firms in Beijing, thus injecting con-
ing a strong recovery of its auto mar- said. The decline narrowed by 3.4 per- fidence into their investment plans
ket,” said Hubertus Troska with From January to May, 495 new centage points compared with that in China.
Daimler AG. foreign-funded enterprises were set of the first quarter, indicating steady The municipal government not
“We are also fortunate to see a up in the services sector in Beijing, economic recovery of the city. only solved the problems of foreign
positive sales momentum for our An employee puts finishing touches to a Mercedes-Benz car on an actually using $5.12 billion in direct Since the outbreak of COVID-19, companies in the supply of spare
Mercedes-Benz brand in China with assembly line in Beijing in February. CHEN ZHONGHAO / XINHUA overseas capital, according to the the enterprises of Swiss tech giant parts and international logistics and
a year-on-year growth of 21.6 per- municipal commerce bureau. ABB in Beijing have overcome mul- transportation but also facilitated
cent in the second quarter,” he said. Universal Beijing Resort, a key tiple challenges with the help of the executives and their families to
In the first six months of the year, merce, foreign direct investment in omy. Besides, international project in Beijing’s Tongzhou dis- municipal government, which sent return to Beijing.
Mercedes-Benz delivered more than the Chinese mainland, in actual use, enterprises, including Daimler, are trict, has seen its construction anti-epidemic materials to the local Last month, Beijing issued an
346,000 new cars to its customers in grew by 8.4 percent year-on-year in seeking a stronger presence in China. progress smoothly, and the main firms of ABB and helped their sup- action plan to implement new open-
China, basically returning to the lev- the second quarter of this year, a sig- “I’m very confident in the long- structure has been completed. The porting enterprises resume produc- ing-up measures as part of efforts to
el of the same period last year, data nificant rebound from the first quar- term development of the Chinese theme park is expected to open in tion as soon as possible. open up at a higher level and opti-
from the German automaker ter (down 10.8 percent), indicating auto industry and believe that the the first half of next year. “We have been committed to the mize its business environment.
showed. foreign investors’ stabilizing expecta- best times are yet to come,” Troska “We quickly resumed construc- long-term development in China,”
According to the Ministry of Com- tions and confidence in China’s econ- said, adding that Beijing is still a tion in the ever-changing epidemic said Peter Voser, chairman of the XINHUA
CHINA DAILY Monday, August 17, 2020 | 15

Dual-cycle economic model to lift future world
China’s creation of the
By David Blair combined with the
new dual-cycle
economic model are
Over the past 20 years, develop-
ing countries’ economies have been very good and
growing much faster than those of necessary steps to
the traditional developed econo-
mies in Europe, North America and adapt its economy to
Japan. According to calculations by the new world.
the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development, 72
“economies identified in the Belt
and Road Initiative”, not including ports and other infrastructure
China, grew from 26.6 percent of facilities. He suggested that the
world GDP in 2000 to 30.2 percent multilateral BRI could be modern-
in 2008, and to 32.3 percent in 2017. ized with lending facilities from
In the same period, the United the AIIB, ideally working as a con-
States’ share of world GDP (meas- sortium with the World Bank,
ured in purchasing power parity) Asian Development Bank, African
fell from 20.6 percent in 2000 to 15.3 Development Bank and other
percent in 2017. The share of 18 rich- international institutions to form
er European Union countries, not a multilateral infrastructure bank
including the United Kingdom, fell alliance to have joint projects and
from 19 percent in 2000 to 12.6 per- joint financing, to make it more
cent in 2017. In the same period, Chi- effective with more joint interna-
na’s economy grew from 7.4 percent tional participation.
to 18.3 percent of world GDP. Wang also said that China’s
While the developing world’s con- trade will be re-oriented toward
sumption capability is growing fast, the BRI and other markets. “Enter-
China’s own domestic economy is prises ‘going out’ should pay atten-
changing. Decades of rapidly rising tion to multi-regionalization,
wages have created a massive con- multilateralization, diversified
sumer market. Plus, high-tech sec- development. At present and in
tors and other higher value-added the future, the foreign investment
sectors are growing rapidly. layout of enterprises can focus
A likely decline in the US trade more on countries outside the
deficit is another coming shock to United States, such as the Europe-
the world economy. A substantial an Union countries, ASEAN coun-
part of US consumption has long tries, Japan and South Korea,
been financed by international len- African countries, Latin American
ders through the trade deficit. It’s countries, etc, to expand the space
unlikely that international lenders of enterprises in developing coun-
will continue to finance such defi- CAI MENG / CHINA DAILY tries and reduce the risks brought
cits through the next decade, so US about by international political
consumption is likely to grow very uncertainty.”
slowly, or even fall. tial of its domestic demand, enable mies of scale. majority is being put into countries LVMH saw an overall sales fall of 38 The world economy has been
Working with international part- better connectivity between the The idea that China’s growth is direly in need of capital investment percent in the quarter but enjoyed a changing rapidly for the past 20 to
ners, China established the BRI and domestic and international mar- based on running large trade sur- and infrastructure. Contrast this sales rise of 65 percent in China. 30 years. As recently as the year
the Asian Infrastructure Investment kets, and better employ the two pluses is mistaken and out-of-date. with loans to support the US trade Of course, the longer-term shift 2000, the only economies that
Bank to push future development of markets and resources, in order to The trade deficit surplus rose from deficit, which have gone almost toward rising GDP in China and the “counted” were the US, West
the newly developing countries and attain more vigorous and sustaina- 1-2 percent of GDP in the early entirely into consumption. BRI countries of Eurasia combined Europe, and Japan. That is certainly
to facilitate trade between them. ble development. 2000s to around 10 percent in 2008, In the short term, China’s rapid with the stagnation of the US and not true today and will become even
These are big steps toward making And, in his opening address to the but it declined by 2012 to 2 percent recovery from the pandemic has the Eurozone is more important less true in the coming decade as
use of the opportunities in a shifting fifth annual meeting of the Board of and near zero today. made its consumer markets critical than short-term effects of the virus. China and many other developing
world economy. Governors of the AIIB, Xi said the This means that China’s growth both for domestic and international China’s dual-cycle model, which countries continue to grow much
In a symposium with corporate bank “needs to provide public goods is based on domestic demand and producers. A recent Wall Street emphasizes domestic demand in faster than the traditional devel-
leaders in July, President Xi Jinping for our region and beyond, push for current exchange of goods and ser- Journal article concluded: “In earn- China and trade with the fast-grow- oped countries.
called for greater strides in reform regional economic integration, and vices, not purchases financed by ings calls for the (second) quarter, ing developing countries, is a nec- Every country will have to adapt
and opening-up, including in sci- help make economic globalization extensive international debt. This senior executives from some of essary economic policy for dealing its economic model to reflect this
ence and technology, while fully lev- more open, inclusive, balanced and shift was made possible by a combi- America’s best-known brands sin- with the future world. new reality. China’s creation of the
eraging the strength of the nation’s beneficial for all”. nation of investment in infrastruc- gled out China for salvaging what Wang Huiyao, president and BRI and the AIIB combined with the
huge domestic market in the face of This “dual-cycle” economic model ture and technology, rapidly rising otherwise was a rough three founder of the Center for China new dual-cycle economic model are
rising protectionism, a sluggish combines the advantages of China’s wages, and reforms that greatly months.” and Globalization and counselor very good and necessary steps to
global economy and a weakening large consumer market and techno- improved the business climate in For example, the shoe company for the State Council, in an inter- adapt its economy to the new world.
international market. logical capability with the advanta- China. Skechers US saw an overall quarter- view with China Daily, said that
Xi ruled out the possibility that ges of opening markets across The BRI has been criticized for ly sales drop of 42 percent from a the BRI has built a great founda- The author is a senior staff
China would close its doors during Eurasia, thus allowing industries to creating too much debt. But this year earlier but saw some relief from tion to support the expansion of commentator at China Daily.
the process, saying that the country achieve the gains from trade — spe- debt is used to build productivity- 11.5-percent growth in China. The infrastructure needed for trade — Contact the writer at
will instead fully unleash the poten- cialization of production and econo- enhancing infrastructure. The French luxury products company railways, 5G, tourism facilities, davidblair@chinadaily.com.cn

A bullish view on CSI 300 is 5600 points by the end of this year
shares of select industrial, materials nesses, some investors remain economy from the COVID-19 epi- as well as better-than-expected
With growth recovery
and consumer discretionary sectors concerned about the structural demic, characterized by a strong earnings growth, particularly
MAIN STREET have risen strongly so far this year as materializing better overhang of these respective indus- recovery after a sharp economic among the non-financials.
By Wendy Liu they benefit from China’s resilient than expected, we try leaders, fearing that they are decline. Our bullish stance on Chinese equi-
infrastructure investment growth “value traps”. The rebound extended into July ties aside, we also note risk factors in
as well as a housing completion have advised adding For example, there is no market as the official Purchasing Managers’ the months ahead. COVID-19’s spread
cycle that has boosted demand for sector and sub-sector consensus that banks are done with Index for the manufacturing sector globally remains elevated, while more
After the Chinese economy shares of companies that produce margin contraction and earnings rose to a four-month high of 51.1, possible flare-ups in US-China eco-
staged a better-than-expected related materials. leaders in construction declines yet. Structurally, the Chi- indicating that the sector has accel- nomic and trade tensions could still
recovery from the COVID-19 pan- Along the same rationale, the machinery, building nese financial sector needs capacity erated its recovery from the COVID- churn investor sentiment, despite
demic in the second quarter, ChiNext, the startup-heavy board in consolidation and cost rationaliza- 19 epidemic. that A-share investors have grown
whether a market-style shift from Shenzhen, has outrun the overall materials, gold/copper tion to allow non-financials to invest With growth recovery materializ- less sensitive to escalations in the
growth to value or growth to cycli- market since the third quarter of and energy, as well as and grow. ing better than expected, we have trade row in the past 22 months.
cal is warranted in China’s A-share 2019. During 2019, earnings growth The property development indus- advised adding sector and sub-sec- If the risk of China-US tensions
market has been much debated finally troughed and started to renewables such as try is experiencing slowing growth tor leaders in construction machin- intensifying materializes, low beta
among investors. recover from a three-year decline wind and solar. due to demographics and policy ery, building materials, gold/copper quality growth names may outper-
Value stocks are those traded at a over 2016-2018. Mutual fund hold- restrictions. The leading energy and energy, as well as renewables form, including leaders in tradition-
lower price relative to their funda- ings in ChiNext shares also names face price caps, and defen- such as wind and solar. al industries with strong digital
mentals, while growth ones feature troughed back then. sives such as telecom services have Our model portfolio is currently capabilities, quality premium prod-
strong earnings growth prospects. The buoyancy in market liquidity currently trading at depressed valu- downward pricing guidance that overweight in consumption, inter- ucts favored by the households, and
We think such a shift is happen- also helped as investors continued ations, including banks, energy, suppresses their revenue growth net, and cyclicals, and underweight the property completion cycle
ing to some degree, primarily to view smaller market cap-sized infrastructure constructors, proper- and net profit margins. in financials and defensives (I boosting demand for leading mate-
among cyclicals and consumer dis- names in the ChiNext as higher beta ty, and telecom services? Investors we spoke to are con- change this weighting every month rial names.
cretionary ones that are poised to plays when liquidity is aplenty. Year- That question is yet to be cerned about the divergence in or once in two months). Another risk to look out for is the
deliver stronger-than-expected rev- to-date, healthcare and tech were answered satisfactorily by market price-to-earnings multiples Within the macro-sensitive value supply of equities in the months
enue and earnings growth. the major contributors to strong mavens. between value and growth in A sectors, we advise exposure to ahead as more shares come off
Mainland retail and institutional performance. On the one hand, it appears that shares. All else being equal, inves- growth-oriented sub-sectors such as restrictions on the STAR Market
investors are the ultimate absolute The ChiNext index surged by 74 industry-leading private-sector list- tors would not miss the opportunity property management services and registration-based IPOs kick off
return investors: their preference is percent since last July to Thursday’s ed companies and industry-leading to buy stocks at cheaper valuation names in the property space, fintech on the ChiNext.
to buy equities for growth, and buy close at 2622.64 points. Over the local government-owned enterpris- multiples. names within financials, renewable We estimate the first round of reg-
bonds or wealth management same period, the benchmark CSI es continue to be preferred by inves- Hence, the upside for the value and gas distribution names within istration-based ChiNext IPOs to
products for stable returns. All else 300, heavy with real estate and tors as equity incentives are more sectors is there, provided there are defensives. total 30 billion yuan ($4.3 billion)
being equal, earnings-per-share financials, rose by only 21 percent. prevalent, and this helps to align structural catalysts. For now, these The A-share market retreated and are set to debut this month or in
growth is the ultimate driver of The CSI 300 shares were priced at management incentives with public sectors are still underweight in our recently after the rally in early July, September.
long-term share price return. Con- 13.91 times earnings as at the end of market minority shareholders. model portfolio, but they have when the CSI 300 rose by 16.5 per- Fintech giant Ant Group
sistent growth over multiple years July, much lower than 75.2 of the With rising institutionalization of become incrementally less under- cent from the beginning of the announced in late July that it is
can make expensive stocks at ChiNext index at the same time and the A-share market, we expect weight than before given their com- month to close at 4852.96 points on seeking a $200 billion valuation in a
today’s valuations become unde- slightly above own median of 12.05 investors’ preference for quality pelling valuations. July 13. It ended at 4635.71 points on dual listing in Shanghai and Hong
manding or cheap several years for the past decade, according to growth names or industry leaders to China’s second-quarter GDP Thursday, 4.5 percent below the Kong. We expect more companies,
down the road when such growth is market tracker Wind Info. continue, barring major misses of growth of 3.2 percent year-on-year recent high on July 13. especially technology-related ones,
delivered. Will the current investment-style earnings forecasts. was materially ahead of Bloomberg Our base-case price targets for the to list while the iron is hot.
Related to the marginal shift in shift from growth to select cyclicals On the other hand, even though consensus estimate of 2.4 percent. CSI 300 for this year-end is 4900
investment style and fundamentally and consumer discretionary shares leading central State-owned enter- This has evidenced a “V-shaped” points, and upside target is 5600 Wendy Liu is head of China
driven by earnings growth outlook, spread to macro-sensitive sectors prises have large and recurring busi- recovery trajectory of the Chinese points, owing to favorable liquidity Strategy at UBS Investment Bank.
16 | Monday, August 17, 2020 CHINA DAILY

Pent-up demand delivers CATL makes massive

investment to shore
boost to local carmakers in July up competitive edge
Almost 600,000 Chinese-branded cars were sold last month, according to CAAM By LI FUSHENG capacity surging 82.8 percent to
lifusheng@chinadaily.com.cn 10.5 GWh in the same period,
according to SNE Research.
By ZHANG DANDAN China’s CATL will invest 19.07 At an industry forum on
zhangdandan@chinadaily.com.cn billion yuan ($2.75 billion) in busi- Wednesday, CATL founder and
nesses in the upstream and down- Chairman Zeng Yuqun said new
Domestic automakers secured a stream sectors to recover its energy vehicle sales surged 52 per-
market share of 35.1 percent in Chi- competitive edge, the company cent in Europe but fell 44 percent
na’s passenger vehicle segment in said last week. The announcement here in China.
July, an increase of 1.7 percentage comes two months after it lost the “That means China may lose its
points from June, prompting cau- crown of the world’s largest power No 1 position to Europe this year,”
tious optimism from industry insid- battery maker to LG Chem. Zeng said.
ers. The investment targets are Chi- China overtook the United
In July, 585,000 Chinese-branded nese and foreign companies along States as the world’s largest elec-
passenger cars were sold, a year-on- the industry chain, and the tric car market in 2015 and has
year growth of 4.5 percent, the Chi- amount of money appropriated held the title since then. “The idea
na Association of Automobile overseas could reach $2.5 billion, of Europe surpassing China this
Manufacturers said on Tuesday. the Shenzhen-listed company said year makes me sad,” Zeng said.
Over the first seven months of the in a filing on Tuesday. CATL is thus speeding up its
year, Chinese brands sold 3.43 mil- CATL said the decision was overseas business. Earlier this
lion vehicles, down 25 percent from based on the company’s “long- month, Mercedes-Benz said it has
the same period in 2019. term strategic development”, and entered the next stage of a strate-
“Recovery of sales of China- the goal is to further enhance its gic partnership with CATL, which
branded passenger vehicles signals competitive edge in the power bat- covers the full range of battery
purchasing power is being released tery sector. technologies, from cells across
after pent-up demand caused by the CATL has stakes in around 45 modules to entire battery sys-
COVID-19 pandemic,” said Xu Hai- companies, 11 of which are wholly- tems.
dong, vice-chief engineer with the owned. Most of them are compa- This agreement also involves
CAAM. nies in the battery materials and CATL’s cell-to-pack design, which
“However, explosive growth is not mobility industries. eliminates conventional modules
expected, which is instead deter- CATL shipped the equivalent of and integrates the cells directly
mined by overall product competi- 40.25 gigawatt-hours of automo- into the battery.
tiveness.” tive lithium-ion batteries in 2019. “Working with CATL will see us
Xu added there is a serious polari- The company is an industry leader accelerate our transformation
zation among Chinese automakers with a global share of 28 percent, towards carbon-neutrality,” said
in terms of market share. The front- according to South Korea’s SNE Markus Schaefer, a board member
row players, including Geely, Great Research. of Daimler and its subsidiary Mer-
Wall Motors and Changan Automo- Most of its products are sold in cedes-Benz.
bile, have a much larger market China, which is the world’s largest The two companies have started
share than many of their peers. electric car market. Statistics from working on battery products that
Statistics show Geely sold 105,218 Soochow Securities show that are to be featured in a number of
vehicles in July, up 15 percent year- SAIC showcases an MG model at the Guangzhou auto show in November 2019. LI FUSHENG / CHINA DAILY CATL has a roughly 50 percent vehicles within the next few years.
on-year. market share in China. Major cus- The EQS sedan, which is to be
Great Wall Motors sold 78,339 tomers include Yutong, Nio, Great sold in 2021, will feature CATL cell
vehicles last month, of which 23,723 Wall Motors and WM Motor. modules. It will have a range of
were its H6 model, the automaker’s Overseas, CATL has big names 700 kilometers and its charging
best-selling model. on its list of customers, including time will be faster compared with
Meanwhile, Changan sold 123,548
The recovery of the Daimler and Volkswagen. But current models.
of its Chinese-branded vehicles in sales of China- their sales have been quite small. CATL is building a plant in Ger-
July, up 49.9 percent. branded passenger Panasonic is Tesla’s major battery many, which will make it easier for
The three automakers rank provider. Mercedes-Benz to purchase their
among the top 15 Chinese automak- vehicles signals that The coronavirus pandemic and battery products.
ers in terms of sales between Janu- the purchasing power falling sales of electric cars in Chi- Zeng Duohong, a senior analyst
ary to July, according to statistics na have hurt CATL. at Soochow Securities, is optimis-
from the CAAM. is being released after New energy vehicle sales started tic about CATL’s prospects. In a
With total sales of 753,000 vehi- pent-up demand to fall in July 2019, and did not rise research report, she estimates
cles in the first seven months of this again until last month. CATL’s overseas shipment could
year, Changan ranked second in the during the COVID-19 Xu Haidong, vice-chief engineer reach over 10 GWh in 2021, double
top 15 list, following SAIC Motor pandemic.” of the China Association of Auto- this year’s level.
with a sales volume totaling 1.08 mobile Manufacturers, said sales The company’s shipment could
million. Xu Haidong, vice-chief engineer this year could reach 1.1 million, reach 350 GWh in 2025, almost
with the China Association of
Geely, with a sales volume of Automobile Manufacturers
down from 1.2 million in 2019. nine times its figure in 2019,
636,000 between January and July, CATL’s installed capacity totaled according to Soochow Securities.
took third place. Great Wall Motors 10 GWh in the first half of the year, But Zeng said China will remain
ranked fifth, with sales of 404,000 down 28 percent from the same CATL’s major market.
vehicles during the period.
In July, China produced 2.2 mil- 3.43 A Changan model is displayed at the Shanghai auto show last
period in 2019.
To make things worse, LG Chem
“In the long run, we estimate it
has a 40 percent market share in
lion passenger and commercial million year. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY overtook it as the world’s largest China, and a 20 percent market
vehicles, down 5.3 percent month- vehicles under Chinese auto
battery maker, with its installed share overseas.”
on-month. brands were sold over the first
A total of 2.11 million were sold in seven months of the year duced 12.31 million vehicles and ment subsidies for NEVs since the
July, down 8.2 percent month-on- sold 12.37 million. second half of 2019, there has been
month. However, the figures were It marked a decrease of 11.8 per- a sales decline that has lasted for
up 21.9 percent and 16.4 percent
respectively year-on-year, according 496,000 cent and 12.7 percent respectively
from the same period of 2019.
around a year, according to Xu.
“After nearly a year of strategic
to the CAAM. new energy cars There were positive signs for new adjustment, new energy vehicle
A total of 1.73 million passenger produced in China in the first
energy vehicles in July with 98,000 companies are on the right track
vehicles were produced with 1.67 seven months of the year sold, up 19.3 percent from the previ- and individual consumption is
million sold in July. ous year,the first increase of 2020. dominating the NEV market. These
The figures were down 3.9 per- In the first seven months, China are key factors to ensure the steady
cent and 5.6 percent respectively 447,000 sold. This was down 10.4 produced 496,000 NEVs and sold development of the market,” Xu
month-on-month but up 13.2 per- percent and 16.6 percent respective- 486,000, down 31.7 percent and said.
cent and 8.5 percent year-on-year. ly month-on-month but up 70.3 per- 32.8 percent respectively year-on- “We estimate total NEV sales will
A total of 472,000 commercial cent and 59.4 percent year-on-year. year. reach 1 million units this year in
vehicles were produced in July, with From January to July, China pro- With the scaling back of govern- China, excluding the sales of Tesla.” CATL is speeding up its overseas business. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY

New rules on car recycling, scrapping welcomed as good for business

By ZHANG DANDAN converters, with relevant informa- tioned engines, gearboxes, front and
tion also being submitted to the rear axles and chassis will be worth
China’s latest policies on recycling database. 79.9 billion yuan.
scrapped motor vehicles are to take
With the New energy vehicles are also Some major companies have tak-
effect from September, according to improvement of included in the policies with special en the lead in developing the recon-
the Ministry of Commerce, and they management attention being paid to the disposal ditioning and scrapping industry.
are expected to help create a market and recycling of batteries. GEM is a Shenzhen-based high-
worth a 100 billion yuan ($14.39 bil- measures and Statistics show China had 260 tech company that focuses on the
lion) to sustainable development of relevant laws and million vehicles on the road asof large-scale recycling of electronics
the automobile industry. 2019, and according to what is and batteries.
The policies will help to increase regulations, vehicle known as the international average The listed company is establish-
China’s recycling and dismantling scrapping will scrap ratio, 9.1 million of those vehi- ing scrapped car processing bases in
capability and shore up the healthy cles are classes as obsolete. multiple cities nationwide, with an
development of the scrap industry, gradually move However, only 1.95 million vehi- estimated processing capacity of
according to Zhang Ying, a secre- towards cles were scrapped last year. more than 300,000 vehicles per
tary-general of the China Resource “With the improvement of man- year.
Recycling Association. standardization and agement measures and relevant The new rules on recycling
The policies propose that China the industry may laws and regulations, vehicle scrap- scrapped vehicles will promote bet-
will begin a qualification system for ping will gradually move toward ter market-orientated, specialized
enterprises to engage in the recy-
usher in an standardization,” Zhang said. and intensive development of the
cling and dismantling of scrapped accelerated shuffle.” Haitong Securities estimate that scrapped automobile industry,
motor vehicles. at present, the market for auto according to GEM.
Zhang Ying, a secretary-general
Without a qualification, no com- of the China Resource Recycling
Vehicles are prepared for scrapping in Qingdao, Shandong scrapping in China is worth 6.6 bil- Miracle Automation, an intelli-
pany or individual may operate such Association province. HE YI / FOR CHINA DAILY lion yuan annually. gent equipment and services suppli-
a business. According to Essence Securities, er, has also entered the scrapped
Based on the new rules, recycling in the next three years, the market vehicle dismantling industry. The
enterprises must record specific and chassis, including serial num- Only qualified enterprises will be forwaste materials from scrapped company expects scrapping to
information about each recycled bers and models, and upload the able to dispose of hazardous waste vehicles will be valued at 40.1 billion become the key area of business
engine, gearbox, front and rear axle information to a national database. and components, such as catalytic yuan, and the market of recondi- growth in the future.
CHINA DAILY Monday, August 17, 2020 | 17


A cut above
A rural woman finds fame and fortune through
her obsession with ancient folk art, Wang Ru reports.

i Baofeng recalls spending only one sweeping cut without stop- ing a lot about Chinese literature, dwellings in The Dream of the Red
her childhood days painting ping. folk life and folk stories,” says Li. Chamber.
and creating paper-cuts. Not only that, but the paper she Her representative series about When they arrived at the garden,
Some villagers teasingly uses for cutting is tailored for each the ancient Chinese classic, The it rained heavily, and other mem-
asked her: “You draw and cut every specific piece. “For example, when I Dream of the Red Chamber, includes bers of the group decided to stay on
day. Can you make a living from wanted to create some works to more than 100 works depicting the the bus, but Li insisted on visiting
that?” show the grottoes in Dunhuang, 120 chapters of the book. The very the attraction.
After many years, their casual Gansu province, I used thick paper first one, called Grand View Garden, “I didn’t bring an umbrella, so I Artist Li Baofeng has won
words have unexpectedly come true, to show that the place is laden with attracted a lot of attention when it just ran as fast as I could around the acclaim for her special
and the poor village girl has become history, as normal paper would not was exhibited in Beijing in 1999. garden and took a quick look, but I technique of creating paper-
a folk artist famous for her paper- have the desired effect.” Li recalls how she created the still realized there was a big gap cuts that look as vivid as oil
cutting. On the other hand, her works work. “I was an art teacher in an ele- between images in my work and paintings. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
The 54-year-old recently took part depicting people always employ mentary school in my hometown, those shown by the statues and
in a reality show, in which her many layers, which require each lay- where I had a studio to do paper-cut- paintings in the garden. The scenes
paper-cutting skills were marveled er to be thin enough to be pasted ting in my free time. I rode a bike to in the garden impressed me a lot France and Germany, and she
at by the audience because, thanks together and still look natural. school every day in the early morn- and urged me to improve my work always gives a demonstration of her
to her own special technique, the art Since Li’s works are often sold to ing to read some picture books about when I returned home,” says Li. cutting skills at the exhibitions,
she produces looks as vivid as oil private collectors or as gifts, the the novel to figure out the plots and She worked on the piece for about arousing a great deal of interest
paintings. paper is also made to last so that the learn the personality traits of charac- three years, and finally showed 55 from visitors.
“Traditional paper-cut images are colors will not fade. ters in the story and about the food, characters of the book in the 3-me- Born in a remote village in Shu-
often made using red paper, which According to painter Li Zijian: “Li clothes and architecture depicted in ter-long and 1.5-meter-high work. “I angyang county in Changchun, Jilin
seems a little boring. So I want to Baofeng’s paper-cutting realizes a the book to create the piece.” cut each character’s front and side province, in 1966, Li learned needle-
create images that use multiple col- harmony of scissors and paper. They She was honored as an excellent look many times and became work and paper-cutting from her
ors, which may even have some combine both traditional and crea- teacher in Jilin province by the local obsessed with it. mother in childhood and grew an
Top: Li Baofeng’s paper-cut three-dimensional effects and seem tive techniques, and show both true- government, and was given a In 2010, former president Hu Jintao intense interest in the latter.
depicting a scene from the to have different layers, making life depictions and the inner essence chance to participate in a field trip received Kim Jong-il, then leader of Although she dropped out of
ancient Chinese classic, The them more vivid,” says Li. of different themes.” to Beijing when she was creating the the Democratic People’s Republic of school in her teens and engaged in
Dream of the Red Chamber. She cuts each color of paper as a “Scissors are still scissors,” Li says. work. During the trip, she and other Korea, in Changchun, and sent a farm work, she didn’t give up the
Middle: A paper-cut by Li layer, and then pastes the layers “Techniques are improved based on members of the excursion were work of Li’s to Kim as a national gift. hobby, and seized the chance to
portrays a girl with her younger together to form the image. Each of the traditional techniques, and I pay arranged to visit Beijing Grand View Over the years, she has been invited become an auditor at a local voca-
brother and a dog. her works is made of dozens of lay- special attention to the cultural con- Garden, a garden that reproduces to exhibit her work in many coun- tional high school with more than
Above: Litter Partner, a paper- ers, and each layer is made using notations behind my works, show- the landscape of the characters’ tries, including Russia, Japan, 400 paintings and paper-cuttings
cut by Li. she had made in her free time. After
Bottom: A paper-cut by Li graduation, she was hired as an art
features a snow-covered teacher at a local elementary school
landscape in Jilin province. and became famous thanks to her
PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY paper-cutting skills. She later
resigned and started her own busi-
ness, selling customized artworks.
Each one takes between two months
to one year to produce and is sold for
anything from tens of thousands to
I want to create several million yuan.
images that use Li highlights the importance of
multiple colors, which innovation in folk art’s develop-
may even have some “We need to endow traditional
three-dimensional folk art with greater cultural
meaning,” she says.
effects and seem to “We should create work to suit the
have different layers, aesthetic standards of modern peo-
ple, so that the skills can be passed
making them more down to future generations.”
Contact the writer at
Li Baofeng, paper-cutting artist wangru1@chinadaily.com.cn

What’s on

Making a splash ments, like guitar, harp and ukule- the Performing Arts. No 2 West nic groups in Yunnan, Tibet, Inner such as Yangliuqing of Tianjin, Tao-
le, and are performed by the Chang’an Avenue, Xicheng district, Mongolia and other provincial-lev- huawu of Suzhou, Jiangsu province,
composer. Beijing. 010-6655-0000. el administrative regions in China. and Mianzhu of Sichuan province.
7:30 pm, Aug 19 to 22. National Cen- The exhibits include ancient wood- Featured ukiyo-e artists at the exhi-
ter for the Performing Arts. No 2 The fine print block prints that depict such cul- bition include Hishikawa Morono-
West Chang’an Avenue, Xicheng tural dimensions as astronomy, bu, the first ukiyo-e master, and
district, Beijing. 010-6655-0000. religion and medicine that range Katsushika Hokusai, best known for
from the Yuan (1271-1368) to the his piece Great Wave off Kanagawa,
A peak performance Qing (1644-1911) dynasties, togeth- from his series of works entitled 35
The classic fairy tale, The Little er with famed artists’ works from Views of Mount Fuji.
Mermaid, written by the Danish The NCPA Chorus and Chinese recent history and contemporary 9 am-5 pm, closed on Mondays,
author Hans Christian Andersen, opera singers, including Zhou pieces featuring figures, land- through Oct 15. Online reservation
has been adapted into a Chinese Xiaolin, Zhang Xin and Wang scapes and ethnic cultures. Some of needed. 1 Wusi Dajie, Dongcheng
play by the China National Theater Chong, will perform the concert the displayed copperplate etchings district, Beijing. 010-6400-6326.
for Children. By Danish theater version of Chinese opera produc- were created as anthropological CHINA DAILY
director Torkild Lindebjerg and tion, Visitors on the Snow Moun-
references by Europeans following
Danish composer Jens Tolsgaard, tain. Adapted from a Chinese Key traditional Chinese printed their explorations of those regions
along with Chinese creative team movie in 1963 with the same title, works from non-Han ethnic groups during the late Qing Dynasty.
members, the play tells the story of the opera, produced by the Nation- went on show at the China Printing 9 am-5 pm, through Sept 15, closed
a curious and free-spirited mer- al Center for the Performing Arts in Museum in Beijing on Aug 11, ment of printing techniques in the
on Mondays. China Printing Muse-
maid who courageously follows her Beijing in 2015, was written by unveiling a lesser-known part of late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).
um, 25 Xinghua North Road, Daxing
dreams and embarks on life-chang- composer Lei Lei alongside libret- Chinese printing history. The Spe- Woodblock Prints in Distinctive
district, Beijing. 010-8128-2770.
ing adventures to find what she tist Yi Ming and was directed by cial Exhibition of Chinese Ethnic Lands surveys the differences and
truly treasures. The play, which Chen Yixin. It tells the story of Print Art, which was co-organized similarities between the two forms
premiered on July 6, 2019, gathers frontier guards in Northwest Chi- by the China Printing Museum and Block of ages of art by showing 138 prints from
five young actresses from the Chi- na’s Xinjiang Uygur autonomous the Chinese National Museum of Spring Festival nianhua prints from the collection of the National Art
na National Theater for Children region. The music features both Ethnology, displays 125 works the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) and Museum of China in Beijing. The
to play the roles of the five mer- Western classical music and Xinji- spanning the ancient to the mod- ukiyo-e pieces are among the most traditional nianhua prints on dis-
maid sisters. The music pieces in ang ethnic folk songs. ern, offering a panorama of the eye-catching genres of art, both play were made in some of China’s
the play feature stringed instru- Aug 21 and 22. National Center for print art produced by different eth- being influenced by the advance- best-known production centers,
18 | Monday, August 17, 2020 CHINA DAILY

F Emotional response
ive days after Wuhan, capi- maintain self-censorship and ask
tal of Hubei province, was whether the goal and the action are
locked down in January, Liu consistent.
Zhengkui and his team “Usually, in most families, the
started an operation of psychologi- intention is good, so people need to
cal assistance and psychological cri- reflect whether their behavior is
sis intervention to help people at the good or bad, and make sure to act in
epicenter of the pandemic. a way that is conducive to accom-
“Usually we start the operation plishing what they want,” Jiang says.
right away when an emergency hap- As well as overcoming the physical challenges posed by COVID-19, there is a need “For example, if you want your
pens, but the pandemic is different child to make progress, by making
because it’s an infectious disease, so to tackle the psychological fallout from the pandemic, Li Yingxue reports. too many negative comments, you
it took us a couple days to figure out may not achieve the desired goal,” he
how to proceed,” Liu, a researcher at says.
Institute of Psychology of the Chi- During the pandemic, for people
nese Academy of Sciences, explains. who live alone, Jiang says they need
Liu spent almost three months in to keep in touch with their family
Wuhan providing psychological and friends, as close family contact
assistance to local medical workers, and social support is an important
recovered COVID-19 patients and foundation to a sense of security.
community staff since March. At the Jiang says that, even though the
end of August, he will return to con- pandemic has limited people’s
tinue his work. sphere of activities, the public
Initially, the operation was should try to maintain their regular
planned to last for a year, but recent- schedule and get their life back to
ly Liu’s team has managed to secure normal.
the funding and support to extend it “Rules and a sense of control is a
by two years. dose of good medicine for anxiety
“Large-scale disasters always have and panic,” Jiang says.
long-term influence on people. For He advocates for people to “self-
people in the core area of the Wench- check” by communicating with
uan earthquake, its influence has friends and family to find out wheth-
lasted for five years,” Liu says. “The er or not they are exhibiting any
influence of the pandemic may last change in their behavior, or acting
as long as three years for people in more — or less — cautious than they
Wuhan.” should be.
Liu says when a disaster happens, “For example, if someone is wear-
the public’s attitude usually goes ing a protective suit, an N95 mask
through three steps — nervous and and goggles to go out while others
terrified first, then angry, before are just wearing masks, it shows
gradually going back to normal. signs of over cautious behavior,”
“In the first phase, people think Jiang says.
their lives are threatened, and then, As well as learning the procedures
when they realize their lives or work for, and scientific reasons behind,
are unaffected by the disaster, socie- the various pandemic prevention
ty needs an emotional release and measures, practice is another way to
the anger will gradually fade away strengthen the sense of control.
over time,” Liu explains. “This can be seen with medical
In Liu’s mind, as transmission workers in Wuhan. They may have
prevention has become the norm, felt a bit afraid when they entered
the public’s mentality also flows ple will exhibit certain emotional the negative pressure ward to treat
into a new phase. and physical behaviors they would the COVID-19 patients, but after
“Social distancing is still otherwise not display. It is a normal practicing for several days, they
required, which will affect people’s reaction for people in an abnormal became sure that if they followed the
emotions. There are occasionally situation,” Li explains. necessary safety measures step-by-
new cases showing up in some pla- Li says the pandemic has affected step, they wouldn’t be infected,”
ces in China, which will still make the five basic needs of people — a Jiang says.
people in those locales feel nervous sense of safety, trust and control, Jiang arrived in Wuhan on Feb 20,
again,” Liu says. self-esteem and affinity. As the pan- to help the medical assistance team
“The prompt reaction to control demic is brought under control and from Beijing. According to him,
the spread of the pandemic when it the economy begins to recover, the around 28 percent of the medical
reoccurs will calm local people psychological impact of the pan- workers often have insomnia or
more quickly than the first wave, demic is fading. their sleep is restless and filled with
such as the cluster of cases which “Each person should have a little vivid dreams, and less than half of
originated at Beijing’s Xinfadi knowledge about psychological crisis them have problems with their
wholesale market,” he says. intervention and learn some scientif- appetite or digestion due to the pres-
A seven-day self-help online ic methods to self-regulate when a sure and nervousness they experi-
training camp was launched by crisis happens,” she says, adding that enced.
Liu’s team at the end of January. A once people feel they can’t live their Liu and his team arrived in
special version of the training camp normal life, with regular social con- Wuhan on March 3. Their main
for medical workers went online on tacts or a feeling of happiness, they focus was the medical workers and
Feb 23 followed by a version for par- can ask for professional help. the COVID-19 patients.
ents and children. According to Liu, so far there are Liu later noticed that the city’s
The training camp takes one per- more than 6,500 cases of people who front line community workers were
son 10 to 20 minutes each day to Top: Gao Yongzhe (center), a doctor with the department of neurology at Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan have contacted the hotline asking also under a lot of pressure during
learn how to cope with stress and University, conducts psychological counseling for visitors with problems related to the COVID-19 pan- for help. the pandemic, so his team decided to
manage their emotions. demic in Hubei province on May 14. ZHAO JUN / FOR CHINA DAILY Above: Medical workers at Shenyang Jiang Changqing, chief physician expand their scope of help.
According to Liu, the core content Anning Hospital call on a hotline for psychological issues related to the pandemic in Liaoning province at department of clinical psychology, According to Liu, Zhang Dingyu,
of the training camp is based on the on Feb 12. YU HAIYANG / CHINA NEWS SERVICE Beijing Anding Hospital, Capital head of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital,
courses and intervention plans that Medical University, says that the ten- arranged for all front line medical
are recommended by the WHO and offer help,” he says. to be able to help their local commu- hotline for people to ask for help. sion in intimate relationships and workers to take turns in taking two
the Chinese Psychological Society, So far, around 250,000 people nities. More than 400 experienced psycho- parent-child relationships is a prom- weeks’ leave.
and have been widely applied in have finished this online training Technology has also played an logical counselors take shifts to inent problem alongside anxiety and “The break can help them to deal
many post-disaster psychological camp, Liu says. important role in this operation. answer the calls. fear for the public during the pan- with their emotions,” Liu explains.
rebuilding operations worldwide. Liu’s team was founded in 2008. More than 1,000 smart bracelets Li Huijie, a member of the Nation- demic. “Zhang also asked our team to
“The content is combined with They helped people affected by the have been distributed to medical al Alliance of Psychological Aid, is “For people, the social functions arrange training for them to
psychology research literature and Wenchuan earthquake. The team workers, recovered COVID-19 one of the volunteers manning the include work, interpersonal commu- enhance their psychological resil-
also experiential decompression includes six tutors and a dozen stu- patients and community staff. phones for the hotline. nication and also family life, and if ience, as well as to learn how to help
training,” Liu adds. dents. “The bracelet can warn people if he Li stresses that it’s normal for the people only put focus on one aspect, the patients manage their emotions
“We also have an online psycho- Liu says the strength of one team or she has a violent mood swing and public to experience feelings of wor- it’s easy to cause problems,” Jiang if there is a second wave of the pan-
logical counseling team. If there is not enough. Therefore, their team push some information about how to ry, fear and anxiety, and people explains. demic,” Liu says.
are situations that the person who produced a list of more than 800 manage the emotions,” Liu says. should understand and accept this Jiang says a key rule to regulate
takes part in the camp cannot deal psychology service institutions Besides helping in Wuhan, Liu’s situation. the relationships between parents Contact the writer at
with alone, the specialists will across the country and trained them team has also opened a nationwide “When a crisis happens, some peo- and their children or couples is to liyingxue@chinadaily.com.cn

US ginseng farmers hit hard by trade tensions, COVID-19

CHICAGO — Jiang Mingtao, a to retire this year, and are selling
ginseng farmer in Marathon Coun- their tractors, planters and gin-
ty in the US state of Wisconsin, has seng-picking machines,” Jiang says.
maintained the daily routine of As for Jiang, he is shifting focus
taking care of his ginseng fields, to sales within the US. At the early
weeding and spreading hay to pre- stage of the pandemic, he provided
vent small animals from digging ginseng tea free of charge to more
and eating the crop. than 1,500 local households. He
Harvest will start in less than a also promoted wearing masks and
month, but Jiang is a bit worried. introduced Chinese experiences of
Trade tensions between China and quarantine on the company’s social
the United States have dealt a big media accounts.
blow to his ginseng cultivation “Our Chinese partners sent us
business, and now the prevailing protective masks. We also bought
COVID-19 pandemic has further some. Together we donated these
plunged the operation into uncer- masks to local hospitals and nurs-
tainty. ing homes,” Jiang says.
“As there is still inventory on the As for the prospect of the ginseng
market, we have postponed many Left: Ginseng farmer Jiang Mingtao at his company in Marathon County in the US state of Wisconsin. Right: Jiang inspects his ginseng field industry, Jiang says, “Until the pan-
harvests until next year, and will on Thursday. PHOTOS BY LIU YA’NAN / XINHUA demic is under control, and until
probably harvest between a quar- China-US relationship improves, I
ter and a half of our ginseng field the Chinese market. side of the business has been cannot attend this year’s CIIE,” than 16 percent from 2016. The US’ am not optimistic about the gin-
(this year),” Jiang says. The stay-at-home orders severely hurt.” Jiang says sullenly. “But our distri- total ginseng exports were valued seng industry.”
Jiang launched Marathon Gin- imposed at the early stage of the Jiang attended the China Inter- bution partners in China may at about 30 million dollars in 2017, He notes that ginseng is a niche
seng International in 2010. With COVID-19 pandemic reduced the national Import Expo in 2018 and attend the fair.” and China was the biggest buyer. product and has a unique presence
China being a leading consumer of number of workers at the farm. 2019, where he got acquainted with Wisconsin ginseng enjoyed a Now there are few flights in China and the world, and ginseng
ginseng, Jiang has been targeting Then Chinese buyers and US pro- many Chinese businesses and cli- good reputation in China. In 2017, between China and the US, and cultivation in Wisconsin will contin-
the Chinese market from the begin- ducers could not travel freely. “We ents and signed letters of intent for before tariffs started, the state Wisconsin’s ginseng export to Chi- ue, albeit on a smaller scale for now.
ning. As of 2015, the company have not received any Chinese pur- cooperation. exported 14 million dollars worth na has decreased dramatically.
exported half of its production to chase orders so far, so the export “Due to quarantine policies, I of ginseng to China alone, up more “Many ginseng farmers (here) plan XINHUA
CHINA DAILY Monday, August 17, 2020 | 19


Little learners leap into fitter future

boom highlights
Many parents
shifting priorities nowadays value their
JINAN — Despite being aged just kids’ all-round
9, Zhang Yimeng has already been
fencing for over three years with a development,
club in Jinan, the capital of Shand- especially their
ong province.
The training does not come character-building
cheap, with Zhang’s parents shelling through sports.”
out 8,800 yuan (about $1,265) annu-
ally for the course. That does not Xin Tingzhong,
include expenses for travel, accom- Taekwondo and kung fu coach
modation and uniforms when he
participates in competitions away
from home. As well table tennis, 10-year-old
“We are glad that Yimeng has Wang Yuelin took a one-on-one
become more independent and con- course in backstroke after getting
fident after fencing for nearly four the hang of breaststroke.
years. It’s all worth it,” said his father “Swimming is a life skill and
Zhang Kan, adding that he will keeps me fit, so I decided to learn
encourage his younger daughter to more strokes,” said Wang Yuelin.
fence too when she turns 5. Wang’s coach, Zhang Jingjing,
Zhang Yimeng’s story mirrors the has been in the swimming training
boom in China’s sports training business for nearly 10 years. She
industry. said about 170 kids have enrolled in
The COVID-19 pandemic has led her club this summer, a considera-
to a broader awareness of the ble increase from last year.
importance of exercise, with more “There is a limit on the number of
and more Chinese parents choosing swimmers because of the new pro-
sports courses for their kids during tocols to contain the virus. The one-
this summer’s vacation. on-one courses will only be available
Twelve-year-old Yang Yu enrolled after mid-August,” said Zhang.
in swimming, diving and ski courses According to the Annual Report
this summer, compared with only on Chinese Children’s Development
swimming last year. Nine-year-old Zhang Yimeng (center) warms up for his fencing class in Jinan, Shandong province, in May. ZHU ZHENG / XINHUA (2019), 58 percent of kids participate
“Exercising with friends is more in extra-curricular courses during
effective than staying at home. More summer vacation, with sports
importantly, exercise makes me gain website of “Happy Summer Camp”, ple’s Bank of China in early July, courses ranking third in terms of
less weight,” she told Xinhua after sailing courses can set parents back respondents were asked what they participation numbers. Math is the
finishing a session on a ski simulator. anything from 4,980 yuan to 17,760 planned to spend more on in the fol- most popular ahead of artistic pur-
Courses range in price from 1,000 yuan. lowing three months, with educa- suits, which includes the likes of
yuan to over 10,000 yuan. Yang’s ski Wang Zongping, a professor with tion (29.8 percent) topping the list painting and dancing.
lessons, for example, cost 1,380 yuan Nanjing University of Science and ahead of medical care (28.3 percent). Xin Tingzhong, a professional
for a three-day summer camp; a Technology, noted that many par- With many families scrapping taekwondo and kung fu coach for 18
five-day camp costs 1,680 yuan. Her ents have no problem paying for travel plans this summer due to the years in Jinan, predicts that sports
swimming courses are priced at their children to be academically epidemic, the number of students training will further flourish in the
1,500 yuan for 12 classes in a 5-per- tutored, but then fall short in who have enrolled in sports courses post-coronavirus era.
son program, and 1,800 yuan for 10 guiding their kids in terms of physi- or have been exercising independ- “Many parents nowadays value
one-on-one classes. Yang’s parents cal education. ently has risen by about 20 percent, their kids’ all-round development,
have, therefore, spent a sizable Nowadays, though, an increasing according to another survey. especially their character-building
5,000 yuan on their daughter’s phys- number of parents want their kids “Statistics showed that swimming through sports,” Xin said.
ical education this summer. to exercise safely and professionally, is still the most popular sport as it “So in the future we are going to
Fencing, sailing and equestrian so are willing to spend big on physi- can make your heart and lungs see them spend more on sports.”
courses are more expensive than cal education. strong, followed by ball games and Kids shoot hoops during a basketball class in Kunming, Yunnan
ball sports and swimming. On the In a survey published by the Peo- taekwondo,” said Wang Zongping. province, earlier this month. CHEN XINBO / XINHUA XINHUA


Recalibrating Brady admits to ‘challenging’ countdown

By MURRAY GREIG feeling good, in order to perform at my body was really important. Not “I was traveling with the team and
murraygreig@chinadaily.com.cn my best. But mentally, I think that’s just for football — because it has (scout) John Hughes said he was
been the thing that obviously has its been my job — but my quality of life bringing in a young catching
Two weeks into his first training challenges. in the future. You either believe prospect,” former Montreal GM
camp as a member of the Tampa Bay “I think you couple that with the what you put into your body has an Kevin Malone recalled in a recent
Buccaneers, 43-year-old Tom Brady coronavirus situation and it became effect, or that it doesn’t have an interview with Danny Gallagher,
is feeling a little like a rookie again. even more difficult, so I think con- effect. author of a series of books about the
After 20 seasons with the New versations we probably would have “I think for me, in my experience, Expos.
England Patriots, the four-time had in April, we’re having now and I the better I’ve treated my body, the “We thought very highly of Tom,
Super Bowl MVP signed a two-year think that part is a bit challenging better I’ve eaten, the more hydrated his stature, his poise. He was very
free-agent deal in March, so now too. The only thing you can do is I am, the better treatments I get, the mature for his age and presence. He
he’s in the unfamiliar position of adjust to the situation, adapt the more sophisticated my workouts had all the tools we were looking for
having to learn and understand best way you can.” have been, the better my body’s to project him as a major-leaguer.
every aspect of a new offense down With the Bucs’ season-opener set performed.” He had the arm strength, he was a
to the minutest detail: terminology, for Sept 13 when they visit New Brady’s first camp with the Bucs left-handed hitter with power. He
timing and new faces in new places. Orleans to take on the Saints, Brady comes exactly 25 years after he was had a good swing. He was cerebral
The process also involves plenty said time is of the essence. drafted 503rd overall by Major and analytical.”
of physical maintenance to ensure “Put as much time and energy League Baseball’s Montreal Expos Brady was offered a baseball con-
he can still perform at the highest now as we can into it, and I think the Tom Brady prepares to unleash a throw during the Tampa Bay Buc- (now the Washington Nationals) as tract, but turned it down because his
level. reality is the clock is ticking on caneers’ preseason training camp last Thursday. The Bucs open a 6-foot-3 (1.92-meter) catcher at father, Tom Sr, wanted him to go to
“I’m just glad we’re not playing a everybody and we’re going to have their campaign against the New Orleans Saints on Sept 13. AFP Junipero Serra high school in San college and get an education. So
game this Sunday. I’m glad we have to work as hard as we can and not Mateo, California. Junior enrolled at the University of
time to prepare,” the three-time NFL waste any minutes of any day trying One week after he was drafted, Michigan, posting a 20-5 record
MVP said during a media confer- to get used to one another and expectations, and Brady said he’s single day a little bit more,” he said the Expos happened to be in San over two seasons as the Wolverines’
ence to mark the opening of Tampa embrace the challenge. We have to anxious to prove he’s up to the chal- of COVID-19. “I think you just take Francisco at Candlestick Park for a starting quarterback.
Bay’s camp. view it as an opportunity to see what lenge while acknowledging the lack these things one day at a time. I series against the Giants so they He was selected by the Patriots
“I still have to work at it pretty we can become.” of on-field preparation during the think we’ve all learned a lot over the arranged for Brady to come from his with the 199th overall pick in the
hard physically; I put a lot of time Arriving in a new city as the face pandemic has limited his progress. past five or six months. nearby home to take batting prac- sixth round of the 2000 NFL Draft.
and energy into making sure I’m of the franchise brings its own set of “I think everyone’s learning every “I’ve always felt that taking care of tice with the club. The rest, as they say, is history.


BASKETBALL BALTIMORE 7 Washington 3 Dylan Frittelli (RSA) 69-65-66, Roger Sloan (CAN) Liu Yu 71-70-69—210; Amy Olson 68-71-71—210 Quarterfinals lona)
Milwaukee 6 CHICAGO CUBS 5 (10 innings) 62-70-68, Kristoffer Ventura (NOR) 69-68-63 Danielle Kang 71-71-69—211; Emily Kristine Ped- Estadio Jose Alvalade
NBA playoff qualifier in Orlando on Saturday:
PHILADELPHIA 6 NY Mets 2 ersen 68-74-69—211; Minjee Lee 68-73-70—211 Manchester City (ENG) 1 (De Bruyne 69) Lyon Semifinals line-up (all matches in Lisbon; Kick-off
Portland 126 Memphis 122
Atlanta 2 MIAMI 1 EPGA Celtic Classic Lin Xiyu 72-71-69—212; Nasa Hataoka 73-69- (FRA) 3 (Cornet 24, Dembele 79, 87) 1900GMT)
Pittsburgh at CINCINNATI, ppd Leading third round scores in the European 70—212; Chun In-gee 71-71-70—212; Olivia Cowan Played Friday Tuesday, Aug 18
Monday, Aug 17
ARIZONA 7 San Diego 6 Tour’s Celtic Classic, The Celtic Manor Resort, 68-71-73—212 Estadio da Luz Estadio da Luz
Denver vs Utah, 1:30 pm
Texas 6 COLORADO 4 Newport, Wales on Saturday (GBR/IRL unless Manon De Roey 73-70-70—213; Andrea Lee 69-71- Barcelona (ESP) 2 (Alaba 7-og, Suarez 57) Bayern RB Leipzig (GER) vs Paris Saint-Germain (FRA)
Toronto vs Brooklyn, 4 pm
LA Dodgers 6 LA ANGELS 5 (10 innings) stated, par 71): 73—213 Munich (GER) 8 (Mueller 4, 31, Perisic 22, Gnabry Wednesday, Aug 19
Boston vs Philadelphia, 6:30 pm
Eleanor Givens 74-71-69—214; Hannah Green 27, Kimmich 63, Lewandowski 82, Coutinho 85, Estadio Jose Alvalade
LA Clippers vs. Dallas, 9 pm 198 - Connor Syme 68 67 63
GOLF 72-72-70—214; Dani Holmqvist 72-71-71—214; 89) Lyon (FRA) vs Bayern Munich (GER)
Tuesday, Aug 18 199 - Sam Horsfield 67 64 68
Haru Nomura 72-70-72—214; Caroline Inglis Played Thursday Final on Aug 23 at Estadio da Luz
Milwaukee vs Orlando, 1:30 pm Wyndham Championship 200 - Sebastian Soderberg (SWE) 66 69 65
71-71-72—214; Gerina Piller 70-72-72—214; Nicole Estadio Jose Alvalade
Miami vs Indiana, 4 pm 201 - Andrew Johnston 67 66 68, Adrian Meronk
Leading scores after Saturday’s third round of Broch Larsen 67-73-74—214 RB Leipzig (GER) 2 (Olmo 50, Adams 88) Atletico TENNIS
Oklahoma City vs Houston, 6:30 pm the US PGA Tour Wyndham Championship in (POL) 66 71 64, Thomas Detry (BEL) 67 66 68
Madrid (ESP) 1 (Joao Felix 71-pen)
LA Laker vs Portland, 9 pm 202 - Callum Shinkwin 68 65 69, Thomas Pieters WTA Lexington
Greensboro, North Carolina (USA unless noted, ICE HOCKEY Played Wednesday
par-70): (BEL) 64 68 70 Results of the semifinals on Saturday (x-denotes
Estadio da Luz
BASEBALL 192 - Kim Si-woo (KOR) 65-65-62 203 Wil Besseling (NED) 67 69 67, Cormac Sharvin Results of the National Hockey League playoff
Atalanta (ITA) 1 (Pasalic 27) Paris Saint-Germain seeding):
194 - Rob Oppenheim 66-66-62, Doc Redman 71 67 65, Jason Scrivener (AUS) 69 69 65, Marc games on Saturday (home team in CAPS): Jil Teichmann (SUI) bt Shelby Rogers (USA) 6-3,
Results of the MLB games on Saturday (home (FRA) 2 (Marquinhos 90, Choupo-Moting 90+3)
67-64-63 Warren 66 72 65, Jake McLeod (AUS) 65 69 69 At Toronto 6-2; Jen Brady (USA) bt Coco Gauff (USA) 6-2, 6-4
team in CAPS):
195 - Billy Horschel 66-64-65 Boston 3 Carolina 1
MINNESOTA 4 Kansas City 2, 1st game Champions League leading goalscorers
196 - Jim Herman 66-69-61, Mark Hubbard 67-65-64 Tampa Bay 3 Columbus 2
St. Louis 5 CHICAGO WHITE SOX 1, 1st game Ladies Scottish Open (after Saturday’s match) Prague WTA
197 - Peter Malnati 68-65-64, Webb Simpson At Edmonton, Alberta
Kansas City 4 MINNESOTA 2, 2nd game Leading scores after the third round at Renais- 14: Lewandowski (Bayern Munich) Results on Saturday (x-denotes seeding):
66-66-65 Arizona 4 Colorado 2
St. Louis 6 CHICAGO WHITE SOX 3, 2nd game sance Club in North Berwick, Scotland, on Satur- 10: Haaland (Dortmund) Quarterfinals
198 - Kevin Kisner 69-64-65, Tyler Duncan 68-64- Las Vegas 2 Chicago 1
Cleveland 3 DETROIT 1 day: 7: Gnabry (Bayern Munich) Irina-Camelia Begu (ROM) bt Sara Sorribes Tor-
66, Zach Johnson 70-67-61, Harold Varner 62-69-
Tampa Bay 1 TORONTO 0 (4 innings, rain, sus- Azahara Munoz 68-69-69—206 6: Depay (Lyon), Jesus (Man City), Kane (Totten- mo (ESP) 6-2, 4-6, 6-2
67, Talor Gooch 65-65-68 SOCCER ham), Mertens (Napoli), Sterling (Man City)
pended) 199 - Im Sung-jae (KOR) 69-64-66, Russell Henley Stacy Lewis 71-66-70—207 Semifinals
NY YANKEES 11 Boston 5 68-68-63, Jason Kokrak 69-63-67, Harris English Jennifer Song 68-70-70—208 UEFA Champions League 5: Benzema (Real Madrid), Icardi (Paris SG), Ilicic Simona Halep (ROM x1) bt Irina-Camelia Begu
Oakland 7 SAN FRANCISCO 6 64-67-68 Lydia Ko 70-72-67—209; Cheyenne Knight 72-68- Results on Saturday: (Atalanta), Martez (Inter Milan), Mbappe (Paris (ROM) 7-6 (7/2), 6-3; Elise Mertens (BEL x3) bt
HOUSTON 2 Seattle 1 200 - Patrick Reed 65-68-67, Sam Burns 67-68-65, 69—209 All matches in Lisbon SG), Son Heung-min (Tottenham), Suarez (Barce- Kristyna Pliskova (CZE) 7-5, 7-6 (7/4)
20 | Monday, August 17, 2020 CHINA DAILY


Idols not idle as celebs sweat it out

Stars do battle at Super Novae Games work. But I always keep exercising
and maintain a good physical condi-
to entice fans off couch and into action tion,” said Li.
“Being a professional athlete is
By SHI FUTIAN really hard. It demands daily train-
shifutian@chinadaily.com.cn ing and athletes need to have
extraordinary perseverance. I just
China’s celebrity sports enthusi- hope more people can take up
asts sweated it out over the weekend sports as it greatly benefits your
as the Super Novae Games returned body.”
to energize the nation. Li’s efforts in the pool are having
Staged at Nanjing Olympic Sports the desired effect on his fans, with
Center in the capital city of Jiangsu Beijing office worker Mu Yan among
province, Tencent’s 27-hour live those now raring to take the plunge.
broadcast featured 127 entertain- “I knew that Li Wenhan had
ment stars, including pop idols, rap- swam since he was a boy and he con-
pers and actors. They battled it out tinued exercising after he became a
in sprinting, high jump, archery, 3x3 pop star,” she said. “He is now a pop
basketball, swimming, rhythmic idol with many sports skills like
gymnastics, Chinese Wushu, tug of swimming, basketball, table tennis
war and e-sports. and surfing.
And while their performance lev- “As I’m an office worker, I don’t
els were not quite up to professional Table tennis legend Deng have much time to do sports. Now I
standard, the celebrities were cer- Yaping says the Super Novae have realized the importance of
tainly not there to mess around. The Games are a great way of health and I push myself to keep
stars showed different, often sur- engaging young people with training at the gym half an hour in
prising, sides to their characters on marginal sports. the afternoon. Li said that the habit
the sports field, while fans were of sports gave him good health and
encouraged to cheer on their idols perseverance. Now I’m waiting for
Dancer Liu Jia takes aim during the men’s archery competition at the Super Novae Games at Nanjing and try out the sports for them- quit easily.” the reopening of the swimming pool,
Olympic Sports Center on the weekend. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY selves, with the main aim of the Deng, though, says the event so I can start to learn how to swim.”
Games being to promote fitness serves a more important function.
among the younger generation. “It will undoubtedly boost the Fitness first
Deng Yaping was the contest- promotion of many marginal sports, The COVID-19 pandemic has
ants’ head coach for the second allowing more people to be interest- made 2020 a particularly tough year
year running, with the four-time ed in certain sports that they might for the sports industry worldwide,
Olympic table tennis champion not have been so familiar with,” she with major events such as the Tokyo
ably assisted by 2008 Beijing Olym- added. Olympics postponed or canceled.
pics archery gold medalist Zhang “For example, rhythmic gymnas- The public have also seen their exer-
Juanjuan and hurdler Shi Dong- tics has been a good match for our cise routines curtailed, however
peng, who won silver at the 2010 idols. Many of them have had dance with the epidemic now under con-
Asian Games. training and some even performed trol in China, sports are returning to
Deng hailed the standard of this ballet. For sure, it’s more challenging people’s lives.
year’s celebs as the best yet. to practice rhythmic gymnastics, but To help teenagers get back on the
“Technically speaking, our star our stars have the talent to give it a sports field, the Super Novae Games
athletes are becoming more and go. That shows the beauty of both the this year launched an initiative enti-
more professional than previous sports and our girls. tled “Bring the playground back
editions of the event,” she said. “This is a good way as the idols home”. In addition, an online chal-
“As singers or actors, their jobs are will encourage their fans and more lenge called “Super Novae Games
to put on a show on the stage. How- young people to embrace these fans sports meet” is aimed at a wider
ever, in sports, it’s very different. In sports. We want these sports to audience and encourages people to
sports competitions, you don’t need become part of people’s lifestyles. run, dance and do push-ups or
to talk too much, and you will have The youngsters will follow their planks at home.
to fight with the best efforts you idols and get out of the house to “The pandemic has made people
have. You can see their will to win exercise, play ball games and make focus more on health and an impor-
through their facial expressions and more friends.” tant way to increase our body’s
every eye contact. Deng has been especially resistance to diseases is to keep
“I used to think they were just impressed by pop star Li Wenhan, doing sports,” said Deng.
here for fun. However, what who last year finished second in the “Now sports are coming back to
shocked me is their thirst for victory. men’s 50-meter swimming, and this our lives and more sports venues are
They are not professional athletes, year participated in the mixed reopening to the public. I know a fit-
but their competitive spirit is what 4x50m relay in the pool as well as ness center in Zhengzhou that
has impressed me. Some even got the tug of war. reopened in June and it welcomed
The men’s 3-on-3 basketball competition was one of the highlights of the third edition of the Super injured during the competition, but “Actually I don’t have much time to much more people compared with
Novae Games in Nanjing over the weekend. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY they would not give up or simply have professional training due to my the same time last year.”


Meng’s date with destiny confirmed

By MURRAY GREIG old southpaw from Chifeng, Inner “I am truly honored to be fighting eight-round exhibition against
murraygreig@chinadaily.com.cn Mongolia. Beterbiev for the championship ex-four-division champ Roy Jones Jr
“I hope to bring some positivity, belts; I have worked very hard to earn has been postponed from Sept 12 to
Meng “Cold Blood” Fanlong will happiness and joy to them with this the mandatory position and I plan on Nov 28, at least one of their contem-
challenge IBF light heavyweight fight. I want to put pride in their being the first Chinese light heavy- poraries thinks it’s a bad sign.
champion Artur Beterbiev of Russia hearts.” weight champion in boxing history,” Former IBF, WBA and WBC
for two world titles on Sept 25 in Meng won a lopsided decision Meng said when the deal was final- super-middleweight champion Carl
Yekaterinburg, Russia. over Germany’s Adam Deines in ized. “This is just the beginning.” Froch suspects that the postpone-
Beterbiev (15-0, 15 KOs) was sup- June 2019 in Macao to become The 35-year-old Beterbiev, who ment could cause the 54-year-old
posed to defend against the 2012 Beterbiev’s mandatory challenger. lives and trains in Montreal, is box- Tyson to lose patience and start foul-
Chinese Olympian on March 28 in In his last outing, on Oct 5 in the US, ing’s only current champion with a ing Jones once the bell rings.
Quebec City, Canada, but the fight Meng stopped Mexico’s Gilberto perfect knockout percentage. He’ll be Moreover, they will be wearing
was postponed because of the coro- Rubio in two rounds. looking to score his 16th consecutive 16-ounce gloves, which are much Meng Fanlong (left) will take on IBF light heavyweight champion
navirus pandemic. Meng was guaranteed the largest KO in his fourth defense of the IBF bigger than the 10-ounce gloves typ- Artur Beterbiev in Russia on Sept 25. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
In Beterbiev’s last outing, 11 purse of his career for the title bout 175-pound (79 kilograms) title that he ically used for heavyweight match-
months ago, he stopped WBC champ after Beijing-based Longjoy Sports captured in 2017 by stopping Germa- es. Englishman Froch said it’s going “Will Mike lose the plot like he did three or four rounds, too.
Oleksandr Gvozdyk (17-1, 14 KOs) in won the initial purse bid, offering ny’s Enrico Koelling. to be a lot harder for Tyson to dis- against (Evander) Holyfield and bite “Tyson smokes, and that’s a bad
the 10th round in Philadelphia. $1.9 million to eclipse Top Rank’s To earn the No 1 ranking with the patch Jones with gloves that large, a chunk of Roy’s ear off?’ Froch said habit for a boxer who needs to have
Meng (16-0, 10 KOs), said in Feb- $1.315 million offer. IBF, Meng KO’d Chris Eppley of the and he might not be able to do it. on his Froch on Fighting podcast. the full lung power to be able to fight
ruary he hoped his title challenge After Longjoy defaulted on its bid, US and Frank Buglioni of England Jones, 51, fought just two years “There could be a danger if he hard for an extended period. What
would provide China with a much- Las Vegas-based Top Rank took over before decisioning Deines. ago, easily beating Scott Sigmon by a gets really frustrated. Those happens if he’s unable to knock
needed morale boost. the promotion and guaranteed 10-round unanimous decision in 16-ounce gloves are going to be Jones out quickly? Does he then fall
“My fellow citizens need some- Beterbiev 65 percent ($854,750) Tyson doubts February 2018. Tyson hasn’t fought more difficult to knock his oppo- apart like he did in his losses to
thing to help them escape from this while Meng was guaranteed 35 per- Now that former undisputed since June 2005 when he lost to Kev- nent out. And they’re going to be Holyfield and Lennox Lewis? I think
very difficult time,” said the 32-year- cent ($460,250). heavyweight champion Mike Tyson’s in McBride by a six-round stoppage. breathing out of their a** after it’s highly possible.”


Indians enraged after partying pitchers violate virus rules

By MURRAY GREIG on. I’ll let them tell you how they’re my actions,” Plesac said, via The lating the protocols but the biggest while I continue my passion for another dark day in Cleveland base-
gonna earn our trust back; I don’t Athletic. “I realize I made a poor mistake of all was not immediately competing for the incredible Indi- ball history.
It’s going to take some time for need to put words in their mouths,” choice to leave the hotel, which coming clean to my teammates. ans fans and the city that I adore.” On Aug 16, 1920, Indians short-
pitchers Mike Clevinger and Zach Plutko said on the weekend. broke protocols and could have “I owe them better. I now realize Plutko wasn’t alone in chastising stop Ray Chapman registered two
Plesac to regain the trust of their Both pitchers were placed on endangered other people. that by even exposing myself to just the pair. Indians shortstop Francis- doubles in his first two trips to the
Cleveland Indians teammates. MLB’s restricted list. “I understand that in these times one person more than necessary, I am co Lindor posted a strong statement plate against the New York Yankees.
Clevinger and Plesac violated Plesac was sent home after the of uncertainty, I need to be more vig- putting myself, my teammates, the on Twitter that focused on their Through four innings, he also stole
Major League Baseball’s COVID-19 Indians learned he left the quaran- ilant and responsible and I am guys I compete against, the umpires, decisions and the need for all MLB two bases, scored two runs, made
protocols two weeks ago in Chicago, tined hotel in Chicago to celebrate determined to earn my teammates’ the staff, the Indians organization as players to be selfless in observing two put-outs, was credited with two
and fellow pitcher Adam Plutko his victory on Aug 8. Later it forgiveness and get back to work.” well as the game that I love at risk. the quarantine rules. assists and committed two errors.
didn’t mince his words when detail- emerged that he was accompanied Clevinger was likewise repentant, “There is no excuse for my Before the departure of Plesac During plate appearances in the
ing the sentiment toward them in by Clevinger on the night out. Both saying: “There is an implicit trust actions, and I can only take respon- and Clevinger, Cleveland’s pitching third and fifth innings, he was
the Indians clubhouse. players have since issued apologies. that each of my teammates share as sibility and learn from my mistakes. staff had posted an American struck by a pitch. The second one, a
“They hurt us bad. They lied to us. “I would like to apologize to my we navigate a season during this Moving forward, I promise my League-best 2.04 ERA. fastball served up by Yankees fire-
They sat here and publicly said teammates, the entire Cleveland pandemic, and I broke that trust. In actions will reflect a full under- The controversy overshadowed baller Car May, struck him in the
things they didn’t follow through organization and all of our fans for Chicago, I made the mistake of vio- standing of the protocols set in place this week’s 100th anniversary of temple and killed him.

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