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A payroll summary for Mark Consulting Company owned

by Mark
A payroll summary for Mark Consulting Company, owned by Mark Fronke, for the quarter
ending June 30, 2019, appears below. The firm made the required tax deposits as follows:a. For
April taxes, paid on May 15.b. For May taxes, paid on June 17.INSTRUCTIONS1. Using the tax
rates given below, and assuming that all earnings are taxable, make the general journal entry
on April 8, 2019, to record the employer's payroll tax expense on the payroll ending that date.
Use journal page 12.Social security ........................6.2 percentMedicare
.......................................1.45FUTA ............................................0.6SUTA
............................................5.42. Prepare the entries in general journal form to record deposit of
the employee income tax withheld and the social security and Medicare taxes (employee and
employer shares) on May 15 for April taxes and on June 17 for May taxes.Analyze: How were
the amounts for Income Tax Withheld determined?View Solution: A payroll summary for Mark
Consulting Company owned by Mark

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