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During the bank reconciliation process at A Fontes

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During the bank reconciliation process at A. Fontes Consultancy on May 2, 2019, the following
two errors were discovered in the firm's records.a. The checkbook and the general journal
indicated that Check 2206 dated April 17 was issued for $695 to make a cash purchase of
supplies. However, examination of the canceled check and the listing on the bank statement
showed that the actual amount of the check was $14.b. The checkbook and the general journal
indicated that Check 2247 dated April 20 was issued for $130 to pay a utility bill. However,
examination of the canceled check and the listing on the bank statement showed that the actual
amount of the check was $164.INSTRUCTIONS1. Prepare the adjusted book balance section
of the firm's bank reconciliation statement. The book balance as of April 30 was $20,275. The
errors listed above are the only two items that affect the book balance.2. Prepare general
journal entries to correct the errors. Use page 11 and date the entries April 30, 2019. Check
2206 was correctly debited to Supplies on April 17 and Check 2247 was debited to Utilities
Expense on April 20.Analyze:If the errors described had not been corrected, would net income
for the period be overstated or understated? By what amount?View Solution: During the bank
reconciliation process at A Fontes Consultancy on

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