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Post the journal entries that you prepared for Exercise 4 2

Post the journal entries that you prepared for Exercise 4.2 to the general ledger. Use the
account names shown in Exercise 4.2.In exercise101 Cash111 Accounts Receivable121
Supplies131 Equipment141 Automobile202 Accounts Payable301 Zack Mason, Capital302
Zack Mason, Drawing401 Fees Income511 Rent Expense514 Salaries Expense517 Telephone
ExpenseDATE TRANSACTIONS2019Sept. 1 Zack Mason invested $30,000 in cash to start the
firm.4 Purchased office equipment for $3,250 on credit from Den, Inc.; received Invoice9823,
payable in 30 days.16 Purchased an automobile that will be used to visit clients; issued Check
1001 for$15,000 in full payment.20 Purchased supplies for $260; paid immediately with Check
1002.23 Returned damaged supplies for a cash refund of $85.30 Issued Check 1003 for $2,100
to Den, Inc., as payment on account for Invoice9823.30 Withdrew $1,500 in cash for personal
expenses.30 Issued Check 1004 for $3,500 to pay the rent for October.30 Performed services
for $7,325 in cash.30 Paid $220 for monthly telephone bill, Check 1005.View Solution: Post the
journal entries that you prepared for Exercise 4 2

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