Dairy and Food Process and Products Technology - Course Progress

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nitheesherravelly@gmail.com 

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Progress (student/home) Mentor (student/mentor)

Erravelly Nitheesh Kumar

Course outline
Date enrolled 2019-07-15

How to access portal Email nitheesherravelly@gmail.com

Name Erravelly Nitheesh Kumar

Week 0 : Assignment 0
Assessment scores
Week 1 Assignment 0 --

Assignment 1 70.0
Week 2
Assignment 2 90.0
Week 3
Assignment 3 80.0

Week 4 Assignment 4 40.0

Assignment 5 80.0
Week 5
Assignment 6 80.0
Week 6
Assignment 7 100.0

Week 7 Assignment 8 100.0

Assignment 9 90.0
Week 8
Assignment 10 80.0
Week 9 Assignment 11 70.0

Week 10 Assignment 12 40.0

Week 11
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Week 12 s=c6d52941885f69d9e3cce2ebbcd6d70a&email=nitheesherravelly%40gmail.com)
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