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Consumer Adoption Process

The adoption process for a new product is the mental process through which an
individual passes from first learning about an innovation to final adoption which
can be the decision by a consumer to become a regular user of the product or

There are 5 stages of consumer adoption process. Below the 5 stages are
explained with an example of my own.

• Product awareness- Recently I have changed the perfume brand I have

been using since a long time. The clothing brand is “LEVIS”. I have been
using it since past 1 year.It has unique quality and is very affordable.
Recently I have come across the “DENIM” range of clothes. I have become
aware of this product from its advertisement that I saw in Instagram first.
DENIM was launching its new range of clothes and was giving out sample
jeans for the customers. It made me curious and I decided to order a sample.
• Product interest- The advertisement that they put up in the social media
was what caught my attention and interest. The good thing they did was
giving out the sample clothes. I have been using a particular range of clothe
since a long time and “DENIM” being a trusted and established brand
already made me take interest in its new product.
• Product Evaluation- I compared the product with the existing brand
that I was using. I compared it in terms of price, design, quality, the offers
they are giving. I got the samples and distributed it among my family
members for them to evaluate the product as well.
• Product Trial- I tried the product. I found out that it was quite similar
to the product I was already using. The quality was good and yet very
comfortable. It was long lasting too. My family members also loved it.
They had different designs for men and women. My brother especially
loved the men’s range as it was good quality and very comfortable with
best design which suited his taste.
• Product Adoption- The product is good enough to be used regularly.
Not only it is affordable but its design is very attractive and also can be
used on a daily basis as well as on occasions. I and my family are planning
to use this brand now. It has a series of different colours and is giving out
exciting offers on purchase such as certain percentage discount, gift
coupons as such. This new product line of “DENIM” is a good idea overall
and can expect to have potential customers.

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