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What is it that you want to achieve during these two years at Great Lakes?

I am confident that the program will equip me better to deal with managing the assigned
roles of any personal and public enterprise. Be it Team-Work, Individual initiative,
cooperation, competition or strategic planning. In short it may make me more confident
and competent to accept and accomplish challenging assignments during the course of my
MBA. Great Lakes Institute of Management is one of the leading institutions of Academic
Excellence of long standing for its PGDM programs.
Aim to widen the horizon of my professional canvass and competence to do well in fields
where business management specialization can be a very effective tool. An MBA is also a
great way to prepare for a changing business environment. The abilities you develop are
also the best tools you have to adapt to the unavoidable change of industries, the
marketplace, and the ways people do business. With courses surrounding operations
management, accounting, and more, business school prepares you on how to manage
decision making in an efficient manner. I want work on my soft skills and Leadership,
Teamwork, Problem-solving and analytical skills, Initiative, Adaptability to change,
Interpersonal and communication skills. Great Lakes Institute of Management is one of the
most prestigious Institutes in India and the PGDM degree from this Business School is
recognized all over the world. I want to work on my personal skills and become a better
speaker and learn how to deal with different situations. Improvise and Adapt to different
situations in the workplace in order to become a successful Manger in the workplace.

What are the three major weaknesses that you want to overcome to become more
effective and successful?

There is no denying that all individuals possess traits of strengths and weaknesses in
varying proportion. Some are inherent and some are imbibed. Wisdom lies in making
constant and concerted endeavor to turn our weaknesses into strengths so that we can
derive maximum advantage for living a harmonious helpful and productive personal and
professional life. I too seemingly possess a few traits of weakness in my nature which I
would love to convert into strengths in my personality. A few are Reticent and Introversion
and at times I tend to be Impatient. Patience is a virtue which stands one in good stead both
in individual and team pursuits. Failure to possess adequate patience may lead to
unsatisfactory results. I feel that working in busy hotels and dealing with life everyday as a
hotelier has somewhat made me more patient and I tend to overcome this weakness
completely in the coming years to become successful. Tend to be reflective and reticent at
times. This apparent trait may be constructed as a sign of reluctance to interact with others
especially in a group activity. Would like to very much overcome this tendency and be more
approachable, reactive and responsive in a group activity.
Sometimes I tend to focus too much on the details with the results and may lose some
valuable time to accomplish the job in hand. Would like to cut down on such distractions to
the minimum so that parts do not overwhelm the whole.
Overcoming ones weaknesses and moulding them into strengths is by no means an easy
task. Requires a lot of resolved behavior for a team effort bringing more peace and less
stress into one’s own and others life.
What kind of role are you looking for post MBA? What are the qualities required to
exceed in such a role?

Like others of my age group would like to have a fairly position of responsibility and
professional recognition during my career in my field of choice confident that the studies in
the Institute will hone my professional skill, strength and sphere to take up challenging
positions in an Organization or enterprise. If all goes well, would expect to be holding a
fairly responsible position in an Organization of repute. Would expect to be reasonably
recognized even if I were to be an entrepreneur. I would like to be employed as a
Marketing Executive in a reputed FMCG corporate company. The skills required for a
marketing personnel are
Communication- Marketing is a form of professional communication since it consists of
communicating to key consumers why they should buy, or otherwise engage with,
whatever is being promoted. Often, this will take the form of writing, from crafting ad copy,
to creating scripts for TV spots or composing a compelling budget proposal to add
resources to your department. It might involve creating multimedia campaigns,
understanding design, and having a general sense of who the end user is and what they
Analytical Thinking- Marketing requires a great deal of research-based analysis to
determine what the audience wants and needs, and a lot of careful strategy crafted around
that analysis. You must be able to anticipate the potential impact of several alternative
strategies or approaches, using your own judgment. Marketers often have to change course
to accommodate new information, and should be able to draw logical conclusions based on
data and other information received. Problem-solving skills are essential in order to dissect
underperforming campaigns and propose enhancements, to generate better results.
Creativity - Grabbing the attention of an audience is critical for success with any
communication. Telling a compelling story is often the best way to engage an audience and
draw them into your message.

How do you think your classmates can benefit from interacting with you and
learning from your experience?

Being from the commerce stream in high school and pursuing a Bachelors Degree in Hotel
Management I have gained some experience through various Internships in 5 star hotels
and fine dining restaurants in Delhi NCR. I have worked in the Food Production and Food
and Beverage Service Departments and the Front Office Department where I learned how
to deal with the pressure in the workplace. When hotels are at full occupancy or are hosting
special events like conferences or weddings I got to meet and interact with guests from all
over the world and work long hours which are mentally and physically challenging. It
taught me how to be Courteous, calm, handle pressure well and develop self-discipline.
Specialized knowledge of marketing strategies and their application plays a crucial role in
establishing stabilizing and expanding any venture. Thus hotel management expertise is
interlinked with marketing techniques, human resources utilization and development,
ensuring and promoting cohesive group activity to realize the potential and progress of an
institution or business concern.  MBA qualification coupled with Hotel Management
expertise becomes a very useful tool for furthering business promotion of any agency
engaged in hotel industry. That is why I think I can bring a unique perspective to the

Please pick up a company that you admire and come up with new initiatives which
will help drive the future growth of the company?

The company that I admire is Nestle due to their rapid growth and expansion. The main
thing I would like to change at Nestle is establishing a 4 day work week. Countries like
France are adapting to the four day work week concept and it is proving to be successful. a
four-day week can reduce expenses for everyone. Given the workplace would be shut for
one additional day seven days, running expenses would see a noteworthy drop. Also,
workers would be paying less to drive and would see cut expenses in costs like lunch and
espressos the day, as well. More joyful workers, having a long weekend leaves workers
with all the more available time. Relatively few individuals will grumble about that. Having
more opportunity to do the things you love builds in general satisfaction and can assist
with expanding dependability to an organization - it's a success win. Less medical
problems, having a more drawn out end of the week will permit individuals to invest more
energy with their loved ones and do things that they love, which will normally prompt an
improvement in prosperity. It'll likewise give them an additional rest day every week
which will help them re-charge somewhat more following a bustling week. Better
Efficiency, Realizing they'll be getting an extended weekend is one that keeps workers
persuaded week-on-week. It's as yet a moderately uncommon contribution and can be an
incredible method to get the best ability through the entryway - and keep them connected
with, as well.[ CITATION Sar19 \l 1033 ] A few other things that I would like to change at a
company are supporting innovative thinkers and risk takers without signaling neglect of
the core business. Sorting out the opportunities that could truly move the stock price from
those that are likely to produce only marginal improvements. Finding the time to guide and
coach new-growth teams without neglecting the other burning issues on the agenda. Move
assets from product and innovation advancement to client and business development.
Build up a Fluid Plan. Through vital arranging, the company can delineate how the
organization will accomplish its crucial mission. The business atmosphere is a liquid one,
changing because of numerous variables, including industry progresses and the condition
of the economy. In the event that the strategic plan is too definite it will be hard to modify
course even marginally when the company has to, the arrangement ought to demonstrate
to everybody the bearing the organization is going towards its mission, but adaptable
enough to change course varying. Build strategic partnerships, Expand into new markets,
Add new products or services and acquire new business. [ CITATION Bob111 \l 1033 ]

Samarth Tewari

Works Cited
Apollo, B. (2011, 10 31). 12 Key Initiatives that Could Accelerate Your Revenue Growth. Retrieved from
Inflexion Point:

Benstead, S. (2019, 11 28). A 4v day work week, is it really worth it? Retrieved from Breathe HR:

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