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interviewed by 
fotografije photographs by Ana Dana Beroš (adb); Dinko Cepak (dc);
Bojan Gagić (bg); Ana Mihalić (am);
Ana Opalić (ao); Damir Žižić (dž);
Stjepan Žgela (sž)
portreti portraits Marko Mihaljević (mm)
Maroje Mrduljaš

ana dana beroš

ana dana beroš


Razgovarali u Zagrebu 23. rujna 2014. Interviewed in Zagreb 23 September 2014 maroje mrduljaš — Monditalia, sekcija Bijenala postav- maroje mrduljaš — Monditalia, a section of the Venice Intermundia kao dio
izložbe Moditalia, 14.
ljena u Arsenalu, bavi se suvremenom Italijom i sastoji se od Biennale set up in the Arsenale, explores contemporary Italy.
Venecijanski bijenale
¶ Instalacija Intermundia, autorice Ane Dane Beroš i suradnika, ¶ The Intermundia installation of the author Ana Dana Beroš četrdeset i jednog metodološki i medijski vrlo različitog poje- The exhibition consists of 41 individual works that are very arhitekture, Italija,
dio je izložbe Monditalia postavljene u Arsenalu u Veneciji u and her collaborators is a part of the Monditalia exhibition dinačnog rada, koji se nižu po teritorijalnom rasporedu tema different in medium and method, displayed in the premises of 2014.
sklopu službenog programa 14. Venecijanskog arhitekton- set up in the Arsenale in Venice as part of the official pro- – od sjevera prema jugu – pa Monditalia započinje i završava the Arsenale according to the territorial arrangement of the
Intermundia as a
skog bijenala 2014. Multimedijalna instalacija i istraživački gramme of the 14th Venice Architecture Biennale in 2014. s temama nacionalne granice. Zaključni rad sekcije je Italian themes, from the north to the south. Hence Monditalia starts part of the Moditalia
projekt, koji polazi od najjužnijeg talijanskog otoka Lampe- The multimedia installation and the research project which limes grupe Folder i on prikazuje nestabilnost i nefiskiranost and closes with the theme of the national border. The sec- exhibition, 14th
Venice biennale of
duse i teme imigracije, propituju političke, ali i intimne feno- is focused on the southest Italian island of Lampedusa and sjeverne granice Italije, koja se kroz vrijeme mijenja uslijed tion’s closing work is the Folder group’s Italian limes, depict-
Architecture, 2014
mene granica i njihove transgresije. Instalacija je nagrađena the topic of immigration, questions political and intimate raznih okolnosti i pregovora sa susjedima, a posebno recen- ing the instability and fluidity of the northern Italian border,
posebnim priznanjem Bijenala. phenomena of the borders and their transgression. The tno, zbog promjene razine snijega i leda u Alpama. Italian which has changed over the course of time as a result of dif- (ao)
installation was given a Special Mention of the Biennale. limes tako govori o utjecaju klimatskih promjena, globalne ferent circumstances and negotiations with the neighbours,

164 oris, broj 91, godina 2015. oris, number 91, year 2015 ana dana beroš, Intervju ana dana beroš, Interview 165
and recently especially due to changes in the snow and ice djelovalo i još uvijek djeluje kao jedno dugo prebivanje u pur- Projekt nastoji, kroz evokativno-
in the Alps. The Italian border therefore shows how climate gatoriju imigrantskog kampa. Zato mislim da iskustvo Lam-
change, global ecology as and the advancement of digital peduse ima veze i s aktualnim hrvatskim identitetom. Koliko zvučno-svjetlosnu instalaciju te knjiški
technologies affect state frontiers, which are often perceived Vas zanima Lampedusa kao konkretan slučaj, a koliko kao prezentirano istraživanje, inducirati
as an unchangeable given. Monditalia starts with your work, šire pravilo ili možda i metafora? Možete li pojasniti aspekt
in which you problematize the issue of immigrants, taking up posthumanog pogleda koji uvodite u samom uvodu istra- kod promatrača slojevito razumijevanje
the case of the island of Lampedusa, the first place of contact živanja? ¶ ana dana beroš — Pitanja ilegalnih migracija, svijeta, ili, bolje rečeno, alternativnih
on the path from Africa to Italy, Europe and everything we socijalne nejednakosti, nemogućnosti pripadanja mjestu te
call the Western world. Your work should be read through the njihovim posljedicama u urbanoj i društvenoj zbilji, smatram svjetova koji nas okružju
lens of social criticism and the question of migration policy, danas ključnim pitanjima u Europi koja ne možemo više izbje-
which you link to the labour market, but I believe your work gavati ni u Hrvatskoj. U suvremenome trenutku imperativa
to be interesting also for showing that a border is not a line, mobilnosti, koji je kompatibilan s imperativom fleksibilnosti Through an evocative sound and light
nor a dot, but a long-lasting process, the dramaturgy of an rada, prisilna teritorijalna kretanja prekarnih, najčešće viso- installation and the research presented
arduous and life-threatening journey, including the anxious koobrazovanih radnika, paralelna su kretanjima, kao i pritva-
wait in the detention centre, as well of the incertitude that ranjima ilegalnih migranata. Obje ove trajnomigrirajuće mase in a book, the project also tries to
follows if a pass through the administrative bureaucratic bor- potplaćene su i ucijenjene radne snage, lišene elementarnih induce a layered understanding of the
der is eventually acquired. There are thus multiple national ljudskih prava koja uključuju pravo na rad i dostojanstven život.
and other borders, and their effect on the experience of an Dakle, nužno je ilegalne migrante u prvom redu shvatiti kao world within the observer. A layered
individual, especially those arriving from the other side, is radnike koji reguliraju procijepe europskog tržišta rada i koji understanding of the world, or rather,
very complex. From my perspective, all of us often find our- odgovaraju na sustavno osmišljene potrebe zapadnjačkog
selves in the status of unprivileged immigrants arriving from društva, a ne promatrati ih samo kao jadnike u naivnoj potrazi an understanding of the alternative
Maroje Mrduljaš i Ana
Dana Beroš, snimljeni u
ekologije, ali i napetka digitalnih tehnologija na državne gra- the other side, in which we face transgressions of norms and za boljim životom. ¶ Moj interes za temu granica i migranata worlds that surround us
nice koje se obično doživljavaju kao nepromjenjiva datost. borders, transitions from one status to the other, whether započeo je 2006. godine, kada sam se prvi puta susrela s
atriju Galerije Klovićevi
dvori, Zagreb, 2014., Vaš rad, s kojim Monditalia započinje, problematizira pita- those contexts are entirely institutional or partly private. The
unutar postava izložbe nje imigranata na slučaju otoka Lampeduse, prvog mjesta immigrant’s situation is a story of fears, uncertainties, but Intermundia kao dio
Arhivi, preraspodjele i izložbe Moditalia, 14.
kontakta na putu od Afrike prema Italiji, Europi i onome što also a story of vitality, especially of an almost naïve direc-
premjeravanja, kustosi Venecijanski bijenale
Reinhard Braun i nazivamo zapadnim svijetom. Vaš rad treba čitati kroz soci- tionality toward the future. What made you interested in arhitekture, Italija,
Sandra Križić Roban, jalnu kritiku i pitanje politike migracija koje Vi povezujete s the theme of borders and immigrants? Croatia is currently 2014.
autorica postava: Ana
tržištem rada, ali mislim da je u jednom naglašenije prostor- in a liminal situation, in the eu, but outside the Schengen
Dana Beroš Intermundia as a
nom smislu Vaš rad zanimljiv i po tome što pokazuje da gra- zone, a space in-between, both here and there or nowhere part of the Moditalia
Maroje Mrduljaš nica nije crta ili točka, nego dugotrajni proces, dramaturgija simultaneously, with the experience of a long-lasting eu exhibition, 14th
and Ana Dana Beroš, Venice biennale of
tegobnog i po život opasnog puta, neizvjesnog iščekivanja u accession process that seemed and still seems like a long stay
photographed in Architecture, 2014
the atrium of the imigrantskom kampu, zatim i neizvjesnosti koja slijedi nakon in the purgatory of a migrant camp. Therefore I believe the
Klovićevi Dvori Gallery, eventualog konačnog prolaska administrativno-birokratske Lampedusa experience can also relate to the current Croa- (ao)
Zagreb, 2014, inside
granice. Dakle, nacionalne, ali i druge granice su višestruke, a tian identity. To what extent does Lampedusa interest you
of the exhibition
set up Archives, njihov utjecaj na iskustvo pojedinca, naročito onih koji dolaze as a concrete case, and to what degree as a broader rule and
Re-Assemblances and s druge strane, vrlo je složen. Iz moje perspektive, svi smo perhaps a metaphor? Can you explain the aspect of the post-
Surveys, curators:
mi često u statusu deprivilegiranih imgiranata koji dolaze s human view you bring in to introduction of your research?
Reinhard Braun and
Sandra Križić Roban, druge strane i suočavamo se s transgresijama normi i gra- ¶ ana dana beroš — The issues of illegal migrations, social
author of the set up: nica, prelascima iz jednog statusa u drugi, bilo da se radi o inequality, the impossibility of belonging to a place, and their
Ana Dana Beroš
sasvim institucionalnim ili pak intimnim kontekstima. Stanje consequences in urban and social reality – these I consider to
(mm) imigranta također je priča o strepnjama, neizvjesnostima, ali be key issues in Europe today, issues that we can no longer
i o vitalnosti, naročito o jednoj gotovo naivnoj okrenutosti avoid in Croatia either. In the contemporary moment of the
prema budućnosti. No, zašto ste se Vi zainteresirali za temu imperative of mobility, which is compatible with the imperative
granica i imigranata? Hrvatska je u liminalnoj situaciji; u eu, of work flexibility, the forced territorial migrations of precari-
a izvan Shengena, jedan prostor između, i ovdje i ondje ili ous but very often highly educated workers are parallel to the
nigdje istovremeno, s iskustvom dugog pristupa eu koje je wanderings and detentions of illegal migrants. Both of these

166 oris, broj 91, godina 2015. oris, number 91, year 2015 ana dana beroš, Intervju ana dana beroš, Interview 167
u Africi, gdje je boravilo evakuirano stanovništvo dalmatinskih similar life stories. ¶ Even beforehand, it remained imprinted in
otoka i primorja. Naravno, kao dijete sam i sama svjedočila my memory how my mother, curator Nada Beroš, had in 2000
prisilnim migracijama, kao posljedicama Domovinskoga rata initiated and run the artistic project-in-the-making entitled
u Hrvatskoj i rata u Bosni i Hercegovini, kada su se počet- Ježevo Motel. The development of the project bypassed the
kom devedesetih godina prošloga stoljeća vikend-naselja na established cultural institutions, within the online magazine
Makarskoj rivijeri pretvarala u izbjegličke kampove i gradove art-e-fact, whose first issue was entirely dedicated to illegal
djece, dok su odrasli ostajali na bojišnicama. ¶ U kustosko- migrations and spoke of possible little utopias. On the other
istraživačkom projektu Intermundia, koji započinjem 2013., hand, the real family connection with migrations comes from
geopolitički fokus bio je na talijanskom otoku Lampedusi. my father’s side. A child from the Makarska littoral, at the end
Bavljenje problematikom prošle i suvremene Italije bilo je of the wwii he spent several years in the refugee camp at
zadano kustoskim konceptom izložbe Monditalia. No, moj je Sinai in Africa, which served as a temporary campsite for the
interes istraživanja bio širi. Projekt prikazuje slučaj Lampeduse evacuated Dalmatian population. Of course, during my own
kao metonimije suvremenih zapadnjačkih pritvorskih uvjeta, childhood I witnessed forced migrations, consequences of the
zatvorenih čekaonica na ulasku u tvrđavu Europu. Lampedusa Homeland War in Croatia and the war in Bosnia and Herzego-
je školski primjer brisanog prostora koji nastaje na geopoli- vina, when at the beginning of the 1990s the second-home
tičkim razmeđima, gdje se gotovo uvijek formiraju društveno complexes of the Makarska riviera were transformed into refu-
marginalizirane zajednice, bilo da je riječ o pridošlicama ili gee camps and children’s towns, while the adults remained at
autohtonom stanovništvu. ¶ Aspekt posthumanog pogleda battlefields. ¶ In the curatorial research project Intermundia,
koji spominjem u samome uvodu istraživanja odnosi se na naše which I started in 2013, the geopolitical focus was placed on
identitete koji se stalno mijenjaju, na neizvjesnost ljudskog the Italian island of Lampedusa. Research into the problem area
postojanja i bivanja. Koncept posthumanog proizlazi iz polja of past and contemporary Italy was defined by the curatorial
znanstvene fantastike, futurologije, a doslovno znači osobu concept of the exhibition Monditalia. However, my research
ili entitet koji egzistira u stanju onkraj ljudskog, humanog. interest was of a broader range. The project depicts the case of
No, ovaj projekt nije usmjeren prema pitanju o kraju čovjeka Lampedusa as a metonym of contemporary detention condi-
kao posljedici apokaliptičnog duha vremena, nego o izmica- tions, a closed waiting-room at the entry to Fortress Europe.
nju perspektiva, odnosno temelja tzv. afektivne solidarnosti, Lampedusa is a textbook example of an empty space arising
Intermundia kao dio ilegalnim migrantima u Motelu Ježevo, nedaleko od Zagreba, permanently migrating masses are underpaid and intimidated (ao) empatije i povezivanja s drugima. U kritičkoj teoriji posthu- at geopolitical crossroads, where socially marginalized com-
izložbe Moditalia,
u pokušaju realizacije arhitektonskog projekta rekonstrukcije work forces deprived of elementary human rights, including mana pozicija označava, prepoznaje nesavršenost, nesuglasje munities are almost always being formed, be it newcomers or
14. Venecijanski
bijenale arhitekture, tog hrvatskog prihvatilišta za strance. Unutar tada novoo- the right to work and lead a dignified life. It is necessary, then, unutar ljudske jedinke, a svijet se sagledava iz heterogenih indigenous population. ¶ The aspect of the post-human view
Italija, 2014. snovane grupe archisquad – odreda za arhitekturu savjesti, to understand illegal migrants primarily as workers who regu- perspektiva; nema objektivnog promatranja. Steve Nichols, which I mention in the research introduction refers to our con-
osjećali smo da je to važan socijalni projekt u kojem želimo late the gaps and fissures in the European labour market and autor knjige Post-Human Manifesto iz 1988. godine, tvrdi da stantly changing identities, to the uncertainty of the human
Intermundia as a
part of the Moditalia sudjelovati, no natječaj je bio izričito raspisan za izvođače gra- respond to the systematically designed needs of the West- su ljudska bića već postala posthumana u odnosu na prošle existence. The concept of the post-human stems from the field
exhibition, 14th đevinskih radova. Iz današnje perpektive, bilo je za očekivati ern society, instead of perceiving them merely as derelicts in generacije. Dakle, posthumana jedinka nije jasno definiran of science fiction and futurology, and it literally stands for a
Venice biennale of
kako prioritet nije bila humanizacija prostora za strance, već a naive search for a better life. ¶ My interest in the theme of pojedinac, već netko tko može poprimiti različite identitete i person or an entity existing in a condition beyond the human.
Architecture, 2014
betonizacija vanjskog, zatvorskog dvorišta. Ipak, bili smo pro- borders and migrants started in 2006, when for the first time tko razumijeva svijet iz višestruke, heterogene perspektive. I Yet this project does not focus on the question of the end of
(bp) vedeni centrom pod paskom načelnika i bili smo u mogućnosti I encountered illegal migrants in the Ježevo Motel near Zagreb, projekt nastoji, kroz evokativno-zvučno-svjetlosnu instalaciju man as a consequence of the apocalyptic spirit of the time.
upoznati pojedine rezidente Ježeva te saslušati njihove zastra- in an attempt to produce an architectural reconstruction pro- te knjiški prezentirano istraživanje, inducirati kod promatrača It’s directed to the withdrawal of perspectives, of the founda-
šujuće i veoma slične životne priče. ¶ Još prije toga vremena, ject for this Croatian reception centre for foreigners. In the, at slojevito razumijevanje svijeta, ili, bolje rečeno, alternativnih tions of affective solidarity, of empathy and connecting with
ostalo mi je u sjećanju kako je moja majka, kustosica Nada that time newly-founded, group archisquad – Division for an svjetova koji nas okružuju. others. In critical theory, the post-human position recognizes
Beroš, 2000. inicirala te vodila umjetnički projekt u nastajanju Architecture of Conscience, we felt this was an important social maroje mrduljaš — U Vašem radu isprepliću se dva nara- imperfection, the discord within a human individual, and the
Motel Ježevo. Projekt se razvijao mimo etabliranih kulturnih project in which we wanted to participate, but the competi- tiva: iskustveno-fenomenološki te politički. Doživljajni, feno- world is observed from heterogeneous perspectives, there is
institucija, unutar internetskog magazina art-e-fact, čiji je tion was open for construction work only. Seen from today’s menološki, neposredno arhitektonski narativ, artikuliran je no objective observation. Therefore, the post-human individ-
prvi broj u cijelosti bio posvećen ilegalnim migracijama te perspective, it was to be expected that priority was not given putem prostorne instalacije koja replicira doživljaj putovanja ual is not a clearly defined individual, but somebody who can
govorio o mogućim malim utopijama. S druge strane, stvarna to the humanisation of this space for foreigners, but the con- u utrobi broda. Tu dionicu možemo donekle povezati s tra- obtain various identities, and who understands the world from
obiteljska poveznica s migracijama dolazi s očeve strane. On creting of the external, prison yard. Nevertheless, the centre dicijom umjetničkih radova koji koriste destabilizaciju nor- a multiple, heterogeneous perspective. Through an evocative
je kao dijete iz Makarskog primorja krajem Drugog svjetskog supervisor gave us a tour of the site and we were able to meet malnog prostornog iskustva, poput radova Miroslawa Balke i sound and light installation and the research presented in a
rata proveo nekoliko godina u izbjegličkom kampu na Sinaju, some of the Ježevo inmates and hear their horrifying and very drugih. Politički narativ obrađuje istraživanje koje je na izložbi book, the project also tries to induce a layered understanding

168 oris, broj 91, godina 2015. oris, number 91, year 2015 ana dana beroš, Intervju ana dana beroš, Interview 169
(ao) prikazano u velikoj knjizi. Istraživanje uključuje priloge poput of the world within the observer. A layered understanding of (bg) kontinuirano radimo, to nasilje okupacije nad našim tijelima correlation of the individual and the political to be insepara- Unutrašnjost
Intermundije, izložba
kritičke povijesti imigracije u Europi, kartografske prikaze the world, or rather, an understanding of the alternative worlds ima velike političke posljedice tih izbora. Pojednostavljeno ble, I believe such thing as apolitical individuals and apolitical
Moditalia, 14.
ranih tipova graničnih prijelaza te razgovore s raznim prota- that surround us. rečeno, poslužit ću se riječima mladog arhitekta i pisca Léo- spaces cannot exist. Civil and political rights are also inalien- Venecijanski bijenale
gonistima uključenima u problematiku imigranata na samoj maroje mrduljaš — Your work entwines two narratives: polda Lamberta, autora uvodnika publikacije Intermundia: Ako able human rights. The Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben arhitekture, Italija,
Lampedusi. Ta dvojnost između fenomenološkog i političkog the experiential-phenomenal and the political. The experi- sjedimo na rubu kreveta, ne činimo isti politički intenzitet kao describes the notion of bare life as the ultra-contemporary,
u Vašem je radu efektna i didaktička. Vidimo kako politika ential, phenomenal, directly architectural, narrative is articu- onaj dok, primjerice, sjedimo na ulici usred prosvjeda. ¶ Geneza sacrificial life of those with no ownership, a form of subservi- Inside of the
izravno djeluje na individualno ljudsko i prostorno iskustvo. lated through a spatial installation that replicates the experi- projekta Intermundia, u ekstremno kratkom istraživačko- ent citizens dwelling in the unqualified political underground. Intermundia, Moditalia
Exhibition, 14th
Zato ni jedan prostorni doživljaj nije sasvim nevin ili odijeljen ence of travelling in the bowels of a ship. We can somewhat produkcijskom razdoblju od samo pola godine, doživjela je Although in the world reduced to markets and consumption
Venice biennale of
od politike, a jedan od efektivnih načina djelovanja politike link this segment to the tradition of artworks that use the nekoliko obrata. Inicijalno se projekt trebao baviti suhom arhi- the traditional understanding of the civil as politically sov- Architecture, 2014
jest upravo kontrola ili normiranje prostora i ljudi u njima. destabilisation of normal spatial experience, like the works of tekturom, odnosno istraživati tipologije centara za izbjeglice, ereign is being transformed for everyone, the migrants are
Kako Vi vidite taj suodnos političkog i individualnog? Iako se Miroslaw Balka and others. The political narrative concerns njihove urbanističke i arhitektonske karakteristike te njihovu those that are experiencing the most radical loss of political
Vaša artikulacija problema, pa zatim i medijacija problema research presented in the big book at the exhibition. This evoluciju kroz povijest 20. stoljeća, a koji su bili koncentrirani rights in Europe today. Furthermore, Agamben claims that
čine logičnim, nisu tipične za arhitekturu. Možete li pojasniti research includes various features such as a critical history of na talijanskom tlu. Uslijed iznimno tijesnih vremenskih i finan- a refugee, an individual, marks, carries a political concept of
i genezu projekta te elaborirati Vaš stav o tome što su uopće migration in Europe, cartographic depictions of early types of cijskih okvira projekta, odlučila sam se fokusirati na Centar borders within himself. If we reconsider our own body, we
i mediji i ciljevi arhitekture? ¶ ana dana beroš — Suodnos border-crossings, as well as interviews with various protago- za identifikaciju i deportaciju Contrada Imbriacola na Lam- realize that at every moment of our life, even while we’re
individulanog i političkog smatram nedjeljivim; držim kako ne nists involved in the problem of immigrants on Lampedusa. pedusi te otputovati na otok na kraju svijeta, bliži afričkom asleep, we choose the space our body occupies. These nec-
mogu postojati apolitični pojedinci, apolitični prostori. Gra- This ambiguity between the phenomenal and the political is tlu negoli Siciliji. Nova okolnost bila je nemogućnost pristupa essary choices we’re continually making, this violence of the
đanska politička prava neodvojiva su ljudska prava. Talijan- striking and didactic in your work. We can see how the poli- Centru koji se u razdoblju mog terenskog istraživanja nalazio occupation of our own bodies, carries great political conse-
ski filozof Giorgio Agamben opisuje pojam golog života kao tics directly affects the individual human and spatial experi- pod rekonstrukcijom, a njegovi privremeni podstanari bili su quences. To simplify, I’ll use the words of the young architect
ultrasuvremen, žrtveni život onih bez vlasništva, oblik poni- ence. Therefore no spatial experience is completely innocent evakuirani u centre za ilegalne migrante na Siciliji. Tada se u and writer Léopold Lambert, who wrote the introduction for
znog građanstva koje se nalazi u nekvalificiranom političkom or separated from politics, and one of the effective ways in mom istraživanju događa zaokret i fokusiram se na iskustva the publication Intermundia: If we sit at the edge of a bed,
podzemlju. Iako se u svijetu svedenom na tržišta i potrošnju which the politics operates is precisely the control or norma- autohtone zajednice, koja je povijesno obilježena transmedi- we are not creating the same political intensity as that, for
tradicionalno shvaćanje građanskog kao politički suverenog tisation of the spaces and the people in them. What is your teranskim migracijama. Osim klasičnih fotografskih, video i example, we crate while sitting in the street in the middle of
transformira za sve, danas u Europi najradikalniji gubitak view of this correlation of the political and the individual? audiosnimki razgovora s lokalnim protagonistima, integralni a demonstration. ¶ The genesis of the project Intermundia
političkih prava doživljavaju migranti. Nadalje, Giorgio Agam- Although your articulation and mediation of the problem dio terenskog istraživanja činili su i terenski zapisi. Primje- experienced several twists in an extremely short research and
ben za izbjeglicu, pojedinca, tvrdi da označuje, nosi politički seem logical, they are not typical of architecture. Can you rice, zvuk vjetra – dokumentiran u staroj gradskog luci među production period of only six months. Initially the project was
koncept granice u sebi. Ako razmislimo o vlastitome tijelu, also explain a bit further the genesis of the project and elabo- potopljenim, nasukanim brodovima iz Magreba, na mjestu koje supposed to deal with dry architecture, explore the typologies
uviđamo da u svakome trenutku života, čak i dok spavamo, rate your position on the nature of the media and goals of Lampedužani nazivaju Grobljem barki – poslužio je kao potka of refugee centers concentrated on the Italian territory, their
biramo prostor koji naše tijelo zauzima. Ti nužni izbori koje architecture in general? ¶ ana dana beroš — I consider the prostorno-zvučne instalacije na izložbi u Veneciji. ¶ Što se tiče urban and architectural characteristics and their evolution in

170 oris, broj 91, godina 2015. oris, number 91, year 2015 ana dana beroš, Intervju ana dana beroš, Interview 171
Cimitero delle Barche, CIE di Contrada
brodovi koji su se Imbriacola, prazni
nasukali prevozeći Centar za identifikaciju
izbjeglice, odbačeni i deportaciju imigranata
na cestu preko puta na Lampedusi koji je u
luke na mjesto koje trenutku istraživačkog
Lampedužani zovu boravka na otoku bio
Grobljem barki zatvoren radi obnove i
izgradnje dva dodatna
Cimitero delle Barche, paviljona, travanj 2014.
The boats that capsized
bringing the refugees, CIE di Contrada
dumped across the Imbriacola, Vacant
road from the port in Identification and
what Lampedusans call Expulsion Centre
The Boat Cemetery for immigrants
in Lampedusa,
(sž), (adb) temporarily closed
due to reconstruction
works and erection
of two new pavilions,
April 2014

(sž), (adb)

medija koje koristi arhitektura, mogu se složiti s mnogima kako the course of the 20th century. Due to the project’s exception- druge strane, dizajnerica Rafela Dražić Vam je važna partne-
je arhitektura danas postala transmedijska. Ne stvara se samo ally tight time and financial constraints, I decided to focus rica u projektu. Kako Vi vidite teme fluidnog prelaženja tema
Kroz snažnu dramaturgiju
u offline dimenziji, grubo rečeno od betona i cigle, nego i u on the Center for identification and deportation Contrada iz medija u medij, suradničkih mreža u kulturi i arhitekturi? dvominutnog čina koji se odvija
online sferi. U ostvarivanju ciljeva arhitekture svi mediji su Imbriacola on Lampedusa and travel to the island at the end ¶ ana dana beroš — Vjerujem kako se kreativna misao
dopušteni ili, bolje rečeno, nužni. Usudila bih se reći kako je of the world that is closer to the African mainland than to može razvijati jedino u odnosu s drugim i drugačijim mislima
unutar instalacije, zajedno
osnovna zadaća arhitekture artikulirati prostornu misao spo- Sicily. The new circumstance was that it was impossible to te kroz mogućnost sagledavanja pojava iz različitih očišta i s smo konstruirali višeosjetilnu
sobnu za postavljanje pitanja o gorućim problemima na druga- actually get into the Center since it was being reconstructred divergentnih pozicija. Razumijevanje takve poliperspektivno-
čiji način, a time i za stvaranje drugačije stvarnosti. Arhitektura during my field research, while its temporary tenants were sti ključno je za fluidno izmjenjivanje, nadopunjavanje medija
mora pružiti prostor za razumijevanje egistencijalnoga stanja evacuated to centers for illegal migrants on Sicily. At that unutar pojedinog konceptualnog okvira, unutar svih surad-
pojedinca i društva te konstruirati podlogu za dostojanstven moment a turn took place in my research and I focused on ničkih mreža. Osim Rafaele Dražić, koja je oblikovala golemu
život. Mi znamo tko smo i kamo pripadamo upravo pomoću the experiences of the indigenous community, historically unikatnu knjigu koja dokumentira politički narativ istraživa- Through the strong dramaturgy of
ljudskih konstrukcija, materijalnih i intelektualnih. marked by trans-Mediterranean migrations. Alongside the nja, ključni partneri u projektu su Bojan Gagić, multimedijalni
maroje mrduljaš — Pareleno s Vašim projektom, Ivana standard photographic, video and audio recordings of my umjetnik, te Miodrag Gladović, elektroakustični inženjer – the two-minute-long act taking
Dragičević i Dino Cepak snimili su dojmljiv dokumentarni interviews with local protagonists, an integral part of the field poznati kao dvojac lightune.g. Inovativnim istraživanjima u place inside the installation,
film Hotel Europa, koji se također bavi Lampedusom. Radni research was the so-called field-recordings. Such as the sound području luminoakustike, u kojima transformiraju svjetlosne
materijal za film koristite i u svom radu, kao i fotografije Ane of wind – documented in the old city harbour among the signale u zvučne slike, za projekt Intermundia stvorili su doj- together we have constructed
Mihalić koja se bavila temom imigranata u Hrvatskoj. Akti- sunk, stranded ships from the Maghreb, a place known among mljivu svjetlosno-zvučnu instalaciju koja potiče promatrača na a multisensory architecture
virali ste već postojeće radove i uključili ih u svoj rad. Nije the people of Lampedusa as the ships graveyard– served as neposrednu reakciju, potapajući ga u borbu za goli život. Kroz
toliko riječ o neposrednoj suradnji, nego više o dijeljenju. S a weft for the spatial sound installation at the exhibition in snažnu dramaturgiju dvominutnog čina koji se odvija unutar

172 oris, broj 91, godina 2015. oris, number 91, year 2015 ana dana beroš, Intervju ana dana beroš, Interview 173
Earth Paradise, točka Tu i tamo. Portret
iskrcavanja imigranata, mladog muškarca
nazvana najljepšom imena Prince Wale
plažom na svijetu. Iz Shonyiki, azilanta koji
dokumentarnog filma je napustio rodnu
Hotel Europa Ivane Nigeriju zbog obiteljske
Dragičević i Dinka tragedije koju su
Cepaka, Lampedusa, uzrokovali religijski
Italija, 2013. i etnički sukobi.
Fotografija prikazuje
Earth Paradise, Princea tijekom
Debarkment point for vremena opuštanja,
immigrants. Named a snimljena je u rijeci
the most beautiful Mrežnici u blizini
beach in the world. Zagreba
From documentary film
Hotel Europa, Ivana Here and there, The
Dragičević and Dinko portrait of a young
Cepak, Lampedusa, man called Prince Wale
Italy, 2013 Shonyiki, the asylee
who left his native
(dc) Nigeria due to a family
tragedy caused by
religious and ethnic
conflicts. The photo
shows Prince during his
leisure time, recorded
in the river of Mrežnica,
in the vicinity of
Zagreb, Croatia

instalacije, zajedno smo konstruirali višeosjetilnu arhitekturu. Venice. ¶ As to the media that architecture uses, I can agree Koolhaasov intelektualni utjecaj implicitno ili eksplicitno pri- important partner for you in the project. What is your view
Riječ je o arhitekturi koja se ne oslanja na jednodimenzionalne with many who say that architecture has nowadays become sutan u projektima i radovima na Bijenalu? Koliko je Bijenale on the fluid transfer of themes from one medium to the
perceptivne podražaje vidom, nego nas primiče k sebi osluški- transmedial. We don’t create only in the offline dimension, direktno kuriran, a koliko je njegova konzistencija posljedica other, on cooperation networks in culture and architecture?
vanjem, naglo odgurava zaglušivanjem te nanovo unosi unutar in concrete and brick, but in the online sphere as well. All inteligentno postavljene strukture i krovnih tema svake od ¶ ana dana beroš — I believe creative thinking can develop
doživljajnog prostora. media are allowed, or rather necessary, to attain the goals of sekcija izložbe? ¶ ana dana beroš — Koolhaasov osnovni only in relation to other and different ways of thinking, and
maroje mrduljaš — Sudjelovali ste na najvažnijoj svjet- architecture. I dare say that the fundamental task architecture uvjet bio je stvoriti Bijenale koji će više govoriti o arhitekturi through the possibility of observing phenomena from dif-
skoj izložbi arhitekture, a u radu na projektu imali ste priliku has is to articulate spatial thinking, thinking capable of ask- negoli o arhitektima. Pretpostavljam da se s vremenom razvila ferent perspectives and divergent positions. Understand-
neposredno surađivati s Koolhaasom i njegovim suradnicima. ing questions about burning issues in a different way, hence ambicija za postavljanjem izložbe koja će koristiti istraživanje ing such a multiplicity of perspectives is crucial for a fluid
Vama interakcija s vodećim protagonostima internacio- of also creating a different reality. Architecture must offer kao arhitektonski alat za razumijevanje izgrađenog okoliša, a exchange, for complementing the mediums within a con-
nalne arhitektonske debate i nije novost, s obzirom na vaše a space for understanding of the existential condition of an ne nužno prikazivati arhitektonske projekte. U svakoj od triju ceptual framework, within all cooperation networks. Besides
druge projekte, poput Think Space programa, no Koolhaas individual and of society, and must also construct a founda- komponenti izložbe Fundamentals, Koolhaasov tim trudio Rafaela Dražić, who designed the huge book documenting
i amo ipak su epicentar aktualne arhitektonske misli i oni tion for a life with dignity. We know who we are, and where se unijeti promjenu u odnosu na prethodne bijenale. Osim the political narrative of the research, my key partners in
koji postavljaju standarde. Možemo se slagati ili ne slagati we belong to, precisely through human constructions, both izložbe Elements of Architecture, koju je neposredno kurirao the project are the multimedia artist Bojan Gagić and the
s Koolhaasovim stavovima i pozicijama, ali je činjenica da je material and intellectual. sam Koolhaas, dosljednost cjelokupnog Bijenala posljedica je sound engineer Miodrag Gladović. Working together under
on taj koji otvara nova problemska pitanja, istražuje nove maroje mrduljaš — In parallel to your project, Ivana inteligentno postavljene i provedene strukture svake izložbe. the name lightune.g, this duo is known by their innovative
arhitektonske koncepte i pozicionira arhitekturu drugačije Dragičević and Dinko Cepak have made an impressive docu- ¶ Izložba u koju je bio uključen moj projekt Intermundia, multi- research in luminoacoustics, in which they transform light
od svih ostalih. Jednostavno se nalazi u poziciji prethodnice mentary entitled Hotel Europa, also dealing with Lampedusa. disciplinarni je izložbeni projekt u nastajanju, naziva Mondita- signals to sound images. For Intermundia they created an
u kojoj bi bio i sa i bez medijske pompe koja ga okružuje. You use the working material for the film in your work too, lia. Bila sam među četrdesetak predstavljenih autora ili autor- impressive light and sound installation that incites a direct
Kakva su bila Vaša iskustva rada na Bijenalu? Kako Vi vidite as well as the photographs of Ana Mihalić who explored the skih timova, posve autonomna u svojem istraživačkom radu, reaction in the observer, immersing him into a fight for bare
Koolhaasovu ulogu na Bijenalu? Mislim da je ovaj Bijenale theme of immigrants in Croatia. You have activated already produkciji i postavljanju instalacije. U konačnici, nagrađena life. Through the strong dramaturgy of the two-minute-long
jedan od najpreciznijih i najkonzistentnijih od svih dosa- existing works and included them in your work. It’s not so sam za taj rad posebnim priznanjem za istraživački projekt act taking place inside the installation, together we have con-
dašnjih izdanja i da je Koolhaasov koncept tako postavljen much about the direct cooperation, but more about shar- na otvorenju 14. Venecijanskog bijenala arhitekture, u lipnju structed a multisensory architecture. An architecture that
da on apsorbira i one koji mu pokušavaju izmaći. Koliko je ing. On the other hand, the designer Rafaela Dražić is an 2014. Iz razgovora s glavnim kustosom izložbe Monditalia, does not rely to one-dimensional perceptive visual stimulus,

174 oris, broj 91, godina 2015. oris, number 91, year 2015 ana dana beroš, Intervju ana dana beroš, Interview 175
Intermundia, Francuski but rather pulls us to itself through listening, suddenly pushes
paviljon, samostalna
us away through deafening garble, only to bring us back inside
izložba unutar
programa Kultura the experience space.
promjene Studentskog maroje mrduljaš — You have participated in the most
centra u Zagrebu,
important world exhibition of architecture, and during the
5. – 21.veljače 2015.
work on your project you have had the opportunity to directly
Intermundia, the cooperate with Rem Koolhaas and his associates. Interaction
French Pavilion, solo
with leading figures of international architectural debate is
exhibition within the
Culture of Change no news to you, considering other projects of yours, such as
programme of the the Think Space programme. However Koolhaas and amo
Zagreb Student Centre,
represent the epicentre of present architectural thinking
5–12 February 2015
and set the standards. We can agree or not with Koolhaas’
(dž) viewpoints, but the fact is that he is the one who is opening
new problem questions, exploring new architectural concepts
and positioning architecture differently than all the others.
He is simply in the position of forerunner, in which he would
be with or without the media frenzy that’s surrounding him.
What are your experiences of working at the Biennale? What
is your view of Koolhaas’ role at the Biennale? I believe this
Biennale is one of the most precise and the most consistent
versions organised so far and that Koolhaas’ concept was
set in such a way as to absorb even those who try to evade
Arhitektura mora pružiti prostor za it. To what extent is the intellectual influence of Koolhaas
implicitly or explicitly present in the projects and works at the
razumijevanje egistencijalnoga stanja Biennale? To what extent was the Biennale directly curated,
pojedinca i društva te konstruirati and to what extent is its consistency a consequence of the
intelligently set structure and the main themes of every sec-
podlogu za dostojanstven život. Mi tion of the exhibition? ¶ ana dana beroš — Koolhaas’ main
znamo tko smo i kamo pripadamo condition was that he should be able to create a Biennale that
would speak more of architecture than of architects. I presume
upravo pomoću ljudskih konstrukcija, that over the course of time an ambition had arisen to curate an
materijalnih i intelektualnih exhibition that would use research as an architectural tool for
understanding the built environment, and not necessarily pre-
sent architectural projects. In each of the three components of Ippolitom Pestellinijem Laparellijem, koji sam nedavno vodila Laparelli for the show Reality of Space on Croatian Radio, I Intermundia, Francuski
Architecture must offer a space the Fundamentals exhibition, the Koolhaas team tried to intro- za emisiju Stvarnost prostora Trećeg programa Hrvatskog learned that Rem Koolhaas’ intention was to create a public paviljon, samostalna
izložba unutar
duce a change in relation to the previous Biennales. Besides the radija, saznala sam da je intencija Rema Koolhaasa bila stvoriti space instead of exhibition space; to design an urban condition
for understanding of the existential exhibition Elements of Architecture, curated by Rem Koolhaas javni prostor umjesto izložbenog, odnosno umjesto dizajnira- at the Biennale, instead of designing an exhibition. The role of
programa Kultura
promjene Studentskog
condition of an individual and of himself, the consistency of the entire Biennale directly results nja izložbe projektirati urbano stanje na Bijenalu. Uloga Rema Rem Koolhaas was not only curatorial, he also had the func- centra u Zagrebu,
5. – 21.veljače 2015.
from the intelligent way in which the structure of every exhibi- Koolhaasa nije bila samo kustoska, selektorska, nego je imao i tion of a cultural planner. Of course, he and his curatorial team
society, and must also construct a tion was set and conducted. ¶ The exhibition that included my funkciju kulturnog planera. Naravno, on i njegov kustoski tim took care of the exhibition content, but they also tried to pay Intermundia, the
foundation for a life with dignity. We project, Intermundia, is a multidisciplinary work-in-progress brinuli su o sadržaju izložbe, no trudili su se brinuti i o sveuku- attention to the entire creative reorganisation of the Biennale, French Pavilion, solo
exhibition within the
exhibition project entitled Monditalia. I was one of around forty pnoj kreativnoj reorganizaciji Bijenala; uključili su sve njegove they included all of its departments in an unique architectural
know who we are, and where authors or teams presented, completely autonomous in my odjele u jedinstvenu arhitektonsku manifestaciju. Ideja repro- event. The idea of reprogramming the Biennale, which was on
Culture of Change
programme of the
we belong to, precisely through research work, production and installation set-up. In the end, I gramiranja Bijenala, koji je trajao gotovo punih šest mjeseci i for almost six months, during which the programmes of Bien- Zagreb Student Centre,
5–12 February 2015
was given a Special Mention for a research project at the vernis- tijekom kojeg su se izmjenjivali programi Bijenala plesa, filma, nale interchanged, including the Dance, the Film, the Theater
human constructions, both sage of the 14th Venice Biennale of Architecture in June 2014. kazališta i glazbe, nešto je što bi u budućnosti moglo postati and the Music Biennale, is something that in the future could (dž)
material and intellectual Having interviewed Monditalia’s chief curator Ippolito Pestellini novo naslijeđe Venecijanskog bijenala. become the new heritage of the Venice Biennale.

176 oris, broj 91, godina 2015. oris, number 91, year 2015 ana dana beroš, Intervju ana dana beroš, Interview 177

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