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A recent statement of cash flows for Colgate Palmolive

reported #928
A recent statement of cash flows for Colgate- Palmolive reported the following information (in
millions of U. S. dollars):Operating ActivitiesNet earnings ............ $ 1,957.2Depreciation ............
347.6Cash effect of changes inReceivables ............ (69.8)Inventories ............ (134.7)Other
current assets .......... (31.0)Payables .............. 125.2Other current liabilities ........ 43.8Net cash
provided by operations ... $ 2,238.3Required:Based on the information reported on the
statement of cash flows for Colgate- Palmolive, determine whether the following accounts
increased or decreased during the period: receivables, inventories, other current assets, and
payables.View Solution:
A recent statement of cash flows for Colgate Palmolive reported


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