Sample Midterm Examination: Ae2 Writing

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KEYS AND RUBRICS (for Instructors ONLY)

Task 1: The following text contains some problems with the writing style. Look at the 6 non-
academic phrases or sentences and edit them to make the text more academic. (30 pts)

Original word/phrase Possible edited word/phrase

0 we had overlooked We have overlooked/ have been overlooking
1 ‘80s 1980s
2 Lacking success The lack of success
3 mightn’t might not
4 In this literature review, I will consider This literature review considers
5 said noted/ indicated
6 Of course Obviously/ It is obvious that

Task 2: Read the following text and create a graphic display or an outline that categorizes the
points made in the text. (20 pts)

There are some common factors of cheating which need to be actively challenged.

1. Reasons for cheating

- Parental pressure

- Peer pressure

- Availability of the Internet

2. Solutions to cheating

- Parents accept and motivate their children

- Students recognize their peers’ improvement and effort . Teachers use the Internet properly

Task 3: Comparison/ contrast essay (50 pts)

Write a comparison/contrast essay (in about 350 words) about life in Vietnam now and a decade

ago. Pay attention to the use of academic language and a clear text structure.

Content All main points relevant to topic 15

Essay question fully answers

Organization Topic and purpose of the essay discussed in the introduction 15

Each main point discussed in a paragraph
All main points summarized and rephrased in the conclusion

Coherence Paragraphs ordered in a systematic manner based on, for example, 10

importance, priority, etc.
Compare/contrast transitions are properly used.

Style and Tone Formal writing with full forms 10

Polite writing
Academic vocabulary

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