Lab 2 AM Modulation ED Trainer PDF

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BENG 3761
Electronics Engineering Lab 3


1.0 Amplitude Modulation And Demodulation

2.0 Learning Outcomes:
1.0 Title: Amplitude Modulation

2.0 Learning outcomes:

After completing this lab, students should be able:

1. to produce an AM signal using ED-2950 Electronic Communication Trainer
2. to calculate the modulation index of the AM signal.
3. to explain the working principle of balanced modulator.

3.0 List of Equipments and Components:

1. ED-2900 Power Console (0~4 Vdc and 15V dc variable)

2. Module-type 2950A – signal source
3. Module-type 2950D – balanced modulator
4. Oscilloscope
5. Function Generator

4.0 Safety:
1. Do not touch any exposed wires or sockets.
2. Ensure that the equipments are cleaned on a regular basis.

5.0 Theory:

Amplitude Modulation (AM) is a process that a high-frequency carrier signal is modulated

by a low-frequency modulating signal (usually an audio). In amplitude modulation the
carrier amplitude varies with the modulating amplitude, as shown in Figure 5.1.



Figure 5.1: AM signal

If the audio signal is Vm cos( 2f m t ) and the carrier signal is Vc cos( 2f c t ) , the amplitude-

modulated signal can be expressed by:

V AM (t ) = Vc 1 + ma cos( 2f m t )cos( 2f c t ) (5.1)

where Vm = audio amplitude V c = carrier amplitude

f m = audio frequency f c = carrier frequency

m a= modulation index = Vm / Vc

Rewriting (5.1), we obtain

V AM (t ) = Vc ma cos( 2 ( f c + f m )t ) + cos( 2 ( f c − f m )t ) + Vc cos( 2f c t )


The first term on the right side of (5.2) represents double sideband signal and the second
term is the carrier signal. According to (5.2), we can plot the spectrum of AM modulated
signal as shown in Figure 5.2.
Figure 5.2 Spectrum of AM signal

In an AM transmission the carrier frequency and amplitude always remain constant, while
the sidebands are constantly varying in frequency and amplitude. Thus, the carrier
contains no information since it never changes. This means that the carrier power is a
pure dissipation when transmitting an AM signal. Thus, the transmitting efficiency of
amplitude modulation is lower than that of double-sideband suppressed carrier (DSB-SC)
modulation, but the amplitude demodulator circuit is simpler.

The m in (5.1), called modulation index or depth of modulation, is an important parameter.

When m is a percentage, it is usually called percentage modulation. It is defined as
ma =  100 % (5.3)
It is difficult to measure the ADC in a practical circuit so that the modulation index is

generally calculated by:

Vmax − Vmin
ma =  100 % (5.4)
Vmax + Vmin
where Vmax = Vc + Vm and Vmin = Vc − Vm , as indicated in Figure 5.1.

As mentioned above, audio signal is contained in the sidebands so that the greater the
sideband signals the better the transmitting efficiency. From (5.2), we can also find that
the greater the modulation index, the greater the sideband signals and the better the
transmitting efficiency. In practice, the modulation index is usually less or equal to 1. If m
a> 1, it is called over modulation.

A balanced modulator (ED-2950D) is a device where the output voltage is a product of an

input voltage and a carrier. The module –type ED-2950D contains an integrated circuit (LM
1496) . The two terminals (a) and (b) of the ED-2950D form the inputs to the multiplying
circuit, while the terminal (𝑎̅) is the bias input.

6.0 Procedures:

1. For the priliminary procedures, set the variable attenuator to 0 dB of the signal
source and knobs of the balanced modulator to minimum.
2. Apply the information signal with 300 Hz and 1 Vp-p to the balanced modulator
3. Apply the carrier frequency of 465 kHz to the balanced modulator (b).
4. Apply 1 V dc from the ED-2900 console to the input of balanced modulator (𝑎̅).
5. By varying the knob of balance (b), observe the output waveform at the output
balanced modulator (c). Comment your results and measure the modulation
6. Measure the amplitude of the information signal when the modulation index is
7. What will happen if the amplitude of the information signal is set to maximum?

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