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Part I


1.1 General introduction

Food is essential for human beings. Life cannot exist without food. People have different taste of
foods and different food habits depending upon their religion, ethnic, geographical, climatic,
seasonal, educational, economical, rural and urban situations (Kc, 2007) .
Traditional foods are those foods originating locally in an area with respect to the country,
region, and district or sub-district and concern with religions, castes etc. The definition includes
all indigenous food plants found in an area with regard to food products, vegetables, fruit trees
and yield products, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Indigenous foods are not formally
cultivated and are considered food for children and for the poor in rural areas (IGPRI, 1992).
In order that indigenous food can be promoted in a more sustainable way, it is imperative that the
knowledge of traditional food plants is encouraged (Ohiokpehal and Ramosweeu, 1999).
Traditional foods like gundruk, kinema, sinki, yamari etc. do not have any written documents
about their preparation, processing, and quality control methods. The teaching of food
preparation method is learnt by “doing and learning” system, which is taught by mother to the
daughter. The quality checking is performed by using their senses, e.g., by looking, .smelling,
touching and chewing (for taste). There is no standard scientific measuring system in such foods.
But even then, is judged by well-experienced experts of that area by using their sense organ
(K.C, 2007).

Nepal is a country of different culture, tribe, religion and races. They have their own food
habits oriented from their ancestors since time immemorial. They have their own traditional
method of food preparation and preservation, transferring from generation to generation.
Traditional food and food products with some exception are originated in Nepal. These
traditional food and food products are called indigenous food products. Among them some are
nutritious; some are used as appetizer while some have medicinal value etc. Some foods stand

for specific and special occasion and specific people. It is also necessary in ritual process and in
worshipping god (Personal communication, 2011).

Kasar is one of the special items made especially during the wedding ceremonies in Nepal.
This traditional food item is one of the most integral items of marriage in most of the Nepali
cultures. Its importance can be judged from the fact that a separate day is dedicated for making
kasar during the wedding preparations. Also, a kind of puja is performed on this day and this day
is usually known as Kasar Batarne Din for which the Hindu religious calendar (patro) is referred
to. Kasar is, thus, a popular food item which has been eaten by all the Nepalese at least once in a
lifetime and there rare are the people who have not heard about it. Although the Kasar (laddu) is
too hard, it still is most people’s favorite food item.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Every country has its own indigenous food products, which give its cultural identity. In the
context of our country there are many indigenous foods which are concern with specific ethnic
group and place like yamari, jand, gundruk, selroti, sinki, etc.

kasar is mainly prepared in marriage ceremony especially in Brahmin and cheetry

community. The way of making kasar varies from one region to another region. In some western
part of Nepal honey is used as a binding and sweetening agent in kasar, which has soft bite and
nutritious to some extend whereas in the eastern part of our country jaggery is used as a binding
and sweetening agent which has hard bite and less nutritious as compared to honey kasar. kasar
is being prepared from generation and the technology of production is being transferred from
generation to generation with little or no change by verbal communications. Lack of research and
development is the main problem for the promotion. Quality assurance with the quality of the
product is the major concern. At present, kasar is made in household level for direct
consumption in certain occasion. Still it is not commercialized with little technical assistance and
attention to the hygiene and quality it could be commercialized, thus generating income in the
rural areas.

1.3 Objective of the study

1.3.1 General objectives

To prepare and optimize kasar on the basis of data collected from the survey and perform
sensory and physiochemical analysis

1.3.2 Specific objectives

a) To prepare information about kasar from different part of Nepal
b) To perform physical and chemical analysis of ingredient used.
c) To prepare kasar
d) To perform sensory and physiochemical analysis of kasar being prepared.
e) To study the effect of raw material and process variation to the quality of kasar being prepared
f) To prepare and compare honey and jaggery incorporated kasar by sensory evaluation method.

1.4 Significance of the study

Nepal, being a member of WTO has to register indigenous product such as kasar. The first step
to claim the "Intellectual Property right" of kasar requires its scientific study. The traditional
method of kasar preparation technology should be commercialized and a proper packaging
system should be introduced. Present work helps to introduce kasar to the people as an important
indigenous food. It is a little step to promote the single indigenous food. Several such foods
which are only limited to the house hold level can be promoted. The data and results obtained by
this work can be used by those who will work related to it in future.

1.5 Limitation of the study

Since doing everything in a very short period, the work has some limitations.
a) Public survey was carried out among the selected population. So, it may not be the
representative of the whole population in general.
b)Only the Mansuli rice was studied for the Preparation of kasar.
c) Packaging of kasar for its self-life determination could not be performed due to shortage of
d) Microbiology of kasar could not be studied.

Part II
Literature review

2.1 Historical Background

Kasar has been prepared since antiquity. There is no any exact evidence of its introduction in
Nepalese community. The process of making kasar is done only in Brahmin and chhetry during
the occasion like Marriage and Bartamanda. The way of making kasar varies from place to
place. It is believed that kasar was made from ancient time .Before many years ago there was no
transportation, marriage daughter took long time to go to her house. For this their parents
prepared kasar as a food in the way during the hunger (Personal communication, 2019).
Kasar cannot be prepared except the occasion like marriage and Bratamanda. If it is prepared
in other time then it will be unfavorable. According to culture men are not involved in making
Kasar only the female should make by making two side plait hair (personal communication,
2019). It is also said that kasar is made in a marriage house to make a strong relationship
between bride and broom like a kasar.

2.2 Ingredients use for making kasar

The ingredients used for jaggery incorporated kasar are rice flour, Jaggery and small amount of
black peeper where for honey incorporated kasar, the major ingredients includes honey, rice
flour and small amount of black peeper.
2.2.1 Rice
Rice is the main crop of Nepal as well as of the world. The main diet of the Nepalese is also rice.
Fifty-five percent of the cultivated land of Nepal is covered with rice. Rice is cultivated in the
diverse eco-climatic ranges of Nepal at different altitudes, topography and climate. More than
half of the human population depends on rice for the food .Ninety percent of the rice grown in
the world is produced and consumed in Asia. There are different views about the origin of rice
by different scientists. As early as 1930 vavilov pointed out that the origin of the present rice in
south-East Himalayan region. Therefore, according to him the origin of rice of rice is in the south
east Asia, Indoa, China and Indonesia different types of rice are found. If we considered his view
the Himalayan range is also in Nepal. Rice belongs to graminae Family and Oryza genus. There

are 25 species of rice, out of 25 species 23 are wild type and two species are cultivated. The rice
of Asia, Europe and America is Oryza glaberrima. Rice cultivation has been done since the
beginning of the civilization, so there are thousands of varieties in the world(Mallick, 1981)
Rice (genus Oryza) is a plant of the grass family, which is a dietary staple of more than half
of the world’s human population. Rice cultivation is well situated to countries with low labour
costs and high rainfall, as it is very labor-intensive to cultivate and requires plenty of water for
irrigation. However, it can be grown practically anywhere, even on steep hillsides. Rice is the
world largest food crops, behind maize and wheat. The modern English word rice originates
from ancient Greek word “arizi” which in turn was brought from Tamil word of the same
pronunciation, indicating trade relationship between ancient Greeks and Tamil word of the same
pronunciation, strongly indicating trade relationships between ancient Greeks and Tamil(Grist,
1975). The principal rice producing countries are China, India, Pakistan, Japan and Indonesia,
Thailand, Myanmar and Philippines also produce large quantities of rice .Many variety of rice
are produced throughout the world .It has been estimated that there are approximately 7000
known varieties of rice(Johnson and Peterson, 1974). Production, distribution and consumption of rice

In Nepal, 4.16 million metric ton of paddy is produced from 1.5 billion hectare cropping area.
The productivity of paddy is increased from last 8 years(HMG/N,CBS,2003).World production
of rice has risen steadily from about 200 million tons of paddy rice in 1960 to 600 million tons
in2010 A.D. Milled rice is about 68% of paddy rice by weight. In the year 2000,the top 3
producer were china(3% of the world population), India(21%) and Indonesia(9%).World trade
figure are very different as only about 5-6% 0f rice produced rice produce is traded
internationally .The three largest exporting countries are Thailand(26%),Vietnam(15%),and the
united states(11%) while ,the largest three important are Indonesia(14%),Bangladesh(4%) and
Brazil(3%)(pokhrel,2008). The rest of Asia, America and Africa produce 37%, 5% and 3 %
respectively of the total world rice production (FAOSTAT,2007).
Rice, Oryzae sativa is the major agricultural produce of Nepal. In Nepal, the paddy cultivation is
done from 67 meter to 3050 meters altitude from the sea level (NARC, 2011).In Nepal rice is
cultivated since before Vedic time. The rice cultivation were mentioned in the ancient literature of
2800 BC , even though during that period they were aware of the important of the maturity days,

temperature ,water management, eating quality and nutritive value (Mallik,1981).Rice is cultivated
around the world ,in a broad range from 50°N to 40°S latitude and from sea level to over 2500 m of
altitude. Although, there is different climatic and geographical condition of different part of Nepal,
rice is cultivated from 100 meter above sea level to3050 meter altitude. Rice is now cultivated on 1.5
million hectare in Nepal, producing about 4.5 million tons of rice (MOAC, 2009).Nepalese rice
productivity ,about 3 tons/hectare ,is very low compared with leading rice producing countries and
lower than in in most south Asian countries (IRRI, 2006).
The amount of rice and rice-based products available for human consumption in the different
countries are almost parallel to the rice production. With minor expectations, practically all the rice
production is consumed within the producer’s countries. The highest daily rice consumption is
observed in Myanmar, with 795 g per capital. The highest daily rice consumption in the Asian
countries is 285 g per capita ,ahead of 44 g per capita of rice consumed in the development countries
(Infocomm,2007). In the last decade, rice consumption experienced a steady decrease in the
developed country: this tendency promoted the development of the new and innovative rice based
products (Wilkinson and Champagne, 2004). Structure and physical composition of rice

The paddy consists of an edible portion, the rice caryopsis and it’s covering structure the hulls or
husk (fig 2.3).The caryopsis is called brown rice because of its brownish color (pericarp)..The hull is
composed of cellulosic and fibrous tissues. The pericarp layer is thin with cross layer varying cell
shapes (Santroae,1933).The pericarp layer is highly impermeable to foreign material and gives
protection against enzymatic deterioration of underlying tissues. Beneath the pericarp is tegument,
rich in oil and protein (Julliano, 1972).Both the endosperm .Both the endosperm and embryo are
enclosed by the aleurone layer which lies beneath the tegmen. The aleurone layer may be composed
one to seven layer of parenchyma cell (Little, 1960).The embryo or germ is extremely small and is
located on ventral side of the caryopsis. The parenchyma cell of plumle and radicles, together with
epithelial cells, are filled within the minute protein granules and fat globules. The endosperm consists
of parenchyma cells, usually radically elongated and heavily loaded with compound starch grains.
Starch granules are present only in the endosperm of mature rice grain (Julliano,1972).Proteins and
fats are usually distributed in the aleurone layer (De,1965).During the milling operation seed coat
,germ and alleurone layer of the endosperm are also removed. The typical composition of paddy
grain by weight is: husk-14 %,bran-8%,Endosperm +germ-72 % (Bhole,1967).

Fig. 2.1 Longitudinal section of rice grain

-7- Chemical composition of rice
The composition of rice differs with the variety, the nature of the soil, environmental conditions
and fertilizers applied. The fat content of rice is low and most of it is removed in the process of
milling and is contained in the bran (Grist,1975).The average composition of both husked and
polished rice is given in table 2.1

Table 2.1 Nutrients content per 100g of polished rice

Parameters Amount Parameters Amount

Energy 1461 Kj (344 kcal) Amino acids
Water 12.9 g Arginine 570 mg
Protein 6.8 g Histidine 170 mg
Lipids 0.6 g Isoleucine 340 mg
Carbohydrates 77.8 g Leucine 660 mg
Fiber 1.4 g Lysine 290 mg
Minerals 0.5 g Methionine 170 mg
Phenylalanine 390 mg
Carbohydrates Threonine 280 mg
Sucrose 150 mg Tryptophan 90 mg
Lipids Valine 490 mg
Palmitic acid 110 mg
Stearic acid 12 mg Minerals
Oleic acid 220 mg Sodium 6 mg
Linolic acid 220 mg Potassium 105 mg
Linoleic acid 12 mg Magnesium 65 mg
Calcium 6 mg Magnese 2 mg
Iron 600 μg
Vitamins Manganese 2 mg
Vitamin E 70 μg Copper 130 μg
Vitamin B1 60 μg

Vitamin B2 30 μg zinc 500 μg
Nicotinamide 1300 μg Phosphorus 120 μg
Pantothenic acid 630 μg Fluoride 50 μg
Vitamin B6 150 μg Iodine 2 μg
Biotin 3 μg Selenium 10-70 μg
Folic acid 30 μg

(Source: Matthias B, 1999)

Table 2.2 Average composition of rice (% dry weight basis)

Husked milled (polished)

Carbohydrate 87.67 90.79

Protein 8.67 8.15
Fat 2.45 0.37
Crude Fiber 0.88 0.16
Ash 1.22 0.36

(Source: Matthias B, 1999)

The nutrient content of the polished rice is given in Table 2.2 The total fat content of milled
rice remained constant in either ordinary or hermetically storage under a wide range of moisture
and temperature conditions, but it gross composition nevertheless changed with an increase in
free fatty acid and decrease in natural fats and phospholipids (Pillaiyar, 1998). Rice protein

The major constituent of milled rice is starch, and it is most concentrated in the endosperm
portion of the kernel. Protein is the second most abundant constituent of the rice grain and is
unique among the cereal protein because at contains at least 80% of the gluten. Gluten has the
similar amino acid composition to milled rice protein, probably because of its major protein

fractions. the protein content of rice of any variety can vary considerably even when grown at
same location. The effect of differences in protein contents of the milled rice on their nutritive
quality shows that protein quality tended to decrease as protein content increased (Whitaker and
tannenbaum, 1977).The rice protein fractions are given below in table 2.3

Table 2.3 Rice protein fraction

Proteins / Glycoproteins Amount of total protein

Soluble fractions
Albumins (water soluble) 10.8 %
Globulines (salt-soluble) 9.7 %
Prolamines (70%-ethanol soluble) 2.2 %
Insoluble fraction
Glutelins 77.3 %
(Source: Matthias B, 1999)

Protein of rice occurs mainly in protein bodies of the endosperm. Whole milled rice protein as
almost the major composition as the protein bodies. About 80 % of the protein in the milled rice
is the alkali soluble protein, glutein. Among the cereal grains, rice is unique since it contains
high amount of glutelins and low prolamine contents(5 %).The lysine content of the rice protein
is relatively high (3.5-4.0%) due to the low level of prolamine. The latter is nutritionally poor
quality fractions (Anglemier and Montogomery,1976).The main protein is oryzenin .The protein
content of milled rice is low in comparison with other cereals, although the whole rice grain
contains about the same quantity as wheat. The protein is rich in arginine but in other cereals
poor in lysine and threonine (Grist, 1975). Determination of crude protein

For the determination of nitrogen, first the protein content of materials may be calculated
.Proteins are complex organic substances consisting of chains of amino acids. They are major
constituents of all living cells, both plants and animal. The nitrogen content of different protein is
nearly alike and is approximately 16 %, hence multiplying the nitrogen estimated by the factor
6.5 yields the amount of protein. In certain cases as, for examples, casein, a higher factor, namely

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6.38 is used for this conversion and more nearly represents the true proportions of nitrogen in
this cases. The estimation of nitrogen is generally done by a modified Kjeldahl digestion method.
The digestion should be done only in a hood with a good draught. This method depends upon the
decomposition of organic nitrogen compounds by boiling with sulphuric acid. The carbon and
hydrogen of the organic material are oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. A part of sulphoric
acid is simultaneously reduced to sulphur dioxide, which in turn reduces the nitrogenous material
to ammonia. The ammonia combines with the sulphuric acid and remains as ammonium sulphte,
a substances with a high boiling point. The ammonia is subsequently liberated by the addition of
sodium hydroxide ;is distilled into a known amount of standard acid and the excess acid is
estimated by titration with standard alkali(Jaccobs,1958).The level of essential amino acids of
milled rice is given below in table 2.4.

Table 2.4 Level of essential amino acids of milled rice

Essential amino acids Protein %

Isoleucine 4.13
Leucine 8.24
Lysine 3.80
Methionine 3.37
Methionine+ Cystine 4.97
Phenylalanine 6.02
Threonine 4.34
Tryptophan 1.21
Valine 7.21
(Source: Whitaker and Tannenbaum, 1977) Minerals in rice
The ash distribution in brown rice is not homogeneous: 51 % is found in bran, 10 % in germ,11%
in polish and 28% in milled rice. Rice also contain phytate, an inhibitor of mineral absorption
(especially iron and zinc).The content of the phytate is at high level (120mg/100g) even in milled, although the populations average minerals intake was at a high level, there is a much
disease with a mineral deficiency (Liang,2003).

- 11 - Uses of rice
Rice flour has historically been used in baby foods and extruded rice crispies. In recent years,
more rice flour is being used in cereals, chips, snacks and coating application to provide different
textures. Texture can be altered dramatically depending on the types of flour used .It is widely
used in the preparation of sauces and gravies for the preparation of soya rice to make fried rice,
frozen cooked rice (sagefoods,2005).Rice is used in rice milk, rice puddings, rice vinegar, rice
wine etc. (Tripsofallsorts,2005). Nutritional benefits of rice

Rice is an excellent food to help in keeping our body healthy. Rice has the following
nutritional benefits:
a) Excellent source of carbohydrate and energy
Good nutrition is vital to everyday performance, and eating more carbohydrate rich means
having more energy. Rice is an excellent source of carbohydrates. Carbohydrate provides energy
to the fuel working muscles and feed the brain to enhance concentration. Carbohydrates are not
normally converted to body fat, as they are body preferred sources of energy. Carbohydrates are
broken down to glucose, most of which is used as energy for exercise and as essential fuel for the
brain (Kondidin, 2005)
b) Low in fat, salt and has no cholesterol
The Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend eating plenty of breads and cereal. Rice
Rice is an excellent food to include in a balanced diet. It is low in total fat and saturated
fat, is cholesterol free, and contains negligible amounts of sodium.. Rice is also cholesterol
free, therefore it is an excellent food to include in a cholesterol lowering diet. Brown rice
contains a small amount of bran oil (kondidin, 2005)
c) Gluten free
Some people are unable to tolerate the proteins found in wheat, barley, rye and oats. People
choose the foods that are gluten free. All rice is gluten free, making rice the essential choice for
people with gluten free dietary requirements (kondidin, 2005).

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e) Low glycemic Index
Worldwide research has shown that different carbohydrate foods have dramatically different
effects on blood sugar levels .The glycaemic index was developed as a mean of ranking foods
based on their immediate effect on blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates which break down quickly
during digestion have the highest GI factors >Health benefits of Low GI food results in lower
insulin levels which makes fat easier to burn and less likely to be stored ,and reduce appetite and
help to sustain endurance exercise for longer (kondiin,2005) Variety of rice

Rice is categorized into long, medium or short grain. The amount of amylose, a starch present in
rice will determine how stickily and fluffy the rice grains will turn out after being cooked. Long
grain rice is 4 to 5 times as long as the width. It is slender and whitish. When long grain is
cooked, grains remain separate and fluffy the rice grains will turn out after being cooked .It is
good choice for main dish, side dish or salad recipes. Medium grain rice means grain just in
between the long and short grains. It is about 2 or 3 times as long as the width. Short grain rice is
almost round and plump and it has the highest amylose content among t he 3 types of grains
(Tripsofallsorts, 2005).
The different varieties of rice differ greatly in their composition of starch (amylose and
amylopection).All these various types and forms of flour provide different functionality. Long
grain rice flour (22 % amylose) known as the standard rice flour used in coating applications and
many of the clear coatings currently found on French fries. Medium grain rice flour (18%
amylose) can be used in the simple applications as long grain flour ,but provides an even lighter
texture and much more expansion when puffed (Sagefoods,2004) Grading
Rice grading is useful tool for one assessment of the value of grain. It is important for both
producer and farmer to get the best grade and price for the quality of the product. Grading and its
standards are necessary in the marketing process they furnish the means describing varieties in
quantity and conditions. It also provides a basis for merchandizing contracts, for quoting prices
and incentives to famers to produce better crops .Good milling results and their storage ability
can only be obtained when rice or grain is graded (Araullo et al.,1972).FAO has recommended

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FAO has recommended the standard for rice in international trade (1972) and classified on the
basis of size and shape and weight as mentioned below.
a.On the basis of length of rice
Extra Long : Milled kernel having length of 7mm
Long : Milled kernel having length of 6-6.99 mm
Medium : Milled kernel having length of 5-5.99mm
Short : Milled rice having length of less than 5mm.
b. On the basis of shape or l/b ratio
Slender : More than 3
Medium or bold : In between 2 and 3.
Round or short : Less than 2
c. On the basis of 1000 kernel weight
Extra heavy : 25 grams
Heavy : 20-25 grams
Moderately heavy : under 20 grams.
FAMSD 1977 of Nepal have also classified the rice bases on l/b ratio as;
Fine : 3 or more
Medium : 2.5-2.9
Coarse : Less than 2.5
Mixed : Contains more than 20% of different varieties.
Special superfine: Aromatic or scented varieties irrespective of l/b ratio Variety of rice for the preparation of Kasar
There is no specified rice for its preparation but Mansuli rice is preferred. The coarse variety of
rice is also used for its preparation. New rice is preferred to obtain good quality of
kasar(Personal communication,2019).

2.2.2 Rice flour

Like wheat or rye, white or brown rice can easily be ground into flour after hulling. Rice flour is
primarily made from broken polished rice and generally whiter then wheat or rye flour .In
addition, it is usually ground more finely. Rice flour is made by grinding whole or broken grains.
However, a mixture of pearling-cone milled from the residue left from polishing the rice grains

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and very small broken rice is also referred to as rice Flour. There are two sorts of rice flour for
human consumption which are distinguished by the types of rice and its starch components. The
first type is made from glassy, hard grains, the type of rice often cooked at home and second,
from glutinous rice flour lends a slightly rubbery texture to dough. It is used for thickening white
sauces and deserts. Products made from glutinous rice flour are well suited to freezing because,
unlike many other starches, it does not separate and lose moisture when thawing. There is a
major difference rice flour and most other grains flours. Rice flour cannot be use for baking. The
reason for this has to do with its chemical composition. Although rice flour contains great deals
of starch, it does not contain protein gluten, which is a structural component of dough. The
protein contained in rice has a different composition than wheat protein
insure whiteness. The proximate composition of rice flour is given below in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5 Proximate composition of rice flour

Chemical Composition Range Average

Protein 6.0-9.0% 7.5%
Fat 0.4-1.0% 0.8%
Crude fiber 0.3-1.0% 0.7%
Ash 0.6-0.8% 0.7%
Moisture 8.5-13.0% 11.0%
carbohydrate 77-81 % 79.3
(Source: Pokhrel, 2008) Different products from rice flour

Rice flour does not contain gluten and therefore its dough cannot retain gases during baking as
wheat flour does. Therefore, rice flour is widely used in making baby foods, breakfast cereals,
unbaked biscuits, snack foods, pancakes and waffles. Rice flour products are exemplified by the
following foods: yuanzi is a popular food in china. It is made from glutanious rice flour and
water by adding sweet or savory fillings to the rice dough. The quality of yunazi preparation
depends on the amylopectin content, the flour particle size and recipe for the fillings. Yunazi is
fried with vegetable oil or thoroughly cooked in boiling water and served with sugars and other
condiments. Rice-flour products are exemplified by the following foods: yuanzi (or tong yuan) .

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Rice bread is a good substitute for other gluten-containing cereal flour, as some people are
allergic to these flours. The medium and short grain rice varieties are preferable to the long grain
type for making rice bread. Formulation is important in making rice bread by adjusting the level
of sucrose ,yeast, water, nonfat dry milk, and other additives (Lu and Bor,1991). Processed foods

a) Rice noodles
Rice noodles are called mi fen in Chinese, sen mee in Thai, and harusame in Japanese .Mi fen is
often produced from non- glutanious rice by soaking, grinding, steaming, kneading and drying. If
dehydrated it can be stored up to two years. In Thailand mung bean is added to rice to make a
special rice noodle called fung-shu (tong-fun) that is more resistant to texture changes during
reconstitution. In Asia. rice noodles are consumed in soups or as snacks. Mi fen is served with
water, meat or chicken, green vegetable, soy sauce and other ingredients (Alford ,et al.,1998) .
b) Rice snacks

Rice snacks have an attractive taste; flavor, texture, and aroma. They are often made from
glutinous rice because of its sticky characteristics and easy expansion into a porous texture.
However ,non-glutinous rice also can be used for making some rice snacks (pokhrel,2008).The
rice cracker is a typical rice snacks. The Japanese soft rice cracker made from glutinous rice is
called arare or okaki in comparison with the less popular and tougher senbei. The production of
rice cracker is now developed as a continual process that takes place within 3-4 hours. To add
flavors and colors to rice flour following ingredients are often added :seaweed, sesame, red
peepers, sugar, food pigments and spice. Moreover, high quality ,refined oil should be used for
oil-fried cracker (pokhrel,2008)
c) Rice cakes
Rice cakes are popular in China, Japan, and other Asian countries. They can be made either from
glutinous or non-glutinous rice by soaking and steaming. Before steaming various ingredients
can be added for more flavor, such as sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate, crushed radish, crush
mung bean and crushed taro (Pokhrel,2008).There are many other types of rice cakes made in
Asia. For example biko, cuchinta, puto, suman, and other rice cakes are made in Philippines
(pokhrel, 2008).

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d)Rice pudding
Rice can be made into creamy puddings by mixing cooked rice with milk and sugar. Indian
consumers sweeten rice pudding with palm sugar. Rice puddings were serve to the rich during
the time of ancient Romans. Now, rice pudding has become a popular dish for children. A
delicious Chinese pudding is the Eight Jewel Rice pudding, Prepared from eight different kinds
of fruits and steam glutinous rice with honey (Te-Tze,200).
e) Quick cooking rice
The preparation and cooking of conventional rice take about one hour. Now, quick cooking
rice product is popular in developed countries, such as Japan, the United States, and other
western countries. Completely precooked rice requires five to fifteen minutes of cooking. To
produce quick cooking rice, rice should be precooked by gelatinizing the rice starch in water or
steam and then dried. Quick-cooking rice is mainly produced by the soak boil-steam-dry,freeze-
thaw-drying,expansion-pre-gelatinalization,and gun puffing methods (Lewis,1966).
f) Canned and Frozen rice
For convenience of consumption, canned and frozen rice are produced in Japan, Korea, United
States, and other countries. After precooking, canned rice is sold by wet pack and dry pack. The
preparation of frozen cooked rice includes soaking, draining, steaming, boiling and freezing. To
serve the frozen cooked rice, microwave heating is a common practice. Frozen rice also can be
made freeze dried rice by sublimation under high vacuum. The rice has a long storage life of one
to two years (De Datta, 1987).
g) Rice breakfast cereal
Some rice breakfast cereals require cooking before eating, while others can be eaten directly.
They commonly fortified with minerals and heat soluble vitamins, such as niacin, riboflavin, and
pyridoxine. The ready-to-eat breakfast cereals includes oven puffed, gun puffed, extruded and
shredded rice. Oven puffed rice is made from soft grain rice with sugar and salt by cooking,
drying, tempering, enriching and packaging. Gun puffing is a traditional method and is still
practiced in some Asian countries such as China. The procedure consists of heating, cooking
with high pressure in a sealed chamber or gun, and suddenly releasing the high pressure. Because
of lack in continuity in processing, gun puffing is less popular developed countries. Instead of
making extruded rice have high and continuous production rates, great versality in product
shape, and ease of controlling product density. The production of extruded rice can be

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accomplished by extruding superheated and pressurized dough. Shredded rice is produced by
washing, cooking, drying, tempering, shredding, fortifying, and packaging (Chang, 2000).
h) Baby foods
Rice has highly digestible energy, net protein utilization, and low crude fiber content .Therefore
it is suitable for baby food. The key to making these types of cereal is ease of ensuring
reconstitution with milk or formula without forming lumps. Ingredients in the baby food includes
rice flour, rice polishing, sugar, dibasic calcium phosphate, glycerol monosterate (emulsifier),
rice oil, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin or niacin amide. Sometimes, fruit is added to these
precooked rice cereals (wood,, 1999). Some Nepali traditional foods from rice

a) Bhakka
Bhakka is indigenous food of Nepal. It is prepared from rice flour. Mainly it is consumed by low
class family in the market and also consumed specially by Morangia Tharu. They serve it as a
breakfast, lunch, dinner as staple food. It is hot served with chutney, salt, milk, tea, vegetable
curry, tomato and chili sauce, meat, fish, salad etc. It may also be stored for two to three days
and hot served after resteaming. It is generally prepared and sold during winter seasons. The
weight of selling bhakka was found to be 25gm to 50 gm. (Pokhrel, 2008).
b) Selroti
It is a doughnut-shaped, deep fried rice confection indigenous to Nepal. Normally, it is prepared
in festive occasions and rituals like Tihar, Pooja, Bratavanda, and Kajkriya .But nowadays it is
available almost all times of hat-bazaars (local market) and cities. The main ingredients used for
making selroti are rice flours, sugar, ghee and refined oil. The process of manufacturing and the
ingredients used depends on the availability of raw materials and differ from place to place. In
some places people uses recipe banana, curd and cream as an improver. Finely grand rice flour,
sugar and ghee are mixed properly and fried in ghee or vanaspati (Pradhan,2008).
d) Chuira
Chuira or beaten rice flakes is a very common food item in Nepal. It is precooked, has crispy
texture and is in a ready to serve form. It is eaten as a snack or as a full meal with pickle, meat,
vegetables, beans, curd, milk etc. It is famous in all communities especially in Newar, Brahmin,
Chhetri, Rajbanshi, Choudhary etc. Special course variety of rice is suitable for chuira

- 18 -
productions. Researchers shows that chuira making incurs loss of minerals like calcium and iron
(kharel, 2010)
e) Bhuja
Bhuja or murai is a puffed rice product. It is mainly consumed snack in the terai belt of Nepal.
The term murai is derived from the term mura, which means “puffed”. The nutritional value is
similar to that of rice. It is mainly used by Tharu and Chaudhary ethnic groups of Nepal. For
them it is very important food items in marriage ceremony, festivals and other occasions. Murai
is also used for the preparation of chatpate, a peppery snack sold by vendrols in local markets.
The food goes well with all types of dishes. It is generally prepared from long variety rice
Oryzae indica (, 2010). Effect of cooking on nutritional value

Cooking reduces the mean true digestibility (TD) of protein in growing rats from 99.7 to 88.6 %
for milled rice of a waxy variety IR 29 (8.1% crude protein) and two non-waxy varieties IR32
(7.5 % protein) and IR480-5-9 (11.2 % protein) (Aykroyd,1940).However corresponding
increase in biological value (BV) from 67.7 % to 78.2 % was noted ,which gives slightly higher
net protein utilization (NPU) for two of the three rice as cooked rice (Clarke,1982).The
nutritional value of not washing rice before cooking is now clearly evident. It is most desirable to
distribute sanitary cleaned whole rice to households. The practice of cooking rice in excess of
water which causes loss of nutrients in gruels has arisen out of necessity. If the gruel is left
behind, the cooked rice is pasty mass that is difficult to digest. The solid loss in excess cooking
water is more when the rice is cooked in a vessel directly over fire Educational efforts are
required to introduce improved household practices in rice washing and cooking (Pillaiyar,1988)
a) Steam cooking
Cooking is the application of heat to food the purpose of making it more digestible, softer to eat,
more palatable and to change the appearance to cook food it must be introduces into food
(metacalf and Lund,1985).Heat applied in cooking destroys bacteria dangerous to man such as
those causing dysentery, salmonellosis, and streptococcus food infection. A temperature of 60°C
over 30 minutes or more minutes kills most pathogenic germs. However, some spores and the
toxin produced by staphylococcus aurous a common cause of food poisoning are not destroyed
by usual cooking temperature .The time necessary for heat to penetrate into food material partly

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determines the method of cooking and best cooking temperature (Alford,,1998).Starchy
foods which contains much water are usually cooked at relatively high temperatures. The PH of
hydrogen concentration is also important in starch cooking. As starches are heated their granules
also absorbs water and become firm gelatinize. Starch mixture with both high and low pH values
gelatinize more rapidly than those with intermediate pH values. Those same high or low pH
mixtures also breakdown starch more rapidly by destroying the starch cell (Metacalf and Lund,
Cooking time-temperature and equipment are selected to maximize flavor, develop appetizing
appearance and retain as much as possible of the odor, nutrients, vitamins and water in food
materials. The section of a cooking method often represents a compromise. Heat is transferred to
food from heat sources by three principal methods, conduction, convection and radiation.
Convection heating refers to heating which is brought about by movement and circulation of hot
liquid or gasses and called the moist heating. Usually to high flesh foods appetizing appearance
and retain as much as possible of the odor nutrients, vitamins and water in food materials. The
section of a cooking often represents a compromise. Usually to high flesh foods are cooked in
steam or liquid the moisture and heat together serving the connective tissue (Metacalf and Lund,
1985).Cooking by steam can be accomplished by equipment in which live steams surrounds the
food material. It can be free venting, the steam escaping into the atmosphere. In such a case the
steam is called the atmospheric pressure (Alford,, 1998).

2.2.3 Jaggery
Jaggery is the sugarcane based traditional sweetener, which is produced in addition to the sugar
(Thakur, 1999).These traditionally sweetener are the natural mixture of sugar and molasses. If
Pure clarified sugar juice is boiled, what is left as solid in jaggery. Jaggery is available in market
in three forms namely solid jaggery, liquid jaggery and granular jaggery (Mungare et al., 1999)
Sugarcane juice is an opaque Liquid and varies in colour from gray dark green to light yellow
depending upon the colour of cane. In addition to the various nutritional constituents it also
contains mud, wax and various other soluble and insoluble impurities. To maintain proper
quality in jaggery, all the soluble and insoluble undesirable fractions should be removed (Rao, 2006)

- 20 - Chemical composition of jaggery
Jaggery composition may vary according to cane variety, geographical location etc. The
Principal constituents of jaggery are sugars, salts, Organic acids, fat and other organic non sugars
such as proteins. The chemical composition of jiggery is shown in table 2.6

Table 2.6 Chemical composition of jaggery

Parameters Value
Moisture content, g 3.9
Crude protein, g 0.4
Total ash, g 0.6
Fat, g 0.1
Total carbohydrate, g 95
Energy Kcal 3834
Ca, mg 80
P, mg 40
Fe, mg 11.4
(Source: HMG-NEPAL, 2043) Health benefits of jaggery

Jaggery a particularly wholesome sugar, since it retains more mineral salts than refined sugar and
it is made without chemical agents. Indian Ayurvedic medicine considers jiggery beneficial in
treating throat and lungs infections. It was found in rats jaggery can prevent lung damage from
particulate matter such as coal and silica dust. Jaggery is healthier then refined sugar, as it was
not introduced in the blood rapidly (Sahu and Saxena, 1994)
Some of the benefits of jaggery are
a) Jaggery is rich in important mineral like salts, magnesium which strengthens our nervous
systems and helps to relax our muscles and relief from fatigue and take care of our blood cells
b) Jaggery with selenium acts as an antioxidant, potassium and sodium present in it maintain the
acid balance in the body cells and control blood pressure.
c) Jaggery is also rich in iron and helps to prevent anemia. It also helps to relief tension; take
care of asthma as it has anti-allergy properties.

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d) Jaggery helps clean the digestive tract, intestines, lung, food pipe and stomach as well as
respiratory tracts
e) Jaggery activates stomach enzymes, speeding up the digestion process.
f) It is good for migraine and is good for girls those who do not get free flow at the time of
g) During post pregnancy, it has great benefits to perform to remove all clotted blood from the
body of women within post 40 days after the birth of a baby.
h) It consists of moderate amount of calcium, phosphorous and zinc and therefore helps to purify
the blood ,prevents rheumatic ,afflictions and bile disorder. It is also helpful to cure jaundice.
i) Jaggery mixed with water is known to provide relaxation to muscle, nerve and help in getting
rid of fatigue.
j) Jaggery is used in preparing toffees and cakes made with pumpkin preserve, cashew nuts,
peanuts and spices.
l) It helps to reduces water retention in the body and therefore helps to control weight of the
m) Jaggery is a more complex form of carbohydrate than plain sugar. So, it is digested and
absorbed gradually. This provides warmth and energy for a longer period without harming the
internal organs.(Anon,2011)

2.2.4 Honey
Honey is the saccharine product by the bees from the nectar of flower (Pearsons, 1976). Honey is
a complex nutritional sweetener composed mainly of carbohydrates (60-85%) and water (12-
13%). It also contains small amount of other compounds, such as organic acids, minerals,
vitamins, enzymes, proteins, amino acids, millard reaction products ,volatile compounds, and
several bioactive substances (phenols and flavonoids) , as well as pollengrains (Almeida-
Muradian et al.,2004).
Freshly collected honey is a viscous liquid, has a greater density than water, a strong
hygroscopic character, relatively how heat conductivity, a low surface tension and various colors
that are basically all nuances of yellow amber (Krell, 1996; Schmidt, 1996; Adriana et al.,1999).

- 22 -
It has been also claimed to have therapeutic properties in the treatment of digestive, respiratory,
cardiac and rheumatic disorders (Pereira et al., 1998) and inhibits the growth of fruits (Jan and
Lee, 1990).
The largest portion of honey composition represents carbohydrates, where glucose and
fructose are the most abundant sugar found (Clizmark et al., 2004) and has a high sugar content
(Hak-Gil et al., 1988). Honey also contains proteins that include a number of enzymes and 18
other free amino acids, of which the most abundant one is proline 50-85 % (Isidro et al., 2003;
Dustmann, 1993). The change in the composition and properties of honey depends on the floral
and honeydew sources collected by honeybees, as well as on regional and climatic conditions.
Therefore, some of the physiochemical parameters have been studied for their uses in the
identification of the botanical and geographical origin of honey (Diego et al., 2005; Cordella et
al., 2002). of Nectar into Honey by the Honeybee
The way in which nectar is transferred by the forager bee to the house bee and how the house bee
is then actively engaged in the processing of nectar into honey bee has been described
(Maurzio,1980).The active part played by the house bee involves the concentration of nectar by
rapidly pumping out from the honey stomach a thin film of liquid onto the end of it's proboscis,
thereby exposing the nectar to the warm dry air of the hieve for the evaporation. When the
concentration of the sugars in the nectar reaches approximately 60%(w/v).It is then deposited
into the cells of the comb(Park,1993).This is then referred to as unripen honey.
The passive part played by the house bee involves the evaporation of the excess water from this
unripen honey in the combs. It takes on average one to three days fot the water content of the
ripening honey to reach 20% or less. This depends on the level of cells filled, the amount of air
moment, temperature and the relative humidity of the hive .It is known that the house bee adds
the enzymes diastase, invertase and glucose oxidase (Rinaudo and ponezetto,1973) and these will
be reviewed elsewhere in the introduction extraction and processing of honey. Moisture content
The average moisture content of four hundred and ninety samples of honey was 17.2%(White
and Rudyj,1978). The amount of water present in honey determines it's stability against
fermentation and granulation (Dyce, 1980). when six Australian honeys were stored at 500ºC
,darkening of honey colour was not accompanied by appreciable change in the nitrogen

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content(wotton, Edwards et al.,1976). The amount of sugar and free amino acids in honey were
not clearly related to the extent of darkening (white, 1980). As honey is a very hygroscopic
product, it is important to avoid environmental moisture uptake during honey processing and
packaging (White, 1975). Carbohydrates content Glucose and fructose constitute about 85% of the honey solids.
The presence of sugars such as erlose,isomaltose,maltulose,turanose,nigerose,kijibose,Y-
trehelose,gentibiose ,sucrose and maltose have been reported(White and Maher,1953). Minerals content
The three aspects of the ash content of honey are: the amount of total ash, the amount of
principal constituents and the identities of minor metallic constituents, which occurs extremely in
small constituents. (Mclellan,1975) reported that there was generally more potassium in honey
then calcium, magnesium or sodium due to rapidity of potassium secretion by plants. Vitamin content
The following vitamins occur in the honey: thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, ascorbic acid,
pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid and vitamin k. The amount of vitamins vary to
large extent between sample of similar honey and also of different honey types(White,1978). Proteins content
Honey protein originates from honey bees and plant origin. The plant origin of honey protein
could be the nectars from different floral pollens.(White and Kushnir ,1966) separated between
four to seven protein fractions by the technique of gel filtrations, starch gel electrophoresis and
ion exchange chromatography. These researchers used the crude protein precipitations from
eleven floral honeys and honey produced by sugar feeding to the bees. From these results the
above author deduced that four fractions appeared to originate from the bee and two of these had
molecular weights 40000 and 24000.while those fractions that were originated from plants were
of 98000 or greater than 400000 molecular weight. Colors of honey
The colorants of honey, maple, syrup, caramel solution and other sugar products are
similar(Brice et al.,1956).These researcher have also carried out an extensive physical
examination of the colour of honey. The changes in the amount of sugars and free amino acids in
honey were not clearly related to the extent of darkening.

- 24 - Nutritional benefits of honey
One tablespoon of honey (21 grams) contains 64 calories and 17 grams of sugar, including
fructose, glucose, maltose and sucrose
a) It contains virtually no fiber, protein and fat
b) High quality honey is rich in antioxidant
c) Honey is less bad then sugar for diabetics patients
d) The antioxidant present in honey helps to reduce the blood pressure of the patients
e) Honey promotes burnt and wound healing
f) Honey can help to suppress the cough in children. so, it is taken as medicine

2.2.5 Black peeper

Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) popularly known as “The King of Spices”. By its nature it is
spicy, aromatic and carminative due to the presence of piper amides which are the pungent
bioactive alkaloids. It is a natural antioxidant. It contains mainly vitamin A, C, E, K, niacin and
B-carotene and trace of mineral such as iron, calcium, phosphorous. The amino acids contained
by black peeper, works for enhancing the bioavailability of nutrients.
amino acids contained by black pepper.
Ascorbic-acid (0-10 ppm), Beta-carotene (0.114-0.128 ppm), Lauric-acid (400-
447 ppm), myristic-acid (700-782 ppm), palmitic-acid (12,200-13,633 ppm), piperine (17,000-
90,000 ppm) are the component present in black peeper.(Maralidhar and Goswami 2012)
reported that the black pepper is an antioxidant phenolic compound and contain main flavour
ingredient is piperine. Piperine the active ingredient in peeper, exerts substantial analgesic and
antipyretic effects. The essential oil of peeper is found to be inhibitory to vibrio cholera
Staphylococcus albus, Clostridium diphthereae, Shigella dysenteriae, Streptomyces faecalis,
Bacillus spp, Pseudomanas spp, etc. Pepper leaf oil also exhibits antifungal activity.

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Part III
Materials and methods

3.1 Raw materials and sources

The Mansuli rice (new) was brought from Urlabari (Home). Honey, jaggery and black peeper
were bought from local market of Itahari. Equipment necessary for its preparation were weighing
balance (digital), frying pan, Punyu, Nanglo, loro.

3.2 Methodology

3.2.1 Preparation of rice

Rice was taken. Stones, husks and paddy were separated from it..
3.2.2. Roasting of rice
The rice was roasted in a pan until the appearance of brown red colour. Generally roasting is
done at 150 °C for about 15-18 minutes.
3.2.3 Preparation of rice flour
Roasted rice was grinded in the grinder. Flour was then Sieved through the sieve of different
size to obtain various sized flour. It was then placed in different polythene for different size flour
to prevent from moisture. Four different size of flour was sieved viz >800 um, 800-900 um, 900-
950 um and 950-1320 um
3.2.4 Preparation of jaggery or honey syrup
The jaggery was heated at about for about 5 minutes with the addition of little of water. The froth
and unwanted particles in jaggery was separated with the help of clean muslin cloth.
3.2.5 Mixing of ingredients
The roasted rice flour is poured in the nanglo .jaggery or honey, black peeper are poured on the
surface of flour and then mixed with the help of loro. After mixing all the ingredients balls of
kasar are made which is known as kasar batarne in Nepali community. But in case of Jaggery

- 26 -
kasar the ingredients are mixed quickly and kasar batarne is done very fast .Otherwise it may
cool, becomes hard and kasar ball cannot be formed.
3.2.5 Packaging
The prepared kasar was stored in plastic packaging material to prevent entry of moisture

- 27 -
3.3. Methods of preparation
3.3.1. Jaggery incorporated kasar

Rice Jaggery (60 % of flour)

Cleaning and winnowing (remove impurity) heated with little addition of

Water (90 ° c)

(Roasting is done at 150°c for about 15-18 filter (removes the impurity)

minutes until the appearance of brown red color) filtrate jaggery

Sieving (sieving is done by different pore size siever) black peeper (1%)

Mixing (all the ingredients are measured accurately and mixed with the help of loro

and nanglo )

Making kasar ball (the ball is made immediately when it is hot otherwise the mixing

may harden and do not form ball)

Cooling ( for hardening the ball)

Packaging (packaging is done in polythene bag to prevent entry of moisture)

fig 3.1 flowchart of jaggery incorporated kasar

- 28 -
3.3.2. Honey incorporated kasar

Rice Honey (60 % of flour)

Cleaning and winnowing (remove impurity) Addition of little water

(Roasting is done at 150°c for about 15-18

Minutes until the appearance of brown red color)

Sieving (sieving is done by different pore size siever) black peeper ( 1%)

Mixing (all the ingredients are measured accurately and mixed with the help of loro

and nanglo )

Making kasar ball (circular ball of required shape is made)

Cooling (for hardening the ball)

Packaging (packaging is done in polythene bad to prevent entry of moisture)

fig 3.2 Flowchart of honey incorporated kasar

- 29 -
3.4 Physical analysis of raw material
3.4.1 Determination of l/b ratio of rice
The length and breadth were measured by using vernier caliper.
3.4.2 Determination of bulk density
Bulk density was determined by using Bushel weight tester (Seed Bureau, Chicago) and
expressed in kg/HL.
3.4.3 Determination of thousand kernel weight
The weight of 1000 kernel of rice was determined by electronic balance and was expressed
in gram.

3.5 Chemical analysis

3.5.1 Moisture content
The moisture content was determined by using hot air oven method (Ranganna, 2000).
3.5.2 Crude fat
The fat content was determined by Soxhlet method (Ranganna, 2000).
3.5.3 Crude protein
The crude protein was determined by using Kjeldahl’s method (Ranganna, 2000).
3.5.4 Crude fibre
Crude fiber was determined by using chemical process, the sample was treated with boiling
dilute sulphuric acid, boiling sodium hydroxide and then with alcohol, under standardized
condition (Ranganna,2000).
3.5.5 Total ash
Ash content was determined according to Ranganna, 2000.
3.5.6 Reducing sugar determination
Reducing sugar was determination by the method mentioned by Ranganna, 2000.
3.5.7 Total sugar determination
Total sugar was determined by the method mentioned by Ranganna, 2000.
3.5.8 Determination of iron
Iron content was determined by the method mentioned by Ranganna, 2000

- 30 -
3.5.9 Determination of calcium
Calcium content was determined by the method mentioned by Ranganna, 2000.
3.5.10 Carbohydrate determination
By difference method. Ranganna, 2000.

3.6 Sensory evaluation

The sensory evaluation of kasar was performed in the lab of Nilgiri college by 10 member
panelist. The panelist were research students, staff, and teacher of Nilgiri college, who had some
knowledge about the characteristics of kasar , thus considered semi trained panelists. Sensory
analysis of the product was performed by hedonic rating test. The parameter for kasar was taken
to be color, flavor, texture, appearance, mouthfeel and overall acceptance. Sensory analysis was
carried out in individual booth with adequate light and free from obnoxious odors. Each panelist
was provided with sample card (Appendix B). They were provided with portable water for
rinsing between the samples. Verbal communication among the panelist was prohibited. They
were asked to evaluate sample individually using score card
3.7 Data analysis
The data obtained in the course of sensory evaluation were analyzed by applying statistical tools
-2 ways ANOVA (no blocking) using statistical software IBM SPSS statistics 20 to statistical
analysis and the scores given by the panelist were analyzed by two ways ANOVA at 5 % level of

- 31 -
Part IV

Results and discussion

4.1 Survey
Survey of kasar was carried out in some district of eastern part of Nepal by questionary method.
Question was asked to the people of age group 30-60. Fifty samples of respondent were used as
purposive sampling method. Results from the survey are discussed on the following headings
a) Respondent profile
Total number of respondents was fifty. The highest percentage (60 %) of respondents is of
people of the age between 50 and 60 years and remaining 10 % respondents were of age 30-40
years. Likewise 80 % of respondents were female followed by 20 % male. All the respondents
were belongs to Brahmin and Chhetry , since it is used only in this community.
b) Origin and nomenclature of kasar
Most of the respondent didn’t know about the history of kasar. It was believed that before many
years ago there was no transportation. Married daughter take long time to go her house. For this
parents prepared kasar as a food in the way during the hunger. In this way kasar was originated.
The process of making kasar has been handed from one generation to another generation.
c) Other name of kasar
Most of the people didn’t know about the name of kasar but very few used to tell it as laddu and
d) Ingredients
The major ingredients were rice flour, jaggery or honey and black peeper. There was no specific
variety of rice that’s being used for making kasar.
e) Other ingredients
Some people concerns small amount of ghee.
f) Changing during storage
If the product is packaged and stored, the kasar become harder in texture. However, if it is not
packaged it will absorb the moisture and decrease in shelf life

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g) Machine used during grinding rice
In the hilly are people are using dhiki and okhli but in the developed area people use electric mill
and mixture to grind rice. Also some people grind the roasted rice using loro
h) Technical problem in making kasar
The problem was notice after mixing rice flour and jaggery. The ball should made tight and rapid
before cooling, otherwise it cool (mixture become hard) and ball cannot be formed. Therefore
number of people should be engaged in making it.
i) Cooking fuel
Firewood was used by 90 % of the total respondent, 9 % used gas stove and 1 % used other
source as a cooking fuel
j) Method of preparation
Method of preparation was found to be different according to place and community. Some
people first grind the rice and roast the rice flour later , however some roast the rice first and later
grind. The roasted rice flour is poured in nanglo. Jaggery or honey and black peeper are poured
in the surface of flour and then mixed with the help of loro. After mixing all the ingredients ball
of kasar are made which are known as kasar batarne in Nepalese community. But in case of
jaggery incorporated kasar ingredients are mixed quickly and kasar batarne is done very fast.
Otherwise it may cool and kasar ball cannot be formed.
k) Occasion of production
It was found that it is compulsory to be made during marriage and Bartamanda among Brahmin
and Chhetri group. However it will be unfavorable if is made other time.
l) Storage of kasar
Normally kasar can be stored for a month. Reportedly the shelf life of kasar depends on the types
of ingredients used, frying and storage conditions and selection of packaging material.
m) Superior quality of kasar
people concerns that good kasar should have uniform circular shape, tightly packed ball and
should be slightly brown colour.
n) Kasar for commercial purpose
None of the respondent prepared kasar for commercial purpose.

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4.2 Organoleptic quality of product
Variation in particle size of the flour affects the texture, mouth feel, appearance and overall
acceptance. Colour which can be judged by eye is the first importance in food selection
(Ranganna, 2011). Smaller the particle size, it will be heated fast and more brown colour is
notice. Texture is another important sensory attributes, which evaluates the product perception of
tongue and acceptance of body. Similarly mouth feel and appearance is also affected by variation
in flour size. Overall acceptability includes many implications, which is an important parameter
in organoleptic estimation.
Similarly variation in honey and jaggery influence on appearance, color, flavor, texture and
overall acceptance. If there is a lack of binding agent the ball cannot be properly tight, which
affects its appearance and texture. Concentration of honey and jaggery also affects the color of
kasar. Flavor is the second important attributes of the product. Flavor embraces the senses of
taste, smell and feeling. As far as human being are concerned, it is generally agreed that the
senses of taste is limited to sweet, sour, salty and bitter. So, flavour has directly influence on
amount of sweetening agent. Also amount of sweet liquid concentration on flour has direct
influence on mouth feel. More is the concentration texture of the kasar become harder.

4.3 Determination of physical properties of rice

The physical properties of rice are given in Table 4.1

Table 4.1 The physical properties of rice are given below:

Parameters Value %
Mean length (mm) 5.82
Mean breadth (mm) 2.16
L/B ratio 2.69
1000 kernel weight (gm.) 13.90
Bulk density (kg/ HL) 93

- 34 -
Mean length and breadth of rice was found to be 5.80 mm and 2.15 mm. According to NFC
2062,The length and breadth of Mansuli should be in the range 5-6mm and 2-2.2mm
respectively. The value obtained fall in the range of standard value. The mean L/B ratio was
found to be 2.68.According to NFC, 2062 classification, the L/B ratio should be in the range of
2.5-2.7.According to FAO, 1972 size classification (1972),the observed variety of rice fall in
medium variety .But according to FAMSD,1977,the variety of medium size and shape rae
important parameters in grain marketing including milling, transportation and storage. Long
grain varieties have higher chance of breakage during milling than short,
According to FAO, 1972 size classification (1972), the observed variety of rice fall in
medium variety. But according to FAMSD, 1977, the variety of medium, size and shape are
important parameters in grain marketing including milling, transportation and storage. Long
grain varieties have higher chance of breakage during milling than short. Generally ,it is assumed
that higher the L/B ratio higher will be the loss in milling (Raut,2006).
Thousand kernel weight of rice was found to be 13.92 g. The result obtained is in accordance
to Shrestha, 1984 who has found the value to be 13 gm. According to Ban, 1988, 1000 kernel
weight of Mansuli was 11.7gm, according to Limbu, 1987, 17.40 gm.
Bulk density was found to be 93kg/ HL. According to FAMSD classification, Mansuli falls in
coarse variety

4.2 Determination of chemical properties of rice

The chemical components of rice as obtained in the variety used for kasar are tabulated in Table
Table 4.2 The chemical properties of rice
Parameters Value %
Moisture content 12.84±0.35
Crude protein 7.13±0.42
Total ash 0.80±0.17
Fat 0.43±0.15
Total carbohydrate 78.1±0.74
Crude Fiber 0.70±0.1

- 35 -
The values in the Table 4.2 are the mean of the triplicates ± standard deviation. The moisture
content of Mansuli was found to be 12.84.The maximum limit for moisture content in rice is 14
% (NFC,2062).The lowest the moisture content, the better the storability of rice
(Pillaiyar,1981).The growth of microorganism gets retarded, thus spoilage is minimized at low
moisture. Fungi need oxygen for their respiration and die or at least cease to grow in condition of
low oxygen. Water activity ranges from 0 to1.Water activity below 0.60 is adequate to prevent
microbial growth but chemical and enzymatic reaction may continue at an unacceptable rate.
Lower limit of water activity for bacterial growth is 0.90,for yeasts 0.86,for molds 0.72 and
lower limit for bacterial growth is 0.90,for yeast 0.86,for molds 0.72 and lower limit for bacterial
growth is 0.60 (Hyde,1974).The moisture content of the rice was found within the standard .The
moisture content, crude protein, total ash, fat, total carbohydrates and crude fiber were found to
be 12.84 %, 7.13%, 0.80 %, 0.44 %, 78.1%, 0.70 %respectively on dry basis.
Similarly according to Acharya (1992), the moisture content, crude protein, total ash, fat, total
carbohydrates and crude fiber of rice is 10.9 %, 7.1 %, 1.2 %, 2.4 %, 77.1 % and 0.9 %
respectively (Appendix A.1). Thus the proximate composition of rice obtained is in the range of
standard values.

4.3 Determination of chemical properties of jaggery

The chemical composition of jaggery used to prepare yamari is tabulated in Table 4.3

Table 4.3 The chemical properties of jaggery in wet basis

Parameters Value %
Moisture content 5.86±0.61
Total solids 87.14±0.62
TSS 85.73±0.52
Insoluble solids 1.31±0.11
Total sugar 84.83±0.7
Reducing sugar 17.01±0.36
Ash content 0.54±0.07
*The values in the Table 4.4 are the mean of the triplicates ± standard deviation.

- 36 -
The moisture content of jaggery used was 4.86%. According to HMG-N (1986) moisture
content of jiggery is 5.86 % .The deviation of the data of moisture content is due to the moisture
absorbed by jaggery from the atmosphere due to high Relative Humidity. But according to
HMG-N (1986) moisture content of jaggery is 3.9 %. The ash content was found out to be 0.54%
whereas according to HMG-N (1986) it is 0.6 % (Appendix A.6.)

- 37 -
4.4 Optimization of honey incorporated kasar

4.4.1 Optimization of sieve size of honey incorporated kasar

Yellowness degree of the flours has shown lesser value for the HM and PM ground flours which
are finer (Ahmed et al., 2015) and reported a decrease in yellowness of rice flour as the particles
became finer (Kim and shin, 2014). In addition to milling process, the particle size range of rice
flour is an important factor to consider for rice processing since it affects the quality of gluten
free rice. The specific volume of cupcakes, appearance, and colour was highest when rice flour
passes through 95 mm mesh while the hardness, texture, springiness decreases as the particle size
of the flour decreases (kim and shin, 2014).

Four different samples were prepared by taking sieve size as A (>800um), B (800 < size
<900um), C (900 < size <950 um) and D (950 < size < 1320 um) were subjected for sensory
evaluation Keeping honey concentration and black peeper constant. Kasar was prepared and
were subjected for sensory evaluation. The result of sensory evaluation is shown in fig 4.1

- 38 -
9 a b b b
b a a ab ab
8 a b a a
Mean sensory Score

a a ab
a a a ab a
7 a

appearance colour texture moothfeel flavour Overall
Sensory parameters

Fig 4.1. Effect of sieve size on mean sensory score of honey incorporated kasar

Sample A > 800 um, 800 um >Sample B <900 um, 900 um < sample c <950 um, 950 um <
sample c < 1320 um. The similar alphabet above the bar diagram indicate not significantly
different (p < 0.05). The error bar shows the variation of four determinations in terms of standard
Same quality attributes of sample A, B, C and D were compared on the basis of LSD (p<0.05)
(Appendix D.1.A). In term of superiority (p < 0.05) of the formulation with respect to
appearance, colour, texture, mouth feel, flavor and overall acceptance, following conclusion can
be drawn;
Appearance: Sample A < Sample B < sample C < Sample D
Colour: Sample A < Sample B < sample C < Sample D
Texture: Sample A < Sample B < sample C < Sample D
Mouth feel: Sample A < Sample B < sample C < Sample D
Flavor: Sample A < Sample B < sample C < Sample D

- 39 -
Overall acceptance: Sample A < Sample B < sample C < Sample D
Based on the statistical analysis of the sensory data, sample D (950 <size<1320 um) is chosen
as optimum sieve size for honey kasar.

4.4.2 Optimization of concentration of honey for Honey incorporated kasar

Five different samples were prepared by taking honey concentration as A (50% of flour), B
(55% of flour) and C (60% of flour), D (65% of flour) and E (70% of flour) with all other
parameter remaining constant. Samples were subjected for sensory evaluation. The mean of
sensory score given to each quality attributes of each sample was calculated and a bar diagram
was plotted which is shown in fig. 4.2
b c b
9 c b
b a
8 a
a ab b a abb a
7 a ab a a aaa ab a
a aab a a a
Mean sensory scores

appearance colour texture flavour mouthfeel overall

Sensory Parameters

Fig 4.2 Effect of Honey concentration on mean sensory score of kasar

Sample A = 50 %, Sample B = 55 %, Sample C = 60 % , Sample D = 65 % , Sample E = 70 %.

The similar alphabet above the bar diagram indicate not significantly different (p < 0.05). The
error bar shows the variation of four determinations in terms of standard deviation.
Same quality attributes of sample A, B, C, D and E were compared on the basis of LSD
(p<0.05) (Appendix D.1.B). In term of superiority (p < 0.05) of the formulation with respect to

- 40 -
appearance, colour, texture, mouth feel, flavor and overall acceptance, following conclusion can
be drawn;
Appearance: Sample A < Sample B < sample C < Sample E < Sample D
Colour: Sample A < Sample B < sample C < Sample E < Sample D
Texture: Sample E < Sample A < sample B < Sample C < Sample D
Mouth feel: Sample A < Sample B < sample C < Sample D < Sample E
Flavor: Sample A < Sample B < sample C < Sample E < Sample D
Based on the statistical analysis of the sensory data, sample D (65% of flour) is chosen as
optimum Honey concentration for kasar making.

4.5 Optimization of jaggery incorporated Kasar

4.5.1 Optimization of sieve size for jaggery incorporated kasar

Four different samples were prepared by taking sieve size as A (>800um), B (800 <size<900um),
C (900 < size < 950um) and D (950 < size < 1320um) were subjected for sensory evaluation
keeping other parameters constant. Kasar was Prepared and were subjected for sensory
evaluation. The result of sensory evolution is show in fig.4.3

- 41 -
10 A B C D

9 b b b.
b a a
ab b
8 a a a
a a a a a
a a a a a a a a

Mean Sensory Scores

appearance colour texture mouth feel flavour Overall
Sensory Parameters
Fig 4.3 Effect of sieve size on mean sensory score of Jaggery incorporated kasar

Sample A > 800 um, 800 um >Sample B <900 um, 900 um < sample c <950 um, 950 um <
sample D < 1320 um. The similar alphabet above the bar diagram indicate not significantly
different (p < 0.05). The error bar shows the variation of four determinations in terms of standard
Same quality attributes of sample A, B, C and D were compared on the basis of LSD (p<0.05)
(Appendix D.1.C). In term of superiority (p < 0.05) of the formulation with respect to
appearance, colour, texture, mouth feel, flavor and overall acceptance, following conclusion can
be drawn;
Appearance: Sample A < Sample B < sample D < Sample C
Colour: Sample A < Sample B < sample D < Sample C
Texture: Sample A = Sample E < sample D < Sample C
Mouth feel: Sample A < Sample B < sample D < Sample C
Flavor: Sample A < Sample B < sample D < Sample C

- 42 -
Based on the statistical analysis of the sensory data, sample C (900 < size <950µm) is chosen
as optimum sieve size for jaggery incorporated kasar.

4.5.2 Optimization of concentration of jaggery for jaggery incorporated kasar

Five different samples were prepared by taking jaggery concentration as A (50% of flour), B
(55% of flour) and C (60% of flour), D (65% of flour) and E (70% of flour) with all other
parameter remaining constant. Samples were subjected for sensory evaluation. The mean of
sensory score given to each quality attributes of each sample was calculated and a bar diagram
was plotted which is shown in fig. 4.4.


b b b
8 b b
ab b
ab ab ab ab ab
7 ab b a ab ab
ab b a ab a ab
a a a a a
6 a

appearance colour texture flavour mouthfeel overall
Sensory Parameters acceptence
Fig 4.4. Effect of jaggery concentration on mean sensory score of kasar

Sample A = 50 %, Sample B = 55 %, Sample C = 60 %, Sample D = 65 % , Sample E = 70 %.

The similar alphabet above the bar diagram indicate not significantly different (p < 0.05). The
error bar shows the variation of five determinations in terms of standard deviation.

- 43 -
Same quality attributes of sample A, B and C, D and E were compared on the basis of LSD
(p<0.05) (Appendix D.1.D). In term of superiority (p < 0.05) of the formulation with respect to
appearance, colour, texture, mouth feel, flavor and overall acceptance, following conclusion can
be drawn;
Appearance: Sample A < Sample E < sample B < Sample D < Sample C
Colour: Sample A < Sample B < sample C < Sample D < Sample E
Texture: Sample A < Sample B < sample C < Sample D < Sample E
Mouth feel: Sample A < Sample B < sample E < Sample D < Sample C
Flavor: Sample A < Sample E < sample B < Sample D < Sample C
Overall acceptance: Sample A < Sample E < sample B < Sample D < Sample C
Based on the statistical analysis of the sensory data, sample C (60 % of flour) is chosen as
optimum jaggery concentration for kasar making.

4.6 Comparison of honey and jaggery incorporated kasar

Best Jaggery incorporated kasar (A) and best honey incorporated kasar (B) were prepared
keeping all the parameters constant. Samples were subjected for sensory evaluation. The mean of
sensory score given to each quality attributes of each sample (Appendix D.1.a) was calculated
and a bar diagram was plotted which is shown in fig. 4.5

- 44 -

9 b b
8 a
a a a a
7 a a
Mean sensory scores

Appearance colour Texture mouthfeel flavour overall
Sensory Parameters
Fig: 4.5 Effect of jaggery and honey incorporated kasar on mean sensory score

Sample A = Jaggery incorporated kasar and sample B = Honey incorporated kasar. The similar
alphabet above the bar diagram indicate not significantly different (p < 0.05). The error bar
shows the variation of four determinations in terms of standard deviation.
Same quality attributes of sample A and B were compared on the basis of LSD (p<0.05)
(Appendix D.1.E). In term of superiority (p < 0.05) of the formulation with respect to
appearance, colour, texture, mouth feel, flavor and overall acceptance, following conclusion can
be drawn;
Appearance: Sample B < Sample A
Colour: Sample A < Sample B
Texture: sample A < Sample B
Mouth feel: Sample A < Sample B
Flavor: Sample A < Sample B

- 45 -
Based on the statistical analysis of the sensory data, sample B (Honey incorporated) is
chosen as best for kasar making.

4.7 Chemical analysis of Kasar

4.7.1 Chemical analysis of optimized jaggery incorporated kasar
The chemical composition of Kasar is shown in Table 4.3. The moisture content was found to be
9.40 %.This is due to the deep frying of the product. The crude protein and crude fat was found
to be 4.1 % and 0.3 %.The crude protein is due to the protein content in rice. The ash content and
crude fiber content was found to be 0.92 % and 0.77 % respectively. The carbohydrate content
was found to be 85.5 %.This was due to the rice and jaggery being major ingredients
Calcium and iron content of product was found to be 24.3 mg/100g and 4.63 mg/100 g
Table 4.4 Chemical composition of Jaggery incorporated kasar

Parameters values
Moisture ( %) 9.4 ±0.36
Carbohydrate ( % Dm) 85.5 ±1.66
Protein ( % Dm ) 4.1 ±0.38
Fat ( % Dm) 0.3 ±0.55
Ash ( % Dm) 0.5 ±0.10
crude fiber ( % Dm) 0.2 ±0.08
Calcium (mg/100gm) 24.3 ±1.50
Iron (mg/100g) 4 .63±1.16

4.7.2 Chemical analysis of optimized honey incorporated kasar

The chemical composition of Kasar is shown in Table 4.3. The moisture content was found to be
10.1 %.This is due to the deep frying of the product. The crude protein and crude fat was found
to be 2.1 % and 0.1 %. The crude protein is due to the protein content in rice. The ash content
and crude fiber content was found to be 0.88 % and 0.65 % respectively. The carbohydrate
content was found to be 87.2 %.This was due to the rice and jaggery being major ingredients

- 46 -
Calcium and iron content of product was found to be 25.3 mg/100g and 4.83 mg/100 g
Table 4.5 Chemical composition of Honey incorporated kasar
Parameters values
Moisture (%) 10.1 ±0.38
Carbohydrate (% Dm) 87.2 ±1.66
Protein (% Dm ) 2.0 ±0.36
Fat (% Dm) 0.1 ±0.02
Ash (% Dm) 0.7 ±0.10
Crude fiber ( % Dm) 0.2 ±0.08
Calcium (mg/100g) 25.3 ±1.53
Iron (mg/100g) 4 .83±1.17

4.8 Physical analysis of Kasar

4.8.1 Physical analysis of jaggery incorporated kasar

The weight of kasar was found to be 26.765 ± 1.2 gm. and diameter was found to be 4.3 ±0.8 cm.
4.8.2 Physical analysis of honey incorporated kasar
The weight of kasar was found to be 27.465 ± 1.2 gm. and diameter was found to be 4.4 ±0.8 cm

- 47 -
Part V
Conclusions and recommendations

5.1 Conclusions
On the basis of survey and sensory evaluation, the following conclusions can be drawn

a) The flour particle size <900 μm but > 950μm was found to be best for the Jaggery

incorporated kasar and flour size <950 μm but > 1320 μm was found to be best for honey
incorporated kasar.

b) The concentration of jaggery in Jaggery incorporated Kasar was optimized to be 60 % of


c) The concentration of honey in honey incorporated kasar was optimized to be 65 % of flour.

d) Chemical analysis shows that moisture, carbohydrate, protein, ash and fat was found to be 9.4

%, 85.5 %, 4.1 %, 0.92 %, 0.77 % and 0.2 % respectively for jaggery incorporated kasar.

e) Chemical analysis shows that moisture, carbohydrate, protein, ash and fat was found to be

10.1 %, 87.2 %, 2.0 %, 0.88 %, 0.65 % and 0.2 % respectively for honey incorporated kasar

f) The calorific value of Jaggery incorporated kasar was found out to be 359.4 Kcal per 100g of

the Kasar while the calorific value of honey incorporated kasar was found to be 357.4 Kcal per
100g kasar.

g) The cost of 100g 0f Jaggery incorporated Kasar was found to be Rs.9.78 and the cost of 100g

honey incorporated kasar was f0und to be Rs.40.14

- 48 -
5.2 Recommendation

From the research work, the following suggestions are recommended for future work:
a) Different types of rice may be used to prepare the kasar and compared their
b) Kasar can be prepared either by roasting rice first and grinding later to make coarse flour
c) The shelf life of the Kasar may be studied using different packaging material.
d) Small quantity of ghee can be incorporated to increase its palatability.
e) Sugar may be used with jaggery for the preparation of Kasar

- 49 -


Nepal is a country of different cultures and rich in traditional foods. They have their own
traditional method of food preparation and preservation, transferring from generation to
generation. People started to use their traditional knowledge for the preparation of traditional
foods like kasar, gundruk, sinki, kinema jand, raksi, varieties of pickles, fish etc. These
preparation have been mostly used for their family purposes, ceremony, sometimes used to send
gift for friends and relatives
kasar is one of the cultural and traditional foods, which is being prepared by people of
Brahmin and Chhetry in marriage and Bratamanda Occasion. Rice flour, jaggery and black
peeper are major ingredients for jaggery based kasar. Likewise Rice flour, honey and Black
peeper are ingredients for honey based kasar. It is the product which is prepared by roasting the
rice flour, mixed with jaggery or honey with addition of black peeper and after this circular ball
is made. Normally it is prepared during marriage ceremony. It is believed that Kasar is made to
make a strong relationship between bride and broom as strong like kasar.
For this dissertation Mansuli variety of rice, jaggery or honey available in market and black
peeper is used. The rice is first roasted for 15 to 18 minutes until the appearance of brown red
color. It is then sieved to get required size of flour. and mixed with required concentration of
jaggery or honey and in no time circular shape of required size kasar is made which is called
kasar batarne in Nepalese community. The circular shape for Jaggery kasar should be made very
fast otherwise the mixture of jaggery and flour harden and circular shape cannot be given. so,
during kasar batarne occasion number of females are involved in making balls very fast.
The physical parameter like L/B ratio, Bulk density, and thousand kernel weight of rice
(Mansuli) variety was found to be 2.69,93 and 13.90 respectively. The chemical analysis of rice,
jaggery, honey, and black-peeper were found to be in the range of standard results.
The idea of making Kasar was gathered by public survey. The traditional kasar making
process was standardized by optimizing of rice flour size (900µm > particle size <950 μm) and
jaggery concentration 60 % of rice flour for jiggery based kasar whereas for honey based kasar

- 50 -
flour size (950µm > particle size <1320 μm) and honey concentration 65 % of flour was
optimized. The result were obtained by ANOVA in SPSS programme (for all sensory evaluation)
taking two way ANOVA no blocking method. The proximate analysis of the optimized jiggery
based kasar was carried out and the moisture content ,carbohydrate ,crude protein, crude ash
,crude fiber and crude fat were found to be 9.4 % , 85.5 % , 4.1 % , 0.92 % ,0.77 and 0.3 %
respectively whereas for honey incorporated kasar moisture content ,carbohydrate ,crude protein
, crude ash , crude fiber and crude fat were found to be 10.1 % , 87.2 % ,2 % , 0.88%,0.65 % and
0.1 % respectively.
The cost of optimized 100g of Jaggery incorporated kasar was found to be Rs.9.78 and the
cost 0f 100g of honey incorporated kasar was found to be Rs. 40.14.

- 51 -
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Appendix A

Table A.1 Proximate composition of rice (g/100g wt).

Parameters Brown rice Parboiled Rice Hand pound rice

protein 7.5 7.1 7.7
Fat 24 0.4 1.5
Ash 1.2 0.5 0.8
Crude fiber 0.9 0.1 0.9
Moisture 10.9 11 11
Carbohydrate 77.1 80.9 78.8

(Source: Acharya, 1992)

Table A.2 Proximate composition of rice (g/100g wt)

Parameters Value

Protein 7.3
Fat 0.5
Ash 0.6
Crude fiber 0.2
Moisture 13.3
Carbohydrate 78.1

- 57 -
Table A.3 Chemical composition of brown and white rice

Parameters Brown rice White rice

Moisture 12 12
Energy (/100 gm) 360 363
Protein ( % ) 7.5 6.7
Fat (%) 1.9 0.4
Ash ( % ) 1.2 0.5
Carbohydrate ( % ) 77.4 80.4
Fiber ( % ) 0.9 0.3
Calcium (mg/100 g) 32 24
Phosphorous (mg/100 g) 221 94
Iron (mg/100g ) 1.6 0.8
Sodium (mg/100 g) 9 5
Potassium 214 92
Thiamine (mg/100g) 0.34 0.07
Riboflavin (mg/100g) 0.05 0.03
Niacin (mg/100g) 4.7 1.6
(Source: Raut, 2006)

- 58 -
Table A.4 Chemical composition of jaggery

Parameters Value
Moisture content, g 3.9
Crude protein, g 0.4
Total ash 0.6
Fat 0.1
Total carbohydrate 95
Energy Kcal 383
Ca, mg 80
P, mg 40
Fe, mg 11.4
(Source: HMG-NEPAL, 1986)

- 59 -
Appendix B

Sensory Evaluation of kasar

Hedonic Rating Test

Name of panelist……………. Date………………………

Name of Product: kasar sample no:

Dear panelist you are given sample of Kasar. Please conduct the sensory analysis based on the
following parameter using the table given.


Description of scales:

9=extremely like 4=unlike slightly

8=like very much 3=unlike moderately

7=like moderately 2=unlike very much

6=unlike slightly 1=unlike extremely

5=neither like nor dislike

Comments if any……………………………………………………………………………………



- 60 -
Appendix C
Questionnaires for the survey

1. What are the different indigenous products produced on the festivals (all around the year)?
2. What are the different names of the product (kasar)?
3. On what occasion do you produce this product?
4. Why Kasar not others?
5. When was it Originated (any ancient data if you know)?
6. Who taught to produce it?
7. Is this product found locally in local restaurants (to what extent and when)?
8. What are the different ingredients used for the production (with amount if possible)?
9. What are the other ingredients that can be used in the production(with amount if
10. How do you produce Kasar (process flow chart)?
11. How difficult is it to produce?
12. What are the technical problems in the production?
13. How do you store and for how many days?
14. When it has the best aesthetic value?
15. What are its desirable sensory characteristics?
16. What is the main quality characteristic of Kasar (that may cause product liable to
17. What are the changes observed during storage?
18. What should be done to obtain best product?

- 61 -
Appendix D

1. Optimization of sieve size for honey incorporated kasar

Table D.1.1 Homogenous subsets for appearance

Tukey HSD
sample N Subset
1 2
A 10 6.20
B 10 6.60
C 10 6.90
D 10 7.90
Sig. .106 1.000

Means for groups in homogeneous

subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) =
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size =
b. The group sizes are unequal. The
harmonic mean of the group sizes is
used. Type I error levels are not
c. Alpha = .05.

- 62 -
Table D.1.2 Homogenous subsets for colour

Tukey HSD
sample N Subset
A 10 6.60
B 10 7.20
C 10 7.30
D 10 7.40
Sig. .107

Means for groups in

homogeneous subsets are
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean
Square(Error) = .569.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean
Sample Size = 10.000.
b. The group sizes are
unequal. The harmonic mean
of the group sizes is used.
Type I error levels are not
c. Alpha = .05.

- 63 -
Table D.1.3 Homogenous subsets for texture
Tukey HSD
sample N Subset
1 2
A 10 5.90
B 10 6.50 6.50
C 10 6.60 6.60
D 10 7.00
Sig. .152 .415

Means for groups in homogeneous

subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square (Error)
= .511.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size =
b. The group sizes are unequal. The
harmonic mean of the group sizes is
used. Type I error levels are not
c. Alpha = .05.

- 64 -
Table D.1.4 Homogenous subsets for mouth feel

Tukey HSD
sample N Subset
1 2
A 10 6.60
B 10 7.30 7.30
C 10 7.40 7.40
D 10 8.00
Sig. .124 .209

Means for groups in homogeneous

subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) =
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size =
b. The group sizes are unequal. The
harmonic mean of the group sizes is
used. Type I error levels are not
c. Alpha = .05.

- 65 -
Table D.1.5 Homogenous subsets for flavour

Tukey HSD
sample N Subset
1 2
A 10 6.10
B 10 6.50 6.50
C 10 6.60 6.60
D 10 7.30
Sig. .605 .216

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets

are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square (Error) =
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size =
b. The group sizes are unequal. The
harmonic mean of the group sizes is used.
Type I error levels are not guaranteed.
c. Alpha = .05

- 66 -
Table D.1.6 Homogenous subsets for overall acceptance

Tukey HSD
sample N Subset
1 2
A 10 6.40
B 10 6.60
C 10 6.80 6.80
D 10 7.70
Sig. .684 .081

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .644.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 10.000
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I errors level
are not guaranteed.
c. Alpha = .05

- 67 -
2.Optimization of honey concentration for honey incorporated kasar

Table D.2.1 Homogenous subsets for appearance

Tukey HSD
sample N Subset
1 2
A 10 5.10
B 10 5.50
C 10 5.70
E 10 6.00 6.00
D 10 7.30
Sig. .386 .090

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets

are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) =
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size =
b. The group sizes are unequal. The
harmonic mean of the group sizes is used.
Type I error levels are not guaranteed.
c.Alpha = .05

- 68 -
Table D.2.2 Homogenous subsets for colour

Tukey HSD
sample N Subset
1 2 3
A 10 4.90
B 10 5.60 5.60
C 10 5.80 5.80
E 10 6.00
D 10 7.60
Sig. .052 .712 1.000

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are

Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square (Error) = .498.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 10.000.
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic
mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error levels
are not guaranteed.
c. Alpha = .05.

- 69 -
Table D.2.3 Homogenous subsets for texture

Tukey HSD
sample N Subset
1 2
E 10 5.30
A 10 5.60
B 10 5.70
C 10 6.70
D 10 7.50
Sig. .746 .133

Means for groups in homogeneous

subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square (Error)
= .547.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size =
b. The group sizes are unequal. The
harmonic mean of the group sizes is
used. Type I error levels are not
c. Alpha = .05.

- 70 -
Table D.2.4 Homogenous subsets for Flavour
Tukey HSD
sample N Subset
A 10 5.40
B 10 5.60
C 10 5.70
E 10 6.00
D 10 6.10
Sig. .169

Means for groups in

homogeneous subsets are
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean
Square(Error) = .463.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean
Sample Size = 10.000.
b. The group sizes are
unequal. The harmonic mean
of the group sizes is used.
Type I error levels are not
c. Alpha = .05.

- 71 -
Table D.2.5 Homogenous subsets for mouthfeel

Tukey HSD
sample Subset
N 1 2 3
A 10 5.10
B 10 5.50 5.50
C 10 6.10 6.10
D 10 6.30
E 10 7.70
Sig. .083 .235 1.000

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are

Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .713.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 10.000.
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean
of the group sizes is used. Type I error levels are
not guaranteed.
c. Alpha = .05.

- 72 -
Table D.2.6 Homogenous subsets for overall acceptance

Tukey HSD
sample N Subset
1 2
A 10 5.30
B 10 5.90
C 10 6.10
E 10 6.40
D 10 7.90
Sig. .129 1.000
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 1.020.
a)uses Harmonic mean sample size = 10
b) The group of sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean
of the group size is used. Type I error are not guaranteed
c) Alpha = .05.

- 73 -
3.Optimization of sieve size for jaggery incorporated kasar
Table D.3.1 homogenous subsets for Appearance
Tukey HSD
sample N Subset
1 2
A 10 6.40
B 10 6.70 6.70
D 10 7.10 7.10
C 10 7.40
Sig. .150 .150
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square (Error) = .507.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 10.000.
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error levels
are not guaranteed.
c. Alpha = .05.

- 74 -
Table D.3.2 Homogenous subsets for colour
Tukey HSD
sample N Subset
A 10 6.30
D 10 6.50
B 10 6.90
C 10 7.40
Sig. .063
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square (Error) = .877.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 10.000.
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error levels
are not guaranteed.
c. Alpha = .05.

- 75 -
Table D.3.3 Homogenous subsets for texture
Tukey HSD
sample N Subset
1 2
A 10 6.30
D 10 6.50
B 10 6.70
C 10 7.70
Sig. .542 1.000
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .441.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 10.000.
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error
levels are not guaranteed.
c. Alpha = .05.

- 76 -
Table D.3.4 Homogenous subsets for mouthfeel
Tukey HSD
sample N Subset
1 2
A 10 6.40
D 10 6.40
C 10 7.40
B 10 7.70
Sig. 1.000 .806
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .558.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 10.000.
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error
levels are not guaranteed.
c. Alpha = .05.

- 77 -
Table D.3.5 Homogenous subsets for flavour
Tukey HSD
sample N Subset
A 10 6.50
B 10 6.80
D 10 6.80
C 10 7.10
Sig. .400
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .711.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 10.000.
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error
levels are not guaranteed.
c. Alpha = .05.

- 78 -
Table D.3.6 Homogenous subsets for Overall acceptance
Tukey HSD
N Subset

1 2
A 10 6.50
B 10 6.70
D 10 7.00
C 10 7.80
Sig. .326 1.000
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .415.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 10.000.
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of
group size is used. Type I error are not guaranteed
c. Alpha = .05.

- 79 -
.Table D.4.1 Homogenous subsets for appearance
Tukey HSD
sample N Subset
1 2
A 10 5.10
E 10 5.40
B 10 5.60 5.60
D 10 5.90 5.90
C 10 6.70
Sig. .341 .092
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .897.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 10.000.
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error
levels are not guaranteed.
c. Alpha = .05.

- 80 -
4 . Optimization of jaggery concentration for jaggery incorporated kasar

Table D.4.2 Homogenous subsets for colour

Tukey HSD
sample N Subset
1 2 3
A 10 4.90
B 10 5.90
C 10 6.00
D 10 6.30 6.30
E 10 7.00
Sig. 1.000 .708 .192
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .492.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 10.000.
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error
levels are not guaranteed.
c. Alpha = .05.

- 81 -
Table D.4.3 Homogenous subsets for texture Texture
Tukey HSD
sample N Subset
1 2
A 10 5.80
B 10 6.00
C 10 6.40 6.40
D 10 6.50 6.50
E 10 7.10
Sig. .222 .222
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square (Error) = .530.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 10.000.
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error
levels are not guaranteed.
c. Alpha = .05.

- 82 -
Table D.4.4 Homogenous subsets for flavour
Tukey HSD
sample N Subset
1 2
A 10 5.50
B 10 5.60
E 10 5.70 5.70
D 10 6.00 6.00
C 10 6.60
Sig. .543 .062
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .526.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 10.000.
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error
levels are not guaranteed.
c. Alpha = .05.

- 83 -
Table D.4.5 Homogenous subsets for mouthfeel

Tukey HSD
sample N Subset
1 2
A 10 5.10
B 10 5.50 5.50
E 10 5.80 5.80
D 10 5.90 5.90
C 10 6.70
Sig. .355 .060
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square (Error) = .922.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 10.000.
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error
levels are not guaranteed.
c. Alpha = .05.

- 84 -
Table D.4.6 Homogenous subset for overall acceptance
Tukey HSD
sample N Subset
1 2
A 10 5.30
E 10 5.70 5.70
B 10 5.90 5.90
D 10 6.30 6.30
C 10 6.80
Sig. .151 .093
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .900.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 10.000.
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error
levels are not guaranteed.
c. Alpha = .05.

- 85 -
Table D.5.1 Tests of Between-Subjects Effects between honey and jaggery incorporated

Source Dependent Variable Type III Sum df Mean Square F

of Squares
Appearance 9.100a 10 .910 1.099
colour 7.500b 10 .750 .590
Corrected Texture 23.500c 10 2.350 4.188
Model mouthfeel 28.500d 10 2.850 3.186
flavour 7.900e 10 .790 2.331
overall acceptance 17.400f 10 1.740 2.700
Appearance 756.450 1 756.450 913.832
colour 708.050 1 708.050 556.546
Texture 884.450 1 884.450 1576.248
mouthfeel 884.450 1 884.450 988.826
flavour 832.050 1 832.050 2455.230
overall acceptance 924.800 1 924.800 1435.034
Appearance .050 1 .050 .060
colour .050 1 .050 .039
Texture 14.450 1 14.450 25.752
mouthfeel 14.450 1 14.450 16.155
flavour .450 1 .450 1.328
overall acceptance 7.200 1 7.200 11.172
Appearance 9.050 9 1.006 1.215
colour 7.450 9 .828 .651
Texture 9.050 9 1.006 1.792
mouthfeel 14.050 9 1.561 1.745
flavour 7.450 9 .828 2.443
overall acceptance 10.200 9 1.133 1.759
Appearance 7.450 9 .828
colour 11.450 9 1.272
Texture 5.050 9 .561
mouthfeel 8.050 9 .894
flavour 3.050 9 .339
overall acceptance 5.800 9 .644
Appearance 773.000 20
colour 727.000 20

- 86 -
Appendix E

Table E.1 Cost calculation of 100 gm of jaggery incorporated kasar

Ingredients Rate ( Rs /kg) Amount(g) cost

Rice Flour 80 200 16

Jaggery 90 120 10.8

Black peeper 1000 5 5

overhead cost 20 % of cost 6.36

Total cost - - 31.8

Total yield =325 g

Total cost=31.8 g

price per 100 g =9.78

Table E.2 Cost calculation of 100 gm of honey incorporated kasar

Ingredients Rate ( Rs /kg) Amount(g) cost

Rice Flour 80 200 16

Jaggery 90 130 91

Black peeper 1000 5 5

Overhead cost 20 % of cost 22.4

Total cost - - 134.4

Total yield =335 g

Total cost=134.4

price per 100 g =40.14

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