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Vol. 51, No. 4, 1954


The Johns Hopkins University

Many social scientists other than economists call it, the theory of con-
psychologists try to account for the sumer's choice) has become exceed-
behavior of individuals. Economists ingly elaborate, mathematical, and
and a few psychologists have pro- voluminous. This literature is almost
duced a large body of theory and a unknown to psychologists, in spite of
few experiments that deal with indi- sporadic pleas in both psychological
vidual decision making. The kind of (40, 84, 103, 104) and economic
decision making with which this body (101, 102, 123, 128, 199, 202) litera-
of theory deals is as follows: given ture for greater communication be-
two states, A and B, into either one of tween the disciplines.
which an individual may put himself, The purpose of this paper is to re-
the individual chooses A in prefer- view this theoretical literature, and
ence to B (or vice versa). For in- also the rapidly increasing number of
stance, a child standing in front of a psychological experiments (performed
candy counter may be considering by both psychologists and econo-
two states. In state A the child has mists) that are relevant to it. The
$0.25 and no candy. In state B the review will be divided into five sec-
child has $0.15 and a ten-cent candy tions: the theory of riskless choices,
bar. The economic theory of decision the application of the theory of risk-
making is a theory about how to pre- less choices to welfare economics, the
dict such decisions. theory of risky choices, transitivity in
Economic theorists have been con- decision making, and the theory of
cerned with this problem since the games and of statistical decision
days of Jeremy Bentham (1748- functions. Since this literature is un-
1832). In recent years the develop- familiar and relatively inaccessible to
ment of the economic theory of con- most psychologists, and since I could
sumer's decision making (or, as the not find any thorough bibliography
1 on the theory of choice in the eco-
This work was supported by Contract nomic literature, this paper includes
N5ori-166, Task Order I, between the Office
of Naval Research and The Johns Hopkins a rather extensive bibliography of the
University. This is Report No. 166-1-182, literature since 1930.
Project Designation No. NR 145-089, under
that contract. I am grateful to the Depart- THE THEORY OF RISKLESS CHOICES"
ment of Political Economy, The Johns Hop-
kins University, for providing me with an Economic man. The method of
office adjacent to the Economics Library those theorists who have been con-
while I was writing this paper. M. Allais,
M. M. Flood, N. Georgescu-Roegen, K. O. No complete review of this literature is
May, A. Papandreou, L. J. Savage, and es- available. Kauder (105, 106) has reviewed the
pecially C. H. Coombs have kindly made very early history of utility theory. Stigler
much unpublished material available to me. (180) and Viner (194) have reviewed the
A number of psychologists, economists, and literature up to approximately 1930. Samuel-
mathematicians have given me excellent, but son's book (164) contains an illuminating
sometimes unheeded, criticism. Especially mathematical exposition of some of the con-
helpful were C. Christ, C. H. Coombs, F. tent of this theory. Allen (6) explains the con-
Mosteller, and L. J. Savage. cept of indifference curves. Schultz (172) re-
cerned with the theory of decision continuous and differentiable. Stone
making is essentially an armchair (182) has recently shown that they
method. They make assumptions, can be abandoned with no serious
and from these assumptions they de- changes in the theory of choice.
duce theorems which presumably can Rationality. The crucial fact about
be tested, though it sometimes seems economic man is that he is rational.
unlikely that the testing will ever This means two things: He can
occur. The most important set of weakly order the states into which he
assumptions made in the theory of can get, and he makes his choices so
riskless choices may be summarized as to maximize something.
by saying that it is assumed that the Two things are required in order
person who makes any decision to for economic man to be able to put all
which the theory is applied is an available states into a weak ordering.
economic man. First, given any two states into which
What is an economic man like? He he can get, A and B, he must always
has three properties, (a) He is com- be able to tell either that he prefers
pletely informed. (6) He is infinitely A to B, or that he prefers B to A, or
sensitive, (c) He is rational. that he is indifferent between them.
Complete information. Economic If preference is operationally defined
man is assumed to know not only as choice, then it seems unthinkable
what all the courses of action open to that this requirement can ever be
him are, but also what the outcome of empirically violated. The second
any action will be. Later on, in the requirement for weak ordering, a
sections on the theory of risky choices more severe one, is that all prefer-
and on the theory of games, this as- ences must be transitive. If economic
sumption will be relaxed somewhat. man prefers A to B and B to C, then
(For the results of attempts to in- he prefers A to C. Similarly, if he is
troduce the possibility of learning indifferent between A and B and
into this picture, see 51, 77.) between B and C, then he is in-
Infinite sensitivity. In most of the different between A and C. It is not
older work on choice, it is assumed obvious that transitivity will always
that the alternatives available to an hold for human choices, and experi-
individual are continuous, infinitely ments designed to find out whether
divisible functions, that prices are or not it does will be described in the
infinitely divisible, and that economic section on testing transitivity.
man is infinitely sensitive. The only The second requirement of ra-
purpose of these assumptions is to tionality, and in some ways the more
make the functions that they lead to, important one, is that economic man
must make his choices in such a way
views the developments up to but not includ- as to maximize something. This is
ing the Hicks-Allen revolution from the point the central principle of the theory of
of view of demand theory. Hicks's book (87) choice. In the theory of riskless
is a complete and detailed exposition of most
of the mathematical and economic content of choices, economic man has usually
the theory up to 1939. Samuelson (167) has been assumed to maximize utility. In
reviewed the integrability problem and the re- the theory of risky choices, he is as-
vealed preference approach. And Wold (204, sumed to maximize expected utility.
205, 206) has summed up the mathematical In the literature on statistical de-
content of the whole field for anyone who is
comfortably at home with axiom systems and cision making and the theory of
differential equations. games, various other fundamental
principles of decision making are gists have tended to reject out of
considered, but they are all maximi- hand the theories that result from
zation principles of one sort or an- these assumptions. This isn't fair.
other. Surely the assumptions contained in
The fundamental content of the Hullian behavior theory (91) or in
notion of maximization is that eco- the Estes (60) or Bush-Mosteller
nomic man always chooses the best (36, 37) learning theories are no more
alternative from among those open realistic than these. The most useful
to him, as he sees it. In more techni- thing to do with a theory is not to
cal language, the fact that economic criticize its assumptions but rather
man prefers A to B implies and is to test its theorems. If the theorems
implied by the fact that A is higher fit the data, then the theory has at
than B in the weakly ordered set least heuristic merit. Of course, one
mentioned above. (Some theories in- trivial theorem deducible from the
troduce probabilities into the above assumptions embodied in the concept
statement, so that if A is higher than of economic man is that in any
B in the weak ordering, then eco- specific case of choice these assump-
nomic man is more likely to choose A tions will be satisfied. For instance,
than B, but not certain to choose A.) if economic man is a model for real
This notion of maximization is men, then real men should always
mathematically useful, since it makes exhibit transitivity of real choices.
it possible for a theory to specify a Transitivity is an assumption, but it
unique point or a unique subset of is directly testable. So are the other
points among those available to the properties of economic man as a
decider. It seems to me psychologi- model for real men.
cally unobjectionable. So many differ- Economists themselves are some-
ent kinds of functions can be maxi- what distrustful of economic man
mized that almost any point actually (119, 156), and we will see in subse-
available in an experimental situation quent sections the results of a num-
can be regarded as a maximum of ber of attempts to relax these as-
some sort. Assumptions about maxi- sumptions.
mization only become specific, and Early utility maximization theory.
therefore possibly wrong, when they The school of philosopher-economists
specify what is being maximized. started by Jeremy Bentham and
There has, incidentally, been al- popularized by James Mill and others
most no discussion of the possibility held that the goal of human action is
that the two parts of the concept of to seek pleasure and avoid pain.
rationality might conflict. It is con- Every object or action may be con-
ceivable, for example, that it might sidered from the point of view of
be costly in effort (and therefore in pleasure- or pain-giving properties.
negative utility) to maintain a weakly These properties are called the utility
ordered preference field. Under such of the object, and pleasure is given
circumstances, would it be "rational" by positive utility and pain by nega-
to have such a field? tive utility. The goal of action, then,
It is easy for a psychologist to point is to seek the maximum utility. This
out that an economic man who has simple hedonism of the future is
the properties discussed above is very easily translated into a theory of
unlike a real man. In fact, it is so choice. People choose the alternative,
easy to point this out that psycholo- from among those open to them, that
leads to the greatest excess of positive completing goods, like right and left
over negative utility. This notion of shoes, which obviously do not have
utility maximization is the essence of independent utilities). Edgeworth
the utility theory of choice. It will (53), who was concerned with such
reappear in various forms through- nonindependent utilities, pointed out
out this paper. (Bohnert [30] dis- that total utility was not necessarily
cusses the logical structure of the an additive function of the utilities
utility concept.) attributable to separate commodities.
This theory of choice was embodied In the process he introduced the no-
in the formal economic analyses of all tion of indifference curves, and thus
the early great names in economics. began the gradual destruction of the
In the hands of Jevons, Walras, and classical utility theory. We shall re-
Menger it reached increasingly so- turn to this point shortly.
phisticated mathematical expression Although the forces of parsimony
and it was embodied in the thinking have gradually resulted in the elimi-
of Marshall, who published the first nation of the classical concept of
edition of his great Principles of utility from the economic theory of
Economics in 1890, and revised it at riskless choices, there have been a
intervals for more than 30 years few attempts to use essentially the
thereafter (137). classical theory in an empirical way.
The use to which utility theory was Fisher (63) and Frisch (75) have de-
put by these theorists was to estab- veloped methods of measuring margi-
lish the nature of the demand for nal utility (the change in utility [u]
various goods. On the assumption with an infinitesimal change in
that the utility of any good is a amount possessed [Q], i.e., du/dQ)
monotonically increasing negatively from market data, by making assump-
accelerated function of the amount of tions about the interpersonal simi-
that good, it is easy to show that the larity of consumer tastes. Recently
amounts of most goods which a con- Morgan (141) has used several vari-
sumer will buy are decreasing func- ants of these techniques, has dis-
tions of price, functions which are cussed mathematical and logical flaws
precisely specified once the shapes of in them, and has concluded on the
the utility curves are known. This is basis of his empirical results that the
the result the economists needed and techniques require too unrealistic
is, of course, a testable theorem. (For assumptions to be workable. The
more on this, see 87, 159.) crux of the problem is that, for these
Complexities arise in this theory techniques to be useful, the com-
when the relations between the modities used must be independent
utilities of different goods are con- (rather than competing or complet-
sidered. Jevons, Walras, Menger, ing), and the broad commodity clas-
and even Marshall had assumed that sifications necessary for adequate
the utilities of different commodities market data are not independent.
can be combined into a total utility Samuelson (164) has shown that the
by simple addition; this amounts to assumption of independent utilities,
assuming that the utilities of different while it does guatantee interval scale
goods are independent (in spite of utility measures, puts unwarrantably
the fact that Marshall elsewhere dis- severe restrictions on the nature of
cussed the notions of competing the resulting demand function. Else-
goods, like soap and detergents, and where Samuelson (158) presented,
primarily as a logical and mathe- the same amount of utility from
matical exercise, a method of measur- 10-apples-and-l-banana as you do
ing marginal utility by assuming from 6-apples-and-4-bananas. Then
some time-discount function. Since these are two points on an indiffer-
no reasonable grounds can be found ence curve, and of course there are
for assuming one such function rather an infinite number of other points on
than another, this procedure holds no the same curve. Naturally, this is not
promise of empirical success. Mar- the only indifference curve you may
shall suggested (in his notion of "con- have between apples and bananas. It
sumer's surplus") a method of utility may also be true that you are in-
measurement that turns out to be different between 13-apples-and-5-
dependent on the assumption of con- bananas and 5-apples-and-15-banan-
stant marginal utility of money, and as. These are two points on another,
which is therefore quite unworkable. higher indifference curve. A whole
Marshall's prestige led to extensive family of such curves is called an in-
discussion and debunking of this difference map. Figure 1 presents
notion (e.g., 28), but little positive such a map. One particularly useful
comes out of this literature. Thur- kind of indifference map has amounts
stone (186) is currently attempting of a commodity on one axis and
to determine utility functions for amounts of money on the other.
commodities experimentally, but has Money is a commodity, too.
reported no results as yet. The notion of an indifference map
Indifference curves. Edgeworth's can be derived, as Edge worth derived
introduction of the notion of in- it, from the notion of measurable
difference curves to deal with the utility. But it does not have to be.
utilities of nonindependent goods was Pareto (146, see also 151) was seri-
mentioned above. An indifference ously concerned about the assump-
curve is, in Edgeworth's formula- tion that utility was measurable up
tion, a constant-utility curve. Sup- to a linear transformation. He felt
pose that we consider apples and that people could tell whether they
bananas, and suppose that you get preferred to be in state A or state B,
but could not tell how much they
25 preferred one state over the other. In
other words, he hypothesized a utility
_J 20 function measurable only on an ordi-
0_ nal scale. Let us follow the usual
QL economic language, and call utility
< 15 measured on an ordinal scale ordinal
utility, and utility measured on an
10 interval scale, cardinal utility. It is
Ld meaningless to speak of the slope, or
CO marginal utility, of an ordinal utility
function; such a function cannot be
differentiated. However, Pareto saw
that the same conclusions which had
0 5 10 15 20 25 been drawn from marginal utilities
could be drawn from indifference
NUMBER OF BANANAS curves. An indifference map can be
FIG. 1. A HYPOTHETICAL INDIFFERENCE MAP drawn simply by finding all the com-

binations of the goods involved consumer demand with no reference

among which the person is indiffer- to the notion of even ordinal utility
ent. Pareto's formulation assumes (though of course the notion of an
that higher indifference curves have ordinal scale of preferences was still
greater utility, but does not need to embodied in their derivation of in-
specify how much greater that utility difference curves). This paper was
is. for economics something like the be-
It turns out to be possible to de- haviorist revolution in psychology.
duce from indifference curves all of Lange (116), stimulated by Hicks
the theorems that were originally de- and Allen, pointed out another incon-
duced from cardinal utility measures. sistency in Pareto. Pareto had as-
This banishing of cardinal utility was sumed that if a person considered
furthered considerably by splendid four states, A, B, C, and D, he could
mathematical papers by Johnson judge whether the difference between
(97) and Slutsky (177). (In modern the utilities of A and B was greater
economic theory, it is customary to than, equal to, or less than the differ-
think of an w-dimensional commodity ence between the utilities of C and D.
space, and of indifference hyper- Lange pointed out that if such a
planes in that space, each such hyper- comparison was possible for any A,
plane having, of course, n— 1 dimen- B, C, and D, then utility was car-
sions. In order to avoid unsatisfactory dinally measurable. Since it seems
preference structures, it is necessary introspectively obvious that such
to assume that consumers always comparisons can be made, this paper
have a complete weak ordering for all provoked a flood of protest and com-
commodity bundles, or points in com- ment (7, 22, 117, 147, 209). Never-
modity space. Georgescu-Roegen theless, in spite of all the comment,
[76], Wold [204, 205, 206, 208], and even in spite of skepticism by a
Houthakker [90], and Samuelson distinguished economist as late as
[167] have discussed this problem.) 1953 (153), Lange is surely right.
Pareto was not entirely consistent Psychologists should know this at
in his discussion of ordinal utility. once; such comparisons are the basis
Although he abandoned the assump- of the psychophysical Method of
tion that its exact value could be Equal Sense Distances, from which
known, he continued to talk about an interval scale is derived. (Samuel-
the sign of the marginal utility co- son [162] has pointed out a very in-
efficient, which assumed that some teresting qualification. Not only
knowledge about the utility function must such judgments of difference be
other than purely ordinal knowledge possible, but they must also be transi-
was available. He also committed tive in order to define an interval
other inconsistencies. So Hicks and scale.) But since such judgments of
Allen (88), in 1934, were led to their differences did not seem to be neces-
classic paper in which they attempted sary for the development of consumer
to purge the theory of choice of its demand theory, Lange's paper did
last introspective elements. They not force the reinstatement of cardi-
adopted the conventional economic nal utility.
view about indifference curves as de- Indeed, the pendulum swung
termined from a sort of imaginary further in the behavioristic direction.
questionnaire, and proceeded to de- Samuelson developed a new analytic
rive all of the usual conclusions about foundation for the theory of con-
sumer behavior, the essence of which show that marginal utility could be
is that indifference curves and hence defined even in an ordinal-utility
the entire structure of the theory of universe (23, 24, 163; 25, 114).
consumer choice can be derived Knight (110), in 1944, argued ex-
simply from observation of choices tensively for cardinal utility; he
among alternative groups of pur- based his arguments in part on in-
chases available to a consumer (160, trospective considerations and in part
161). This approach has been ex- on an examination of psychophysical
tensively developed by Samuelson scaling procedures. He stimulated a
(164, 165, 167, 169) and others (50, number of replies (29, 42; 111). Re-
90, 125, 126). The essence of the idea cently Robertson (154) pleaded for
is that each choice defines a point the reinstatement of cardinal utility
and a slope in commodity space. in the interests of welfare economics
Mathematical approximation meth- (this point will be discussed again
ods make it possible to combine a below). But in general the indiffer-
whole family of such slopes into an ence curve approach, in its various
indifference hyperplane. A family of forms, has firmly established itself as
such hyperplanes forms an indiffer- the structure of the theory of riskless
ence "map." choice.
In a distinguished but inaccessible Experiments on indifference curves.
series of articles, Wold (204, 205, 206; Attempts to measure marginal utility
see also 208 for a summary presenta- from market data were discussed
tion) has presented the mathematical above. There have been three experi-
content of the Pareto, Hicks and Al- mental attempts to measure indiffer-
len, and revealed preference (Samu- ence curves. Schultz, who pioneered
elson) approaches, as well as Cassel's in deriving statistical demand curves,
demand function approach, and has interested his colleague at the Univer-
shown that if the assumption about sity of Chicago, the psychologist
complete weak ordering of bundles of Thurstone, in the problem of in-
commodities which was discussed difference curves. Thurstone (185)
above is made, then all these ap- performed a very simple experiment.
proaches are mathematically equiva- He gave one subject a series of com-
lent. binations of hats and overcoats, and
Nostalgia for cardinal utility. The required the subject to judge whether
crucial reason for abandoning cardi- he preferred each combination to a
nal utility was the argument of the standard. For instance, the subject
ordinalists that indifference curve judged whether he preferred eight
analysis in its various forms could do hats and eight overcoats to fifteen
everything that cardinal utility could hats and three overcoats. The same
do, with fewer assumptions. So far procedure was repeated for hats and
as the theory of riskless choice is con- shoes, and for shoes and overcoats.
cerned, this is so. But this is only an The data were fitted with indifference
argument for parsimony, and parsi- curves derived from the assumptions
mony is not always welcome. There that utility curves fitted Fechner's
was a series of people who, for one Law and that the utilities of the
reason or another, wanted to rein- various objects were independent.
state cardinal utility, or at least Thurstone says that Fechner's Law
marginal utility. There were several fitted the data better than the other
mathematically invalid attempts to possible functions he considered, but

presents no evidence for this asser- con and eggs. By assuming that all
tion. The crux of the experiment students had the same indifference
was the attempt to predict the in- curves, they were able to derive a com-
difference curves between shoes and posite indifference map for bacon and
overcoats from the other indifference eggs. No mathematical assumptions
curves. This was done by using the were necessary, and the indifference
other two indifference curves to infer map is not given mathematical form.
utility functions for shoes and for Some judgments were partly or com-
overcoats separately, and then using pletely inconsistent with the final map,
these two utility functions to predict but not too many. The only conclu-
the total utility of various amounts sion which this experiment justifies is
of shoes and overcoats jointly. The that it is possible to derive such a
prediction worked rather well. The composite indifference map.
judgments of the one subject used are The final attempt to measure an
extraordinarily orderly; there is very indifference curve is a very recent one
little of the inconsistency and vari- by the psychologists Coombs and
ability that others working in this Milholland (49). The indifference
area have found. Thurstone says, curve involved is one between risk
"The subject . . . was entirely naive and value of an object, and so will be
as regards the psychophysical prob- discussed below in the section on the
lem involved and had no knowledge theory of risky decisions. It is men-
whatever of the nature of the curves tioned here because the same meth-
that we expected to find" (18S, p. ods (which show only that the in-
154). He adds, "I selected as subject difference curve is convex to the
a research assistant in my laboratory origin, and so perhaps should not be
who knew nothing about psycho- called measurement) could equally
physics. Her work was largely well be applied to the determination
clerical in nature. She had a very of indifference curves in riskless
even disposition, and I instructed her situations.
to take an even motivational attitude Mention should be made of the
on the successive occasions . . . I was extensive economic work on statisti-
surprised at the consistency of the cal demand curves. For some reason
judgments that I obtained, but I am the most distinguished statistical de-
pretty sure that they were the result mand curve derivers feel it necessary
of careful instruction to assume a uni- to give an account of consumer's
form motivational attitude."3 From choice theory as a preliminary to the
the economist's point of view, the derivation of their empirical demand
main criticism of this experiment is curves. The result is that the two
that it involved imaginary rather best books in the area (172, 182) are
than real transactions (200). each divided into two parts; the first
The second experimental measure- is a general discussion of the theory
ment of indifference curves is reported of consumer's choice and the second
by the economists Rousseas and Hart a quite unrelated report of statistical
(157). They required large numbers economic work. Stigler (179) has
of students to rank sets of three com- given good reasons why the statistical
binations of different amounts of ba- demand curves are so little related to
the demand curves of economic
Thurstone, L. L. Personal communication, theory, and Wallis and Friedman
December 7, 1953. (200) argue plausibly that this state
of affairs is inevitable. At any rate, C may be more than one j.n.d. apart,
there seems to be little prospect of and so one may be preferred to the
using large-scale economic data to fill other. This argument is, of course,
in the empirical content of the theory wrong. If A has slightly more utility
of individual decision making. than B, then the individual will
Psychological comments. There are choose A in preference to B slightly
several commonplace observations more than SO per cent of the time,
that are likely to occur to psycholo- even though A and B are less than
gists as soon as they try to apply the one j.n.d. apart in utility. The 50 per
theory of riskless choices to actual cent point is in theory a precisely
experimental work. The first is that defined point, not a region. It may in
human beings are neither perfectly fact be difficult to determine because
consistent nor perfectly sensitive. of inconsistencies in judgments and
This means that indifference curves because of changes in taste with time.
are likely to be observable as in- The second psychological observa-
difference regions, or as probability tion is that it seems impossible even
distributions of choice around a to dream of getting experimentally
central locus. It would be easy to an indifference map in w-dimensional
assume that each indifference curve space where n is greater than 3. Even
represents the modal value of a nor- the case of w = 3 presents formidable
mal sensitivity curve, and that choices experimental problems. This is less
should have statistical properties important to the psychologist who
predictable from that hypothesis as wants to use the theory of choice to
the amounts of the commodities rationalize experimental data than
(locations in product space) are to the economist who wants to de-
changed. This implies that the defi- rive a theory of general static equilib-
nition of indifference between two rium.
collections of commodities should be Experiments like Thurstone's (185)
that each collection is preferred over involve so many assumptions that it
the other 50 per cent of the time. is difficult to know what their empiri-
Such a definition has been proposed cal meaning might be if these assump-
by an economist (108), and used in tions were not made. Presumably,
experimental work by psychologists the best thing to do with such ex-
(142). Of course, SO per cent choice periments is to consider them as tests
has been a standard psychological of the assumption with the least face
definition of indifference since the validity. Thurstone was willing to
days of Fechner. assume utility maximization and in-
Incidentally, failure on the part of dependence of the commodities in-
an economist to understand that a volved (incidentally, his choice of
just noticeable difference (j.n.d.) is a commodities seems singularly un-
statistical concept has led him to fortunate for justifying an assump-
argue that the indifference relation is tion of independent utilities), and so
intransitive, that is, that if A is in- used his data to construct a utility
different to B and B is indifferent to function. Of course, if only ordinal
C, then A need not be indifferent to C utility is assumed, then experimental
(8, 9, 10). He argues that if A and B indifference curves cannot be used
are less than one j.n.d. apart, then A this way. In fact, in an ordinal-
will be indifferent to B; the same of utility universe neither of the prin-
course is true of B and C; but A and cipal assumptions made by Thurstone

can be tested by means of experi- point has not been universally recog-
mental indifference curves. So the nized, and certain economists (e.g.,
assumption of cardinal utility, though 82, 154) still defend cardinal (but not
not necessary, seems to lead to con- interpersonally comparable) utility
siderably more specific uses for ex- on grounds of its necessity for wel-
perimental data. fare economics.
At any rate, from the experimental Pareto's principle. The abandon-
point of view the most interesting ment of interpersonal comparability
question is: What is the observed and then of cardinal utility produced
shape of indifference curves between a search for some other principle to
independent commodities? This ques- justify economic policy. Pareto
tion awaits an experimental answer. (146), who first abandoned cardinal
The notion of utility is very similar utility, provided a partial solution.
to the Lewinian notion of valence He suggested that a change should
(120, 121). Lewin conceives of be considered desirable if it left
valence as the attractiveness of an everyone at least as well off as he
object or activity to a person (121). was before, and made at least one
Thus, psychologists might consider person better off.
the experimental study of utilities to Compensation principle. Pareto's
be the experimental study of valences, principle is fine as far as it goes, but
and therefore an attempt at quantify- it obviously does not go very far.
ing parts of the Lewinian theoretical The economic decisions which can be
schema. made on so simple a principle are few
and insignificant. So welfare eco-
APPLICATION OF THE THEORY OF nomics languished until Kaldor (98)
RISKLESS CHOICES TO WEL- proposed the compensation prin-
FARE ECONOMICS4 ciple. This principle is that if it is
The classical utility theorists as- possible for those who gain from an
sumed the existence of interpersonally economic change to compensate the
comparable cardinal utility. They losers for their losses and still have
were thus able to find a simple an- something left over from their gains,
swer to the question of how to de- then the change is desirable. Of
termine the best economic policy: course, if the compensation is actually
That economic policy is best which paid, then this is simply a case of
results in the maximum total utility, Pareto's principle.
summed over all members of the But Kaldor asserted that the
economy. compensation need not actually be
The abandonment of interpersonal made; all that was necessary was
comparability makes this answer use- that it could be made. The fact that
less. A sum is meaningless if the it could be made, according to
units being summed are of varying Kaldor, is evidence that the change
sizes and there is no way of reducing produces an excess of good over harm,
them to some common size. This and so is desirable. Scitovsky (173)
observed an inconsistency in Kaldor's
The discussion of welfare economics given position: Some cases could arise in
in this paper is exceedingly sketchy. For a which, when a change from A to B
picture of what the complexities of modern has been made because of Kaldor's
welfare economics are really like (see 11, 13,
14, 86, 118, 124, 127, 139, 140, 148, 154, 155, criterion, then a change back from B
166, 174). to A would also satisfy Kaldor's

criterion. It is customary, therefore, very reasonable requirements about

to assume that changes which meet being sensitive in some way to the
the original Kaldor criterion are only wishes of all the people affected,
desirable if the reverse change does etc., cannot in general be found in
not also meet the Kaldor criterion. the absence of interpersonally com-
It has gradually become obvious parable utilities (see also 89).
that the Kaldor-Scitovsky criterion Psychological comment. Some econ-
does not solve the problem of welfare omists are willing to accept the
economics (see e.g., 18, 99). It as- fact that they are inexorably com-
sumes that the unpaid compensation mitted to making moral judgments
does as much good to the person who when they recommend economic
gains it as it would if it were paid to policies (e.g., 152, 153). Others still
the people who lost by the change. long for the impersonal amorality of a
For instance, suppose that an in- utility measure (e.g., 154). However
dustrialist can earn $10,000 a year desirable interpersonally comparable
more from his plant by using a new cardinal utility may be, it seems
machine, but that the introduction of Utopian to hope that any experi-
the machine throws two people ir- mental procedure will ever give in-
retrievably out of work. If the salary formation about individual utilities
of each worker prior to the change that could be of any practical use in
was $4,000 a year, then the in- guiding large-scale economic policy.
dustrialist could compensate the
workers and still make a profit. But THE THEORY OF RISKY CHOICES"
if he does not compensate the work- Risk and uncertainty. Economists
ers, then the added satisfaction he and statisticians distinguish between
gets from his extra $10,000 may be
much less than the misery he pro- Strotz (183) and Alchian (1) present non-
duces in his two workers. This ex- technical and sparkling expositions of the von
Neumann and Morgenstern utility measure-
ample only illustrates the principle; ment proposals. Georgescu-Roegen (78) criti-
it does not make much sense in these cally discusses various axiom systems so as to
days of progressive income taxes, un- bring some of the assumptions underlying this
employment compensation, high em- kind of cardinal utility into clear focus. Allais
ployment, and strong unions. (3) reviews some of these ideas in the course of
criticizing them, Arrow (12, 14) reviews parts
Social welfare functions. From here of the field.
on the subject of welfare economics There is a large psychological literature on
gets too complicated and too remote one kind of risky decision making, the kind
from psychology to merit extensive which results when psychologists use partial
reinforcement. This literature has been re-
exploration in this paper. The line viewed by Jenkins and Stanley (96). Recently
that it has taken is the assumption a number of experimenters, including Jarrett
of a social welfare function (21), a (95), Flood (69, 70), Bilodeau (27), and my-
function which combines individual self (56) have been performing experiments on
utilities in a way which satisfies human subjects who are required to choose
repetitively between two or more alternatives,
Pareto's principle but is otherwise each of which has a probability of reward
undefined. In spite of its lack of greater than zero and less than one. The prob-
definition, it is possible to draw lems raised by these experiments are too com-
certain conclusions from such a func- plicated and too far removed from conven-
tion (see e.g., 164). However, Arrow tional utility theory to be dealt with in this
paper. This line of experimentation may even-
(14) has recently shown that a social tually provide the link which ties together
welfare function that meets certain utility theory and reinforcement theory.
risk and uncertainty. There does not is the probability that the following
seem to be any general agreement proposition is true: Immediately
about which concept should be as- after finishing this paper, you will
sociated with which word, but the drink a glass of beer? Surely it is
following definitions make the most neither impossible nor certain, so it
important distinctions. ought to have a probability between
Almost everyone would agree that zero and one, but it is impossible for
when I toss a coin the probability you or me to find out what that prob-
that I will get a head is .5. A proposi- ability might be, or even to set up
tion about the future to which a num- generally acceptable rules about how
ber can be attached, a number that to find out. Such propositions are
represents the likelihood that the considered cases of uncertainty, rather
proposition is true, may be called a than of risk. This section deals only
first-order risk. What the rules are for with the subject of first-order risks.
attaching such numbers is a much The subject of uncertainty will arise
debated question, which will be again in connection with the theory
avoided in this paper. of games.
Some propositions may depend on Expected utility maximization. The
more than one probability distribu- traditional mathematical notion for
tion. For instance, I may decide that dealing with games of chance (and so
if I get a tail, I will put the coin back with risky decisions) is the notion
in my pocket, whereas if I get a head, that choices should be made so as to
I will toss it again. Now, the prob- maximize expected value. The ex-
ability of the proposition "I will get pected value of a bet is found by
a head on my second toss" is a func- multiplying the value of each possible
tion of two probability distributions, outcome by its probability of oc-
the distribution corresponding to the currence and summing these prod-
first toss and that corresponding to ucts across all possible outcomes. In
the second toss. This might be called symbols:
a second-order risk. Similarly, risks of
any order may be constructed. It is a
mathematical characteristic of all where p stands for probability, $
higher-order risks that they may be stands for the value of an outcome,
compounded into first-order risks by and pi+p*+ • • • +£n = l.
means of the usual theorems for com- The assumption that people ac-
pounding probabilities. (Some econo- tually behave the way this mathe-
mists have argued against this pro- matical notion says they should is
cedure [83], essentially on the grounds contradicted by observable behavior
that you may have more information in many risky situations. People are
by the time the second risk comes willing to buy insurance, even though
around. Such problems can best be the person who sells the insurance
dealt with by means of von Neumann makes a profit. People are willing to
and Morgenstern's [197] concept of buy lottery tickets, even though the
strategy, which is discussed below. lottery makes a profit. Consideration
They become in general problems of of the problem of insurance and of the
uncertainty, rather than risk.) St. Petersburg paradox led Daniel
Some propositions about the future Bernoulli, an eighteenth century
exist to which no generally accepted mathematician, to propose that they
probabilities can be attached. What could be resolved by assuming that
people act so as to maximize expected arbitrary definitions correspond to
utility, rather than expected value defining the two undefined constants
(26). (He also assumed that utility which are permissible since cardinal
followed a function that more than a utility is measured only up to a linear
century later was proposed by Fech- transformation. Then we may cal-
ner for subjective magnitudes in culate the utility of $7.00 by using
general and is now called Fechner's the concept of expected utility as fol-
Law.) This was the first use of the lows:
notion of expected utility.
The literature on risky decision 17(17.00) = .5 £7($10.00) +.5 E7($0.00)
making prior to 1944 consists pri- = .5(10)+.5(0) = 5.
marily of the St. Petersburg paradox Thus we have determined the cardi-
and other gambling and probability nal utility of $7.00 and found that it
literature in mathematics, some liter- is 5 utiles. By varying the probabil-
ary discussion in economics (e.g., 109, ities and by using the already found
187), one economic paper on lotteries utilities it is possible to discover the
(189), and the early literature of the utility of any other amount of money,
theory of games (31, 32, 33, 34, 195), using only the two permissible arbi-
which did not use the notion of trary definitions. It is even more
utility. The modern period in the convenient if instead of +$10.00,
study of risky decision making began — $10.00 or some other loss is used as
with the publication in 1944 of von one of the arbitrary utilities.
Neumann and Morgenstern's monu- A variety of implications is em-
mental book Theory of Games and bodied in this apparently simple no-
Economic Behavior (196, see also tion. In the attempt to examine and
197), which we will discuss more fully exhibit clearly what these implica-
later. Von Neumann and Morgen- tions are, a number of axiom systems,
stern pointed out that the usual as- differing from von Neumann and
sumption that economic man can Morgenstern's but leading to the
always say whether he prefers one same result, have been developed
state to another or is indifferent be- (73, 74, 85, 135, 136, 171). This
tween them needs only to be slightly paper will not attempt to go into
modified in order to imply cardinal the complex discussions (e.g., 130,
utility. The modification consists of 131, 168, 207) of these various al-
adding that economic man can also ternative axiom systems. One recent
completely order probability com- discussion of them (78) has con-
binations of states. Thus, suppose cluded, on reasonable grounds, that
that an economic man is indifferent the original von Neumann and Mor-
between the certainty of $7.00 and a genstern set of axioms is still the best.
50-50 chance of gaining $10.00 or It is profitable, however, to ex-
nothing. We can assume that his amine what the meaning of this no-
indifference between these two pros- tion is from the empirical point of
pects means that they have the same view if it is right. First, it means that
utility for him. We may define the risky propositions can be ordered
utility of $0.00 as zero utiles (the in desirability, just as riskless ones
usual name for the unit of utility, just can. Second, it means that the con-
as sone is the name for the unit of cept of expected utility is behavior-
auditory loudness), and the utility ally meaningful. Finally, it means
of $10.00 as 10 utiles?, These two choices among risky alternatives
are made in such a way that they clearly willing to accept "fair" in-
maximize expected utility. surance (i.e., insurance with zero ex-
If this model is to be used to pre- pected money value) because the
dict actual choices, what could go serious loss against which he is insur-
wrong with it? It might be that the ing would have a lower expected
probabilities by which the utilities utility than the certain loss of the
are multiplied should not be the ob- insurance premium. (Negatively ac-
jective probabilities; in other words, a celerated total utility curves, like
decider's estimate of the subjective that from the origin to /, are what
importance of a probability may not you get when marginal utility de-
be the same as the numerical value of creases; thus, decreasing marginal
that probability. It might be that
the method of combination of proba-
bilities and values should not be
simple multiplication. It might be
that the method of combination of
the probability-value products should
not be simple addition. It might be
that the process of gambling has UJ
some positive or negative utility of
its own. It might be that the whole
approach is wrong, that people just
do not behave as if they were trying
to maximize expected utility. We
shall examine some of these pos-
sibilities in greater detail below.
Economic implications of maximiz-
ing expected utility. The utility-
measurement notions of von Neu- DOLLARS
mann and Morgenstern were en- FIG. 2. HYPOTHETICAL UTILITY CURVE FOR
thusiastically welcomed by many MONEY, PROPOSED BY FRIEDMAN AND SAVAGE
economists (e.g., 73, 193), though a
few (e.g., 19) were at least tempo- utility is consistent with the avoid-
rarily (20) unconvinced. The most ance of risks.) The person would also
interesting economic use of them was be willing to buy lottery tickets, since
proposed by Friedman and Savage the expected utility of the lottery
(73), who were concerned with the ticket is greater than the certain loss
question of why the same person who of the cost of the ticket, because of
buys insurance (with a negative ex- the rapid increase in the height of the
pected money value), and therefore is utility function. Other considera-
willing to pay in order not to take tions make it necessary that the
risks, will also buy lottery tickets utility curve turn down again. Note
(also with a negative expected money that this discussion assumes that
value) in which he pays in order to gambling has no inherent utility.
take risks. They suggested that these Markowitz (132) suggested an im-
facts could be reconciled by a doubly portant modification in this hy-
inflected utility curve for money, like pothesis. He suggested that the
that in Fig. 2. If / represents the origin of a person's utility curve for
person's current income, then he is money be taken as his customary
financial status, and that on both which differ in some way from the
sides of the origin the curve be as- objective probabilities, as well as on
sumed first concave and then convex. utilities different from the objective
If the person's customary state of values of the objects involved.
wealth changes, then the shape of his Mosteller and Nogee (142) carried
utility curve will thus remain gen- out the first experiment to apply the
erally the same with respect to where von Neumann-Morgenstern model.
he now is, and so his risk-taking be- They presented Harvard undergradu-
havior will remain pretty much the ates and National Guardsmen with
same instead of changing with every bets stated in terms of rolls at poker
change of wealth as in the Friedman- dice, which each subject could accept
Savage formulation. or refuse. Each bet gave a "hand"
Criticism of the expected-utility at poker dice. If the subject could
maximization theory. It is fairly easy beat the hand, he won an amount
to construct examples of behavior stated in the bet. If not, he lost a
that violate the von Neumann- nickel. Subjects played with $1.00,
Morgenstern axioms (for a partic- which they were given at the be-
ularly ingenious example, see 183). It ginning of each experimental session.
is especially easy to do so when the They were run together in groups of
amounts of money involved are very five; but each decided and rolled the
large, or when the probabilities or poker dice for himself. Subjects were
probability differences involved are provided with a table in which the
extremely small. Allais (5) has con- mathematically fair bets were shown,
structed a questionnaire full of items so that a subject could immediately
of this type. For an economist in- tell by referring to the table whether
terested in using these axioms as a a given bet was fair, or better or
basis for a completely general theory worse than fair.
of risky choice, these examples may In the data analysis, the first step
be significant. But psychological in- was the determination of "indiffer-
terest in this model is more modest. ence offers." For each probability
The psychologically important ques- used and for each player, the amount
tion is: Can such a model be used to of money was found for which that
account for simple experimental ex- player would accept the bet SO per
amples of risky decisions? cent of the time. Thus equality was
Of course a utility function derived defined as SO per cent choice, as it
by von Neumann-Morgenstern means is likely to be in all psychological ex-
is not necessarily the same as a classi- periments of this sort. Then the
cal utility function (74, 203; see also utility of $0.00 was defined as 0
82). utiles, and the utility of losing a
Experiment on the von Neumann- nickel was defined as — 1 utile. With
Morgenstern model. A number of ex- these definitions and the probabilities
periments on risky decision making involved, it was easy to calculate the
have been performed. Only the first utility corresponding to the amount
of them, by Mosteller and Nogee of money involved in the indifference
(142), has been in the simple frame- offer. It turned out that, in genera),
work of the model described above. the Harvard undergraduates had
All the rest have in some way or diminishing marginal utilities, while
another centered on the concept of the National Guardsmen had in-
probabilities effective for behavior creasing marginal utilities.
The utilities thus calculated were periment. Consequently, their con-
used in predicting the results of more clusion that the amount of money
complex bets. It is hard to evaluate possessed by the subjects was not
the success of these predictions. At seriously important can only be true
any rate, an auxiliary paired- if their utility curves are utility-
comparisons experiment showed that for-w-more dollars curves and if the
the hypothesis that subjects maxi- shapes of such curves are not affected
mized expected utility predicted by changes in the number of dollars
choices better than the hypothesis on hand. This discussion exhibits a
that subjects maximized expected type of problem which must always
money value. arise in utility measurement and
The utility curve that Mosteller which is new in psychological scaling.
and Nogee derive is different from The effects of previous judgments on
the one Friedman and Savage (73) present judgments are a familiar
were talking about. Suppose that a story in psychophysics, but they are
subject's utility curve were of the usually assumed to be contaminating
Friedman-Savage type, as in Fig1. 2, influences that can be minimized or
and that he had enough money to put eliminated by proper experimental
him at point P. If he now wins or design. In utility scaling, the funda-
loses a bet, then he is moved to a mental idea of a utility scale is such
different location on the indifference that the whole structure of a subject's
curve, say Q. (Note that the amounts choices should be altered as a result
of money involved are much smaller of each previous choice (if the choices
than in the original Friedman-Savage are real ones involving money gaina
use of this curve.) However, the con- or losses). The Markowitz solution
struction of a Mosteller-Nogee utility to this problem is the most practical
curve assumes that the individual is one available at present, and that
always at the same point on his solution is not entirely satisfactory
utility curve, namely the origin. This since all it does is to assume that
means that the curve is really of the people's utilities for money operate
Markowitz (132) type discussed in such a way that the problem does
above, instead of the Friedman- not really exist. This assumption is
Savage type. The curve is not really plausible for money, but it geta
a curve of utility of money in general, rapidly less plausible when other
but rather it is a curve of the utility- commodities with a less continuous
for-w-more dollars. Even so, it must character are considered instead.
be assumed further that as the total Probability preferences. In a series
amount of money possessed by the of recent experiments (55, 57, 58,
subject changes during the experi- 59), the writer has shown that subjects,
ment, the utility-for-«-more dollars when they bet, prefer some probabil-
curve does not change. Mosteller and ities to others (57), and that these
Nogee argue, on the basis of detailed preferences cannot be accounted for
examination of some of their data, by utility considerations (59). All
that the amount of money possessed the experiments were basically of the
by the subjects did not seriously same design. Subjects were required
influence their choices. The utility to choose between pairs of bets ac-
curves they reported showed chang- cording to the method of paired com-
ing marginal utility within the parisons. The bets were of three
amounts of money usdd in their ex- kinds: positive expected value, nega-
tive expected value, and zero ex- pected amount of money and betting
pected value. The two members of at the preferred probabilities (58).
each pair of bets had the same ex- An attempt was made to construct
pected value, so that there was never individual utility curves adequate to
(in the main experiment [57, 59]) any account for the results of several sub-
objective reason to expect that choos- jects. For this purpose, the utility of
ing one bet would be more desirable $0.30 was defined as 30 utiles, and it
than choosing the other. was assumed that subjects cannot
Subjects made their choices under discriminate utility differences small-
three conditions: just imagining they er than half a utile. Under these as-
were betting; betting for worthless sumptions, no individual utility curves
chips; and betting for real money. consistent with the data could be
They paid any losses from their own drawn. Various minor experiments
funds, but they were run in extra showed that these results were relia-
sessions after the main experiment to ble and not due to various possible
bring their winnings up to $1.00 per artifacts (59). No attempt was made
hour. to generate a mathematical model of
The results showed that two fac- probability preferences.
tors were most important in deter- The existence of probability prefer-
mining choices: general preferences or ences means that the simple von
dislikes for risk-taking, and specific Neumann-Morgenstern method of
preferences among probabilities. An utility measurement cannot succeed.
example of the first kind of factor is Choices between bets will be deter-
that subjects strongly preferred low mined not only by the amounts of
probabilities of losing large amounts money involved, but also by the
of money to high probabilities of preferences the subjects have among
losing small amounts of money—they the probabilities involved. Only an
just didn't like to lose. It also turned experimental procedure which holds
out that on positive expected value one of these variables constant, or
bets, they were more willing to accept otherwise allows for it, can hope to
long shots when playing for real measure the other. Thus my experi-
money than when just imagining or ments cannot be regarded as a way
playing for worthless chips. An ex- of measuring probability preferences;
ample of the second kind of factor they show only that such preferences
is that they consistently preferred exist.
bets involving a 4/8 probability of It may nevertheless be possible to
winning to all others, and consistently get an interval scale of the utility of
avoided bets involving a 6/8 prob- money from gambling experiments by
ability of winning. These preferences designing an experiment which meas-
were reversed for negative expected ures utility and probability prefer-
value bets. ences simultaneously. Such experi-
These results were independent of ments are likely to be complicated
the amounts of money involved in and difficult to run, but they can be
the bets, so long as the condition of designed.
constant expected value was main- Subjective probability. First, a
tained (59). When pairs of bets which clarification of terms is necessary.
differed from one another in expected The phrase subjective probability has
value were used, the choices were a been used in two ways: as a name
compromise between maximizing ex- for a school of thought about the
logical basis of mathematical prob- equals objective probability) at about
ability (51, 52, 80) and as a name for 0.2. Griffith (81) found somewhat
a transformation on the scale of similar results in an analysis of
mathematical probabilities which is parimutuel betting at race tracks, as
somehow related to behavior. Only did Attneave (17) in a guessing game,
the latter usage is intended here. The and Sprowls (178) in an analysis of
clearest distinction between these various lotteries. The Mosteller and
two notions arises from considera- Nogee data (142) can, of course, be
tion of what happens when an objec- analyzed for subjective probabilities
tive probability can be denned (e.g., instead of subjective values. Mostel-
in a game of craps). If the subjective ler and Nogee performed such an
probability is assumed to be different analysis and said that their results
from the objective probability, then were in general agreement with
the concept is being used in its sec- Preston and Baratta's. However,
ond, or psychological, sense. Other Mosteller and Nogee found no in-
terms with the same meaning have difference point for their Harvard
also been used: personal probability, students, whereas the National
psychological probability, expecta- Guardsmen had an indifference point
tion (a poor term because of the at about 0.5. They are not able to
danger of confusion with expected reconcile these differences in results.
value). (For a more elaborate The notion of subjective probabil-
treatment of concepts in this area, ity has some serious logical difficulties.
see 192.) The scale of objective probability is
In 1948, prior to the Mosteller and bounded by 0 and 1. Should a sub-
Nogee experiment, Preston and jective probability scale be similarly
Baratta (149) used essentially similar bounded, or not? If not, then many
logic and a somewhat similar experi- different subjective probabilities will
ment to measure subjective prob- correspond to the objective proba-
abilities instead of subjective values. bilities 0 and 1 (unless some trans-
They required subjects to bid com- formation is used so that 0 and 1 ob-
petitively for the privilege of taking jective probabilities correspond to
a bet. All bids were in play money, infinite subjective probabilities, which
and the data consisted of the winning seems unlikely). Considerations of
bids. If each winning bid can be con- the addition theorem to be discussed
sidered to represent a value of play in a moment have occasionally led
money such that the winning bidder people to think of a subjective
is indifferent between it and the bet probability scale bounded at 0 but
he is bidding for, and if it is further not at 1. This is surely arbitrary.
assumed that utilities are identical The concept of absolute certainty is
with the money value of the play neither more nor less indeterminate
money and that all players have the than is the concept of absolute im-
same subjective probabilities, then possibility.
these data can be used to construct a Even more drastic logical problems
subjective probability scale. Preston arise in connection with the addition
and Baratta constructed such a theorem. If the objective probability
scale. The subjects, according to the of event A is P, and that of A not
scale, overestimate low probabilities occurring is Q, then P+Q=1. Should
and underestimate high ones, with an this rule hold for subjective proba-
indifference point (where subjective bilities? Intuitively it seems neces-
sary that if we know the subjective culties is to stop thinking about a
probability of A, we ought to be able scale of subjective probabilities and,
to figure out the subjective proba- instead, to think of a weighting
bility of not-^4, and the only reason- function applied to the scale of objec-
able rule for figuring it out is sub- tive probabilities which weights these
traction of the subjective probability objective probabilities according to
of A from that of complete certainty. their ability to control behavior. Pre-
But the acceptance of this addition sumably, I was studying this ability
theorem for subjective probabilities in my experiments on probability
plus the idea of bounded subjective preferences (55, 57, 58, 59). There is
probabilities means that the subjec- no reason why such weighted proba-
tive probability scale must be identi- bilities should add up to 1 or should
cal with the objective probability obey any other simple combinatory
scale. Only for a subjective proba- principle.
bility scale identical with the objec- Views and experiments which com-
tive probability scale will the bine utility and subjective probability.
subjective probabilities of a collec- The philosopher Ramsey published
tion of events, one of which must in 1926 (reprinted in 150) an essay
happen, add up to 1. In the special on the subjective foundations of the
case where only two events, A and theory of probability; this contained
not-A, are considered, a subjective an axiom system in which both utility
probability scale like SI or S2 in and subjective probability appeared.
Fig. 3 would meet the requirements He used 0.5 subjective probability as
of additivity, and this fact has led to a reference point from which to de-
some speculation about such scales, termine utilities, and then used these
particularly about 51. But such utilities to determine other sub-
scales do not meet the additivity re- jective probabilities. Apparently,
quirements when more than two economists did not discover Ramsey's
events are considered. essay until after von Neumann and
One way of avoiding these diffi- Morgenstern's book aroused interest
in the subject. The only other formal
axiom system in which both utility
and subjective probability play a
CO 52. part is one proposed by Savage
< (171), which is concerned with un-
CO certainty, rather than risk, and uses
o Si the concept of subjective probability
0.5 in its theory-of-probability sense.
L.J The most extensive and important
experimental work in the whole field
O of decision making under risk and
uncertainty is now being carried out
CO by Coombs and his associates at the
D University of Michigan. Coombs's
thinking about utility and subjective
0 0.5 I
probability is an outgrowth of his
OBJECTIVE PROBABILITY thinking about psychological scaling
FIG. 3. HYPOTHETICAL SUBJECTIVE PROB- in general. (For a discussion of his
ABILITY CURVES views, see 43, 44, 45, 46, 47.) The
essence of his work is the attempt to objective probability. The subject
measure both utility and subjective from whose judgments the ordered
probability on an ordered metric metric utility measurement was con-
scale. An ordered metric scale has all structed was then presented with
the properties of an ordinal scale, imaginary bets involving these ob-
and, in addition, the distances be- jects and probabilities, and it turned
tween some or all of the stimuli can. out that she almost always chose the
be rank ordered. Coombs has de- one with the higher expected utility.
veloped various experimental pro- This experiment is significant only
cedures for obtaining such informa- as an illustration of the application
tion about the spacings of stimuli. of the method; the conclusion that
In the most important article on subjects attempt to maximize ex-
utility and subjective probability to pected utility cannot very comfort-
come out of the Coombs approach, ably be generalized to other subjects
Coombs and Beardslee (48) present and to real choices without better
an analysis of gambling decisions in- evidence.
volving three independent variables: Coombs and Milholland (49) did a
utility for prize, utility for stake, and much more elaborate experiment in
subjective probability. All three are which they established ordered metric
assumed measurable only up to an scales, both for the utilities of a col-
ordered metric, although it is as- lection of objects and for the subjec-
sumed that the psychological prob- tive probabilities of a collection of
ability of losing the stake is one minus statements (e.g., Robin Roberts will
the psychological probability of win 20 games next year). Statements
winning the prize, an assumption that and objects were combined into
limits the permissible underlying "bets," and the two subjects for
psychological probability functions whom the ordered metric scales had
to shapes like those in Fig. 3. An been established were asked to make
elaborate graphic analysis of the in- judgments about which bet they
difference surfaces in this three- would most, and which they would
dimensional space is given, contain- least, prefer from among various
ing far too many interesting relation- triads of bets. These judgments were
ships to summarize here. An ex- examined to discover whether or not
periment based on this model was de- they demonstrated the existence of
signed. Coombs is reluctant to use at least one convex indifference curve
sums of money as the valuable ob- between utility and subjective prob-
jects in his experiments because of ability (the requirements for demon-
the danger that subjects will respond strating the convexity of an in-
to the numerical value of the amount difference curve by means of ordered
of dollars rather than to the psycho- metric judgments are fairly easy to
logical value. Therefore he used state). A number of cases consistent
various desirable objects (e.g., a with a convex indifference curve were
radio) as stimuli, and measured their found, but a retest of the ordered
utility by the techniques he has de- metric data revealed changes which
veloped to obtain ordered metric eliminated all of the cases consistent
scales. He used simple numerical with a convex indifference curve for
statements of probability as the one subject, and all but one case for
probability stimuli, and assumed that the other. It is not possible to make
subjective probability was equal to a statistical test of whether or not

that one case might have come about the idea that perhaps only two sub-
by chance. No evidence was found jective probability functions are nec-
for the existence of concave indiffer- essary.
ence curves, which are certainly in- Santa Monica Seminar. In the
consistent with the theory of risky summer of 1952 at Santa Monica,
decisions. This experiment is a fine California, a group of scientists con-
example of the strength and weak- ferred on problems of decision mak-
ness of the Coombs approach. It ing. They met in a two-month semi-
makes almost no assumptions, takes nar sponsored by the University of
very little for granted, and avoids Michigan and the Office of Naval
the concept of error of judgment; as Research. The dittoed reports of
a result, much of the potential in- these meetings are a gold mine of
formation in the data is unused and ideas for the student of this problem.
rarely can any strong conclusions be Some of the work done at this semi-
drawn. nar is now being prepared for a book
A most disturbing possibility is on Decision Processes edited by R. M.
raised by experiments by Marks (133) Thrall, C. H. Coombs, and R. L.
and Irwin (94) which suggest that the Davis, of the University of Michigan.
shape of the subjective probability Several minor exploratory experi-
function is influenced by the utilities ments were done at this seminar.
involved in the bets. If utilities and Vail (190) did an experiment in which
subjective probabilities are not inde- he gave four children the choice of
pendent, then there is no hope of pre- which side of various bets they
dicting risky decisions unless their wanted to be on. On the assumption
law of combination is known, and it of linear utilities, he was able to com-
seems very difficult to design an ex- pute subjective probabilities for these
periment to discover that law of com- children. The same children, how-
bination. However, the main dif- ever, were used as subjects for a
ferences that Marks and Irwin found number of other experiments; so,
were between probabilities attached when Vail later tried them out on
to desirable and undesirable alterna- some other bets, he found that they
tives. It is perfectly possible that consistently chose the bet with the
there is one subjective probability highest probability of winning, re-
function for bets with positive ex- gardless of the amounts of money in-
pected values and a different one for volved. When 50-50 bets were in-
bets with negative expected values, volved, one subject consistently chose
just as the negative branch of the the bet with the lowest expected
Markowitz utility function is likely value. No generalizable conclusions
to be different from the positive can be drawn from these experiments.
branch. The results of my probabil- Kaplan and Radner (100) tried out
ity preference experiments showed a questionnaire somewhat like
very great differences between the Coombs's method of measuring sub-
probability preference patterns for jective probability. Subjects were
positive and for negative expected - asked to assign numbers to various
value bets (57), but little difference statements. The numbers could be
between probability preferences at anything from 0 to 100 and were to
different expected-value levels so represent the likelihood that the
long as zero expected value was not statement was true. The hypotheses
crossed (59). This evidence supports to be tested were: (a) for sets of ex-
haustive and mutually exclusive ples of this type. However, from a
statements in which the numbers as- simple-minded psychological point of
signed (estimates of degree of belief) view, these examples are irrelevant.
were nearly equal, the sums of these It is enough if the theory of choice
numbers over a set would increase can predict choices involving familiar
with the number of alternatives (be- amounts of money and familiar
cause low probabilities would be over- probability differences—choices such
estimated) ; (b) for sets with the same as those which people are accustomed
numbers of alternatives, those with to making. It may be necessary for
one high number assigned would have economic theory that the theory of
a lower set sum than those with no choice be universal and exceptionless,
high numbers. The first prediction but experimental psychologists need
was verified; the second was not. not be so ambitious. This is fortu-
Any judgments of this sort are so nate, because the introduction of the
much more likely to be made on the variance and higher moments of the
basis of number preferences and utility distribution makes the prob-
similar variables than on subjective lem of applying the theory experi-
probabilities that they offer very mentally seem totally insoluble. It is
little hope as a method of measuring difficult enough to derive reasonable
subjective probabilities. methods of measuring utility alone
Variance preferences. Allais (2, 3, from risky choices; when it also be-
4) and Georgescu-Roegen (78) have comes necessary to measure subjec-
argued that it is not enough to apply tive probability and to take the
a transform on objective value and on higher moments of the utility dis-
objective probability in order to pre- tribution into account, the problem
dict risky decisions from expected seems hopeless. Allais apparently
utility (see also 188); it is also neces- hopes to defeat this problem by using
sary to take into account at least the psychophysical methods to measure
variance, and possibly the higher utility (and presumably subjective
moments, of the utility distribution. probability also). This is essentially
There are instances in which this what Coombs has done, but Coombs
argument seems convincing. You has recognized that such procedures
would probably prefer the certainty are unlikely to yield satisfactory
of a million dollars to a 50-50 chance interval scales. The dollar scale of
of getting either four million or noth- the value of money is so thoroughly
ing. I do not think that this prefer- taught to us that it seems almost im-
ence is due to the fact that the ex- possible to devise a psychophysical
pected utility of the 50-50 bet is less situation in which subjects would
than the utility of one million dollars judge the utility, rather than the dol-
to you, although this is possible. A lar value, of dollars. They might
more likely explanation is simply judge the utility of other valuable
that the variances of the two propo- objects, but since dollars are the
sitions are different. Evidence in usual measure of value, such judg-
favor of this is the fact that if you ments would be less useful, and even
knew you would be offered this choice these judgments would be likely to be
20 times in succession, you would contaminated by the dollar values of
probably take the 50-50 bet each the objects. I would get more utility
time. Allais (5) has constructed a from a new electric shaver than I
number of more sophisticated exam- would from a new washing machine,
but because of my knowledge of the criticized conventional utility the-
relative money values of these ob- ory's attack on this problem. Since
jects, I would certainly choose the the usual frequency theory of prob-
washing machine if given a choice ability conceives of the probability as
between them. Somewhat similar the limit of the outcomes of a large
arguments can be applied against number of similar trials, it is ques-
using psychophysical methods to tionable that notions which use prob-
measure subjective probability. A ability in the ordinary sense (like the
final point is that, since these subjec- notion of maximizing expected util-
tive scales are to be used to predict ity) are applicable to unique choices.
choices, it would be best if they could However, this seems to be an experi-
be derived from similar choices. mental problem. If notions which use
Other approaches. Shackle (175) ordinary probability are incapable of
has proposed a theory of decision predicting actual unique choices,
making under risk and uncertainty. then it will be necessary to seek other
This theory is unique in that it does theoretical tools. But so long as a
not assume any kind of maximizing generally acceptable probability can
behavior. For every possible out- be defined (e.g., as in the unique toss
come of a decision made in a risky or of a coin), it is not necessary to as-
uncertain situation, Shackle assumes sume a priori that theories based on
that there is a degree of potential conventional probabilities will be in-
surprise that this, rather than some adequate. When no generally ac-
other, outcome would occur. Every ceptable probability can be defined,
outcome-potential surprise pair is then the problem becomes very dif-
ranked in accordance with its ability ferent.
to stimulate the mind (stimulation in- Cartwright and Festinger (38, 41)
creases with increasing outcome and have proposed a theory about the
decreases with increasing potential time it takes to make decisions which
surprise). The highest-ranking posi- is in some ways similar to those dis-
tive outcome-potential surprise pair cussed in this section. The main dif-
and the highest-ranking negative pair ference is that they add the concept
are found, and these two possibilities of restraining forces, and that they
alone determine what the individual conceive of all subjective magnitudes
will do. Semi-mathematical methods as fluctuating randomly around a
are used to predict the outcome of mean value. From this they deduce
consideration of possible lines of ac- various propositions about decision
tion. Although attempts have been times and the degree of certainty
made to relate it to Wald's minimax which subjects will feel about their
principle for statistical decision func- decisions, and apparently these prop-
tions (see below), the fact remains ositions work out experimentally
that most critics of the Shackle point pretty well (38, 3Q, 61, 62). The
of view have judged it to be either too Lewinian theoretical orientation
vague to be useful, or, if specified in seems to lead to this kind of model;
detail, too conducive to patently ab- Lewin, Dembo, Festinger, and Sears
surd predictiona (e.g., 201). (122) present a formally similar
Shackle's point of view was de- theory about level of aspiration. Of
veloped primarily to deal with unique course, the notion of utility is very
choices—choices which can be made similar to the Lewinian notion of
only once. Allais (3) has similarly valence.

Landahl (115) has presented a small pilot experiments on their sons,

mathematical model for risk-taking laboratory assistants, or secretaries.
behavior based on the conceptual Such experiments are too seldom
neurology of the mathematical bio- adequately controlled, and are al-
physics school. most never used as a basis for larger-
Psychological comments. The area scale, well-designed experiments.
of risky decision making is full of Whether an ill-designed and hap-
fascinating experimental problems. hazardly executed little experiment is
Of these, the development of a satis- better than no experiment at all is
factory scale of utility of money and questionable. The results of such
of subjective probability must come pilot experiments too often are picked
first, since the theory of risky de- up and written into the literature
cision making is based on these no- without adequate warning about the
tions. The criterion for satisfactori- conditions under which they were
ness of these scales must be that they performed and the consequent limita-
successfully predict choices other tions on the significance of the results.
than those from which they were de-
rived. To be really satisfactory, it is THE TRANSITIVITY OF CHOICES
desirable that they should predict In the section on riskless choices
choices in a wide variety of differing this paper presented a definition of
situations. Unlike the subjective economic man. The most important
scales usually found in psychophys- part of this definition can be summed
ics, it is likely that these scales will up by saying that economic man is
differ widely from person to person, rational. The concept of rationality
so a new determination of each scale involves two parts: that of a weak
must be made for each new subject. ordering of preferences, and that of
It can only be hoped that the scales choosing so as to maximize some-
do not change in time to any serious thing. Of these concepts, the one
degree; if they do, then they are which seems most dubious is the one
useless. of a weakly ordered preference field.
Once scales of utility and subjec- This is dubious because it implies
tive probability are available, then that choices are transitive; that is, if
many interesting questions arise. A is preferred to B, and B is preferred
What about the addition theorem for to C, then A is preferred to C.
subjective probabilities? Does gam- Two economists have designed ex-
bling itself have utility, and how periments specifically intended to
much? To what extent can these sub- test the transitivity of choices. Pap-
jective scales be changed by learning? andreou performed an elaborate and
To what degree do people differ, and splendidly controlled experiment
can these differences be correlated (145) designed to discover whether or
with environmental, historical, or not intransitivities occurred in im-
personality differences? Finally, psy- agined-choice situations. He pre-
chologists might be able to shed light pared triplets of hypothetical bun-
on the complex economic problem of dles of admissions to plays, athletic
interacting utilities of different goods. contests, concerts, etc., and required
The area of risky decision making, his subjects to choose between pairs
like the area of the theory of games, of bundles. Each bundle consisted of
tends to encourage in those inter- a total of four admissions to two
ested in it the custom of carrying out events, e.g., 3 plays and 1 tennis
tournament. In the main experi- fewer intransitivities if he had per-
ment, each bundle is compared with mitted the indifference judgment. If
two others involving the same kinds subjects are really indifferent among
of events, but in the better designed all three of the elements of a triad of
auxiliary experiment, a total of six objects, but are required to choose
different events are used, so that each between them in pairs and do so by
bundle has no events in common with chance, then they will choose in-
the other two bundles in its triplet. transitively one-fourth of the time.
Since there are three bundles in each Papandreou's stochastic model gives
triplet, there are three choices be- one theory about what happens
tween pairs for each triplet, and when preferences diverge just slightly
these choices may, or may not, be from indifference, but presumably a
transitive. The subjects were per- more detailed model can be worked
mitted to say that they were indiffer- out. Papandreou's model permits
ent between two bundles; conse- only three states: prefer A to B,
quently there were 27 possible con- prefer B to A, and indifferent. It
figurations of choices, of which only ought to be possible to base a model
13 satisfied the transitivity axiom. for such situations on the cumulative
In the main experiment, 5 per cent normal curve, and thus to permit any
of the triplets of judgments were degree of preference. For every com-
intransitive; in the auxiliary experi- bination of degrees of preference,
ment, only 4 per cent. Papandreou such a model would predict the fre-
develops a stochastic model for quency of intransitive choices.
choices under such conditions; the In the paired comparisons among
results are certaihly consistent with bets (57) described in the section on
the amount of intransitivity per- risky choices, quite elaborate in-
mitted by his model. Papandreou transitivities could and did occur.
concludes that at least for his specific However, it is easy to show that any
experimental conditions, transitivity intransitivity involving four or more
does exist. objects in a paired comparisons
May (138), using different kinds of judgment situation will necessarily
stimuli in a less elaborate experiment, produce at least one intransitivity in-
comes up with results less consistent volving three objects. Consequently,
with transitivity. May required a the intransitive triplet or circular
classroom group to make pairwise triad is the best unit of analysis for
choices between three marriage part- intransitivities in these more com-
ners who were identified only by plicated judgment situations. I
saying how intelligent, good looking, counted the frequency of occurrence
and rich they were. Judgments of of circular triads and found that they
indifference were not permitted. The regularly occurred about 20 per cent
results were that 27 per cent of the of the total number of times they
subjects gave intransitive triads of could occur. (Of course, no indiffer-
choices. May suggests, very plausi- ence judgments could be permitted.)
bly, that intransitive choices may be The experiment fulfills May's cri-
expected to occur whenever more terion for the occurrence of intransi-
than one dimension exists in the tivities, since both probability and
stimuli along which subjects may amount of money were present in
order their preferences. However, each bet, and subjects could be ex-
May would probably have gotten pected to take both into account
when making choices. It might be This notion could certainly be tested
supposed that the difference between and made more specific by appropri-
the imaginary choices of the Papan- ate experiments.
dreou and May experiments and the A final contribution in a related,
real choices in my experiment would but different, area is Vail's stochastic
lead to differences in the frequency of utility model (191). Vail assumes
occurrence of intransitivities, but that choices are dependent on utili-
there were no substantial differences ties that oscillate in a random man-
in my experiment between the fre- ner around a mean value. From this
quencies of occurrence in the just- assumption plus a few other reason-
imagining sessions and in the real able ones, he deduces that if the
gambling sessions, and what differ- over-all preference is 1>2>3, and if
ences there were, were in the direction 1 is preferred to 2 more than 2 is
of greater transitivity when really preferred to 3, then the frequencies of
gambling. These facts should facili- occurrence of the six possible transi-
tate further experiments on this prob- tive orderings should be ordered as
lem. follows: 123>132>213>312>231
In one sense, transitivity can never >321. This result is certainly easy
be violated. A minimum of three to test experimentally, and sounds
choices is required to demonstrate plausible.
intransitivity. Since these choices
will necessarily be made in sequence, THE THEORY OF GAMES AND OF
it can always be argued that the per- DECISION FUNCTIONS'
son may have changed his tastes be- This section will not go into the
tween the first choice and the third. theory of games or into the intimately
However, unless the assumption of related subject of statistical decision
constancy of tastes over the period of functions at all thoroughly. These
experimentation is made, no experi- are mathematical subjects of a highly
ments on choice can ever be mean-
ingful, and the whole theory of choice 6
Marschak (134), Hurwicz (92), Neisser
becomes empty (see 184 for a similar (143), Stone (181), and Kaysen (107) pub-
situation). So this quibble can be re- lished reviews of The Theory of Games and
Economic Behavior which present the funda-
jected at once. mental ideas in much simpler language than
Utility maximization will not work the original source. Marschak works out in
except with a transitive preference detail the possible solutions of a complicated
field. Consequently, if the models three-person bargaining game, and thereby
discussed in this paper are to predict illustrates the general nature of a solution. The
two volumes of Contributions to the Theory of
experimental data, it is necessary Games (112, 113), plus McKinsey's book on
that intransitivities in these data be the subject (129), provide an excellent bibliog-
infrequent enough to be considered raphy of the mathematical literature. McKin-
as errors. However, from a slightly sey's book is an exposition of the fundamental
different point of view (54) the occur- concepts, intended as a textbook, which is
simpler than von Neumann and Morgenstern
rence or nonoccurrence of transitive and pursues certain topics further. Wald's
choice patterns is an experimental book (198) is, of course, the classical work on
phenomenon, and presumably a law- statistical decision functions. Dross's book
ful one. May has suggested what (35) presents the fundamental ideas about
statistical decision functions more simply, and
that law is: Intransitivities occur with a somewhat different emphasis. Girshick
when there are conflicting stimulus and Blackwell's book (79) is expected to be a
dimensions along which to judge. very useful presentation of the field.
technical sort, with few statements among them. In the case of tic-tac-
which lend themselves to experimen- toe, these rules are trivial, since
tal test. Rather, the purpose of this either player can force a draw. But
section is to show how these subjects in more complicated games of strat-
relate to what has gone before, to give egy, these rules may be useful. In
a brief summary of the contents of particular, the theory of games may
Theory of Games and Economic Be- be helpful in analyzing proper strat-
havior by von Neumann and Morgen- egy in games having random ele-
stern (197), and to describe a few ex- ments, like the shuffling of cards, or
periments in the area of game playing the throwing of dice. It should be
—experiments which are stimulated noted that the concept of a game is an
by the theory of games although not exceedingly general concept. A scien-
directly relevant to it. tist in his laboratory may be con-
The theory of games. The theory of sidered to be playing a game against
games probably originated in the Nature. (Note, however, that we
work of Borel (31, 32, 33, 34; see also cannot expect Nature to try to defeat
71, 72) in the 1920's. In 1928, von the scientist.) Negotiators in a labor
Neumann (195), working independ- dispute are playing a game against
ently of Borel, published the first one another. Any situation in which
proof of the fundamental theorem in money (or some valuable equivalent)
the theory, a theorem that Borel had may be gained as the result of a
not believed to be generally true. proper choice of strategy can be con-
However, the subject did not become sidered as a game.
important until 1944, when von To talk about game theory, a few
Neumann and Morgenstern pub- technical terms are necessary. A
lished their epoch-making book (196). strategy is a set of personal rules for
(A second edition, with an appendix playing the game. For each possible
on cardinal utility measurement, first move on your part, your op-
came out in 1947 [197].) Their pur- ponent will have a possible set of re-
pose was to analyze mathematically a sponses. For each possible response
very general class of problems, which by your opponent, you will have a set
might be called problems of strategy. of responses, and so on through the
Consider a game of tic-tac-toe. You game. A strategy is a list which speci-
know at any moment in the game fies what your move will be for every
what the moves available to your op- conceivable previous set of moves of
ponent are, but you do not know the particular game you are playing.
which one he will choose. The only Needless to say, only for the simplest
information you have is that his games (e.g., matching pennies) does
choice will not, in general, be com- this concept of strategy have any
pletely random; he will make a move empirical meaning.
which is designed in some way to in- Associated with strategies are im-
crease his chance of winning and di- putations. An imputation is a set of
minish yours. Thus the situation is payments made as a result of a game,
one of uncertainty rather than risk. one to each player. In general, differ-
Your goals are similar to your op- ent imputations will be associated
ponent's. Your problem is: what with different sets of strategies, but
strategy should you adopt? The for any given set of strategies there
theory of games offers no practical may be more than one imputation
help in developing strategies, but it (in games involving coalitions).
does offer rules about how to choose Imputation X is said to dominate

imputation F if one or more of the when you consider that the other
players has separately greater gains player is out to get you, and so will
(or smaller losses) in X than in F and do his best to make the worst possible
can, by acting together (in the case of outcome for you occur. If this rule is
more than*one player), enforce the expressed geometrically, it asserts
occurrence of X, or of some other im- that the point you should seek is a
putation at least as good. The rela- saddle-point, like the highest point in
tionship of domination is not transi- a mountain pass (the best rule for
tive. crossing mountains is to minimize the
A solution is a set of imputations, maximum height, so explorers seek
none of which dominates another, out such saddle-points).
such that every imputation outside Before we go any further, we need
the solution is dominated by at least a few more definitions. Games may
one imputation within the solution. be among any number of players, but
Von Neumann and Morgenstern as- the simplest game is a two-person
sert that the task of the theory of game, and it is this kind of game
games is to find solutions. For any which has been most extensively and
game, there may be one or more than most successfully analyzed. Funda-
one. One bad feature of the theory of mentally, two kinds of payoff ar-
games is that it frequently gives a rangements are possible. The sim-
large, or even infinite, number of solu- plest and most common is the one in
tions for a game. which one player wins what the other
The above definitions make clear player loses, or, more generally, the
that the only determiner of behavior one for which the sum of all the pay-
in games, according to this theory, is ments made as a result of the game is
the amounts of money which may be zero. This is called a zero-sum game.
won or lost, or the expected amounts In nonzero-sum games, analytical
in games with random elements. The complexities arise. These can be di-
fun of playing, if any, is irrelevant. minished by assuming the existence
The minimax loss principle. The of a fictitious extra player, who wins
notions of domination and of solution or loses enough to bring the sum of
imply a new fundamental rule for payments back to zero. Such a ficti-
decision making—a rule sharply dif- tious player cannot be assumed to
ferent from the rule of maximizing have a strategy and cannot, of course,
utility or expected utility with which interact with any of the other players.
this paper has been concerned up to In zero-sum two-person games,
this section. This rule is the rule of what will happen? Each player, ac-
minimizing the maximum loss, or, cording to the theory, should pick his
more briefly, minimax loss. In other minimax strategy. But will this re-
words, the rule is to consider, for each sult in a stable solution? Not always.
possible strategy that you could Sometimes the surface representing
adopt, what the worst possible out- the possible outcomes of the game
come is, and then to select that strat- does not have a saddle-point. In this
egy which would have the least ill- case, if player A chooses his minimax
effects if the worst possible outcome strategy, then player B will have an
happened. Another way of putting incentive not to use his own minimax
the same idea is to call it the principle strategy, because having found out
of maximizing the minimum gain, or his opponent's strategy, he can gain
maximin gain. This rule makes con- more by some other strategy. Thus
siderable sense in two-person games the game has no solution.
Various resolutions of this problem agree with this), nor is it likely to be
are possible. Von Neumann and of any practical use in telling you
Morgenstern chose to introduce the how to play a complicated game; the
notion of a mixed strategy, which is a crux of the theory of games is the
probability distribution of two or principle of choosing tfre strategy
more pure strategies. The fundamen- which minimizes the maximum ex-
tal theorem of the theory of games is pected financial loss; and the theory
that if both players in a zero-sum defines a solution of a game as a set
two-person game adopt mixed strat- of imputations which satisfies this
egies which minimize the maximum principle for all players.
expected loss, then the game will al- Assumptions, In their book von
ways have a saddle-point. Thus each Neumann and Morgenstern say "We
person will get, in the long run, his have . . . assumed that [utility] is
expected loss, and will have no in- numerical . . . substitutable and un-
centive to change his behavior even restrictedly transferable between the
if he should discover what his op- various players." (197, p. 604.) Game
ponent's mixed strategy is. Since A is theorists disagree about what this
already getting the minimum possible and other similar sentences mean.
under the strategy he chose, any One likely interpretation is that they
change in strategy by B will only in- assume utility to be linear with the
crease A's payoff, and therefore cause physical value of money involved in
B to gain less or lose more than he a game and to be interpersonally
would by his own minimax strategy. comparable. The linear utility curves
The same is true of B. seem to be necessary for solving two-
Games involving more than two person games; the interpersonal com-
people introduce a new element—the parability is used for the extension to
possibility that two or more players n persons. Attempts are being made
will cooperate to beat the rest. Such to develop solutions free of these as-
a cooperative agreement is called a sumptions (176).
coalition, and it frequently involves Statistical decision functions. Von
side-payments among members of the Neumann (195) first used the mini-
coalition. The method of analysis for max principle in his first publication
three-or-more-person games is to con- on game theory in 1928. Neyman
sider all possible coalitions and to and Pearson mentioned its applic-
solve the game for each coalition on ability to statistical decision prob-
the principles of a two-person game. lems in 1933 (144). Wald (198), who
This works fairly well for three-per- prior to his recent death was the
son games, but gets more complicated central figure in the statistical deci-
and less satisfactory for still more sion-function literature, first seriously
people. applied the minimax principle to sta-
This is the end of this exposition of tistical problems in 1939. Appar-
the content of von Neumann and ently, all these uses of the principle
Morgenstern's book. It is of course were completely independent of one
impossible to condense a tremendous another.
and difficult book into one page. The After Theory of Games and Eco-
major points to be emphasized are nomic Behavior appeared in 1944,
these: the theory of games is not a Wald (198) reformulated the problem
model of how people actually play of statistical decision making as one
games (some game theorists will dis- of playing a game against Nature,
The statistician must decide, on the confined their discussions to cases in
basis of observations which cost which the concepts of minimax loss
something to make, between policies, and minimax regret amount to the
each of which has a possible gain or same thing. Other suggested princi-
loss. In some cases, all of these gains ples are: maximizing the maximum
and losses and the cost of observing expected gain, and maximizing some
can be exactly calculated, as in in- weighted average of the maximum
dustrial quality control. In other and minimum expected gains (93).
cases, as in theoretical research, it is None of these principles commands
necessary to make some assumption general acceptance; each can be
about the cost of being wrong and the made to show peculiar consequences
gain of being right. At any rate, when under some conditions (see 170).
they are put in this form, it is obvious Experimental games. The concepts
that the ingredients of the problem of of the theory of games suggest a new
statistical decision making have a field of experimentation: How do
gamelike sound. Wald applied the people behave in game situations?
minimax principle to them in a way Such experimentation would center
essentially identical with game the- on the development of strategies, par-
ory. ticularly mixed strategies, and, in
A very frequent criticism of the three-or-more-person games, on the
minimax approach to games against development of coalitions and on the
Nature is that Nature is not hostile, bargaining process. You should* re-
as is the opponent in a two-person member that the theory of games
game. Nature will not, in general, does not offer a mathematical model
use a minimax strategy. For this predicting the outcomes of such
reason, other principles of decision games (except in a few special cases);
making have been suggested. The all it does is offer useful concepts and
simple principle of maximizing ex- language for talking about them, and
pected utility (which is the essence of predict that certain outcomes will
the Bayes's theorem [15, 198] solution not occur.
of the problem) is not always applica- A few minor experiments of this
ble because, even though Nature is kind have been conducted by Flood,
not hostile, she does not offer any a mathematician, while he was at
way of assigning a probability to each Rand Corporation. He usually used
possible outcome. In other words, colleagues, many of whom were ex-
statistical decision making is a prob- perts in game theory, and secretaries
lem of uncertainty, rather than of as subjects. The general design of
risk. Savage has suggested the prin- his experiments was that a group of
ciple of minimaxing regret, where re- subjects were shown a group of de-
gret is defined as the difference be- sirable objects on a table, and told
tween the maximum which can be that they, as a group, could have the
gained under any strategy given a first object they removed from the
certain state of the world and the table, and that they should decide
amount gained under the strategy among themselves which object to
adopted. Savage believes (170, also choose and how to allocate it. In the
personal communication) that neither first experiment (64) the allocation
von Neumann and Morgenstern nor problem did not arise because enough
Wald actually intended to propose duplicate objects were provided so
the principle of minimaxing loss; they that each subject could have one of

the kind of object the group selected. better. Physical isolation of one sub-
The subjects were Harvard under- ject from another would make it pos-
graduates, and the final selection was sible to match each subject against a
made by negotiation and voting. In standard bargainer, the experimenter
the second experiment (65), in which or a stooge, who bargains by a fixed
the subjects were colleagues and sec- set of rules that are unknown to the
retaries, a long negotiation process subject. Flood (personal communica-
eliminated some of the objects, but a tion) is conducting experiments of
time limit forced a selection by lot this sort. For three-or-more-person
from among the rest. Further negoti- games, Asch's (16) technique of using
ations to solve the allocation problem a group consisting of only one real
were terminated by a secretary, who subject and all the rest stooges might
snatched the object, announced that well be used. It would be interesting,
it was hers, and then tried to sell it. for instance, to see how the probabil-
No one was willing to buy, so the ex- ity of a coalition between two players
periment terminated. Other experi- changes as the number and power of
ments (66, 67) showed that coalitions players united against them increase.
sometimes form, that a sophisticated The theory of games is the area
subject could blackmail the group for among those described in this paper
an extra side-payment by threatening in which the uncontrolled and casu-
to change his vote, and that the ally planned "pilot experiment" is
larcenous secretary, having succeeded most likely to occur. Such experi-
once, had to be physically restrained ments are at least as dangerous here
in subsequent sessions to prevent as they are in the area of risky de-
more larceny. The general conclusion cision making. Flood's results sug-
suggested by all these experiments is gest that it is especially important to
that even experts on game theory are use naive subjects and to use them
less rational and more conventional only once, unless the effects of expert-
than game theory might lead experi- ness and experience are the major
menters to expect. concern of the experiment.
Psychological comments. The most
nutritive research problems in this SUMMARY
area seem to be the social problems of For a long time, economists and
how bargaining takes place. Flood's others have been developing mathe-
experiments left bargainers free and matical theories about how people
used physical objects, whose utilities make choices among desirable alter-
probably vary widely from subject to natives. These theories center on the
subject, as stimuli to bargain over. notion of the subjective value, or
This is naturalistic, but produces utility, of the alternatives among
data too complex and too nonnumeri- which the decider must choose. They
cal for easy analysis. A simpler situa- assume that people behave rationally,
tion in which the possible communi- that is, that they have transitive
cations from one bargainer to an- preferences and that they choose in
other are limited (perhaps by means such a way as to maximize utility or
of an artificial vocabulary), in which expected utility.
the subjects do not see one another, The traditional theory of riskless
and in which the object bargained choices, a straightforward theory of
over is simple, preferably being utility maximization, was challenged
merely a sum of money, would be by the demonstration that the mathe-
matical tool of indifference curves for utility and subjective probability
made it possible to account for risk- measured on an ordered metric scale,
less choices without assuming that and did some experiments to test im-
utility could be measured on an in- plications of the model.
terval scale. The theory of riskless Economists have become worried
choices predicted from indifference about the assumption that choices
curves has been worked out in detail. are transitive. Experiments have
Experimental determination of indif- shown that intransitive patterns of
ference curves is possible, and has choice do occur, and so stochastic
been attempted. But utility meas- models have been developed which
ured on an interval scale is necessary permit occasional intransitivities.
(though not sufficient) for welfare The theory of games presents an
economics. elaborate mathematical analysis of
Attention was turned to risky the problem of choosing from among
choices by von Neumann and Mor- alternative strategies in games of
genstern's demonstration that com- strategy. This paper summarizes the
plete weak ordering of risky choices main concepts of this analysis. The
implies the existence of utility meas- theory of games has stimulated in-
urable on an interval scale. Hosteller terest in experimental games, and a
and Nogee experimentally deter- few bargaining experiments which
mined utility curves for money from can be thought of in game-theoretical
gambling decisions, and used them to terms have been performed.
predict other gambling decisions. All these topics represent a new
Edwards demonstrated the existence and rich field for psychologists, in
of preferences among probabilities in which a theoretical structure has al-
gambling situations, which compli- ready been elaborately worked out
cates the experimental measurement and in which many experiments need
of utility. Coombs developed a model to be performed.
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