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Country Subject Descriptor Units Scale Country/Series-specific Notes 1995

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Estimates
Start After
Spain Gross domestic product, constant prices Percent change Source:
National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2019 National accounts manual used:
European System of Accounts (ESA) 2010 GDP valuation: Market prices Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2015 Chain-weighted: Yes,
from 1995 4.122 2.421 3.865 4.469 4.745 5.053 3.936 2.727 2.984 3.118 3.656 4.104
3.602 0.889 -3.769 0.168 -0.814 -2.958 -1.437 1.382 3.837
3.028 2.895 2.354 1.977 2019
Spain Gross domestic product, current prices Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Billions Source: National Statistics Office Latest
actual data: 2019 National accounts manual used: European System of Accounts (ESA)
2010 GDP valuation: Market prices Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December Base year: 2015 Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1995 738.672
770.411 813.989 859.936 913.749 981.377 1,042.379
1,087.750 1,141.007 1,208.260 1,291.450 1,385.135 1,473.582
1,515.593 1,469.590 1,489.205 1,507.940 1,491.409 1,495.764
1,544.496 1,620.453 1,686.801 1,768.316 1,854.031 1,923.646 2019
Spain Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices Purchasing power parity;
percent change Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2019
National accounts manual used: European System of Accounts (ESA) 2010 GDP
valuation: Market prices Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base
year: 2015 Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1995 3.879 2.185 3.592 4.104 4.207 4.174 3.397
1.097 1.098 1.523 1.749 2.466 1.597 -0.751 -4.567 -0.252 -1.183
-3.020 -1.071 1.683 3.937 3.052 2.875 2.262 1.895 2019
Spain Inflation, average consumer prices Percent change Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2019 Harmonized prices: Yes Frequency of
source data: Monthly Base year: 2016 4.674 3.599 1.877 1.764 2.235 3.484 3.590
3.104 3.039 3.039 3.368 3.515 2.787 4.076 -0.288 1.800 3.196 2.446 1.409
-0.151 -0.500 -0.203 1.956 1.675 0.700 2019
Spain Inflation, end of period consumer prices Percent change Source:
National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2019 Harmonized prices: Yes
Frequency of source data: Monthly Base year: 2016 4.320 3.273 1.879 1.358 2.778
4.007 2.707 4.036 2.605 3.227 3.735 2.666 4.221 1.432 0.795 2.988 2.378 2.868
0.252 -1.041 0.017 1.570 1.112 1.183 0.788 2019
Spain Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2019 Employment type: Harmonized ILO
definition Primary domestic currency: Euro Data last updated: 04/2020 22.900
22.080 20.610 18.605 15.640 13.857 10.540 11.450
11.485 10.965 9.153 8.453 8.233 11.245 17.855 19.858
21.390 24.788 26.095 24.443 22.058 19.635 17.225
15.255 14.105 2019
Spain General government net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP Source:
Ministry of Finance or Treasury. Eurostat Latest actual data: 2019 Notes: Gross
debt follows the Maastricht definition of gross debt, and excludes other accounts
payable. Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections for 2020 are IMF staff projections
which include the legislated public wage and pension increases, as well as the
measures adopted as of March 30th in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Fiscal
projections from 2021 onwards are IMF staff projections with an unchanged policy
stance. Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
European System of Accounts (ESA) 2010 Basis of recording: Accrual General
government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social
Security Funds; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in
gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans
-6.992 -6.053 -3.974 -2.705 -1.273 -1.161 -0.455
-0.317 -0.375 -0.095 1.232 2.124 1.886 -4.572 -11.276
-9.527 -9.740 -10.736 -7.036 -5.915 -5.177 -4.305
-3.024 -2.537 -2.642 2019
Spain Current account balance Percent of GDP Source: Central Bank Latest
actual data: 2019 BOP Manual used: Balance of Payments and International Investment
Position Manual, sixth edition (BPM6) -1.251 -0.859 -0.727 -1.685
-3.237 -4.310 -4.375 -3.730 -3.883 -5.482 -7.254
-8.851 -9.432 -8.903 -4.088 -3.656 -2.724 0.086
2.038 1.699 2.026 3.176 2.675 1.937 1.999 2019

International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, April 2020

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