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CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
1 INTRODUCTION:............................................................................................................................................ 4
2 LAB TASK 1-1: BRINGING UP NSO .................................................................................................................. 8
2.1 INSTALLING NSO FROM BINARY DISTRIBUTION: ........................................................................................................ 8
2.2 VIEWING THE INSTALLATION: ................................................................................................................................ 9
2.3 SET UP THE NSO WORKING ENVIRONMENT: .......................................................................................................... 10
2.4 STARTING NSO DAEMON & VERIFYING STATUS: .................................................................................................... 11
2.5 CONNECTING TO NSO USING GUI AND CLI .......................................................................................................... 12
2.5.1 From Remote SSH Client: ..................................................................................................................... 12
2.5.2 Through GUI:........................................................................................................................................ 12
2.5.3 Through CLI: ......................................................................................................................................... 14
2.6 ADDING NSO NED PACKAGES: .......................................................................................................................... 15
2.6.1 Checking currently loaded packages: .................................................................................................. 15
2.6.2 Adding new package:........................................................................................................................... 15
3 LAB TASK 1-2: CONNECTING TO DEVICES .................................................................................................... 18
3.1 CREATING AUTHGROUP FOR DEVICES: ................................................................................................................. 18
3.2 ADDING A NEW ROUTER/DEVICE USING CLI: ........................................................................................................ 18
3.3 CONFIG LOCKS: ............................................................................................................................................... 19
3.3.1 Locked State:........................................................................................................................................ 19
3.3.2 South-bound Locked State: .................................................................................................................. 20
3.4 SYNCING CONFIGURATION FROM DEVICE ............................................................................................................. 21
3.4.1 Comparing NSO config with device: ..................................................................................................... 22
3.4.2 Check-Sync the devices: ....................................................................................................................... 23
3.5 ADDING A NEW DEVICE USING GUI:..................................................................................................................... 23
3.6 ADDING REMAINING DEVICES IN THE TOPOLOGY:................................................................................................... 28
3.7 SYNC DEVICE CONFIGURATIONS:.......................................................................................................................... 30
3.8 CONFIGURE BASIC PARAMETER THROUGH GUI: ..................................................................................................... 32
3.9 CONFIGURE BASIC PARAMETER THROUGH CLI: ....................................................................................................... 36
3.10 CONFIGURE REMAINING INTERFACES: ................................................................................................................ 38
3.11 ROLLBACK CONFIGURATION CHANGES: .............................................................................................................. 39
4 LAB TASK 2-2: CREATING AND IMPLEMENTING SERVICE TEMPLATE ........................................................... 43
4.1 CREATE A BLANK PACKAGE BASED ON TEMPLATE: .................................................................................................. 43
4.2 IDENTIFY THE YANG MODELLING PARAMETERS ...................................................................................................... 43
4.3 USE THE PRE BUILT YANG MODEL FILE ................................................................................................................ 45
4.4 VERIFYING THE YANG MODEL: ........................................................................................................................... 45
4.5 COMPILE THE NEW YANG MODEL:...................................................................................................................... 45
4.6 ADDING XML TEMPLATE: ................................................................................................................................. 47
4.7 USING XML TEMPLATE:.................................................................................................................................... 47
4.8 USING THE SAME SERVICE TEMPLATE FOR CONFIGURING IOS DEVICE: ....................................................................... 48
4.9 VIEWING THE SERVICE TEMPLATE IN GUI: ............................................................................................................ 49
4.10 ADDING 2ND INTERFACE TO EXISTING OSPF PROCESS: ........................................................................................... 53
4.11 COMPLETING OSPF CONFIG FOR REMAINING DEVICES: .......................................................................................... 54
5 BONUS CONTENT ........................................................................................................................................ 59
5.1 ADDITIONAL WAYS TO VIEW THE YANG MODEL USING PYANG: ................................................................................. 59

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5.1.1 Generating XML view of yang model: .................................................................................................. 59
5.1.2 Generating HTML view of YANG module: ............................................................................................ 60
5.2 USING NETCONF .............................................................................................................................................. 60
5.2.1 Poll Device Config using XML over Netconf: ........................................................................................ 60
5.2.2 Configure (Add and Delete) configuration using XML+Netconf: .......................................................... 63
5.2.3 Close Netconf Session: ......................................................................................................................... 64
5.2.4 Poll Device Config using : ..................................................................................................................... 65
6 APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................................... 66
6.1 CREATING THE OSPF.YANG MODEL STEP BY STEP: .................................................................................................. 66
6.1.1 Create New Variable types as-needed: ................................................................................................ 66
6.1.2 Define the Service point: ...................................................................................................................... 66
6.1.3 Defining various parameters for various OSPF service definitions: ..................................................... 67
6.1.4 Using Containers - Differentiating between IOS and IOS-XR: .............................................................. 69
6.1.5 Defining Router ID, Area ID & Interfaces: ............................................................................................ 70
6.1.6 Defining IOS Parameters: ..................................................................................................................... 71
6.2 BUILDING THE OSPF.XML : .............................................................................................................................. 75
6.2.1 Defining Device name: ......................................................................................................................... 75
6.2.2 Generating sample XML structure: ...................................................................................................... 76
6.2.3 Defining IOS config template: .............................................................................................................. 78

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1 Introduction:
 Lab access is provided using dCloud for which cisco anyconnect should be pre-installed if you
find it missing please go to using credentials provided
to you and install anyconnect.
 Once anyconnect is installed use credentials provided to you to access the POD as follows.

 Once connected Launch Remote desktop and connect to using the password
 From desktop when you launch Putty shortcut; there you will find “nso vm” and other devices
vty saved sessions.
 Double click “nso vm” to launch it, using the password C1sco12345

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 Launch VM Maestro from shortcut on desktop. (It may take sometime to launch, don’t click
 VIRL Session (VM Maestro) is running for each POD separately where you will find simulated

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 Double Click on NSO_topology.virl on left side to see the topology you will be working on.
 To start the simulation click on Green Play button on Top. (Don’t press this button twice)
 You will notice devices are getting started and loading configs, give it a few minutes to complete
the simulation startup process. You may need to wait couple more minutes for the XR devices
to go to ACTIVE state , as XR devices may take bit longer.

 All devices are pre-configured with management IP address

 To connect to any of the routers, you can use shortcut created under putty for each device or
telnet to Mgmt IP directly or right click on device in VIRL (as shown below) and then telnet to
console or Management port. Make sure you are on the simulation tab (Green).

All the devices are pre-configured with username/password = cisco/cisco

Enable password for IOS devices is ‘cisco’

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Device Name Mgmt IP Telnet
CE1_CL16 Telnet
PE1_CL16 Telnet
P1_CL16 Telnet
PE2_CL16 Telnet
CE2_CL16 Telnet

 Example below shows how to connect from VIRL to console or Mgmt ports

 Example below shows connecting via Mgmt IP to CE1_CL16:

cisco@ubuntu-1:~$ telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
* IOSv is strictly limited to use for evaluation, demonstration and IOS *
* education. IOSv is provided as-is and is not supported by Cisco's *
* Technical Advisory Center. Any use or disclosure, in whole or in part, *
* of the IOSv Software or Documentation to any third party for any *
* purposes is expressly prohibited except as otherwise authorized by *
* Cisco in writing. *
User Access Verification


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2 Lab Task 1-1: Bringing up NSO

2.1 Installing NSO from binary distribution:

Lets start by unpacking the NSO distribution in a target directory “ncs412”:

cisco@ubuntu:~$ ls -al *.bin

-rwxrwxrwx 1 cisco cisco 173431861 Jun 14 22:26 nso-

Prerequisite check

If you see below message it means JRE is missing, install it as follows

cisco@ubuntu:~$ java -version

The program 'java' can be found in the following packages:
* default-jre
* gcj-4.8-jre-headless
* openjdk-7-jre-headless
* gcj-4.6-jre-headless
* openjdk-6-jre-headless
Try: sudo apt-get install <selected package>

cisco@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install default-jre

If you see below message it means JRE is installed properly

cisco@ubuntu:~$ java -version

java version "1.7.0_101"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.6.6) (7u101-2.6.6-0ubuntu0.14.04.1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.95-b01, mixed mode)

If you see Python version lower than 2.7.5, then upgrade it as follows

cisco@ubuntu:~$ python -V
Python 2.7.6

cisco@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install python 2.7.6

If you don’t see Ant installed, install it as follows

cisco@ubuntu:~$ ant -v | grep Ant

Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.3 compiled on April 8 2014

cisco@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get -u install ant

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Once done please proceed with NSO installation

cisco@ubuntu:~$ ./nso-4.1.2.linux.x86_64.installer.bin ncs412

INFO Using temporary directory /tmp/ncs_installer.1278 to stage NCS
installation bundle
INFO Unpacked ncs-4.1.2 in /home/cisco/ncs412
INFO Found and unpacked corresponding DOCUMENTATION_PACKAGE
INFO Found and unpacked corresponding EXAMPLE_PACKAGE
INFO Generating default SSH hostkey (this may take some time)
INFO SSH hostkey generated
INFO Environment set-up generated in /home/cisco/ncs412/ncsrc
INFO NCS installation script finished
INFO Found and unpacked corresponding NETSIM_PACKAGE
INFO NCS installation complete

2.2 Viewing the installation:

Have a look at the installation directory hierarchy:

cisco@ubuntu:~$ tree -L 2 ncs412

├── bin
│ ├── cs2yang
│ ├── erlc
│ ├── ncs
│ ├── ncs-backup
│ ├── ncsc
│ └── yanger
├── doc
│ ├── api
│ ├── html
│ ├── index.html
│ └── pdf
├── erlang
│ └── econfd
├── etc
│ └── ncs
├── examples.ncs
│ ├── datacenter
│ ├── discovery
│ └── web-server-farm
├── include
│ ├── confd_cdb.h
│ ├── confd_dp.h
│ └── confd_maapi.h
├── java
│ └── jar
├── lib
│ ├── cs2yang
│ └── pyang

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├── man
│ ├── man1
│ ├── man3
│ ├── man5
│ └── man7
├── ncsrc
├── ncsrc.tcsh
├── netsim
│ └── confd
├── support
│ ├── convert-ncs-config.xsl
│ ├── dm
│ ├── junos-xsd2yang
│ ├── junos-xsd2yang.xsl
│ └── pyang-support
├── var
│ └── ncs

49 directories, 45 files

2.3 Set up the NSO working environment:

Setup the environment variables by sourcing the file “ncsrc” from the directory where NSO binary was

cisco@ubuntu:~$ source ~/ncs412/ncsrc

cisco@ubuntu:~$ echo $NCS_DIR

For the rest of the lab exercise, if at any time you use a different terminal window to execute an
NSO related command, ensure that you first source the “ncsrc” file in that terminal so that the
environment variables are properly setup.

Now, you can setup the NSO working directory by using the “ncs-setup” command. In this lab, we will
use the directory “ncsw” as the working directory:

cisco@ubuntu:~$ ncs-setup --dest ~/ncsw

cisco@ubuntu:~$ ls -al ~/ncsw/
total 44
drwxrwxr-x 7 cisco cisco 4096 Jun 17 11:59 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 cisco cisco 4096 Jun 17 11:59 ..
drwxrwxr-x 2 cisco cisco 4096 Jun 17 11:59 logs
drwxrwxr-x 2 cisco cisco 4096 Jun 17 11:59 ncs-cdb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cisco cisco 8234 Jun 17 11:59 ncs.conf
drwxrwxr-x 2 cisco cisco 4096 Jun 17 11:59 packages
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cisco cisco 614 Jun 17 11:59 README.ncs
drwxrwxr-x 4 cisco cisco 4096 Jun 17 11:59 scripts
drwxrwxr-x 2 cisco cisco 4096 Jun 17 11:59 state

Note that in the newly created working directory, a configuration file “ncs.conf” has been
placed. This file will be used by the ncs daemon when it starts and tells it what capabilities it
should load.

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2.4 Starting NSO Daemon & verifying status:
Lets try to start the NSO daemon. Note that the daemon start command should be invoked while in the
working ncsw directory. So in the example shown below, the first try to start the daemon failed and only
after the directory was changed to the working directory NSO daemon started successfully.

This is because NSO daemon looks for ncs.conf file to know its configuration, and it assumes
this file is in the present working directory. An alternative is to use a command line flag to point
to the ncs.conf file.

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncs412$ pwd
cisco@ubuntu:~/ncs412$ ncs
Bad configuration: /home/cisco/ncs412/etc/ncs/ncs.conf:0: "./state/packages-
in-use: Failed to create symlink: no such file or directory"
Daemon died status=21

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncs412$ cd ~/ncsw
cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw$ ncs

To verify if the NSO daemon is running and listening to the port 2024 for shell access, run the following
verification steps:

1) Use the command “ncs –status” which will give you full details about the daemon’s running state.

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw$ ncs --status

vsn: 4.1.2
SMP support: yes, using 4 threads
Using epoll: yes
available modules: backplane,netconf,cdb,cli,snmp,webui
running modules: backplane,netconf,cdb,cli,snmp,webui
status: started
prefix:IANA_ITU_ALARM_TC_MIB exported to: snmp


2) Check in the log directory for information on NSO status, it should report that NSO has successfully
cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw$ pwd
cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw$ ls
logs ncs-cdb ncs.conf packages README.ncs scripts state
cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw$ cd logs/
cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/logs$ ls
audit.log ncserr.log.1 ncs-java-vm.log netconf.log webui-browser.log
devel.log ncserr.log.idx ncs.log rollback10001 xpath.trace
localhost:8080.access ncserr.log.siz ncs-python-vm.log snmp.log
cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/logs$ tail -2 ncs.log
<DEBUG> 17-Jun-2016::12:04:43.334 ubuntu ncs[2169]: - Loading MIB:
<INFO> 17-Jun-2016::12:04:48.260 ubuntu ncs[2169]: - NCS started vsn: 4.1.2

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3) Verify that port number 2024 is open and NSO is listening to it. Any external connection to this port
will be authenticated by NSO and log into NSO CLI shell:

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/logs$ netstat -pln | grep 2024

(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
tcp 0 0* LISTEN

2.5 Connecting to NSO using GUI and CLI

2.5.1 From Remote SSH Client:
By default, the username and password NSO CLI are
Username: admin , Password: admin

Connect to NSO CLI using the ssh session:

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/logs$ ssh -l admin -p 2024 localhost

The authenticity of host '[localhost]:2024 ([]:2024)' can't be established.
DSA key fingerprint is 2c:96:e2:b1:2b:ff:dc:43:b4:55:78:0d:5d:b5:9e:43.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '[localhost]:2024' (DSA) to the list of known hosts.
admin@localhost's password:

admin connected from using ssh on ubuntu

admin@ncs> exit
Connection to localhost closed.

If you run into an error saying that the “REMOTE HOST KEY HAS CHANGED”. Then use the
following command to clear it and then try above step again…
cisco@ubuntu:~/.ssh$ ssh-keygen -f "/home/cisco/.ssh/known_hosts" -R [localhost]:2024
# Host [localhost]:2024 found: line 2 type DSA
/home/cisco/.ssh/known_hosts updated.
Original contents retained as /home/cisco/.ssh/known_hosts.old

2.5.2 Through GUI:

Chrome browser is available on the desktop and can be used to connect to the NSO gui interface.

To connect to NSO GUI, you can point your browser to the server running NSO daemon (in this case,
it’s port 8080. i.e. :

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This URL will take you to the NSO login screen .You can login using the default credentials
Username: admin
Password: admin

Once you login, the GUI’s dashboard will appear. Click on the top left circle icon with three bars:

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The following menu will appear, which can be used to browse the different sections of the GUI:
“Models”, “Views”, “Services”

2.5.3 Through CLI:

NSO provides a direct way to access the command line interface using a built-in command as shown

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/logs$ ncs_cli

pod connected from using ssh on ubuntu


Once in the NSO command line mode, by default NSO starts with JUNOS CLI mode.

admin@ncs> show configuration

aaa {
authentication {
users {
user admin {
uid 1000;
gid 1000;
password $1$h/w8ZSw6$ETUTPoiGOnbzJ1g0nKyge/;
ssh_keydir /var/ncs/homes/admin/.ssh;
homedir /var/ncs/homes/admin;

Before proceeding with rest of the tasks, switch to Cisco style use switch command shown here:

admin@ncs> switch cli

admin@ncs# show running-config

aaa authentication users user admin
uid 1000
gid 1000
password $1$h/w8ZSw6$ETUTPoiGOnbzJ1g0nKyge/
ssh_keydir /var/ncs/homes/admin/.ssh
homedir /var/ncs/homes/admin

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admin@ncs# exit

2.6 Adding NSO NED Packages:

2.6.1 Checking currently loaded packages:
Check if any packages were loaded by the daemon at the startup. You can verify using the “ncs –
status” command (its easier to look for specific name to find if a package is loaded), alternatively you
can look at the CLI and use the ‘show packages’ command as shown below:

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw$ ncs --status | grep xr

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw$ ncs --status | grep ios

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw$ ncs_cli -C

admin connected from using ssh on ubuntu

admin@ncs# show packages package

% No entries found.

As the above outputs show, there isn’t any package/NED that is loaded at this point. To load the
package, refer to the subsequent section.

Note the use of “-C” flag in the above ncs_cli command. This option takes you directly to the
cisco command line mode.

2.6.2 Adding new package:

Some of the NED packages were already included in the NSO binary that we uncompressed earlier.
We can browse to the directory (~/412/) where we have uncompressed the binary file, and view the
packages that were included:

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw$ ls ~/ncs412/packages/neds/
a10-acos cisco-ios cisco-iosxr cisco-nx dell-ftos juniper-junos

These packages are still in the installation directory, and need to be added to our working directory, i.e.
~/ncsw. We will use the following set of steps to load these packages: Adding packages to working directory:

You can add a package by using the “ncs-setup” command again and specifying the package using the
–ned-package option. Lets load the IOS package using this method:

Note that if you use a separate new terminal window to execute the commands, then that
session will need to have the environment variables set as shown in section 2.3

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Now lets use the ncs-setup command to load these packages to the working directory we had
previously created:

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw$ ls ~/ncsw/packages/
cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw$ << package directory is empty
cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw$ ncs-setup --dest ~/ncsw --ned-package cisco-ios
cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw$ ls ~/ncsw/packages/
cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw$ ncs-setup --dest ~/ncsw --ned-package cisco-iosxr
cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw$ ls packages/
cisco-ios cisco-iosxr Load the packages into the NSO Daemon trough Command Line

Though the package are in the working directory now, they will not be automatically loaded into the
daemon which was already running (we started it in the previous section) . Use the below commands to
validate this:

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw$ ncs --status | grep ios

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw$ ncs --status | grep xr

<< so still not loaded in daemon, but added to file structure

To load the packages, we will use the following set of steps:

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/logs$ ncs_cli -C

admin connected from using ssh on Ubuntu

admin@ncs# show packages package

% No entries found.

admin@ncs# packages reload

>>> System upgrade is starting.

>>> Sessions in configure mode must exit to operational mode.
>>> No configuration changes can be performed until upgrade has completed.
>>> System upgrade has completed successfully.
reload-result {
package cisco-ios
result true
reload-result {
package cisco-iosxr
result true

Use the following command to check the version of packages that was loaded. Note that the NED
package version can upgraded without changing the NSO version that you are running, using same set
of steps that were described in the above section.

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admin@ncs# show packages package package-version
cisco-ios 3.0
cisco-iosxr 3.0

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3 Lab Task 1-2: Connecting to Devices

3.1 Creating Authgroup for Devices:

Before adding devices into NSO you have to create authentication group first:

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/logs$ ncs_cli -C

admin connected from using ssh on Ubuntu

admin@ncs # show running-config devices authgroups
devices authgroups group default
umap admin
remote-name admin
remote-password $4$wIo7Yd068FRwhYYI0d4IDw==
umap oper
remote-name oper
remote-password $4$zp4zerM68FRwhYYI0d4IDw==
devices authgroups snmp-group default
default-map community-name public
umap admin
usm remote-name admin
usm security-level auth-priv
usm auth md5 remote-password $4$wIo7Yd068FRwhYYI0d4IDw==
usm priv des remote-password $4$wIo7Yd068FRwhYYI0d4IDw==

admin@ncs # conf
admin@ncs(config)# devices authgroups group CL-default
admin@ncs(config-group-CL-default)# default-map remote-name cisco
admin@ncs(config-group-CL-default)# default-map remote-password cisco
admin@ncs(config-group-CL-default)# default-map remote-secondary-password
admin@ncs(config-group-CL-default)# top
admin@ncs(config)# show configuration
devices authgroups group CL-default
default-map remote-name cisco
default-map remote-password $4$wocla9w68FRwhYYI0d4IDw==
default-map remote-secondary-password $4$wocla9w68FRwhYYI0d4IDw==
admin@ncs(config)# commit
Commit complete.

3.2 Adding a New Router/Device Using CLI:

Once the authentication groups defined, devices can be added to the NSO:

admin@ncs(config)# devices device CE1_CL16

admin@ncs(config-device-CE1_CL16)# address
admin@ncs(config-device-CE1_CL16)# authgroup CL-default
admin@ncs(config-device-CE1_CL16)# device-type cli ned-id ?

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Possible completions:
cisco-ios cisco-ios-xr

Note that both NEDs that were added earlier, are available as possible choices. We will choose
cisco-ios since this router is an IOS device.

admin@ncs(config-device-CE1_CL16)# device-type cli ned-id cisco-ios

admin@ncs(config-device-CE1_CL16)# device-type cli protocol telnet
admin@ncs(config-device-CE1_CL16)# top

admin@ncs(config)# show config

devices device CE1_CL16
authgroup CL-default
device-type cli ned-id cisco-ios
device-type cli protocol telnet
no ios:service pad
no ios:ip domain-lookup
no ios:ip http secure-server
ios:ip source-route
admin@ncs(config)# commit

3.3 Config Locks:

State Description
Locked Device’s configuration changes are not allowed in CLI
South-bound Configuration changes can be made in the Tail-f, however these changes
Locked can not be pushed out and committed to the device
Unlocked Configuration changes can be made in Tail-f and can be pushed to the

Go to NSO GUI, if you click on the admin state of desired device, it will show the three options from
drop down, choose desired state save and commit

3.3.1 Locked State:

To lock the device from GUI either use above method or click on device name and then move to status
tab and select admin-state as locked and commit the change from top Commit button. Lets try to make
changes to the device while its locked:

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Alternatively to lock from CLI and then try to make changes

admin@ncs# config
Entering configuration mode terminal
admin@ncs(config)# devices device CE1_CL16 state admin-state locked
admin@ncs(config-device-CE1_CL16)# commit
Commit complete.
admin@ncs(config-device-CE1_CL16)# config ios:hostname CE1_CL16_TEST
admin@ncs(config-config)# commit
Aborted: Device CE1_CL16 is locked

3.3.2 South-bound Locked State:

Now lets change our device to “southbound lock”. You shall now be able to make changes in NSO
configuration, however these changes will not be able to propagate to the device:

admin@ncs(config-device-CE1_CL16)# top

admin@ncs(config)# devices device CE1_CL16 state admin-state southbound-

admin@ncs(config-device-CE1_CL16)# commit
Commit complete.
admin@ncs(config-device-CE1_CL16)# top
admin@ncs(config)# show configuration commit changes
! Created by: admin
! Date: 2016-06-17 13:51:19
! Client: cli
devices device CE1_CL16
state admin-state southbound-locked
ios:hostname CE1_CL16_TEST

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At this point, the changes are committed in the NSO config. Lets now try to push the change to the

admin@ncs# devices device CE1_CL16 sync-to

result false
info Device CE1_CL16 is south bound locked

3.4 Syncing Configuration From Device

The router CE_CL16 already has some configuration in it. Before we start configuring it using NSO, we
should ensure that the device config and the NSO configuration are in sync. Use the following steps to
achieve that:

admin@ncs(config)# devices device CE1_CL16 state admin-state ?

Possible completions:
locked Device is locked for config and southbound traffic
southbound-locked Device is locked for southbound traffic
unlocked Device is open for config and southbound traffic
admin@ncs(config)# devices device CE1_CL16 state admin-state unlocked

admin@ncs(config-device-CE1_CL16)# commit
Commit complete.
admin@ncs(config-device-CE1_CL16)# top
admin@ncs(config)# do show running-config devices device CE1_CL16
devices device CE1_CL16
authgroup CL-default
device-type cli ned-id cisco-ios
device-type cli protocol telnet
state admin-state unlocked
no ios:service pad
no ios:ip domain-lookup
no ios:ip http secure-server
ios:ip source-route
admin@ncs(config)# end
admin@ncs # devices device CE1_CL16 sync-from
result true

admin@ncs # show running-config devices device CE1_CL16

devices device CE1_CL16
authgroup CL-default
device-type cli ned-id cisco-ios
device-type cli protocol telnet
state admin-state unlocked
ios:version 15.6

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no ios:service pad
ios:service timestamps debug datetime msec
ios:service timestamps log datetime msec
ios:hostname CE1_CL16
ios:enable password cisco
ios:username cisco secret 5 $1$KAnx$lhtc4rTzd97/qSn9AVGv9.
ios:vrf definition Mgmt-intf
address-family ipv4
address-family ipv6
ios:ip cef
no ios:ip domain lookup
ios:ip domain name
no ios:ip domain-lookup
ios:ip forward-protocol nd
no ios:ip http server
no ios:ip http secure-server
ios:ip route vrf Mgmt-intf
ios:ip source-route
ios:ipv6 unicast-routing
ios:ipv6 cef
ios:interface GigabitEthernet0/0
media-type rj45
duplex full
speed auto
description OOB Management
vrf forwarding Mgmt-intf
ip address
ios:interface GigabitEthernet0/1
media-type rj45
duplex full
speed auto
description to iosxrv-1
ip address

3.4.1 Comparing NSO config with device:

If you are not sure if the device and NSO configs are in sync, you can check it using “compare config”.
In our case, these two should be not be in sync (since hostname was changed on NSO side in 3.3.2) if
all previous steps were followed.

We can see the details of this configuration difference by comparing the config:

admin@ncs# devices device CE1_CL16 compare-config

devices {
device CE1_CL16 {
config {
- ios:hostname CE1_CL16_TEST;
+ ios:hostname CE1_CL16;

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3.4.2 Check-Sync the devices:

Sync the config from device again and run check-sync to make sure everything is in sync

admin@ncs# devices device CE1_CL16 sync-from

result true
admin@ncs# devices device CE1_CL16 check-sync
result in-sync
admin@ncs# show devices device state
CE1_CL16 enabled - ned 2cfe64be060abb2c415db86c10905af1

3.5 Adding a new device using GUI:

Lets try to add a new device using the NSO GUI interface. Connect to the GUI using the browser as
shown in previous section. Notice that the CE1_CL16 device that we had added, would already be
visible now in the GUI, as shown here:

To add the 2nd device using GUI instead of CLI , follow the steps below:

1) Click on “+” option from the Devices menu:

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2) Use the GUI options to define the device parameters listed in the table below.

State Description
Name PE1_CL16
Port <leave blank>
Device Type CLI
NED ID cisco-iosxr
Protocol telnet
Authgroup CL-default

3) Click “OK”

Your basic device configuration is complete at this point. However, this configuration is still not
committed. It will therefore not be visible in the CLI:

admin@ncs# show devices device state

CE1_CL16 enabled - ned 2cfe64be060abb2c415db86c10905af1


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4) To complete the process of this device addition we need to commit,

View the changes that your new configuration is going to make (equivalent of “show config” from the
CLI menu):

Validate the changes before trying to commit, pop-up shall appear on the top right corner of the browser

5) Finally click commit

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You can now view the committed changes in the CLI

admin@ncs# show devices device state

CE1_CL16 enabled - ned 2cfe64be060abb2c415db86c10905af1
PE1_CL16 disabled - - -

admin@ncs# show running-config devices device PE1_CL16

devices device PE1_CL16
port 23
description ""
authgroup CL-default
device-type cli ned-id cisco-ios-xr
device-type cli protocol telnet
state admin-state unlocked
no ios:service pad
no ios:ip domain-lookup
no ios:ip http secure-server
ios:ip source-route

6) Make sure device is in Unlock state. To Unlock the device from GUI click on the admin state of
desired device, it will show the three options from drop down, choose unlock save and commit

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7) To Sync the config from the device, Click on device name and click on sync-from under
device tab.
Followed by clicking “Invoke sync-from” at next window and wait for it to display the result

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To return to the main device list from the sync-from menu option, use the following sequence of steps:

3.6 Adding Remaining Devices in the Topology:

Add the remaining three devices using the information in the table below. You can use the “load
configuration” command to load the pre-defined configuration for these devices as show below.

admin@ncs# config
Entering configuration mode terminal

admin@ncs(config)# load merge /home/cisco/content/add_devices.txt

874 bytes parsed in 0.06 sec (9.29 KiB/sec)
admin@ncs(config)# show config

devices device P1_CL16

description "P1 for CiscoLive POD"
authgroup CL-default
device-type cli ned-id cisco-ios-xr
device-type cli protocol telnet
no ios:service pad

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no ios:ip domain-lookup
no ios:ip http secure-server
ios:ip source-route
devices device PE2_CL16
description "PE2 for CiscoLive POD"
authgroup CL-default
device-type cli ned-id cisco-ios
device-type cli protocol telnet

no ios:service pad
no ios:ip domain-lookup
no ios:ip http secure-server
ios:ip source-route
devices device CE2_CL16
description "CE2 for CiscoLive POD"
authgroup CL-default
device-type cli ned-id cisco-ios
device-type cli protocol telnet

no ios:service pad
no ios:ip domain-lookup
no ios:ip http secure-server
ios:ip source-route

The above steps added the remaining devices with the below configuration:

State Description
Name P1_CL16
NED ID cisco-iosxr
Protocol SSH
Authgroup CL-default

State Description
Name PE2_CL16
NED ID cisco-ios
Protocol Telnet
Authgroup CL-default

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State Description
Name CE2_CL16
NED ID cisco-ios
Protocol Telnet
Authgroup CL-default

If you are using the GUI to add these new devices, the device table above can be used to look at the
parameters prior to committing.

3.7 Sync device configurations:

After unlocking all the newly added devices, sync the configs “from” the existing routers. You can easily
unlock the device by clicking Admin state of particular device in Device menu and select unlock
followed by save and commit.

Ensure that the devices are in “unlock” state.

You can do sync-from all the devices in one go using CLI or GUI as shown below:

Select all the devices from menu, and choose the “Action” menu option “sync-from”:

Wait for couple minute to complete the sync-from process to be finished, Once sync is done, you will
see it reflected result as “True” in the GUI.

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Note: The CLI method of performing a global device sync would be to use the following
admin@ncs# devices sync-from

Only one of the above two methods (CLI or GUI) is sufficient.

On the CLI, the following command can be used for checking IOS device sync:

admin@ncs# devices sync-from

sync-result {
device CE1_CL16
result true
sync-result {
device CE2_CL16
result true
sync-result {
device P1_CL16
result true
sync-result {
device PE1_CL16
result true
sync-result {
device PE2_CL16
result true

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admin@ncs# devices check-sync
sync-result {
device CE1_CL16
result in-sync
sync-result {
device CE2_CL16
result in-sync
sync-result {
device P1_CL16
result unsupported
sync-result {
device PE1_CL16
result unsupported
sync-result {
device PE2_CL16
result in-sync

3.8 Configure basic parameter through GUI:

The example below shows the interface IP address configuration steps for P1_CL16 using GUI.

1) Click on the device P1_CL16 from the “devices” menu, then select interface under config tab.

2) Choose the interface Gigabit Ethernet, followed by the interface number 0/0/0/0, and then
select the “IPv4 Address” options:

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3) Enter the address and mask:

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Validate the changes by looking at the output of “View changes” (from the commit button drop down

4) Perform a “Commit Dry Run” To see exactly the changes that will be made as a result of the
above steps:

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5) Commit the config changes and confirm

6) Ensure the interface is not in shutdown state. Click Back button from Browser and un-shut it
from GigabitEthernet tab and uncheck the “shutdown” option:

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7) Validate this change by looking at the commit dry run:

Note that when a config is deleted, commit dry run output shows it in RED, instead of GREEN
for a config that is added.

8) You can now validate the above changes by logging into the device and checking the actual
router config (Note: perform the below command from the Linux shell prompt)

cisco@ubuntu:~$ telnet

RP/0/0/CPU0:P1_CL16#show run int gigabitEthernet 0/0/0/0

interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0
ipv4 address

3.9 Configure basic parameter through CLI:

Below example shows the interface IP address configuration steps for P1_CL16 using CLI

1) Login in to NSO CLI, and enter the device configuration mode:

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/packages$ ncs_cli -C

cisco connected from using ssh on ubuntu

admin@ncs# config
Entering configuration mode terminal
admin@ncs(config)# devices device P1_CL16 config

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2) Configure the new interface ip address :

admin@ncs(config-config)# cisco-ios-xr:interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0/1

admin@ncs(config-if)# ipv4 address
admin@ncs(config-if)# no shutdown
admin@ncs(config-if)# top

3) Validate the changes by using “Show config”, as well as the commit dry run information:

admin@ncs(config)# show configuration

devices device P1_CL16
cisco-ios-xr:interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0/1
ipv4 address
no shutdown
admin@ncs(config)# commit dry-run
device P1_CL16
config {
cisco-ios-xr:interface {
GigabitEthernet 0/0/0/1 {
ipv4 {
address {
+ mask;
+ ip;
- shutdown;

admin@ncs(config)# do show running-config devices device P1_CL16 config

cisco-ios-xr:interface GigabitEthernet
devices device P1_CL16
cisco-ios-xr:interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0/1

4) Commit the changes:

admin@ncs(config)# commit
Commit complete.
admin@ncs(config)# do show running-config devices device P1_CL16 config
cisco-ios-xr:interface GigabitEthernet

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devices device P1_CL16
cisco-ios-xr:interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0/1
ipv4 address

5) You can also validate the changes on the Router itself, as well as a on the GUI:
RP/0/0/CPU0:P1_CL16#show run int gigabitEthernet 0/0/0/1
Fri May 22 23:57:07.914 UTC
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1
ipv4 address

3.10 Configure Remaining interfaces:

The remaining interfaces on all devices are pre-configured. Optionally we could have used load config
method to load pre defined config in bulk.

The full topology view of the interfaces and IP addresses is like this:

G0/0/0/1 G0/0/0/1

PE1_CL16 - P1_CL16 - PE2_CL16

G0/0/0/0 G0/1

CE1_CL16 -

Optionally Use the load config option as shown below:

admin@ncs# config
Entering configuration mode terminal
admin@ncs(config)# load merge /home/cisco/content/add_interfaces.txt
701 bytes parsed in 0.09 sec (7.12 KiB/sec)

You can also review config at ~/content/add_interfaces.txt

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3.11 Rollback Configuration Changes:
To show Rollback of configuration changes we will change Hostname

1) Go to the devices and click on P1_CL16, and change the hostname under the “config“
tab as follows to something different:

2) Commit the change

3) You can now view this change on the device directly:

RP/0/0/CPU0:P1_CL#show configuration commit changes last 1

Tue Jun 21 02:19:53.760 UTC
Building configuration...
!! IOS XR Configuration 6.0.1
hostname P1_CL

4) Click on the rollback on left side under Views and then on right side click on topmost
row you will see the changes rollback script going to make in bottom pan.

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Note that both GUI changes and CLI changes can be rolled back through this option. A
similar list is also available for rollback in the CLI:

admin@ncs# show configuration commit list

2016-06-20 22:28:07
SNo. ID User Client Time Stamp Label Comment
~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
1007 10072 admin webui 2016-06-20 22:26:13
1007 10071 admin webui 2016-06-20 22:18:59
1007 10070 admin cli 2016-06-20 22:01:05
1006 10069 admin webui 2016-06-20 21:57:33

5) Perform the rollback, by choosing the “load rollback<id>” option from this page and choose
“selective”. A rollback confirmation will be shown in the information pop-up:

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6) Just like other confirmation changes, this config change due to rollback is still local to
the GUI and now needs to be pushed to the device. A commit dry run will show the

7) Commit the changes to the device, and verify on the device:

RP/0/0/CPU0:P1_CL16#show configuration commit changes last 1
Tue Jun 21 02:25:49.396 UTC
Building configuration...

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!! IOS XR Configuration 6.0.1
hostname P1_CL16

Note that to perform rollback operation from the CLI, the command to rollback is under the
config mode:
admin@ncs# conf
Entering configuration mode terminal
admin@ncs(config)# rollback configuration

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4 Lab Task 2-2: Creating and Implementing Service
The service template requires that a new service package be created. To create that, you need to make
a YANG model for your service and an XML template.

YANG model is created to define all the parameters, which will be defined as part of the config for this
template. XML template is needed for translating those data values into a CLI that can be passed to
the device

4.1 Create a Blank Package Based on Template:

Login in the POD, and using the “ncs-make-package” command, create a blank template in the
~/ncsw/packages/ directory giving it the name “ospf”

You will have to source the ~/ncs412/ncsrc file if using new terminal session

cisco@ubuntu:~$ source ~/ncs412/ncsrc

cisco@ubuntu:~$ cd ~/ncsw/packages
cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/packages$ ncs-make-package --verbose --service-skeleton
template-based ospf
Using skeleton from /home/cisco/ncs412/src/ncs/package-skeletons
Wrote package to ospf

You can view the tree structure created by using the “tree” command:

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/packages$ tree ospf

├── load-dir
├── package-meta-data.xml
├── src
│ ├── java
│ │ └── src
│ │ └── com
│ │ └── example
│ │ └── ospf
│ │ └── namespaces
│ ├── Makefile
│ └── yang
│ └── ospf.yang
└── templates
└── ospf.xml

10 directories, 4 files

4.2 Identify the YANG modelling parameters

Since purpose of the exercise is to demonstrate the process, we will keep our YANG model simple to
achieve the basic task.
The key parameters that required to define an OSPF routing instance will be:

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OSPF Router ID OSPF Area Informatio
Process n
Name or
Number IP Address Integer IP address IOS XR IOS

IOS XR IOS Neighbor

Name Number Interface


Lets determine the type of each of these variables:

Variable Variable Type Predefined?

OSPF Process Name or Number String Yes
Router ID Type IP Address ietf-inet-types
OSPF Area Integer OR IP Address No
Address Family (Hardcoded and using only IPv4) N/A
Interface Name From Device N/A
Neighbor Address IP Address ietf-inet-types

Go to the directory ~/ncsw/packages/ospf/src/yang and view the ospf.yang file in it. This file is a basic
structure that the previous step’s command created. We will now have to populate it with our required
yang parameters:

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/packages/ospf/src/yang$ more ospf.yang

module ospf {

namespace "http://com/example/ospf";
prefix ospf;

import ietf-inet-types {
prefix inet;

import tailf-ncs {
prefix ncs;
augment /ncs:services {
list ospf {
key name;
<<< snip >>>

Notice the following values in this file:

- Module : This will be name of the package when imported into NSO
- Prefix : Any reference to this YANG module will be prefixed by this keyword

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- Import : These are modules which are being imported to build on top of. In this case, we
are importing basic NSO module, and IEFT-INET-TYPE module
- Augment: This is the config section that this YANG module will add to. In this case, we are
augmenting on the “services” keyword in the NSO CLI

4.3 Use the Pre Built YANG model file

The yang model to deploy this service configuration is already built and ready to be used. Use the steps
below to copy it to the appropriate location:

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/packages/ospf/src/yang$ cp ~/content/ospf.yang

The Appendix section walks through the complete set of steps involved in building this yang file.
You can refer to this section and follow the steps there to build your model step by step.

4.4 Verifying the YANG model:

To validate the yang model we just created, we can use the syntax check tool that’s built into NSO
installation – called “PYANG”

“Pyang” is written in Python, hence the “P”. There are other tools available like Jyang – written
in Java

Save the file, and from the prompt, run PYANG as shown below:

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw$ cd ~/ncsw/packages/ospf/src/yang
cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/packages/ospf/src/yang$ ls -al ospf.yang
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cisco cisco 2217 May 28 16:16 ospf.yang
cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/packages/ospf/src/yang$ pyang ospf.yang

Since we didn’t get any error, this means that everything is fine. However, if there are any sytax errors,
then those will need to be addressed before processed.

4.5 Compile the new YANG model:

A Makefile is already in place by the hierarchy created earlier. Run the “make” command as shown

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/packages/ospf/src/yang$ cd ~/ncsw/packages/ospf/src
cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/packages/ospf/src$ make

<below is the o/p after make command execution>

/home/cisco/ncs412/bin/ncsc `ls ospf-ann.yang > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo "-a

ospf-ann.yang"` \
--yangpath yang -c -o ../load-dir/ospf.fxs yang/ospf.yang

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Congratulations! You have now completed the model development. You can refer to Appendix for some
optional changes you can make this model a bit more interesting.

Load the package in CLI:

Since our YANG model is ready, we can potentially load it in the CLI now. This will still not fully usable
since we still need to define the XML template, however, the CLI keywords are defined through the
yang model and would therefore be available:

admin@ncs# show packages package package-version

cisco-ios 3.0
cisco-iosxr 3.0

admin@ncs# packages reload

>>> System upgrade is starting.

>>> Sessions in configure mode must exit to operational mode.
>>> No configuration changes can be performed until upgrade has completed.
>>> System upgrade has completed successfully.
reload-result {
package cisco-ios
result true
reload-result {
package cisco-iosxr
result true
reload-result {
package ospf
result true
admin@ncs# show packages package package-version
cisco-ios 3.0
cisco-iosxr 3.0
ospf 1.0

admin@ncs# show packages package ospf

packages package ospf
package-version 1.0
description "Skeleton for a template-based resource facing service"
ncs-min-version [ 3.0 ]
directory ./state/packages-in-use/1/ospf
templates [ ospf ]
oper-status up

Note that the CLI will be configurable, but there will be no way to translate it to a format that can
be understood by the device (i.e. IOS-XR CLI syntax). That part (translation from yang model
based CLI, to IOS-XR CLI) is done through the XML template. So lets define the XML template.

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4.6 Adding XML Template:
We have pre-built the XML file and ready to be used. It can be copied to the appropriate location using
the below steps.

The details and full set of steps to build this XML file are included in Appendix section, and you
are encouraged to try that out if time permits during the session or later.

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/packages/ospf/src/yang$ cp ~/content/ospf.xml

4.7 Using XML Template:

Lets reload the package again so that it can load the XML template we just created:

admin@ncs# packages reload

reload-result {
package cisco-ios
result true
reload-result {
package cisco-iosxr
result true
reload-result {
package ospf
result true

Now we can define the service and convert to CLI. To view the translated version to CLI before you
commit, use “Commit dry-run”:

admin@ncs# config
Entering configuration mode terminal
admin@ncs(config)# services ospf PE1_CL16 process-id 1 iosxr router-id area-id 0 interface-name Giga0/0/0/1
admin@ncs(config-interface-name-Giga0/0/0/1)# top
admin@ncs(config)# show configuration
services ospf PE1_CL16
process-id 1
iosxr router-id
iosxr area-id 0
interface-name Giga0/0/0/1
admin@ncs(config)# commit dry-run outformat cli
device PE1_CL16
config {
cisco-ios-xr:router {
+ ospf 1 {
+ router-id;

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+ area 0 {
+ interface Giga0/0/0/1;
+ }
+ }

admin@ncs(config)# commit

On the PE1_CL16 router, you can see the changes of the last commit:

RP/0/0/CPU0:PE1_CL16#sh config commit changes last 1

Building configuration...
!! IOS XR Configuration 5.3.0
router ospf 1
area 0
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1

4.8 Using the Same Service Template for Configuring IOS


admin@ncs(config)# services ospf CE1_CL16 process-id 1 ios router-id

network area 0

admin@ncs(config-network- top
admin@ncs(config)# show config
services ospf CE1_CL16
process-id 1
ios router-id
ios network
area [ 0 ]
admin@ncs(config)# commit dry-run outformat cli
device CE1_CL16
config {
ios:router {
+ ospf 1 {
+ non-vrf {
+ router-id;
+ network {
+ area 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }

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The impact of this change can be seen on the CE_CL16 device:

CE1_CL16#show run | b ospf

router ospf 1
network area 0

Our template and yang models are now complete! Lets try applying these through the GUI in the next

4.9 Viewing the Service Template in GUI:

You can now go the GUI, and view the service that we just created:

You can Add a new service using the “+” option and provide device name “P1_CL16” (make sure you
type device name correct)

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Once you add the device name, Click on device-name to provide parameters for this device:

Enter the process ID “1” as shown above, and for the remainder of the XR specific config, go to the
“IOSXR” section. Provide the router ID “”

add (+) the area-id 0 and then interfaces Gig0/0/0/0 and Gig0/0/0/1 in area 0 :

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Hit Back button from Browser once and then add other interface Gig0/0/0/1 as well.

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Before committing the changes, do a dry run, and if everything looks ok, then go ahead and commit that
will push the config to the device P1_CL16:

RP/0/0/CPU0:P1_CL16#sh ospf neighbor

Tue Jun 28 22:24:56.175 UTC

* Indicates MADJ interface

# Indicates Neighbor awaiting BFD session up

Neighbors for OSPF 1

Neighbor ID Pri State Dead Time Address Interface 1 FULL/DR 00:00:37
Neighbor is up for 00:00:11

Total neighbor count: 1

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4.10 Adding 2nd Interface to existing OSPF process:
So far we have added interface and area in one shot. Lets check if our model and template work fine
when there are the service stays intact when additional interfaces or area is added on top of the existing

We will work on PE1_CL16 for this example. The currently configured service for this device is:

admin@ncs# show running-config services ospf PE1_CL16

services ospf PE1_CL16
process-id 1
iosxr router-id
iosxr area-id 0
interface-name Giga0/0/0/1

Lets add an additional interface and area to this device:

admin@ncs# config
Entering configuration mode terminal

admin@ncs(config)# services ospf PE1_CL16 process-id 1 iosxr router-id area-id 0 interface-name gig0/0/0/0

admin@ncs(config-interface-name-giga0/0/0/0)# show config

services ospf PE1_CL16
iosxr area-id 0
interface-name Gig0/0/0/0

admin@ncs(config)# commit
Commit complete.
admin@ncs(config)# end

admin@ncs# show running-config services ospf PE1_CL16

services ospf PE1_CL16
process-id 1
iosxr router-id
iosxr area-id 0
interface-name Gig0/0/0/1
interface-name Gig0/0/0/0

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4.11 Completing OSPF config for remaining devices:
G0/0/0/1 G0/0/0/1 192.168.23. 192.168.34

PE1_CL16 2
- XR - XR 192.168.316 -IOS
G0/0/0/0 G0/1

2.1 G0/1 G0/1
6 - IOS CE2_CL
16 -IOS

Complete the configuration for OSPF on the remaining devices: PE2_CL16, CE2_CL16 using the
following information:

Device Process ID Router ID Area Interface Network Mask

CE1_CL16 1 0 X
PE1_CL16 1 0 Giga0/0/0/0 X X
PE1_CL16 1 0 Giga0/0/0/1 X X
P1_CL16 1 0 Giga0/0/0/0 X X
P1_CL16 1 0 Giga0/0/0/1 X X
PE2_CL16 1 0 X
PE2_CL16 1 0 X
CE2_CL16 1 0 X

Lets configure PE2 first, below are the steps you would need to take to configure PE2, and validate that
config changes before committing:

admin@ncs(config)# services ospf PE2_CL16 process-id 1 ios router-id

network area 0
admin@ncs(config-network- top
admin@ncs(config)# services ospf PE2_CL16 process-id 1 ios router-id
network area 0
admin@ncs(config-network- top
admin@ncs(config)# show configuration
services ospf PE2_CL16
process-id 1
ios router-id
ios network
area [ 0 ]
ios network
area [ 0 ]
admin@ncs(config)# commit dry-run outformat cli
device PE2_CL16
config {

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ios:router {
+ ospf 1 {
+ non-vrf {
+ router-id;
+ network {
+ area 0;
+ }
+ network {
+ area 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
admin@ncs(config)# commit
Commit complete.

Let’s do the last router CE2_CL16 using the GUI:

If you want to configure this device using CLI as well, you can use:
services ospf CE2_CL16 process-id 1 ios router-id network area

Go the “OSPF” section in the “services” menu:

Choose the “add(+)” option, and enter the device name CE2_CL16.

Add the device, and after clicking on device name on the subsequent screen, enter process ID 1 and go
to the IOS section. In the IOS section, and enter the router-id as and then network
( and mask ( as follows

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After the above steps, the commit dry run option can be used to view the changes being committed:

This completes our OSPF configuration end to end. Lets checkout the OSPF routes at the CE1_CL16
device, and see if you can ping CE2_CL16 interface:

CE1_CL16#show ip route ospf

Codes: L - local, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2

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ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static
o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route, H - NHRP, l - LISP
a - application route
+ - replicated route, % - next hop override

Gateway of last resort is not set

O [110/2] via, 00:16:09, GigabitEthernet0/1

O [110/3] via, 00:16:09, GigabitEthernet0/1
O [110/4] via, 00:16:09, GigabitEthernet0/1
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 14/30/89 ms

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5 Bonus Content

5.1 Additional ways to view the yang model using PYANG:

5.1.1 Generating XML view of yang model:
The YANG model can also be viewed or put-together in XML like format. That is called “YIN”. Pyang
can be used to generate a YIN representation of our OSPF model

cisco@ubuntu:~$ cd ~/ncsw/packages/ospf/src/yang
cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/packages/ospf/src/yang$ pyang -f yin ospf.yang
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module name="ospf"
<namespace uri="http://com/example/ospf"/>
<prefix value="ospf"/>
<import module="ietf-inet-types">
<prefix value="inet"/>
<import module="tailf-ncs">
<prefix value="ncs"/>
<import module="tailf-common">
<prefix value="tailf"/>
<typedef name="ospf-area">
<type name="union">
<type name="uint32"/>
<type name="inet:ipv4-address"/>
<augment target-node="/ncs:services">
<list name="ospf">
<uses name="ncs:service-data"/>
<ncs:servicepoint id="ospf"/>
<key value="device-name"/>
<leaf name="device-name">
<mandatory value="true"/>
<type name="leafref">
<path value="/ncs:devices/ncs:device/ncs:name"/>
<<<< snipped >>>>
<tailf:callpoint id="ncs-rfs-service-hook">
<tailf:transaction-hook value="subtree">
<tailf:invocation-mode value="per-transaction"/>

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5.1.2 Generating HTML view of YANG module:
One of the other fancy things PYANG can do is to generate an HTML view of any yang file. You can do
that and place the HTML file in the web browser directory and view using the browser. Steps are shown

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/packages/ospf/src/yang$ pyang -f html ospf.yang >

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/packages/ospf/src/yang$ sudo cp ospf.html

You can now point your browser to

5.2 Using Netconf

5.2.1 Poll Device Config using XML over Netconf:
The following commands are needed to enable netconf agent on IOS XR:
RP/0/0/CPU0:PE1_CL16(config)#xml agent tty
RP/0/0/CPU0:PE1_CL16(config)#netconf agent tty

Enabling Crypto keys so that we can ssh to the device

RP/0/0/CPU0:PE1_CL16#crypto key generate rsa

Fri Jul 1 18:58:46.786 UTC

The name for the keys will be: the_default
Choose the size of the key modulus in the range of 512 to 4096 for your
General Purpose Keypair. Choosing a key modulus greater than 512 may take a
few minutes.

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How many bits in the modulus [2048]:
Generating RSA keys ...
Done w/ crypto generate keypair

Once the agent is enabled, you can use ssh netconf mode to communicate to the device using netconf:

cisco@ubuntu:~$ ssh cisco@ netconf format

cisco@'s password: cisco

Tue May 26 21:00:26.198 UTC

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<hello xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">

To get Config of all Gige Interfaces paste the below text after above ssh o/p

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<rpc message-id="101" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
<InterfaceName Match="GigabitEthernet.*"/>

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You can find the full text in the file ~/content/get-gige-xml.txt . You can use this file to copy
the lines and paste in your session.

The Reply will look like below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<rpc-reply message-id="101" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
<InterfaceConfigurationTable MajorVersion="5" MinorVersion="4">
<IPV4Network MajorVersion="6" MinorVersion="5">
<IPV4Network MajorVersion="6" MinorVersion="5">

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5.2.2 Configure (Add and Delete) configuration using XML+Netconf:

The below exercise shows how you can add or remove a loopback interface configuration using
“merge” operation in netconf:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<rpc message-id="101" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
<InterfaceConfigurationTable operation="merge">

A copy of the above XML command snippet is saved in ~/content/create-loopback-xml.txt for

your convenience. You can use that to paste instead of typing out.

The reply from the device should look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<rpc-reply message-id="101" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">

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You can now verify from the device if this config took place:

RP/0/0/CPU0:PE1_CL16#show ipv4 int brief | in 111

Loopback111 Up Up

To delete this Loopback, use the “delete” operation keyword:

A copy of the above XML command snippet is saved in ~/content/delete-loopback-xml.txt for

your convenience. You can use that to paste instead of typing out.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<rpc message-id="101" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
<InterfaceConfigurationTable operation="delete">

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rpc-reply message-id="101" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">

5.2.3 Close Netconf Session:

You can now gracefully close the netconf session as shown below:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rpc message-id="101" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">

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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rpc-reply message-id="101" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">

5.2.4 Poll Device Config using :

To enable Netconf Yang agent, make the following config changes:

RP/0/0/CPU0:PE1_CL16(config)#show configuration
Tue May 26 21:41:34.459 UTC
Building configuration...
!! IOS XR Configuration
no xml agent tty
no netconf agent tty
netconf-yang agent
Uncommitted changes found, commit them before exiting(yes/no/cancel)?

You can now connect to the device using ssh:

cisco@ubuntu:~$ ssh cisco@ -s netconf

cisco@'s password:
<hello xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">



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6 Appendix

6.1 Creating the OSPF.yang model step by step:

6.1.1 Create New Variable types as-needed:

You can start using any of your favorite editor (vim/vi/nano) to edit following sections.

One of the parameters (OSPF Area) doesn’t have a pre-defined type, since it can take up various type
of values. We will use this as an example of defining a new variable type as shown below:

import tailf-common { prefix tailf; }

typedef ospf-area { type union {
type uint32;
type inet:ipv4-address; }

The new defined type “ospf-area” can take any integer value (32 bit) or an IPv4 value. Note that the
IPv4 type is pre-defined in the module we imported “ietf-inet-type”

In the next few steps, we will build the yang file step by step. However, a copy of the final yang
model is available at ~/content/ospf.yang, If you want to do a comparison with this file or use it
instead of typing out each step, you can reference it. (Take care about extra line breaks if you
paste the contents into a new file)

6.1.2 Define the Service point:

First Remove all red lines shown below as they are placeholder values as part of the template, and we
will define these parameters based on our requirements

augment /ncs:services {
list ospf {
key name;
uses ncs:service-data;
ncs:servicepoint "ospf";

leaf name {
type string;

// may replace this with other ways of refering to the devices.

leaf-list device {
type leafref {
path "/ncs:devices/ncs:device/ncs:name";

// replace with your own stuff here

leaf dummy {

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type inet:ipv4-address;

Note that the brackets marked in blue are enclosing the OSPF definition, and both of these
should be kept in place.

Since we are augmenting the “service” keyword, we are defining a new keyword “ospf” under it, the
following two lines will be required to allow this to work,these should already be present in the yang file.

augment /ncs:services {
list ospf {
uses ncs:service-data;
ncs:servicepoint "ospf";

Our YANG model file looks like below at this point:

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/packages/ospf/src/yang$ more ospf.yang

module ospf {

namespace "http://com/example/ospf";
prefix ospf;

import ietf-inet-types {
prefix inet;

import tailf-ncs {
prefix ncs;
import tailf-common { prefix tailf; }

typedef ospf-area { type union {

type uint32;
type inet:ipv4-address; }

augment /ncs:services {
list ospf {
uses ncs:service-data;
ncs:servicepoint "ospf";


6.1.3 Defining various parameters for various OSPF service

Augument services: This has to be a parameter that will be unique for each instance of the service.
Since each define can have multiple neighbors , multiple areas, and even multiple instances of OSPF,
none of these are suitable as unique variables. We will therefore choose the device name as the most
unique value: This value (“device-name”) however now has to be defined as a leaf value because the
key has to be of type “leaf.”

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Device Name Process ID IOS-XR IOS

Process ID

Router-ID Area-ID Router-ID


Interface Network IP,

Number Network
Mask & AreaIP,
Number Mask & Area

/// Let’s define our first Leaf and it’s value in this YANG mode

list ospf {
uses ncs:service-data;
ncs:servicepoint "ospf";

key "device-name";

leaf device-name {
mandatory true;
type leafref {
path "/ncs:devices/ncs:device/ncs:name";

/// Let’s define the OSPF process ID as well

leaf process-id {
mandatory true;
type string;

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6.1.4 Using Containers - Differentiating between IOS and IOS-XR:
Containers are meant to group a set of values. A conditional statement can be added to the container
definition to define when this container will be applicable and when it should be omitted.

In our case, since the parameters being defined for IOS versus those defined for IOS-XR are slightly
different, we will use containers to group these values separately. Copy/paste below section in
continuation to last section.



Device Name Process ID IOS-XR IOS

Process ID

Router-ID Area-ID Router-ID


Interface Network IP,

Number Network
Mask & AreaIP,
Number Mask & Area

/// Let’s define container to differentiate between iosxr and ios

container iosxr {
when "/ncs:devices/ncs:device[ncs:name=current()/../device-
name]/ncs:device-type/ncs:cli/ncs:ned-id = 'cisco-ios-xr-id:cisco-ios-xr'"
// tailf:dependency "../device-name";
// tailf:dependency "/ncs:devices/ncs:device/ncs:device-type";

Note that the brackets marked in red spread over sections 4.6 & 4.7 are enclosing the container

Note that in the above container selection, we are using the condition defined in “when”.
Here we are referencing the current device’s parameters (using:
/ncs:devices/ncs:device[ncs:name=current() ) and then referencing its OS type, and checking if its
defined as “cisco-ios-xr-id:cisco-ios-xr”.

You can get a good view of the defined hierarchy by using the following command as an example in the

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admin@ncs# show running-config devices device P1_CL16 | display xpath
/devices/device[name='P1_CL16']/device-type/cli/ned-id cisco-ios-xr

admin@ncs# show running-config devices device CE1_CL16 | display xpath

/devices/device[name='CE1_CL16']/device-type/cli/ned-id cisco-ios

6.1.5 Defining Router ID, Area ID & Interfaces:

Define the variables for “router-ID”, “Area-ID” and Interfaces under the IOS XR container:



Device Name Process ID IOS-XR IOS

Process ID

Router-ID Area-ID Router-ID


Interface Network IP,

Number Network
Mask & AreaIP,
Number Mask & Area

// Let’s define the Router ID

leaf router-id {
tailf:info "OSPF XR Router ID";
mandatory true;
type inet:ipv4-address;

// Let’s define the Area ID

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list area-id {
tailf:info "OSPF XR Area ID";
key "area";
leaf area {
mandatory true;
type ospf-area;
// Let’s define the Interface

list interface-name {
key "interface-number";
leaf interface-number {
tailf:info "IOS-XR OSPF interface" ;
type string;

Notice the following fine points about this step:

- “tailf:info” keyword is being used. This prefix (tailf) is from the earlier import, and the defined
value gets reflected in the iteractive help when this variable is being defined in CLI or GUI
- Area-ID is being defined a “LIST” and not as a “LEAF”. This is because the Area-Id
definition in IOS XR contains the information about neighbors within that area. Hence it’s
not a single value, but contains multiple parameters in it.
- Interface-name is being defined as a list, again because multiple interfaces can be part of
one area.
- The interface numbers are being defined as a free-form string. However, in a more
accurate model, the choices should be pulled from the device’s database. This will be
described as an optional exercise; refer to Appendix for how to make that happen.

6.1.6 Defining IOS Parameters:

Using the same idea as described for IOS-XR, we can now define the parameters for IOS as well. To
make that choice applicable, we will once against a “when” condition in the IOS container to ensure that
this part of the model applies to a device that is of type IOS CLI.

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Device Name Process ID IOS-XR IOS

Process ID

Router-ID Area-ID Router-ID


Interface Network IP,

Number Network
Mask & AreaIP,
Number Mask & Area

/// Let’s define container to differentiate between iosxr and ios

container ios {
when "/ncs:devices/ncs:device[ncs:name=current()/../device-
name]/ncs:device-type/ncs:cli/ncs:ned-id = 'ios-id:cisco-ios'" {
// tailf:dependency "../device-name";
// tailf:dependency "/ncs:devices/ncs:device/ncs:device-type";

// Let’s define the Router ID

leaf router-id {
tailf:info "OSPF Router ID";
mandatory true;
type inet:ipv4-address;
// Let’s define the Area ID, Network and mask

list network {
tailf:info "OSPF Area ID";
key "ip mask";
leaf-list area {
type ospf-area;
leaf ip {
mandatory true;
tailf:info "IOS OSPF network" ;
type inet:ipv4-address;
leaf mask {
mandatory true;
tailf:info "IOS OSPF network mask";
type inet:ipv4-address;

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Note that the brackets marked in red are enclosing the container ios.

For your convenience, here is the full YANG model:

module ospf {

namespace "http://com/example/ospf";
prefix ospf;

import ietf-inet-types {
prefix inet;

import tailf-ncs {
prefix ncs;

import tailf-common { prefix tailf; }

// import tailf-ned-cisco-ios-xr { prefix cisco-ios-xr; }

typedef ospf-area { type union {

type uint32;
type inet:ipv4-address; }

// Section 4.5

augment /ncs:services {
list ospf {
uses ncs:service-data;
ncs:servicepoint "ospf";

key "device-name";

leaf device-name {
mandatory true;
type leafref {
path "/ncs:devices/ncs:device/ncs:name";

leaf process-id {
mandatory true;
type string;

// Section 4.6

container iosxr {

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when "/ncs:devices/ncs:device[ncs:name=current()/../device-
name]/ncs:device-type/ncs:cli/ncs:ned-id = 'cisco-ios-xr-id:cisco-ios-xr'"
// tailf:dependency "../device-name";
// tailf:dependency "/ncs:devices/ncs:device/ncs:device-

// Section 4.7
leaf router-id {
tailf:info "OSPF XR Router ID";
mandatory true;
type inet:ipv4-address;
list area-id {
tailf:info "OSPF XR Area ID";
key "area";
leaf area {
mandatory true;
type ospf-area;

list interface-name {
key "interface-number";
leaf interface-number {
tailf:info "IOS-XR OSPF interface" ;
type string;

// Section 4.8

container ios {
when "/ncs:devices/ncs:device[ncs:name=current()/../device-
name]/ncs:device-type/ncs:cli/ncs:ned-id = 'ios-id:cisco-ios'" {
// tailf:dependency "../device-name";
// tailf:dependency "/ncs:devices/ncs:device/ncs:device-type";
leaf router-id {
tailf:info "OSPF Router ID";
mandatory true;
type inet:ipv4-address;

list network {
tailf:info "OSPF Area ID";
key "ip mask";
leaf-list area {
type ospf-area;
leaf ip {
mandatory true;
tailf:info "IOS OSPF network" ;
type inet:ipv4-address;
leaf mask {
mandatory true;

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tailf:info "IOS OSPF network mask";
type inet:ipv4-address;


6.2 Building the OSPF.XML :

Go the directory for XML template, and edit the file:

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/packages/ospf$ cd ~/ncsw/packages/ospf/templates/
cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/packages/ospf/templates$ ls -al
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 2 cisco cisco 4096 May 27 15:04 .
drwxrwxr-x 5 cisco cisco 4096 May 27 15:04 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cisco cisco 732 May 27 15:04 ospf.xml

cisco@ubuntu:~/ncsw/packages/ospf/templates$ vim ospf.xml

From the existing file, remove the comment lines, which will leave you with the following starting

<config-template xmlns=""
<devices xmlns="">

6.2.1 Defining Device name:

We will start the process of mapping the variables defined in the YANG model , and map them to a
format the structures these values into a CLI acceptable format. To first one will the device name.

Notice that in the XML template, the device name is assumed to be represented by the variable


Make this change the XML file that you are editing:

<config-template xmlns=""

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<devices xmlns="">

6.2.2 Generating sample XML structure:

Next, we need to populate the <config> section of the XML template.

To achieve this, we will need to define the tags based on how config is done on a device. We can
make the task easier by taking help from NSO since XML can present us the XML translation of a
configuration. That translation can be used to construct the template by replacing the values with the
variables we have defined.

To generate that translation, lets configure OSPF on one of our XR devices..and see the translation.
We do not need to commit this change, as our intent is only to get the XML view:

admin@ncs# config
Entering configuration mode terminal
admin@ncs(config)# devices device PE1_CL16 config
admin@ncs(config-config)# cisco-ios-xr:router ospf 1
admin@ncs(config-ospf)# router-id
admin@ncs(config-ospf)# area 0
admin@ncs(config-ospf-ar)# interface Giga0/0/0/0
admin@ncs(config-ospf-ar-if)# exit
admin@ncs(config-ospf-ar)# interface Giga0/0/0/1
admin@ncs(config-ospf-ar-if)# top
admin@ncs(config)# commit dry-run outformat xml
device PE1_CL16
<router xmlns="">

Lets look closely at the tags above… and match them with the values in the YANG model:

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Leaf Name XML Tag
process-id <ospf><name> … </name>
router-id <router-id> … </router-id>
area-id/area <area><id>…</id>………</area>
interface-name/interface-number <interface><name>…</name></interface>

Using these mappings, lets fill in the <config> section of the XML template. Since all the mappings are
for IOS-XR config, we will comment this section accordingly.

The config template will now look like:

<config-template xmlns=""
<devices xmlns="">
<!-- IOSXR config -->
<router xmlns="">

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6.2.3 Defining IOS config template:

So far we have defined the template for IOS-XR only. However, we also have IOS devices in the
network and XML template should contain the structure for IOS command as well.
We will use the same steps as before:

First define the config in NSO CLI, and take an XML output as a sample:

admin@ncs(config)# devices device CE1_CL16 config ios:router ospf 1

admin@ncs(config-router)# router-id
admin@ncs(config-router)# network area 0
admin@ncs(config-router)# top
admin@ncs(config)# show configuration
devices device CE1_CL16
ios:router ospf 1
network area 0
admin@ncs(config)# commit dry-run outformat xml
device CE1_CL16
<router xmlns="urn:ios">

Now create a section in the template file right after the </router> tag (belonging to IOS XR section) and
add the above config, as well as add a comment to indicate the separation ….A snippet of the modified
template is shown below, with the changes in bold

<<< snipped >>>


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<!-- IOS config -->
<router xmlns="urn:ios">

<<< snipped >>>

Lets map these template tags to the IOS container variables we have in YANG model:

Leaf Name XML Tag

process-id <ospf><id> … </id>
router-id <router-id> … </router-id>
area-id/area <network><area>…</area></network>
network <network><ip>…</ip></network>
mask <network><mask>…</mask></network>

And finally, use this mapping to change the templates explicit values to the YANG variables instead:

The changed content will look like this:

<!-- IOS config -->

<router xmlns="urn:ios">

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Now lets reload the package in the CLI

admin@ncs# packages reload

>>> System upgrade is starting.

>>> Sessions in configure mode must exit to operational mode.
>>> No configuration changes can be performed until upgrade has completed.
>>> System upgrade has completed successfully.
reload-result {
package cisco-ios
result true
reload-result {
package cisco-iosxr
result true
reload-result {
package ospf
result true

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