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- Magical tree

Deep in the woods stood a tree that was magical, it stood away from all the other trees, big
and strong with a bird’s nest half way up. If you looked hard enough and were quiet, you
might catch a glance of a bird flying onto the branch feeding its young. Listening to all the
birds singing made you feel so happy to be alive, to be in such a place where all the
creatures of the forest come together, it's like hearing a symphony.
It was a windy day and the trees were swaying, the leaves were flying all around and the
branches were creaking as they knocked into each other. It was mystical to be standing
there listening to all the sounds trying to work out where they were coming from.
Inside the magical tree lived a little man called Sam; he was very

small to look at and always made you smile, dressed with a green jacket, red shoes with
gold buckles, a red hat and a long white beard, which hung to the floor. Sam liked the color
red, it reminded him of a rose he had picked years ago. The wind was getting a little
stronger so Sam decided to go to bed so he did not have to hear all the noises, which he
knew would soon pass, as he had lived in the woods for hundreds of years.
You could see the light shining down through the tops of the trees hitting the trunks at the
bottom, making shadows on the ground. your eyes could not believe what they saw.
It felt really creepy but there was nothing there, the light was just playing tricks with your
eyes and the wind played tricks with your ears, but nevertheless you wished that you were
somewhere else.
On a calm summers day the magical tree glowed with sparkling colors of light.
Colors you’ve never imagined, beauty that you have never seen, just like the famous
painters try to capture in their paintings to put on canvas, to share with the world.

On the edge of the Wood stood a log cabin; there was a pigsty near the cabin and inside
stood an old pig called Ben. Ben was old but Mike loved him.

Mike who was ten seemed mature for his age he was a clever lad. He liked to wear jeans
with a T-shirt and always threw on what ever jumper he could find at the time. On his way
out the house he bumped into his sister Sue. She was only eight and always seemed to be
screaming and shouting, today she was wearing a blue and white dress. ” Mike where are
you going? Sue asked. “Out to play are you coming?”
“Yes she replied, but don’t run off and leave me”.
They both ran down the garden path out of the gate and headed towards the wood,
running through the long grass in the field.
Stop! Sue shouts, you’re running too fast I can’t keep up with you”. Mike stopped and
waited for his sister. “You just can’t run fast enough said Mike”.
“But that’s not my fault the grass is too long for me to run in and you are a lot faster than
me, you’re a boy, said Sue.”
“Sorry! Said Mike, come on let’s go and see what we can find in the wood?
So they started walking into the wood it was a lovely day the birds were singing and the sun
was shinning, there was a slight breeze in the air just enough to keep you cool. As they
entered the wood, Sue saw quite a lot of insects flying around and while she opened her
mouth to catch her breath, she swallowed one! She spat it out nearly choking," that was
horrible, she said”, whilst using the sleeve of her dress to wipe her lips spitting all the time
to make sure the insect was definitely OUT.
”You always get lots of midges this time of year explained Mike, it’s nothing to worry
about, you’ll get use to them, there are swarms of them all over the place”.
“Yes! But they don’t taste very nice;”
Just as she had finished moaning Mike whispered shush! Look over there? That is beautiful.
Sue looked to where Mike was pointing and saw a Stag with

long pointed antlers,” oh! That’s wonderful said Sue, what a lovely sight.”
“Yes! It sure is said Mike.”
Walking further into the wood sue was looking all around, Mike was just picking up sticks
and throwing them, kicking things on the ground and whistling to himself. Sue just ignores
him; she likes looking at the different birds and admiring the creatures that live in the
forest. Sue believed that there is a God and he made all things on this earth.
Suddenly Mike stopped! “You can rest a while here Sue, I am going to climb this tree.”
All right says Sue, looking down at an old log on the ground, she thinks I’ll just sit and wait
here; Sue looks up and sees Mike half way up the tree, and shouts!
“Be careful! Not noticing a big ant crawling up her leg.
“I will, said Mike”.
Suddenly Sue let out a big Screech!
“What’s wrong said Mike, whilst descending from the tree at fast speed.
"A big ant has just bit me on the leg and it hurts.” Mike drops down beside her to have a
look at her leg, “oh it’s just a bite you will be fine, the swelling will go down don’t worry too
much, you stay there I’m going back up the tree, you will be ok”.
While Mike is climbing the tree Sue looks for somewhere else to sit, she is starting to feel
unwell and sees a base of a big tree where she can sit, and thinks that one looks ok.
While sitting there she can hear the rustling of the leaves and the creaking of branches and
the odd leaf and twig fall to the ground as Mike climbs the tree.
Just then she notices a deer between the trees, but her vision starts to blur, she can feel
herself drifting as she screws her eyes up, shakes her head and tries to open them.
She can feel some thing on her leg, she looks down and sees a little man in a green jacket
with a very long beard, slowly her eyes close and she falls asleep.

“Sue! Sue! Wake up Sue, as she opens her eyes she sees Mike leaning over her, ah you’re
awake now!”
“Yes I am says Sue, but I’ve had the weirdest dream, I thought I saw a little man in a green
jacket with a very long white beard,” both of them were looking at the bite on her leg, “Mike
says look it’s gone?”
“Yes says Sue that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, the little man touched my bite and it
Mike laughed!” There’s no such thing as little men in green jackets?
“Yes there is and he fixed it”.
Mike says don’t be silly, anyhow come on it’s getting late we have to make our way back
home it will be dark soon".
They both go back through the wood to their little cabin.

That night while trying to sleep Sue thinks: I did see a little man in a green jacket and he did
fix the bite on my leg, or did he? Thinking about it she eventually fell asleep.

The next day Sue woke up early with the sun beaming through the window, lighting up her
room shinning through the colored curtains that her mother had made, ah! She says while
stretching out and yawning, what a lovely day! She threw back her covers and catapults
her teddy over the other side of the room, jumps out of bed then opens the door and then
walks into Mikes room, he is still fast asleep,” Wake up! Wake up! Mike turns over and
opens his eyes, "what do you want at this time of the morning it’s still early"?
Sue insists that they go back to the wood and look at the deer they saw yesterday, really she
wanted to know if the little green man was real or not,” Ok says Mike wait for me down stairs
I’ll be down in a moment.”
"Ok" says Sue; she has a big smile on her face walking out of Mike’s room. She runs down
stairs to the kitchen and grab’s two pieces of bread. Open’s the cupboard to reach for her
favorite jam, strawberry home made hmm! She says licking her lips, she hears Mike coming
down the stairs.”
“Are you ready Sue: While grabbing some biscuits out of a Jar?”
“Let’s go.”
Off they go once again into the wood.
Sue remembered the midges at the start of the woods; she ducks down so she doesn’t get
another unwelcome insect in her mouth. It’s not long before they’re back at the spot where
they were yesterday. It’s very warm with the sun shining; there are beams of light shinning
through the tops of the trees managing to shine on the forest floor. While standing, Sue
could hear all the different animals, the bird’s way up

in the trees with beautiful colors long tails, and some of them doing funny dances on the
branches. On the ground, Sue could see a funny insect with lots of legs running in and out
of the leaf’s that had fallen from the trees, which were covering the ground like a blanket.
Mike had found a strange looking ball, hanging from a branch with lots of wasps flying in
and out, he had never seen one before and had to investigate a little closer. He shouts! “Sue,
you stay there if you need me just shout.”
“Ok, Sue looks all around to find the big tree; she spots it, ah! There you are she says to
herself while walking towards it.”
She walks round admiring its beauty and its huge size, she had never seen a tree like this
before, after walking round two or three times she decides to sit down right in the same
place she had sat yesterday. Sue sits there remembering thoughts, of the days she had
enjoyed in the woods, she unties the ribbon from her hair to let the breeze blow through
and let her hair hang free, she puts the red ribbon down beside her letting it hang over the
trunk of the tree. Then leans back against the tree to rest and enjoy the view and soak up
all the noises, which to her were all very nice.
Suddenly from the corner of her eye! She sees the ribbon move she was sure it couldn’t be
the breeze, slowly moves her head to look at the ribbon.
Coming into view she sees him again, the little man in the green jacket with the very long
white beard, I knew I’d seen him yesterday and I wasn’t dreaming.
Sue looks again, Sam hadn’t noticed, Sue was watching his every move and carried on
pulling the red ribbon into his tree, he liked red things, he thought that it would add this to
his collection, he looks up and sees Sue watching him, she was sitting very still. Oh! He
cries! Runs and hides in the hole in the tree, shivering inside not knowing if he had been
seen, he hears a voice saying, hey! “Little man come out, I won’t harm you, please come
Sam waits a moment before stepping out. Sue says”there you are don’t worry little man I
will not hurt you”.
Sam with a nervous voice says, “I was only getting something I thought that was left by
someone I did not know it was yours.”
“It’s ok, who are you? Where do you live? Where do you come from?
What are you doing in this tree?”
“Sam tells her to slow down, one question at a time please.”
“Sorry says Sue looking at him intensely thinking, he’s so small.”
“He answers by saying that his name is Sam he's hundreds of years old and that he’s lived
in this tree all of his life and likes it very much.”
Mike is running around frantically waving his arms in the air, due to this ball hanging
from a branch, he didn’t realize after just whacking it with a stick that it was a wasp’s nest.
And from the number of wasps that were annoyed grouping together and vigorously
defending their nest aiming for Mike, he would soon get his just dessert, he did not know
this then, but soon notices that there are many wasps flying round him.
He quickly runs away from the nest still waving his arms frantically to fend of the wasps,
shouts!” Sue! Sue! Help! I’m being attacked by wasps,” running towards Sue, Sam sees
him and quickly vanishes down his hole out of sight, Sue stands up saying “How can I help
“What can I do?”
Just then Mike gets stung on his neck, ouch! He shouts while rubbing his hand

up and down his neck fast, “that stings like mad”.

“How did you manage to do that? Sue says.”
“Well I sort of whacked that ball over there with my stick and all these wasps came flying
out, I think that’s why I got stung by one of them”, Sue laughs, “what you laughing at”?
“You”! Sue says laughing her little head off fancy being stung by wasps serves you right
for whacking the nest.
Mike thought that it was a good idea at the time.
Go and play and leave them wasps alone.”
“Ok I won’t be long”.
Sue looks round to see if she can see Sam, he’s nowhere in sight, so she walks up to the tree
and sees the hole at the bottom, “Sam are you in there? Please come out, he has gone now.”
Listening to what Sue was saying Sam decides to come out, he pops his head out of the
whole, “hello! Here I am I could not let your brother see me, so I hid back in my tree”.
“That’s ok you don’t want to know him anyhow, he’s just a little boy that likes destroying
things it serves him right he got a stung on his neck. Maybe next time he will think before
he goes about destroying wasp’s nests created by those little wasps, he does not realize how
long and how much work goes into creating something so marvelous, and made by so many
little creatures.
Each creature has been put on this earth to serve its purpose and upsetting the balance of
nature has its affects on the entire planet”.
Sam says, “I didn’t know you young children knew so much about the planet”.
“Yes we do. I think more children should learn about the creatures, and what role they
play in keeping this earth together. It’s really nice and very interesting when you read
about all the creatures and how they survived through to this day, and you would be
surprised by the pictures of each animal, where they live, and how they go about their daily
“Sounds very interesting, I agree with you, children should learn more about the animals
that live around us because humans are taking their land away and threatening their very

“Sam, why do you live in this tree? Asks sue.”

“ I have lived in this tree for many years with my people, it’s a magical tree and it’s our
home, anyone trying to destroy the forest has been stopped by the tree's powers, it has
power you could never imagine. It does things even I don’t believe and the tree has helpers,
but the evil wizard of the wood has captured them and took them underground to work for
Says sue, but can’t the magical tree do something about that she asks?”
“No the tree has magical powers but the wizard has his powers also, and he has them far
under the ground, where the powers of the tree can not reach.”
“Can we do something? Says Sue?”
“Well! We could try if you are willing to come into the tree with me?”
“I’ll never fit in that hole?”

“Yes you will just close your eyes and I’ll lead you in.”
As Sue bends her head towards the hole, there’s a circle of glitter and then as if by magic,
in she goes.
“Wow! Looking all around, while at the same time she was aware that she was becoming
smaller, a cloud of smoke hung in the air as she is led through the long passage ways
beneath the tree,
Then suddenly they pop out into an under ground cave full of passageways and openings,
long twisty corridors leading as far as the eye can see
They are long and Spooky”
“ This way just follow me,” While following Sam sue looks at all the roots sticking out from
the earth above, just then a worm goes right past her, yuck! She says watching it go by,”
watch your step?” says Sam as they approach a crack in a big stone, they just manage to
squeeze through into a big opening” wow! Sue says this is amazing.”
“Quiet Says Sam, while coming to the end of the corridor with a deep drop in front of
them, look!”
Sue looks and to her amazement sees lots of little men all over the place working with pick
axes, barrows shovels, and then sees things been lifted in big nets up and down, “what’s
this? Sue asks Sam.”
“This is where the evil wizard has captured all the little people and he his making them
work for him.”
"There doesn’t seem to be anyone telling them what to do or watching over their every
“Oh! But there is look over there in the corner, Sue looks she is amazed to see such a
horrible creature, it’s a dragon and a long one at that.
With the evil wizard anything is possible, and down here he wont be far away, that’s why
the little people wont run away and they are too scared of the dragon.”
I can see why, says Sue it's horrid and l think it would take a lot to stop it?”
“That’s why I have brought you down here, with the two of us we might be able to rescue
the little people, but that may not be enough against this horrible dragon, we could do with
more help? “I know she says, I will tell my brother and he can help.”
“What a good idea! Let’s hurry up and get back. So they start making their way back
through the gap in the stone, back into the corridor filled with long passages. Long
corridors you can see going far into the distance, here we are, hold on Sue and just jump
into the hole and follow me,” Sue jumps in knowing what to expect this time, then out they
pop at the other end, “wow! Says Sue that was so exciting she was standing on the floor of
the old tree I enjoyed that?”
“Yes it is fun isn’t it says Sam.”
“But we have to find Mike and see if he will help us save the little people.
You stay here Sam I will go and explain to my brother what’s going on and hope he
believes me when I tell him about you and the little people and the evil wizard,
It may take some time Sam, so be patient please.”
“Ok he replies,”
And off she goes through the hole in the old magical tree out she steps and feels herself
going back to her normal size, that was weird she says to herself while looking ahead to see
if she could see her brother, “Mike! Mike! She shouts where are you?
Mike! Where are you? Still she gets no response, I wonder where that brother of mine has
got to?
Or what he may be destroying now, just then up ahead on top of a mound of soil she sees
Mike kneeling down; I wonder what he is getting up to now?
Mike! She shouts,”
Mike turns round,” oh! It’s you?”
“What are you doing, nothing”

“Well what are these holes in the ground?”

“Probably badgers dug these holes or foxes I’m trying to find out which but there doesn’t
seem to be any animals here.”
“They may have left through the day to find food and water, and only sleep here on the
night. Anyhow I’ve got something to tell you, and you need to listen real carefully Mike
because what I’m about to tell, you may not believe, remember the other day when I said I
saw the little man in his green jacket and long white beard,”
“Well its true there is a little man in a his name is Sam,
He’s a very nice man, but we have a problem there is a wizard holding the little people
underground and making them work and there is a dragon monster guarding them,”
“Wait! Stop!
You’re talking too fast slow down and start again from the start, and explain to me exactly
what is going on?”
Sue explains the whole story to Mike.
“Wow! Mike stands back in amazement little people lots of them, a wizard and a dragon
creature this is too good to be true,
Come on lets go show me where they are?”
It’s not long before they both get back to the tree, "wait there, Sue says to Mike and be
prepared to see Sam, then you might believe everything I have told you, Sam! She shouts
Sam! You can come out I’ve told my brother about you please come out,” Sam jumps out
the hole Mike sees Sam just standing there,” wow! This is amazing I don’t believe what I’m
seeing this is fantastic it’s better than climbing trees, hello little man”.
His name is Sam says Sue.”
“Sorry! Says Mike but you’re so small my sister was right I think I’m going to like you.”
“Good says Sam but we have a problem and I hope you will help us out?”
“Yes I will.”
“Oh! Good, come on then let’s go,”
“Go where?”
“Just follow us says Sue its easy and you will enjoy it.”
Mike stands and watches the little green man disappear into the hole. And then he looks at
his sister putting her head in the hole suddenly there is a twinkle of stars and as if by magic
in she goes. Mike was shocked but slowly sticks his head into the hole and poof! He is there
with them in the white clouds of smoke and heading down the tunnel with colored rings all
moving at the same time, but they weren’t he was, Mike soon arrives at the other end
popping out seeing Sam and Sue just standing there.
“Hey! That was excellent I really enjoyed that.”
“Yes isn’t it Mike, I liked it too said Sue, right come on follow us and watch where your
walking there are stones on the ground and keep your eye out for worms passing by you
wouldn’t want to miss them Mike?
They all soon approached the gap in the stone and squeezed through,
Shush! Don’t speak we’re nearly there look Mike down there!” he looks down and to his
amazement sees lots of little people,
“Wow! This is cool didn’t think in my life I would ever see anything as unusual as this, all
these little people in here, wow! It’s great.”
“Yes it is great but more to the point Mike we have to save them from that nasty evil
“How we going to do that?” says Mike,

“Well that’s not the problem, he is!” and Mike turns and sees where Sue is pointing, “oh!
What is that?
It’s a dragon.
How are we going to stop that thing?”
“Sam says well see that collar with the key on its neck, they both reply yes, we have to some
how, get that key, it opens the gate that will help the little people escape.
There’s too many to take back through the tree at the same time.
And right next to the key is a Stick with powers, it’s the evil wizards, and the dragon has it
on its neck all the time.”
“How are we going to get both of them of the dragon? Mike says, scratching his head and
looking along the cave wall sees a bolder half way up on another ledge, ah! He says if Sue
and l climb along to that ledge and Sam can distract the dragon long enough to stand
underneath here, I’ve got a plan?”
Sam agrees to do it and Sue and Mike start to climb along the wall Sue slips! is just about
to scream when Mike puts his hand over her mouth, phew! That was close; they made it
onto the ledge. Mike waves at Sam to give him the go ahead, while Sue and Mike get ready
to push the bolder over the edge. I hope this works? Says Mike, so do I says Sue, they both
manage to get the bolder to the edge of the ledge, look Mike, Sam is heading towards the
dragon, just then the dragon turns round and sees Sam,
Fire comes out of its mouth then it starts running towards Sam, oh! My god says Sam,
while turning round rather fast and heading for the spot that Mike said he wants him to
lead the dragon. Sam runs faster and faster noticing that the dragon is catching him up, he
knows now that he will not have time to climb the wall and sees a gap in the bottom and
heads for it.
Sam just manages to get into the gap hoping that the dragon cannot reach him inside
“Quick! Push! Shouts Mike the dragon is just below push!” Sue pushes!
While the dragon tries to put it’s head into the gap looking intensely for Sam,
Oh! No Sam sits down looking up at the dragon’s head I hope he doesn’t see me,
Just then the dragon looks down opens its mouth and Bang! The bolder hits its target right
on his head.
“Yes! Shouts Sue with a big sigh of relief it worked.”
While cowering in the corner with his eyes shut Sam slowly opens one eye and then the
other yes! He says, with a big gasp of relief they have done it. They have done it. Then
smiles like a Cheshire cat, Sue and Mike start climbing down to see if Sam is all right, they
reach the bottom quickly and run into the gap, Sam smiles seeing mike and then sue.
“Wow! Says mike it worked I don’t believe it, quick get the key and the magic stick off his
Sue bends down looking under the bolder to what is left of the dragon while cringing she
pulls the key and the magic stick of his collar, here you go Sam and gives him the magic
stick, you’ll know better what to do with the magic stick than I will.
“Where is the door? So I can let the little people free says Mike.”
“Over there in the corner where it drops slightly, the door is at the bottom says Sam,”
All the little people are standing still wondering what has just happened, and then you start
to hear them cheering yes! The dragon is dead, while at the same time there is jumping up
and down with enjoyment the dragon is dead, the dragon is dead,
Mike runs across the cave floor, at the same time shouting

follow me everybody follow me! They all turn their heads listening to what Mike is saying
then all of a sudden they start heading towards the door,
Out they all go cheering yip he! We are free; Mike turns round and joins Sue and Sam.
Now the evil wizard does not have his powers and the dragon is dead. I think we should go
and find him says Sam. They all set of up a flight of stairs winding round towards a castle;
at the top of the stairs there is an entrance to the castle with two gargoyles either side.
They’re not very nice to look at? Says sue.

Into the castle they go down a corridor into the main hall lets look round here says Sam.
They look everywhere but he’s not here.
“I know says Sue lets go up stairs?”
They all head up a big flight of stairs and notice the carpet with splendid colors that they
are walking on, they reach the top and straight ahead of them is a big door with a face on it
with its tongue sticking out, made of old wood.
“This must be his bedroom says Mike come we will look in here.
Mike opens the big doors with a loud creak, wow! What a bedroom, looking at all the glass
bottles, pots and instruments all over the place.”
“Sam says; start looking he’s got to be here somewhere?” Sue looks under the bed behind a
big chest he’s not here she says.
Sam looks behind the big curtains and sees if he is hiding in the large pots no! He’s not
here, just then Mike opens the cupboard door with a rusty old nail sticking out, it catches
him on the face cutting him owe! He says noticing the wizard cowering in the other corner,
here he is, Sam runs over,” Ah Now we have got you I’m going to put you somewhere
forever where you can do no more harm.
With that he grabs the magic stick raises his arm points it at the wizard and says his magic
words, then with a big poof! Of smoke he’s gone.”
Yes! They all shout.
Sam turns to Mike and Sue. I want to thank you so much for what you have done. You
have saved the little people from the dangerous evil wizard and freed my people and we all
thank you so much, but never forget where there is evil there is always good.
Then they hear shouting! “Come on you two sleepy heads it’s time to get up,” Mike gets up
out of bed and goes down stairs.
“Where is your sister? His Mum says.”
“She is still in bed? I’ll will go and get her. Up the stairs he goes and into his sisters room
he sees her just sitting there, staring at a picture of a castle a wizard and lots of little
people. Mike looks at Sue and says you still don’t believe in that story of the Evil Wizard
and the magical tree and the little people?”
“Sue says no”, watching Mike as he turns his head to walk out the room, she notices a
scratch down the side of his face; “good Mike says while walking out the door I’ll see you
down stairs for breakfast.”
Author Tony Smith
Copyright ©2003 Tony smith

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