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Tectonics Considered

Between the Presence and the Absence of Artifice

Carles Vallhonrat

Even if no one cared to ponder for We must say then that it is important
long about how we build, it ought to to build well. We have to understand
be very clear, at least, that it is of the principles of tectonics. Must we
consequence. Building affects us. The do it to see that what we build will last
sensitivity toward physical construc- the way nature lasts? Perhaps, but
tions and spaces, like the sensitivity the grand craft of building can have a
to mathematical notions or to music, greater impact and be of truly funda-
is unique and cannot be acquired by mental consequence as a generating
borrowing or translating from an- impulse at the origin and through the
other art, while not being a prime, evolution of the work of art. If we feel
conscious and finely developed compelled to make the intellectual
sensitivity in all people. Building is of distinction between the tectonic and
consequence also in that it exhibits formal ingredients of our composi-
the way we do things. What we build tional ways, we ought to see the role
is proof of our consciousness, direct- of tectonics as being part of those
ness and powers of reflection, and the other formal ingredients. That its
thoroughness with which we build is peculiarities be used in a highly
part of the meaning of delineated and expressionistic way or quietly sub-
configured spaces. If this were not so, dued to other impulses is a matter to
we would be satisfied with merely rep- be defined by the overall composi-
resenting spaces, and although repre- tional strategy. But it is within that
sentation is an immense art, we know greater plan that tectonics has its
that it does not contain the very highest task.
essence of architecture. Representa-
tion is tentative. Drawings represent. Tectonics depends upon a very few
We could place our drawings in three fundamental aspects of the physical
dimensions to represent space, but world. One, of course, is gravity and
the wind would blow them all away. the physics that goes with it. Gravity
There is something terribly important affects what we build and the ground
in our understanding that representa- beneath it. Another aspect is the
tion is an experiment; we are over- structure of the materials we have, or
whelmed by the finality of building. make, and a third is the way we put
those materials together. How and
why we do it affects the way
they appear as the surfaces that
bound space.




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Tectonics Considered Caries VaUhonrat

I remember a view of the enormous, Gravity forces us to bring loads If modern engineering has found
heavy, cylindrical wall of Castel down, or up and then down. Little of inspiration in the geometry of radio-
Sant'Angelo, its surface laced with our understanding of gravity and of laria, it has erred in taking them as
embedded arches. Contiguous arches how it affects our art has changed in literal models. Space-frames for
often come to rest on a common point this century. In FOUNDATIONS
OFMOD- instance, do not represent a solution
which, in turn, rests on top of an ERNART,Amedee Ozenfant shows to the problem of carrying loads to
arch below. I have wondered if the several illustrations of radiolaria the ground, or to supports and then
whole construction revealed the [2a,b]. Radiolaria are minute marine to the ground. Any structure made of
network of lines of travel of loads rhizopods that are found where the struts, or groups of struts of equal
coming down to the ground, where it pressures of very deep waters make dimensions, repeated ad infinitum,
is easier to find fixity on points of gravity an inconsequential force. A does not represent the trajectory of
support than to achieve sustained principal peculiarity of radiolaria is stresses traveling through the struc-
horizontal lines of support. Was it that the unique configurations of ture in their changing response to
built this way? Was it done to avoid their skeletal structure seem to have gravitational forces. Only multi-
the breakage common to regular evolved specifically in order to resist directional, external, dynamic forces
horizontal coursing in case of irregu- internal stresses and changing, could justify that kind of three-
lar settlement? Was it a way of external, dynamic forces. Their dimensional space structure. Some of
allowing for a more controllable lesson, however inspiring, tells us the structures used in the space
settlement as the wall was going nothing about the unidirectional programs of NASAor Ariane, for
higher and higher, so that any force of gravity. example, are thus inherently
foundation displacement would not justified. Here on Earth the unidi-
deform a too unforgiving geometry? rectional pull of gravity dictates


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2a. Radiolaria. 2b. Radiolaria.


mathematically quantitative restric- The French engineer Robert LeRico- for their axial loads and then fat-
tions on the characteristics of materi- lais, who inspired so many architects tened to avoid buckling, or instead
als and the limits of the stresses they in this century, used to have in his trussed, somewhat like the inner
can bear. These restrictions, in turn, office a human skeleton and a photo- structure of a bone [4]. From the
determine dimensional matrices for graph of a tibia, enlarged many assembly of these elements come
materials and, with the notion of times, showing that a bone is not only others, such as capitals, keystones,
limits, comes the notion of edges. So, hollow, but a completely sub-divided tye cones and bearing plates. These
gravity breaks down infinity. We are space-frame with an immense num- elements are, to great extent, respon-
thus presented with the counterpoint ber of voids. By virtue of its con- sible for the sense of proper measure
between, on the one hand, equal struction, a tibia can take both loads that results when we use them to
increments, zero weight, the very traveling downward and the lateral delineate a vertical surface, to bring
notion of infinity, and on the other and rotational stresses of kneeling, those ideal surfaces down. We break
hand, gravity, incremental stresses, running or kicking a ball - all while down infinity: weight and the charac-
and the notion of boundaries. Then, remaining very light in structure [3]. teristics of materials force us to
it is not contrived to say that gravity subdivide. When we look today at
is bound space. Gravity makes us go We, though, in our art, take gravita- Eiffel's aqueducts, we wonder if
from here to there. There is nothing tional loads most of the time in one of anything so dramatic as those struc-
open ended about that. two ways, either down a column or tures has extended our understand-
wall or else, in the middle of a span, ing of gravity since the turn of the
by way of a beam or several beams, a century [5].
lintel, or an arch or slab. Columns
are made as thick as they need to be

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3. Enlarged view of bone structure.

5b. Viaduct at Garabit (1880-84), Gustave

Eiffel, detail.

4. Diagram of engineered truss. 5a.

5a. Viaduct
Viaduct at
at Busseau
Busseau (1864), Gustave Eiffel.
(1864), Gustave Eiffel.

Tectonics Considered Caries VaUhonrat

Whatever we may build, and what- Rossi's writings full of illustrations, Terragni's Danteum, but one without
ever its pertinence to the composition some real, some fictitious, which the axe).
of our urbes, it is seldom of repa- seem to represent a sort of archeol-
rable consequence to the ground on ogy of architecture. More recently, Louis Kahn's Parlia-
which it stands. I have often thought ment buildings at Banglanadar (once
that if a supernatural wind were to The building and its ground is an Dacca) in Bangladesh offer at least
blow away everything above two feet issue of intense drama and, archeol- two lessons in the relation of building
from the ground in a city such as ogy or not, its careful study is certain to ground. The soil on which they are
Washington, D.C., we would be left to dispose of any careless fantasies built is alluvial. It has the bearing
with an extraordinary reading of the about the impermanence of the capacity of only 0.7 tons per square
city's substructure - its civil engi- building's imprint on the ground [6]. foot, close to that of a beach. Brick
neering works. Such a formidable At the most elementary level, gravity masonry construction, built on
armature would let us understand, has as great an effect on the ground spread footings or a full bearing slab,
like an archaeological revelation, the as it does on building. It is pertinent cannot be heavier than the soil can
network of our civilized life. here to remember Longhena's La take on the full area under the
Salute on the Grand Canal in Venice building. That amount of area can
Before his book L'ARCHITETTURA [7]. The building is constructed on a only bear so many bricks. Thus, one
DELLA CITTAwas published, Aldo giant solid cluster of wooden piles, a can build in brick only to a certain
Rossi had been the assistant to the sort of immensefascio that occupies height before necessarily having to
late Ernesto Rogers, then the editor the whole diameter of the plan of the stop in order to avoid the collapse of
of CASABELLA. If we look at those old building (not the sort offascio that the soil. That creates a plateau.
issues, we see both the magazine and Mussolini resurrected, seen in Above that plateau at Banglanadar,

6. Waterworks, Berlin (1890).

8a. National Assembly Complex, Dacca

(1962-74), Louis I. Kahn.

7. S. Maria della Salute, Venice (1631-82),

Baldassare Longhena.


the remaining structures are made of turn, determines the minimum It is useful to remember that elemen-
concrete, even though concrete distance between piles. Dividing the tary experiment made in soil labs: a
construction was expensive for the total area under the Assembly column on a large flat base is placed
then East Pakistanis, as the steel had Building by the area of influence of on top of a bucket of level sand and
to be imported from China. The each pile determines the total num- then water is added to the sand.
concrete is built on concrete piles ber of piles and with it the total Although the water occupies only the
that are driven deep into the ground. weight that can be supported on that interstices between the grains of
In this case their bearing capacity is amount of area. The building contin- sand, the column becomes increas-
not equivalent to the area of soil they ues to go up until the ground cannot ingly de-stabilized until it falls. Here
occupy, but to the friction between support any more weight. Another the meaning is clear. No building
the sides of the piles and the sur- plateau is reached, and there ends exists without some soil work - this is
rounding soil all along their length, the concrete construction. Amus- a sort of permanence that will never
plus some bearing capacity provided ingly, the limitation on the permis- go away. There is a certain inevita-
by the ball cast at the bottom of the sible number of piles prevented the bility between what happens above
piles. The driving of the piles com- completion of the top of the Assembly and below, a fixity of relation. One
pacts the soil in the areas immedi- Building with the concrete light cannot disregard the enormous
ately against the shaft. That com- hoods of the original design and importance of the plane separating
pacting pressure, which diminishes forced the adoption of steel for the above and below. That plane is basic
going away from the pile until it construction of the Assembly Room to the tectonics of building. If we
reaches an area of presumably roof [8a-d]. have to build that flat plane in the
undisturbed soil, determines the area open, we must pay attention to
of influence of the pile and that, in draining water well, and thus to the

I 8c. National Assembly Complex, plan.

8b. National Assembly Complex.

8d. National Assembly Complex, section.

Tectonics Considered Caries VaUhonrat

geometry of slopes. That is what we struction of masonry arches in The question is often asked as to
do to build terraces and gently paved earthquake zones. Komendant had whether there are other materials
areas. It is the beginning of our just explained that the forces surging significant enough for our work to
taking possession of the land. up from the ground during an belong to the basic repertoire of
earthquake were equal to those wood, stone, brick, steel and glass.
The subsequent realization is that bearing on the arch under normal We quickly think of concrete, of the
soil, more often than not, is not after conditions because it is the same work of Perret, Le Corbusier and,
all a material that gives an easy fixity weight of the building that the soil is closer to our modern American
of support because of its granular responding to during an earthquake, heart, Louis Kahn. We do not seem
nature. The case of foundations on although in an upward direction. able to forget that the first experi-
rock can only be listed as an excep- "Then," said Kahn, "if I draw an ments with cast concrete were made
tion. A line of support is at best an upside-down arch under a right-side- by people working with plaster
assembly of points of support, and as up arch, I have the right solution?" castings. The casting techniques and
such can only receive loads the same "Yes, that's right," said Komendant. the inherent plasticity of the new
way. The consequence of this is that Think how many double arches material, rather than the advantages
one can only assume a fixed horizon- (holes) this has produced in places of the stronger mix, seem to have
tal line of resolution of loads only outside of earthquake zones! Some dominated the interest of Perret and
with great care. time later Kahn found a diagram Corbu. Kahn, with his profoundly
explaining that same resolution of philosophical mind, saw in concrete
Kahn and the structural engineer arches in earthquake conditions in the potential for being the new
August Komendant were discussing one of Leonardo's Notebooks and material creation of modern man. He
one day the problems of the con- was immensely pleased [9a,b]. truly believed that the chemical

9b National Assembly Complex, brick arches.

9a National Assembly Complex, sketch of brick arches.


phenomenon of concrete's composi- There is perhaps a greater display of rolled steel, or extrusions where
tion and transformation during the the nature and range of concrete the long fibers of the material, or its
complex curing processes had its work in the Richards Building and shape, allow the structure to take
parallel in the natural phenomena the Salk Institute than in any other stresses that are different along at
that had always given us materials. pair of works by any other architect least one of the three x, y,
The analytical methods that were si- in this century [10a-c]. This is more and z axes.
multaneously developing in the because they display how concrete is
engineering of concrete interested made than because the behavior of Because of the way in which concrete
Kahn less, perhaps because these the material is expressed in the buries its reinforcing, it would be
techniques hinted at a sort of ingenu- construction of the buildings. Con- necessary to use some kind of X-ray
ity that did not get to the nature of crete - these days one always means machine to discover the truth behind
things but seemed, rather, to force a reinforced concrete - is a complex the surface. Of course technical
strict correlation between computa- material. The buried reinforcing drawings show the steel reinforcing,
tional equations and shapes - too obscures the fact that it can have its but regular, devoted observers
often one equation at a time. properties as an isotropic material read form. It is form that makes the
The developing techniques required either affirmed or denied by the art. The miracles must be miracles
a specificity in the analysis of design of the reinforcing. By the time of form.
stresses that it was not in Kahn's we make the geometry of the rein-
nature to like. forcing cages emphasize the linear
path of stresses, we are equating the
behavior of concrete with that of
isotropic materials like wood and

101). Salk Institute. service towers under construction.

10c. Salk Institute. sketch.

10a. Salk Institute. La Jolla (1959-65), LAuis I. Kahn.

Tectonics Considered Caries VaUhonrat

Those who study concrete as an Walls are generic elements, conceived Along the years, Kahn became
architectural material without of as having a very elementary task. interested more and more in the
studying the history of its engineer- Walls have no structural complexi- separation of elementary forces and
ing development may find it perplex- ties; their principal job is to resist in the simplest structural forms:
ing. Since the work on the design of overturning and, when carrying a compression, in a column, an arch, a
the Salk Laboratories, I have felt slab or a roof, they generally bear vault; and tension, in a post-ten-
that the way those wonderful walls simple loads. Yet the imprint of the sioned beam, a cable running
were made has had more influence on form work and the screw tie heads is straight down or in a catenary. The
our contemporary understanding of a limited representation of their closing beams at the end of the roof
concrete than has any other building behavior or of the nature of con- vaults at the Kimbell Museum are a
of the last three decades. Kahn at crete. At Salk it is easier to under- case in point [12]. At a certain
Salk made walls greater. The great- stand the walls than the intricacies of moment in the design work, Kahn
ness of those walls comes from the the more sophisticated parts of the could not get the profile he wanted.
way they show how Kahn made them structure, particularly the post- The depth of the arching beams (they
and, as he was very fond of saying, tensioned Veerandal trusses and the are not arches) at the end of the
because of the way they "told, tell, box girders. If the fact that the vaults is greater in the middle than at
and will forever tell" the way they building is designed to resist earth- the supports, to his great regret - or
were made [11]. quakes is added to these complexi- fury, rather. Komendant, the engi-
ties, the intricacies become even neer for that job, had developed and
more indecipherable. drawn six possible profiles for those
beams, all tapered. That Kahn
wanted a profile of even depth

11. Salk Institute, working drawing of concrete


12. Kimrbell Museum o Art. rt orth { l/z). LOUISI. Ialnn..


without stress-analysis specificity The one technical innovation that ment of modern construction, with
either had not been said to Komen- has affected our art is the increase in the appearance of carbon steel in
dant or else Komendant had not the size of the increments with which the second half of the nineteenth
wanted to hear it. The calendar was we build: the size of glass, or the size century, are cases in point. Such
catching up with the job. Komendant of rolled steel, for instance. This de- transformation requires a fusion, a
cantankerously refused to resolve the velopment has brought about a oneness of formal and tectonic
seventh profile, and Kahn had to live change in our sense of scale, for the creativity that must be absolute
with it. The profile looks wonderful sizes have changed in relation to our to exist.
today only because Kahn's hand and customary cultural sense of good
sense of line and proportion could measure. This increase in the size of An enormous anxiety and desire for
make most earthly things look glori- construction elements has also that level of creativity exists among
ous once he put a piece of tracing tended to make more remote and us all. We can only lament that
paper over them and retraced them. unclear the sense of the articulation examples of that oneness are rare.
But the present profile of those of parts that one used to use to The work of Auguste Perret had a
arching beams does not express facilitate a reading of the behavior of good deal of that impetus. Closer to
literally the beauty of the elementary materials. An enormous portion of home, Kahn's doublet of Richards
outline that Kahn saw in those Eiffel's beautiful aqueducts could and Salk is an example of work that
cycloidal vaults. today be made with one single rolled- could have reached, if continued, a
steel I-beam. This is indeed an level of realization on that order. As
I do not know when the word tech- artistic catastrophe. A catastrophe it is now, however, the bureaucratic
nology started to be used extensively, for what it does not let us learn, a complexity inherent in building
but I suppose it was after the Second catastrophe for being bigger without seems to have derailed that realiza-
World War. Technology has been of being better, neither in its tion. I fear that the material, con-
only limited consequence to architec- configuration nor in its use of crete itself, could prove to be not
ture, I think, principally for two the material. simple enough. It was Kahn's ex-
reasons. One is that our understand- traordinary intensity and depth of
ing of the behavior of materials of use The new fabrication equipment and intent that prompted a sense of
to architecture has not changed tooling are, in fact, an explosion of adventure in the other participants.
significantly in that time, and the the notion of the crafts as we under- There were those builders who were
other is that the development of stood them in the past. The extraor- interested in building better than
materials has advanced at the service dinary revolution in manufacturing anyone else, who felt that they could
of industries and purposes generated that has come with the introduction foster an advancement in their art.
by those outside our field. So all the of automation and computerized They believed that new ways of
progress in developing new materials systems has not, in this country at building were coming into being for
serves us less than it might and, of least, touched the construction them to pioneer. There was at the
course, compared with the techno- industry. That extraordinary tech- time a general belief in innovation in
logical advances in science generally, nology has already the capacity for construction, which seems now to
what new technology there is for affecting the way we shape things have been suspended.
architecture can only be viewed as a now, but no such changes have
limited achievement. reached us. Seldom has a new tech-
nique altered the imagery of building
with anything less than a full cultural
transformation. The evolution of
Gothic structures and the develop-

Tectonics Considered Caries VaUhonrat

In the twentieth century, we have ested in glass and thin steel because In that great cylindrical wall of
Perret and Kahn, who stand at the these were ideal materials to demate- Castel Sant'Angelo the masonry
beginning and end of Modernism. I rialize their constructions. Even the network seemed to tie the stresses to
do not believe that the Moderns were Constructivists built like sculptors, the wall, guiding them down to rest
moved by a desire for perfecting decomposing and unbinding space, deep in the ground. That wall, it
construction. Although affected by space that before Cubism, the Supre- seemed to me, was made to produce
the new industrialization and manu- matists, Moholy-Nagy and the rest the first graceful crack one could
facturing techniques, it was more in was always conceived of as bound. possibly think of. One knew that if a
what they perceived as a total trans- Their work does not express tectonic crack were to come, one could tell
formation of the old realism into a intent, with perhaps the single how it would travel. Thus, we can
new one that they looked for the exception of Mies, and his contribu- accept the proposition that to reticu-
substance of their new art. A deep tion was rather late. late a surface controls cracks.
sense of realism was at the root of the
work of such a man as Cezanne The truly great Modernists were the We know well a few materials which,
(Ozenfant said, very beautifully, that early ones. In his preface to the 1952 by themselves, can do most of the
Cezanne had decided to put appear- edition of FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN tasks we perform to build. We have
ance aside) [13]. But the generating ART, Ozenfant surprisingly and been able to build entirely of wood,
impulse for the Moderns was a new brutally oversimplified the complex or stone, or brick. There are also
conception of space, a dissolution of impulses of the early Moderns by other materials to which it would be
the sense of boundaries and a yearn- reducing their body of thought to a inappropriate to assign the job of
ing to go beyond that old sense of reaction against the work of the performing all the building tasks. A
physical reality. They were inter- scientists: "Engendered by the most room is not a steel tank. Steel is used
lyrical of scientists, the Atomic Age to carry linear loads; every other
was secretly born at the University of task has to be performed by secon-
Chicago on December 2nd, 1942... dary materials. Steel frame construc-
The new vision of the world was, but tion requires the use of decks and
yesterday, the province of some few panels, at which point the comfort of
advanced specialists, physicists, and using familiar materials starts to fade
astronomers." The Modernists' away. But knowingly, we build with a
adventurous excursion into the space controlled group of materials, and
of modern physics, where space and we combine systems.
structure are nearly a mental set of
liaisons, or reseaux, is still today the
13. Mont Sainte-Victoire (1902-06). Cezanne.
most powerful challenge to those for
whom the ordinary physical nature
of building is a reminder that we
must build with materials as well as
tell with art.


New materials generally come with Of course the separation of appear- throughout the thickness of a wall.
narrow specificity and leave unre- ance from substance has a long We know that a material will have a
solved, more often than not, the history, a quite dramatic one at that. different task to perform in the
problem of their relation to existing Even the word color has, buried in center of a wall than on its surface.
generic systems. One can imagine the its history, the notion of to hide or to That gives us, to start, the license to
entire repertoire of construction mask. In the Villa Malcontenta, consider surface a justifiable con-
materials organized along that grand Palladio had imitated stone with cept, but it does not absolve us from
counterpoint between mass or ma- beautifully layered stucco [14]. The the duty of searching for a surface
sonry materials and that other group upper coats of the stucco, a mix rich material that can be coherently
that comes out of point loads, and in marmolina, were of such transpar- integrated with the walls as, for
the notion of frame and infill panels. ency that the shadow of a wild, example, a tile surface on burnt-clay
Consequently, we think about sur- beautifully-hued lavender flower masonry. The issue is one of compati-
face as an issue that pertains to both. climbing the east wall seemed to bility of the chemical composition of
Surface finishes are then applied. travel deep into the material. Here the materials. Travertine and con-
They mask structures. The use of the absence of stone had forced the crete are compatible materials [15].
surface materials without regard for creation of a new attribute in the The walls of the Big House on the
the nature of the frame as a struc- surfacing material. Salk project were to have been of
tural concept - thereby turning the travertine and concrete. Modern
wall into a panel - has a Vitruvius speaks of the separation of construction, with the pre-eminence
problematic lineage. the surface of the wall from the of the notion of frame and its ability
rubble fill. It is extravagant to use to absolve the building fabric from
strong and durable materials the elementary duty of bearing loads,

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15. Kimbell Museum of Art, detail of travertine

and concrete.

14. Villa Foscari, "La Malcontenta," Mira (1555), Andrea Palladio.

Tectonics Considered Caries ValUhonrat

leaves us with the task of structuring, Words have ages. It is perhaps I believe that we are waylaid by a
both figuratively and literally, the because of the gentle rhetoric of the polarizing pair of notions, both of
incremental parts and layers of the more academic critics in our field which do have, at least, the appear-
vertical surfaces. They remain as the that we seem to have acquired, only ance of truth. One is that what we
planes where our eyes go to search recently, the word materiality. It is a are offered by technology is naive
for both the identity of materials and word that we, in our schools, have and full of industrial expediencies
structure and for the character of come now to use as a coined clue to a and lacks truly scientific and philo-
the spaces we build. position. When reference and allu- sophical substance. The other is that
sion, sign, and the representational architecture does not need so much
aspects of an object of criticism - a technical elaboration - post and
building, of course - have dominated beam and little more is all we need,
the commentary, often someone will as if the world were flat.
bring in materiality as a way of
calling us back to sobriety and the If we isolate materiality as an ingre-
forgotten virtues: How do we build? dient, as a principle even, to comply
How do we structure what we build? with, we will also isolate how to
What materials do we use? It is as if compose, as it were, perhaps, the
the mission of tectonics, or of the very opposite. We can argue that to
discipline of building, were to be compose we do not need any of the
the necessary antidote to our order and repertoire of elements that
intemperance as readers of our materials and structure bring to
architectural culture. architecture. Hotel Guimard is

16b. Hotel Guimard, first floor plan.

16a. Hotel Guimard,
Hotel Guimard, Paris
Paris (1909-12),
(1909-12). Hector
Hector Guimard.


sheer, pure composition. The inter- rials drawn from nearly all catego- assemblies, or the works of architects
nal spatial reality of its rooms and ries: metals (cast and rolled), alumi- who, for whatever reasons, built
sequences are, within those deep num and lead bolts, hand-wrought within genres of techniques, the
exterior walls, like a gift in a box, no parts, stones, cementitious materials, clarity we gain is not simply in
matter that the box, meaning those tiles, solid masonries, sheathed and understanding a point of order and
outer walls themselves, are much less anchored woods, many kinds of coherence, but in seeing that those
successful [16a,b]. glass. This excess is a genuine provo- genres represent a point of obvious
cation to those not so early modern compositional force. Above all, we
At the other extreme, we have aesthetic "theologians" who called cannot build without the sense that
suffered the abuse of structural and for austerity and truthfulness the way we build is an active ingredi-
systems expressionism - witness [17a-e]. ent of the compositional strategies by
brutalism or abundant "hi-tech." which we try to achieve the ideal, or
This polarization between composi- Regardless of the rhetorical exertions the idea of bound, sequential, and
tion and materiality may also be seen on both sides, to concede that we are delineated spaces. Yet, regardless of
in a comparison between two photo- totally, or even partially, back to the gifts granted us by the construc-
graphs of the Church Am Steinhof that immoderation, with however tion as the artifice, our art exists
designed by Otto Wagner, that gentle differences of style, would be between its presence and its absence.
exquisite master of composition. lamentable - lamentable for our
These two images - one documenting cultivation of the discipline necessary
construction, the other depicting the to build well. When we study old
completed building - reveal an structures with a restricted reper-
extraordinary proliferation of mate- toire of materials and groups of

17b. Church Am Steinhof, 17c. Church Am Steinhof, view

construction photograph. of completed church.

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17a. Church of St. Leopold, Am Steinhof (1905-07), Otto Wagner. 17e. Church Am Steinhof, 17d. Church Am Steinhof, section.
structure between domes.


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