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A Report on


Submitted By
Honey Patel(080120107062)
Aanal Purani(080120107077)




A Report on


Major Project-I
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements

For the degree of

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering

Submitted By
Honey Patel(080120107062)
Aanal Purani(080120107077)




This is to certify that the Major Project-I entitled ”I-Guard” submitted by (Honey Patel)
(080120107062), towards the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
Engineering in Computer Engineering of Gandhinagar Institute of Technology, Moti
bhoyan is the record of work carried out by her under my supervision and guidance. In my
opinion, the submitted work has reached a level required for being accepted for examination. The
results embodied in this major project, to the best of my knowledge, haven’t been submitted to
any other university or institution for award of any degree.

Internal Guide, Department Head,

Mr.Ankit Barot Mrs.Darshna Mistry
Lecturer Assistant Professor
Computer Department Computer Department

External Faculty


This project would not have been possible without the guidance and support technical
and personal of a number of people. We would like to thank all those individuals, researchers,
professionals and technicians who are working in the domain of I-phone directly and indirectly.
We went through many problems and challenges during our tenure with the industry. We had
gone through many books and also referred many recommendations proposed by many forums
and standards making bodies.

Finally we would like to thank our college faculty members and friends without whose
support we would not have been able to complete the project up to this.

Aanal Purani
Honey Patel



The purpose of making this project is to provide security network on .Net platform, with
its own database so that all users of that application can secure their premises whether they are at
their work place or at their home.



1. Introduction ...........................................................................................................................7
1.1 Purpose ..................................................................................................................................7
1.2 Document Conventions .........................................................................................................7
1.3 Intended audience and reading suggestions………………………………………………....7
1.4 Project Scope ..........................................................................................................................7
2. Overall Description ................................................................................................................8
2.1 Product Perspective ................................................................................................................8
2.2 Product Features......................................................................................................................8
2.3 User Characteristics ................................................................................................................8
2.4 Operating Environment ..........................................................................................................10
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints ................................................................................13
2.6 User Documentation ...............................................................................................................15
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies ............................................................................................16
3. System Features .....................................................................................................................17
3.1 System Feature 1 ...................................................................................................................17
4. System design………………………………………………………………………………..18
4.1 Data flow Diagram……………………………………………………………………….....18
4.2 Use case Diagram……………………………………………………………………………20
4.3 Class Diagram…………………………………………………………………………….....21
4.4 Sequence Diagram…………………………………………………………………………..22
4.5 E-R Diagram………………………………………………………………………………..23
5. External Interface Requirements ........................................................................................24
5.1 User interface……………………………………………………………………………….24
5.2 Hardware Interfaces ..............................................................................................................24
5.3 Software Interfaces ...............................................................................................................24
5.4 Communication interface…………………………………………………………………...27
6. Other Nonfunctional Requirements .....................................................................................27
6.1 Safety Requirements ..............................................................................................................27
6.2 Security Requirements ..........................................................................................................28
6.3 Software Quality Attributes ..................................................................................................28

 References………………………………………………………………………………29



1.1 Purpose:
 This project is about the design and development of an automated home
security system.
 Home security system should provide security and safety features for those
houses that are using it. It should be able to alarm residents from natural,
accidental and/or human dangers such as: fire,theft, animals invading, .etc.
 The requirement document will include some details about the problem or the
need for a home security system as well as the solution specifications or what
is expected from home security system.
 This document, the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is used to
describe and track the software requirements for home security system. In
addition to basic requirements this SRS will describe the external Interface
Requirements, nonfunctional requirements, and Overall Description,System

1.2Document Convention:
Main Section Title :
Font : Times New Roman     Face: Bold           Size: 14

Sub Section Title:

Font : Times New Roman     Face: Bold           Size: 12

 Other Text Explanation:

Font : Times New Roman     Face: Normal     Size: 12

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

This SRS is useful for developer, user, external guide and internal guide.Each
of them can easily understand how to use our software product by reading this

1.4 Project Scope:

 The scope of this project is what is suggested by the instructor in the project
initiation document provided in the website.
 The document addresses the general purposes for home security system. Any
detail requirements can be verified with the user or the customer.


2. Overall Description:
2.1Product Perspective:
 iPhone Technology and Literature Review application for Home security
&monitoring. User can control – arm(lock)/disarm(unlock)/alarm(emergency)
his home from the mobile.
 He can view the history of the events and camera attached in his home.
 Whoever can interact with our home security systems such as the lightening
system, phone system, alarm etc in enable mode.

2.2Product Features:
 Reports sent in seconds via pop up messages in phone call.
It does support WI-FI and GPRS for iphone and Internet connection for
Application server.
 Arm/Disarm alarm via internet keypad
 Remote programming of the system
 Super fast transmission speed
 Easy to install and set-up
 Alarm signal reporting
 Open/Close signal reporting - Monitor by user code
 Latch-key reporting -
 Polling loss notification - Monitor if you lose communication
 Supervisory by zone - Monitor a liquor or gun cabinet in your home

2.3User Characteristics:
 Passwords:
 Many users, security specialists and administrators rely at least in part on
passwords to authenticate the identity of those wishing to gain access to a
security system.
 Passwords need to incorporate more than just letters for the greatest security,
making use of numbers and other symbols available on the keyboard.
 Those wishing to gain access by defeating the password security system may
try commonly used passwords, or to hack the password system in order to
gain unauthorized entry.

 Biometrics:
 Biometric devices detect the identity of the person trying to gain access to a
security system.


 In home security system, biometric scans a user's fingerprint to authenticate

the person's identity before allowing the user access to the system.

 Certificates:
 Third-party digital security companies (called certification authorities) issue
digital certificates to companies or individuals.
 Digital certificates vary in their complexity, depending on the security needs
of the individual or company.
 The certification authority issues a certificate that the user embeds on security
sysytem. When the user attempts to gain access to secured areas on a network,
or even secured websites, another software program at the receiving end of the
request validates the required digital certificate.
 Smart cards:
 An authorized individual may use a smart card to authenticate his identity in
order to gain access to secured devices or areas.
 Smart cards look much like a credit card and have a microchip and memory
embedded in the card.
 The user inserts a smart card into a reader device and enters a password. A
remote server checks the smart card against the entered password.
 If the user enters incorrect passwords too many times in a row, the reader
device can be programmed to destroy the smart card to eliminate unauthorized
 If a user loses his smart card, a network administrator can turn the card off so
it can no longer be use to gain access to secured devices or areas.

 types of user required for Server machine:

 database services
The user passes the sql requests as a messge to the database server,the
result of each sql command is returned to the same database server.
 communication services:
when security alarm is in enable mode then the user passes the request
as a calls or messages to the apple device.


2.4Operating Environment:
In our system we would be using following software and hardware:

 Softwares:
1. Objective c:
• Objective-C's features often allow for flexible, and often easy, solutions to
programming issues.
• Delegating methods to other objects and remote invocation can be easily
implemented using categories and message forwarding.
• Swizzling is a pointer allows for classes to change at runtime. Typically
used for debugging where freed objects are swizzled into zombie objects
whose only purpose is to report an error when someone calls
them.Swizzling was also used in Enterprise Objects Framework to create
database faults. Swizzling is used today by Apple’s Foundation
Framework to implement Key-Value Observing.
• Serialization, commonly called Archiving in Objective-C, can be done by
overwriting read and write methods.

2. SQL server(2005/2008)
 SQL Server 2005 (codename Yukon), released in October 2005, is the
successor to SQL Server 2000.
 It included native support for managing XML data, in addition
to relational data. For this purpose, it defined an xml data type that
could be used either as a data type in database columns or as literals in
 XML columns can be associated with XSD schemas; XML data being
stored is verified against the schema. XML is converted to an internal
binary data type before being stored in the database.
 Specialized indexing methods were made available for XML data.
XML data is queried using XQuery; Common Language
Runtime (CLR) integration was a main feature with this edition,
enabling one to write SQL code as Managed Code by the CLR.
 SQL Server 2005 introduced "MARS" (Multiple Active Results Sets),
a method of allowing usage of database connections for multiple


 The next version of SQL Server, SQL Server 2008, was released

(RTM) on August 6, 2008 and aims to make data managementself-
tuning, self organizing, and self maintaining with the development
of SQL Server Always On technologies, to provide near-zero

 SQL Server 2008 also includes support for structured and semi-

structured data, including digital media formats for pictures, audio,
video and other multimedia data. In current versions, such multimedia
data can be stored as BLOBs (binary large objects), but they are
generic bitstreams.

 SQL Server 2008 also natively supports hierarchical data

3. SQL light:
• A high-level overview of what SQLite is and why you might be interested
in using it.
• This document describes situations where SQLite is an appropriate
database engine to use versus situations where a client/server database
engine might be a better choice.
• This document enumerates and describes some of the features of SQLite
that make it different from other SQL database engines.
• A list of all titled pages on this website, sorted by title.

4. Visual studio (2005/2008):

• Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE)
from Microsoft.
• It is used to develop console and graphicaluser
interface applications alongwith WindowsForms applications, web
sites, web applications, and web services in both native code together
with managed code for all platforms supported by Microsoft
Windows, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, .NET Framework, .NET
Compact Framework and Microsoft Silverlight.
• This is the newly established software development environment which
helps developers to develop applications quickly and gives optimum,
efficient, scalable, performance oriented applications in different
languages like Visual Basic


5. Window 7(min 1gb RAM):

 Features:
 Internet access (fees may apply)
 Home Group requires a network and PCs running Windows 7
 Windows XP Mode requires an additional 1 GB of RAM and an additional 15
GB of available hard disk space.
 DVD/CD authoring requires a compatible optical drive

 PCs with multi-core processors:

Windows 7 was designed to work with today's multi-core processors. All
32-bit versions of Windows 7 can support up to 32 processor cores,
while 64-bit versions can support up to 256 processor cores.
 PCs with multiple processors (CPUs):
Commercial servers, workstations, and other high-end PCs may have more
than one physical processor. Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, and
Ultimate allow for two physical processors, providing the best performance on
these computers. Windows 7Starter, Home Basic, and Home Premium will
recognize only one physical processor.

6. Iphone SDK(x-code):
 Apple today provided development details for native third-party applications
for the iPhone and iPod touch.
 The company has created a development kit that uses the same programming
language and interface used by Apple itself and now includes Cocoa Touch,
an API designed to add touchscreen input. Programmers now use a modified
version of Xcode that is not only used to write programs for the iPhone but to
manage them as well, including designing the visual interface, source control,
and debugging.
 Developers can also test the final results in an environment known as the
iPhone Simulator, according to Apple.

 Single Window
As an experienced Xcode user, the first thing you will notice about Xcode is
that the many windows used to perform the development tasks you work on
every day have been consolidated into a single window.


The Xcode work area has several unique UI elements that make it easy to
work on many different tasks, even multiple projects, without cluttering your
work area. Your editor is always front and center.

 Navigators
The unified navigator UI provides live filtering of content and search results,
so you can focus on your current task.

 Hardware:
1. Server(1 gb RAM):
Application server:
 A new, user-friendly Add Roles Wizard that helps you choose the services
and features that are necessary to run your applications
 Application Server Foundation, the default installation of Application Server
that includes the .NET Framework 3.0 features (If you have applications that
are built with the .NET Framework 3.5, you can download and install the
.NET Framework 3.5 onto the operating system.)
2. IP camera:
This device takes the images and videos of different areas and sends the
updates to the server as well as the device.

3. Sensor:
Mechanical device sensitive  to light, temperature,
radiation level, or the like, that transmits a signal to measuring or control instr

2.5Design and Implementation Constraints:

 Databases:

 Sql light-visual studio 2008/2010.

 Visual Studio 2008 is focused on development of Windows Vista, 2007
Office system, and Web applications. For visual design, a new Windows
Presentation Foundation visual designer and a new HTML/CSS editor
influenced by Microsoft Expression Web are included. J# is not included.
 Visual Studio 2008 requires .NET 3.5 Framework and by default
configures compiled assemblies to run on .NET Framework 3.5, but it also
supports multi-targeting which lets the developers choose which version
of the .NET Framework (out of 2.0, 3.0, 3.5,Silverlight Core CLR or .NET
Compact Framework) the assembly runs on.
 Visual Studio 2008 also includes new code analysis tools, including the
new Code Metrics tool (only in Team Edition and Team Suite Edition). 


 For Visual C++, Visual Studio adds a new version of Microsoft

Foundation Classes (MFC 9.0) that adds support for the visual styles and
UI controls introduced with Windows Vista.
 Visual Studio 2010 features a new Help System replacing the MSDN
Library viewer.
 The Help System is no longer based on Microsoft Help 2 and does not use
Microsoft Document Explorer.
 Dynamic help containing links to related help topics based on where the
developer was in the IDE has been removed in the shipping product, but
can be added back using a download from Microsoft
 The device will continuosly update the server about the latest videos,
calls ,messages etc.
 The user can access the data by entering the particular customer id and password
on the server website.
 The user can also get a back-up of data of what so ever time and date needed.

 Security considerations:
 security system has the ability to range from a simple motion sensor that turns
on a light or an alarm to an entire suite of detectors – motion, door/window
sensors, glass-break, cameras – setting off the most advanced applications
employing cutting edge technology.
 Not only can your highly developed system activate lights and alarms, but
also it has the capability of notifying the proper emergency response team.
 You can also program your system to notify you about an intrusion or
emergency via email, cellular phone, instant message, or other online
 When you are trying to secure your home, a home security system can go all
the way.

 language requirements:
 English
 communications protocols:
It should be voice alert and message alert inside Home security application.
 security considerations:
 burglary:
The system shoots an alarm in case a burglary takes place and sends an
instant notification to our apple device.
 Breakdown:
In case someone intentionally tries to break the security system before
barging inside the system by default sends an alarm notification to the apple

2.6 User Documentation:


 Once Development is completed, Online Help document will be created to guide

users with complete Prototype.
1. iPhone users:
 ip camera
This device takes the images and videos of different areas and sends the
updates to the server as well as the device.

 Calls and messages settings

2. Admin users operating Web Server:

 Remove unnecessary services:

 operating system installations and configurations, are not secure.
 Switch off all unnecessary services and disable them, so next time the server
is rebooted, they are not started automatically. 
 Switching off unnecessary services will also give an extra boost to your
server performances, by freeing some hardware resources.

 Monitor and audit the server:

 All the logs present in a web server, should ideally be stored in a segregated
 All network services logs, website access logs, database server logs (e.g.
Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle) and operating system logs should be
monitored and checked frequently.

 User accounts:
 Unused default user accounts created during an operating system install
should be disabled. 
 There is also a long list of software that when installed, user accounts are
created on the operating system. 
 Such accounts should also be checked properly and permissions need to be
changed required.

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies:

 The project was started with the assumption that we would be given the
necessary support in the form of hardware and software resources. Our project
depends a lot on the inputs.
 User has the basic knowledge of the system environment.


 The users have sufficient knowledge of security system.

 The home security system should have the product installed correctly.
 Whoever can interact with our home security systems such as the lightening
system, phone system, alarm etc in enable mode.

3.System Features:

3.1 System Feature

3.1.1 Functional Requirements:

 Sound an alarm upon detection of intrusion.


An audible alarm should sound immediately upon the triggering of any

currently activated sensor in the system to discourage further progress by the
possible intruder.
 Contact law enforcement authorities.
After a programmable delay period, the alarm must be able to automatically
phone (or in some other way contact) local law enforcement.
 Contact fire department.
Without delay, the system must be able to automatically phone the local
fire department when smoke detectors indicate a possible fire. The remote alarm
should allow for delay before contacting authorities in case of a user triggered,
false, or random alarm.
 Contact medical emergency services.
A panic button will, again without delay, automatically summon an
ambulance via phone when pressed.
 Alert security company.

The alarm will alert the security company on intrusion, fire, or emergency.
In fact, the system can summon police, fire, or ambulance via a call to the security
company. Once again a user-defined delay should be used.

 Control and monitor all sensors.

The system will be able to monitor and control all sensors currently
marked as activated. Even if a sensor is not currently activated, the system should
monitor the status of that sensor.

 Control optional electrical appliances (lights, etc).

The system will be able to toggle external electrical appliances, such as
lights or an additional audible alarm to further deter intruders. This feature is
necessary for vacationers as well as those who leave their home vacant from time
to time.

 Remote access.
The user must be able to check the status of the system through a remote link

4.System Analysis:
4.1Data flow Diagram:


Input Photo capture display of the image
Information notification

Level 1:
Photo capture 1.0 detect the obj into its vicinity
Input Process
Information sensor

Pass the information


Keep the server update



Level -2:
Send the info the device 2.0

Send respond back

Ask for the identity of the obj 2.1

Sql light

4.2 Use case Diagram:


Home security

Maintain sensor status

home owner sensor
Enter control pin

Burglary,msg will be sent

authority camera

Create a user

Grant permission for naïve apple device


Update the msg in

server particular time

4.3 Class Diagram:



Input Server Output

Photo capture Buffer() Receive


Reply back

Sensor Sql server Apple device Camera Alarm

Detect() Send image() M M
I phone Detect any On()
Allow reply object()
Ipad Off()


4.4 Sequence Diagram:

:Input :server :output

Sensor sensit the object the apple device

Capture the picture

Notify the device

Reply back to the server

Incase imergancy signal of alarm

Inform to the input


4.5 E-R Diagram:

Sensor Sql server Camera

Apple device Alarm

input Output
Sql ligh
Send the info

Give info to




5.1. User Interfaces :

The first interface is the log-in screen. This is where the user has a specific Username
and Password so that they can gain access to the database. Then user can manage his/her profile.

5.2 Hardware interface:

 Server(1 gb RAM):
 Application server:
o A new, user-friendly Add Roles Wizard that helps you choose the services
and features that are necessary to run your applications.
o Application Server Foundation, the default installation of Application
Server that includes the .NET Framework 3.0 features (If you have
applications that are built with the .NET Framework 3.5, you can
download and install the .NET Framework 3.5 onto the operating system.)

 IP camera:
 This device takes the images and videos of different areas and sends the updates
to the server as well as the device.


1. Objective C:
 The Objective-C language is a simple computer language designed to enable
sophisticated object-oriented programming.
 Objective-C is defined as a small but powerful set of extensions to the standard
ANSI C language.
 Its additions to C are mostly based on Smalltalk, one of the first object-oriented
programming languages.
 Objective-C is designed to give C full object-oriented programming capabilities,
and to do so in a simple and straightforward way.
2. SQL server(2005/2008):
 SQL Server 2005 (codename Yukon), released in October 2005, is the successor
to SQL Server 2000.


 It included native support for managing XML data, in addition to relational

data. For this purpose, it defined an xml data type that could be used either as a
data type in database columns or as literals in queries.
 XML columns can be associated with XSD schemas; XML data being stored is
verified against the schema. XML is converted to an internal binary data type
before being stored in the database.
 Specialized indexing methods were made available for XML data. XML data is
queried using XQuery; Common Language Runtime (CLR) integration was a
main feature with this edition, enabling one to write SQL code as Managed
Code by the CLR.
 SQL Server 2005 introduced "MARS" (Multiple Active Results Sets), a method
of allowing usage of database connections for multiple purposes.

 The next version of SQL Server, SQL Server 2008,was released (RTM) on

August 6, 2008[ and aims to make data management self-tuning, self organizing,
and self maintaining with the development of SQL Server Always
On technologies, to provide near-zero downtime.

 SQL Server 2008 also includes support for structured and semi-structured data,

including digital media formats for pictures, audio, video and other multimedia
data. In current versions, such multimedia data can be stored as BLOBs (binary
large objects), but they are generic bitstreams.
 SQL Server 2008 also natively supports hierarchical data

3. SQ L light:
 A high-level overview of what SQLite is and why you might be interested in
using it.
 This document describes situations where SQLite is an appropriate database
engine to use versus situations where a client/server database engine might be a
better choice.
 This document enumerates and describes some of the features of SQLite that
make it different from other SQL database engines.
 A list of all titled pages on this website, sorted by title.

4. Visual studio 2008/2010:

 Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE)
from Microsoft.
 It is used to develop console and graphicaluser
interface applications alongwith WindowsForms applications, web sites, web


applications, and web services in both native code together with managed

code for all platforms supported by Microsoft Windows, Windows
Mobile, Windows CE, .NET Framework, .NET Compact
Framework and Microsoft Silverlight.
 This is the newly established software development environment which helps
developers to develop applications quickly and gives optimum, efficient,
scalable, performance oriented applications in different languages like Visual

5. Window 7(min 1gb RAM):

 Features:
 Internet access (fees may apply)
 Home Group requires a network and PCs running Windows 7
 Windows XP Mode requires an additional 1 GB of RAM and an additional 15
GB of available hard disk space.
 DVD/CD authoring requires a compatible optical drive

 PCs with multi-core processors:

Windows 7 was designed to work with today's multi-core processors. All
32-bit versions of Windows 7 can support up to 32 processor cores,
while 64-bit versions can support up to 256 processor cores.
 PCs with multiple processors (CPUs):
Commercial servers, workstations, and other high-end PCs may have more
than one physical processor. Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, and
Ultimate allow for two physical processors, providing the best performance on
these computers. Windows 7Starter, Home Basic, and Home Premium will
recognize only one physical processor.

6. Iphone SDK(x-code):

 Apple today provided development details for native third-party applications

for the iPhone and iPod touch.
 The company has created a development kit that uses the same programming
language and interface used by Apple itself and now includes Cocoa Touch,
an API designed to add touchscreen input. Programmers now use a modified
version of Xcode that is not only used to write programs for the iPhone but to
manage them as well, including designinnterg the visual interface, source
control, and debugging.
 Developers can also test the final results in an environment known as the
iPhone Simulator, according to Apple.


5.4 communication interface:

The system uses a Wi-fi or GPRS connection to connect to the database. The code itself
though, does not specifically direct the network controllers to do any work.

6.Other Nonfunctional Requirements:

6.1 Safety Requirements:

 if you're going to be away from home for a few days, adjust your telephone
ring to its lowest volume setting. An unanswered phone may tip off a burglar that
no one is home. Also, have a neighbor or friend collect your newspaper and mail.
Never cancel delivery - you don't know who will get that information.
 Keep garage doors shut.
 Don't leave notes on the door for service people or family members. These alert
the burglar that you are not home.
 If out of the home for an extended period of time, create the illusion that
someone may still be there. Leave a TV or stereo on in the room where a
burglar would most likely break in. Use exterior lighting and motion detectors to
minimize burglar concealment.
 Keep your alarms working properly. 
Test and maintain your sensor at least once a month, or follow the
manufacturer’s instructions.  sensor most often fail because of missing, dead or
disconnected batteries.  Replace batteries at least once a year.  Testing is generally
as simple as pushing a button and listening to hear the beep.
 Practice a fire escape plan. 
In addition to installing fire alarms in your home, you should develop a
fire-escape plan and practice it at least twice a year with all members of your
household.  In the event of a fire, every family member should know at least two
ways out of each room.

 Don’t just buy one!  There’s safety in numbers. 

Install at least one fire alarm on each floor of the house or residence and
outside all sleeping areas.  Some fire-safety advocates recommend installing fire
alarms inside each sleeping area if sleeping with the door closed.


6.2 Security Requirements :

 Keyless entry to your front door .

The card is integrated to a home security system which activates entry.
There is no need to fumble with cumbersome sets of keys.
 Infrared motion sensors.
 These can be a welcoming beacon of light for family and friends and a
simple yet effective deterrent for intruders.
 Security camera.
 These should be installed at the front door in conjunction with a video-
phone that allows you to communicate and see who is outside. You can
now see who is at the door without leaving the comfort of your seat.
 Security system keypads.
 These offer detection devices, audio and visual alarms with telephone
diallers that alert security-monitoring stations and call any telephone or
mobile number to alert you of the situation back at home.
 Home-safety devices.
 Choose a device that provides emergency lighting to ensure you and your
children don’t have any accidents during a power failure.
 One safety switch.
 These are now compulsory in new homes but a smarter alternative is to
use one safety switch for each circuit. Your home will not be plunged into
total darkness when the power is cut due to one incident.
An added feature of safety switches is extension leads that come in handy
when you’re using power tools outdoors.
 Motion detector lidhts trouble shooting.
Installing motion detector lights in the surroundings of your house is a
total relief from the fear of theft, intruders, lousy animals etc. These lights
not only help you see through the darkness, but come on with an alarming
bang in case of hunches. On the off chance if these lights are
malfunctioning, you need to troubleshoot the problems at your earliest

6.3 Software Quality Attributes:

 Interface is accessible from at least one or more convenient places.

This includes all of the home's common entry ways, bedrooms, and frequently
used rooms. If the system interface is not readily accessible, then it will not be
as easy to control and will offer little convenience.
 Interface and system must be properly connected to the sensors.
It is essential to have secure wiring, preferably inside the walls, for reliable
sensor information to guard against false alarms and tampering.

 System must be connected to a device that can contact authorities.


The system should be directly wired in to the phone lines, preferably in such a
way that will not cut off phone usage from inside the house.

 System must have a backup power supply.

The system needs to have a backup power supply capable of lasting at least
24 hours in order to thwart attempts to bypass the security system by
tampering with the power.

 Security related devices must be tamper-proof.

Connections to the power supply and phone lines must be secure. The housing
for the actual security system and sensors must also be secure enough to
withstand tampering.



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