Beejamantra: Name of Planet Mercury

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name of planet beejamantra

Om bream breem braum 5(;'

mercury hudhaye namah.( 19000 times in 21 days).
articals of donations
Ivory, sugar, green cloth flower; moong, camphor, turpentine oil
(on Wednesday within 2 hours befo re Sunset).
appiearance Humor & pa rts of body
Well built large body, potite talk, taste Bile, wind, phlegm, anus, thighs, skin
for wit and humor, bilious, rheu matic nervous system.
Ailments Represents
Disorders in bra in and vocal Intellect, reasoning, speech, wit, mixture
organs, mental diseases, nervous break- down, of the dhat us moola jeeva.
impotency, fevers, itches
fractures, typhoid, vertigo, cervical, excessive sweating
diseases of eyes neck nose, boils
poisoning, white leprosy, piles, indigestion
liver, stomach,intestinal problems.
Prominent qualities :
Vidya karoka. bandhu karakajanana karaka
name of planet Friends: Enemies: Neu tral : Lord of: Moolt rikona:
Sun, Venus. Moon. Sat., Mars, Jup Gemini , Virgo Virgo 15°.20°.
Exaltat ion Deb ilitation : Kalas/kiranas: Sex: Direction Lucky stone:
Virgo 15 Pisces 15°. 8/ 10. male eunuch. North. Emerald, onyx
Lucky colo urs Lucky nos: Deity:
Green, brown, pastel shades. 5, 14, 23. Vishnu, Lord Narayan.
name of planet Karaka:
Intelligence, education, friends, business and trade,
mercury mathematics, scient if ic learni ng, adep tne ss, speech,
publisher, printer, teaching, flowers, maternal uncles and
aunts, accountancy. clerks, nephews, adopted sons, pearls,
oysters, black-magic, squint eye, laughter, smell. Vedas,
puranos, eloquence. elder co-born.
Mercury in the nakshatra of various planets te
Professions and Occupation sun moon
Merchandise, Neuralgia. Highly imaginative
business, law, transport, crafts, accountants, worrying type
dr ivers. sta t ionery, teachers , tra ve ler s,
astrol ogers, authors, publisher, aud itors,
P&T department, post-men, copyists,mathemati
ci ans, physi cians, gem-exami ne rs,
arb itr ator s , j ou rnali sm , wr ite rs,
educ ati onist s, co unse lors, advert ise rs,
libraries, bookshops, newspapers, chartered
accountants, clerk s,
cury in the nakshatra of various planets tends to give ailments as under:
marc merc jup ven sat rahu kethu
Headache, nervy,
mental aberrations

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