Cell Modification: Mr. Kevin Francis E. Magaoay

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Chapter 4

Cell Modification
Prepared by:
Faculty, SHS Biology Department
Learning Objectives:
 Define cell modification
 enumerate and describe the three types of cell
 characterize apical, basal and lateral cell
 give examples of apical, basal and lateral cell
 Definition of Cell modification
 Three types of Cell Modification
 Examples of Apical, Basal and Lateral Cell
 Functions of the different Cell Modification
What is Cell Modification?
 Are specialized or modifications re-acquired by
the cell after cell division that helps the cell in
different beneficial ways


Cell Modification

Cell wall
Glycoprotein Collagen
Basal Hemidesmosomes

Tight Junctions

Lateral Adhering Junctions

Gap Junctions
free surface of epithelial tissue


tight junctions cytoplasm
plasma membrane
cell wall

gap junctions

adhering junctions

basement membrane
A Three types of cell junctions in animal tissues. B Plasmodesmata are channels
that connect the cytoplasm and ER
of adjacent plant cells.
Apical Modification
free surface of epithelial tissue

 Cell modification found on

the apical surface of the
cell tight junctions

gap junctions

adhering junctions

basement membrane
Apical Modification
Cilia and Flagella
Cilia are usually short,
hair-like structures that
move in waves
Flagella are long whiplike
Formed from
Apical Modification

Cilia Flagellum
Apical Modification
Villi and Microvilli
 Villi are finger-like projections
that arise from the epithelial
layer in some organs. They help
to increase surface area
allowing for faster and more
efficient adsorption
 Microvilli are smaller projections
that arise from the cell's surface
that also increase surface area
allowing faster and more
efficient absorption
Apical Modification
Temporary, irregular
lobes formed by
amoebas and some
other eukaryotic cells
Bulge outward to
move the cell or
engulf prey
Apical Modification
Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM)
Compound secreted by the cell on its apical
Cell wall is the extracellular structure in plant
cells that distinguishes them from animal cells
Glycoprotein is the main ingredient of ECM in
animal cells
Apical Modification
Basal Modification
free surface of epithelial tissue

 Cell modification found on

the basal surface of the
cell tight junctions

gap junctions

adhering junctions

basement membrane
Basal Modification
 Anchoring junction on the
basal surface of the cell
 Rivet-like links between
cytoskeleton and extracellular
matrix components such as
the basal lamina that underlie
 Primarily composed of keratin,
integrins and cadherins
Basal Modification
Lateral Modification
 Cell modification found
on the basal surface of
the cell
Lateral Modification
Tight Junction
Act as barriers that
regulate the movement
of water and solutes
between epithelial layers
Prevent leakage of ECF
Lateral Modification
free surface of epithelial tissue

Adhering Junction
Anchoring junction on the
lateral surface of the cell
tight junctions
Very similar to the
anchoring junction of the
gap junctions
basal surface of the cell
Fasten cells to one adhering junctions

another basement membrane

Three types of cell junctions in animal tissues.
Lateral Modification
free surface of epithelial tissue

Gap Junction
 Also known as
communicating junctions
 Closable channels that tight junctions

connect the cytoplasm of

adjoining animal cells
 Presence of connexon that gap junctions

allow direct exchange of adhering junctions

chemicals between the

cytoplasm of two cells basement membrane
Three types of cell junctions in animal tissues.
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