Name of Infection/virus Acquired at What Time How To Test For It Likely S/s HSV

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Name of Acquired at what time How to test for it Likely s/s

HSV Intrapartum, via infected PCR of CSF and Skin Vesicular lesions on
vaginal canal presenting part, CNS
HIV Time of delivery, lesser DNA PCR at first then Recurrent Infections
degree from BF RNA PCR to follow
treatment efficacy
Toxoplasmosis Risk of infection increases IgM Diffuse intracranial
with GA, but worse if calcifications; delayed
contracted early chorioretinitis
Chlamydia At birth Tissue culture (gold Most common cause of
standard) -because it an conjunctivitis at 4-14
intracellular organism days after birth; eyelid
swelling and purulent
discharge; treat with
erythromycin 14 days
Gonorrhea Peripartum, or exposure to Gram stain and Eye infection by 1-4 days
lesions conjunctival scrapings; of life, purulent; eye
blood culture edema; arthritis
Ceftriaxone 25-50mg/kg
IV or PO (not to exceed
125mg) x1 for
conjunctivitis; 7 days for
invasive ds; 14 days for
Syphilis Correlates largely with VDRL CSF, and PCR Rash on soles and palms,
duration of maternal blood snuffles, blue/red/white
infection; 1st and 2nd stage CBC, platelets cord; PCN G x10 for
of syphilis transmits X-rays confirmed and likely, and
~100% 1 dose for less likely and
unlikely infection
CMV With primary infection PCR of urine or saliva Periventricular
transmission is highest (gold standard) calcifications,
(very rarely occur PCR of blood if negative chorioretinitis; Early and
perinatally or postnatally) may still be positive late hearing loss
Varicella Weeks 7-20 or 5 days Presence of lesions and Typical vesicular rash
before or 2 days after birth +maternal diagnosis; that becomes into
of maternal infection PCR of fetal blood or cicatricial scars; 60%
amniotic fluid with CNS symptoms
Rubella 1-12 weeks risk of severe Isolation of virus from Cataracts, SNHL, CHD
anomalies highest, but rate oropharynx, (pulmonary artery
of transmission is highest conjunctival scrapings, stenosis and PDA are
last month of gestation urine, CSF; rubella most common)
specific IgM in cord or
blood (less reliable after
3 months of age)

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