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Power Available Limitations

A USHST Airmanship Safety Bulletin (Part 2)

Contact: Mark Colborn

Demanding more power than the engine(s)

can deliver, then continuing to increase the
collective can be disastrous. This is
especially true at the bottom of an approach,
or in an OGE hover at or near the power
limits of the machine. The High-Altitude
Army Aviation Training Site (HAATS) in
Eagle, Colorado, defines Power
Management as knowing how much power
is available for a maneuver and comparing
that with an understanding of how much
power is required. The United States
Helicopter Safety Team (USHST) has
determined that inadequate power
management and exceeding limitations is
the cause of nearly 20 percent of all
helicopter accidents every year.

In an OGE hover, even a slight descent can
lead to a big power rise. As the helicopter
descends vertically at one or two hundred
At the bottom of an approach, if you grab a
feet per minute, the power needed to keep
fair amount of collective to arrest the
from accelerating downward rises by
descent rate, the output of the engine(s) may
perhaps two to five percent according to
not be able to maintain rotor RPM.
Nick Lappos, a former Sikorsky test pilot
Reciprocating engine powered helicopter
and engineer. If the descent continues
pilots for years have referred to this as
unchecked, without accelerating forward to
“overpitching.” In a turbine powered
obtain some effective translational lift, the
machine in the same situation, chances are
vortices created by the rotor will increase
you will experience an over torque. This is
and could lead to full VRS.
not a Vortex Ring State (VRS) condition
(discussed in Part 1).
If power limited in a hover, the machine will AVAILABLE LIMITATION
have trouble reaching effective translational SITUATION
lift for takeoff. If the helicopter has reached
its environmental service limit in cruise In an OGE hover, or slow flight above the
flight, the helicopter will not climb any helicopter’s service ceiling, once the rotor
higher. Since the engine(s) have reached
RPM decays, the descent increases rapidly
their limit, increasing the collective will
cause the rotor RPM to droop, or slow because thrust is proportional to RPM
down. In the turbine engine world, this squared. At a certain engine and low rotor
condition may be referred to as N1 topping. RPM, depending on the model, the
A good analogy is driving your car over a helicopter may become uncontrollable due
mountain pass. As you drive farther and to blade stall. At this critical point, if there is
farther up the mountain, you depress the no maneuver room, the impending result is,
accelerator pedal more toward the floor. at the very least, embarrassing (provided
When the accelerator pedal gets to the floor, you survive).
the car has no additional power and starts to
slow down. The car’s engine is giving you When can you experience a power available
all the power it has. limitation situation?
1. Taking off overloaded, or on a hot
day, or with high humidity at high altitude,
or with a tail wind and not having enough
power to clear an obstacle or trees (N1
2. Coming in too hot (or fast, with
the rotor disk tilted aft at a steep angle in
relation to the ground), too heavily loaded,
or downwind on an approach, then trying to
arrest the descent rate at the bottom
(overpitching)…with insufficient power to
A helicopter in this situation will not be able develop high thrust needed to arrest the
to maintain rotor RPM. If you keep pulling descent rate.
up on the collective to increase thrust, or try
to arrest the descent rate, the rotor will 3. Trying to hover out-of-ground
droop, and it drags the engine RPM down effect at an altitude exceeding the chart
with it. With any decrease in rotor RPM, an limits, or
increase in the coning angle will occur.
Coning is a very second order effect 4. Trying to get over a mountain pass
compared to decreasing rotor RPM. Also, that is above the service ceiling of your
with a decrease in rotor RPM, the tail rotor helicopter.
also slows down, and can lead to a loss of
directional control and an uncommanded
spin (LTE).
is more. The decrease in performance can be
so significant that the pilot may not realize
he or she is out of power until it’s too late.
On approach to a landing, the approach
angle and subsequent collective input at the
bottom of an approach that worked just fine
during a solo flight (or with less baggage,
cargo, or passengers onboard), or at a lower
density altitude, suddenly won’t necessarily
arrest the helicopter’s rate of descent.


Most pilots, after experiencing a power
HIGH DENSITY ALTITUDE available limitation situation, are confused
OPERATIONS by what happened. The first thing most
pilots say (providing they survive) is; “I had
Helicopters perform much differently at
an engine failure.” Not true. In many cases
higher altitudes, high humidity, high outside
the NTSB sends the engine(s) in for analysis
air temperatures, and at or near maximum
and discovers the engine(s) was operating
gross weight. At altitude and in high
just fine right up until the point of impact. If
temperature the engine will develop less
video of the incident exists, manufacturers
power, while simultaneously, the rotor needs
can perform a sound analysis and determine
more power to develop the same thrust. As a
the rotor and/or engine RPM at time of
helicopter climbs higher, the air gets thinner
impact. In nearly every case, they determine
and less lift is produced by the rotor blades.
the rotor or engine RPM is way below the
Technically, if the helicopter gets to the
red line. Every one of these accidents could
altitude, the blades develop 1-g thrust. The
have been completely avoided with a little
problem is that if the pilot slows the
bit of knowledge and proper prior planning.
helicopter down, the rotor will need more
power, and then the rotor RPM decay
ensues, and the settling occurs. At altitude,
power available is less, and power required
Logically, to prevent power management
accidents we need to start training in the
environments we will be tasked to fly. If
flying involves high altitude operations, the
training should not be exclusively performed
at sea level. Most flight training occurs in a
controlled environment, either at or near sea
level altitudes, at a low gross weight, and
with minimum fuel states. We routinely fly
with minimum fuel because it gives us safer
margins for maneuvers. However, this may
be a disservice to new pilots because they
are not receiving the training they need to
properly operate at the limits of their
helicopter’s performance envelope. To
prepare new pilots for these differences in
helicopter performance and handling, flight
instructors should conduct a portion of the
training flights in different environments at
increased gross weights (and at least one
flight at maximum gross weight). Special BEFORE EVERY TAKEOFF
attention should focus on the differences in
helicopter performance, control and power When working off airport, expect ambient
management demands from what was conditions at an intended area of operation
planned verses the actual helicopter to be different from those planned for. Flight
performance. manual performance graphs denote the
operation of a brand new or “spec” engine
with clean rotor blades, so calculated values
PREFLIGHT PLANNING IS must always be verified with an actual hover
ESSENTIAL power check under the ambient conditions
that exist at the operating site. Pilots, after
Thorough preflight planning is essential to loading or reloading passengers and cargo,
prevent power management accidents and would be well advised to re-verify those
inadvertent VRS. Flight manual power checks each time before attempting
performance chart calculations are an another takeoff.
integral part of this planning. However,
charts vary wildly across manufacturer
models. Some manuals are not as detailed as
others and may require pilot interpretation of
the available charts to match a planned flight

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