FE To BE CO For AY 2018-19

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Course Outcomes (CO’s)

FIRST YEAR ENGG. (2015 Pat.)

Name of Subject:Engineering Mathematics-I
Subject Code:(107001)
Semester: I
CO 1 Mean value theorems and its generalizations leading to Taylors and Maclaurin’s
series useful in the analysis of engineering problems.
CO 2 The Fourier series representation and harmonic analysis for design and analysis
of periodic continuous and discrete systems.
CO 3 To deal with derivative of functions of several variables that are essential in
various branches of Engineering.
CO 4 To apply the concept of Jacobian to find partial derivative of implicit function
and functional dependence. Use of partial derivatives in estimating error and
approximation and finding extreme values of the function.
CO 5 The essential tool of matrices and linear algebra in a comprehensive manner for
analysis of system of linear equations, finding linear and orthogonal
transformations, Eigen values and Eigen vectors applicable to engineering

Name of Subject: Engineering Physics

Subject Code: (107002)
Semester: I
CO 1 Develop understanding of interference, diffraction and polarization; connect it to
few engineering applications.
CO 2 Learn basics of lasers and optical fibers and their use in some applications.
CO 3 Understand concepts and principles in quantum mechanics. Relate them to some
CO 4 Understand theory of semiconductors and their applications in some
semiconductor devices.
CO 5 Summarize basics of magnetism and superconductivity. Explore few of their
technological applications.
CO 6 Comprehend use of concepts of physics for Non Destructive Testing. Learn some
properties of nano-materials and their application

Name of Subject:Engineering Graphics I

Subject Code:(102006)
Semester: I
CO 1 Draw the fundamental engineering objects using basic rules and able to construct
the simple geometries.
CO 2 Construct the various engineering curves using the drawing instruments.
CO 3 Apply the concept of orthographic projection of an object to draw several 2D
views and its sectional views for visualizing the physical state of the object.

Name of Subject: Basic Electrical Engineering

Subject Code: (103004)
Semester: I
CO 1 Differentiate between electrical and magnetic circuits and derive mathematical
relation for self and mutual inductance along with coupling effect.
CO 2 Calculate series, parallel and composite capacitor as well as characteristics
parameters of alternating quantity and phasor arithmetic
CO 3 Derive expression for impedance, current, power in series and parallel RLC circuit
with AC supply along with phasor diagram.
CO 4 Relate phase and line electrical quantities in polyphase networks, demonstrate the
operation of single phase transformer and calculate efficiency and regulation at
different loading conditions
CO 5 Apply and analyze the resistive circuits using star-delta conversion KVL, KCL and
different network theorems under DC supply.
CO 6 Evaluate work, power, energy relations and suggest various batteries for different
applications, concept of charging and discharging and depth of charge.

Name of Subject: Basic Civil and Environmental Engineering

Subject Code: 101005
Semester: I
CO 1 Student will understand the basic areas of civil engineering.
CO 2 Student will understand the types of structure and construction materials
CO 3 Student will be able to use modern surveying equipments
CO 4 Student will to use the natural resources more effectively and reduce the waste
CO 5 Student will be able to acquire the self-learning with Presentation in a group on the
topic related to environment and energy.
CO 6 Student will be able to remember the principles and bye rules for building

Name of Subject:Fundamentals of Programming Languages I

Subject Code: (110003)
Semester: I
CO 1 Differentiate between electrical and magnetic circuits and derive mathematical
relation for self and mutual inductance along with coupling effect.
CO 2 Calculate series, parallel and composite capacitor as well as characteristics
parameters of alternating quantity and phasor arithmetic
CO 3 Derive expression for impedance, current, power in series and parallel RLC circuit
with AC supply along with phasor diagram.
CO 4 Relate phase and line electrical quantities in polyphase networks, demonstrate the
operation of single phase transformer and calculate efficiency and regulation at
different loading conditions

Name of Subject:Workshop Practice

Subject Code:(111007)
Semester: I
CO 1 Familiar with safety norms to prevent any mishap in workshop.
CO 2 Able to handle appropriate hand tool, cutting tool and machine tools to
manufacture a job.
CO 3 Able to understand the construction, working and functions of machine tools and
their parts.
CO 4 Able to know simple operations (Turning and Facing) on a centre lathe.

Name of Subject:Engineering Mathematics-II

Subject Code:(107008)
Semester: II
CO 1 The effective mathematical tools for solutions of first order differential equations
that model physical processes such as Newton’s law of cooling, electrical circuit,
rectilinear motion, mass spring systems, heat transfer etc.
CO 2 Advanced integration techniques such as Reduction formulae, Beta functions,
Gamma functions, Differentiation under integral sign and Error functions needed
in evaluating multiple integrals and their applications.
CO 3 To trace the curve for a given equation and measure arc length of various curves.
CO 4 The concepts of solid geometry using equations of sphere, cone and cylinder in a
comprehensive manner.
CO 5 Evaluation of multiple integrals and its application to find area bounded by curves,
volume bounded by surfaces, Centre of gravity and Moment of inertia.

Name of Subject: Engineering Chemistry

Subject Code:(107009)
Semester: II
CO 1 Apply the different methodologies for analysis of water and techniques involved in
softening of water as commodity.
CO 2 Select appropriate electro-technique and method of material analysis.
CO 3 Demonstrate the knowledge of advanced engineering materials for various
engineering applications.
CO 4 Analyze fuel and suggest use of alternative fuels.
CO 5 Identify chemical compounds based on their structure.
CO 6 Explain causes of corrosion and methods for minimizing corrosion.

Name of Subject:Basic Mechanical Engineering

Subject Code: (102013)
Semester: II
CO 1 Describe and compare the conversion of energy from renewable and non-
renewable energy sources
CO 2 Explain basic laws of thermodynamics, heat transfer and their applications
CO 3 List down the types of road vehicles and their specifications
CO 4 Illustrate various basic parts and transmission system of a road vehicle
CO 5 Discuss several manufacturing processes and identify the suitable process
Explain various types of mechanism and its application

Name of Subject: Engineering Mechanics

Subject Code:101011
Semester: II
CO 1 Acquire the basic knowledge of resolution of all force systems
CO 2 Solve numerical of rectilinear motion of particles
CO 3 Solve numerical of curvilinear motion of particles
CO 4 Understand and apply Work-energy and impulse momentum methods
CO 5 Understand Equilibrium of force system and analyze equilibrium of space force
CO 6 Solve trusses, frames for finding member forces and friction between sliding

Name of Subject: Basic Electronics Engineering

Subject Code:(104012)
Semester: II
CO 1 Explain the working of P-N junction diode and its circuits.
CO 2 Identify types of diodes and plot their characteristics and also can compare BJT
with MOSFET.
CO 3 Build and test analog circuits using OPAMP and digital circuits using
universal/basic gates and flip flops.
CO 4 Use different electronics measuring instruments to measure various electrical
CO 5 Select sensors for specific applications.
CO 6 Describe basic principles of communication systems.

Name of Subject:Fundamentals of Programming Languages II

Subject Code: (110010)
Semester: II
CO 1 Explain the working of P-N junction diode and its circuits.
CO 2 Identify types of diodes and plot their characteristics and also can compare BJT
with MOSFET.
CO 3 Build and test analog circuits using OPAMP and digital circuits using
universal/basic gates and flip flops.
CO 4 Use different electronics measuring instruments to measure various electrical

Name of Subject:Engineering Graphics II

Subject Code: (102014)
Semester: II
CO 1 Apply the visualization skill to draw a simple isometric projection from given
orthographic views precisely using drawing equipment.
CO 2 Draw the development of lateral surfaces for cut section of geometrical solids.
CO 3 Draw fully-dimensioned 2D, 3D drawings using computer aided drafting tools.
Name of Subject: Building Technology and Materials
Subject Code: 201001
Semester: I
CO 1 Identify types of building and basic requirements of building components.
CO 2 Explain types of masonry, formwork, casting procedure and necessity of underpinning and
CO 3 Elucidate different types of flooring and roofing materials.
CO 4 Describe types of doors, windows, arches and lintel.
CO 5 Illuminate means of vertical circulation and protective coatings.
CO 6 Explain different materials especially eco-friendly materials and safety measures to be
adopted at any construction site.

Name of Subject: Engineering Mathematics III

Subject Code: 207001
Semester: I
CO 1 Solve higher order linear differential equations and apply to civil engineering problems
such as bending of beams and whirling of shafts.
CO 2 Solve system of linear equations using direct and iterative numerical techniques and
develop solutions to ordinary differential equations using single step and multistep methods
applied to structural systems.
CO 3 Apply statistical methods like correlation, regression analysis in analyzing and interpreting
experimental data and probability theory applied to construction management.
CO 4 Perform vector differentiation and integration, analyze the vector fields and apply to fluid
flow problems.
CO 5 Solve various partial differential equations such as wave equation, one and two dimensional
heat flow equations.

Name of Subject: Surveying

Subject Code: 201006
Semester: I
CO 1 Operate and use surveying equipment.
CO 2 Draw plan or map of the existing permanent features on the ground.
CO 3 Classify the ground features from the map or plan.
CO 4 Analyze temporary adjustments and check permanent adjustments of the Theodolite.

Name of Subject: Strength of Materials

Subject Code: 201002
Semester: I
CO 1 Compute different type of stresses in determinate, indeterminate, homogeneous and
composite structures.
CO 2 Develop bending and shear stress diagram.
CO 3 Determine the torsional stresses and stresses due to strain energy for different loading
CO 4 Explain the concept of principal stresses due to combined loading and able to compare the
values of analytical and graphical (Mohr’s circle) method.
CO 5 Plot loading diagram, Shear Force Diagram (SFD) and Bending Moment Diagram (BMD).
CO 6 Analyze axially and eccentrically loaded column

Name of Subject: Geotechnical Engineering

Subject Code: 201003
Semester: I
CO 1 Differentiate the different types of soil and their engineering properties and classify them
CO 2 Determine the soil properties in laboratory and develop a proficiency in handling
experimental data
CO 3 Understand of the concept of effective stress and its influence on soil behavior.
CO 4 Develop an understanding of the influence of water flow on the engineering behaviour of
CO 5 Analyze engineering properties like compaction, permeability, soil shear strength.
CO 6 Compute the lateral thrust due to backfill on the retaining walls.

Name of Subject: Audit Course: Awareness to Civil Engineering Practices

Subject Code:
Semester: I
CO 1 Study different types of civil engineering industries and their functioning.
CO 2 Applications of different documents, drawings, regulations in Civil Engineering industries.
CO 3 Code of ethics to be practiced by a Civil Engineer and understand duties and
responsibilities as a Civil Engineer
CO 4 Student will able to find different safety practices on the site.

Name of Subject: Fluid Mechanics-I

Subject Code: 201004
Semester: II
CO 1 Use fluid properties, dimensional analysis for solving problems of fluid flow.
CO 2 Solve fluid statics problems.
CO 3 Measure fluid pressure.
CO 4 Calibrate discharge measuring instrument like ventrurimeter, orifice meter
CO 5 Distinguish between various types of fluid flows and find the fluid velocity using principles
of Kinematics and Dynamics.
CO 6 Design pipes to carry particular amount of discharge.

Name of Subject: Architectural Planning and Design of Buildings

Subject Code: 201005
Semester: II
CO 1 Make use of principles of planning and principles of architectural Planning.
CO 2 Analyze the available primary or secondary data and plan different types of structures
considering futuristic need of an area.
CO 3 Improve the status of existing structures by proposing appropriate green measures.
CO 4 Plan effectively various types of buildings according to their utility with reference to
different codes.
CO 5 Understand and resolve contemporary issues at multi-dimensional functional levels.

Name of Subject: Structural Analysis I

Subject Code: 201008
Semester: II
CO 1 Understand the basic concept of static and kinematic indeterminacy, slope and deflection of
determinate and indeterminate beams for analysis of structures.
CO 2 Analyze indeterminate beams structures and frames.
CO 3 Evaluate determinate and indeterminate trusses and its application in the field.
CO 4 Apply influence line diagrams for the analysis of structures under moving load.
CO 5 Analyze two and three hinged arches and its application.
CO 6 Apply plastic analysis for indeterminate steel structures by limits state method.

Name of Subject: Engineering Geology

Subject Code: 207009
Semester: II
CO 1 Explain basic concepts, common rocks, minerals, their significance and application in civil
CO 2 Recognize tectonic effects, Geological structures and their significance in Civil
CO 3 Recall geomorphology, stratigraphy and physiographic divisions of India.
CO 4 Incorporate findings of Geological investigation, remote sensing and GIS techniques in
civil engineering.
CO 5 Infer Geological conditions, nature of rocks, and site suitability for construction of
building, road, dam, tunnel and treatment to unfavourable rocks masses
CO 6 Explain geological hazards, geo-hydrological characters of the rocks, mass wasting
processes, and good building stones.

Name of Subject: Concrete Technology

Subject Code: 201007
Semester: II
CO 1 Understand chemistry, properties, and classification of cement, fly ash, aggregates and
admixtures, and hydration of cement in concrete.
CO 2 Prepare and test the fresh concrete
CO 3 Test hardened concrete with destructive and nondestructive testing instruments
CO 4 Get acquainted to concrete handling equipments and different special concrete types.
CO 5 Design concrete mix of desired grade
CO 6 Predict deteriorations in concrete and repair it with appropriate methods and techniques.

Name of Subject: Soft Skill

Subject Code: 201010
Semester: II
CO 1 Make use of techniques for self-awareness and self-development.
CO 2 Apply the conceptual understanding of communication into everyday practice.
CO 3 Apply business etiquette skills effectively an engineer requires.
CO 4 Understand the importance of teamwork and group discussions skills.
CO 5 Develop leadership qualities.
CO 6 Develop time management and stress management.

Name of Subject: Audit Course: Road Safety Management

Subject Code:
Semester: II
CO 1 Show changes in awareness levels, knowledge and understanding.
CO 2 Remember a change in attitudes / behavior e.g. against drink-drive.
CO 3 Utilize remedial education for those who make mistakes and for low level offences where
this is more effective than financial penalties and penalty points.
CO 4 Understand road safety together leading to casualty reduction
THIRD YEAR ENGG. (2015 pattern)
Name of Subject: Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
Subject Code: 301001
Semester: I
CO 1 To impart knowledge of hydrological processes, precipitation, abstractions in
precipitation and stream gauging.
CO 2 To introduce students the concept of irrigation and water requirement of crops
and assessments of canal revenue.
CO 3 To inculcate an ability to apply the theories of groundwater hydrology along with
the concepts of groundwater movement and storage to solve problems related to
yield of wells
CO 4 To impart knowledge of rainfall-runoff relationship and flood using hydrograph
theory and to solve problems related to runoff and flood discharge.
CO 5 To introduce students the concept of, Reservoir planning, yield of reservoir,
demand and supply conditions and flood routing.
CO 6 To expose the students to water management, water logging and drainage

Name of Subject: Infrastructure Engineering and Construction Techniques

Subject Code: 301002
Semester: I
CO 1 Student will understand to know the scope of infrastructure engineering in national
and global development
CO 2 Student will Able to determine various components of railway engineering, the
types and functions of track, junctions and railway stations
CO 3 Applying different construction techniques as dewatering, dredging, slip form and
hoists cranes
CO 4 Remembering of tunnelling methods and various operations required in tunnelling
CO 5 To discuss about the types and components of docks and harbours.
CO 6 Concepts of Construction techniques and its practical applications, Earth moving

Name of Subject: Structural design I

Subject Code: 301003
Semester: I
CO 1 Understand the behaviour and properties of structural steel members to resist shear,
tension ,bending and compression and apply relevant I.S. codes
CO 2 Understand the concepts of analysis and design of compression member
CO 3 Understand the concepts of built up section used as column
CO 4 To understand concept of analysis and design of laterally restrained and
unrestrained beams
CO 5 Ability to study beam to beam connection, beam to column connection and design
of welded plate Girder
CO 6 Analysis and Design of roof truss and gantry girder for industrial building

Name of Subject: Structural Analysis II

Subject Code: 301004
Semester: I
CO 1 Use slope deflection equations to solve statically indeterminate structures.
CO 2 Apply concepts of moment distribution for analysis of continuous beams.
CO 3 Find support reactions and end moments of structure by flexibilty methods.
CO 4 Find slopes and end moments of structure by stiffness matrix methods.
CO 5 Find slopes at nodes in simple beams and internal stresses of members of multistoried
frames by portal and cantilever methods.
CO 6 Understand basics of finite element method.

Name of Subject: Fluid Mechanics II

Subject Code: 301005
Semester: I
CO 1 To impart knowledge about Fluid flow around submerged objects and understand
the characteristics of unsteady flow
CO 2 Students will be able to study and learn about Open Channel Flows and their depth
energy relationship
CO 3 Students will be able to learn about Uniform Flow and its computations also study
analyse the hydraulic jump
CO 4 To impart the knowledge about Impact of Jet &studying the Centrifugal Pump
along with its efficiencies
CO 5 To impart the knowledge about Hydro-Power generation and basic design of
turbines along with their performances
CO 6 Students will be able to learn about Gradually varied flow and its computations
through various analysis

Name of Subject: Employability Skills Development

Subject Code: 301006
Semester: I
CO 1 Ability to understand employer’s requirements.
CO 2 Ability to understand need of technical competence required for problem solving.
CO 3 Ability to understand presentation skills
CO 4 Ability to understand Communication skills
CO 5 Ability to understand professional, group behavioural ethics and commercial interaction
CO 6 Development of personal skills to manage work load.

Name of Subject: Advanced Surveying

Subject Code: 301007
Semester: II
CO 1 Determine intervisisbility of stations
CO 2 Describe various methods of Hydrographic Surveying
CO 3 Describe the systems of Remote sensing and GIS
CO 4 Identify errors in triangulation
CO 5 Interpret the concepts of Photogrammetry and its applications such as determination
of heights of objects on terrain.
CO 6 Apply setting out principles to construction work-bridge

Name of Subject: Project Management and Engineering Economics

Subject Code: 301008
Semester: II
CO 1 To study importance of project management.
CO 2 To study project planning, scheduling, Monitoring and control.
CO 3 To study project resources and site planning.
CO 4 To study project economics and Appraisal.
CO 5 To study project related finance and economics
CO 6 To study feasibility of construction project.

Name of Subject: Foundation Engineering

Subject Code: 301009
Semester: II
CO 1 To understand the purpose and methods of soil exploration
CO 2 To determine the bearing capacity of footing by different methods
CO 3 To understand the settlement and consolidation of footing
CO 4 To understand the deep foundation types and their uses
CO 5 To understand the types, concept of cofferdams and the techniques in design of
foundation in BC soil
CO 6 To understand concepts of soil reinforcement, geosynthetics material in soil
structure and Earthquake Geo-techniques

Name of Subject: Structural Design II

Subject Code: 301010
Semester: II
CO 1 Understand design philosophies of RC structure and relevant IS provisions to ensure safety
and serviceability
CO 2 Evaluate load transfer calculation and design of two dimensional structural element i.e. slab
CO 3 Design and structural detailing of structural element staircase
CO 4 Able to design the flexural members
CO 5 Analyse flexural members for shear , bond and torsion
CO 6 Design and structural drawing of column and isolated footing

Name of Subject: Environmental Engineering-I

Subject Code: 301011
Semester: II
CO 1 Engineers with the ability to analyze and control of Air pollution, noise pollution and s
solid waste.
CO 2 Engineers with the ability to analyze and asses the quality of water.
CO 3 Engineers with the ability to analyze design and execute the water works.
CO 4 Engineers having the ability to improve the existing systems, coagulation and flocculation.
CO 5 Engineers with the ability to working as entrepreneur in this stream by getting the
knowledge of water softening
CO 6 Engineers having ability to perform post-graduation in the subject and to use the knowledge
in competitive examinations.

Name of Subject: Seminar

Subject Code: 301012
Semester: II
CO 1 To study research papers for understanding of a new field, in the absence of a textbook, to
summarise and review them.
CO 2 To identify promising new directions of various cutting edge technologies
CO 3 To impart skills in preparing detailed report describing the project and results
CO 4 To effectively communicate by making an oral presentation before an evaluation committee
Name of Subject: Environmental Engineering II
Subject Code: 401001
Semester: I
CO 1 An ability to analyze design and executive the wastewater works
CO 2 An ability to improve the existing wastewater works system
CO 3 An ability to design advance waste water ststems
CO 4 An ability to function as a leader or member of a multidisciplianary team
CO 5 An ability to perform post-graduation in the subject and use the knowedge in competitive
CO 6 Students will learn advanced treatment technology

Name of Subject:Transportation Engineering

Subject Code:401002
Semester: I
CO 1 Understand history of road development, roads classification in India.
CO 2 Able to fix road alignment, Geometric parameters, and highway drainage system
CO 3 Understand traffic Engineering, controlling devices, Accident studies, types of road
intersections; parking studies; highway lighting in India.
CO 4 Able to understand materials used in Highway Construction and related tests.
CO 5 Able to understand computation of design traffic, stresses in pavements, design guidelines
for flexible pavements, rigid pavements and concrete pavements
CO 6 Understand Construction process of pavements and Modern Trends in Highway Materials,
Construction & Maintenance

Name of Subject: Structural Design and Drawing III

Subject Code: 401003
Semester: I
CO 1 Application of different specification of IS 1343: 1980 for prestressed concrete
CO 2 Able to differentiate between pre-tensioning and post tensioning systems
CO 3 Able to analyze and design prestressed flat slab.
CO 4 Understand and designing of earth Retaining structures
CO 5 Able to analyze and design the liquid retaining structures.
CO 6 Understanding the concept of vibration and earthquake analysis.

Name of Subject: Elective-I: Advanced Engineering Geology with Rock Mechanics

Subject Code: 401004
Semester: I
CO 1 Explain distribution, characters and Civil Engineering significance of major rock
formations of India.
CO 2 Explain geohydrological characters, morphometric analysis, geological aspects of water
conservation and process of soil formation.
CO 3 Apply geological knowledge in planning, development and resource engineering.
CO 4 Validate the suitability of rocks on the basis of physical and mechanical properties, R.Q.D.
and geophysical investigation.
CO 5 Explore subsurface Geology for various Civil Engineering projects, foundation, treatments
and tail channel.
CO 6 Illustrate the suitability of various rock fields for tunnelling and bridge.
Name of Subject: Elective II: TQM & MIS in Civil Engineering
Subject Code: 401005
Semester: I
CO 1 students will get to know about the basic concepts and history of TQM
CO 2 students will be able to understand defect's in material and six sigma
CO 3 students get knowledge about ISO principles & other quality manuals
CO 4 students will know about various certifications in quality management
CO 5 students know the techniques about TQM and awards
CO 6 students get knowledge of MIS concepts

Name of Subject: Project Phase I

Subject Code: 401006
Semester: I
CO 1 Work in a team to select a topic/problem for project work
CO 2 Collect and review the literatures on selected topic
CO 3 Formulate the methodology to work on project topic
CO 4 Understand materials for work and its properties through observations and experimentation.
CO 5 Identify an engineering problem, analyse and propose a work plan to solve it.
CO 6 Prepare and present project stage 1 progress report

Name of Subject: Dams and Hydraulic Structures

Subject Code: 401007
Semester: II
Faculty: MPW
CO 1 Students can understand Dam, its Safety and Behavioral aspects of Dam with Instruments.
CO 2 Students can analyzed and designed Gravity Dam with different stability condition.
CO 3 Student’s awarded the Spillway, Gates and layout of Hydropower plant.
CO 4 Students are gained the knowledge in failure aspects of Earthen Dam and Design of
Diversion Head Works.
CO 5 Students are able to design canal and canal structures.
CO 6 Students are understood C. D. Work and River Training Works.

Name of Subject: Quantity Surveying, Contracts and Tenders

Subject Code: 401008
CO 1 student should understand the types of estimates , DSR and its pre-requisites
CO 2 students will be able to calculate the estimates and bar bending schedule
CO 3 students will be able to determine rates of various items and learn specifications
CO 4 students will be able to understand valuation and methods of valuation
CO 5 students will be able to understand about tenders and methods of work execution
CO 6 students will be able to understand about contracts and arbitration

Name of Subject: Elective III: Hydropower Engineering

Subject Code: 401009
Semester: II
CO 1 Student will be able to describe and Understand various sources of Energy
CO 2 Students can understand and identify various types of hydropower plant and their
CO 3 Students will be able to understand and do the load assessment of power plant
CO 4 Students will gain the knowledge of water conductor system and power house
CO 5 Students will be able to describe the working principles of different types of turbine and
understand the phenomenon associated with it.
CO 6 Students will gain the knowledge of economics of Hydropower plants as well as laws and
regulatory aspects of electricity.

Name of Subject: Elective IV: Construction Management

Subject Code: 401010
Semester: II
CO 1 To enrich the students with the concepts and applications of Management
CO 2 To make the learners understand the basic functions of Financial Management
CO 3 To facilitate the students with the fundamental concepts of Technology management
CO 4 To facilitate the students with the Risk Management of Construction Sector
CO 5 To impart the importance of Human Resources in the organizational context
CO 6 To gain knowledge related to artificial intelligence and applications

Name of Subject: Project (Phase-II)

Subject Code: 401006
Semester: II
CO 1 Work in a team to select a topic/problem for project work
CO 2 Collect and review the literatures on selected topic.
CO 3 Formulate the methodology to work on project topic
CO 4 Understand materials for work and its properties through observations and experimentation.
CO 5 Able to use waste materials in construction industry with engineering knowledge, skill and
modern engineering tools for planning, construction, analysis and designing of engineering
CO 6 Prepare and present project report with effective writing and communication skills.

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