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he relativelysmall Danish larger rivals,and does show a
speaker specialist,System
Audio, is a well-established
Stereo images slight tendency to thump and
are exceptionally 'hang on', but it makes up for
operation which was founded in these limitations with decent drive
1984. It made one previous
well formed, and
and timing, and excellent bass-
appearance in Hi-Fi Choice when
the sound is
through-mid coherence.
British cable specialistThe Chord refreshingly free Stereo images are exceptionally
Company brought in the com- from unpleasant well formed and focused, and the
pany'stiny 905, which quickly
gained a Recommended flag in
HFC 148, although unfortunately
'boxiness'. m sound is refreshingly free from
unpleasant 'boxiness'. It's very
even-handed and polite - per-
the distribution arrangements they'1Inever get knocked over, l haps a little too polite at times, as
eventually came to an end. guess it's fair enough. the presence band is slightly
Nowa rather larger seleetion of A slim front view might be what pinched and hooded. In other
SystemAudio speakersis becom- the public wants, but, unless you respects the midband is impres-
ing available in the UK,courtesy of mount a bass driver in a side sively free from colorations, while
speaker stand specialistAtacama panel, it does restrietthe size of ~
the top end is clean and well
Audio. And they're not all stand- the main drivers.The 1130's mini- judged, if a little detached. ",
mounts either. The 1130, the sub- malist front view provides room
jeet of this review,is just one of for two main drivers with just CONCLUSION
five floorstanders in the line-up, 70mm cones in 11Omm cut- It'sgood to see System Audio
which includes some of the most down frames, and these operate back in the UK, not just because
elegantly slim examplesthis d'Appolito-style above and below the company makes some fine-
reviewer has ever seen. the 19mm tweeter. Twin terminals sounding loudspeakers, but also
The 1130 is the slimmest, permit bi-wiring or bi-amping, because they offer a real alterna-
smallest and leastexpensive of while twin ports give those little tive to the mainstream in style and
the floorstanders,with a box that's main drivers an extra helping hand presentation. The 1130 is not the
just 13cm wide - only fractionally in the bass. ideal solution for those who like
wider than a CD jewel case.That Despite its compact dimen- their Prodigy loud, but for most
faet alone will, l suspeet,count far sions, the in-room, far-field trace normal purposes it deserveswarm
more with buyersthan the obser- shows the 1130 should give opti- Recommendation. PMe
vation that f499 is a pretty sub- mum results when placed clear of
stantial price tag for a vinyl-clad room boundaries. The frequency
box. It is at least a decent quality
woodprint, and the detailing is
balance is very good overall, if
slightly uneven, and characterised
m!Im8 00000)
nicely handled too, with a proper by a rather pronounced presence ~ 00000)
plinth to improve the stability.We
haven't quoted the weight,
suckout centred on 2kHz.
~ 00000)
becausethe review sampies
arrivedwith a substantialamount
SOVND QUALITY ~ 1:499.95 )
Although the 1130 is quite obvi- ~ Super-slim, super-smooth, and a very

of SoundBytesmass-Ioading involving experience, but not ideal if you

ously no bass excavator,it has very
alreadyfitted in the separate lower like your bass deep and loud.
real strengths elsewhere -
chamber intended for such a pur- enough to pick up a 'best-of-the-
pose. Sincethis is strongly recom- dav' ranking from the listening Leicester LE9 3GQ
mended in the manufacturer's o The System Audio box is just 13mm panel. The bass may lack the
Ii: (01455) 283251
literature,and certainly ensures wide: about the size of a CD jewel case! weight and loudness capability of

B: oth System Audio's lightweight

II cm bassjmid drivers work into
their own reflex-Ioaded endosure
o Lowimpedance minimamean the
1130is not as easy to drive as it looks. T here will be differences
the cheapest
the most expensive,
in our test and
so we split our test
candidates into two or more price
and;both are,precisely aligned. The ately 'colourful' thanks to its dominant
bands. This bargraph data provides an
relativelynarrow ports give a high- (1-2 per cent) 2nd-order distortion.l'd instant visual indication of relative
Q resonance at 61Hz which matches

also advise against mounting the 11305 technical abilities within each group.
the equally sharp driver null and dose to rear walls to avoid aggravating
load trace.
The latter shows

degree shift in phase angle through

seen on the
a 35
a 100-300Hz emphasis. The mid and
lower treble look very well integrated, 2 RELATIVELOUDNESS

the 3.4kHz crossover
the impedance also drops
region where
to 5.4
particularly through the crossover
region (see above) but there is a 'sting'
at 16kHz that may or may not be a

(250Hz) suggest
minima of 3.7 Ohms
the 1130 is not a
source of irritation. Certainly, if this
sort of peak were at 10kHz and; not
doddle to drive, despite suggestions 16kHzthen the 1130would sound obvi-
to the contrary. ously brighter. The 88.6dB sensitivity is Specification
The bass, meanwhile, though not dose enough to System Audio' s 89dB . Sensitivity
the most extended of the group, specification while peaks of 105dBA . Average Impedance
should indeed sound appropri- shouldbe possible. PMi . BassExlension(-6dB)

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