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The battle of Plassey refused to abide by the orders that led Siraj-ud-

Daula to occupy the British factory at

The battle of Plassey was the most important Cossimbazar and also Calcutta. There also took
and decisive battle fought between the British place the incident of Black Hole that stirred the
east India Company and Nawab of Bengal Siraj- British consciousness. The council at Madras
ud-Daula that took place on June 23, 1757. The sent an expeditionary force under Robert Clive
battle marks the inception of the English rule in to restore Calcutta that was recaptured on
India. The company’s forces under the January 2, 1757.
command of Robert Clive won a landslide
victory over young Nawab’s forces establishing Clive desired to dislodge Nawab and replace
a permanent sway over Bengal that expanded him with a puppet because only then the
over entire Indian sub-continent in next English interests could be secured; Nawab’s
hundred years. It was preceded by Nawab’s position was quite vulnerable owing to the
taking possession of Calcutta in 1756 and the prevalent politics of conspiracies and intrigues
notorious Black Hole incident. The battle was at the court. His commander in chief Mir Jafar
fought during the Seven Years War and was a was not happy with him. One of his aunts
mirror image of the European colonial rivalry Ghaseti Begum was also looking for opportunity
that was manifested in French sending help to to get rid of him. Clive found the environment
Nawab against the company. Whatever, the conducive, so conspired with the estranged
numerical superiority of the Bengali forces fell nobility. Heconcluded an agreement with Mir
short of the well organized and better equipped Jafar promising him the post of Nawab to him in
company’s forces. The company’s position was return for his help against Siraj-ud-Daula. He
further succored by the hacked conspiracies was a brother in law of Alivardi khan. Other
with the nobility. Ultimate result was the people who were involved in the conspiracy
execution of Siraj-ud-Daula and installation of were Rai Durlab, Nawab’s treasurer and
Mir Jafar as puppet Nawab. Jagatseth, the richest banker of Bengal.
Omichand was the person who brokered this
Alivardi khan having made Bengal an deal. Mir Jafar promised 175 lacs rupees and
independent state in 1741 adopted the policy of also physical support to Robert Clive.
strict neutrality towards the Europeans, both
English and French. He did not want to play in Having made all these arrangements, Clive sent
their hands as they had been using their proxies a letter to the Nawab alleging violation of the
in the southern India to grind their axes. But the terms of the treaty of Alinagar by providing
friction between the company and the Nawab refuge to the French. He also declared his
was always there over the collection of duties intention to march on Murshidabad, the capital
and the level of freedom in trade enjoyed by of Bengal. The declaration of war was made on
the company. Alivardi khan died in 1756 and June 14. Nawab had also become aware of the
was succeeded by his 19 year old adopted conspiracy. He, therefore, attacked on Mir
grandson Siraj-ud-Daula. The young Nawab was Jafar’s palace and obtained his vow not to join
quite suspicious of the Europeans. That is why the English camp in the battlefield. He then
he ordered both French and the English to stop ordered the army to move towards Plassey that
adding additional fortifications. The British reached there on June 21 after some delay. The
British also reached Plassey with 32000 soldiers proved helpless and the British emerged
to encounter the huge army of Nawab victorious.
comprising of 50000 men. Mir Jafar who was
The battle was primarily the outcome of the
commanding 16000 men remained altogether
detached and did n. French had also sent a existing tension between the company and Mir
Qasim. After the battle of Plassey the throne of
small contingent of artillerymebut the French
artillery proved useless before the English Bengal was handed over to Mir Jafar as earlier
agreed. In 1760 Mir Jafar was replaced by son in
artillery. Despite all these adverse conditions
Nawab fought bravely and was slowly inching law, Mir Qasim who handed over the districts of
Chittagong, Midnapor and Burdwan to the
towards victory when the sudden death of Mir
Mardan reversed the trend. It proved fatal for company but at the same time tried his level
best to recover Bengal from the clutches of the
his campaign. Mir Jafar also withdrew from his
camp. Upon this Siraj-ud-Daula acting upon the company and restore its independent status. He
did not appear ready to accept the company’s
advice of Rai Durlabh retreated to
Murshidabad. But he was caught on the way by suzerainty over him. Therefore he transferred
his capital from Murshidabad to Monghyr so
Miran, the son of Mir Jafar who executed him.
After this, Clive in accordance with the previous that he could act independently without
accepting any outside interference in the
agreement offered the throne of Bengal to Mir
Jafar. He pleased the company by paying a sum running of administration. He also organized his
army on the European lines besides developing
of 50 lac rupees alongwith ceding to it 24
Parganas. The war and the associated results the firearms. He was doing all this to overthrow
the authority of the company that brought him
sealed the French fate from Bengal. It proved to
be a decisive battle marking the initiation of on top of the enemy list of the company.
British rule in India from next 2 centuries. However, the crunch came when Mir Qasim
forbade all private trade. This was resented by
Battle of Bauxer
the company’s officials very much. The
The battle of Bauxer was a significant event in company had been enjoying the right of free
the history of India that proved beyond any trade under the imperial Farman of 1717. But
doubt and was a demonstration of the British the same right was being misused by the
military superiority over the Indians. It company’s officials by having their own private
strengthened the foundations of the company’s trade under the same privilege. It was causing
rule in India that was laid by the battle of enormous loss of revenues to the Nawab that
Plassey. The battle of Bauxer was fought on he cannot afford. So, he took drastic measures
October 22, 1764 on the bank of river Ganges in and ordered his officials to capture all the boats
Bengal between the forces of the British East belonging to the English merchants despite the
India Company and the combined strength of fact they had Dastaks. The Nawab abolished
Mir Qasim, Nawab of Bengal, Nawab Shuja-ud- Dastak and thus brought the foreign traders at
Daula, Nawab of Oudh and Shah Alam, the par with the locals in terms of the privileges.
Mughal Emperor. However, the predominant Besides, he undertook some other measures as
numerical superiority of the native forces well to the detriment of the company’s
interests. He increased the number of custom
stations to check private trade. He increased also the Diwani of Bihar, Bengal, and Orissa was
the number of soldiers at chaukies to stop got by the British.
British boats. These measures resulted in great
financial loss to the company that also reacted Nadir Shah’s Invasion
to foil these plans.
Nadir Shah’s invasion of India left the most
It was not liked by Mir Qasim. As a result a tumultuous and destructive mark on the
quarrel started. A meeting was arranged in Mughal history of India. He invaded India in
1762 between Mir Qasim the governor of 1739. Nadir Shah known for his brutal and
Bengal but no bridging of gulf took place. The inhumane behavior inflicted irretrievable
company’s officials got infuriated. The English damage to Mughal rule. This invasion is marked
agent at Patna occupied it provoking the wrath as one of the colossal calamities of the period.
of the Nawab who attacked Patna. But he had The power of Mughals was declining at that
to suffer three successive defeats in three time and the central power had no control over
successive battles namely: Katwa, Gheria and far flung provinces, which made foreign
Udaynal. He fled to Oudh where he organized a invasions easy for the enemies of Mughal
confederacy against the British along with Shah rulers. Nadir shah became ruler of Persia when
Alam 2 and Shuja-ud-Daula. Behind him in Shah Tahmasp last ruler of Safwid dynasty died
Bengal, the company once again enthrones Mir in 1736. Since Nadir Shah belonged to Afshar
Jafar to the throne of Bengal. tribe of Khusrasan laid the foundation of
Afsharid dynasty when his rule as a king started
Shuja-ud-Daula wanted to destroy the British in Persia. Before Nadir Shah got ascended to the
influence in Bengal but never had enough thrown he captured and influenced many
resources at his disposal to undertake this regions near to Mughal and Safwid sphere of
venture of attacking the British settlements in influence. The diplomatic relations between
Bengal. Shah Alam had also retired to Oudh but Mughal and Safwid empires started
was ready to pay any cost for destroying the deteriorating at the time Nadir Shah got
British power in India. He was ready to afford all ascended to the throne. Mughal emperor
available resources for this purpose. Now, they stopped exchange of ambassadors with Persian
united their horns against the company and court which was considered as a great insult by
formed a confederacy to wage a war against the Nadir Shah.
company that was declared in 1764. Their
combined army met the British forces on After Nadir Shah’s accession to the throne he
October 22, 1764 at Bauxer. The strength of the abandoned his conquests of Turks and Russians
British forces was 10000 while that of the and got interested in Mughal provinces of
Muslim army was estimated to be around Qandahar and Kabul. On 24th of March 1738 he
40000. However, this huge army was defeated recovered Qandahar, and then he advanced
owing to the absence of any coordination towards Ghazni and Kabul. Muhammad Shah
among them. The British relied heavily on the was ruling Delhi when Nadir shah started
gun-shooting that became their trademark in advancing towards India; Mughal
next two decades. As an outcome of the war, administration was very meager and languid at
British paramountancy was established. But that time. Another event which compelled
Nadir Shah to invade India was that emperor of 30,000 citizens (men, women, and children) of
India refused to return the fugitives who took Delhi in about 6 hours. Whole city was
refuge in Mughal Empire. All of these things destroyed and made ruin by Persian army; it
were considered as insults so in order to take was a demonstration of brutality and most
revenge from Mughal authorities first of all he inhumane treatment ever witnessed by the
attacked Lahore by crossing Indus River at point history of India. Similarly Delhi was looted and
of Attock. After capturing Lahore he started to plundered by Nadir shah and his army at that
advance towards Delhi which was the centre of level that after Nadir shah’s invasion and sack of
Mughal power at that time. Delhi left Mughal Empire so weak and meager
that Mughals were not able to regain their
The purpose of Nadir shah’s invasion is strength and fight against other enemies.
composed of two dimensional aspects first is to
take revenge of insults inflicted by Mughals and Third Battle of Panipat
second because of his ambitions, he was told
about the wealth of India which excited him and Third battle of Panipat has great significance in
made him to attack India. On 16th February the history of south-Asia, this battle occurred in
1739 he reached Sarhind whereas in a response the mid of 18th century. This battle was a
to his invasions Muhammad shah reached colossal defeat for the Marathas which is
Karnal with 80,000 army men. He was first unprecedented in Indian history. The time
offered an indemnity of 20 million rupees but period in which this battle was fought is of great
the internal enemies of Mughal government importance, because this is the time when sub-
told Nadir Shah not to accept this amount continent was going through a transitional
because it was very low. After that he denied phase. The course and history of south-Asia
and battle of Karnal was fought between Nadir changing, it was the time in which the glory of
Shah and Mughal forces. Mughal Empire was about to fade away, other
powers in sub-continent were emerging in
Battle took place on 24th of February 1739 it order to replace the Mughal rulers. French,
lasted only for three hours because of weak British, Sikhs, Marathas and other independent
Mughal forces which were not able to stand groups were rising to claim the throne which
against massive force of Nadir Shah’s army. was about to be vacated by Mughals due to
After defeating Mughals convincingly on 12th of their inefficiency and apathetic behavior. Third
March 1739 he entered Delhi. He was warmly battle of Panipat occurred when the Mughal
welcomed by Muhammad Shah who was Empire was disintegrating due to weakness of
allowed to retain throne by consent of Nadir central power many skirmishes, uprisings,
shah. At that time conflict arose between revolts, and battles took place at that time.
Persian soldiers and citizens of Delhi, this was Panipat battle ground is of great importance
the time when the news of death of Nadir shah because three battles were fought there,
also broke out. This thing caused death of many Panipat is 90 Km away from Delhi. This battle is
Persian soldiers and when Nadir shah saw also of great importance that after this battle
bodies of Persian soldiers he ordered full colonial rule starts in Indian sub-continent.
massacre of Delhi, which was then known as
notorious Qatal-e-am. He killed 20,000 to
Due to fragility of central authorities in sub- Shah Abdali. The course of battle starts on 27th
continent, it was also subjected to foreign March 1760 when Marathan army begins its
invasions. Third battle of Panipat is a core advance from Deccan to reach Delhi and in
example of foreign invasion. Another factor October they reached Delhi. This was the time
which brought this invasion was scuttling rule of when small conflicts occurred between them.
Muslims in India in response to the atrocities On 23rd, 24rth October Afghans crossed Jumna
made on Muslims by Marathas, Sikhs etc weak River and reached Bhagpat. On 26th October
Muslim rulers invited Abdali to save them. This Afghans drove Marathan forces to Panipat
battle was fought between king of Afghanistan ground. Ahmad Shah took his position 5 miles
named Ahmed Shah Abdali and Maratha forces south to Jumna River and created a complete
which were the main actors to scuttle the blockade of Marathan camps. Skirmishes
Mughal rule and tried to take over the Mughal continued till November. Ahmad did not make
crown. Ahmed shah invaded India many times; any advance on Marathan forces albeit it was
Ahmed Shah invaded Punjab for the first time in continuously advised by his allies to finish of the
January 1748 then in 1750, 1751, 1753, 1756, enemy. Marathas wanted to make settlement
1757, 1758, and 1759. The third battle of with Afghans but allies did not accept their
Panipat starts when Ahmed Shah Abdali invades proposal.
India in 1759. Afghan army enters India in 1759
in Karnal without any apparent resistance by Due to the failure of negotiations it made
Marathas desperate and they launched a
this time Marathas had captured Delhi. But
when Afghan forces gradually started to sudden offensive upon Afghan forces on 6th
January 1761. It was the day when conclusion of
approach towards centre skirmishes started
between Maratha and Afghan forces. This was this battle was drawn; Ahmad Shah kept his
nerves and composure and handled this sudden
the time when both forces started making allies
and partners and perceived war as a final and attack professionally. Afghan forces responded
really well to the initial cannon attack inflicted
inevitable solution in the shape of Panipat
battle. Sikhs, Jatts, Rajputs, and Nawabs of by Marathan forces. Initially Marathan forces
got edge due to their surprising attack and
Oudh, Bengal, Mysore, etc were tried to win
over by both the sides. Since Marathas had movement but very quickly Afghan army led by
French trained general Gardi was able to
strained relations with almost all other groups
so it helped them very little in this regard, overpower them. Both the belligerents
possessed decent set of strengths Marathas got
whereas, Ahmad Shah won support of Shuja-
uddin- Duala, Rajputs, and Jatts. robust artillery and Afghan got modern war
equipments so both forces seemed to be at par
The main factor which strengthened Afghans with each other. Afghans begin to push
was the support of Muslim rulers such as Najib- Marathas back very fiercely and enemy’s
ud-Daulah and Shuja-ud-Daulah. In 1760 Afghan defense started to collapse very fast. Marathas
forces marched to Shahdara near Delhi river faced wrath of Afghans and got slaughtered like
Jumna divides both armies on each side. animals 40,000 Marathas were made prisoners
Marathan army was led by Sadashiv Rao cousin and colossal number of causalities occurred.
of Marathan Peshwa Balaji Bhaji Rao on the Sadashiv Rao was killed and Marathas faced a
other hand Afghan army was led by Ahmad complete defeat by Afghan invaders, which
paralyzed Marathan power for next 10 years. The First Carnatic War (1745-1748) was an off
Third battle of Panipat is a demonstration of shot of the Austrian War of Succession on
victory of invaders which could be capitalized by Indian front. It started with the English
the struggling Muslim rulers but unfortunately capturing of the French ships that was
they did not take this advantage. retaliated by the latter by taking over Madras.
The English requested help from Nawab of
Carnatic War (1745-1748) Carnatic but he was bitterly defeated at the
hands of the French. But as the war in Europe
The Carnatic Wars refers to a series of military
came to an end with the conclusion of the
conflicts between the British East India
Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle 1748 the First Carnatic
Company and French East India Company along
war also came to an end. English got back
with the role played by the Nawab of Carnatic
and the Nizam of Hyderabad. Three wars were
fought between 1745 and 1763. The immediate The road to the Second Carnatic war was
result of these wars was that struggle for power prepared by the death of Nizam-ul-Mulk that
in India between the French and the British was was followed by a civil war of succession
over the French influence was doomed forever between his son and grandson joined by other
and British were able to consolidate their stakeholders as well. This war of succession was
foothold in India. the Second Carnatic War.mir Ahmad Ali( Nasir
Jung), Nizam’s son and Muzzafar Jung, Nizam’s
Great Britain and France were the two main
grandson were the two contender to the throne
European powers. Both had been looking for an
chanda sahib wanted to become the Nawab of
opportunity to outclass the other. The rivalry
Arcot, so he also joined the war on the side of
was manifestly obvious in the colonial affairs
Muzzafar Jung. They were joined by the French
where the mercantile system was the main
as well. The French were altogether victorious
driving force causing numerous commercial
at the beginning. They were able to place their
wars in 18th century both powers were
nominees on the in control of the affairs. On the
contenders in Indian sub-continent as well
other hand English had sided worth Nasir Jung
striving to maximize their influence at cost
but they were humiliated. They were getting
curtailing the others. The French power was at
desperate to take revenge. Robert Clive made a
its climax during the governorship of Dupliex
successful bid in 1751 to recapture Arcot that,
(1742-54). However, towards the closing days of
however, paved the way for succeeding English
his term, this power started dwindling and
victories over French. They made Muhammad
evaporated completely by early the
Ali the Nawab of Carnatic. All French effort to
same time, the British East India Company
reverse the trend ended in fiasco. Dupliex was
established its stronghold gradually. The tug of
recalled that sealed french fate in India. Treaty
war between the sides in India witness practical
of Pondicherry concluded the war .
demonstration in Carnatic where three wars
muahammad Ali was recognised as the Nawab
were fought having intimate relationship with
of Carnatic but the French influence over Nizam
the two great European wars – Austrian War of
of Hyderabad was retained.
Succession and the Seven Years War.
In 1756, there started the Third Carnatic War Marathas at the hands of Hyder Ali in 1766
started as the Seven Year War in Europe got punctured the alliance. Nizam also soon felt
inception. The war went beyond south India to compelled by the circumstances to give up the
Wandiwash Bengal. The French had to face alliance the company and became an ally of
humiliation at a number of places. They were Hyder Ali.
defeated at Chandermangore in 1757, at in
1760 and lost Pondicherry in 1761. However, Nawab of Carnatic Muhammad Ali was an ally
of the company who had some outstanding
the war came to an end with signing of the
treaty but of Paris. Pondicherry and territorial disputes with Mysore. Hyder Ali and
Nizam jointly invaded Carnatic but the English
Chandermangore were returned to France their
influence in India was reduced to nothing. Their commander Smith came to rescue Muhammad
Ali who successfully checked the invaders in the
ambition to establish an empire in India was
shattered. The success in Carnatic wars battles of Chargama and Tirnomali. These
defeats compelled Nizam to abandon Hyder Ali
enhanced British prestige and they were left
alone to decide the fate of the crumbling and joined the English camp. Despite this
changing of horses by the Nizam, Hyder Ali
Muslim rule in India.
continued his victorious march and reached just
Mysore War a few milies away from Madras which made the
British to sue for peace. A treaty was signed in
Mysore was a small Hindu principality that had April 1769 that concluded First Mysore War.
maintained its independence ever since the Both sides returned the conquered territories
demise of the Vijaynagar kingdom. It, however, and British promised Hyder Ali help in case of
remained relatively small and unimportant until attack, though they never fulfilled this term.
Hyder Ali came to the helm. When Carnatic was
having continuous wars, Bengal was facing British had long standing enmity with French. As
political instability, the circumstance were ripe French decided to take revenge from British of
for Mysore to gain prominence. Hyder Ali was their defeat in Seven Years War and jumped
born in 1721 in a small family who started his into the American War of Independence on the
military career in the army of Nanjaraj and side of the revolutionaries, British decided to
gained experience during Anglo-French wars. pack their luggage from India. They occupied
Though Hyder Lai was illiterate, he was very Mahe, a French settlement lying within the
shrewd, determined, intelligent and courageous Jurisdiction of Hyder Ali. Mahe was a seaport
as well as a good commander. He increased his that was very significant for Hyder Ali to
resources and in 1761 after overthrowing maintain contact with the outside world. Its
Nanjaraj, he became unchallengeable ruler of occupation was as signal from the company that
Mysore. Right from his accession to power, he they were not in a friendly mood. Therefore,
pursued an aggressive policy marked by Hyder Ali made alliance with Marathas and also
occupation of territories that made Mysore a join Nizam’s organized confederacy. The war
decisive power of India under Hyder Ali. But it began in 1780. At the very onset, Hyder Ali got
invited jealousy of English, Marathas and Nizam some success and became master of Carnatic in
who became enemies of Hyder Ali. They made a short span but then Warren Hasting started
an alliance against him. However, defeat of reorganization and sent Sir Eyre Coote. The war
continued without any ultimate outcome. that was to pay annual subsidy to the company.
Hyder Ali died in 1782 but his son Tipu Sultan With the fall of Mysore the last stumbling block
continued the war. French had also jumped into in the way of the consolidation of British Empire
the arena but when peace in Europe was in India was also removed.
realized they withdrew from Mysore war as
well. However, the war went ahead for Annexation of the Punjab
sometime but ultimately it was concluded with
Raja Ranjit Singh established an independent
the Mangalore treaty in March 1784. Both sides
Sikh kingdom in Punjab. But after his death in
agreed to handover the conquered territories.
1839, the political turmoil and instability that
However, the treaty of Manglore proved a mere visited Lahore watered the British appetite to
truce. Tipu Sultan had allied himself with French expand into the Punjab. In the absence of any
and when relation between England and France capable leadership, a situation existed that was
plummeted in European continental affairs, war highly vulnerable to interference from outside.
in India also became imminent. So when Lord As a result, two Anglo-Sikh wars were fought
Corniwallis, Governor General of India, acquired that sealed the fate of Sikh empire in the
Guntum and issued a list of allies which Punjab. Though very patriotic but less
excluded Tipu Sultan, war appeared not far disciplined Sikh army could not withstand the
away. Tipu Sultan had smelt the war. Third onslaught of the British, the Punjab fell into the
Mysor war erupted in December 1789 with his British hands and was annexed into the British
invasion of Travancore. This war continued for empire in India. This annexation was not an
three years and finally came to an end in 1792 isolated event but a sequel in the long chain of
with signing of Treaty of Seringa Patam. The events following the death of Raja Ranjit Singh.
treaty cost Tipu Sultan half of his kingdom It was, however, a demonstration of the
which was divided among Marathas, Nizam and deliberate act of wanton aggression on part of
the Company. Tipu Sultan was also forcd to pay the British in India.
heavy indemnity.
Marathas influence in the Punjab diminished to
It was a humiliating treaty that was difficult for a great extent with Ahmad Shah Abdali’s
Tipu Sultan to forget. He started reorganization invasions but those of Sikhs remained strong.
of his armed forces and fortification of the Punjab comprised of 36 areas of which 12 were
capital along with securing alliance with France. the Sikh principalities known as Misl. Ranjit
New Governor General made alliance with Singh united 22 under his rule while the rest
Nizam and Marathas. He also demanded were recognized as the British protectorates. He
submission of Tipu Sultan that was refused. It concluded the Treaty of Amritsar also known as
resulted in the outbreak of the Fourth Mysore the Treaty of Perpetual Friendship in 1809 with
war. Seringa Patam was besieged in May 1799 the company accepting their right beyond
that ultimately ended with the death of Tipu Sutlej. However, after his death in 1839, the
Sultan. His dominion came under occupation of political instability prevailed in the Punjab and
the British East India Company. Marathas and rapid change of governments was witnessed.
Nizam also secured their share. The new Therefore, the British started looking across the
Maysore became a Company’s protectorate river Sutlej irrespective of the fact that they had
signed the treaty accepting each other’s resident in Lahore aided by a Regency council.
spheres. This gave them an effective control over the
Ranjit Singh’s successors proved incapable to
handle the state affairs. His son Kharak Singh Henery Lawerence became the resident but he
was dethroned after a few months. His fell ill and left for London. He was replaced by
successor Kanwar Nau Nihal Singh also could Sir Frederick Corrie. He adopted a stiff policy
not last long. In 1841, Sher Singh was installed because of which the relations turned quite
but by that time Khalsa , the Sikh army, had strained. As a result, the second Anglo-Sikh war
ballooned and had also multiplied its influence. broke out. Sher Singh revolted at Multan on
Sher Singh could not go well with Khalsa. He September 14, 1848. The Sikhs repelled a British
was murdered by an army officer. After that, attack in the battle of Ramnagar. The war
Jind Kaur, the youngest widow of Ranjit Singh, continued for sometime but the final battle
became regent of her son Duleep Singh. Her took place at Gujrat where the Sikhs were
brother, Jawaher Singh, became Vazir but he utterly defeated and their power was razed to
was also murdered in September during an ground. On March 30, Daleep Singh held his
army parade. Jind Kaur vowed publically to take court for the last time at Lahore at which he
revenge of her brother’s death. signed away all claim to the rule of the Punjab.
In this way annexation of the Punjab was
These unstable conditions encouraged the accomplished.
British to take advantage. They enhanced their
military presence on the other bank of Sutlej Causes of War of Independence
and also annexed Sind in 1843. As the tension
grew, their diplomatic relations were also There were many causes of the War of
broken. The company started moving towards Independence of 1857. They can be divided into
Ferozpur that was followed by Sikhs crossing political, religious, military, economic and social
the Sutlej in December 1845. An encounter took causes. The East India Company was aiming to
place at Ferozpur where the Sikh army was annex all the states of India like Avadh, Tanjore,
routed completely though they demonstrated Jhansi, Satara, etc. That’s why they introduced
great courage and bravery. The treaty of Lahore systems like Doctrine of Lapse by which Indian
was signed in March 1846. The Sikh had to states could be taken over by the Company in
surrender huge territories and an indemnity of case there was no male heir to the throne of
15 mn rupees. Failing to pay this heavy amount the state. This provoked the rulers like Nana
was to be compensated by cessation of Kashnir, Sahib, the adopted son of Peshwa and Lakshmi
Hazara, and some other places between Indus Bai, the Rani of Jhansi. The Company also
and Beas to the company. Daleep Singh was to declared that after the death of the then
continue as the ruler of the Punjab and her Mughal emperor, Bahadur Shah Zafar, his family
mother as the regent. However, at request of had to move out of the Red Fort and his
the council the company officials signed successors were also forbidden to use the title
another treaty known as the Treaty of Bhyroval. of emperor. All these attempts alienated both
This treaty provided the maharani a pension of Hindu and Muslim Indians who realized that the
150000 but she was to be replaced by a British
White men were intending to devour their also the Hindus would be appointed on all
lands. important positions but by the English the
Muslims and the Hindus both were deemed as
The people of India at that time were highly untrustworthy and consequently all the higher
concerned about their religion and religious posts were held by the White men. The natives
rites. For them the most sacred thing was their were either turned jobless or appointed on
faith. But when they realized that the Company lower levels of the state departments. The East
was promoting Christianity in their land they India Company that was eager to amass wealth
became furious. In fact the Christian out of the trade considered India no more than
missionaries all over India were being a field of producing raw materials for the
patronized by the British government and in industries of England. The subsidiary system
1855 the priests like E. Edmund professed that with additional taxes even on uncultivated lands
the whole of India should be under one religion, added fuel to the fire and economically
i.e., Christianity. Similarly the introduction of devastated the common Indians.
some social laws added fuel to fire. For
instance, the English government banned Satti In addition to these reasons there was an
(Hindu practice of burning the widow along immediate cause that coerced the Indians to go
with the dead body of her husband), and for war. In the words of Lord Canning, Lawrence
allowed the widows to remarry. Such and Syed Ahmed Khan it was, indeed, the most
legislations badly hurt the feelings of Hindus. In significant cause. For a new Enfield rifle
the military setup they introduced some introduced in the early period of 1857 the
regulations that injured religious sentiments of cartridges were covered with some animal fat
the Indians. For example, under the military that was supposed to be either of cow or a
rules the Indian soldiers were forbidden to have boar. Before using these cartridges they were to
beards or wear turbans or put tilaks on their be cut by teeth. Since the cows were sacred for
foreheads. These regulations made Indians the Hindus and pigs were haram for the
realize that their faiths were in jeopardy. Muslims both of them refused to carry such
rifles. But their English officers used force that
Whenever the English annexed any state of offended the Hindus and Muslims alike and thus
India into their domain they dismantled its army all these causes instigated the war in India to
and disemployed the local soldiers. Thus after which we call the War of Independence 1857.
having been enslaved the second shock the
local soldiers had to bear was unemployment War Of Independence (1857)
that made them despise the foreign invader.
Besides, the English invariably maintained The War of Independence is an important
discrimination between their soldiers and the landmark in the history of Sub-Continent. This
Indian soldiers in respect of salaries and fringe War was fought in 1857 by Indians against the
benefits with the result that the disheartened British in order to get rid of their domination. It
soldiers made up their minds to fight against is also given names as Indian Rebellion, Indian
the English. Mutiny as well as Indian Revolt. The main
causes of the War were political, social,
There were economic causes as well. During the economical, military and religious. It was an
rule of the Mughals, not only the Muslims but
extreme effort made by Indians, but they failed force commanded by John Nicholson. After a
due to certain reasons including mutual long siege of four months, the British recovered
jealousies, disunity, and lack of central Delhi in September 1857 A.D. The Mughal
leadership etc. Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar was captured, his
two sons and a grandson were shot dead before
This war was not spread throughout India but it his eyes and he was sent to Rangoon where he
was limited to few areas mainly Meerut, Delhi, died in the year 1862 A. D.
Kanpur, Lucknow etc. The main event which
became the immediate cause of the war was Kanpur
the refusal of the Sepoys to use the grease
At Kanpur the struggle for Independence was
covered cartridges (greased with fat of pig and
cow) on January 23, 1857. At the same time, an led by Nana Sahib Dondu Pant (The adopted son
of Peshwa Baji Rao II). A number of British fell
Indian sepoy killed two British officers at
Barrackpore, when he was forced to use into his hands and he showed great kindness to
them. But when he heard about inhuman
greased cartridges. He was arrested and hanged
to death on April 8, 1857. This news spread as attitude of Gen. O’Neil towards Indians, he
became very furious and killed all the British.
fast as jungle fire.
General Havelock captured Kanpur after
Meerut defeating Nana Sahib in a hotly contested battle
on June 17, 1857. Later on Nana Sahib, with the
On 6th May, 1857 A.D. 85 out of 90 Indian help of Tantya Topi, recaptured Kanpur in
soldiers at Meerut refused to bite the greased November, 1857 but not for a long time and
cartridges with their teeth. These 85 soldiers British defeated them once again in a fierce war
were court-martialled and imprisoned for 10 from December 1 to 6, 1857. Nana Sahib fled
years. They were stripped off their uniforms in towards Nepal, where he probably died, while
the presence of the entire Indian crowd. It was Tantya Tope migrated to Kalpi.
too much of a disgrace and this incident sent a
wave of indignation. On 10th May 1857, the Lucknow
Indian soldiers at Meerut broke into open
revolt. They released their companions and The struggle for independence at Lucknow was
led by Nawab, Wajid Ali Shah. The Chief
murdered a few European officers. On the night
of 10th May the mutineers marched to Delhi Commissioner, Sir Henry Lawrence, sought
refuge with 1000 English and 700 Indian
and reached there on 11th May.
soldiers inside the Residency. The Indians did
Delhi not make any concession and killed most of the
Englishmen, including Sir Henry Lawrence and
The revolutionaries reached from Meerut to the notorious English General O’Neil. At last,
Delhi on 11th May, 1857 and the small British the Commander-in-Chief General Collin
garrison at Delhi was not able to resist and Campbell, marched towards Lucknow and
consequently fell into their hands within 2 days. captured it after a fierce battle in March 1858.
The Mughal Emperor, Bahadur Shah Zafar, was
proclaimed Emperor of India. In order to regain Jhansi and Gwalior
Delhi, Sir John Lawrence sent a strong British
The leader of the revolutionaries in Central and Rajputana remained unaffected. It was
India was Rani Laxmi Bai of Jhansi. General Sir admittedly a great and courageous effort by
Huge Rose attacked Jhansi in March 1858 but patriotic Indians to get rid of the foreign
the brave Rani Laxmi Bai kept the British domination. It was a glorious landmark in our
General unnerved for quite some time. She with history in as much as Hindus and Muslims
the help of Tantya Tope created problems for fought shoulder to shoulder to win back their
the British troops. Both fought many successful lost independence. One cannot but admire the
battles against the British. A fierce battle was patriotic spirit of boatmen of Lucknow who
fought between the British and the refused to carry British soldiers across the river.
revolutionaries under Rani Laxmi Bai and Tantya The sepoys and the people fought gallantly up
Tope from June 11 to June 1 8, 1 858 A. D. But to the very end. Though the revolt was
the personal velour of Rani and Tantya Tope unsuccessful, the spirit of the people remained
could not match the resources at the command unshaken. The revolt left an impression on the
of the British. Tantya Tope was betrayed by the minds of the Indian people and thus paved the
Gwalior Chief Man Singh and fell into the hands way for the rise of a strong national movement.
of the British. He was subsequently hanged on
April 18, 1859. Causes of the Failure of the War of
The majority of the Indian nationals fought
In Bihar, the Revolt was led by Kunwar Singh, a
bravely against the rule of the foreigner but
zamindar of Jagdishpur. Though he was eighty
failed in their bold attempts to overthrow the
years old, he played a prominent part in the
British Raj. The causes of this failure are many
revolt. He fought the British in Bihar and then
but the important ones are discussed as below.
joined Nana Sahib’s forces and took part in
various encounters with the English in Oudh The foremost cause was the sudden start of the
and Central India. He died on April 27, 1858, war in confusion, without any preparation or
leaving behind a glorious record of valour and proper planning. Secondly since there was an
bravery. extreme lack of communication and
coordination among various groups of freedom
fighters who started their uprising according to
Most of the European historians have pointed their own wishes, it became easy for the English
out that it was a revolt of Indian soldiers who troops to curb the revolt of different areas on
were offended at the use of greased cartridges. by one.
In their opinion, the discontented sepoys were
Thirdly there was no experienced leader among
incited by the landlords and the deposed native
them to lead the Indian soldiers. They had
princes and the people of India were not
declared Mughal Emperor, Bahadur Shah Zafar,
directly involved in this rebellion. They further
their leader but instead of warfare he was
assert that it was not a national war of
devoted to poetry and was too old and
independence, in as much as the revolt was
incompetent to lead the revolutionaries. The
confined to a particular region and not to the
British troops, on the other hand, were
whole of India; large areas like the Punjab, Sind
endowed with extremely competent generals Frontier Province there were certain feudal
like Edwards and Lawrence. lords like the Wali of Swat displayed their
allegiance to the alien rulers. Even in the Indian
Fourthly, English troops were modern and army there were some traitors like Moulvi Rajab
strikingly advanced not only in warfare but also Ali and Mirza Elahi Baksh who were honored
in new ways of swift and speedy and awarded with affluence for providing
communication. They did not have to cross long information to he Crown about whereabouts of
roads and grounds to deliver a message or the Indian Emperor.
order but could simply wire it with a few
minutes. The Indians on the other hand were Aftermath of the War of
devoid of such means. That’s why they utterly
fell behind and got defeated.
The aftermath of the war of independence, The
Fifthly, the English had full command on waters
Indians suffered a disappointing and
due to their advanced navy they got
discouraging defeat while a glorious victory for
enforcement from their Crimean fronts to
the White men prolonged their rule. For the
counter Indian aggression without any delay.
subjugated Indians repercussions were rather
Being equipped with modern weapons
more severe. The Mughal rule came to an end
especially Enfield rifles they could hunt down
with the dethroning of the last Mughal Emperor
Indians who were still fighting with their sticks,
Bahadur Shah Zafar. He was arrested during the
swords and daggers to fight their highly
course of the war and sent to Rangoon, Burma
powerful opponents.
where he was sentenced to life imprisonment.
The economic conditions of Indian troops also His family members including twenty-four
entailed an obvious cause of their defeat. On princes were nastily executed by the soldiers of
the one hand the war started out of the East India Company. The second upshot was
awkwardness, mismanagement and lack of windup of the control and command of the East
planning and even the emperor was practically Indian Company in India. The British Charter of
penniless who was asking for loans from Delhi 1852 stated that the government of India was
landlords but they were determined to save entrusted to the Company by the English crown.
their money, not their freedom. The British And since the war had left the impression that
troops, on the other hand, had been wealthy the Company was no longer capable of keeping
because the prosperous regions of India were it safe, the government of India was personally
totally under their control. taken over by the Queen of England who would
appoint a Viceroy in India to represent the
Another major reason was the treachery of crown. The Board of Directors and the Board of
Sikhs who had been grudgingly fighting against Control of the Company were dissolved and
Muslims for a long time. The East India instead a council of fifteen members was
Company took advantage of their feeling of appointed with Secretary of State for India as its
antipathy and aroused them towards their own head.
countrymen. Sikh states like Patiyala and Jind
helped the English troops in crushing the native Another point the crown had realized was the
disturbance in Punjab. In the North-West obvious mistrust between the Company and the
local landlords. The unlawful and corrupt nineteenth century India witnessed the rise of
activities of the Company in capturing all the nationalism giving rise to two-nation theory
land of India and its resources had enraged the that ultimately resulted in the partition of India
lords of India who collaborated with the and creation of Pakistan.
revolutionaries. Thus contrary to the policy of
the East India Company the crown tried to Aligarh Movement
develop a relationship of trust and confidence
During the second half of the 19th century
with the Indian masses. It was assured that
Muslim history of the Sub-continent, Aligarh
England was no longer interested in capturing
Movement is very famous. It was primarily just
the Indian land anymore and that in the future
an educational movement but its other
all the agreements singed with the Indian lords
contributions for the Muslims of India cannot
would be duly acknowledged. The heirless
be denied. It started with the efforts of Sir Syed
rulers were also given free hand to adopt males
Ahmed Khan who was not only its founder but
as their successors. The motive was to
its heart and soul. And the contributions of
eventually gain their trust and support.
Aligarh Movement were closely linked with the
The crown believed that primarily the Muslims activities of Sir Syed.
had initiated the revolt against the British rule.
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan being the member of the
For that reason they put all the blame on the
British government in India was aware that the
Indian Muslims and took most of the revenge
Muslims were termed the prime instigator of
from them. Most of the Muslims in the
the War of Independence 1857. In that situation
government services were dismissed. Except
it would be unwise for the Muslims to play
the betrayers all the Muslims were ruthlessly
politics. He believed that only with the gaining
looted and killed. The aim was to divest the
of the modern western education could the
Muslim community of their political rights. The
Muslims of India survive the wrath of their
Muslims in repulsion also utterly disgusted the
English masters. Thus in order to help his fellow
British and rejected not only the White people
Muslims he tried to put their concentration on
but also all the new things that were introduced
modern education and for that reason in 1875
by them. In the long run that proved to be a
at Aligarh he laid the foundations of
devastating trend that made the Muslims
Mohammadan Anglo-Oriental School that later
absolutely depressing, desolate and dismal
became a college in 1877. But since the
community mainly because they kept
formation of a college was not enough for the
themselves quite aloof from the modern
Muslims of the whole of the Sub-continent, Sir
education and thus remained awkwardly
Syed founded Mohammadan Educational
uneducated and unfortunately backward. The
Conference in 1886. Meetings of this
Hindus on the other hand joined hands with the
conference were held in different cities but in
new government and became well-educated
these meetings different issues regarding
and prosperous. This also caused a permanent
Muslims were also discussed along with the
rift in the Hindu-Muslim unity since the Muslims
educational ones.
thought that although Hindus fought with them
but it was only the Muslims who were paying At the start of its career the Aligarh Movement
the price. Eventually the second half of the was inclined towards the British government
because its intentions were to keep good aggression and they remained successful in
relations between the Muslims and the White keeping Urdu alive.
men for according to Sir Syed it was beneficial
It is said that Aligarh Movement also promoted
for the Muslims. For the same reason he
appointed the English on significant positions. and spread the Two-Nation Theory. During the
course of the Urdu-Hindi controversy, Sir Syed
But with the passage of time this influence
started to decrease. As a result of this had realized that it would no longer be possible
for the Muslims to keep themselves united with
movement and with the policy of Sir Syed a
group of people appeared, educated at Aligarh, their Hindu Indians and thus he changed his
policy and primarily focused on Muslim Indians.
who seemed faithful to the English government
in India and thus the English in return started His successors followed this attitude. The credit
goes to the formation of Simla Deputation in
adopting positive attitude towards the Indian
Muslims and supported their efforts, 1906 and the foundation of All India Muslim
League later in the same year also rests with the
educational in particular.
Aligarh Movement. As we all know that the
Being the protagonist Muslim school of modern AIML was the cause of the formation of
education, Aligarh inspired many other Pakistan and the division of India, we can say
institutions in India. The connection with the that Pakistan owes its freedom to Aligarh
modern world and modern learning led to many Movement. Similarly leading freedom fighters
benefits for the Muslims of India. The modern like Mohammad Ali Johar, Maulana Zafar Ali
educated Muslims now had the eligibility to Khan and Maulana Shaukat Ali etc. were old
apply to all sorts of governmental jobs even ICS students of Aligarh. The then students of
and being educated and well aware of their Aligarh formed All Indian Muslim Students
social and political rights now the Muslims Federation to unite Muslims under the AIML’s
started demanding for due share in flag. Aligarh also played the major role in
employment along with other communities of organizing Pakistan conferences in India. The
India. The resulting inclusion in jobs led to their Ailgarh Old Boys Association spread the Muslim
financial improvement and now the Muslim League message of independence in the
trading companies started emerging and provinces of North-West and Baluchistan. So
developing along with their Hindu counterparts. the little high school founded in 1875 at Aligarh
by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan became a full fledged
One of the major contributions of Aligarh movement and led to the formation of an
Movement was the defense of Urdu language. independent state on the map of the world.
Urdu emerged as a full fledged language during
the rule of the Muslims in India and it had all Government of India Act 1858
the effects of Islam and Islamic history. Thus it
was the representative of Muslims and Hindus The War of Independence 1857 was an event of
tried to replace it with their own Hindi great importance in the history of the Indian
language. During the lifetime of Sir Syed and sub-continent. After this war the British policy
even after his death his successors from the towards Indians changed drastically, especially
Aligarh platform tried to counter the anti-Urdu as far as constitutional development was
concerned. For the purpose of addressing the
grievances of the Indian population a new Act According to this Act the Secretary of State for
was introduced in India by the Crown in 1858. Indian Affairs was given extensive powers. He
The Act was passed by the British Parliament on was not answerable to anyone. He could do
2nd August 1858. The main Provisions of the whatever he wants to do. Neither Parliament
Act of 1858 were as follows: nor Indian Council could bind him for taking any
action; both of these institutions were not given
1. The rule of British East India Company was the power to put limits on his extensive powers.
abolished and the Government of India was Moreover the promises that were made by
directly taken over by the Crown with Queen Queen Victoria were never fulfilled by her. The
Victoria as the supreme monarch. Indian people were not given their due rights
2. The Crown was empowered to appoint a that were promised to them under this Act.
Governor-General and the Governors of the
Government of India Act 1861
The Indian Councils Act 1861 was introduced
3. The Court of Directors and the Board of
because the British Government wanted to
Control were abolished and their place was
involve the Indian people with the process of
taken over by the Secretary of State for Indian
law making. This Act was passed on 1st August
Affairs and the India Council.
1861. Its main provisions were as under:
4. Extensive powers were given to the Secretary
1. The Executive Council of the Governor
of State for Indian Affairs and the Indian Council
General was extended. It was decided the
consisted of 15 members. The Council was
members of his council should not be less than
made to assist him but only had an advisory
6 and no more than 12 in number. These
members were called the Additional Members
5. The people of India were promised their of the Executive Council, and were not given
rights by Queen Victoria under this Act. any significant power with regards to
Complete freedom of religion was ensured and
gradual participation in the administration of 2. Governor General was empowered to
the country was also proclaimed. nominate the Additional Members for a period
of 2 years and half of the members must be
6. Pardon was given to all the Indians except non-official.
those who had killed British people.
3. It was decided that from now Commander-in-
The Act said that the princes of the states could chief would be appointed as an extraordinary
retain their former status and all agreements member of the Executive Council.
with the princes will be honoured.
4. Any bill and regulation passed by the
7. Doctrine of Lapse was discarded under this Provincial Council could not become law until
Act. and unless Governors and the Governor
General gave their assent for the bill and
Under this Act the Governor General was But there were not only Muslims that spoke or
empowered to issue ordinances. used Urdu but all the communities in India
joined hands for the promulgation and
5. Limited powers of legislation were given to development of that new language. It was not
the Presidencies of Bengal and Madras and the only used as an everyday language but a large
Governor General was empowered to create number of literary works appeared in Urdu in all
similar councils for the provinces of Frontier the regions of the sub-continent primarily
and the Punjab. Deccan, Lucknow, Maisur, Delhi etc. Thus,
The biggest drawback of the Act was regarding almost the whole of India contributed to the
the selection and the role of the Additional flourishing of Urdu. Due to these combined
Members. These members did not take part in efforts when in 1837, Persian was replaced by
the discussions and their role was only advisory. Urdu as the court and state language, no one
The non-official members of the Executive objected to that.
Council were not interested in attending the With the fall of the Mughal Empire, Hindus,
meetings of the Council, moreover, under this however, started looking at Urdu as the
Act they were not bound to attend them either. language of the invaders. The British on the
The Indian members were not eligible to other hand, in their disregard for Muslims
oppose any bill and most often the bills were adopted the same attitude. Thus both
passed in one sitting without discussion. intentionally started their efforts in order to get
rid of the language of the Muslims. In this
Urdu-Hindi Controversy (1867)
regard names of Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Raja
The Urdu language was born in India. India was Shiv Parshad, Lakshman Singh, Haresh Chandra
considered to be a golden sparrow in terms of and Binkam Chatterji etc. among many others
its fertile land and man power. That’s why lots are well known. The first effort was made at the
of invaders came to occupy it for different start of the nineteenth century when a new
purposes. It so happened that when these language was formed with the name Hindi in
different people from different regions of the which words of pure Arabic, Persian and Turkish
world came to India they brought with them, were removed and replaced by Sanskrit words.
among other things, their language as well. In that regard in 1809 a Hindu wrote a novel in
People like Arabs, Persians and Turks etc. when that very Hindi with the title “Prem Sagar” but
mingled with the native people they exchanged since it was not a full fledged effort, soon that
many words of their languages and thus with language went into oblivion. However, after the
this mingling, a new language emerged which War of Independence 1857 when the British
was termed Urdu, meaning the “language of the Crown’s wrath fell upon the Muslims, the
troops.” Since it was formed by the invaders of Hindus considered it to be a ripe moment to get
the Muslim world and emerged during the rule rid of Urdu and replace it with their own
of the Mughals in India, it was termed as the language – Hindi.
language of the Muslims and that is why initially
The combined organized effort started in the
it was called Musalmani.
second half of the nineteenth century. In 1867
the Hindus of Banaras presented a request to
their government regarding the replacement of considered to be the home of Urdu language.
Urdu with Hindi and its Persian script with that He issued orders and declared Hindi the official
of Devnagri script. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan at that language of the province. Sir Syed’s successors
demand remarked that when even the language at Aligarh, mainly Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk, the
of a nation is not safe at the hands of other then Secretary of the Aligarh Trust, took action
nations in a region, it would be unwise to against MacDonnel’s act. He called for a popular
continue living with them. So Sir Syed, who was gathering of the supporters of Urdu at Aligarh
in fact a great advocate of Hindu-Muslim unity and openly condemned governor’s work. He
prior to that incident, started focusing on the also founded Urdu Defense Association and it
cause of Muslims alone. His Scientific Society was decided that the association would take
Gazette presented articles on the importance of actions against the doings of the governor. At
Urdu. Similarly, some Muslim newspapers like that MacDonnel got angry and threatened
Noor-ul-Absar and Banaras Gazette also took Mohsin-ul-Mulk that if he’ll continue his
the responsibility to safeguard their language. aggression against the doings of the
government MacDonnel will see to it that
The anti-Urdu process continued when in 1871 Aligarh would cease to get government grants.
the Lt. Governor of Bengal G. Cambell banned As the grants were necessary for the institution
Urdu in the province at all levels, courts, and Mohsin-ul-Mulk could not part himself from
administration and even schools. This boosted the defense of Urdu, in order to save
up Hindus in other regions like NWFP, Punjab, AligarhCollege he resigned. But since he was
Behar, U.P, Sindh, and Oudh etc. to counter dearly beloved to all of his colleagues and
Urdu there. Meetings were held of the Hindus students he was forced to take back his
in which thousands of them signed memorials resignation. But that did not stop him from
supporting the cause of elimination of Urdu. In defending Urdu and continued his efforts. The
1882 during the visit of Hunter Commission, a result of this Muslim response Urdu too along
commission formed by the English government with Hindi was declared the official language of
to analyze the spread of modern English the province. But Mohsin-ul-Mulk was not
education in India, Hindu organizations again satisfied with this outcome and continued his
tried to attack Urdu. They held meetings with its struggle. When UP got rid of MacDonnel, he
chairman, Dr. Hunter and tried to force him to founded another association called Anjuman-e-
admit Urdu as the foreign language and to Tarraqi-e-Urdu to counter all future attempts of
promulgate Hindi, the native language, for the Hindus and the English against Urdu.
educational purposes. But in this mission they
remained unsuccessful due to the constant This love and passion for Urdu by the Muslims
efforts of Sir Syed and his comrads. of India inclined the founders of Pakistan to
adopt her as the national language of the new
The circumstances became even more hard for born country. They believed that it was a sign of
the Muslims and their language when Anthony the Muslim unity, the representation of
MacDonnel became the governor of UP in 1900. Muslims as an independent nation, among
He was a pro-Hindu and thus anti-Muslim. So millions of people of India.
after becoming the governor he dismissed Urdu
as the official language of UP, which was in fact Aligarh Movement
As we know that, after the war of independence an educational program in order to uplift the
the condition of the Muslims of India were very deprived and disappointed Muslims, who had
miserable as the British fell more on the lost their past glory. He took concrete steps for
Muslims than on Hindus. They considered that his education plan. Thus, in 1859, Sir Syed
Muslims were responsible for all the wrongs Ahmad Khan set up a school for Muslims in
and the war held just because of their harsh Muradabad where English, Persian, Islamiat,
and rude behavior. After 1857, the Muslims Arabic, Urdu were compulsory subjects. In
emerged as a backward nation; they were 1862, Sir Syed was transferred from Muradabad
illiterate and hopelessly ignorant in every walk to Ghazipur where he established another
of life. They were deprived of their basic rights school for Muslims, which was known as
and were neglected in every sphere of life. Madrass Ghazipur. Here, also the English,
Nevertheless, they were economically, Arabic, Persian, Urdu and Islamyat were
politically, socially and to be more exact compulsory subjects.
religiously made the subject of ruthless
punishment. They were helpless before the In 1864, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan laid the
foundation of a scientific society at Ghazipur.
British and their combine lobby with Hindus; so,
in these conditions they neither trusted Hindus The purpose of this society was to translate the
English books into Urdu language. But, later on,
nor British, who spared no effort to tortured
Muslims. in 1866, after his transfer to Aligarh, the main
office of the scientific society was also
In such conditions, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan came transferred to Aligarh. In 1866, the scientific
forward and tried to help the Muslims come out society issued a journal named as Aligarh
from such deplorable and miserable conditions. Institute Gazette. This journal was published
He guided the Muslims towards the right path both in Urdu and English languages. The aim of
and attempted to draw out the Muslims from this journal was to wash away the
such helpless condition. He started a movement misconception between Muslims and British
in order to give respectable position to Muslims government and brought them close to each
in society as they had in past, this movement is other.
known as Aligarh Movement. The main focus of
the Aligarh movement was: In order to closely watch the educational
system of England, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
Loyalty to British Government. accompanied his son Syed Mehmud, visited
England in 1869 and stayed there for seventeen
Modern western education for the Muslims to months studying English educational
compete with Hindus. institutions like Oxford and Cambridge
To keep away the Muslims from politics. University. Later, after his return to India, he set
up a committee known as “Committee Striving
Sir Syed realized that this miserable and for Educational Progress of Muslims”. Under
deplorable condition of Muslims was due to the this committee another committee was
lack of modern education. He believed that the established named as “Fund Committee for the
cure of every problem of Muslims was the establishment of a Muslim College” and Sir Syed
modern education. Therefore, he commenced was selected the secretary of the both
committees. For this purpose, Sir Syed toured Sir Syed wrote the philosophical commentary
across the country and collected funds for the on Bible named as “Tabaeen-al-Kalam.” In this
establishment of college. The committee commentary Sir Syed draw out the similarities
decided first for the forming of school as a found between Islam and Chirstianity. He also
model to the people and later to found the wrote “Essay on the life of Muhammad” on the
college. Hence, in 1875, Sir Syed established response to “Life of Muhammad”, written by
Mohammedan Anglo Oriental School at Aligarh. William Muir, in which he had criticized the
In 1877, the school was upgraded to the level of Holy Prophet. Sir Syed also wrote “Anjuman-i-
college which was inaugurated by Lord Lytton. Tariki-i-Urdu” for the protection of Urdu. Sir
The main characteristic of this college was that Syed published another influential magazine
it offered both Western and Eastern educations. named as “Tahzib-ul-Akhlaaq” in which he
Later on, this college was raised to the level of discussed the Muslim society by criticizing the
university, after the death of Sir Syed in 1920. conservative way of living and emphasized on
the new modern way of life.
In 1886, Sir Syed set up an organization which is
known as Mohammedan Educational Sir Syed, although, was the first Muslim
Conference, which presented a twelve point member of Central Legislative Council, but he
programme in western and religious education advised the Muslims to remain apart from
in English and other languages. It aim was to politics unless and until they would get
convey the message of education to the Muslim education. He believed that the cure of Muslim
masses. The Conference held its sessions at problems is only education and unless and until
different towns of the country to know about Muslims get education, they will remain
the educational problems and then tried to backward in every sphere of life. Thus, Sir Syed
solve them. The conference in its meeting did his best, through the Aligarh movement, for
discussed the modern techniques for the the Muslim cause, and took the support of
development and improvement of the standard British by showing loyalty to them and also
of the education. aloof the Muslims from the Indian National
In 1866, Sir Syed established British India
Association at Aligarh. The main purpose of this Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband
organization was to express the grievances and
point of view of Indians to the British Background:
parliament. He also wrote “Loyal
When the Mughals decline started the east
Muhammadans of India” in which he recorded a
India Company emerge as the new political
detailed account of the loyal services of the
power in India. An active campaign of Christian
Muslims which they rendered to the British
missionaries was developing a serious threat to
rulers. In 1870, Sir Syed, after his return from
Islam in India and lastly the western education
England, setup an organization known as
with the patronage of the government had
“Anjuman-i-Taraqi-i-Muslamanan-i-Hind” in
completely ignored the Islamic learnings they
order to impart modern education to the
want to Christianize the whole sub-continent
Muslims of India.
expressing this desire, Mangles, come over the
chairman of the board of the director once
stated in the house of commons in 1857, Mahmud Hassan the pupil, who later to become
“providence has bestowed upon us the empire the school most famous teacher 3. Deoband
of India so that the banner of Christ showed also participated in local politics and made
wave triumphant from one end of India to the Jamiat ulama e hind. Later it was divided into
other1. The missionaries made every possible two parts (1) jamiat ulama e hind (2) Jamiat
effort to spread Christianity. In case, a region ulama e Islam . Jamiat ulama e hind led by
was hit by famine. The orphans were admitted Sheikh ul hadees of deoband maulana Hassan
into orphanage where they were forcibly Ahmed Madani and some other deobandi
converted to Christianity. Such incidents were scholars had opposed the creation of Pakistan,
witnessed in the orphanages of Sikandara on the religion basis by the demand of muslim
during the famine of 1837 2. These intervention league although the real reason of their
in religious affairs compelled the Muslims to opposition was the desire to Islamize all India.
made a madrasa where the basic of religion to They saw nothing Islamic in the idea of Pakistan.
be taught. Interestingly, when inaugurating Pakistan’s
constituent assembly, Jinnah proclaimed
Introduction: Pakistan’s secular ideologies, he was voicing the
The day of Thursday 15th of muharram, A.H established the secular ideological position that
1283 (may 30, 1886) blessed and auspicious day Muslim league had adhered to throughout its
in Islamic history of India when the prominent career 4. Maulana Muhammad Yaqoob was the
Islamic Ulama headed by Maulana Muhammad first principle of this institution that was hired.
Qasim Nanotvi, maulana Rashid ahmed Gangohi The man who made this small Madrasa as a big
and Haji Muhammad Hussain Abid. Basically one, was Maulana Qasim Nanotvi, when he
this idea was given by Haji Muhammad Hussain became the part of this seminary, he instituted
Abid, which brought the today’s most modern methods of fixed and carefully
renowned religious and academic center in the curriculum, teaching in classrooms, exam
Islam[i]ic world. In sub continent it is the largest periods and publishing press. Different faculties
institution for the dissemination and recognized as leaders in their fields to share
propagation of Islam and the biggest head their lectures. Medium languages were Arabic
spring of education in Islamic sciences, known and Urdu. The faculty instructed the student
as “Manqulat” to the Muslims according to the primarily in Urdu. The students were also
Hanafi School of Islamic jurisprudence. At that taught books binding, shoe-making, and
time it was simply called the “Islamic –Arabic tailoring etc to earn in practical life. Maulana
Madrasa” and soon came to be known Mahmud Hassan graduated from Madrasa, later
throughout the world as “ummul-madaris” on he joined the Madrasa for teaching purposes
means the mother of Madrasas. and then became principal of the Madrasa. He
served this institution for twenty three years. In
The seminary was wholly dependent on public which he contributed a lot to the institution. In
contributions mostly in the form of annual his tenure the foreigners joined Daroo ulom for
pledges, not on fixed holdings of “waqf”. The studying. The followers of this school of
first teacher and the first pupil, in coincidence theology often described as followers of the
deemed auspicious, were both named Deobandi school of thought.
Mahmud; Maulana Mahmud the teacher and In 1893, Daroul Iftah was established under the
supervision of mufti Aziz Ur Rehman to provide seminaries around the world such as darul
religious, social and economical guidance to the uloom sabeel us salam in Hyderabad, India,
Muslims. Its main work was translation of Madrasa Ina’amia camperdown near Durban in
Quran,one translation was done by Mahmud south Africa and three seminaries in Pakistan,
Hassan. Darul uloom Karachi, jamia ashraifiya Lahore,
jaimia zia ul quraan(Almaroof baghwali masjid)
Pattern of Education Faisalabad.
Deoband’s curriculum is based on 17th century Recent development of darul uloom deoband:
Indo-Islamic syllabus known as Darse nizami.
The core curriculum teaches Islamic law Darul uloom has expanded its activities and
( Shariah), Islamic jurisprudence( Fiqah), started new departments during the last
traditional Islamic spirituality( tasawuf). decades in view of great challenge from the
Ahmadia movement (Qadyanism). Darul uloom
The current syllabus consists of four stages, the convinced the all India Tahafuz khatm e
first three stages can be completed in a total of Nabuwat conference and established a special
eight years, and the final stage is post graduate department of refute Qadiyanism. It started
stage where students specialize in a number of sheikh Ul hind academy for publishing books
advanced topics, such as the sciences of and training students in Urdu journalism. In
hadees, fiqah and so on. 1996 the computer department was opened
Aims and objectives: later, internet department also added. It also
introduced two years full time diploma in
Providing comprehensive information to the English language and literature for students
Muslims about their religion and making wishing to pursue higher education in
arrangements for teaching of Quraan, Tafseer, universities.
Hadees, etc.
Anjuman Himayat-i-Islam (1884)
Invoking the spirit of Islam among the students.
The Punjab, which during period of Ghaznavi
Propagation and teaching of Islam. was known for its educational institutions,
Preserving the freedom of thoughts and became extremely backward by the end of
knowledge. nineteenth century educationally. This was
because in 1849, the English brought to an end
Establishment of Arabic institution for the the Sikh rule over the Punjab, annexed it and
propagation of Islam. brought western educational system and
established number of schools, colleges in
Impacts of Darul uloom Deoband:
Lahore. Due to the certain valid reasons the
Many Islamic schools in India, Pakistan, Muslim did not benefit from these institutions
Bangladesh, Afghanistan, United Kingdom, and went on to decline educationally. In 1883, a
South Africa and other parts of the world are Sayyed lady along with her three children
theologically linked to Darul uloom Deoband. converted to Christianity. This accident was a
Deobandi graduates established many serious challenge to Muslims. But although she
re-embarrassed Islam later, yet the whole
incident was shocking enough to open the eyes the year 1885, the number of Anjuman’s
of Muslims of the Punjab. In order to face these members increased from 200 to 600. Another
kinds of situations, Maulana Qazi Hamid-ud-Din sources of income for the Anjuman was the
invited a number of public-spirited persons to a money from sales of the books. Molvi Dastgeen
small gathering and set up the Anjuman wrote a pamphlet in defence of the Holy Quran
Himayat-i-Islam in September 1884. In the and donated it to the Anjuman, similarly Sayyed
beginning of new Anjuman arrange the group of Muhammad Hussain donated 300 books, which
religious orators those who to was villages of were sold for Rs.975. The rulers of different
the Punjab in prepared the poisonous states also made genius contributions.
propaganda of the Christian missionaries. Some
of these committed and preachers were, Molvi The Anjuman started educational activities with
primary school in a house with a rent Rs.2.5
Sayyed Ahmed Ali, Munshi Shams-ud-din,
Molana Abdul Majid Dehlvi, Muhammad monthly. It gave importance for the
establishment of the female’s schools and
Mubarak. They were spread throughout the
province and rendered valuable service and opened a few in the first two years. In 1886, a
boy’s boarding school with accommodation for
influence of Christian missionaries and to
preach and propagate Islamic teaching. the students was established. The school was
shifted to the large Havili of Sikander Khan.
The Anjuman was set up to achieve the Gradually and slowly in 1887, it was upgraded
following aims and objectives: to the middle school.

1. Providing for the religious and general Taking full advantage of the weakness of the
education for male and female for Muslims Muslims, Muslims children were converted to
students. Christianity by Christian missionaries. The
Anjuman tried its best to awaken the Muslim
2. Protection and propagation of Islamic values community. The Anjuman also established Dar
against the Christian missionaries and Hindu ul Aman and Dar ul Shafyat, for the helpless
revivalists. Muslims children and needy widows.
3. To counteract the propaganda against Islam The Anjuman render laudable services, its
through speeches and publications. monthly journal Himayat-i-Islam was started in
Qazi Hameed ud din was elected the first 1885, it became a weekly in 1926. On the other
president of Anjuman’s and Ghulam Ullah hand the large number of books on History,
Qasuri as the first secretary. For the fulfillment Civilization, Culture and biography on life of the
of its objectives, the Anjuman started its Holy Prophet (S.A.W) were published by the
operations from a scratch. Its workers would Anjuman.
take utensils to the houses in which the women Concluding, we can say Anjuman Himayat-i-
would put a hand full of flour daily. In the first Islam was really a great institution; its motive
year, the Anjuman’s income was Rs.754 and the was to save Islam for Muslims community. It
expenditures were Rs.344. Due to the efforts of tried to provide education for the Muslims of
the workers, people began participating in the the sub-continent. This institution had a great
objectives of the Anjuman eagerly heartedly. In impact on the Muslim community. The Anjuman
had its own press and published on religious 6. Muslim separation from politics
and literary topics. One important task was
producing a correct text of the Holy Quran. 7. Establishment of a grand educational
institution to impart all sorts of education both,
Nadva tul Ulema religious and secular

In the second half of the nineteenth century Later this educational movement expanded
many educational institutions were founded to itself and in 1898 Nadva-tul-Ulama was
educate the Muslims of India and make them established and its regular classes started
equal in all terms with their Hindu fellow shortly afterwards. Lots of people put their
countrymen. In this regard one of the major contributions in Nadva’s establishment and its
educational institutions was that of Nadva tul successful working by providing it with grants.
Ulama. Two of its predecessors the Aligarh For instance Sir Agha Khan, Amir of Bahawalpur
School and College and Dar-ul-Uloom-i- and Nawab of Bhopal are just a few names to
Deoband were in contrast to each other. Aligarh mention in this regard. However, there were
emphasized on the modern western education, some criticisms as well like the Governor of U.P
fruitful for the Muslims of India while Deoband, Anthony MacDonnel, famous for his
on the other hand, devised to make Muslims a contributions in the Urdu-Hindi controversy on
progressed nation by enhancing their religious the Hindu side, criticized Nadva for being a part
spirit and knowledge of religion. In those of political activity in the province. But after a
circumstances there was a great need of the few years the government too started
emergence of an institution that could deliver patronizing Nadva and government grants were
the two types of education at the same time also issued to it. In 1908 Nadva’s grand building
and at one place. Thus for that purpose Nadva- started constructing and the British government
tul-Ulama was founded in 1894 at Lucknow by of U.P laid its foundations.
Moulvi Abdul Ghaffar, who was working as the
Nadva witnessed the peak of its popularity
deputy collector for the British government of
when Maulana Shibli Naumani joined it in 1904.
Shibli along with Moulvi Abdul Haq set the rules
The objectives of the establishment of the new and regulations for the Nadva that enhanced its
institution were as under: prestige a lot. Before joining Nadva, Shibli was
the faculty member of Aligarh College where he
1. Remove sectarianism among the ranks of the proved himself to be a great scholar and a
Muslims successful teacher. But he had his issues with
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and so he left Aligarh in
2. Elimination of the prevailing extremist
1904. Later, as mentioned earlier, he joined
educational ideas and to make them coherent
Nadva and here again he proved his caliber. He
3. Improvement of the educational syllabus was made the in charge of Nadva and he made
many changes in the syllabus of courses taught
4. Elimination of social evils there. He also made English language as a
compulsory subject at the school. He was the
5. Improvement of all aspects of Muslims’ lives
editor of the magazine of Nadva and he also
established Dar-ul-Musanifin at Azamgarh. But
soon Shibli became unpopular among his staff session held in 1894 there were 118 Hindu
of Nadva because of his excessive pride and members of Congress and only 20 were
rigidity and he had to resign but after his Muslims. The difference of proportion between
resignation Nadva lost its popularity and never the two nations’ representatives can show a
it could achieve the status it used to enjoy great deal of truth about the intentions of the
during the days of Shibli. Congress.

Nadva-tul-Ulama of Lucknow produced famous The chief Muslim leaders in India at that time
scholars like Syed Suleiman Nadvi and Maulana were Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and his Aligarh
Abul Kalam Azad. It also provided freedom comrades who believed that the English
movement of Pakistan with freedom fighters government was accusing Muslims to be the
like Suleiman Nadvi, Abdul Salam Nadvi and real force behind the “mutiny of 1857”.
Masood Alam Nadvi etc. According to Sir Syed, Muslims should stay aloof
from all political matters to give the
Muslims and the Congress government the impression that they were not
concerned with the politics so that they can
After the War of Independence 1857 the English
save themselves from the government’s wrath.
government had realized that their policy to
Attainment of modern western education was
rule by force was no longer beneficial in India.
the focus of the educated sections of Muslim
Thus, they tried to win the support of the Indian
society. The rest of the Muslim population was
people. Several promises were made by the
either too unaware of the current political
government that the Indians will, from now
affairs because of their educational
onward, also be a part of political affairs in their
backwardness or too afraid for their lives.
country and that they will no longer be treated
as mere slave/masses but as citizens. During Congress on the other hand started to become
these circumstances an ex English CSP officer more and more prejudiced against the Muslims.
named Alan Octavian Hume came up with the Hindus, being in majority in the party started
idea of forming a political party, of the Indians using it to achieve their own ends. The Congress
and for the Indians. For that purpose he met during all her life in united India kept claiming
with senior English bureaucrats and with their that it represented all the communities living in
guidance, along with local Indian contribution a India no matter what their faiths were. But the
political party was formed in 1885. It was called reality was quite the opposite. During the last
the All Indian National Congress. Its first decade of the 19th century Congress and its
president was an Indian and Mr. Hume was its policies became excessively biased and violent
first general secretary. On 28th December 1885 toward the Muslims. Extremist Hindus like Tilak,
the first session of the Congress was held with Medan Mohan Malvia, Rash Behari Ghosh and
72 members among whom, 58 were Hindus of Banerjee became its major leaders who
which only 2 were Muslims. This obvious practically took arms against the Muslims, their
difference in the ratio of membership continued faith and practices. Their violent protests
throughout the history of the Congress’s against cow slaughter and division of Bengal are
existence as the only political party in the Indian living proofs of Congress’s pro-Hindu approach.
sub-continent. For instance in the Congress
In spite of all anti-Muslim activities of the representative party of the Indians and their
Congress, some Muslim politicians had stuck refusal to accept Muslims as an independent
their desires with the part because they agreed nation led to the failure of the Lucknow Pact.
with the claim of the Congress that all the Similarly the betrayal of the Congress during the
people living in India were one nation and Khilafat Movement, when the intentional of
Congress planned to keep it that way. Muslim Congress the movement to save the Ottoman
politicians like Maulana Azad, Maulan Caliphate failed in India disillusioned the
Mohammad Ali Johar and even Mohammad Ali Muslims from Congress even more. Soon Jinnah
Jinnah were also in favor of united India and also realized the non-conciliatory intentions of
they believed that in spite of all the newly the Congress and resigned from its
emerging Hindu-Muslim differences there was membership.
still the chance of their unity and that’s why
they remained with the Congress. With the passage of time Muslim League
started becoming a great representative of the
On the Aligarh side, after the death of Sir Syed, aspirations of the Muslims of India and they
his successors like Mohsin-ul-Mulk and Wiqar- started looking towards the League it as their
ul-Mulk perceived that the time for Muslim guardian. So the chances of Congress having the
separation from politics was gone and a new Muslim support as well started to become
era had begun, that demanded a political party bleak. The Congress, however, did not bother
for the Muslims as well. For that reason in 1906 about that much and in 1928 the Nehru Report
All India Muslim League was formed which in from the Congress platform distinctly
contrast to the Congress declared itself to be crystallized the anti-Muslim approach of the
the representative of the Muslims of India alone “political party of the whole of India”. These
who were by all definition a separate nation. differences of opinion on all matters led to the
The formation of Muslim League opened new freedom movement of Pakistan prior to which
doors for Muslim politicians who now had an during the elections of 1937 Congress won the
independent platform of their own to work for majority seats in the legislature and formed
their own good. Still there were some Muslims government in India.
like Jinnah and Johar who believed that the
unity of Hindus and Muslims alone could help Those were terrible times for all Indians except
Hindus of course, and particularly for Muslims.
figure out the solutions of the problems that
India and the Indians were facing. That’s why Congress during its rule did all in its capacity to
work against Muslims and their representative
Jinnah joined Muslim League as well in 1913
when he was still a member of the Congress. He political party Muslim League. Hindu-Muslim
riots were common stories of the day in which
tried to become the bridge between the two
major political parties of India at that time and the Muslims were always accused for
everything. Cow slaughter was banned in many
because of his efforts in 1916, the famous
Lucknow Pact was finalized between the two regions. Congress party song Banday Mataram
was declared the national anthem of India
associations which could create a relationship
of mutual trust but even that attempt proved to which branded all Muslims as outsiders and
traitors and the song suggested the elimination
be futile because of the rigidity of Congress.
Their constant claim to be the only of Muslims by all means. The language
controversy was given a new life during that Muhammadan Anglo Oriental College (M.A.O.
time as well. All these events proved that all College) to Aligarh Muslim University. The
Congress wanted was to destroy Muslims, their Conference also became championing the cause
heritage and to rule them as masters over of Women’s education and gave birth to one of
slaves. That’s why when Congress ministries the oldest and biggest women’s educational
resigned in 1939; Muslims of India celebrated institution, Women’s College of Aligarh. This
Day of Deliverance on 22nd December. The non-political, All India Muslim Educational
Congress doings intensified the feelings of Conference which was started for educational
freedom of the Muslims and though Muslims empowerment of Muslims of India also gave
like Maulana Azad and his party Jamiat-ul- birth to largest Muslim political party “Muslim
Ulema-i-Hind kept themselves on the Congress League”
side and hailed for a united India the majority of
the Indian Muslims followed Muslim League The AIMEC held it inaugral meeting on
December 27,1886 at M.A.O College in the chair
and finally founded an independent country for
themselves called Pakistan in 1947. Moulvi Samiullah Khan. It was attended by 161
delegates from all over. The Inaugural session at
All India Mohammedan Educational Aligarh adopted the following resolutions:

Conference Establishment of “AIMEC” and to hold its annual

session in different parts of the country.
As M.A.O College Aligarh, the greatest dream of
Sayyid Ahmed khan was achieved and this British Government should only take care of
achievement turned the tides for future events. modern and western education. Muslims will
Still he realized that college was unable to fulfill take care of Oriental studies.
educational problems of Muslims of India.
Sayyid Ahmed khan launched All-India Promote publications of journals and special
Muhammedan Educational Congress in 1886, attention should be paid for memorization of
later on changed to “Conference” for Muslims Quran (Hifz-e-Quran)
to provide them a forum through which they
The Head Office of Muslim Educational
could get educational awareness. On contrary
Congress will be at Aligarh.
to the Confrontational Politics of the Indian
National Congress, he wanted co operational The main objectives of the Conference were:
Politics with the British rulers.
To provide a platform for Muslims to get higher
All India Muslim Educational Conference education.
(AIMEC), a Non-political organization which
brought Muslims social and political leaders, To arrange a forum through which religious
intellectuals and distinguished people from all education should be taught in English medium
of walks of life onto one platform for schools of Muslims.
educational empowerment of Muslims of India. To provide a forum for ullama and religious
It transformed the dimensions of Aligarh scholars to encourage diniyat and oriental
Movement and fulfilled the dream of its studies in the schools of Muslims, and support
founder, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan by converting them to take forward religious tasks.
To provide a forum, through which the i) Oriental and religious education should be
declined status of religious institutions should started in Government Schools.
be improved.
ii) Social issues; to curb Non-Islamic and
The annual meetings of AIMEC were regularly heinous traditions from the Muslim society.
held every year in different parts of the country.
iii) An extra effort to put for promotion of
Sir Syed Ahmed acted as the secretary of the
Conference till the time of his death. He himself women’s education.
took care of regularly publishing of conference iv) Demands were made to remove
proceeding every year. derogatory and anti-Islamic contents from
History course books.
The holding of meeting every year under
conference proved a great success for their v) Translation of literary works of different
required results. People from all-India gathered languages into Indian languages.
and sit together, to talk about their problems,
solutions, and suggestions. This was the first vi) The need of women education was felt and
and the only platform for the Muslims where a proposal to start a women education section
they gathered for their united cause. The AIMEC in Muslim Educational Conference was
conference provided a unique platform. accepted. The idea to start girl’s schools is all
the state capitals was initiated. Later, girls’
One branch of conference was anjuman-e- school at Aligarh was established.
tarraqi-e-urdu, in which many important tracts
were published under the conference like vii) Conference also accepted Theodore
‘Musilmanon ki ghuzishta taleem’, ‘Al-jazia’ and proposal regarding education reforms to
few articles like “Kutab Khana Sikanderia”, continue their struggle and effort regarding
“Huqooq-uz-Zimmiyan”, “Muslimanon ki education.
Taraqqi-o-Tanazili kai Asbab”.
As AIMEC was a non political organization, yet
The AIMEC also provided the platform for anything delivered through platform of
Muslims to display their inborn qualities of conference was considered collective demand
people like Moulana Shibli Nomani, Moulana of Muslims. Sayyid Ahmed also delivered his
Altaf Hussain Hali, Mohsin-ul-Mulk and Moulvi first anti-congress speech through this platform.
Nazir Ahmed.They used their hidden talents The first ever political party of the Muslims in
through this platform by delivering speeches the history of India, “The All India Muslim
and poetry to show their desire for education, League” was formed on the platform of this
passion for self respect and national sympathy. conference. AIMEC played very important role
Through this platform greatest contemporary in the life of Muslims to get their rights,
literacy figures were sharpened like Abdul education and later on separate state in the
Kalam Azad. shape of Pakistan.

The conference took the initiative to look after The Indian Councils Act 1892
the matters concerning the Indian Muslims
The Indian Councils Act 1892 was passed by the North-West Frontier Province NWFP is a
Parliament of the United Kingdom. The main province of present day Pakistan. It has recently
provisions of the bills were as under: been renamed as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. This
part of the Sub-continent since the earliest
The number of non-official members was times has been subject to invading activities.
increased, both in Central and Provincial The people of the place, however, have since
legislatures. proved themselves to be very aggressive
The universities, zamindars, municipalities, etc. especially to the people whom they thought
were authorized to recommend members to had come to dominate them. It is said that the
Provincial Councils. This was the introduction of Aryans were the first ones who invaded this
the Principle of Representation. place around 4000 years ago. Later on, the
Persians whp came around in 500 BC. After that
This act allowed the councils to discuss each many arrived here including Greeks, Mauryans,
year’s annual financial statement. Huns and the Guptas etc. and then came the
Muslims. Subuktigin was the first Muslim ruler
The number of the Additional Members of the
who attacked Kabul and drove the natives in the
Governor General Executive Council was raised
present NWFP. With the collaboration of
up to 16.
Muslim invaders and the local Muslim
Under this act two-fifth of the members of the Pushtoons, Islam started to dominate the
council was to be non-official. region. The same Pushtoons then helped the
famous invader of Indian history, Mahmud of
The Additional Members of the Council could Ghazna in his attacks on India. The region was
ask questions of public interest under this Act. under Muslim control until Ranjeet Singh, the
then ruler of the Punjab took advantage of
The numbers of the Additional Members of the
inter-regional clashes of the Pushtoon tribes
provincial councils were also raised, for Bengal
and attacked and captured the area in 1818.
it was 20 and 15 for the Awadh.
In 1849 after the defeat and capture of Punjab
by the English troops the frontier region came
under control of the British Empire. A point to
be noted here, that it was the last region in the
It can be stated that this Act was the cautious Sub-continent that was annexed by the East
extension of the Act of 1861. One of the India Company. Since the aggressive tribes of
drawbacks of the 1892 Act was that it was the frontier were hard to control the Company
impossible for non-official members to express divided it into two parts, the plains were under
any demands against the official bloc. Even after direct rule of the Company with sound
this Act was passed the Government approved administration While, the hard mountainous
many bills regardless of the fact that the Indian parts were termed as independent tribal belt.
Members strongly opposed them. The Company interfered in the affairs of the
belt, with various tactics until on 9th November
NWFP as an Independent Province 1901 during the times of Lord Curzon in India it
(1901) was declared to be a separate province. The
new province included districts like Hazara, demanding equal citizenship rights like the
Peshawar, Kohat, Bannu, and Dera Ismail Khan people of all other provinces of India. Hindus
that were previously part of the province of and other non-Muslims of NWFP were also a
Punjab, and they were attacked to agencies like cause of a lack of reforms for the province. They
Malakand, Khyber, Kurram, North Waziristan, believed that if these reforms will be introduced
and South Waziristan. About 93% of the they will be over shadowed by the 93% of
population of the province was Muslim who Muslim majority. That’s why they preferred for
lived mostly in the countryside, the non- the strong authority of the executive. In this
Muslims’ mostly resided in towns generally of context they tried to reattach the previously
D.I.Khan and Bannu. attached districts of NWFP with the province of
Punjab but that wish of theirs could not be
The formal inauguration was held on Apr 26, fulfilled.
1902 and the new province was placed under
charge of the Chief Commissioner who was However, in order to resolve these issues in
directly responsible to the government of India. 1922 the government made a committee
Lord Curzon had hoped that this creation under formed to look for the reforms controversy
the direct rule of the government would be issue and of re-amalgamation of the districts
beneficial both for the government and for the with the Punjab province. The committee
people of the new province. The government, suggested the establishment of a legislative
however, did its best to keep the public of council for the province and the government in
NWFP away from politics. Because of its 1925 officially rejected the demand for the re-
aggressive attitude the place was termed as amalgamation of NWFP districts with the
“powder magazine”. That’s why the political province of Punjab, but did not introduce the
activities were discouraged there from the very reforms either. So, the demand for the reforms
start. Initially there was a branch of All Indian continued in which All India Muslim League had
National Congress in Peshawar but within three its due share. In 1926, Muslim League council
to four days of its establishment it was banned and Swarajya party presented a resolution in
by the government. The government reforms of the assembly demanding equal reform rights for
1909 and 1919 also for the same reason could the citizens of NWFP. Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum
not be shared with the NWFP because of the Khan, a renowned Pushtoon politician also
uncertain and unsettled conditions of the demanded the same and said if the whole of
province. India was experiencing modern constitutional
reforms why not NWFP which was also a part of
NWFP after its annexation to the British Empire India. All India National Congress also supported
was held under control with the help of special this cause. But the majority of the Hindus of
ordinances because the native Pushtoons kept NWFP came out in the streets and openly
on resisting. But when political awareness criticized the resolution. Still with all the
spread the people of the province started opposition the resolution was passed. On Nov
demanding for the same constitutional reforms 17, 1928 the Simon Commission Committee for
enjoyed by the other citizens of India. This the examination and working of the
unjust treatment affected the political minded constitutional reforms of 1919, came to
people of the province and they started Peshawar where on 19th November a group of
loyalist khans headed by K.B. Ghafoor Khan met look into the reform matter for the province of
the commission and put forward their demand North-West. The committee recommended that
of reforms in their province as well. The Simon the province should be given the status of the
Commission in its report suggested a council governor’s province and suggested the
with equal number of nominated and elected formation of a legislative council for running the
members for NWFP. In this council a special province. After the end of the second Round
arrangement was made for the opposing non- Table Conference on 1st December 1931 NWFP
Muslims minority. These recommendations was given the status of governor’s province and
were criticized by the Muslims. its chief commissioner, Mr. Ralph Griffith was
made its first governor. A legislative council was
In December 1929 at a session of Congress, held also set up with 40 members among which 22
at Lahore, the Khudai Khidmatgar or Red Shirts were to be Muslims. And in this way after a long
representatives attended it. The aim was to get period of struggle the province of North-West
attention of the ruling elite towards NWFP. became an independent province.
Congress promised them to send a commission
to the government demanding rights of reforms Partition of Bengal (1905-1911)
for the province of North-West. The Congress in
1930 started its Civil Disobedience Movement The partition of Bengal was the most important
and demanded full independence of India in event during the rule of Lord Curzon. It was
which Khudai Khidmatgars supported the cause carried out mainly for the convenience of
in return. On Apr 23, 1930 there was this administration. Bengal in those days was the
famous firing on Khudai Khidmatgars protesting biggest province of India extending over 1, 89,
peacefully against the government in the Qissa 000 square miles with a population of 80
Khawani Bazar of Peshawar in which more than million. It was comprising of Bengal, Behar and
200 were killed. A ban as a result was put on Orissa and was under the central of one
the Khidmatgars and marital law was lieutenant Governor. After Lord Curzon took
implemented in the province. The Khudai charge as Governor General of India the
Khidmatgar which was initially a social welfare discussion over the Partition began due to the
organization tried to connect itself with a following issues:
political party in order to put pressure in its
1. Vastness of Province: The Province was
demands to the government. Its first choice was
spread over the area of 1, 89, 000 square miles
the Muslim League but to their disappointment
with the population of 80 million, which was
the League flatly refused. So they affiliated
too vast to be managed by one lieutenant
themselves with the Congress that welcomed it
Governor. He could not make a tour for the
whole heartedly in 1931.
whole province due to its vastness once in his
The first Round Table Conference held in tenure.
London was boycotted by Congress but
2. Limited Sources of Communication: The
Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum Khan went to visit it
sources of communication in the provinces
to put the demand of his people before the
were limited due to rivers and forests. The law
government face to face. During the Conference
and order condition of the provinces was also
session a sub-committee was given the duty to
worst due to insufficient police and in-efficient
management. Therefore the need of partition economically. The Muslims welcomed the
of province was felt severally. Partition of Bengal for the following reasons:

3. Difference of Language: There was also 1. In the majority province of East Bengal
the difference of Languages and civilization of the Muslims would be free from Hindu
the natives of West Bengal and East Bengal. The dominance in economic field. They would get
natives of West Bengal considered themselves opportunities of services and advancement of
superior in civilization to the resident of East agriculture.
Bengal. The Condition demanded for the
division of Provinces. 2. The city of Dacca, where the Muslims
were in majority was the centre of Muslim
4. Need of the time: The division of Bengal culture. In Dacca Muslims had a great chance of
was the need of the time to develop trade in success for social and cultural advancement
East Bengal and to promote the Port of than in Calcutta.
Chittagong, which could be done only by
3. The Partition could result in political
division of the Provinces.
uplift and securing represent action in the
5. Partition: The Partition of Bengal was Government.
thus calculated to restore efficiency in the
Government and administration on one hand 4. The partition of Bengal relieved the
Muslims from competing with Hindus, who
and encouraged local initiatives for progress
and development on the other. Lord Curzon were more advanced in every field of life.
partitioned Bengal and formed two new Hindus Response
provinces of manageable size – East and West
Bengal. East Bengal consisted of Dacca, The Hindus did not accept it, as it dealt a telling
Mamansingh, Assam, Kaula, Rangpur, and Bogra blow to their monopolies and exclusive hold on
district, the Dacca was capital of East Bengal economic, social, Political life of the whole of
constituted a majority MuslimProvince, while Bengal. They called it as a deliberate attempt by
the Bihar and Orissa constituted a separate British Government
province to be called as West Bengal with the
1. The Partition of Bengal had brightened
capital of Calcutta and become the Hindu
the possibility of betterment of Muslims; while
Majority provinces.
the Hindu landlords, capitalists and traders
East Bengal contained a population of eighteen wanted status quo and to continue the
million Muslims and twelve million Hindus. exploitation of the Muslims.
Whereas West Bengal had a population fifty
2. Hindu lawyers also reacted to the
four million of which 42 million where Hindus
partition of Bengal because they thought that
and thus was the Hindu majority province.
the new province would have its separate
Muslims’ Response courts and thus their practice would be
It received a favorable response from the
Muslims. It was thought that it would bring the 3. Hindu press was not different from that
emancipation of Muslims socially and of Hindu advocates. Hindus had their monopoly
over almost whole of the province press. They
were afraid that new newspapers would be
established which would decrease their income
naturally. The Muslims of India had appreciated the step
4. The Hindus launched Swadeshi and started turning in the favour of the British
but the British soon gave in against the
Movement whose sole purpose was to boycott
of British goods. mounting pressure of Hindus which helped the
Muslims to realize the importance of standing
on their feet and to organize themselves
politically. It also affirmed the apprehension of
Sir Syed that the Muslims might submerge in
the majority of Hindus and lose their se

Annulment of the Partition Simla Deputation (1906)

The Simla deputation proved a landmark in the
history of modern India, because for the very
first time the Hindu-Muslim conflict, which
stared with the Urdu-Hindi controversy, was
lifted to the constitutional plane. The Indians
When Lord Hardinage assumed charge as were not satisfied with the Indian council Act of
Governor General of India Hindus again became 1892. Especially, the act failed to ensure the fair
active and sent a representation to him for the representation of Muslims. So, the Indians were
annulment of partition of Bengal. He agitating for more power. Due to the growing
recommended the same to the British Prime political pressure and increasing social unrest,
Minister for Indian Affairs. On the occasion of the British Government decided to make
the visiting His Majesty George V to Indo- constitutional reforms relating to the electoral
Pakistan and holding of Darbar at Delhi on 12th bodies. On 20th July 1906 John Morley the
December 1911 the partition of Bengal was Secretary of State for Indian affairs, speaking on
cancelled. the Indian budget in the British parliament,
announced that the Government wanted to
The united Bengal was placed under a Governor
increase the number of seats for the legislative
and Assam was placed under a Chief
councils and also their powers.
Commissioner. This decision was shattering
blow to Muslims. It left them sullen and John Morley announcement created an anxiety
disillusioned. Their anger and indignation had among the Muslims of the sub-continent. The
widespread repercussions. The Muslims leaders proposed reforms, if implemented, as was
and intelligentsia condemned the decision as demanded by the Congress, would have
betrayal of worst kind. suppressed the Muslims more under the Hindu
Majority. Muslim leaders were of the view that
neither elections nor nominations are fulfilled
the requirements of the Indian Muslims, and
that they needed a certain number of seats in deligation consisting of 35 leaders of Muslim
both the central and provincial councils. Their community meet to the viceroy, under the
seats should be filled up by votes of their own leadership of Sir Aga Khan, in Simla on 1st
community. October 1906. The deputation was included the
members from Bengal, Punjab, U.P., Bombay,
The weekly Muslim Patriot penned down this Madras, Sindh, C.P., Deccan, and Delhi. The
important issue to clarify the assumption that members of deputation were drawn from the
India was inhabited by one class. It stated that Muslim elite class, but most of the members of
India consists on a heterogeneous mass of deputation were connected with the Aligarh
different races whose interests were often movement through the AIMEC. Besides these
different. It although supported the extended members, others were associated with different
representation in the legislature, but also semi-political parties like Anjuman-i-Islam,
wished that the extension should be based on National Mohammedan Association etc.
the class recognition and each distinct
community should have representatives of its The deputation presented the memorial in front
own in proportion to its population. of viceroy, which was consisting of the demands
that rights of separate electorates should be
Now, many Mohammedans drew the attention given to the Muslims; Muslims should be given
of Mohsin-ul-Mulk, the secretary of the M.A.O three more seats in central legislature; quota
College, Aligarh, to John Morley’s speech. So, should be given to the Muslims in civil services;
Nawab Mohin-ul-Mulk wrote a letter on August Muslims should be given representation in
1906, to Archbold, Principal of the college, in universities senates and syndicates; an aid
which he expressed his apprehensions about should be given to the Muslims for the
the forthcoming constitutional changes. He was establishment of a Muslin university.
of the view that if combined election would be
held on a more extended scale, Mohammedans Lord Minto, the Viceroy, assured the Muslim
will hardly get a single seat, while Hindus will delegation that as long as he is associated with
carry more advantage because of their majority. the administrative affairs if the country, their
He asked Archbold to advise for submit national rights would be preserved.
memorial from the Mohammedans to the
Viceroy and to request his permission to accept Congress made an allegation that the
deputation was engineered by the Government
a deputation for discus the issue of forthcoming
constitutional amendments. Archbold to resist the activities of nationalists. A
newspaper, Amrita Bazar Patrika, closed to the
contacted to Viceroy’s secretary and on 10th
August 1906. He informed Mohsin-ul-Mulk that Congress, launched the propaganda that the
deputation was the part of British policy of
the Viceroy was ready to meet the deputation.
divide and rule. It also stated that the
After receiving the letter of Archbold, Nawab deputation did not represent the whole of the
Sahib started to put together a deputation for Muslim community and self-serving British
this purpose. A meeting was held in Lakhnow on officers were involved in its formation.
16th September 1906, in which an address,
prepared by Sayyid Husain Bilgarami, was In order to prove the conspiracy theory,
Congress leaders had referred to a certain letter
finalized by learned Muslim leaders. Finally, a
written by Archold to an unknown person of Muslims. They were very large in number, but
Aligarh. There is not single solid evidence in case of combined elections they would not
available to prove that the deputation was the get due representation. When the British
part of British policy. implemented the system of democracy in India
in order to strength their rule, and to involve
The deputation was purely representing the local people in government, the Muslims
demands of the Muslim community. If it had demanded separate electorates .These were
been launched by the Government then there not imposed by British, however were granted
was no need of Mohsin-ul-Mulk to borrow a on the request of the Muslims.
sum of four thousand rupees from King and
King Company at the interest rate of 7% to As all nations in Europe were Christians and
meet the expenses of the Simla deputation. The there was no concept of a separate nation on
company started correspondence, after the the basis of religion. So they regarded India as a
death of Mohsin-ul-Mulk, with the Muslim single country inhabited by Indians who were a
league for the return of loan and also nation collectively. But the Muslims and Hindus
threatened to get Moshin-ul-Mulk’s property were conscious about their religious differences
confiscated. and of being two separate nations. In India,
Hindus were in majority so Congress was in
The Simla deputation was unique, because for favour of combined elections. In a democratic
the first time Muslims were anxious to take government every bill or law is passed by a
their share in the political activities as a majority of 51% or more and in this situation
separate identity. Another purpose of the the Hindus would get 100% legislative powers
delegation was to get a silent permission form and Muslims would get no power to effect
the Government to make a political platform for legislation in their own country. More in
the representation of Muslims, and also was to number than the population of any state in
take the Government into confidence. The Europe, they would have no share in
demand of separate electorates, which were government. Thus they would become slaves
presented through the deputation, was the and serfs having zero percent power in
foundation of all future constitutional legislation, politics, and administration of their
amendments for India. The inevitable own country.
consequence of deputation was the partition of
Indian and the emergence of Pakistan. When direct elections were introduced to
increase the participation of Indians in
Separate Electorates government affairs, a deputation of Indian
Muslims led by Sir Aga Khan presented an
Separate Electorates are that type of elections
address to Viceroy and Governor General Lord
in which minorities select their own
Minto at Simla on 1st October 1906. They asked
representatives separately, as opposed to Joint
for separate representation at all levels of
Electorates where people are selected
government, district boards, legislative councils,
collectively. When minorities fear that they
and municipalities. They mentioned that they
would not get representation in state affairs
were almost one-fifth and in some areas one-
and government then they demand separate
fourth of the whole population. So they must be
electorates. Same was the case with the Indian
given recognition as an important factor of the central legislature seats. And in provinces
state machinery. The positions given to the minorities were to have more seats than their
Muslims should not only depend on their numerical strength, this was known as the
numerical strength, but also on their political Weightage System. According to this system
importance and contributions as they had ruled Muslims got more representation than their
over India for a long time. Under the Act of population in minority provinces whereas, in
1892 in United Province, where Muslims were Bengal and Punjab their representation was
fourteen percent of population, they had not reduced to 50% and 40% from 56% and 55%
secured a single seat by joint franchise. And if respectively. In 1919 the Montague Chelmsford
by chance they would get any seats they would Reforms were introduced. The demands of
have to agree with Hindus, and thus had to go Lucknow Pact were accepted. In centre Muslims
against their own interests. So, Muslims should were given one third seats. These all rights were
be given separate representation for both local denied, and Congress deviated from their own
bodies and legislative councils, through prospective in Nehru Report in 1928.
separate electorates. Viceroy listened to them
After many years of constitutional debates,
and promised them that their demands would
put forward to British Government. With this Government of India Act 1935 was passed. And
elections were held in 1937 under this act.
positive response Muslims established their
own political party named as All India Muslim Congress won 706 seats out of total 1771 seats.
It contested for 58 seats of total 482 Muslim
League in December, 1906.
seats and won 26 seats whereas, the newly
In 1909 the Morley-Minto Reforms granted organized Muslim League won 102 Muslim
separate electorates to Muslims. In these the seats. The remaining seats were won by local
numerical strength of legislature councils was parties. In December 1945 elections to central
increased. 27 out of total 60 members were to Legislative Assembly were held. Congress
be elected and 5 seats were reserved for the demanded for independence of united India
Muslims. In provincial government, Muslims and opposed partition of India. Congress
were to be represented by separate electorates. claimed that it is the only soul representative
It gave constitutional recognition to Muslims. party of all Indians, and mentioned the
They would have not only elect their own economic problems as real problems of masses
representatives, but also had right to vote in otherwise all Indians were a community.
general constituencies. Muslims were given Whereas Quaid-i-Azam announced that
fewer share than their numerical strength, but Muslims were a separate nation and Muslim
this was a land mark in the political history of League was their representative party. They
Indian Muslims. would not accept any constitution, in which
they were relegated as a frustrated minority. He
In 1916 Lucknow Pact was passed with the said that they were a separate nation and they
collaboration of Congress and Muslim League. must have their own state. Congress made
Congress conceded to the legitimate rights of alliance with some split Muslims groups to
Muslims. In this pact the right of separate prove Muslim League wrong. But the results of
electorates for Muslims was recognized. It was elections proved that Muslim League claims and
declared that Muslims would be given one third demands were right. In central Assembly 30
seats were reserved for Muslims and Muslim events following the partition of Bengal and
League won all of them. Contrary to that Urdu-Hindu controversy strengthened the
Congress even lost some of general seats. In desire of the Muslims to organize themselves
provincial elections Muslim League won 428 out politically as separate community. The birth of
of 492 seats. Only Party of Frontier Gandhi, All India Muslim League at Dacca on 30th
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, won almost 50%seats December 1906 came as an expression of that
in N.W.F.P. desire.

In this journey of almost 40 years, many Following are the reasons for the establishment
demands were presented, many pacts were of Muslim league.
introduced, and many resolutions were passed.
All had their own importance but the right of 1. Indifferent Attitude of the Congress towards
Muslims: All India National Congress was a pre-
separate electorates was a land mark for the
Muslims. They all revolved around this demand dominantly Hindu body. Its interests were
always at odds ends to those of the Muslims. By
of separate electorates. Acceptance of this
demand was a sign of recognizing them as a 1906, Muslim leaders were convinced that they
must have their own party which may speak for
separate nation. They were treated as a
minority before it. Now they had share in the community on all important occasions.
government at Central and provincial levels 2. Educational and Economic Backwardness:
both. Beyond that these Separate Electorates Muslims had lagged far behind from the Hindus
led them towards separate homeland named as in education and economic progress.
Pakistan. Educational and economic conditions could only
be up graded by establishing a separate
Establishment of All India Muslim
Muslims organization that could represent the
League wishes of the Muslims.

After the creation of the Indian national 3. Urdu-Hindi Controversy: The Urdu-Hindu
Congress and its time as a ‘representative’ party controversy began with the demand of Hindus
for the people of the Indian sub-continent, to replace Urdu by Hindi as official language in
there was felt a need to reassess its claims at Deva Nagari Script. Sir Anthony Macdonal, the
unbiased representation. From the very start of then Governor of UP ousted Urdu from public
its existence the Congress had shown clear its offices. Congress clearly sided with Hindi and
interest to safeguard the rights of Hindus, supported the movement against Urdu and
alone. Some of the Congress leaders adopted a there was no other political party to support
revolutionary policy to establish Hindu Raj in Urdu. Thus, the need of formation of a Muslim
the sub-continent under the guise of a national political party was felt severely.
movement. The prediction of Sir Syed Ahmed
Khan Soon proved to be fact that, “Hindus and 4. The Evolution of Minto Marley Reforms: The
Muslims are two different nations who have turning point came in the summer of 1906
different ideologies.” The Muslims of India were during John Morley’s budget speech, in which
greatly disappointed by the anti-Muslim stance he hinted of constitutional reforms. At that time
that the Congress seemed to have adopted. The Muslims did not have a political platform to
demand their share. It was reasserted that they 1. To create among Muslims the feelings of
wanted a separate political platform. loyalty towards British Government and to
remove misconception and suspicious.
5. The Success of Simla Deputation: Minto
offered fullest sympathy to the Muslim 2. To Safeguard the political rights of the
demands. The success of Deputation compelled Muslims and to bring them into the notice of
the Muslims to have a separate political the Government.
association of their own.
3. To prevent among the Muslims, the rise of
6. To Save Muslim Entity: The belief uttered by prejudicial feelings against the other
sir Syed Ahmed Khan that the Muslims were communities of India.
somehow a separate entity. The Muslims did
not believe that Hindus and Muslims formed The first session of all India Muslim league was
held at Karachi on 29th December, 1907 and
one nation. They were different by religion,
history, languages and civilization. It became was presided over by Adamji Peer Bhai.
essential for Muslims to establish a political It was being felt from the beginning that the All
party of their own. India Muslim League would not achieve
considerable success without winning the
A resolution to form the All India Muslim
League was passed by Nawab Salimullah Khan British Public opinion to its side. Therefore,
Syed Ameer Ali organized the branch of Muslim
and was seconded by Hakim Ajmal Khan,
Maulana Muhammad Ali and Moulana Zafar Ali. league at London. The inaugural meeting was
held on 6th May 1908, at London Caxton Hall. It
The resolution was passed by All India
Educational Conference on 30th December was participated by the Muslim and those
British people who favoured their view point.
1906. A committee was formed to prepare its
draft constitution. Sir Agha Khan was appointed There come into being a political body which
as President and Syed Hassan Balgrami was was to play a decisive role in the destiny of the
appointed as secretary, while Nawab Mohsim- Muslim peoples of the Indian sub-continent.
ul-Mulk and Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk were made The day the Muslim delegation won recognition
joint secretaries with six Vice- Presidents, a of the demand of separate electorate, the
Central Committee with forty Members was course of the Muslim freedom struggle was
also constituted. In this way Muslim league was charted. It was the beginning of the growth of
established and become the sole representative Muslim national consciousness. It farmed visible
of Muslims. institutional expression in the form of Muslim
League which after a forty (40) years struggle
Knowing the circumstances which led to the
formation of Muslim league was not difficult to was to achieve for the Muslims the culmination
of their national aspiration, Muslim League
make out what it aimed to. However, the
Muslim league laid the following points as its became a mass movement of the Muslims and
succeeded in achieving Pakistan in 1974.
Actually the new breed of leadership like Quaid-
i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was instrumental
in its metamorphosis.
After the acceptance of the demand of separate Salient Features of Minto-Morley Reforms:
representation in the Minto Morely reforms, it
was common sense to have political party to The number of members of legislative council of
Governor General and the Governors of various
fight elections for Muslim representation.
Whatever may have been the effects of Muslim provinces was increased.
league, but it made clear that the interests of The powers of Members of Legislative were
Muslims must be regarded completely separate increased. They could now criticize the actions
from those of the Hindus. Any fusion of both of the executive, ask questions and even
the communities in future was not possible. It supplementary questions, and express their
steered the ship of Muslim destiny safely views by moving resolutions. Matters of public
through of Political chaos and turmoil to the interest were also discussed in the Legislative
safer harbour of Pakistan. Council.

Minto-Morley Reforms (1909) The Indians were included in the councils,

where ultimate decisions were made, of the
By 1909, there was seen a great deal of political
India Secretory and Viceroy. Before these
consciousness amongst the Indians. Similarly,
reforms they were excluded from such councils.
political parties like Indian National Congress
In fact, a type of consultative body was formed.
and All Indian Muslim League had emerged. By
then, the British were much influenced and For the first time, the demand for a separate
affected by these political parties. As previous electorate was accepted. A constitutional
reforms and acts did not meet the political recognition of Separate Electorate was a great
aspirations of all the Indians, the British realized achievement for the Muslims. Muslims could
that in order to introduce new reforms to now have their own representative members at
impoverish the grievances of the Indians they the Legislative Councils. They were to be
needed to cater to these two political parties. elected by Muslims alone.
Besides this, there were also other factors
which led to the formation of Minto-Morley The Indians were not satisfied with these
Reforms. In this context, the instance is the reforms. Although strict qualifications of
victory of Japan in the Russo-Japan War of property and education were imposed on
1904-5 can be cited as an example. This was a franchise. Consequently, the number of voters
ray of hope for Indians that India could also was restricted. Moreover, a system of election
become a great power. was indirect. The members of local bodies were
elected by the people who, in turn, were to
On the other hand, the Liberal Party came to elect members of electoral colleges. The
power in Britain in 1906, and that changed the members of electoral colleges were to elect
political atmosphere. The Liberal Party did not members of Provincial Legislature who, in turn,
want to pursue the autocratic policies of the were to elect members of Imperial Legislature.
Conservative Party. Such political changes in
Britain and as well as in India, which altered the In order to win the support of maximum
public opinion in both countries. Following are factions of the society, the Government wanted
the salient features of Minto-Morley Reforms. to give special representation to the loyalist
classes. In this context, a special representation
was given to landlords, chambers of commerce In spite of all its demerits and flaws, the
and other influential. Reforms contributed and offered space for
political development. The inclusion of the
The official majority in the Imperial Council was Indians in Councils was a great experience for
maintained. While the non-official majorities in the Indians. They became part of Legislative
the Provincial Council were nullified, as they Councils. They could move resolutions, discuss
included nominated members. Though, Bills elaborately, and approved Bills. In this
parliamentary reforms were introduced, there context, the instances are; 24 resolutions were
was no provision of responsibility. accepted out of 168 in the Imperial Legislative
Further, S.P. Sinha, an Indian, was included in Council, and 30 non-official amendments were
the Viceroy’s Executive Council. However, this presented in the Indian Factories Bill and 7 were
act was bitterly criticized by the Muslims, for approved. Further, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, as a
they had previously demanded that two Indian private member, also presented a Bill, Waqf-
members including one Muslim should be alal-Aulad, which was passed by the Council. In
included in the Council. The Government the constitutional evolution of India, the Act of
promised to appoint Muslim the next time. 1909 was a decided step and opened the door
After Sinha’s resignation, Sayed Ali Imam was for real politics.
appointed as a Member of the Executive
Kanpur Mosque Tragedy (1913)
The U.P Government granted a total of two and
The Minto-Morley Reforms drew a gloomy
half lack rupees to widen the roads of the
picture. Though, this act appeased some of the
Kanpur and to fulfill other welfare works. This
Indians, the majority was not satisfied with it.
scheme also included AB road. The widening of
The result was widespread criticism of the
this road became a serious issue. The real
Government. As a matter of fact, the Indian
problem was that if it were widened straight,
National Congress was divided into two factions
there lay in its way, a Hindu temple just
i.e. the “moderate,” which was led by G.K.
opposite to the Mosque in the Machli Bazar.
Gokhale and the “extremist,” which was led by
B.G. Tilak. The moderate faction welcomed the When Hindus heard of this scheme, they forced
Reforms. In the Imperial Legislative Council, the Government to halt its progress. Then the
Gokhale said, “My Lord, I sincerely believed that only way left to save the temple was, to turn
you and Lord Morley have saved the country the road in some other direction, because there
from anarchy and chaos”. On other hand, the was not much space between the mosque and
extremist faction rejected the act of 1909. They temple, to widen the road. Hence, there was a
were not in the favor of the Reforms. It was threat for the Muslims that the eastern part of
because of its contradiction to Lord Morley’s the mosque might have to be demolished which
dispatch dated November 27, 1908. On the was used for the purpose of ablution and for
contrary, the All India Muslim League welcomed baths in order to commence the road.
the council act of 1909. The League passed a
resolution, which offered cooperation with the
government for the success of the Reforms, in
the Delhi session on 1910.
So on 1st of April 1912, in the Improvement procession which was carrying black flags
Trust Committee session. The Muslims appeared before the mosque and began to
requested that no portion of the mosque place the loose bricks over the dismantle
should be included in the road for the sake of its structure as a symbol of reconstruction. Then to
widening but all was in vain. disperse the mob, the police force opened fire
under Tayler’s orders. The firing continued for
On April 1913 Lt. Governor of U.P. Sir James 15 minutes and almost 600 cartridges were
Meston, received a petition through Shahid used.
Husain, from a group of Muslims of Kanpur
upon “alienation of any part of the mosque.” By this regard, Muslim Anjumans from all over
Eminent Muslim scholars tried to prove that the the India strongly protested against this wicked
targeted portion is the part and parcel of the act of firing on the Muslims. Anjumans that
mosque from the religious point of view. On strongly protested were Anjuman-e-Ziaul Islam,
12th of April 1913, a memorial was presented Bombay, Anjuman-e-Islamia, Amritsar,
by barrister Shahid Hussain, which was about Anjuman-e-Hadayatul Islam, Islamia, Kohat.
protecting the eastern part of the mosque Press media also didn’t remain quiescent and
against the expected demolition. On 6th May Muslim press strongly condemned this
1913, James Meston sent a letter to the perfidious act of Government. The Zamindar
memorialists concluding that “the washing commented “the demolition of a part of the
place is not the part and parcel of the sacred Kanpur mosque at the point of the bayonet and
building and must be removed. The authorities the characterization of the Muslim outcry
of the mosque will be asked to choose another caused thereby – a spectacle so heartrending
site on which a washing place will be built for that has shaken the faith of Mussalmans in the
them by the municipal Board” Government’s principle of non-interference in
religious matters.”
Then on 20th July 1913 Sir James Meston
himself visited Kanpur and inspected the Similarly, All India Muslim League did not
mosque. He had shown complete disregard for remain quiet on this tragedy. On 31st August
the feelings of the Muslims and the and on 19th September, Council of the AIML
Government abolished the Eastern part of the had passed two notable resolutions. One, for
mosque. There was an outrage among the the appointment of a committee comprising,
Muslims of Kanpur and the Muslim press both officials and civilians to conduct an
strongly protested against it. This action taken impartial inquiry and the other on the
by the Government was condemned importance of showing gratitude to Sayyid
throughout India. Tylor, who was a Magistrate Wazir Hasan and M. Ali for going to England to
of Kanpur was ordered by James Meston “to present the Muslim case.
take effective measures to prevent any breach
Sir James Meston’s attitude filled the hearts of
of peace in connection with the execution of
the orders, if he wants extra police let him say Muslims with painful feelings, when after this
tragedy he distributed the merit certificates to
those who had taken part in the firing. It
The Muslims then gathered at Idgah on 3rd showed his hatred for the Muslims.
August. When the meeting was over an angry
Lord Hardinge showed blatant anger at this Factor’s Behind the Pact
policy and strategy. Lord Hardinge called this
act as a “stupid blunder.” He said that it was the The relations between the British government
and Muslims were tensed due to aggressive and
example of shortsightedness of Taylor and
Meston. Lord Hardinge felt the pain of the unilateral policies of the British. The annulment
of the partition of Bengal in 1911 was a jolt for
Muslims and visited Kanpur along with Sayyid
Ali Imam on 13th to 14th October. He the Muslims of India; consequently it shattered
their confidence in British and brought Muslims
compromised with the Muslims allowing them
to build a new building over the public road. He closer to Hindus against the British. Similarly the
Kanpur mosque incident and the British policies
also visited the mosque and ordered to release
the prisoners and withdrew the cases.Thus, this in the international system had caused deep
anguish among the Muslims. Thus the Muslims
tragedy played a significant role in awakening
political consciousness among the Indian leaderships decided to change the strategy of
the Muslim league after the annulment of
Bengal in 1911. In December 1912, Muslim
Lukhnow Pact league change its aim from loyalty to form self-
government suitable to India. However, the
The Lucknow agreement took a new twist with league retained the right to modify self-rule in
change in Muslim League’s political doctrine. accordance with their needs and requirements.
The Quaid-e-Azam inclusion in the Muslim
league was a historic event, which gave new Jinnah and the Pact
direction to Muslim league’s political struggle.
Jinnah arose as a devoted champion of Hindu
Self-rule for India brought the Muslim league
Muslim unity, he convinced all India Muslim
and the Congress closer to each other. The
league to change their policies for the better of
leaders of the both parties agreed that they
India. Muhammad Ali Jinnah in his early career
should cooperate with each other to make the
was a member of both the Congress and the
British accept their demands. They
Muslim league and was well known as a man
acknowledged that the objectives can be
free of any religious prejudice, as well as a
achieved if the two major communities of India
brilliant advocate and debater. In 1915, mainly
forget their differences on petty issues and
due to his efforts, both the Muslim league and
come closer to each other to see eye to eye on
the Congress party had their annual meeting in
the important national issues. The political
Bombay. At the end of this meeting, a
vicinity had taken a happy turn and ground for
committee was formed with the intention to
cherished Hindu Muslim unity had been
sort the common understanding between the
two communities. The committee prepared a
Lucknow pact is considered as a significant scheme in November, 1916. The scheme was
event in the political constitutional history of approved by both the parties in December,
India. It is regarded a high water marked of 1916 at the respective sessions at Lucknow.
Hindu Muslim unity. It was the first and last Quaid-e-Azam, in his presidential speech at
pact signed between Congress and Muslim Lucknow, said “India’s real progress can only be
league. achieved by a true understanding and
harmonious relations between the two great
communities. With regard to our own affairs, shall be five year. The members of the
we can depend upon nobody but ourselves.” assemblies shall have the right to present
adjournment motion. Seats were reserved for
Features of the Pact the Muslims in those provinces in which they
The congress party agreed to the right to were in minority under the system weightages.
separate electorate for the Muslims first and Protection shall be given to the Hindus in
last time in the history of subcontinent. The Muslim majority provinces. In the centre there
Hindus conceded that the Muslims would have shall be and imperial legislative council
one third representation in the imperial consisting of 150 members. Four fifth of the
legislative council. A weightage formula was members shall be elected for a term of five
proposed under which the Muslims would get years on the basis of direct election. The
less representation than their population in the Muslims shall be given 1/3 seats of the elected
legislative council in those provinces where they members and they will be elected by separate
were in majority but more in provinces where Muslim electorates. The central Government
they were in minority. The provincial legislative will be headed by the government will be
council will have fourth fifth as elected headed by the Governor General, who would be
members and one fifth as nominated members. assisted by an executive council. Half of the
The member’s would be elected by the people members of the executive council shall be
directly for the term of five years. In the major Indians elected by the elected members of the
provinces the strength of the legislative councils imperial legislative council.
would be 125 and in the minor provinces the Importance of the Pact
strength would be 50 and 75. The Muslims shall
be elected through special electorates and their The Lucknow pact was a great achievement of
strength in the different provinces shall be as: Hindu and Muslim leaders, who were successful
Punjab 50%, Bengal 40%, U.P 30%, Bihar 25%, in offering for the first and the only time, a
C.P 15%, Madras 15% and Bombay 33 %. mutually acceptable solution of the Hindu
Muslim problem. It appeared as a special
No bill, nor any clause thereof, nor a resolution significance in the history of India. It was the
introduces by a non-official member effecting Quaid-e-Azam, who had always been a staunch
one or other community shall be presented in supporter of Hindu-Muslim unity. The scheme
the assembly without approval of the concern provided for a substantial step taken halfway
group. Provincial autonomy will be given to the towards the establishment of self-rule in India
province with maximum powers vested with the which was main core of the jointly sponsored
provincial council. The provincial council will scheme of Lucknow pact. The Congress first
have authorized to impose taxes, raise loans, time accepted the demand of separate
and to vote on budget. All proposals for raising electorate for Muslims. The pact ensured the
revenues shall have to be submitted to the protection of political rights of Muslims. Muslim
provincial council for sanction. There shall be an league separate status was also being accepted.
executive council in the province headed by the Through the pact the both parties were able to
governor whose half of the member’s shall put a joint demand before the British. Congress
Indian national elected by the elected members got strength in term of political and masses
of the legislative council their term of office
because it had got All India Muslim League differences and showed considerable
Supports. accommodation to each other’s’ claims.

It was basically give and take sort of agreement Meanwhile, the World War I had started and
between the both parties. The Muslims had to Indians despite their grievances and
pay a big price of loosing majority in Bengal and discontentment with the British joined the war
Punjab to obtain some concessions. Similarly, it with over one million soldiers with the hope
carried great constitutional significance in the that after the war British would be obliged to
future for many developments. The scheme of concede to self rule in recognition of their loyal
representation of Muslim community in the services. However, as the war dragged on,
central and provincial legislatures as embodied Indians became disillusioned as the British did
in the Lucknow pact was generally followed in not make any promises regarding self
the Montague Chelmsford reforms. government. Thus Indians pressed for
immediate reforms and it was felt that a civil
Conclusion disobedience movement might be launched
The agreement was very outstanding and its jointly by congress and Muslim league to
dreams were fulfilled the whole political compel the British to accelerate the reforms.
scenario of Indian subcontinent were different. In view of these circumstances the British felt
But, it was impossible to the parties to make a that something must be done to pacify the
united India. The Hindus and Muslims are two Indians. At that time, Edwin Montague was the
different nation and they have different culture Secretary of State for India. In his famous
and civilization. Therefore the Lucknow Pact August Declaration presented before the House
failed to make a long lasting cooperation in of Commons on 20th August 1917, Montague
India among the Muslims and Hindus. said that in order to satisfy the local demands,
his government was interested in giving more
The Montague-Chelmsford Reforms
representation to the natives in India. Lord
(1919) Chelmsford was sent to India as the new
Governor General. He stayed for six months and
The Bill was introduced in India in 1919 and
held numerous meetings with different
became Act of 1919. This Act, commonly known
government and non-governmental people.
as Montague-Chelmsford Reforms.
Edwin Montague in collaboration with Lord
Minto-Morley reforms, introduced in 1909, Chelmsford collected data and made a report
proved unsatisfactory for Indian people. about constitutional reforms in 1918. The
Resultantly, Indians demanded more report was discussed in the House of Common
representation and called for greater self- and later it was approved by the parliament.
government. This could not be achieved The Bill was introduced in India in 1919 and
without a formal rapprochement between became Act of 1919. This Act, commonly known
Congress and Muslim League. The Lucknow Pact as Montague-Chelmsford Reforms, introduced
of 1916 removed the sole hurdle in the the following reforms:
attainment of self rule by which both, Congress
The Council of the Secretary of State was to
and Muslim League set aside their mutual
comprise of eight to twelve people. Three of
them should be Indian, and at least half of them over transferred department by reserved
should have spent at least ten years in India. department. Hence, Governor was the head of
transferred and reserved subjects.
The Central Legislature was to consist of two
houses, Upper House (Council of the State), and Indian Constitutional Act of 1919 was passed to
the Lower House (Legislative Assembly). Council satisfy Indian people. On the contrary, Indian
of the State was to consist of 60 members, out people opposed it because the Act went against
of them 35 members would be elected and rest Congress-League pact thus resulting in the
of them would be nominated by the Governor Hindu opposition. Muslims partly accepted the
General. The Legislative Assembly was to Montague-Chelmsford reforms with certain
consist of 144 members, out of them 103 were reservations and demands regarding the safety
to be elected and 41 to be nominated by the of Muslim states. Gandhi categorically rejected
Governor General. The duration of the Upper this scheme and congress denounced it as
House was five and of the Lower House was inadequate, unsatisfactory and disappointing.
three years. Besides these problems, the events like Rowlatt
act, the Jallianwal Bagh tragedy and Khilafat
Powers were divided between the center and movement further aggravated the situation and
the provinces. The important subjects were doomed the reforms to failure. Thus, there
vested with the center and unimportant erupted violent communal riots and anti-British
remained with provinces. The important central agitations become frequent creating a disdain
subjects were defense, foreign affairs, custom, for British rule and Montague Chelmsford also
and relations with Indian states, currency and failed as the two vanguard parties rejected its
railway. On the contrary, unworthy provincial reforms and considered them to be
subjects were local self-government, public unsatisfactory. The only point of the reforms
health, education etc. appreciated by the Indian was that after ten
The salary of the Secretary of State for Indian years, a commission was to assess the reforms
Affairs should be paid from British exchequer; and to bring further improvement in them.
previously, his salary was paid by Indian
Jalianwala Bagh Massacre (1919)
The Amritsar massacre also known as Jalinawala
The system of ‘Diarchy’ or a kind of double
Bagh Massacre. Where the British Indian army
government in the Provinces was introduced.
opened fire on gathering who gathered in
Provincial subjects were divided into two
Jalinawala Bagh for Bisakhi festival. According
categories “Transferred and Reserved.”
to official source 379 people were killed but
Transferred subjects which were public health,
according to private source number was much
education, local self-government, and
agriculture were under the control of Minister;
likewise all transferred subjects were In 1919 after the Rowlett Act, Indian National
unimportant. Reserved subjects included Congress started mass movement across the
administration, police, land revenue etc. which sub-continent. The peaceful political
were under the control of Governor with the demonstration in Amritsar quickly transformed
help of his secretaries. It was indirect control into violence. A crowd that had been
proceeding towards the residence of the A plaque in the monument says that 120 bodies
Deputy Commissioner of Amritsar, to demand were plucked out of the well. The wounded
the release of two popular leaders against could not be moved from where they had
whom deportation orders had been issued was fallen, as a curfew had been declared. Dyer
fired upon by a military picket. Several banks, reported to his headquarters that he had been
government and private property were set on ‘confronted by a revolutionary army,’ and had
fire. Some foreigners were killed, railway lines been obliged ‘to teach a moral lesson to the
were cut, and telegraph and post were Punjab.’ Dyer was called to appear before the
destroyed. Then British governor of Punjab Sir Hunter Commission, a commission of inquiry
Michael O’Dwyer declared martial law in Punjab into the massacre that was ordered to convene
and instructions were given ”no gathering of by Secretary of State for India Edwin Montagu,
person, nor procession of any sort will be in late 1919. In the storm of outrage which
allowed”. followed, Dyer was retired, and placed on the
inactive list. “I think it quite possible that I could
On 13th April 1919 thousands of Indian have dispersed the crowd without firing but
gathered in the Jalinawala Bagh in the heart of they would have come back again and laughed,
Amritsar. The occasion was of Bisakhi, a and I would have made, what I consider, a fool
tradition had been established to gather in of myself.” He said he did not stop firing when
Amritsar to participate in the Bisakhi festival. the crowd began to disperse because he
Those coming of the rural areas were unaware thought it was his duty to keep firing until the
of events of Amritsar, as communications were crowd dispersed, and that a little firing would
inadequate and highly underdeveloped in do no good. He confessed he did not take any
Punjab. The gathering in the Bagh was violation steps to attend to the wounded after the firing.
of order. “Certainly not. It was not my job.” Senior British
The Bagh was bounded on all sides by brick officers applauded his suppression of ‘another
walls and buildings and had a single narrow Indian Mutiny. The Conservatives presented
entrance. The British Indian army troops him with a jeweled sword inscribed “Savior of
marched toward the bagh on vehicles. The the Punjab.
vehicle was unable to enter the park compound On the other hand In India, the massacre
due to the narrow entrance. Dyer ordered his evoked feelings of deep anguish and anger. It
men to open fire, and without any warning to catalyzed the freedom movement in the Punjab
the crowd to disperse, the troops started firing. against British rule and paved the way for
Sixteen hundred and fifty rounds of ammunition Gandhi’s Non-Cooperation Movement against
were spent; nearly 400 people, in the the British in 1920. In 1920 a trust was formed
conservative estimate of the authorities to build a memorial at the site following a
themselves, were killed at the spot. Since there resolution passed by the Indian National
was no exit except for the one already manned Congress. A memorial was built on the site in
by the troops, people desperately tried to climb 1961. The bullet holes can be seen on the walls
the walls of the bagh. Some also jumped into a and the well into which many people jumped
well inside the compound to escape the bullets. and drowned attempting to save themselves
from the hail of bullets is also a protected
monument inside the bagh. In 1940 an Indian promises. The Treaty of Savers 1920 was
revolutionary, named Udham Singh, who had imposed on Turkey and its territories like
witnessed the events in Amritsar and was Samarna, Thrace and Anatolia were wrested
himself wounded, shot dead Sir Michael O’Dyer, from it and distributed among European
believed to be the chief planner of the massacre countries. A wave of anger swept across the
(Dyer having died years earlier) in London. The Muslin World and the Indian Muslims rose
action of Singh was generally condemned, but against the British Government. Muslim leaders
some, like Amrit Bazaar Patrika, had different like Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, Moulana
views. The common people and revolutionary Muhammad Ali Johar, Moulana Shoukat Ali and
circles glorified the action of Udham Singh, and others reacted against the British Government
his stance in court was it was my duty, policy and were put behind the bars.
sacrificed for my motherland. HE was hanged in
1940.Jawaharlal Nehru applauded him in 1952 Thus, Muslims organized a mass movement,
which came to be known as Khilafat Movement.
with following statement “I salute shahed a
azam Udham Singh who had kissed the noose The aims of this movement were
so that we may be free”. (a) To protect the Holy place of Turkey

Khilafat Movement (1919-1922) (b) To restore the Territories of Turkey

The Khilafat movement was a very important (c) To restore the Ottoman Empire.
event in the political history of India. The
Muslims of India had a great regard for the In December 1919 both the Khilafat Committee
Khilafat (Caliphate) which was held by the and Congress held their meetings
Ottoman Empire. During World War I, the simultaneously at Amritsar and a delegation
Ottoman Empire (Turkey) joined the war in was prepared which was sent to England under
favour of Germany. But Turkey and Germany the leadership of Maulana Mohammad Ali Johar
lost the war and a pact commonly known as to see the British Prime Minister, Cabinet
Istanbul Accord was concluded between the Member and Members of Parliament and to
Allied Forces on 3rd November 1918. According explain the Indian point of view regarding the
to this Pact the territories of Turkey were to be Khilafat. The delegation visited England in 1920.
divided among France, Greece and Britain. The leaders of the delegation addressed the
House of Commons and saw the British Prime
During the war the Indian Muslims were in a Minister, Lloyd George who paid no heed to the
very awkward position, because they had a delegations demand. The delegation stayed at
deep-rooted devotion to the caliphate. They London for eight months and won many hearts
had profound respect for this holy institution. and sympathies of people in Britain delivering
Therefore, their support to the British speeches. However, the delegation returned to
Government was subject to the safeguard and India unsuccessful in October 1920.
protection of the holy places of Turkey and on
the condition that Turkey will not to be After the unsuccessful visit to England the
deprived of its territories. But the British leaders of Khilafat Movement realized the fact
Government could not fulfill both of these that British were not in the mood to help them.
Therefore, they realized that a new strategy
needed to be adopted in order to reinvigorate their properties for a tenth of their value and
the zest and zeal for freedom among a general hastily left for Afghanistan, in August 1920. As
populace. With this aim they decided to launch many as eighteen thousand people marched
a movement of Non Co-operation. When the towards Afghanistan, which was unable to bear
leaders of Khilafat movement announced the the influx of the people. Thus, the Afghan
Non Co-operation Movement, the Congress authorities closed their frontiers. Eventually the
extended its full support to the Khilafat Muhajarins had to return to their homes. A
Movement. The leaders of the two met at great number of old man, women and children
Amritsar and resolved to launch a country wide died on their way during returning to homes
agitation under the leadership of Mr. Gandhi. and those who luckily reach alive their former
The agitation was against the British places. They found themselves homeless and
government. The Jamiat-ul-Ulama Hind issued a penniless. In fact they faced great difficulties.
Fatwa of Tark-e-Mawalat. The following points Even the preachers of Khilafat Movement
were included in it: realized the fact.

1. Renunciation of all Government titles. In January 1921, nearly three thousands

students of various colleges and schools
2. Boycott of legislature and court. boycotted their classes and a number of
3. Withdrawal of student’s from educational teachers most of them were Muslims tendered
institutions. their resignation. The Movement became so
powerful that the Government was obliged to
4. Resignation from government posts. pay attention to the problem. The British
Government invited Seth Jan-Muhammad
5. General civil disobedience.
Chutani, the President of Khilafat conference to
As a result of this proclamation of fatwa, visit London to discuss the issue. A delegation
hundreds of thousands people returned the under has leadership visited London and
titles and stopped sending their children to discussed the sentiment of Muslims but the
government schools and colleges. All those delegation also returned unsuccessfully.
highly educated young men who could have
The Khilafat Movement came to an end when
rose to high government positions bade
thousands of Indians were put behind the bar.
farewell to their bright future and accepted
The leaders in spite of their best efforts could
ordinary jobs in the private sector. The vacuum
not maintain the Hindu-Muslim Unity. One of
created in government offices was joyfully filled
the main reasons which caused a death blow to
in by Hindus, while the Muslim government
Khilafat Movement was the indirect
employees willingly accepted starvation for the
announcement of Gandhi to discontinue the
sake of the Muslim cause.
Non Co-operation Movement. Gandhi used an
Under the hypnotism of Mr. Gandhi, Muslim incident of arson on February 1922, when a
ulama had issued a verdict and declared India as violent mob set on fire a police choki at Chora
Dar-ul-Harab and the Muslims therefore Churi at district Gorakpur, burning twenty one
needed to migrate to some other country or constables to death as an excuse to call off the
Dar-ul-Salam. Thousands of families sold out non-cooperation movement. It adversely
affected the Khilafat Movement which thought The Khilafat movement was started to
to be integral part of movement. In 1924, Kamal safeguard the Khilafat in Turkey, an issue which
Ataturk set up a government on democratic essentially belonged to the Muslims. By the
basis in Turkey by abolishing Khilafat as a involvement of Hindus the Movement grew
system of government which served a finishing forceful and there was possibility of meeting
blow to Khilafat Movement in India and people the movement with success. The British
had lost whatever interest that they had in the Government was the common enemy of the
movement. Muslims and Hindus. That is why, both the
nations continued united efforts against it. But
Failure of the Movement: the difference between the Hindus and Muslims
1. The abolition of Khilafat by Kamal became even more pronounced and many
Ataturk was a serious blow on Khilafat other events showed that the opposition of
movement in the sub-continent and he exiled Hindus to British Government was not lasting.
Sultan Abdul Majeed, a helpless Caliph and When Khilafat Movement reached at its
abolished Khilafat as an institution, due to this success, the Hindus especially Mr. Gandhi gave
all agitational activities came to an end in the up from movement and leaved the Muslims
Sub-continent. alone and caused the failure of Movement.

2. The Hijrat Movement made the Muslims The Khilafat movement proved that Hindus and
disillusioned with the Khilafat Movement due to Muslims were two different nations as they
the declaration of India as Darul-Harab. A large could not continue the unity and could not live
number of Muslims migrated from Sindh and together. The Khilafat Movement created
N.W.F.P to Afghanistan. The Afghan authorities political consciousness among the Indian
did not allow them to cross the border. After Muslims, which inspired them to constitute
this tragic event those who had advocated the another movement for then Independence.
Hijrat movement come to realize their mistake Thus, they started Pakistan Movement.
which resulted in failure of movement.
Hijrat Movement (1920)
3. When Khilafat movement became
Hijrat movement was launched against the
mature and was reaching its climax. A tragic
aggressive policies of British government and
incident took place in the village of Chora Churi
for the restoration of Ottoman Empire. World
in which the police opened fire on the
War 1 broke out in the year 1914 between
procession of local resident. The agitated mob
Allied forces and Germany. The Ottoman
in counteraction set the police station on fires
Empire was very weak and made alliance with
which in result twenty one police constables
Germany. Muslims of the Indian sub-continent
were burnt alive. Due to this incident the Ali
had spiritual attachment with Ottoman Empire
brother and other Muslim leader were arrested
and refused to join Britain in their war against
and Mr. Gandhi put off the movement. As a
Ottoman Empire. British government promised
consequence the movement lost its intensity.
that they will fight only against Germany and no
Conclusion: harm would be done to the Ottoman Caliphate.
When Allied forces defeated German the
promise was broken. In the Treaty of Serves the sub-continent were unable to spend their life
territory of Ottoman Empire was distributed according to teachings of Islam and Islamic
between French and Britain and small portion culture under British rule. Hijrat movement was
to Turkey. Khilafat Movement was launched for considered such an important virtue that the
the restoration of the Ottoman Caliphate, Muslims were not even made to hear a minor
Congress supported the movement and mass word in opposition of the movement and it
mobilization was at its peak. The British became so dominant that even Non-
government issued Rowlett Act in 1919, cooperation Movement paled before it.
indefinitely extending emergency measures to
Muslims sold their property and headed for
control public unrest and root out conspiracies.
The British government became more Kabul. A group of 750 Muslims Muhajireen form
Sindh set out for Kabul under the leadership of
aggressive due to mass mobilization and
arrested Muslims leaders including Ali brothers Barrister Jan Muhammad Junejo. This group of
Muslims received an enthusiastic reception at
and Azad. Around thirty thousand Muslims
were detained. In the meanwhile Jallian Bagh every train station it passed; this enhanced the
vigor for migration amongst the Muslims of
incident occurred whose purpose was to
demand the release of Muslims prisoners. Hijrat Punjab. The popularity of movement can be
determined from the fact the more than thirty
movement was the result of intolerable
behavior of British government. thousand Muslims had left for Kabul in the
second week of August 1920. The movement
When Khilafat movement was at its peak, in the spread out to the Frontier province and locals
meantime a voice arose from Lucknow became more active to surpass other in this
declaring the India sub-continent as Dar-ul-Harb sacred cause. The movement was undertaken
(home of war), urging the Muslims to migrate as religious significance. The rural areas of
from their homeland on the plea of few Ulama N.W.F.P province such as Peshawar and Mardan
of India as a result of their inability to compete were the worst affected areas. The local Hindus
against the aggressive steps of the British, they motivated Muslims for migration and started
ought to go somewhere else. Moulana Abdul buying their land and cattle at throw-away
Kalam Azad, Moulana Abdul Bari Farangi, price. A land worth of ten thousand was sold for
Moulana Muhammad Ali and Moulana Abdul one hundred and a Bull worth of two hundred
Majeed Sindhi issued a Fatwa which declared was sold for forty rupees only. The carvans of
migration from India Dar-ul-Harb (home of war) emigrants who were moving towards
to Dar-ul-Aman (home of peace) desirable for Afghanistan via Peshawar and Khyber Pass were
the Muslims of India after World War I. Nazims brought up and nourished by the locals. A
were appointed in every big city and a central proper setup was made for their hospitality,
office was established in Delhi known as donations from locals and dedicated their time
Khuddam-ul-Muhajireen to motivate Muslims and energy for the help of refuges. A Sarai at
for migration. Giving importance to the Namak Mandi Peshawar was reserved for the
announcement of Ulema most of the Muslims stay and hospitalization of the emigrants.
decided to migrate to the nearest Muslim Majority of Muslims leaders from N.W.F.P were
country Afghanistan, which was thought a in the favour of Hijrat movement including,
suitable for their shelter. Muslims of the Indian Abdul Ghaffar khan, Abbas khan, Muhammad
Akbar khan and Ali Gul khan and they poorer. Muslims were at the brink of disaster
themselves migrated to Afghanistan with and facing Hindu opposition because they had
common refuges. nothing in India now as they sold whatever they
had. Sincere and zealous Muslims suffered
The migration took place at a large scale, a very severe hardships; however Hijrat movement
large number of people majorly from lower reinforced the total commitment of Muslims
class of society, the common people, the poor sacrifice for the ideology, principles and
people left from India to Afghanistan. The teaching of Islam.
emigrants carried out their journey on foot and
carts because sources of transportation were Delhi Proposals (1927)
not that mush developed at that time. In the
beginning the Afghanistan government In order to break the ice and to bridge the gulf
welcomed Indian Muslims and King Amanullah between the Muslims League and Congress so
ruler of Afghanistan appointed Muhammad that they could present common demands
Iqbal Shedai as his minister for refuges. Afghan before the British for the legislation of the new
government later on closed down their frontiers Act, a group of prominent Muslims, mostly
when they found flood of refugees were coming members of the two chambers of the central
would be too difficult for them to handle. Even met at Delhi on March 20, 1927. M.A. Jinnah
those who have managed to enter successfully presided over the session. The proceedings
were spending miserable life and disgusted were held in camera and lasted for almost
because Afghanistan was a poor country and seven hours. They knew that the greatest
facing many internal problems. The refugees constitutional contention between Muslim
came across so many hardships and soon they League and Congress was the matter of
were force to take a journey back home. Some electorate. Congress propagated joint
of the refugees went to Soviet Union and electorates as to them separate electorates
Europe. would have weakened the foundations of the
Indian nationalism. Whereas Muslim League out
Hijrat movement was an emotional and ill of their insecurity of undermined
advised movement and it had no potential to representation were not ready to let go of their
have constructive result. Majority of Ulema and demand for separate electorate. Jinnah and
leaders of public opinion did not approve, team realized that they could only convince the
including Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Habib-ur- Congress to accept a common agenda if they
Rehman, Hakeem Ajmal khan, Sahibzada Abdul withdrew the League’s demand of Separate
Qayyum khan and Alama Inayatullah khan. electorate. They discussed and tried to chalk
Hijrat movement ended in misery for the out the conditions following which the system
Muslims because it was unplanned and was of Joint Electorates could be accepted. After a
based on the emotions and had not taken into prolonged discussion it was unanimously
account the realities of Afghanistan. It was an resolved that League should accept a
unwise act of Muslims of Sub-continent lost settlement with the Congress on the basis of
their lives, home, crops and cattle. It was act of certain proposals; the concluded agreement
serious blunder of Muslims not looking into came to be known as Delhi Proposals. Jinnah
consequences and made them from poor to and company declared that they would
withdraw the demand of Separate Electorates reformers it was against their expectation So,
provided the following demands will be however some things was better than nothing
accepted by the Congress: but it was reality that government was failed to
get the favor of Indian people. In, 1927 Lord
Sind should be separated from Bombay and Irwin was Viceroy of India. Who appoint a
should be constituted into an independent commission under instruction of British
province. government which was consist of seven
Reforms should be introduced in the North- members under Sir John Simon. Sir John Simon
West Frontier Province and Baluchistan on the was its chairman. The instruction were given to
same footing as in any other province of India. the chairman that they had to investigate the
Indian constitution problems then they had to
Reservation of seats according to the present a detailed report in which they
population for different communities in the mentioned the adequate reforms .All the
Punjab and Bengal. members of commission were British, even they
did not included a single Indian member. Indian
Muslims should be given 1/3rd representation
leaders make them to realize that to examine
in the Central Legislature.
the problems and felling of Indian nation they
The relinquishment of the right to separate should appoint Indian member in commission
electorate was an unprecedented concession by so, they can solve the problems of Indian
the Muslims and it was a major achievement of people because without this they cannot take
Jinnah to have convinced his colleagues to any decision for the future of Indian.
concede this. It was the first time that the
Simon commission reached at Bombay on 3rd
Muslim League had agreed to joint electorates
February, 1928.Before the arrival of this
and would not do so ever again. The Muslim
commission all the leaders decided that in any
League was, however, divided because of these
case they all will boycott the commission.One
proposals and prominent Muslim League
day before the arrival of commission viceroy
leaders, mainly from the Punjab, under the
lord Irwin requested them to cooperate with
leadership of Sir Muhammad Shafi, decided to
commission but the non-governmental people
part away for the Jinnah Group.
took it easy. On February, 1928 when the
budget session was going to start in assembly
Simon Commission
they decided to present the resolution for
In Government of India act, 1919 there was a boycott of Simon commission. RajaGhazanfar
provision, that to examine the constitutional Ali, Nawab Ismaeel Khan LalaLajpatRai had
reforms and to know the reaction of Montage- already spread a wave against the commission.
Chelmsford reforms after ten years a Firstly, Nawab Ismaeel was not agreeing to
government will appoint a commission who will boycott the commission because he thought
make recommendations for adequate that if we boycott against it than it will promote
amendment. According to government the congress.On16th February,
Montage-Chelmsford reforms were infavor of 1928LalaLajpatRai who was the member of the
Indian natives but on the opposite side the assemblypresented the movement of boycott of
Indian natives were not satisfied of these commission. The movement was accepted with
62 votes out of 68 except this it was also Qureshi, and MolanaZafar Ali were leading the
decided that the members were not going to be procession. When they reached near Landa
sent who were appointed by the central Bazaar there were fence of wires. The
assembly. If the governments itself appoint procession stopped there and raising slogans
them they themselves refused to sit with them. against commission. Then suddenly the clash
Council of commission selected three members started between police and protesters. The
but there were restrictions that they will only police officer Mr. Scott started beaten the
help them when the commission will needed people who were in front line. During this
them. LalaLajpat was hit near his heart at that time he
never feel pain but after few days he died of
Unfortunately, at that time Muslim league was this. The Commission never stopped his work
decided into two groups Shafi league and although people were opposing it. And at last
Jinnahleague. The confusion amongst them was on April, 1929 after the tour of India they went
temporary but during thisperiod Muslim back and finally presented their report.
clearlygets to know the intentions of Hindus.
Because of this contradiction ideology Sir Shafi There were following recommendations on
supported commission. The reason which he Commissions report:
explained to support the commission was that
The Diarchy system in the provinces should be
by opposing the commission Hindus will get
more chances on government level.According abolished and all the portfolios should be
handed over to the provincial ministers.
to his idea the congress was Hindu party and
every step of Hindus on politics will be against The power of the central government and the
Muslims, If Hindus were opposing the provincial governors should be reduced.
commission it does not mean that theywant to
cooperate with Muslims. It was just because Federal system of government should be
that they want to pressgovernment to fulfill introduced in India.
their demands.
The right to vote should be extended to more
When Sir John Simon reached Delhi from people.
Bombay he announced that he will considered
An expert committee should be constituted
the opinion of selective members and will make
regarding the separation of Sindh from Bombay.
a committee consist on a few members. The
The separation of Sindh was not granted in
committee will always be with them. But the
principal. First there would have to be a close
people of India were not satisfied with this
and detailed enquiry into the financial
announcement. TheCommission started his
consequences which would follow such a step.
Indian tour. There were strikes in all over India
against commission. But in Lahore there were The demand of the frontier for equal status was
extreme conditions. On30th October, 1928 the also neglected.“The inherent right of a man to
commission reached Lahore through train. smoke a cigarette”, said the report“must
People were gathered at the station; at noon necessarily be curtailed if he lived in a powered
big crowd was raising slogans “Simon Go magazine.”
Back”.LalaLajpatRai, Molana Abdul Qadir
The report was not acceptable for Muslims, fourth session of the All Parties Conference held
Hindus and also for the elected members of the in August 1928. The Committee declared that it
Indian legislative assembly. was useless to ask anything less than complete
Swaraj and presented the following demands:
Nehru Report (1928)
India should be given Dominion Status with the
Under the Act of 1919, new reforms were to be Parliamentary form of Government.
introduced in India by the British Government
after every 10 years. For this purpose Simon There should be a bi-cameral legislature
Commission was sent to India in 1927. Most of consisting of senate and House of
the Indian political parties decided to boycott Representatives. The senate will comprise of
the Commission on the plea that it lacked two hundred members elected for seven years,
Indian representation. The British decided to while the House of Representatives should
throw the ball in the court of Indian Politicians. consist of five hundred members elected for
Lord Birkendhead, Secretary of State for Indian five years.
Affairs, challenged the Indians, “If they have any
Governor-General will act on the advice of
political capability and competence then they
executive council. It was to be collectively
should form a unanimous constitution and
responsible to the parliament.
present it to us and we will implement it.”
Indian political parties accepted the challenge There should be Federal form of Government in
and called an All Parties Conference at Delhi in India with Residuary powers to be vested in
January 1928. The conference was attended by Centre.
around hundred delegates from all the
important parties including Indian National There will be no separate electorate for
Congress, All India Muslim League, National minorities. It claimed “since separate electorate
Liberal Federation, Hindu Mahasabha, Central awakens communal sentiments therefore it
Sikh League etc. The conference failed to reach should be scrapped and joint electorate should
a conclusion on the issue of the rights of be introduced”.
minorities. The second round of the All Parties System of weightage should not be adopted for
Conference was held in March the same year. any province.
Two sub-committees were formed but the end
result was not different from the first session. It There will be no reserved seats for communities
was during the third session of the All Parties in Punjab and Bengal. However, reservation of
Conference held at Bombay in May 1928 that a Muslim seats could be possible in the provinces
seven members committee under the where Muslim population should be at least ten
chairmanship of Motilal Nehru to determine the percent.
basic features of the future constitution of
Judiciary should be independent from the
Despite many hurdles, the Nehru Committee
There should be 1/4th Muslim Representation
completed its task and its report, commonly
at Centre
known as Nehru Report was presented in the
Sind should be separated from Bombay once the “Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim Unity”
provided it proves to be financially self was now convinced that the Hindu mindset in
sufficient. India was bent upon pushing the Muslim
minority to the wall.
Reforms should be introduced in NWFP
Fourteen Points of Quaid-i-Azam
The report was not acceptable to Muslims and
both the Muslim members of the Committee In order to counter the proposals made in the
did not sign it. Syed Ali Imam, due to bad heath Nehru Report, Jinnah presented his proposal in
could not attend the meetings of the the form of Fourteen Points, insisting that no
Committee while Shoaib Qureshi refused to sign scheme for the future constitution of the
the repot. In the fourth session of the All Parties government of India will be satisfactory to the
Conference convened in December to review Muslims until and unless stipulations were
the Nehru Report, Jinnah representing the made to safe guard their interests. The
Muslim League presented following four following points were presented by the Quaid
amendments in the report: to defend the rights of the Muslims of the sub-
There should be no less than one-third Muslim
representation in the Central Legislature. The form of the future constitution should be
federal, with the residuary powers to be vested
In event of the adult suffrage not being
in the provinces.
established, Punjab and Bengal should have
seats reserved for the Muslims on population A uniform measure of autonomy shall be
basis. granted to all provinces.
The form of the constitution should be Federal All legislatures in the country and other elected
with residuary powers vested in the provinces. bodies shall be constituted on the definite
principle of adequate and effective
Sind should immediately be made a separate
representation of minorities in every province
province and the reforms should also be
without reducing the majority in any province
introduced in NWFP and Balochistan at the
to a minority or even equality.
In the Central Legislature, Muslim
Jinnah’s proposals were rejected when put to
representation shall not be less than one third.
vote in All Parties Conference. The Congress
managed to get the majority vote in favour of Representation of communal groups shall
the Report. They asked the Government to continue to be by separate electorates:
make a constitution till December 31 according provided that it shall be open to any
to the recommendations of Nehru Report and community, at any time, to abandon its
threatened that otherwise the party would start separate electorate in favor of joint electorate.
a mass movement for the attainment of Swaraj.
It was also decided that January 26 would be Any territorial redistribution that might at any
celebrated as the Independence Day. Jinnah time be necessary shall not in anyway affect the
considered it as the “parting of the ways” and
Muslim majority in the Punjab, Bengal and the No change shall be made in the Constitution by
NWFP. the Central Legislature except with the
concurrence of the States constituting the
Full religious liberty i.e. liberty of belief, Indian Federation.
worship, and observance, propaganda,
association, and education, shall be guaranteed Muslim League made it clear that no
to all communities. constitutional solution will be acceptable to
them unless and until it en cooperates the
No bill or resolution or any part thereof shall be fourteen points.
passed in any legislature or any other elected
body if three fourths of the members of any Khudai Khidmatgar Movement
community in that particular body oppose such
a bill, resolution or part thereof on the ground Khudai Khidmatgar was basically a social
that it would be injurious to that community or movement that was initiated by Badshah Khan
in the alternative, such other method is devised in Pakhtun dominated areas. The purpose of
as may be found feasible practicable to deal this movement was to bring reform in the
with such cases. Pakhtun society. As it is known to every single
individual that the Pakhtun follow their own
Sind should be separated from the Bombay code of life also called Pushtunwali in their own
Presidency. set up that consist on Jirga (council), Melmastia
(hospitality), Badal (revenge), and Nanawaty
Reforms should be introduced in the NWFP and
(to give security to some one). Due to some
Balochistan on the same footing as in other
unchangeable principles of Pushtunwali, the
Pakhtun society was entangled in endless tribal
Provision should be made in the Constitution feuds. The reason was obvious that the
giving Muslims an adequate share along with Pakhtuns were following the already made
the other Indians in all the services of the State stereotypes, so in this struggle the Khudai-
and in local self-governing bodies, having due Khidmatgar tried there best to eliminate the
regard to the requirements of efficiency. concept of deep rooted stereotypes from the
Pashtoon society on the bases of social-cultural
The Constitution should embody adequate reforms and educational network. This would
safeguards for the protection of Muslim culture help them to put the Pashtoon society on the
and for the protection and promotion of path of development.
Muslim education, language, religion and
personal laws and Muslim charitable This movement was fundamentally based on
institutions and for their due share in the two things, firstly, to serve the humanity by
grants-in-aid given by the State and by local focusing on idioms like education for all,
self-governing bodies. encouraging poetry and music and literature
and to eradicate the vicious roots of violence
No cabinet, either Central or Provincial, should among Pashtoons. As for as the connotation of
be formed without there being a proportion of Khudai- Khidmatgar is concerned, it mean
at least one-third Muslim ministers. servants of God. But as God needs no service
and help, so by serving God mean to serve the
humanity. Similarly, the non violence become Fiquies and Wahabis etc, each claiming himself
the base of the Khudai-Khidmatgar movement right and the other wrong. They all believe in
for a purpose that the Pashtoon society was Allah yet declare each other Kaafir on the basis
already dominated by tribal feuds as discussed of minor issues. This depravity has in-fact been
earlier .So to demolish this curse from the created by the self-seekers in the guise of
Pashtoon society and to unite them under the religion. The movement also persuades the
single platform. The Khudai-Khidmatgar started people to seek guidance from Shariat in their
the idea of non violence. This would basically disputes.
help them to show a united front against the
British imperial designs. With the passage of
time this social movement was transformed Economic Reforms: The KKs bring reforms in
into a political movement. This movement had individual economy as well as National
and also has a deep influence on the Pashtoon economy. As they ban musical concerts
society. extravagance in the marriage ceremonies. As
Education: In those days the people of NWFP the Pakhtoons give sump tons meals to fairly
large number of people, as it’s done even today
(KPK) was in-fact groping in the dark. Neither
the Government Organizations had any and hired male and female dancers upon whom
the host and guest alike emptied their pockets.
arrangement for the education. If any school
was established in a village, the Mullaahs The K.Ks requested people in the name of
religion and Pathan honor to shun this bad
allowed non to go to schools. Therefore under
the patronage of Haji Sahib Turangzai A.G.K. habit of squandering their wealth, quite often
borrowed for each occasions. The prohibit sqat
and his colleagues founded a “Dar-ul-ulum”
which the British deputy commissioner equated (money in cash and kind distributed at the same
time of funeral). Nobody can deny the
with a gun by which AGK would sooner or later
hit London. The first school was opened by AGK significance of charity. It is good if it is given not
as a custom but solely in the name of Allah.
in Utmanzai during 1910 and similar schools
were opened in different villages. The ultimate Moreover the recipient must publically refuse it
if he is sure the heir is below puberty, debtor or
objective of the movement was to prepare the
people for a rebel against the British taken in on interest or any other unlawful way.
Such a refusal would thus become a precedent
Government. For the education and training of
such individuals an Azad Islami High School was for others to follow and the people would get
rid of this vicious practice. The movement also
established in 1921. Emphasis was also given to
the women education. advocates the use of country made cloth of
“khaddar”. Moreover it stressed upon the use
Religious Reforms: The K.K’s (Khudaayi- of country cotton presses and country spinning
Khidmatgar’s) theocratic approach to Islam and wheels. Moreover the movement attracted the
tried to acquaint muslims with its true spirits. illiterate and hard-headed Pakhtoons towards
The movement is also against sectarianism. manual labor through examples from the lives
There are some who offer prayers and claim to of the Prophet, like Hazrat Idrees AS, who was a
have faith in Allah and His Prophet PBUH, yet tailor by profession. A.G.K quotes the Holy
propagate sectarianism. There are Shias, Sunnis, Prophet as saying: “Allah Befriends Workers”.
Political Role the Islamic principles. Due to these reasons, he
expressed his thoughts in this address.
During the Khilafat Movement when Maulana
Abdul Bhari, Abdul Kalam Azad and other There were many reasons which caused
scholars declared India Darul-harb. Then a lot of Muslims to think about the separate homeland
people decided to leave India for Afghanistan. and compelled to protect the rights of the
When these migrants were leaving India via Muslim. There was a two branched attack on
north-west frontier province they were the Muslim interests. On the one side, Hindus
welcomed warmly by the Khudai-Khidmatgars. were creating the restrictions in the way of the
Khudai-Khidmatgars hired hotels in Kisa Khani Muslim and hurting the feeling of the Muslim to
bazar and other areas of Peshawar. A lot of propose the Nehru report as the ultimate
Khudai-Khidmatgars themselves thronged to constitution for India. On the other side, the
Afghanistan in the leadership of Khan Abdul British government totally ignored the Muslim’s
Ghafar Khan. Khudai-Khidmatgar played an rights and other facilities were not being
important role in the independence of India provided to them. They were ignored in every
from the British Raj. Realizing the situation, it field of life, especially in education and
decided to join Congress for this purpose as it government.
was the only party which was fighting for
In that critical condition, Allama Muhammad
‘Sawraj’ (independence) of India. The Khudai-
Khidmatgar movement played an important Iqbal realized that these eccentric problems of
the Muslims in North West India needed to be
role in the civil disobedience movement
launched by Congress during 1931-1934. It addressed. In order to solve these problems,
Allama Iqbal pointed a line of action.
faced a lot of brutalities by the British
government. Their businesses and buildings In his address, Allama Iqbal explained that Islam
were perished. The British government was the major and determining factor in the life
harassed them and their family members of Indian Muslims. He defined the Muslims of
sexually, but they did not lose passions and did India as a nation and recommended there could
not adopt any violent way. Its leader Khan be no possibility of peace in India without
Abdul Ghafar Khan was arrested and exiled time recognizing them as one. Unless the Muslims
and again by the British government. are considered as a nation and their rights are
protected, it is impossible to establish peace
Allahabad Address (1930)
and order in the land. Because there are many
In this address, Allama Iqbal gave the lucid nations in the land, every nation is distinguished
explanation of the inner feeling of the Muslims from the other in their customs, traditions and
of India. He narrated the basic principles of the religion. The difference in the mind, difference
Islam and loyalties of the Muslims to their faith. in thoughts and religion furthermore, difference
He gave the idea and concept about a separate in the customs and tradition make them unable
homeland in this address because the Muslim to live together. So in these condition, it is
were a nation and had a right that they got the essential that Muslim have a separate
identification and passed their lives in order to homeland as without a separate homeland they
might face many difficulties for the rest of their
life in united India.
As the permanent solution to the Muslim As far as nationalism is concerned, it can be said
Hindus problem, Iqbal proposed that Punjab, that nationalism comes through Islam in
North West Frontier province, Baluchistan, and Muslims, Islam provides a different way of life.
Sindh should be converted into one state. He Although Islam is a religion yet it declares the
expressed that the northwestern part of the rules and regulations about the different
country should be established to unite as a self- aspects of life. On the other hand, Europeans
governed unit, within or without the British considered Islam as a private affair and thought
Empire. that Islam should not guide political conditions.
Whereas Iqbal explained that Islam was not a
Islam and Nationalism private matter, the demand of separate
In his address, Allama Iqbal explained that Islam homeland was based on Islam as it did not
was the major formative factor in the life neglect the common life. “Man,” says Renan “is
history of Indian Muslims. It furnished those enslaved neither by his race nor by his religion,
basic emotions and loyalties, which gradually nor by the course of rivers, nor by the direction
unify scattered individuals and groups and of mountain ranges. A great aggregation of
finally transform them into a well-defined men, sane of mind and warm of heart, creates a
people, possessing a moral consciousness of moral consciousness which is called a nation.”
their own. The question of unity
He defined the Muslims of India as a nation and In this section of his speech, Iqbal narrated the
suggested that there could be no possibility of principle of unity and whether unity in different
peace in the country unless and until they were nations was possible or not. According to Iqbal’s
recognized as a nation. He claimed that the only point of view, there are many nations in this
way for the Muslims and Hindus to prosper in sub-continent and every nation has its own
accordance with their respective cultural values social, political, and religious structure. Without
was under a federal system where Muslim partition, establishment of peace and order in
majority units were given the same privileges this land is impossible; nevertheless they can
that were to be given to the Hindu majority pass their lives with peace. One reason is that
units. In this section, Iqbal addressed the idea one nation does not accept the customs and
the Islam and nationalism. Islam is a way of life traditions of other nations and consider them
in which the Muslims spend their lives with lower. This thing expressed that peace and
peace and harmony, it gives the principles to harmony can be established but only after the
regulate and organize life and also form the division of the Indian sub-continent to facilitate
identification of a separate nation within the the Muslims to implement their religion.
Muslim psyche. Islam provides the Muslims
with a separate identification and distinguishes Muslim Indians within India
them from others because its customs and
The unity of nations is not only territorial as is
traditions are different from other religions and
this faith stresses upon monotheism and believed by European countries. India is a
continent of human groups belonging to the
acceptance of the Holy Prophet’s principles.
different races, speaking different languages,
and professing different religions. Their
behavior is not at all determined by a common this scenario, when the first Round Table
race consciousness. Conference started M.K Gandhi and Jawaharlal
Nehru were in the jail. Muhammad Ali Jauhar in
Conclusion April 1930 declared, ‘‘The aim of the movement
As a permanent solution of the problems was was not to work for Indian independence but to
that division of continent was essential in the make Muslims slave of Hindu Maha Sabah’’.
sight of Iqbal that is why Allama Iqbal presented Along with sixteen British members, there were
his ideas in this speech. fifty seven representatives from all Indian states
and all parties except Indian National Congress.
Round Table Conference Muslim Leaders: Quaid-e-Azam, Sir Agha Khan,
Muhammad Ali Jauhur, .Maulvi Fazl Haq and Sir
The three Round Table Conferences of 1930–32 Muhammad Shafi Hindu Mahasabha: B. S.
were a series of conferences to formulate Moonje and M.R. Jayakar Liberals: Tej Bahadur
future constitution of India in the light of Sapru, C. Y. Chintamani and Srinivasa Sastri
suggestions given by the Indian Leaders. In Sikh: Sardar Ujjal Singh Depressed Classes: B. R.
Indian Act 1919, it was said that new reforms Ambedkar Princely states: Akbar Hydari (Dewan
will be introduced in Indian Act 1929. So they of Hyderabad), Mirza Ismail (Diwan of Mysore),
started planning for 1929 Act. In 1927 British Kailas Narain Haksar of Gwalior, Maharaja
Government appointed a commission to draft Bhupinder Singh of Patiala, Maharaja Sayajirao
coming constitution which is called Simon Gaekwad III of Baroda, Maharaja Hari Singh of
Commission. There was no representative of Jammu and Kashmir, Maharaja Ganga Singh of
Indians in this Commission that’s why all the Bikaner, Nawab Hamidullah Khan of Bhopal, K.S.
parties decided to boycott of this commission Ranjitsinhji of Nawanagar, MaharajaJai Singh
except Shafi League. There was great Prabhakar of Alwar and the rulers of Indore,
resentment among Indians because they were Rewa, Dholpur, Koriya, Sangli and Sarila. After
waiting for last ten years. Congress wanted a lengthy debate, it was decided that federal
clear declaration from British Government that form of government will be established for
the main aim of these conferences would be to India. The Central Executive would be
draft a scheme for Dominion Status to India. On responsible to Federal Legislature. Provinces
19 June, 1930 British Prime Minister Ramsay will be given autonomy in their own affairs and
MacDonald summoned the Indian Leader to Sindh will be considered a separate province
attend these conferences. On 13 March, 1930 with a responsible government. Two sub-
Gandhi decided to celebrate Independence Day committees were also appointed one will work
and started Civil Disobedience Movement for out the detail of Federal form of government
complete independence of India. However, and the other one will sort out the problems of
Muslim leaders stayed away from the minorities. Both communities failed to reach
movement because Hindus were exploiting the any logical conclusion. On January 19, 1931, the
Muslim demand for their own rights. first round table conference was officially
Muhammad Ali Jinnah had already given a finished. Lord Irwin decided that in the absence
proposal to British Prime Minister to settle of Congress leaders the future of India could
down this issue in London. Gandhi had given not be decided. On January 25, 1931, M.K
ultimatum for the approval of Nehru Report. In Gandhi and his colleagues were released from
jail and Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed. The presence of the Congress which even enhanced
Second Round Table Conference, lasted 7 the level of hostility between the Hindu and the
September 1931 to 1st December 1931, made Muslims and the communal award proved even
more controversies for British Government. final blow to the relations of the two
Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar has died before communities of Indian subcontinent. As result
that conference. To resolve the issues of federal of these conferences British Government issued
and minorities, Gandhi appointed himself the a White Paper based on the recommendations
member of both committees. In the absence of which was handed over to Select Committee.
other representatives, he remained fail to On July 4, 1935 a new constitution of India
resolve the issues. He presented already came into being which was approved by both of
rejected Nehru Report to resolve the communal the Houses of the Parliament.
problem. Separate electorate for Untouchables
in the award forced Gandhi to start fast unto Communal Awards
death. On August 16, 1932, the British
Under the Act of 1919, after every 10 years new
Government decided to give its famous
reforms were to be introduced in India by the
Communal Award. In this Award, principle of
Indian British Government and for this purpose
Wieghtage was applied (Muslim lost majority in
a commission was formed. The commission was
Punjab, Sikh got advantage in Punjab,
called the Simon Commission that was headed
Europeans got advantage in Bengal because of
by Sir John Simon. This commission was failed in
principle of Wieghtage). Sindh was awarded the
its objective. After this Nehru report was
status of separate province. Finally, Communal
formed in 1928 but this report was rejected by
Award declared untouchables as a minority in
Muslim leaders and Muhammad Ali Jinnah
India and thus the Hindus depressed classes
presented 14 points against this report but
were given a number of special seats. At that All
these points were not accepted by Hindus.
India Muslim League was divided into two
Under these conditions the constitutional crisis
factions, both expressed their dissatisfaction on
took a serious shape and to overcome the crisis
that Award. At last Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad
3 round table conferences were held in London
Ali Jinnah decided to accept this award till
from 1930 to 1932. The first and second round
alternative solution. The Hindu press
table conferences were failed and it was
considered it against the fundamental principle
seemed that it is impossible to resolve the
of nationalism for India. In the third Round
communal problems so in 1932 the British
Table Conference, November 17, 1932 to
Government announced its own formula known
November 24, 1932, the Congress, and Labour
as Communal Award. This award retained
Party did not take part. It was decided to setup
separate electorate for Muslims and all other
a federal legislature in India consisting of
minorities. On the basis of weighage Muslim
elected representatives of the British India and
received more representation in Muslim
of the representatives of the state to be
minority provinces. The European settlers got
nominated by respective ruler. To sum up, we
this privilege in Bengal and Assam while Sikhs in
can say that the first Conference did not gain
Punjab and Hindus in Sind and in N.W.F.P also
success because of the absence of the Congress,
enjoyed this privilege. The right of separate
the Hindu representative and the second
electorate was also given to the Untouchables.
Conference remained fail because of the
The right of separate electorate of the be Veto by Governor-General. The legislature
untouchables under this award was highly had no control over the legislature under this
criticized by Gandi and he said that if this right Act.
was not taken back then he will die by
observing the fast. The result of this threat was As regards the Federal Budget it was consisted
of two parts. One part consisted of non-votable
that the Hindu leader D.R Ambedkar renounced
the award for the untouchables. part of the budget that was 80 % of the whole
budget. This part of budget could not be
Government India Act of 1935 discussed or amended in the legislature. The
other part of the budget that consisted of 20%
The Round Table Conferences could not achieve of the whole budget could be discussed or
their objective and thus failed. However on the amended in the Federal Assembly.
suggestions of Round Table Conferences white
paper was issued in 1933 and efforts were The provinces were given more authority and
started to make the constitution of India. A powers and for the first time the provinces
committee was setup under the chairmanship were made separate entities.
of Lord Linlithgow, the viceroy of India, to
The system of Dyarchy was scrapped in the
consider the recommendations of the white
provinces and introduced in the centure.
paper. The report of the committee was
published in 1934 that was contained in a bill of Under the Act there were three lists of subjects.
law. The report along with the bill was passed in One was federal , 2nd was provincial and the
the British Parliament. After the Royal assent 3rd was concurrent list.
the Act was enforced in the country as
Government of India Act 1935. The The whole country was divided in to 11
Government of India Act 1935 consisted of two provinces.
parts. One part was central and the other part The Governor-General in the centre and the
was the provincial. The Act was also contained Governors in the provinces were given special
14 parts and 10 schedules. The following were rights and privileges. In case of emergency
the salient features of the Act: situation both Governor-General and Governors
The Act proclaimed a bicameral legislature. The enjoyed unlimited powers and their authority
one house of the Assembly was called the could not be challenged in any institution.
Indian Legislature Assembly and the other Under the Act a Federal Court was established.
house of the Assembly was The Council of State. The court was consisted of Chief Justice and six
The Council of State was the upper house that other judges. After the age of 65 the judges of
was a permanent body i.e that it could not be the Federal court had to vacant the seat
dissolved like the lower house of the however the any judge of the court could leave
Parliament. One-third members of the upper his seat before the age of 65. The court could
house had to retire after every 3 years. The interpret the constitution and if Governor-
lower house of the Assembly, the Indian General needed any help regarding the
Legislature Assembly, was not an independent constitution matters the court was bound to
body. The laws passed by the Assembly could
give advise but it was totally depended upon Near the mosque, there was a place where
him to accept or reject the advice. criminals where given punishments during the
tenure of Nawab Moeen-ul-Mulk, a Mughal
Under the Act the Secretary of State for India governor of the Punjab in the 18th century. In
enjoyed the same powers that the other those days, Taro Singh, a Sikh Saint, was slain
ministers enjoyed under the Act. The Indian there. After that incident, Sikhs named that
Council that was created to help him was place as ‘Shaheed Ganj’ ‘and built a Gurdwara
abolished under the Government of India Act (Sikh temple) on that place. Finally, they also
1935. occupied the adjoining mosque during the Sikh
The Act of 1935 failed to win appreciation from occupation of Lahore. According to another
various sectors. Both the Muslim League and version, Sikhs used to call their Gurdwara
the Indian National Congress expressed their ‘Shaheed Ganj’ as Muslims, following the
dissatisfaction over the Act. Hindu leader footsteps of the Sikhs named the mosque as
Madam Mohan greatly criticized this Act and ‘Shaheed Ganj Mosque’ instead of naming it as
Pandat Jawahar Lal Nehru said on the ‘Abdullah Khan Mosque’.
emergency rights of Governor-General and After taking over charge of the Shaheed Ganj
Governors that this Act provided that this Act mosque and Gurdwara in March 1935, the local
was like a machine that had strong brakes and SGPC of Lahore decided to demolish the
no engine. Muslim leader Muhammad Ali mosque ‘to uplift the condition of Gurdwara’.
Jinnah said this scheme thoroughly rotten The mosque was finally demolished on the
fundamentally bad and totally unacceptable. midnight of July 8 and 9, 1935. Consequently,
Masjid Shaheed Ganj Movement was launched
Shaheed Ganj Dispute (1935)
by the Muslims in which Syed Jamaat Ali Shah
In 1935, Shaheed Ganj Movement was launched played a leading role.
in the Punjab. It generated a great enthusiasm
To chalk out the future programme, a private
among the Punjabi Muslims in particular, and all
meeting of the Advisory Committee of MajIis-i-
the Muslims of the subcontinent in general.
Ittihad-i-Millat was held in the Barkat Ali
Before going into details of the movement, it
Muhammadan Hall on the evening of
seems pertinent to briefly deal with the history
November 10, under the president ship of
of the issue of Shaheed Ganj Mosque, which
Jamaat Ali Shah. The question of inauguration
was the focal point of the dispute. There was an
of a civil disobedience campaign was discussed
old mosque in Lahore on the way to the Delhi
but taking a final decision on the future
gate from Lahore Railway Station near the
program of action was postponed until January
Polytechnic Institute known as Shaheed Ganj
The mosque was built by Abdullah Khan, a cook
of Dara Shikoh, elder son of Shah Jehan, the Over the issue of civil disobedience a split
Mughals Emperor in 1753 A.D., who rose up to occurred in the ranks of Majlis-i-Ittihad-i-Millat,
the position of Kotwal (city magistrate) of extremists were led by Aminuddin Sahrai and
Lahore for his services. Haji Ghulam Jilani. They demanded an
immediate start of civil disobedience
movement, but Jamaat Ali was against it. He
was in favour of the legal solution of the Muslims not to carry swords in six districts of
problem because he thought that civil the Punjab by imposing the sections 13 and 15
disobedience movement would result in the of the Arms Act, while in these six districts Sikhs
loss of innocent lives, as already many innocent were exempted from any restriction of carrying
Muslims had been killed. Kirpans (daggers) and swords. Sikhs who were
direct party to Shaheed Ganj dispute “made all
It amply shows t hat Syed Jamaat Ali preferred negotiations impossible by, in fact, refusing to
constitutional and legal course of action to negotiate” with the Muslims or the
agitational politics. To him, the lives of the Government.
Muslims were precious, and at no cost he
wanted their blood to spill in vain. Therefore, he Internally, the Shaheed Ganj Mosque
avoided to make any overt and direct Movement too suffered from organizational
confrontation with the authorities, and insisted problems and internal schisms. After the
on making a positive engagement with the departure of Syed Jamaat Ali Shah to Makkah,
government for solving the issue of Shaheed the leadership of the movement came into the
Ganj Mosque and other related questions. hands of the extremist faction. The extremists
wanted to have confrontation with the
Jamaat Ali Shah arranged an All-India Ittihad-i- government, but their efforts could bear no
Millat Conference at Amritsar from January 17- fruit. Syed Jamaat Ali Shah’s departure proved a
19, 1936. Its purpose was to secure the setback for the movement, as the leadership
restoration of Shaheed Ganj Mosque and the gap or vacuum which was created, could not be
tomb of Kaku Shah. The Conference was adequately filled by those who succeeded him
attended by 100 delegates from various districts as leaders of the movement. In addition,
of the Punjab, the NWFP and the United another important factor which contributed to
Provinces and presided over by Jamaat Ali Shah. the failure of the movement was non-
Nevertheless, the Masjid Shaheed Ganj cooperation from the Ahrars, who came into
Movement failed to achieve its aims. David prominence in 1931 in connection with the
Gilmartin has alleged that Jamaat Ali Shah’s agitation of the Kashmiri Muslims against the
leadership proved to be a failure for the Hindu ruler of the State. Though Syed Jamaat
Shaheed Ganj Movement. In fact, this was not Ali Shah supported Ahrar in their struggle but
the case. Both extrogenous and endogenous Ahrar did not cooperate in the Shaheed Ganj
factors were responsible for the failure of the Movement. They kept themselves aloof from it
Movement. As for the extrogenous causes, the by saying that it was a conspiracy against them.
British Government of Punjab remained The Ahrar who considered themselves the
adamant in its stance not to resolve the issue at champions of the rights of the Muslims and
any condition because Government could not interests ‘became silent spectators while whole
afford, after Kashmir Agitation (1931), another Lahore was burning over the issue of Shaheed
country-wide movement. So to weaken the Ganj’.
Shaheed Ganj Movement, the Government Syed Jamaat Ali Shah despite his old age and
forfeited the securities of the Muslim deteriorating health, worked for the success of
newspapers such as Ahsan, Zarnindar and the Movement. On the contrary, leaders and
Siyast. Moreover, the Government restricted
parties which considered themselves as the Congress. Hence, the final success of the
representatives of the Muslims i.e. Ahrar, elections was named in the favour of Congress,
Khaksar, Unionist, Jamiat-i-Ulema-i-Hind and which gained majority in Bihar, Orissa, Madras
nationalist ulema like Abul Kalam Azad kept and U.P and other regions.
themselves aloof from one of the most burning
The Congress didn’t set up ministries for about
issues of the Muslims of India in 1930s, and did
nothing substantial for the solution of the four months demanding British government to
not interfere in its legislative affairs. Discussions
Shaheed Ganj Dispute. On the other hand, the
Hindus, the Congressite nationalist leaders, who between them took place, and at last, the
British agreed without making any formal
were not direct party to the dispute, were in full
support of Sikhs by condemning Jamaat ALI amendment to the Government of India Act
1935. As a result of which, Congress ministries
Shah and Shaheed Ganj Movement.
were formed in July 1937 but with bitter policy
Congress Ministries (1937-1939) against Muslims: Hindi became the national
language, Congress flag became the national
Even though Muslim League and Congress were flag, and Bande Matram became the national
against the Government of India Act 1935, yet it anthem. A strict prohibition was laid on cow
was implemented in the winter of 1937. Now, slaughter and singing of Bande Matram, taken
what lay before them was the task of from the novel of Chandra Chatterji, was started
persuading their concerned masses to support in schools. Construction of new mosques was
them in the upcoming elections. But Muslim banned and Muslims were harassed while they
League, which stood for separate electorates, offered prayers.
was unfortunately divided in several factions
owing to personal and ideological differences. Twenty-seven months of Congress rule were
Congress, on the other hand, was raising characterized by rising political Hinduism, which
slogans of joint electorates. Congress also seemed to be working only for the welfare of
wanted Hindi to be declared as the official Hindu community and revenging the previous
language in the Deva Nagri script, while 700-year Muslim rule over them, as stated by
Muslims were in favour of Urdu in Persian script some Congress leaders. Educational reforms
to be officially declared as the national language were introduced that were purely anti-Muslim
of the Indian sub-continent. in spirit. The purpose of Warda Taleemi Scheme
was to displace the idea of two nation theory
The result of elections came as a huge shock to from minds of Muslim children, while Vidya
both the parties. Congress, who claimed to be Mandar Scheme aimed at promoting Hindu
representing 95% of the total Indian population, culture by making Mandar education necessary
could not even secure 40% of the seats. It won at elementary level. Muslims were also kept
almost 750 seats out of 1,771 in 8 out of 11 back in economic circle. They were expelled
provinces. Its success was restricted to Hindu- from government offices and career
majority provinces only. As for the results for opportunities were closed for them. Their trade
the Muslim League, they were greatly and agriculture was a target of Hindu’s harm,
disappointing. Out of 491 Muslim seats, it could and they couldn’t appeal justice which already
only capture 106 and 26 of them were taken by had Hindu imprints upon it. As a result, and to
nobody’s surprise but huge dismay, massive leader and the then Chief Minister of the
Hindu-Muslim riots took place. Punjab, tried to persuade Quaid-i-Azam to
postpone the Lahore session of the Muslim
Several reports such as “Pirpur Report”, League but failed to convince the latter. Quaid-
“Muslim Sufferings under Congress Rule”, and i-Azam, when he reached Lahore on March 21,
“The Sharif Report” were issued by Muslims went straight from the railway station to Mayo
leaders to give word and voice to the injustice Hospital to enquire about the health of the
and cruelty they were receiving under Congress wounded Khaksars. By doing so Quaid-i-Azam
reign, and they found expression in handled the controversial issue well and
newspapers. without annoying the Khaksars managed to
When World War II started in 1939, the British hold the Muslim League session on the planned
were fighting against the Axis Powers. The dates and time. The Punjab Police Intelligence
Viceroy of India announced India’s involvement had also appreciated Jinnah’s tactics and
without consulting its representative political farsightedness.
leaders. Congress asked for transfer of power in
Lahore Resolution (1940)
repayment of their cooperation in war, which
the British government denied. As a result, With the introduction of political reforms in
Congress ministries resigned. Thus came to an India by the British, the Muslims realized that
end the nightmarish rule which had terrorized they would become a permanent minority in a
Muslim community beyond imagination. Quaid- democratic system and it would never be
i-Azam asked the Muslims to observe it as a possible for them to protect their fundamental
‘Day of Deliverance’ with peace and without rights. They only constituted one fourth of the
any harmful intent towards any other nation. total Indian population and were much lesser in
Prayers of thanksgiving and gratitude were number than the majority Hindu community. In
offered and Muslims took a sigh of relief from order to protect their political, social and
the atrocities committed against them in the religious rights they first demanded for separate
two-year Congress rule. electorates. However, due to the political
developments that took place in the country
Khaksar Tragedy (1940) they realized that even the right of separate
The British Government in the Punjab decided electorates would not be enough and they had
to ban all the paramilitary organizations in the to search for some other long term solution.
Punjab and stopped them from parading in Muhammad Iqbal, the poet philosopher in his
public and also from wearing military uniform. famous Allahbad address made it clear that
Khaksars refused to obey the directives and Islam has its own social and economic system
decided to hold their military parade in the area and in order to implement it a political entity
of Bhati Gate, Lahore on March 19. When police was required. When Jinnah came back to India
tried to disperse the rebels, they resisted and in order to reorganize Muslim League and to
clashed with the police. This resulted in the make it a political party of the Muslim masses,
killing of around 50 Khaksars and many other he got the opportunity to interact with Iqbal.
were injured. The atmosphere of Lahore Iqbal through his letters tried to persuade
became tense. Sir Sikandar Hayat, a Unionist
Jinnah that the only solution available was a to Mayo Hospital to see the wounded Khaksars.
separate state for the Indian Muslims where By doing so he managed to handle well the
they could spend their lives according to the issue of Khaksar disturbances. On his arrival
teachings of Holy Quran and Sunnah of the Jinnah told the print media that the All India
Prophet (SAW). Though Jinnah was convinced Muslim League will make historic decision in the
by late 1930s, but being a realist he was not upcoming session.
ready to announce the new plan until he was
Quaid-i-Azam’s Address
confident that the vast majority of the Muslims
were behind him. Overwhelming support from The venue of the session was Minto Park near
the Muslim masses for his call to celebrate Day Badshahi Masjid and Lahore Fort. The inaugural
of Deliverance on December 22, 1939 was session was planned at around three in the
actually a vote of confidence given by the afternoon on March 22. People started coming
Muslim Community in the leadership of Jinnah, from the morning and by the afternoon the
whom they by then had started considering as park was jam packed. According to a rough
their Quaid-i-Azam. estimate around 100,000 attended the public
meeting. In the beginning of the session, the
welcome address was presented by the Nawab
With the clarity of mind and backing of the of Mamdot. This was followed by the historical
Muslim community behind him, Quaid-i-Azam speech of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
called for the 27th annual session of All India
The Quaid in his two hours presidential address
Muslim League to be held from March 22 to 24,
1940 at Lahore. Sir Shah Nawaz Khan of in English narrated the events that took place in
the past few months and concluded, “Hindus
Mamdot was made the head of the reception
committee and Main Bashir Ahmad was and the Muslims belong to two different
religious philosophies, social customs and
nominated as secretary of the session.
Prominent leaders including Chaudhry literature. They neither inter-marry nor inter-
dine together, and, indeed, they belong to two
Khaliquzzam, Nawab Muhammad Ismail Khan,
Nawab Bahadur Yar Jang, A.K. Fazlul Haq, different civilizations that are based mainly on
conflicting ideas and conceptions. Their
Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar, Abdullah haroon,
Qazi Muhammad Isa, I.I. Chundrigar, Sardar concepts on life and of life are different. It is
quite clear that Hindus and Muslims derive their
Aurangzeb Khan, Khawaja Nazimuddin, Abdul
Hashim and Malik Barkat Ali etc. attended the inspiration from different sources of history.
They have different epics, different heroes and
different episodes. Very often the hero of one is
Khaksar Tragedy a foe of the other, and likewise, their victories
and defeats overlap. To yoke together two such
Due to the Khaksar Tragedy that took place on nations under a single state, one as a numerical
March 19, Sir Sikandar Hayat and others tried to minority and the other as a majority, must lead
persuade Jinnah to postpone the session but to growing discontent and final destruction of
the determined Quaid was not ready for it. In any fabric that may be so built up for the
order to participate in the session, he reached government of such a state.” He further
Lahore by train on March 21. He went straight claimed, “Mussalmans are a nation according to
any definition of a nationhood. We wish our It further records its emphatic view that while
people to develop to the fullest spiritual, the declaration dated the 18th of October,
cultural, economic, social and political life in a 1939, made by the Viceroy on behalf of His
way that we think best and in consonance with Majesty’s Government is reassuring in so far as
our own ideals and according to the genius of it declares that the policy and plan on which the
our people”. Government of India Act, 1935 is based will be
reconsidered in consultation with the various
During his speech the Quaid quoted the letter parties, interests and communities in India,
written by Lala Lajpat Rai in 1924 to C.R. Das in Muslim India will not be satisfied unless the
which he clearly mentioned that the Hindus and whole constitutional plan is reconsidered de
the Muslims were two separate and distict novo and that no revised plan would be
nationas which could never be merged into a acceptable to the Muslims unless it is framed
single nation. When Malik Barkat Ali claimed with their approval and consent.
that Lala Lajpat Rai was a “Nationalist Hindu
leader”, Quaid responded, “No Hindu can be a Resolved that it is the considered view of this
nationalist. Every Hindu is a Hindu first and session of the All-India Muslim League that no
last.” constitutional plan would be workable in this
country or acceptable to Muslims unless it is
The Resolution designed on the following basic principle,
namely, that geographically contiguous units
On March 23, A.K. Fazul Haq, the Chief Minister
are demarcated into regions which should be so
of Bengal, moved the historical Lahore
constituted, with such territorial readjustments
Resolution. The Resolution consisted of five
as may be necessary, that the areas in which
paragraphs and each paragraph was only one
the Muslims are numerically in a majority, as in
sentence long. Although clumsily worded, it
the North-Western and Eastern Zones of India,
delivered a clear message. The resolution
should be grouped to constitute ‘Independent
States’ in which the constituent units shall be
“While approving and endorsing the action autonomous and sovereign.
taken by the Council and the Working
That adequate, effective and mandatory
Committee of the All-India Muslim League, as
safeguards should be specifically provided in
indicated in their resolutions dated the 27th of
the constitution for minorities in these units
August, 17th and 18th of September and 22nd
and in these regions for the protection of their
of October, 1939, and 3rd of February 1940, on
religious, cultural, economic, political,
the constitutional issue, this session of the All-
administrative and other rights and interests in
India Muslim League emphatically reiterates
consultation with them; and in other parts of
that the scheme of Federation embodied in the
India where Mussalmans are in a minority,
Government of India Act, 1935 is totally
adequate, effective and mandatory safeguard
unsuited to, and unworkable in the peculiar
shall be specially provided in the constitution
conditions of this country and is altogether
for them and other minorities for the protection
unacceptable to Muslim India.
of their religious, cultural, economic, political,
administrative and other rights and interests in that followed, he or she would come to the
consultation with them. conclusion that either the word “states” was
included as a mistake or the League leadership
This session further authorizes the Working soon had a second thought to their idea. A
Committee to frame a scheme of constitution in Resolution passed at the 1941 Madras session
accordance with these basic principles, of the League stated, “Everyone should clearly
providing for the assumption finally by the understand that we are striving for one
respective regions of all powers such as independent and sovereign Muslim State.” In all
defence, external affairs, communications, the speeches that Quaid delivered, he also used
customs and such other matters as may be the word “an independent homeland” or “an
necessary”. independent Muslim state”.
Besides many others, the Resolution was Hindu Reaction
seconded by Chaudhary Khaliquzzam from UP,
Maulana Zafar Ali Khan from Punjab, Sardar The Hindu reaction was, of course, quick, bitter
Aurangzeb from the N. W. F. P, Sir Abdullah and malicious. They called the “Pakistan”
Haroon from Sindh, and Qazi Muhammad Esa demand “anti-national.” They characterized it
from Baluchistan. Those who seconded the as “vivisection; above all, they denounced it as
resolution, in their speeches declared the imperialist – inspired to obstruct India’s march
occasion as a historic one. The Resolution was to freedom.” In denouncing the demand
eventually passed on the last day of the moot, outright, they, however, missed the central fact
i.e. March 24. of the Indian political situation; the
astonishingly tremendous response of the
Controversies Pakistan demand had elicited from the Muslim
The name Pakistan was not used in the masses. They also failed to take cognizance of
resolution and the official name of the the fact that a hundred million Muslims were
resolution was Lahore Resolution. It was the now supremely conscious of their distinct
Hindu newspapers including Partap, Bande nationhood and were prepared to stake
Matram, Milap, Tribune etc., who ironically everything to actualize their self-perceived
coined the name Pakistan Resolution. However, destiny – the creation of an independent
the idea was appreciated by the Muslim masses Muslim state in the sub-continent.
and the Resolution is more known as Pakistan British Reaction
Resolution. Secondly, the Government and
people of Pakistan wrongly celebrate March 23 The British were equally hostile to the Muslim
as a national day in Pakistan. The actual day demand for at least two important reasons.
when the resolution was passed was March 24. First, they had long considered themselves as
It was only presented on March 23. Lastly, it the the architects of the unity of India and of an
word “states” and not “state” was mentioned in Indian nation. Second, they had long regarded
the Resolution. It means that the authors of the the super-imposed unity under tax Britannica as
Resolution were foreseeing two separate states their greatest achievement and lasting
in the north-western and eastern zones of India. contribution in history. And the Pakistan
But if one has a good look at the developments demand threatened to undo these presumed
achievements on which the British had long about the rights of minorities, especially
prided. However, despite the Hindu Muslims as it declared that the majority
denunciation and the British alarm, the course community will not be given the veto power
of Muslim, indeed Indian, politics was from now and full weight would be given to the views of
on firmly set towards Pakistan. minorities in making of the Constitution.
However, the document made it clear that all
Conclusion the promises will be fulfilled after the
The All India Muslim League Resolution of conclusion of the war and that too if all the
March 1940, commonly known as the Pakistan communities and political parties would help
Resolution, is undoubtedly the most important the British in their war efforts.
event that changed the course of Indian history In order to discuss the August Offer, Quaid-i-
and left deep marks on the world history. With Azam held meetings with the Viceroy, Lord
the passage of this Resolution, the Muslims of Linlithgow, on August 12 and 14. This was
the sub-continent changed their demand from followed by the meeting of the Muslim League
“Separate Electorates” to a “Separate State.” Working Committee on September 1 and 2. The
This Resolution rejected the idea of a United Committee appreciated the clauses of the offer
India and the creation of an independent in which the British agreed to accept that no
Muslim state was set as their ultimate goal. It future constitution will be recognized by the
gave new energy and courage to the Muslims of Government without the approval and consent
the region who gathered around Quaid-i-Azam of the minority communities. However, the
from the platform of the Muslim League to committee showed its reservations on issues
struggle for their freedom. The dynamic like the composition of the Executive Council
leadership of the Quaid and the commitment and the vagueness of the War Advisory Council.
and devotion of the followers made it possible The working Committee also made it clear that
for them to achieve an independent state no formula was accepted to the party which
within seven years of their struggle, and that was against the spirit of the Lahore Resolution
too when the odds were against them. in which clearly declared that the Muslims of
India were a nation by themselves and they
The August Offer (1940)
alone were the final judges and arbiters of their
In order to win over the sympathies of the own future destiny. The Indian National
Indian masses and political parties during the Congress also opposed the offer and their
war, His Majesty’s Government issued a White president, Abul Kalam Azad, even refused to
Paper on August 8, 1940. The document, which discuss the formula with the Viceroy.
later on is known as the August Offer in history
books, promised for the establishment of an
Cripps Mission (1942)
independent Indian Constituent Assembly with The British were alarmed at the successive
completely indigenous representation and a victories of Japan during 1940s. When Burma
power to frame the future constitution of the was turned into a battle field and the war
country. The offer also provided the option for reached the Indian boarders, the British started
the extension of the Viceroy’s Executive feeling more concerned about the future of
Council. Simultaneously, the August Offer talked
India. Situation in the country was further The provinces not agreeing to the new
complicated as the Congress wanted to take constitution would have the right to keep itself
advantage of the situation by accelerating their out of the proposed Union. Such provinces
efforts in their struggle for independence. would also be entitled to create their own
Moreover the differences between the separate Union. The British government would
Congress and the Muslim League were widening also invite them to join the commonwealth.
fast and visibly there was no chance to bring
During the war an interim government
both the parties on a common agenda. In these
circumstances, the British Government sent a comprising of different parties of India would be
constituted. However, defence and external
mission to India in 1942 under Sir Stafford
Cripps, the Lord Privy Seal, in order to achieve affairs would be the sole responsibility of the
Hindu-Muslim consensus on some
constitutional arrangement and to convince the Quaid-i-Azam considered these proposals as
Indians to postpone their struggle till the end of “unsatisfactory” and was of the view that the
the Second World War. acceptance of the Cripps proposals would “take
the Muslims to the gallows.” He said that the
Cripps arrived in Delhi on March 22, 1942 and
had series of meetings with the leading Indian proposals have “aroused our deepest anxieties
and grave apprehensions, specially with
politicians including Jawaharlal Nehru, Abul
Kalam Azad, Quaid-i-Azam, Sir Sikandar Hayat reference to Pakistan Scheme which is a matter
of life and death for Muslim India. We will,
Khan, A. K. Fazlul Haq, Dr. Ambedkar, V.D.
Savarkar and Tej Bhadur Sappru etc. In the therefore, endeavour that the principle of
Pakistan which finds only veiled recognition in
meetings Cripps tried to plead his case before
these political leaders and tried to convince the Document should be conceded in
unequivocal terms.” The Quaid, however, was
them to accept his following proposals:
happy to know that in the Cripps proposals, at
During the course of the war, the British would least the British Government had agreed in
retain their hold on India. Once the war principle to the Muslim League’s demand of the
finished, India would be granted dominion partition of India. Yet, Quaid-i-Azam wanted the
status with complete external and internal British Government and Cripps to thoroughly
autonomy. It would however, be associated amend the proposals to make them acceptable
with the United Kingdom and other Dominions for the Muslim League.
by a common allegiance to the Crown.
Actually Quaid-i-Azam and other Muslim League
At the end of the war, a Constituent Assembly leaders were convinced that Cripps was a
would be set up with the power to frame the traditional supporter of Congress and thus
future constitution of India. The members of could not present an objective solution to the
the assembly were to be elected on the basis of problem. On the arrival of Cripps, Quaid-i-Azam
proportional representation by the provincial made it clear that he was a friend of Congress
assemblies. Princely States would also be given and would only support the Congress’ interests.
representation in the Constituent Assembly. Congress leaders themselves accepted that
Cripps was their man. On his first visit to India,
Cripps in fact attended the meetings of the
Congress Working Committee. He also visited Muslims, the Communist Party, the princely
Gandhi and was so much impressed by him that states, the Imperial and state police, the Indian
he wore white khadi suit. He openly ridiculed Army, and the Indian Civil Service. Many Indian
the Muslim League’s demand for Pakistan when businessmen were profiting from heavy
he said, “we cannot deny 25 carore Hindus wartime spending and did not support Quit
desire of United India only because 9 carore India. Many militant students paid more
Muslims oppose it.” In fact the proposals Cripps attention to Subhas Chandra Bose, who was in
presented were mainly consisted of the ideas exile and supporting the Axis. The only outside
which were discussed in a meeting between support came from the Americans, as President
Nehru and Cripps in 1938. Franklin D. Roosevelt pressured Prime Minister
Winston Churchill to give in to Indian demands.
Quit India Movement (1942) The Quit India campaign was effectively
crushed. The British refused to grant immediate
The Quit India Movement was a civil
independence, saying it could happen only after
disobedience movement launched in India in
the war ended. In 1939 Indian nationalists were
August 1942 in response to Mohandas Gandhi’s
angry that the British Governor-General of
call for immediate independence. The All-India
India, Lord Linlithgow, had without consultation
Congress Committee proclaimed a mass protest
with them brought India into the war.
demanding what Gandhi called “an orderly
British withdrawal” from India. The call for At the outbreak of war, the Congress Party had
determined, but passive resistance appears in passed a resolution during the Wardha meeting
his call to Do or Die, issued on 8 August at the of the working-committee in September 1939,
Gowalia Tank Maidan in Bombay. conditionally supporting the fight against
fascism, but was rebuffed when they asked for
The Quit India Movement was a civil
independence in return. Gandhi had not
disobedience movement launched in India in
supported this initiative, as he could not
August 1942 in response to Mohandas Gandhi’s
reconcile an endorsement for war (he was a
call for immediate independence. The All-India
committed believer in non-violent resistance to
Congress Committee proclaimed a mass protest
tyranny, used in the Indian Independence
demanding what Gandhi called “an orderly
Movement and proposed even against Adolf
British withdrawal” from India. The call for
Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Hideki Tojo).
determined, but passive resistance appears in
However, at the height of the Battle of Britain,
his call to Do or Die, issued on 8 August at the
Gandhi had stated his support for the fight
Gowalia Tank Maidan in Bombay.
against racism and of the British war effort,
The British were prepared to act. Almost the stating he did not seek to raise a free India from
entire Indian National Congress leadership, and the ashes of Britain. However, opinions
not just at the national level, was imprisoned remained divided.
without trial within hours after Gandhi’s speech
After the onset of the war, only a group led by
at least 60,000. Most spent the rest of the war
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose took any decisive
in prison and out of contact with the masses.
action. Bose organized the Indian National Army
The British had the support of the Viceroy’s
with the help of the Japanese, and, soliciting
Council (which had a majority of Indians), of the
help from the Axis Powers conducted a guerrilla strongly opposed the Quit India movement and
war against the British authorities. The purpose supported the war effort because of the need
of the mission was to negotiate with the Indian to assist the Soviet Union, despite support for
National Congress a deal to obtain total co- Quit India by many industrial workers. In
operation during the war, in return of response the British lifted the ban on the party.
progressive devolution and distribution of The movement had less support in the princely
power from the crown and the Viceroy to states, as the princes were strongly opposed
elected Indian legislature. The talks failed, and funded the opposition.
having failed to address the key demand of a
Muslim leaders opposed Quit India.
timetable of self-government and of definition
of the powers to be relinquished, and Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s opposition to the call
led to large numbers of Muslims cooperating
essentially portraying an offer of limited
dominion-status that was wholly unacceptable with the British, and enlisting in the army. The
Muslim League gained large numbers of new
to the Indian movement.
members. Congress members resigned from
The Congress Working Committee meeting at provincial legislatures, enabling the League to
Wardha (14th July, 1942) passed a resolution take control in Sind, Bengal and Northwest
demanding complete independence from the Frontier. Although at the national level the
British government. The draft proposed massive ability to galvanize rebellion was limited, the
civil disobedience if the British did not accede to movement is notable for regional success
the demands. However, it proved to be especially at Satara, Talcher, and Midnapore. In
controversial within the party. A prominent Tamluk and Contai subdivisions of Midnapore,
Congress national leader Chakravarti the local populace was successful in establishing
Rajgopalachari quit the Congress over this parallel governments, which continued to
decision, and so did some local and regional function, until Gandhi personally requested the
level organizers. Jawaharlal Nehru and Maulana leaders to disband in 1944. A minor uprising
Azad were apprehensive and critical of the call, took place in Ballia, now the easternmost
but backed it and stuck with Gandhi’s district of Uttar Pradesh. People overthrew the
leadership till the end. On August 8, 1942 the district administration, broke open the jail,
Quit India Resolution was passed at the Bombay released the arrested Congress leaders and
session of the All India Congress Committee established their own independent rule. It took
(AICC). In his Quit India speech that day at weeks before the British could reestablish their
Gowalia Tank, Bombay, and Gandhi told Indians writ in the district. Of special importance in
to follow non-violent civil disobedience. He told Saurashtra (in western Gujarat) was the role of
the masses to act as an independent nation. His the region’s ‘baharvatiya’ tradition (i.e. going
call found support among a large amount of outside the law) which abetted the sabotage
Indians. activities of the movement there. In rural west
Bengal, the Quit India Movement was fueled by
The Congress had little success in rallying other peasants’ resentment against the new war
political forces under a single flag and program. taxes and the forced rice exports. There was
Smaller parties like the Hindu Mahasabha open resistance to the point of rebellion in 1942
opposed the call. The Communist Party of India
until the great famine of 1943 suspended the The ‘Quit India’ movement, more than
movement. anything, united the Indian people against
British rule. Although most demonstrations had
One of the achievements of the movement was been suppressed by 1944, upon his release in
to keep the Congress party united through all 1944 Gandhi continued his resistance and went
the trials and tribulations that followed. The on a 21-day fast. By the end of the Second
British, already alarmed by the advance of the World War, Britain’s place in the world had
Japanese army to the India-Burma border, changed dramatically and the demand for
responded by imprisoning Gandhi. All the independence could no longer be ignored.
members of the Party’s Working Committee
(national leadership) were imprisoned as well. Jinnah – Gandhi Talks (1944)
Due to the arrest of major leaders, a young and
till then relatively unknown Aruna Asaf Ali The passing of the Resolution on 23rd March by
presided over the AICC session on August 9 and the All India Muslim League at its Lahore
hoisted the flag; later the Congress party was session created a serious situation for the
banned. These actions only created sympathy Congress leadership. Mohan Das Karam Chand
for the cause among the population. Despite Gandhi wrote in Harijan on 6th April 1940, “I
lack of direct leadership, large protests and admit that the step taken by the Muslim League
demonstrations were held all over the country. at Lahore creates a baffling situation…the Two
Workers remained absent en masse and strikes Nations theory is an untruth. The vast majority
were called. Not all demonstrations were of Muslims of India are converts to Islam or are
peaceful, at some places bombs exploded, the descendants of converts. They did not
government buildings were set on fire, become a separate nation, as soon as they
electricity was cut and transport and converted. C. Rajagapalachari, a liberal congress
communication lines were severed. leader, who had to resign from the Congress
because of his views, however, realised the
The British swiftly responded with mass necessity for Hindu-Muslim reconciliation as a
detentions. Over 100,000 arrests were made, pre-requisite for the attainment of
mass fines were levied and demonstrators were independence. On 23rd April 1942,
subjected to public flogging. Hundreds of Rajagapalachari addressed a small gathering of
resisters and innocent people were killed in his old Congress supporters in the Madras
police and army shootings. Many national legislature and had a resolution passed for
leaders went underground and continued their submission to the All India Congress committee,
struggle by broadcasting messages over recommending the acceptance of partition in
clandestine radio stations, distributing principle. On 2nd May 1942, he mooted his
pamphlets and establishing parallel proposal on Pakistan in the AICC at Allahabad,
governments. The British sense of crisis was which stated, “…it has become necessary to
strong enough that a battleship was specifically choose the lesser evil and acknowledge the
set aside to take Gandhi and the Congress Muslim League’s claim for separation.” The
leaders out of India, possibly to South Africa or proposal was rejected by 120 to 15 votes. Rajaji
Yemen but ultimately did not take that step out did not give up hope, but kept on negotiating
of fear of intensifying the revolt with Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah
during April 1944, when Gandhi and other anti-Pakistan slogans at Gandhi’s prayer
Congress leaders were in jail. The meeting at Panchgani. The meeting took place
correspondence was released to the press on between the two leaders at Bombay from 9th
9th July 1944, and contained what came to be September to 27th September. They met
known as the “Rajaji Formula”. It was intended almost daily, and sometimes even twice in a
to form the basis of the talks between Jinnah day. On 27th September, Jinnah announced the
and Gandhi for a settlement of the Hindu- termination of talks after the failure of the two
Muslim problem. Rajaji declared that he had leaders to reach an agreement saying, “We
already obtained Gandhi’s approval for the trust that this is not the final end of our effort.”
formula. While Gandhi commented,”the breakdown is
only so- called. It is an adjournment sine die.” In
Jinnah placed the formula before the Working the course of the seventeen day discussions,
Committee of the Muslim League on 30th July they exchanged 24 letters which were later on
1944, but personally considered it made public.
unsatisfactory. He told the committee that Mr.
Gandhi is offering a “shadow and a husk, a The discussion as well as the correspondence
maimed, mutilated and moth-eaten Pakistan.” can be divided into three distinct stages. The
Though, in his private capacity Jinnah expressed first stage when Jinnah asked Gandhi for
his pleasure at Gandhi’s acceptance at least of clarification of various points in the Rajaji
“the principle of Pakistan.” formula. The second stage started when
Gandhi, on account of obvious difficulties,
Meanwhile Allama Inayatullah Khan Mashriqi, shunted the Rajaji formula, and attempted to
leader of the Khaksar Movement also addressed apply his mind to the Lahore Resolution.
letters to Jinnah and Gandhi urging them to Eventually Gandhi made some new proposals
meet to discuss the Hindu-Muslim problem. and after this the final breakdown took place.
Gandhi took the initiative and wrote to Jinnah,
“Let us meet whenever you wish, do not An analysis of the correspondence dearly shows
disappoint me.” The Muslim League Council that the talk failed because Gandhi simply
meeting at Lahore invested Jinnah with full refused to accept the Lahore Resolution as
powers to negotiate with Gandhi on its behalf interpreted by Jinnah. He did not believe in the
Jinnah accepted the offer and suggested a two nation theory which was the fundamental
meeting between the two and offering his basis of the Muslims’ demand, and totally
residence at Bombay as venue for discussion. rejected the Muslims right of self-
determination. On 4th October Jinnah in a press
conference at Bombay said, “In one breath
It is worthwhile noting that while Jinnah had full Gandhi agrees to the principle of division and in
powers to negotiate on behalf of the Muslim the next he makes proposals which go to
League, Gandhi was undertaking this enterprise destroy the very foundation on which the
on his own behalf without the official sanction division is claimed by Muslim India.”
of the Congress. Many members of the On one hand Gandhi wanted a League-Congress
Congress expressed disapproval at Gandhi’s agreement, and on the other denied the
move. The Mahasabha young men shouted League’s representative character and authority
to speak on behalf of the Mussalmans of India. The majority of the Hindus, especially the
In his letter of 25th September 1944, Jinnah Mahasabhaits received the news of the
summed up Gandhi’s attitude to the Lahore breakdown of these talks with utmost relief and
Resolution, thus “You have already rejected the joy, for they were anxious lest their leader
basis and fundamental principles of Lahore should commit himself to the ‘vivisection of
Resolution: 1) You did not accept that the Mother India’. It was the Muslims who were
Muslims of India are a nation. 2) You do not most bitterly disappointed when the talks
accept that the Muslims have an inherent right failed.
of self-determination. 3) You do not accept that
Matlubul Hasan Saiyid has stated, ‘Gandhi’s
they alone are entitled to exercise this right. 4)
You do not accept that Pakistan is composed of circuitous argumentation, shifting from
Rajagopalacharia’s formula to Lahore
two zones, north-west and north-east,
comprising six provinces, namely, Sindh, Resolution of the League and then back again
and then over again to League Resolution,
Baluchistan, the North-West Frontier provinces,
the Punjab, Bengal and Assam subject to punctuating the discussions by his own
suggestions and those of others whom he did
territorial adjustments.”
not claim to represent, had made the
Gandhi wanted that first the people of India breakdown of the these talks inevitable.
should oust the British with their joint action.
When India was free then by mutual settlement Jinnah had called this breakdown unfortunate,
‘Dr. Tara Chand gives the following reason for
and agreement two separate states could be
created. Jinnah was not prepared to trust the the break down, ‘A perusal of the letters
exchanged shows that the two parties came
words of Gandhi or the Congress. He said
separation must come first and then matters of very near to one another. What prevented
them from concluding a settlement was not the
common interest between the two states would
be settled by a treaty. apparent differences between their
standpoints, but the distrust and fear which, lay
Lord Wavell expressed his disappointment at behind the spoken and written word.
the failure of the talks. He stated that “Gandhi-
Jinnah talks ended on a note of complete
futility. I must say I expected something better. Gandhi’s apparent purpose in holding these
The two great mountains have met and not talks seemed to be to discredit the Muslim
even a ridiculous mouse has emerged. This League and to appear before the Muslims as a
surely must blast Gandhi’s reputation as a friend doing all he could to concede to their
leader. Jinnah had an easy task, he merely had demands, while in fact he was merely weaving a
to keep on telling Gandhi he was talking deceptive web of words to fool the public and
nonsense, which was true, and he did so rather to impose upon the Lahore Resolution a
rudely, without having to disclose any of the meaning quite different to what was intended
weakness of his own position, or define his by the framers of the resolution.- The failure of
Pakistan in any way. I suppose it may increase these talks, on the other hand, enhanced the
his prestige with his followers.” prestige of the Quaid and he was able to
consolidate his position as the leader of the All the members of the Council, except the
Indian Muslims. Viceroy and the Commander-in-Chief would be
Wavell Plan (1945)
An Indian would be appointed as the member
In October 1943 the British Government of Foreign Affairs in the Council. However, a
decided to replace Lord Linlithgow with Lord British Commissioner would be appointed to
Wavell as the Viceroy of India. Before assuming look after the matters relating to the trade.
the charge, Wavell worked as the Chief of
Indian army and thus had quit an understanding Defence of India was to be in the hands of a
of the Indian situation. Right after assuming British authority till Power was transferred to
charge as Viceroy, Wavell’s most important task the Indian hands
was to present a formula for the solution of the
Viceroy would convene a meeting of the Indian
Indian problem which was acceptable for both
politician including the leaders of Congress and
the Congress and the Muslim League. After
the Muslim League so that they could nominate
doing his basic homework, in May 1945 he
the names of the members of the new Council.
visited London and discussed his suggestions
with the British Government. The London talks If this plan is approved for the Central
resulted in the formulation of a definite plan of Government then same type of popular
action which was officially made public ministries comprising of the political leaders
simultaneously on June 14, 1945 by L.S. Amery, would be formed in all the provinces.
the Secretary of State for India in the House of
Commons and by Wavell in a broadcast speech
delivered from Delhi. The plan, commonly None of the changes suggested will in any way
known as Wavell Plan presented the following prejudice or prejudge the essential form of the
proposals: future permanent Constitution of India
If all the Indian political parties would help the In order to discuss the proposal with the Indian
British in the war then the British Government leaders, Wavell summoned a conference in
would introduce Constitutional Reforms in India Simla on June 25, 1945.
after the war.
Simla Conference (1945)
Viceroy’s Executive Council would be
immediately reconstituted and the number of Lord Wavell succeeded Lord Linlithgow as
its members would be increased. Viceroy of India in 1943. Lard Wavell was a
reputed military commander and had
In that Council there would be equal
commanded the British armies in the Second
representation of high class Hindus and the
World War. Before coming to India he was the
C-in-C of the British forces which were fighting
Other minorities including low-caste Hindus, in North Africa against German forces. Being a
Shudders and Sikhs would be given military commander Lord Wavell possessed
representation in the Council. great administrative experience. When he took
over as Viceroy, the tide of the Second World of the Indian Muslims. Quaid-i-Azam took a
War was turning in favour of the allies. Lord strong stand on these two issues and the
Wavell declared that British Government conference failed to achieve anything and
wanted to see India as an independent and finally ended on 14th July, 1945.
prosperous country. When the war ended in
August 1945, Viceroy Lord Wavell decided to Elections of 1945-46
hold a political conference to which he invited
The 1945-46 elections were, by far, the most
Muslim League and Congress representatives.
critical at all levels in the annals of the history of
The conference began in Simla on June 24, 1945
Indian sub-continent. The first Simla Conference
and lasted till July 14, 1945. Muslim League was
had broken down on 14th July 1945 on the
represented by Quaid-i-Azam, Liaquat Ali Khan,
controversial issue of the representative culture
Khwaja Nazim-ud-din, Ghulam Hussain Hidayat
of the All India Muslim League (AIML). Also,
Ullah, Sir Muhammad Asad Ullah and Hussain
once World War II was over the new
Imam. The Congress was represented by
government in Britain took control. The new
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Khizar Hayat Tiwana,
government gave some new instructions to the
Dr. Khan Sahib and some other leaders.
Viceroy of India. So, on 21st August 1945 the
The Viceroy proposed an Interim Central Viceroy Lord Wavell announced that elections
Government in which all the portfolios except to the central and provincial legislatures would
that of war would be given to Indians. There be held in the coming winter. As for the first
was to be parity of representation between phase it was decided that election to the central
Muslims and caste Hindus. There was a legislative assembly would be held to be
deadlock over the Muslim League’s demand followed by the election to the provincial
that all five Muslim members of the Executive assemblies.
Council should be the nominees of the Muslim
The Muslim League announced that it would
League. The Viceroy was of the opinion that
fight the elections on the two clear-cut issues –
four members should be taken from the Muslim
League while the fifth member should be a Pakistan is the national demand of the Muslims
Punjabi Muslim who did not belong to the of India and the Muslim League is their sole
Muslim League. The Viceroy’s insistence on representative organization. Soon after the
having a non-leaguer in the Executive Council announcement regarding the general election
was in accordance with the advice given by the Muslim league started preparation to
British and Hindu officials to support Khizar contest them. The League’s position in 1945
Hayat Tiwana in his stand against Muslim was entirely different from what it had been at
League. Khizar Hayat Tiwana, Chief Minister of the time of the previous election held in1937.It
Punjab, had demanded that one seat of the was now well established as a mass
Executive Council, out of Muslim quota, should organization with branches in every provinces,
be given to his Unionist Party which was happily districts, tehsils and villages. To cope with the
accepted by the Viceroy. The Congress also finance of the election Quaid-i-Azam asked the
supported Khizar Hayat in his stand against Muslims in his characteristic style “give us the
Muslim League. The Congress denied Muslim silver bullets and we will finish the job.”
League’s claim of being the sole representative
For Jinnah and the Muslim League election On the other hand League celebrated January
campaign was urgent and also extraordinarily 11, 1946 as the Day of victory and declared that
hectic and brisk. He suffered bouts of serious the election results were enough to prove that
illness at the time. However, Quaid-i-Azam did Muslim League under the leadership of Quaid-i-
not slacken his pace and in a mere 24 weeks, Azam was the sole representative of the
between mid-July and end of December 1945 Muslims of the region.
“addressed thousands and had talks with
hundreds,” as he himself stated. During this
short period he spoke at more than twenty-six All said and done, it was the last variable made
gatherings across the provinces of Bombay, Pakistan possible. Indeed, the massive electoral
Sindh, Baluchistan and the Frontier, gave out verdict in Pakistan’s favour during 1945-46 was
thirty-two press statements and interviews, met the most important development between
several delegations and received and answered 1940 and 1947 between the adoption of the
a great deal of political correspondence. In this Lahore Resolution and the emergence of
endeavor, Jinnah was helped by a team of Pakistan. By all standards, this verdict
highly committed deputies. He had formed the represented the most critical step in the
All India Muslim League Committee of Action in establishment of Pakistan. It was clear to the
December 1943 and later the Central Congress that the Muslim League was the
Parliamentary Board whose proceedings are authoritative representative of an
also printed in this volume. These small bodies overwhelming majority of the Muslims in India,
of dedicated office-holders selected Muslim but it neither accepted it openly nor challenged
League candidates, settled differences and its position.
appeals over the award of League tickets,
distributed funds, coordinated elections work For both the Congress and the League, the
from their Delhi head office and travelled and prime issue in the 1945-46 elections was the
supervised election activity all over India. In this creation of Pakistan as opposed to the idea of
they were supported admirably by the All India Akhand Hindustan. Hence, the elections
and Provincial Muslim Students Federations represented a referendum of sorts, as
whose members, especially at Aligarh, set suggested by Gandhi, to ascertain the declared
examples of selflessness, sacrifice and and established will of Muslims on the
dedication. nationhood and separation issues. Once that
will was given in Pakistan’s favour, its
Elections for the Central Legislature were held emergence (in some form or another) could no
in December 1945. Though the franchise was longer be resisted or delayed.
limited, the turnover was extra ordinary.
Leagues performance was even more Cabinet Mission (1946)
impressive as it managed to win all the 30 seats
reserved for the Muslims. The results of the After the failure of British efforts to establish
provincial election held in early 1946 were not peace consensual constitutional adjustment and
different. Congress won most of the non- the results of general elections, which created
Muslim seats while Muslim League captured deadlock between Muslim League and
approximately 95 percent of the Muslim seats. Congress, British government sent a special
mission of Cabinet ministers in India. This the plan government should be given to Muslim
mission gave the plan to resolve the deadlock League because it had accepted the interim
which is known as Cabinet Mission Plan. The government but Viceroy did not give it to
main purpose of the mission was setting up a Muslim League. In the meantime Nehru said
constitutional frame work and Executive council that Congress had accepted the constituent
with the help of Indian parties. Lord Pethick assembly by changing the Cabinet plan. In these
Lawrence, the Secretary of State for India, Sir circumstances Muslim League quit itself from
Stafford Cripps, the President of the Board of the plan and Viceroy invited Congress to made
Trade and A.V. Alexander, the First Lord of the interim government although it had initially
Admiralty were the members of this mission. rejected it. However Viceroy soon realised that
it will give no fruit without Muslim League so he
The mission held talks with the representatives invited Muslim League as well.
of the Indian National Congress and All India
Muslim League for two weeks. On one side Cabinet Mission Plan (1946)
Congress was eager that the task of constitution
making should be given to the constituent Lord Pethick-Lawrence, Secretary of State for
assembly. It also believed that best solution of India on February 19, 1946, announced in
all problems lay in federal form of government. Parliament that a special mission consisting of
It demanded that the matters of defence, three Cabinet ministers, in association with the
foreign affairs and communication should be Viceroy, would proceed to India, in order to
dealt by federal government. Moreover hold discussions with the Indian leaders. The
Congress did not want to discuss about the idea three Cabinet ministers would be Pethick
about Pakistan. On the other hand Muslim Lawrence, Sir Stafford Cripps and A.V.
League leaders were saying that Hindus and Alexander. Cripps told the press conference on
Muslims had communal differences and they landing at Karachi on March 23 that the
also raise the voice for the partition of India. purpose of the mission was “to get machinery
After an extensive discussion with Congress and set up for framing the constitutional structure
Muslim League the Cabinet Mission gave its in which the Indians will have full control of
own proposal on May 14 1946. their destiny and the formation of a new
interim government.” The Mission arrived in
According to their own proposed plan their Delhi on March 24 and left on June 29. Jinnah
would be union of India comprising British India faced extreme difficulties in the three-month-
and the Indian states that would deal with long grueling negotiations with the Cabinet
defence, foreign affairs and communication. All Mission. The first of these was the continued
residuary power would belong to provinces and delicate state of his health. At a critical stage of
the provinces should be divided in to three the negotiations, he went down with bronchitis
sections. There would also be an interim and ran temperature for ten days. But he never
government with the support of all political gave up the fight and battled till the end of the
parties. negotiations. Secondly, the Congress was still
much stronger than the Muslim League as a
The Muslim league accepted the plan initially
party. “They have the best organized — in fact
Congress had accepted the plan though it
the only well organized — political machine;
rejected the interim government. According to
and they command almost unlimited financial Convention would lay down “once and for all in
support they can always raise mob passion and equivocal terms what we stand for”.
mob support and could undoubtedly bring
A resolution passed unanimously by the
about a very serious revolt against British
rule.”– Mountbatten’s “Report on the Last Convention (the “Delhi Resolution”) stated that
no formula devised by the British Government
Viceroyalty”. Thirdly, The Congress had several
powerful spokesmen, while for the League for transferring power to the peoples of India
would be acceptable to the Muslim nations
Jinnah had to carry the entire burden of
advocacy single-handedly. Fourthly, the Mission unless it conformed to the following principles:
was biased heavily in favor of the Congress. Frontier Province, Sind and Baluchistan in the
Secretary of State Pethick-Lawrence and Cripps, North-West of India, namely Pakistan, zones
the sharpest brains among them, made no where the Muslims are in a dominant majority,
secret of their personal friendship for the be constituted into a sovereign independent
Congress leaders. Wavell was much perturbed State and that an unequivocal undertaking be
by Pethick-Lawrence’s and Cripps’s private given to implement the establishment of
contacts with the Congress leaders and the Pakistan without delay.
deference they showed to Gandhi. Finally,
Jinnah suffered from the disadvantage that it The two separate constitution-making bodies
was the Muslim League, a minority party, which be set up by the people of Pakistan and
alone demanded Pakistan. The Congress, the Hindustan for the purpose of framing their
smaller minorities and the British Government respective Constitutions.
including the comparatively fair-minded Wavell
That the acceptance of the Muslim League
with whom the final decision lay, were all
demand of Pakistan and its implementation
strongly opposed to the partition of British
without delay are the sine qua non for Muslim
League cooperation and participation in the
Quaid-i-Azam the constitutionalist took formation of an Interim Government at the
appropriate steps to strengthen his hand as the Center.
spokesman of the Muslim League. He convened
That any attempt to impose a Constitution on a
a meeting of the Muslim League Working
united-India basis or to force any interim
Committee at Delhi (4-6 April 1946) which
arrangement at the Center contrary to the
passed a resolution that “the President alone
Muslim League demand will leave the Muslims
should meet the Cabinet Delegation and the
no alternative but to resist any such imposition
Viceroy. This was immediately followed by an
by all possible means for their survival and
All India Muslim Legislator’s Convention. Nearly
national existence.
500 members of the Provincial and Central
Legislatures who had recently been elected on This impressive show of strength, staged in the
the Muslim League ticket from all parts of India very city where the members of the Cabinet
attended it. It was the first gathering of its kind Mission were quartered, demonstrated to the
in the history of Indian politics and was called Mission and to all the others that the 100
by some “the Muslim Constituent Assembly”. In million Muslims of India were solidly behind the
his presidential address, Jinnah said that the demand for Pakistan and further that the
Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was their work on such a basis and if this is forced upon
undisputed supreme leader. India it must lead us on to disaster.”

The Mission began their talks by first informing The Second Simla Conference having failed to
themselves of the views of the different leaders produce an agreed solution, on May 16, the
and parties. When they found the view-points Mission issued it’s own statement. The Cabinet
of the League and the Congress irreconcilable, Mission broadcast its plan worldwide from New
they gave a chance to the parties to come to an Delhi on Thursday night, May 16, 1946. It was a
agreement between themselves. This included a last hope for a single Indian union to emerge
Conference at Simla (5-12 May), popularly peacefully in the wake of the British raj. The
known as the Second Simla Conference, to statement reviewed the “fully independent
which the Congress and the League were each sovereign state of Pakistan” option, rejecting it
asked to nominate four delegates for for various reasons, among which were that it
discussions with one another as well as with the “would not solve the communal minority
Mission. When it became clear that the parties problem” but only raise more such problems.
would not be able to reach a concord, the The basic form of the constitution
Mission on May 16, 1946, put forward their recommended was a three-tier scheme with a
own proposals in the form of a Statement. minimal central union at the top for only
foreign affairs, defense and communication,
Azad, the president of the Congress, conferred and Provinces at the bottom, which “should be
with the Mission on April 3 and stated that the free to form Groups with executive and
picture that the Congress had of the form of legislatures,” with each group being
government in future was that of a Federal empowered to “determine the Provincial
Government with fully autonomous provinces subjects to be taken in common”. After ten
with residuary powers vested in the units. years any Province could, by simple majority
Gandhi met the Mission later on the same day. vote, “call for a reconsideration of the terms of
He called Jinnah’s Pakistan “a sin” which he, the constitution”. Details of the new
Gandhi, would not commit. constitution were to be worked out by an
At the outset of his interview with the Mission assembly representing “as broad based and
on April 4 the Quaid was asked to give his accurate” a cross section of the population of
reason why he thought Pakistan a must for the India as possible. An elaborate method of
future of India.He replied that never in long assuring representation of all the communities
history these was “any Government of India in in power structure was outlined with due
the sense of a single government”. He went on consideration given to the representation of
to explain the irreconcilable social and cultural states as well as provinces.
differences between the Hindus and the The Quaid replied on the 19th , asking the
Muslims and argued, “You cannot make a Viceroy if the proposals were final or whether
nation unless there are essential uniting forces. they were subject to change or modification,
How are you to put 100 million Muslims and he also sought some other clarification. The
together with 250 million people whose way of Viceroy promptly furnished the necessary
life is so different? No government can ever explanations. It seemed as if the Quaid would
accept the Viceroy’s proposals. The Congress Lord Wavell wrote letters to Nehru and Jinnah
Working Committee met in Delhi on June 25 on July 22, 1946 and invited them to join an
and by a resolution rejected the proposals, as “Interim Coalition Government.” He suggested
“Congressmen can never give up the national that there would be 14 members in the cabinet:
character of the Congress or accept an artificial 6 of them from Congress, 5 from the Muslim
and unjust party, or agree to the veto of a League and the other 3 would represent the
communal group.” Azad sent a copy of the minority parties and the important portfolios
resolution to the Viceroy and in his covering would be divided equally to the Congress and
letter protested against the non-inclusion of a the League. He made it clear that neither
Muslim-Congressman from the Congress quota. Congress nor Muslim League would be entitled
to object the names submitted by the other
After the Congress stand had become known, party, provided they were acceptable to the
the Working Committee of the Muslim League Viceroy. Both Nehru and Jinnah rejected the
resolved to join the Interim Government, in proposal in their letters to Wavell written on
accordance with the statement of the Viceroy July 23 and July 31 respectively. This created a
dated 16th June. The interpretation of the complete deadlock.
Quaid-i-Azam was that if the Congress rejected
the proposals, the League accepted them, or In order to break the deadlock, the Secretary of
vice versa,the Viceroy would go ahead and form State for India asked the Viceroy to contact
the interim Government without including the Nehru and to offer him to form Government.
representatives of the party that decided to The Muslim League was completely ignored. On
stand out. But the interpretation of the Viceroy August 6, Wavell in letter to Nehru invited him
and the Cabinet Mission was different from that to form the Government. Congress held its
of the Quaid-i-Azam. Working Committee session on August 8 and
authorized Nehru to negotiate the terms and
It became clear that the protracted negotiations Conditions for joining the Interim Government.
carried out for about three months by the On August 17 Nehru asked the Viceroy to allow
Cabinet Mission did not materialize in a League- him to form a full strength Ministry by filling the
Congress understanding, or in the formation of 5 Muslim seats with non League Muslims. This
an interim Government. Towards the end of idea was, however, not acceptable to the
June, the Cabinet Mission left for England, their Viceroy and asked to leave the Muslim seats
task unfulfilled. It had, however not been a vacant. The differences were resolved and on
complete failure. It was clear to the Indians that August 24 a communiqué was issued from
the acceptance of the demand for Pakistan Delhi, declaring that the new Executive Council
would be an integral part of any future would take charge on September 2.
settlement of the Indian problem. In the
meantime the League and the Congress were On September 2, the Congress jointed the
getting ready for elections to the Constituent Interim Government. Their leaders declare,
Assembly. “Muslim League may come or not. That would
make no difference. The caravan will move on.”
Interim Government (1946-47) Congress nominated Jawaharlal Nehru,
Vallabhbhai Patel, Rajendra Prasad, Sarat
Chandra Bose, Chakravarti Rajagopalachari and co-operation.” Gandhi considered that the
Jagjivan Ram as the nominee of the party in the League’s entry in to the Government was not
Cabinet. Three minority positions were filled by straight. Actually they felt hurt from the fact
Sardar Baldev Singh (Sikh), C.H. Bhabha (Parsee) that Jinnah decided to enter Interim
and Johan Matthai (Indian Christian). Three Government on the request of Wavell and not
Muslims, Asaf Ali, sir Shafaat Ahmad Khan and on Nehru’s request. Furthermore, Jinnah made
Syed Ali Zaheer, were also included in the it clear that the Muslim League members of the
Government, while two Muslim seats were left cabinet will not be directly answerable to
vacant. Muslim League rejected the idea of Nehru. Congress leadership was also annoyed
installing one party Government. Jinnah because Muslim League nominated a scheduled
declared Viceroys decision against his earlier cast Hindu, Jogendra Nath Mandal, as a cabinet
assurance and commitments with the Muslim member. This act could challenge the Congress
League. The Muslim League observed claim of being the sole representative of the
September 2 as black day and throughout India deprived class. Though the Viceroy wanted to
they flew black flags on their houses and shops. give one of the three important departments,
i.e. External Affairs, Home or Defence to the
Muslim League, Nehru straight away rejected
As the time passed the British realized that the the idea. Following portfolios were allocated to
Interim Government cannot deliver unless and the different parties:
until the Muslim League send its
representatives in the Cabinet. They persuaded
Jinnah to join the Interim Government. On the Congress
other hand Muslim League also comprehended
that its exclusion from the Government was
paying havoc with the interests of the Muslims. Jawaharlal Nehru External Affairs and
Jinnah realized that he could protect the Commonwealth Relations
interests of the Indian Muslims more if his party
joins the Interim Government. A series of
meetings took place between Jinnah and Wavell
Vallabhbhai Patel Home, Information and
and ultimately Muslim League joined the
Interim Government on October 25, 1946. In
order to create space for the Muslim League
Ministers, Sarat Chandra Bose, Shafaat Ahmad
Khan and Syed Ali Zaheer had to quit. Rajendra Prasad Food and Agriculture

Congress was not satisfied with the way Muslim C. Rajgopalacharia Education and Arts
League was included in the Interim
Government. Nehru in a letter to the Viceroy on
October 26 wrote, “The choice itself indicated a Asaf Ali Transport and Railways
desire to have conflict rather than to work in
local people. The Viceroy Executive Council
served as the executive branch of interim
Jagjivan Ram Labour government. Although it was originally headed
by the Viceroy of India, it was transformed into
a council of ministers with the powers of a
Muslim League Prime Minister bestowed on the vice president
of the Council, a position held by Jawaharlal
Nehru. With the exception of the Viceroy, who
Liaquat Ali Khan Finance would hold only a ceremonial position, and the
commander in chief of Indian army all members
of the council were Indians.

I.I. Chundrigar Commerce

Abdur Rab Nishtar Communications

Poor Man’s Budget (1947)

Ghazanfar Ali Khan Health
When Muslim League joined the Interim
Government, differences arouse between the
two major parties over the issue of the
J.N. Mandal Legislature distribution of portfolios. Muslim League
wanted one of the three important ministries,
i.e. External Affairs, Home or Defence, but
Minorities Congress was not ready to give any of them to
the League. Nehru considered himself as the
best possible choice for the External Affairs,
while Patel thought it was better for him to
John Matthai Industries and Supplies
remain outside the cabinet, if he was not made
in charge of the Home department. When
pressure was put on the Congress to give
C.H. Bhabha Works, Mines and Power something of a significant importance to the
Muslim League, on the advice of Rafi Ahmad
Kidwai, a Muslim Congress member, they
Baldel Singh Defence offered Muslim League the Finance ministry.
They were sure that since the League had no
finance expert in their leadership, they would
either decline the offer or would badly fail in
The Interim government remained in place till
running the ministry. To their surprise Muslim
the independence of Pakistan and India. Besides
League accepted the challenge and nominated
other duties it assisted the British Government
Liaquat Ali Khan as the Finance Minister.
in the process of transferring the power to the
Knowing the importance of the ministry Liaquat Special income tax of 25% was introduced on
started putting financial checks on all the the businessmen whose annual profit was more
ministries run by the Congress members. They than Rs. 100000/-
could not even hire a peon without the prior
consent of Liaquat. A graduated tax was introduced on the capital
gains exceeding Rs. 5000/-
The greatest contribution of Liaquat as Finance
Minister, however, was the budget he A commission was proposed to look in to the
accounts of those who accumulated wealth
presented on February 28, 1947. This was the
first time when an Indian presented the budget during the Second World War and to introduce
heavy taxes on them.
of his country and that also proved to be the
last budget of British India. The budget, which By presenting the Poor Man’s budget, Liaquat
was prepared with the help of financial experts was able to kill two birds with one stone. On
like Malik Ghulam Muhammad, Chaudhari one hand the budget was hailed in the local
Muhammad Ali and Zahid Hussain etc. was a press and was appreciated by the common
poor’s friendly budget and is known in the people. The popularity of Muslim League
history as Poor Man’s Budget. While presented further enhanced and it was proved, i.e. if the
the budget in the Central Assembly Liaquat proof was still required, that Muslim League
declared, “It will be my particular endeavour to was competent enough to run the affairs of an
reduce, to the maximum extent possible, the independent state. On the other the hand the
glaring disparities that exist today between the capitalist, most of whom were the pro-Congress
income and standards of life of the wealthy Hindu industrialists and businessmen, termed it
classes and the vast multitude of poverty- as “Millionaire’s howls” and decided to stop the
stricken masses and to contribute to the best of funding of the Indian National Congress. The
my ability to the improvement of the lot of the budget presented by Liaquat compelled the
common man.” He further stated, “I do believe Congress leaders to accept that giving Finance
in the Quranic injuctions that wealth should not ministry to the Muslim League was a blunder on
be allowed to circulate among the wealthy and their part.
the stern warning given against accumulation of
wealth in the hands of individuals.”

Following were some of the main features of

the Poor Man’s Budget:

Salt Tax was completely abolished for the first


Minimum exemption limit for income tax was Wavell Plan (June 14, 1945)
raised from Rs. 2000/- to Rs. 2500/-
In October 1943 the British Government
decided to replace Lord Linlithgow with Lord
Wavell as the Viceroy of India. Before assuming
the charge, Wavell worked as the Chief of e) All the members of the Council, except the
Indian army and thus had quit an understanding Viceroy and the Commander-in-Chief would be
of the Indian situation. Right after assuming Indians.
charge as Viceroy, Wavell’s most important task
was to present a formula for the solution of the
Indian problem which was acceptable for both f) An Indian would be appointed as the member
the Congress and the Muslim League. After of Foreign Affairs in the Council. However, a
doing his basic homework, in May 1945 he British Commissioner would be appointed to
visited London and discussed his suggestions look after the matters relating to the trade.
with the British Government. The London talks
resulted in the formulation of a definite plan of
action which was officially made public
g) Defence of India was to be in the hands of a
simultaneously on June 14, 1945 by L.S. Amery,
British authority till Power was transferred to
the Secretary of State for India in the House of
the Indian hands
Commons and by Wavell in a broadcast speech
delivered from Delhi. The plan, commonly
known as Wavell Plan presented the following
proposals: h) Viceroy would convene a meeting of the
Indian politician including the leaders of
a) If all the Indian political parties would help Congress and the Muslim League so that they
the British in the war then the British could nominate the names of the members of
Government would introduce Constitutional the new Council.
Reforms in India after the war.

i) If this plan is approved for the Central

b) Viceroy’s Executive Council would be Government then same type of popular
immediately reconstituted and the number of ministries comprising of the political leaders
its members would be increased. would be formed in all the provinces.

c) In that Council there would be equal j) None of the changes suggested will in any
representation of high class Hindus and the way prejudice or prejudge the essential form of
Muslims. the future permanent Constitution of India

d) Other minorities including low-caste Hindus, In order to discuss the proposal with the Indian
Shudders and Sikhs would be given leaders, Wavell summoned a conference in
representation in the Council. Simla on June 25, 1945.

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