Report Quantitative Analysis - Spss (Minor Research)

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SPSS is a series of software letters used for data analysis. For this subject, I need to do a
minor research for SPSS topic and need to collect 30 respondents for any questions.
SPSS main point is that it allows students or researcher to analyse data without using
progressive statistical analysis skills. SPSS is a Windows based program that can be used
to do data access and analysis and to create tables and graphs. SPSS is accomplished of
handling large amounts of data and can perform all of the analyses enclosed in the text and
much more. SPSS is commonly used in the Social Sciences and in the business world, so
familiarity with this program should serve you well in the future. This software can take data
from almost any type of file and use them to make tabulated reports, charts and plots of
circulations and trends, descriptive statistics and conduct complex statistical analyses.

I choose topic online shopping attitudes. Online shopping is no hesitation the future trend.
Online shopping on sectors such as fashion and accessories, electronic or electrical goods
and others are growing in Malaysia. Many researches claimed that online shopping is still at
the initial stage of growth in Malaysia and the potential for growth is inevitable (Fong, 2013).
In the representative online shopping process, when possible consumers know a need for
some merchandise or service, they go to the Internet and search for need-related
information. However, rather than searching aggressively, at times potential consumers are
attracted by information about products or services associated with the felt need (Li &
Zhang, 2002). They then assess alternatives and choose the one that best fits their
standards or criteria for meeting the touched need.
2.0 Motivation

I choose this topic for my research because to study how often an individual buy online
product. This is because, in this sophisticated and modern age, everything is at your
fingertips. This study has presented several objectives, the main objective of this study is to
identify which platform is most used to buy the goods they want. There are several online
platforms used including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Shopee and Lazada. Therefore, we
will be able to find out which online platform is most preferred by online users.

2.1 Find issues/ problems/

The issue for this study is to identify which online platform is often used and among the
factors they use the online platform, the facility is very suitable for students or users who
have time constraints to go out shopping as well as want something quick and easy.
However, there are also risks that need to be taken into account such as the goods received
are different (size, colour and quality) than advertised, goods do not arrive after payment is
made, goods arrived damaged and so on.
3.0 Data Collecting process

Step 1: Need to identify the issues or opportunities for collecting data

The first step is need to identify issues or the opportunities for collecting data and to choose
what next stages to take. To do this, it may be helpful to manner an internal and external
assessment to understand what is research is all about. If research issues have been
identified, this will definitely make it easier for us to understand what we want to study.

Step 2: Plan an approach and methods

Organizations will make decisions about who will be surveyed, how data will be collected,
the sources of data that will be used, and the duration of the data collection project, among
other questions. In this survey I use quantitative method. A quantitative approach can be
used to count events or the number of people who represent a particular background and
the common quantitative tools include surveys, questionnaires and statistical data. Data is
collected through a questionnaire study involving 30 respondents engaged in a focused

Step 3: Prepared questionnaire and Collect data

For this survey, I will prepare the question that related to my research topic which is how
often there buy product online and the second, what is the platform that they use to buy. I
also include the common question in questionnaire which is the respondent name, age and
gender. he questionnaire are create by using google form. Data is collected through a
questionnaire study involving 30 respondents engaged in a focused manner.

Step 4: Key-in at SPSS

For the data analysis, I use the SPSS software to make my work more easy. It is a series of
software letters used for data analysis. I just need to key in the data and the chart to make
my report because SPSS is a Windows based program that can be used to do data access
and analysis and to create tables and graphs
4.0 Analysing data and interpretation


Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid Below 20 years old 4 13.3 13.3 13.3
21-30 years old 25 83.3 83.3 96.7
31-40 years old 1 3.3 3.3 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0

1) There are 3 categories of age for this questionnaire. The respondents for this study
are randomly selected.
2) Based on this survey, the frequency for category below 20 years old are 4, 21-30
years old are 25 and category for 31-40 years old are 1.
3) Thus, it shows category of age for 21-20 years old are the highest respondents
compared to others categories.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Male 12 40.0 40.0 40.0
Female 18 60.0 60.0 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0

1) There are 30 frequency for gender which is female and male.

2) Out of percentage, there are 40% respondents are male while 60% respondents are
3) Thus, female are the highest respondents for this survey.
How often do you buy product online?

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid Extremely often 1 3.3 3.3 3.3
Quite often 10 33.3 33.3 36.7
Moderately often 16 53.3 53.3 90.0
Not at all often 3 10.0 10.0 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0

1) There are 4 categories of how often the respondents buy online product which is
extremely often, Quite often, moderately often and the last not at all often.
2) Based on this survey, there are 53.3% respondents are moderately often and 33.3%
respondents are quite often to buy online products.
3) Thus, the categories for extremely often are the lowest percentage which is 3.3% buy
online products.
Which online platform are you most use to buy anything?

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid Instagram 3 10.0 10.0 10.0
Faceebook 2 6.7 6.7 16.7
Shoppee 24 80.0 80.0 96.7
Lazada 1 3.3 3.3 100.0
Total 30 100.0 100.0

1) There are 4 categories of online platform that I ask in this questionnaire.

2) Based on the data collection, the percentage for Instagram platform are 10% and
Facebook platform are 6.7%.
3) Thus, the Lazada platform are only 3.3% and are the lowest percentage.
4) Shopee are the 80% and the highest platform used for buy online products.
5.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, the result of this study shows more people are moderately often buy online
products. There are many factors why people are more interested to buy online products
such as convenience. Customers can purchase items from from their homes or work place
by only using phone. Shopping is more easier and convenient for the customer through
internet. Next, it also can save time. Customers don’t have to stand in lines in cash counters
to pay for the products that have been purchased by them. Then, based on this survey,
shopee is the highest used online shopping platform. This is because, the products sold are
cheaper and there are many options of products. It also easy to used by all categories of

5.1 Recommendation

The recommendation is I would like to suggest to future research is to study about what
are the common products customers usually buy. Thus, we can know what are the kind of
products their trust to buy online. Next, they also can make a research for the
disadvantage of buying online products.  Though online shopping has many advantages,
it also got its own problems. Not every online shopper is happy with their online
shopping experiences. I am one of the users who moderately often buy online can say
more than half of the online shoppers have to face problems, while shopping online
such as fraud seller, delay in delivery and also lack of interaction.

Fong, H. soo. (2013). A study on consumer’s attitude towards online shopping on Penang
Famous Fruit Pickles.

Li, N., & Zhang, P. (2002). Consumer Online Shopping Attitudes and Behavior: an
Assessment of Research. AMCIS 2002 Proceedings, September, 74.

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