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Block 1: Oral Comprehension

1. Understanding instructions for working and taking part in the 8. Production of messages of social exchange in the
classroom. classroom and related to thematic content: questions,
2. Understanding and participation in situations of social answers, instructions for working...
exchange in the classroom: greet, say goodbye, congratulate, 9. Rules governing the oral communication and interaction:
apologize, ask permission, give thanks... and oral texts word shift, tone of voice, respect for the interventions of
related to curricular topics. others...
3. Identification of the lexical and basic expressions of a specific 10. Use of the typical structures of the foreign language in
topic. oral productions.
4. Global and specific comprehension of oral texts of different 11. Oral presentation in groups or individually about topics
types in different formats and supports, and the extraction of already done and using visual and digital supports.
information to carry out a specific task or as 12. Provision to overcome the difficulties that may arise in an
reinforcement/extension of the different knowledge. interaction using strategies that facilitate communication
5. Memorizing and reproducing oral texts such as songs, (repetition, use of examples, gesture, images).
poems, rhymes, narratives, short texts related to curricular 13. Interest and effort to understand oral productions in the
content in other areas, using verbal and non-verbal language. classroom.
6. Proper pronunciation, intonation and rhythm in the usual oral 14. Assessment of oral productions as an expression of their
interactions following the guidelines of the foreign language. own learning.
7. Recognition for the intonation of the phrase modality
(interrogation, exclamation ...).
Block 2: Reading Comprehension
1. Comprehension of information related to contents about 5. Using dictionaries in paper and digital format in order to
different curricular domains and presented in different understand words and expressions.
supports. 6. Using the resources of the classroom, the school and the
2. Reading strategies learned from other school languages town’s library as a source of information in different
which make easier the reading comprehension of the text and supports written in the foreign language.
permit the deduction of the words and expressions’ meaning 7. Using digital tools for the guided research of information
(prediction, supposition). during the performance of specific tasks.
3. Reading different types of text, in paper and digital support, in 8. Interest for the reading of real and adapted texts, as a
order to understand their global meaning and take specific source of information and pleasure.
information from them.
4. Intonation, following the rhythmic patterns of the foreign
language, during the expressive reading of simple texts.
Block 3: Written expression
1. Written production strategies and resources learned from the 5. Application/Implementation of knowledge about the
other curricular languages, for the production of different foreign language functioning (lexical, morphosyntactic
types written texts. and spelling) in written texts production.
2. Production of brief texts related to daily life situations. 6. Use of safe and age-appropriate digital communication
3. Use of expressions and sentences worked before in written systems to establish communication channels in foreign
texts production (descriptions, dialogues, narratives, poems) language and for the presentation, editing and
with the TAC resources support when necessary publication of texts.
4. Use of foreign language structures in written productions. 7. Rules for good presentation written texts.
Block 4: Functional knowledge of a language and its learning
1. Differences between oral and written language within real or 7. Basic spelling rules.
simulated communicative situations according to the type of 8. Writing of usual words/vocabulary with difficult spelling.
text 9. Basic sentence connectors: and, but, then, because...
2. Association of letter pronunciation and meaning. 10. Basic similarities and irregularities and grammatical
3. Abilities and strategies to learn new vocabulary, expressions forms of the foreign language: recognition and use from
and structures (repetition, memorization, association and use a communicative point of view.
of multimedia resources) and reflection on one’s own learning 11. Verb tenses (present, past and future) used according to
process. the type of text.
4. Recognition and use of vocabulary, forms and basic 12. Assessment and confidence in a person’s own ability of
structures of the foreign language. learning a foreign language as a mean to carry out
5. TAC resources on basic vocabulary and reinforcement and different tasks, as a learning tool and access to
linguistic structures of the foreign language. knowledge and as a communication language in and out
6. Application/Implementation of the knowledge on linguistic of the classroom.
aspects learnt from other curricular languages: punctuation.
Block 5: Literary education
1. Reading comprehension of authentic or adapted literary texts. 6. Dramatizations, explanation of stories with dialogues and
2. Listening, reading, memorization and speech of simple or recitations of poems and songs.
easy literary texts (poems, songs, legends, idioms and typical 7. Respect for others productions.
expressions) 8. Use of the resources from the school or local library for
3. Reading aloud easy literary texts, focusing on pronunciation, the research of literary texts in different media.
tone of voice and basic intonation in the foreign language. 9. Interest and curiosity to read stories or books written in
4. Oral performance of memorized short literary texts such as the foreign language.
songs, poems, rhymes, with the support of nonverbal
5. Writing of linguistic games and simple literary texts: songs,
poems, comics, short stories… based on models.
Common content Plurilingualism and Interculturalism

1. Value the need of knowing different languages for the communication and for the improvement on the comprehension of
others and the world, and to value one’s own language and culture.
2. Value the need of knowing other languages in order to be able to communicate with other people, search information and
discover other cultures.
3. Value one’s linguistic and cultural identity and acknowledge of a multilingual reality.
4. Knowledge of the existent linguistic variety in the social and academic context.
5. Value and foment a receptive and respectful attitude towards different language speakers, or speakers of a version of Catalan
and Spanish, with different cultures of the own’s one.
6. Foment a critic attitude in front of discriminatory messages and stereotypes that reflect racist, classist and sexist prejudices.
7. Use of non-discriminatory and respectful languages towards differences.
8. Critic attitude with discriminatory messages and stereotypes that reflect racist, classist and sexist prejudices.
9. Positive valuation of the linguistic variety that exists in the social context of the school and the languages spoken in the world.
10. Knowledge and appreciation of the diversity of languages in the world.
11. Motivation to compare and study the different languages’ functioning.  
12. Identification of the similarities and differences in the way of seeing and understanding the world.
13. Comparison and identification of the similarities and differences between different languages (loan-words, "false friends”,
phonetic features ...).
14. Knowledge of some similarities and differences in daily customs and use of basic forms of social relationships in countries
where curricular languages are spoken and present in the school.
15. Perception of difficulties in multilingual communication and application of verbal and non-verbal strategies to solve situations
and adapt to the speaker in multilingual contexts.
16. Participation in the different cultural and linguistic activities of the school where several languages are used.

1. To get basic information and understand oral texts, basic or adapted, about daily life, media and

academic world.

2. To plan and produce simple oral texts appropriate to the communicative situation.
3. To use strategies of oral interaction according to the communicative situation in order to start maintain

and finish the speech.


4. To apply strategies to obtain basic information and understanding simple or quotidian written texts from

communication media and/or from the school context.

5. To interpret and understand basic visual, discursive and linguistic features from a simple structured text.

6. To use query tools to understand texts.


7. To plan simple texts identifying the most relevant elements of the communicative situation.

8. To produce simple texts in accordance with the communicative situation using specific supports.

9. To revise the text to improve it based on the communicative situation using specific supports.


10. To understand and value simple, adapted or authentic literary texts, which are age-appropriate.

11. To reproduce orally and rewrite simple literary texts for self-enjoyment and encourage the enjoyment

of others.


12. To use plurilingual strategies to communicate.



1.To get basic information and understand oral texts, basic or adapted, about daily life, media and

academic world.
L’ús de la llengua estrangera per part del mestre com a llengua habitual a l’aula és el principal mitjà per

desenvolupar aquesta competència. Però no és l’únic. Les audicions de material enregistrat tenen, així

mateix, un paper important en el desenvolupament de la comprensió oral, ja que posen l’aprenent en

contacte amb una varietat de parlants; només disponible a través de la parla enregistrada; varietat de

temàtiques de ficció i no ficció; varietat de fonts i suports (la televisió, el cinema, Internet, els

audioenregistraments, etc.); i varietat de tipologies (contes explicats o dramatitzats, dibuixos animats,

històries d’acció, noticiaris per a infants, documentals, anuncis, poemes, etc.).

Així, de forma prèvia a l’audició, el docent ha de presentar la situació, contextualitzar el missatge, activar

els coneixements previs de l’alumne, i l’ha d’ajudar a planificar la tasca. Aquesta preparació contribuirà que

l’aprenent pugui posar en funcionament les estratègies de comprensió relacionades amb l’anticipació de

continguts probables del text (paraules, frases, idees) a partir del context proper disponible (títol, imatges,

etc.) i dels coneixements previs sobre el tema. Finalment, cal informar clarament l’alumne de l’objectiu de

l’audició (omplir una graella, completar una imatge, diagrama o taula, respondre preguntes, etc. per tal

d’ajudar-lo a determinar què ha d’escoltar i quins processos ha d’activar durant l’audició. Durant l’audició

es poden proposar activitats per comprovar hipòtesis o respostes prèvies a l’escolta; identificar i anotar

paraules o expressions relacionades amb un tema, una idea o concepte concret; comptar el nombre de

vegades que apareix una determinada paraula o expressió, etc. Les activitats posteriors a l’audició tindran

com a objectiu revisar o verificar si la comprensió ha estat correcta. Aquestes activitats ofereixen a

l’alumne l’oportunitat de connectar el que han sentit amb les seves pròpies idees i experiències, fomenten

la comprensió interpretativa i poden desenvolupar altres competències: expressió escrita, comprensió

lectora, expressió oral. Algunes de les activitats poden incloure lectures addicionals, formulació de

preguntes i respostes sobre el que s’ha escoltat o altres activitats d’interacció. Depenent de la tasca a

desenvolupar, l’alumne ha de tenir l’oportunitat d’escoltar el text tantes vegades com li sigui necessari. Els

textos proposats han d’oferir a l’alumne progressivament reptes més alts. Els textos i les activitats

programades han de ser engrescadores per a l’alumnat, adequades a la seva edat i interessos. El docent ha
de triar materials funcionals i variats que donin suport a les situacions comunicatives que es vagin creant

per afavorir la comprensió oral.

2. To plan and produce simple oral texts appropriate to the communicative situation.

3. To use strategies of oral interaction according to the communicative situation in order to start maintain

and finish the speech.


4. To apply strategies to obtain basic information and understanding simple or quotidian written texts from

communication media and/or from the school context.

5. To interpret and understand basic visual, discursive and linguistic features from a simple structured text.

En textos de llengües estrangeres és particularment important plantejar activitats que afavoreixin la

reflexió sobre el lèxic i la morfosintaxi. Convé que les activitats afavoreixin el reconeixement de certs mots i

elements morfosintàctics com a característics d’un determinat tipus de text. Per exemple, l’aparició

freqüent d’adjectius en un text indica habitualment que ens trobem davant un text descriptiu, o l’ús

reiteratiu d’imperatius ens porta a classificar el text com a instructiu. Cal plantejar activitats que permetin

reconèixer aquests trets lingüístics abans i després de la lectura (pre-reading/post-reading) tant per ajudar

a la comprensió com per augmentar el repertori lèxic i morfosintàctic de l’alumnat.

Es basa en l’observació guiada i l’anàlisi de textos models. Fer observar les parts, identificar-les, analitzar-

ne les característiques formals, morfosintàctiques, semàntiques..., han de ser activitats habituals a l’aula.

Aquestes activitats han d’acompanyar l’ensenyament del procés lector per tal de veure la relació que hi ha

entre l’activitat d’observació i la comprensió lectora. Les activitats d’escriptura i la correcció de textos

ajuden a entendre les diferents estructures i formats del text. Quan es planifica un text cal activar els

coneixements sobre la seva tipologia. De la mateixa manera, en el moment de la correcció, cal veure si el

text s’ajusta al gènere textual. Pot ser un bon recurs disposar de referents d’aula on hi hagi exemples de

textos d’autor o produïts pels mateixos alumnes. També es poden tenir plantilles de cadascun dels textos

treballats amb anotacions de les característiques més rellevants, així com guies de lectura per a cadascun

dels tipus de text. En relació amb el lèxic, sovint es pensa que la principal causa que provoca una
comprensió deficient en l’alumnat és la manca de vocabulari. En aquest sentit, totes les activitats que es

facin des de totes les àrees per dotar l’alumnat de lèxic són molt beneficioses per a totes les habilitats

lingüístiques i, especialment, per a la lectura. Però no es pot esperar que l’alumne/a adquireixi el lèxic

primer i després llegeixi. La lectura també proporciona la possibilitat de reforçar el lèxic que ja sap i

ampliar-lo, i, per això, és molt important que el mestre/a el treballi en els tres moments del procés lector:

• Abans de llegir es pot activar el lèxic que l’alumne/a ja coneix sobre el tema, treballar els conceptes i

paraules claus relacionant-los amb altres paraules que pugui conèixer del mateix camp semàntic...

• Durant la lectura es pot ensenyar a deduir el significat de paraules desconegudes pel context, a analitzar

les paraules per reconèixer sufixos o prefixos, a buscar la paraula primitiva, a fer hipòtesis i comprovar-


• Després de la lectura es poden introduir activitats específiques per treballar el significat i la forma de

paraules, expressions, frases fetes..., promoure que els alumnes adquireixin l’hàbit de “guardar” i

classificar les paraules per recuperar-les posteriorment... Aquestes activitats són especialment importants

per als alumnes que estan aprenent una llengua de la qual no tenen un domini suficient. Quan l’alumne/a

llegeix, el mestre/a l’ha d’ajudar a relacionar les idees que sorgeixen en el text, identificant-ne els

connectors i atribuint-los un valor semàntic.

Conèixer el significat dels principals connectors permetrà a l’alumne/a fer anticipacions i poder establir

connexions entre les parts del text. Per això és important realitzar activitats com les següents:

• Durant la lectura: aturar-se davant de frases complexes i demanar als alumnes que expressin les idees

amb les seves paraules. També es pot fer aturar la lectura davant d’un connector i demanar que facin una


• Després de la lectura: treballar les estructures sintàctiques complexes, identificar-les i establir

equivalències amb estructures més properes. Per exemple, de cada text treballat amb profunditat, es

poden aïllar un o dos tipus de frases. Aquestes estructures poden quedar com a referent.
• També es poden proposar activitats al marge del text que estem llegint, per exemple donar un text d’on

s’han tret els connectors i els alumnes han de reflexionar sobre quin hi va bé, ordenar frases complexes,

relacionar meitats de frases, escriure frases amb la mateixa estructura però amb contingut diferent...

6. To use query tools to understand texts.


7. To plan simple texts identifying the most relevant elements of the communicative situation.

8. To produce simple texts in accordance with the communicative situation using specific supports.

9. To revise the text to improve it based on the communicative situation using specific supports.

Cal treballar de manera conjunta les tasques de correcció, els alumnes amb el mestre i els alumnes entre

si. Per exemple, es pot planificar la revisió col·lectiva d’un text modelant aquest procés; o bé es pot

demanar que els aprenents facin la revisió en grups petits o en parelles a partir de protocols (llistes de

control, rúbriques...). Per a la correcció d’aspectes ortogràfics es recomana la utilització de correctors

ortogràfics (facilitats en els processadors de textos) i de diccionaris en línia.


10. To understand and value simple, adapted or authentic literary texts, which are age-appropriate.

11. To reproduce orally and rewrite simple literary texts for self-enjoyment and encourage the enjoyment

of others.


12. To use plurilingual strategies to communicate.

1. To capture the global and specific message of varied oral productions and interaction from different
contexts related to the students and their closest environment.
2. To express yourself with some fluency in the most common oral productions and interactions in the
school and personal fields.
3. To participate naturally in oral interactions (ask questions, ask for clarifications or apologies, thank
4. To show interest in your oral productions and respect the others oral productions.
5. To use foreign language correctly taking into account intonation rhythm and structures to transmit
information according the communicative situation and using different resources.
6. To make oral presentations individually or in groups about topics related with the different areas of
7. To understand the overall meaning and the specific information of written texts of diverse typology and
in different supports and formats.
8. To produce simple written texts both on paper and in digital format according to a model and takin into
account the addressee, the type of text and the communicative purpose.
9. To show interest for written productions and use written elements (correction, planning,
contextualization, revision).
10. To reproduce poems orally, songs or simple dramatic texts being aware of pronunciation, rhythm and
11. To comprehend poems, songs, legends, idioms, proverbs.
11. Be able to compare productions of different language to find similarities and differences and change
the personal point of view in order to understand other ways of seeing the world.
12. Be able to compare productions of different language to find similarities and differences and change
the personal point of view in order to understand other ways of seeing the world.
13. Show interest in solving communication problems that occur in multilingual contexts, knowing how to
adapt the messages.
14. Value the foreign language as an instrument of communication with other people and other cultures,
show interest in traditional and contemporary foreign language productions.
15. Assess and recognize the different strategies that help to become aware of their own learning and
show a certain degree of autonomy when it comes to solving learning situations.
16. Respectful attitude towards people who speak other languages and show interest in understanding
17. To use a non-discriminatory and respectful language with others and show a critical attitude towards
racist, sexist, religious and classical prejudices.

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