Scientific American Mind 29.5 (September-October 2018)

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The Art
of Lying
One of humanity’s

most vilified behaviors
is a sophisticated Mental
feat of the mind Navigation
on the Fly
Your Brain
on Social


A Necessary Evil
On November 17, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon infamously declared on tele-
vision “I am not a crook” when questioned about his role in what would later be
called the Watergate scandal. Diligent work by investigative reporters soon after
revealed the falsity in his words. In this issue’s cover feature, Theodor Schaar-
schmidt tells the story of another politician—a high-ranking policy official in Eu-
rope--who came down with a strange problem: on some occasions of telling a lie,
he would pass out and convulse on the floor, truly perplexing his neurologist.
However impossible (or fantastical), I have never more wished that cases of Pin-
occhio nose would break out among our politicians. But, alas, telltale signs of
lying would likely trigger the breakdown of society. Imagine disclosing to each
person you interact with today the real thoughts in your head. Yes, that would
become messy quickly. Lying seems to be a requirement of society, but it is also
an art form, one that takes effort and special brain functionality (read more in
“The Art of Lying”).

Elsewhere in this issue Kerri Smith details the fascinating research on how


adolescents embrace risk-taking—good news, parents: that same rebellious be-
havior can have many positive effects (see “Sex, Drugs and Self-Control”). And in
“Bat Man,” Alison Abbott describes the work of neuroscientist Nachum Ulanovsky,
who has constructed a “flight tunnel” to study the navigating brains of bats in real
time. Enjoy and let us know what you think!

Andrea Gawrylewski
Collections Editor,




Research could help

explain why people think
things are getting worse
when they are actually
getting better
5 The Despondent Mind: Are Our Brains
Wired for Doom and Gloom?
Research could help explain why people think
things are getting worse when they are actually
getting better
8 Use of “Smart Drugs” on the Rise
European nations see biggest increases in use
of stimulants such as Ritalin by people seeking
brain-boosting effects
11 “Traveling” Brain Waves May Be Critical
for Cognition

Physical motion of neural signals may play a

8 more important role in brain function than
European nations see 11 previously thought
biggest increases in use of Physical motion of neural
15 Early Life Experience: It's in Your DNA

stimulants such as Ritalin signals may play a more

by people seeking brain- important role in brain function Surprising study suggests experiences while
boosting effects than previously thought young cause the brain to experience changes
to the genome


How does the brain
know where it is?
Nachum Ulanovsky
hopes his flying
friends can help him
find the answer
18 The Art of Lying
Lying has gotten a bad rap. In fact, it is among the
most sophisticated accomplishments of the human

mind. But how can one tell if a person is fibbing?

26 Sex, Drugs and Self-Control
It's not just about rebellion. Neuroscience is
revealing adolescents' rich and nuanced
relationship with risky behavior
33 Bat Man
How does the brain know where it is? Nachum
48 Ulanovsky hopes his flying friends can help him
How to handle grief find the answer
after a pet’s death—
and why we all need Opinion
to change our 41 Yes, Make Psychedelics Legally Available,
attitudes about it but Don't Forget the Risks
Psychedelics have psychological and spiritual
benefits, as a new best seller claims, but they’re
far from a panacea
45 What Your Facebook Network Reveals about

How You Use Your Brain


Psychedelics have If your friends mostly know each other only

psychological and indirectly, through you, you're likely to be a better
spiritual benefits, as problem solver and to be more successful overall
a new best seller
claims, but they’re 48 Why We Need to Take Pet Loss Seriously
far from a panacea How to handle grief after a pet’s death—and why
we all need to change our attitudes about it


The Despondent Mind: Are Our Brains
Wired for Doom and Gloom?


Research could help explain why people think things
are getting worse when they are actually getting better

f it seems the state of the world is on an
endless downward trajectory these
days, take heart. Things might not be
“As we solve problems, we also unknowingly
quite as bad as you think. New research,
published in June in Science, suggests that
as social problems such as extreme poverty
expand our definitions of what counts as
or violence become less prevalent, people
may be prone to perceive that they linger—
and are perhaps even getting worse.
them.” —Daniel Gilbert
Led by psychologist Daniel Gilbert at abuse, bullying, trauma, mental disorder, highlights another intriguing player. “This
Harvard University, the researchers found addiction and prejudice—to include cases is the first time someone has actually said
people readily and unconsciously change previously judged benign or inoffensive. there’s a cognitive mechanism that could
how they define certain concepts—ranging In some cases, the expansion of con- account for that,” Haslam says.
from specific colors to unethical behav- cepts such as aggression (and more recent- In one of its experiments Gilbert’s team
ior—based on how frequently they run into ly, “microaggressions”) in the public con- showed volunteers a series of 1,000 dots,
them. “On almost every dimension, the sciousness has sparked heated debate; ranging in color between very purple and
world is getting better. And yet when peo- some critics argue these shifts reflect po- very blue. Participants had to judge wheth-
ple are asked, they consistently say it’s not litical correctness run amok, whereas oth- er each dot was blue or not. Partway
getting better, and in fact it’s getting ers claim they signal growing social aware- through the test, researchers began show-
worse,” Gilbert says. “As we solve prob- ness. Gilbert is emphatically agnostic on ing fewer blue dots (and more purple or
lems, we also unknowingly expand our the issue. “Expanding a concept isn’t nec- purplish dots) to some participants. By the
definitions of what counts as them.” essarily good or bad,” he says. “Science end of the experiment, these study partic-
Concept expansion itself is not a new doesn’t weigh in on whether it’s a good or ipants were more likely to say “blue” to
observation. In 2016 social psychologist bad thing.” He and others are simply inter- hues in the middle of the spectrum, includ-
Nicholas Haslam at the University of Mel- ested in understanding how the phenome- ing some dots they had previously seen
bourne in Australia introduced the term non happens. and judged “not blue.”
“concept creep” to describe the broaden- A number of factors likely contribute to The change was involuntary—it even
ing of modern psychological terminolo- these changes, among them political, so- occurred when volunteers were warned the
gy—especially negative examples such as cial or economic forces. But the latest study frequency of blue dots would decrease. In-


structing participants to maintain consis-

tent responses did not eliminate the shift,
nor did offering monetary bonuses for the
“The challenge will be to see the extent to
most consistent performers. The effect
worked both ways: Reversing the experi-
ment and increasing the frequency of blue
which it generalizes outside the lab to the real
dots made participants less likely to call
dots in the middle of the color range blue
(in other words, their concept of “blue”
world.” —Scott Lilienfeld
had contracted). matter. Afterwards, they will be given outside the lab to the real world,” says Lil-
Next, the researchers moved on to more mouthwash. The amount of mouthwash ienfeld, who did not take part in the work.
complex concepts. They showed partici- used will be measured.”) Volunteers in Gil- Going forward, Gilbert’s team is working
pants a series of computer-generated faces bert’s study were asked to play the role of on computational models that might point
that had been independently rated on a an institutional review board, which over- to the thought processes that lead people
continuum from very nonthreatening to sees the ethics of university research proj- to change their concepts based on how of-
very threatening. Those in the study had to ects. They had to either approve or reject a ten they come upon instances of them. For
assess whether a given face was a threat or series of these proposals. Once again, when those looking to glean practical lessons
not. Mid-experiment, researchers began researchers began showing fewer “unethi- from their initial results, Gilbert says,
showing fewer threatening faces to some cal” proposals to some of the participants, “We’re prone to never see the end of a prob-
participants. By the end of the session, they shifted to rejecting more “ambigu- lem. Before we try to solve it, we should try
these people had grown more likely to ous” proposals than they did earlier in the to say what would count as having solved
judge relatively innocuous faces as threats. experiment. “It’s a very creative, provoca- it.” But even he acknowledges that for some
Finally, Gilbert’s team prepared hun- tive study,” says Scott Lilienfeld, professor complex, real-world issues, these measures
dreds of mock research proposals, which of psychology at Emory University. He will be extremely hard to define.
were designed—and verified by indepen- notes the study’s strength lies in showing —HELEN SHEN
dent raters—to range from ethical to am- the same effect across a range of situa-
biguous to unethical. (An example of an tions—from simple perceptual problems
unethical proposal: “Participants will be to ethical judgments. “The challenge will
asked to lick a frozen piece of human fecal be to see the extent to which it generalizes

 7

Use of “Smart Drugs”


on the Rise
European nations see biggest increases in use of stimulants
such as Ritalin by people seeking brain-boosting effects

he use of drugs by people hoping to But the largest increases were in Europe:
boost mental performance is rising
worldwide, finds the largest ever
use in France rose from 3 percent in 2015 to
16 percent in 2017; and from 5 percent to 23
The use of drugs
study of the trend. In a survey of tens of thou-
sands of people, 14 percent reported using
stimulants at least once in the preceding 12
percent in the United Kingdom. An informal
reader survey by Nature in 2008 found that
one in five respondents had used drugs to
by people hoping
months in 2017, up from 5 percent in 2015.
The nonmedical use of substances—of-
ten dubbed smart drugs—to increase mem-
boost concentration or memory.
The latest analysis is impressive in its
size, says Barbara Sahakian, a neuroscien-
to boost mental
ory or concentration is known as pharmaco-
logical cognitive enhancement (PCE), and it
rose in all 15 nations included in the survey.
tist at the University of Cambridge, who
was not involved in the work. There is an
increasing lifestyle use” of cognitive-en-
performance is
The study looked at prescription medica-
tions such as Adderall and Ritalin—pre-
scribed medically to treat attention deficit
hancing drugs by healthy people, which
raises ethical concerns, she says.
Cultural factors, the prevalence of
rising worldwide.
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)—as well as ADHD diagnoses and availability all influ- The study suggests that the spread of
the sleep-disorder medication modafinil ence which drugs are used for PCE and the U.S.-style practices in ADHD treatment is
and illegal stimulants such as cocaine. rate of use, says Larissa Maier, a psycholo- driving the trend and making drugs more
The work, published in the International gist at the University of California, San available: countries with higher rates of
Journal of Drug Policy in June, is based on the Francisco, who led the study. ADHD diagnoses, such as the United States,
Global Drug Survey—an annual, anonymous In the United States, where ADHD diag- Canada and Australia, have higher rates of
online questionnaire about drug use world- noses are high and medication is a com- nonmedical prescription-drug use for cog-
wide. The survey had 79,640 respondents in mon treatment, 22 percent of respondents nitive enhancement.
2015 and 29,758 in 2017. said they had used amphetamine-combi- “The increased diagnoses of ADHD and
U.S. respondents reported the highest nation drugs such as Adderall for PCE. their prescription drug use are creating a
rate of use: in 2017, nearly 30 percent said Those drugs are not approved in the Euro- substantial population of young pharma-
they had used drugs for PCE at least once pean Union, where methylphenidate—sold cologically medicated persons whose un-
in the preceding 12 months, up from 20 under various trade names, including Rit- derlying problems may very likely be lo-
percent in 2015. alin—is more commonly used. cated in their social world,” says Steven


Rose, a neuroscientist at the Open Univer-

sity in Milton Keynes.
Nearly half (48 percent) of people said
they obtained the drugs through friends;
10 percent bought them from a dealer or
over the Internet; 6 percent obtained them
from a family member; and 4 percent said
that they had their own prescriptions.
Debate continues over whether the
nonmedical use of prescription drugs
boosts brain performance. Data suggest
that some people benefit from certain
drugs in specific situations—for example,
surgeons using modafinil—but larger pop-
ulation-wide studies report lesser gains
and conflicting results.
Maier notes that respondents to the
Global Drug Survey are more likely than
the general population to be interested in
drug use, which could bias results. But she
says that similar rates of nonmedical use
of smart drugs are seen in studies of the
general population, suggesting that the
findings are robust.
This article is reproduced with permission
and was first published in Nature on
July 5, 2018.

 10

“Traveling” Brain Waves
May Be Critical for Cognition
Physical motion of neural signals may play a more

important role in brain function than previously thought

he electrical oscillations we call
brain waves have intrigued scien-
tists and the public for more than a
Scientists have proposed numerous possible
century. But their function—and even
whether they have one, rather than just re-
flecting brain activity like an engine’s hum—
roles for brain waves.
is still debated. Many neuroscientists have scalp. Researchers have noted activity over cetera). A related idea is they facilitate the
assumed that if brain waves do anything, it a range of different frequencies, from delta transfer of information among regions.
is by oscillating in synchrony in different (0.5 to 4 hertz) through to gamma (25 to 140 But such hypotheses require brain waves
locations. Yet a growing body of research Hz) waves. The slowest occur during deep to be synchronous, producing “standing”
suggests many brain waves are actually sleep, with increasing frequency associated waves (analogous to two people swinging
“traveling waves” that physically move with increasing levels of consciousness and a jump rope up and down) rather than trav-
through the brain like waves on the sea. concentration. Interpreting EEG data is dif- eling waves (as in a crowd doing “the wave”
Now a new study from a team at Co- ficult due to their poor ability to pinpoint at a sports event). This is important be-
lumbia University led by neuroscientist the location of activity, and the fact that cause traveling waves have different prop-
Joshua Jacobs suggests traveling waves passage through the head blurs the signals. erties that could, for example, represent
are widespread in the human cortex—the The new study, published in June in Neuron, information about the past states of other
seat of higher cognitive functions—and used a more recent technique called elec- brain locations. The fact they physically
that they become more organized de- trocorticography (ECoG). This involves propagate through the brain like sound
pending on how well the brain is perform- placing electrode arrays directly on the through air makes them a potential mech-
ing a task. This shows the waves are rele- brain’s surface, minimizing distortions and anism for moving information from one
vant to behavior, bolstering previous re- vastly improving spatial resolution. place to another.
search suggesting they are an important Scientists have proposed numerous pos- These ideas have been around for de-
but overlooked brain mechanism that sible roles for brain waves. A leading hy- cades, but the majority of neuroscientists
contributes to memory, perception, at- pothesis holds that synchronous oscilla- have paid little attention. One likely reason
tention and even consciousness. tions serve to “bind” information in differ- is that until recently most previous reports
Brain waves were first discovered using ent locations together as pertaining to the of traveling waves—although there are ex-
electroencephalogram (EEG) techniques, same “thing,” such as different features of a ceptions—have merely described the waves
which involve placing electrodes on the visual object (shape, color, movement, et- without establishing their significance. “If


you ask the average systems neuroscien-

tist, they’ll say it’s an epiphenomenon
[like an engine’s hum],” says computation-
Confirming the importance of traveling waves
al neuroscientist Terry Sejnowski of the
Salk Institute for Biological Studies, who
was not involved in the new study. “And
creates new horizons in neuroscience.
since it has never been directly connected cause traveling waves comprise the activity tions at the same frequency. Nearly two
to any behavior or function, it’s not some- of many neurons spread across the brain, thirds of all electrodes were part of such
thing that’s important.” they are invisible to single-neuron tech- clusters, which were present in 96 percent
The tools researchers use may also have niques. But over the last decade new tech- of patients (at frequencies from 2-15 Hz,
played a part. Today’s mainstream neuro- nologies have appeared that allow many spanning the theta band at 4-8 Hz and alpha
science has its roots in studying the behav- neurons to be monitored simultaneously. band at 8-12 Hz). The researchers next as-
ior of neurons one at a time using needlelike “This has given us a very different picture,” sessed which clusters represented bona
microelectrodes. Pioneering researchers in Sejnowski says. “For the first time we have fide traveling waves by analyzing the tim-
this area noticed the timing of when a neu- the tools and techniques to see what’s really ing of the oscillations. If consecutive oscil-
ron fired varied from one trial of an experi- going on—but it’s going to take a genera- lations are part of a traveling wave, each
ment to another. They concluded this tim- tion before it’s accepted by the established will be slightly delayed or advanced, de-
ing must not be important and began com- neuroscience community.” pending on direction of travel. (Think of
bining responses from multiple trials to Optical methods, like voltage-sensitive how people in a crowd wave follow one an-
produce an average “firing rate.” This be- dyes, allow researchers to visualize electri- other with a slight delay.) Two thirds of the
came the standard way to quantify neural cal changes in thousands of neurons simul- clusters detected were traveling waves
activity, but the variability may result from taneously but cannot be used in humans be- moving from the rear to the front of the
where neurons are in oscillation cycles, so cause of the risks they pose. ECoG, however, cortex. These involved nearly half of all
the practice ignores the timing information is commonly used in epilepsy patients to in- electrodes and occurred in all lobes and
needed to reveal traveling waves. “The con- vestigate seizures. So the researchers be- both hemispheres of patients’ brains.
ceptual framework grew out of what a single hind the new study recruited 77 epilepsy pa- The team next gave participants a work-
neuron is doing by itself,” Sejnowski says, tients with implanted ECoG arrays and went ing-memory task and found traveling waves
but “the brain works through populations of looking for traveling waves. They first looked in their frontal and temporal lobes became
neurons interacting with each other.” Be- for clusters of electrodes displaying oscilla- more organized half a second after people


were prompted to recall information. The shown they are evoked during working different brain regions,” Jacobs says. “This
waves changed from moving in various di- memory tasks,” he says, pointing to a 2002 opens key new areas of research, such as
rections to mostly moving in concert. Im- EEG study that found the timing of a rever- understanding what exactly this coordina-
portantly, the extent to which they did this sal in direction of theta waves correlated tion consists of.” He thinks the waves prop-
varied with how quickly participants re- with memory performance. Interestingly, agate information, at least in the context of
sponded. “More consistent waves corre- an EEG study Alexander himself published the current study.
spond to better task performance,” Jacobs in 2009 found fewer waves moving from the Another idea holds that waves, by re-
says. “This suggests a new way to measure front to the back of the head during a work- peatedly moving across patches of cortex,
brain activity to understand cognition, ing-memory task in people who had experi- modulate the sensitivity of neurons so as
which can perhaps give rise to new, im- enced their first episode of schizophrenia, to sweep a “searchlight” of attention across,
proved brain–computer interfaces.” (BCIs compared with healthy individuals, sug- say, the brain’s visual-processing area. “The
are devices that connect a human brain to a gesting differences in traveling wave be- concept of a traveling wave is closely tied
machine that performs some task, like mov- havior can be related to psychiatric symp- up with the issue of how you maintain the
ing a prosthetic limb.) toms. He also claims the methods the team cortex in the sweet spot where it’s maxi-
These findings should help dispel some used to assess traveling waves are similar to mally sensitive to other inputs and able to
researchers’ lingering doubts about the im- those he used in a 2016 study. “Alexander’s function optimally,” Sejnowski says. Inter-
portance of such waves. “The article is a work is really interesting, but it’s not clear est in traveling waves will undoubtedly
strong contribution to the study of cortical his findings involve the same signals as our continue to increase. “What you’re seeing
traveling waves, adding to previous work on paper,” Jacobs notes. “He reported patterns right now is a transformation from one
their role in human cognition,” says psy- that literally involve the entire brain, conceptual framework to a completely new
chologist David Alexander of the University whereas our findings were limited to par- framework,” he adds. “It’s a paradigm shift.”
of Leuven in Belgium who did not take part ticular regions.” Jacobs also points to dif- —SIMON MAKIN
in the work. “This really will put to rest any ferences in recording techniques and the
worries that the waves are an artifact of blur- nature of recorded signals.
ring of signal passing through the skull.” He Confirming the importance of traveling
also says the authors make unjustified claims waves creates new horizons in neurosci-
about the novelty of the findings and fail to ence. “Finding that such a wide range of os-
acknowledge some previous research, how- cillations are traveling waves shows that
ever. “Previous work on traveling waves has they involve coordinating activity across

 14

Early Life Experience:
It’s in Your DNA
Surprising study suggests experiences while young

cause the brain to experience changes to the genome

e normally think that every cell genome contained in brain cells. This is a dance of maternal care provided by mice
in our body contains the same fundamentally new and unexplored way in based upon measures of time they spent
genome, the complete set of ge- which experience can alter the brain. It is grooming and nursing their pups. They
netic information that makes up the bio- of great scientific interest because it re- identified groups of animals that provided
logical core of our individuality. There are veals the brain to be pliable, to its genetic either high or low maternal care. They then
exceptions where the body contains cells core, in response to the world. examined brains of their pups for differ-
that are genetically different. This happens The genome is the molecular signature ences in markers of genomic change.
in cancers, of course, which arise when mu- of identity. The sequence of DNA contained Many of the differences in the genomes
tations create genetically distinct cells. in our genomes distinguishes each of us as of nerve cells are due to the presence of
What most people do not realize, however, unique individuals, and changes in that se- mobile genetic elements called retrotrans-
is that the brain has remarkable genetic di- quence are relatively rare. Genomic chang- posons. These are stretches of DNA that
versity, with some studies suggesting there es typically arise from rare errors during can be copied and, as the name suggests
may be hundreds of mutations in each cell replication, or from exposure to carcin- transposed or incorporated into other areas
nerve cell. In the developing brain, muta- ogens or radiation. Here, experience has an of the genome. This study measured the
tions and other genetic changes that occur equally powerful capacity to change the accumulation of these mobile genetic ele-
while brain cells divide are passed down to genome, but only in cells of the brain. The ments in the brain as a consequence of ma-
a cluster of daughter cells. As a result, the care that a newborn receives in early life ternal care. Mobile genetic elements accu-
adult brain is composed of a mosaic of ge- can have profound effects on psychological mulated in specific regions of the brains of
netically distinct cell clusters. and intellectual growth. Attentive nurtur- mouse pups if the pups had poor maternal
We know that the activity and organiza- ing, feeding and grooming can reduce stress care. If a pup was born to a mother animal
tion of the brain changes in response to ex- and anxiety and enhance psychological that provided low maternal care but raised
perience. Memories and learning are re- well-being. On the other hand, indifference by a mother animal that provided high ma-
flected in the number and strength of con- can lead to increased anxiety and impaired ternal care, that accumulation of mobile
nections between nerve cells. We also know psychological adjustment. This study re- genetic elements was eliminated. This sup-
that the brain is genetically mosaic, but a veals that one way the quality of early care ported the idea that the accumulation of
new study makes a remarkable connection could cause lifelong changes in behavior is genetic elements was due to the care pro-
between experience and the genetic diver- by changing the brain’s genetic nature. vided by the mothers rather than some in-
sity of the brain. It suggests that experi- In this study researchers identified nat- herited difference. Most of the excess was
ence can change the DNA sequence of the ural differences in the quality and abun- found in the hippocampus, a region of the


brain involved in memory, but not in other

regions of the brain, nor in a completely
different organ like the heart, suggesting a
The genome is the perience leaves an irreversible genomic
imprint in the brain. This is an intriguing
new twist on a debate that has been raging
very specific impact on brain mosaicism.
The authors also report that the chang-
es in levels of mobile genetic elements
molecular signature for centuries concerning the importance of
nature versus nurture in behavior. This
study implies that nature and nurture are
might in turn be mediated by a modifica-
tion to the genomic DNA known as methyl-
ation. Methylation is not itself a change in
of identity. not as independent as may have been been
imagined, and that nature is not as im-
mutable as once thought. As with all icon-
the DNA sequence, but it can alter when emerging. There are a few examples of dis- oclastic studies, there are caveats to this
and how DNA sequences are read and uti- eases caused by changes in the regulation research, most importantly the fact that
lized by the cell. Pups raised with poor ma- of mobile genetic element number or ac- the number of mobile genetic elements is
ternal care had decreased methylation of tivity. For example, Rett syndrome is an much higher in the neurons of the rodents
key regulatory sequences in the mobile ge- X-linked pervasive developmental disorder studied here than it is in humans. Further-
netic elements, which in turn led to in- characterized by a spectrum of disabilities, more, we don’t yet understand how these
creased numbers of these elements and in- including abnormal behavior, speech and genetic changes alter the brain activities
creases in their activity. motor function. More recently, the muta- that give rise to behavior. Nevertheless,
There are important implications here. tions that cause some cases of ALS (Lou this is a provocative study that links early
The augmented genomic variability among Gehrig’s disease) and frontotemporal de- experience with the genetic structure of
nerve cells may be beneficial to an individ- mentia have been linked to the regulation neurons, and that highlights the remark-
ual by diversifying their behavioral reper- of mobile genetic elements. These genetic able plasticity and adaptability of the brain.
toire. On the other hand, it may genetically alterations in the brain have such great po- —ROBERT MARTONE
predispose an individual to neurological or tential as a source for insight into mental
psychiatric disease even in the absence of and neurological diseases that the Nation-
any family history of such disease. al Institute of Mental Health established a
Gene mutations have long been known research initiative, the Brain Somatic Mo-
to cause brain cancers, but the effects of saicism Network to investigate them.
other genetic modifications such as those Linking early experience to the genomic
caused by mobile genetic elements are still variability of nerves suggests that early ex-

 17


Lying has gotten a bad rap. In fact, it is among the
most sophisticated accomplishments of the human mind.
But how can one tell if a person is fibbing?

By Theodor Schaarschmidt

51-year-old man I will call Mr. Pinocchio’s plight demonstrates children is a sign that they have mastered
“Mr. Pinocchio” had a the far-reaching consequences of even mi- some important cognitive skills.
strange problem. When he nor changes in the structure of the brain.
tried to tell a lie, he often But perhaps just as important, it shows To Lie or Not to Lie
passed out and had convul- that lying is a major component of the hu- Of course, not everyone agrees that some
sions. In essence, he became a kind of Pin- man behavioral repertoire; without it, we lying is necessary. Generations of thinkers
occhio, the fictional puppet whose nose would have a hard time coping. When peo- have lined up against this perspective. The
grew with every fib. For the patient, the ple speak unvarnished truth all the time— Ten Commandments admonish us to tell
consequences were all too real: he was a as can happen when Parkinson’s disease the truth. The Pentateuch is explicit:
high-ranking official in the European Eco- or certain injuries to the brain’s frontal “Thou shalt not bear false witness against
nomic Community (since replaced by the lobe disrupt people’s ability to lie—they thy neighbor.” Islam and Buddhism also
European Union), and his negotiating part- tend to be judged tactless and hurtful. In condemn lying. For 18th-century philoso-
ners could tell immediately when he was everyday life, we tell little white lies all pher Immanuel Kant, the lie was the “rad-
bending the truth. His condition, a symp- the time, if only out of politeness: Your ical innate evil in human nature” and was
tom of a rare form of epilepsy, was not only homemade pie is awesome (it’s awful). No, to be shunned even when it was a matter
dangerous, it was bad for his career. Grandma, you’re not interrupting any- of life and death.
Doctors at the University Hospitals of thing (she is). A little bit of pretense seems Today many philosophers take a more
Strasbourg in France discovered that the to smooth out human relationships with- nuanced view. German philosopher Bettina
root of the problem was a tumor about the out doing lasting harm. Stangneth argues that lying should be an
size of a walnut. The tumor was probably Yet how much do researchers know exception to the rule because, in the final
increasing the excitability of a brain re- about lying in our daily existence? How analysis, people rely on being told the truth
gion involved in emotions; when Mr. Pin- ubiquitous is it? When do children usually in most aspects of life. Among the reasons
occhio lied, this excitability caused a struc- start engaging in it? Does it take more they lie, she notes in her 2017 book Deci-
ture called the amygdala to trigger sei- brainpower to lie or to tell the truth? Are phering Lies, is that it can enable them to
zures. Once the tumor was removed, the most people good at detecting untruths? conceal themselves, hiding and withdraw-
fits stopped, and he was able to resume his And are we better at it than tools designed ing from people who intrude on their com-
duties. The doctors, who described the for the purpose? Scientists exploring such fort zone. It is also unwise, Stangneth says,
case in 1993, dubbed the condition the questions have made good progress—in- to release children into the world unaware
“Pinocchio syndrome.” cluding discovering that lying in young that others might lie to them.


It is not only humans who practice de-

ception. Trickery and deceit of various kinds
have also been observed in higher mammals,
Trickery and deceit of various kinds have
especially primates. The neocortex—the
part of the brain that evolved most recent-
ly—is critical to this ability. Its volume pre-
also been observed in higher mammals,
dicts the extent to which various primates
are able to trick and manipulate, as prima-
tologist Richard Byrne of the University of
especially primates.
St. Andrews in Scotland showed in 2004.
ize that my mother will not believe that the and 29 do it best. After about the age of 45,
Children Have to Learn How to Lie dog snagged the last burger if she saw me we begin to lose this ability.
In our own kind, small children love to scarf down the food. As a step to develop- A similar inverted U-shaped curve over
make up stories, but they generally tell ing a theory of mind, children also need to the life span is also seen with a phenome-
their first purposeful lies at about age four perceive that they know some things their non known as response inhibition—the abil-
or five. Before starting their careers as con parents do not, and vice versa—an aware- ity to suppress one’s initial response to
artists, children must first acquire two im- ness usually acquired by age three or four. something. It is what keeps us from blurting
portant cognitive skills. One is deontic rea- People cook up about two stories a day out our anger at our boss when we are better
soning: the ability to recognize and under- on average, according to social psychologist off keeping silent. The pattern suggests that
stand social rules and what happens when Bella M. DePaulo of the University of Cali- this regulatory process, which, like decep-
the rules are transgressed. For instance, if fornia, Santa Barbara, who conducted a 2003 tion, is managed by the neocortex, may be a
you confess, you may be punished; if you study in which participants filled out “lie di- prerequisite for successful lying.
lie, you might get away with it. The other is aries.” It takes time, however, to become Current thinking about the psychologi-
theory of mind: the ability to imagine what skilled. A 2015 study with more than 1,000 cal processes involved in deception holds
another person is thinking. I need to real- participants looked at lying in volunteers in that people typically tell the truth more
the Netherlands aged six to 77. Children, the easily than they tell a lie and that lying re-
analysis found, initially have difficulty for- quires far more cognitive resources. First,
Theodor Schaarschmidt is a psychologist who earns his mulating believable lies, but proficiency im- we must become aware of the truth; then
living honestly—as a science journalist. proves with age. Young adults between 18 we have to invent a plausible scenario that


is consistent and does not contradict the (fMRI) brain scanner, they answered ques- University conducted an ingenious experi-
observable facts. At the same time, we must tions about their daily routine by pressing a ment in which the participants had a mon-
suppress the truth so that we do not spill yes or no button on a screen. Depending on etary incentive to behave dishonestly. As
the beans—that is, we must engage in re- the color of the writing, they were to answer subjects lay in an fMRI scanner, they were
sponse inhibition. What is more, we must either truthfully or with a lie. (The research- asked to predict the results of a comput-
be able to assess accurately the reactions of ers knew the correct answers from earlier er-generated coin toss. (The cover story
the listener so that, if necessary, we can interviews.) The results showed that the was that this study was testing their para-
deftly produce adaptations to our original participants needed appreciably more time normal abilities. Even neuroscientists
story line. And there is the ethical dimen- to formulate a dishonest answer than an sometimes have to employ misdirection in
sion, whereby we have to make a conscious honest one. In addition, certain parts of the the name of a higher scientific goal!)
decision to transgress a social norm. All prefrontal cortex were more active during If the volunteers typed the correct re-
this deciding and self-control implies that lying (that is, they had more blood flowing sponse, they were given up to $7. They lost
lying is managed by the prefrontal cortex— in them). Together the findings indicated money for wrong answers. They had to re-
the region at the front of the brain respon- that the executive part of the brain was do- veal their prediction beforehand for half of
sible for executive control, which includes ing more processing during lying. the test runs. In all the other runs, they
such processes as planning and regulating Several follow-up studies have con- merely disclosed after the coin toss wheth-
emotions and behavior. firmed the role of the prefrontal cortex in er they had predicted correctly. Subjects
lying. Merely pointing to a particular re- were paid even if they lied about their ad-
Under the Hood gion of the brain that is active when we tell vance conclusions, but not everyone ex-
Brain-imaging studies have contributed an untruth does not, however, reveal what ploited the situation. Greene was able to
to the view that lying generally requires is going on up there. Moreover, the situa- read the honesty of the participants sim-
more effort than telling the truth and in- tions in these early experiments were so ply by looking at the hit rates: the honest
volves the prefrontal cortex. In a pioneer- artificial that they had hardly anything in subjects predicted correctly half the time,
ing 2001 study, the late neuroscientist common with people’s everyday lives: the whereas the cheaters claimed to have come
Sean Spence, then at the University of subjects probably could not have cared less up with the correct answers in more than
Sheffield in England, tested this idea us- whether they were dishonest about what three quarters of the runs—a rate too high
ing a rather rudimentary experimental they ate for breakfast. to be believed. After the study was over, a
setup. While Spence’s participants lay in a To counter this last problem, in 2009 few liars were bothered by a bad conscience
functional magnetic resonance imaging psychologist Joshua Greene of Harvard and admitted that they had cheated.


Greene asked himself what distin-

guished the honest from the dishonest
participants. Analysis of the fMRI data
showed that when honest subjects gave
their answers, they had no increased activ-
ity in certain areas of the prefrontal cortex
known to be involved in self-control. In
contrast, those control regions did become
perfused with blood when the cheaters re-
sponded. The analysis of reaction times
told much the same story. The honest par-
ticipants did not hesitate even when they
were given the opportunity to cheat. Ap-
parently they never even considered lying.
Conversely, response time became more
prolonged in the dishonest subjects.
Particularly interesting was that the
cheaters showed increased activity in the
control regions of the prefrontal cortex not
only when they chose to behave dishon-
estly but also when they threw in occa- Liars tend to appear more tense, and their lackluster stories are often thin on detail.
sional truths to distract from the lies.
Greene suggests that activity in the con- truth or a lie, psychologist Ahmed Karim scalp and positioned so that a weak cur-


trol regions of the prefrontal cortex in the of the University of Tübingen in Germany rent hits a selected brain area.
cheaters may reflect the process of decid- and his colleagues influenced brain activi- To make the experimental situation as
ing whether to lie, regardless of the deci- ty from the outside, using a method known lifelike as possible, the team invented a
sions those cheaters finally made. as transcranial direct-current stimula- role-playing game. The test subjects were to
Instead of assessing individual brain re- tion—which is safe and painless. In this pretend they were robbers, sneak into an
gions at the same time as someone told the method, two electrodes are attached to the unobserved room and steal a €20 note from


a wallet in a jacket pocket. They were told those who received the stimulation were any case, no instrument has yet been devel-
that some participants in the study would simply better at it; their mix of truthful an- oped that can test such a hypothesis.
be innocent. After the theft, they were sub- swers and lies made them less likely to get
jected to an interrogation. If they got through found out. Their response times were also Challenges of Lie Detection
the interrogation without getting tangled considerably faster. On the other hand, devices that supposed-
up in contradictions, they could keep the The researchers ruled out the possibili- ly measure whether a person is telling the
money. They were advised to answer as ty that brain stimulation had elevated the truth—polygraphs—have been in use for
many trivial questions as possible truthfully cognitive efficiency of the participants decades. Such tools are desirable in part
(for example, giving the correct color of the more generally. In a complicated test of at- because humans turn out to be terrible lie
jacket) because nonguilty people might re- tention, the test subjects did no better than detectors.
member such details just as easily as thieves the control group. Apparently Karim’s In 2003 DePaulo and her colleagues sum-
did but lie at decisive moments (for exam- team had specifically improved its test marized 120 behavior studies, concluding
ple, when questioned about the color of the subjects’ ability to lie. that liars tend to seem more tense and that
wallet). The electrodes were applied to ev- One possible interpretation of the find- their stories lack vividness, leaving out the
eryone before questioning, but electrical ings is that the electric current temporarily unusual details that would generally be in-
impulses were administered to only half of interrupted the functioning of the anterior cluded in honest descriptions. Liars also
the participants (the “test” subjects); the prefrontal cortex, leaving participants with correct themselves less; in other words,
other half served as the control group. fewer cognitive resources for evaluating the their stories are often too smooth. Yet such
ethical implications of their actions; the in- characteristics do not suffice to identify a
More Effective Deception, terruption allowed them to concentrate on liar conclusively; at most, they serve as
Thanks to Brain Stimulation their deceptions. Two follow-up studies clues. In another analysis of multiple stud-
In Karim’s study, the electrodes were ar- conducted by other teams were also able to ies, DePaulo and a co-author found that
ranged to minimize the excitability of the influence lying using direct current, al- people can distinguish a lie from the truth
anterior prefrontal cortex, a brain area that though they used different experimental about 54 percent of the time, just slightly
earlier studies had associated with moral setups and target brain regions. But all the better than if they had guessed. But even
and ethical decision making. With this re- test subjects in these studies lied at essen- those who encounter liars frequently—such
gion inhibited, the ability to deceive im- tially the press of a button. Whether electri- as the police, judges and psychologists—can
proved markedly. Subjects in the test and cally stimulating selected brain areas would have trouble recognizing a con artist.
control groups lied about as frequently, but work outside the laboratory is unknown. In Polygraphs are meant to do better by


measuring a variety of biological signs (such

as skin conductance and pulse) that suppos-
edly track with lying. Gestalt psychologist
So far courts have rejected fMRI lie detectors
Vittorio Benussi of the University of Graz in
Austria presented a prototype based on res-
piration in the early 1910s, and detectors
as evidence. The efficacy of the method has
have been refined and improved ever since.
Even so, the value continues to be a matter
of contention. In 1954 the West German
simply not been adequately documented.
Federal Court of Justice banned polygraph
use in criminal trials on the grounds that puter voice-stress analysis. This analysis conductance and delayed response time.
such “insight into the soul of the accused” was later placed in evidence to prove the in- This method has an accuracy of up to 95
(as a 1957 paper on the ruling put it) would nocence of the accused, despite vehement percent, with the innocent almost always
undermine defendants’ freedom to make scientific criticism of the method. identified as such. Although this test is by
decisions and act. From today’s perspective, Polygraphs do detect lying at a rate bet- far the most precise technique available,
this reasoning seems a bit overdramatic; ter than chance, although they are also fre- even it is not perfect.
even the latest lie detectors do not have that quently wrong. A questioning technique Recently experiments have been con-
ability. More recent criticisms have been known as the guilty knowledge test has ducted to evaluate whether imaging tech-
leveled at their unreliability. been found to work well in conjunction niques such as fMRI might be useful for de-
Courts in other countries do accept re- with a polygraph. The suspect is asked tecting lies. The proposed tests mostly look
sults from lie-detector tests as evidence. multiple-choice questions, the answers to at different activation patterns of the pre-
The case of George Zimmerman, a neigh- which only a guilty party would know (a frontal cortex in response to true and false
borhood-watch volunteer who, in 2012, shot technique very similar to the study involv- statements. In the U.S., a number of com-
a black teenager—Trayvon Martin—suppos- ing the pickpocket role-playing described panies are marketing fMRI lie detection.
edly in self-defense, is well known. Zimmer- earlier). The theory behind it holds that One advertises itself as useful to insurance
man’s acquittal triggered a debate about when asked questions that could reveal companies, government agencies and oth-
racism across the U.S. The police interroga- guilt (“Was the wallet red?”), a guilty per- ers. It even claims to provide information
tion involved a particular variant of a lie-de- son exhibits more pronounced physiologi- relating to “risk reduction in dating,” “trust
tector test that includes what is called com- cal excitation, as indicated by elevated skin issues in interpersonal relationships,” and


“issues concerning the underlying topics of MORE TO EXPLORE

sex, power, and money.” Cues to Deception. B. M. DePaulo et al. in Psycholog-
But fMRI approaches still have short- ical Bulletin, Vol. 129, No. 1, pages 74–118; January
comings. For one thing, differences in re- 2003.
sponses to lies and truths that become evi- Patterns of Neural Activity Associated with
dent when calculating the average results Honest and Dishonest Moral Decisions. Joshua
of a group do not necessarily show up in D. Greene and Joseph M. Paxton in Proceedings of the
each individual. Moreover, researchers National Academy of Sciences USA, Vol. 106, No. 30,
have not yet been able to identify a brain pages 12,506–12,511; July 28, 2009.
region that is activated more intensely From Junior to Senior Pinocchio: A Cross-Sec-
when we tell the truth than when we lie. As tional Lifespan Investigation of Deception. Eve-
a result, a person’s honesty can be revealed lyne Debey et al. in Acta Psychologica, Vol. 160, pages
only indirectly, by the absence of indica- 58–68; September 2015.
tions of lying. Another problem is Greene’s Lying Takes Time: A Meta-analysis on Reaction
finding that elevated blood perfusion in Time Measures of Deception. Kristina Suchotzki et
parts of the prefrontal cortex might indi- al. in Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 143, No. 4, pages 428–
cate that a person is deciding whether to lie 453; April 2017.
and not necessarily that the person is lying.
That ambiguity can make it difficult to in-
terpret fMRI readings.
So far courts have rejected fMRI lie de-
tectors as evidence. The efficacy of the
method has simply not been adequately
documented. A machine that reads thoughts
and catches the brain in the act of lying is
not yet on the near horizon.
This article is reproduced with permission
and was first published in Nature on Janu-
ary 10, 2018. M

 25

Sex, Drugs and Self-Control

It's not just about rebellion.

Neuroscience is revealing
adolescents’ rich and
nuanced relationship
with risky behavior
By Kerri Smith



ole Skinner was hanging from she says. “It’s a pervasive stereotype.” But ample, or the punishments they receive for
a wall above an abandoned how Alex and Cole dabble with risk—con- violent crimes. Understanding how the
quarry when he heard a car pull sidering its social value alongside other teenage brain evaluates risk could even re-
up. He and his friends bolted, pros and cons—is in keeping with a more veal predictors of mental-health condi-
racing along a narrow path on complex picture emerging from neurosci- tions such as schizophrenia and depres-
the quarry’s edge and hopping over a barbed- ence. Adolescent behavior goes beyond sion, which often emerge in adolescence.
wire fence to exit the grounds. impetuous rebellion or uncontrollable In more ways than one, there is a lot go-
The chase is part of the fun for Skinner hormones, says Adriana Galván, a neuro- ing on in a teenager’s head. “In fact, it’s
and his friend Alex McCallum-Toppin, both scientist at the University of California, just beautiful,” says B. J. Casey, a neurosci-
15 and pupils at a school in Faringdon, Los Angeles. “How we define risk-taking is entist at Yale University. “It’s amazing that
U.K.. The two say that they seek out places going through a shift.” it unfolds correctly most of the time.”
such as construction sites and disused Adolescents do take more risks than
buildings—not to get into trouble, but to adults, and the consequences can include Rebel with a Cause
explore. There are also bragging rights to injury, death, run-ins with the law and Adolescence is a perilous period. The death
be earned. “It’s just something you can say: even long-term health problems. But lab rate among 15- to 19-year-olds worldwide
‘Yeah, I’ve been in an abandoned quarry’,” studies in the past decade have revealed is about 35 percent higher than that among
says McCallum-Toppin. “You can talk about layers of nuance in how young people as- 10- to 14-year-olds. And risky behaviors
it with your friends.” sess risks. In some situations, teenagers are linked to many of the major threats to
Science has often looked at risk-taking can be more risk-averse than their older life during this time (see graphic on next
among adolescents as a monolithic prob- peers. And they navigate a broader range page). Road injuries are the biggest cause
lem for parents and the public to manage of risks than has typically been considered of death for adolescents globally. Self-
or endure. When Eva Telzer, a neuroscien- in the lab, including social risks and posi- harm and other forms of violence also rank
tist at the University of North Carolina at tive risks—such as trying out for a sports highly. Plus, some practices that can lead
Chapel Hill, asks family, friends, under- team. These types of behavior seem to have to poor health in adulthood—such as use
graduates or researchers in related fields different effects on the brain. of tobacco or alcohol, or sedentary life-
about their perception of teenagers, How adolescents interact with risk is styles—often stem from poor choices made
“there’s almost never anything positive,” important. Work on the neural underpin- in the teenage years. So, risky behavior has
nings of risky behavior can inform guide- been a preoccupation for scientists.
Kerri Smith works for Nature magazine. lines and laws for teens who drive, for ex- “Risk-taking has driven a lot of the early


work” on the teenage brain, says And so work has shifted to

Ronald Dahl, who studies adoles-
cent brain development at the
In 2015, an estimated 1.2 million people aged 10–19 died. Many of the leading causes of death,
looking at a broader range of risks
and environmental influences.
University of California, Berkeley. particularly for older adolescents and males, are related to risky behaviors. For many teenagers, says Dahl,

10–14 15–19
“It was a route to successful fund- there is risk in relatively benign
ing, so it was emphasized.” Lower respiratory infections
FEMALES experiences, such as standing up
Diarrheal diseases
Early theories focused on a per- Meningitis for a friend or asking someone on
ceived imbalance in the develop- Congenital anomalies a date. “Taking a social risk—
ing brain. Areas linked with im- Maternal complications those feel more salient.”
pulsivity and heightened sensi- Road injury
tivity to reward, especially in the Diarrheal diseases
Lower respiratory infections
The Social Whirl
social realm, get an early boost in In recent years, studies have be-
activity, whereas those governing Road injury
gun to characterize how social el-
cognitive processes such as work- Drowning
Lower respiratory infections
ements influence risk. In 2009,
ing memory develop smoothly Diarrheal diseases Laurence Steinberg, a psycholo-
throughout adolescence. Road injury
gist at Temple University, got
Neuroscientists likened the Interpersonal violence teenagers to lie in a functional
emerging picture of the teenage Drowning magnetic resonance imaging
Lower respiratory infections
brain to that of a car with a revving (fMRI) scanner and play “the
accelerator and faulty brakes. This 0 5 10 15 20 25 chicken game”—a video game in
Deaths per 100,000
fit the developmental data, but not which they drive a car, passing
the fact that many teenagers show through an implausible 20 traffic
no proclivity for risk-taking, says Ted Sat- Most neuroscientists now acknowledge lights in 6 minutes. As the first lights change
terthwaite, a psychiatrist and neuroimaging that neural systems developing at differ- to amber, some teenagers choose to carry
researcher at the University of Pennsylva- ent rates do not mean that the brain is un- on; others wait for green. Sometimes speed-
nia. A 2016 survey of more than 45,000 U.S. balanced. “It’s a vulnerable period, but it’s ing ahead pays off, but sometimes the car
teenagers found that 61 percent had not not vulnerable just because there’s some- gets hit.
tried cigarettes by age 17–18, for example; thing going wrong with their brains,” says When teenagers played this game alone,
some 29 percent had never drunk alcohol. Satterthwaite. they took risks at about the same frequen-


cy as adult players. But when Steinberg

told the adolescents that their friends were
watching from an adjacent room, they took
“It’s a vulnerable period, but it’s not vulnerable
significantly more risks. In a similar study
by Telzer and her colleagues, teenagers
took fewer risks when they were told that
just because there’s something going wrong
their mothers were watching. The scanner
revealed greater activation in reward-sen-
sitive brain regions, such as the ventral
with their brains.” —Ted Satterthwaite
striatum, with the friend-influenced risky
behaviors. Meanwhile, the mothers’ pres- tern also showed greater activation in a tions during the game. (Although the op-
ence correlated with activation in the pre- brain area involved in modelling the posite is also true.) “There’s an assump-
frontal cortex, an area known to be in- thoughts of others, the temporoparietal tion that teenagers’ friends are a mono-
volved in cognitive control. junction. In another study, Telzer and her lithic negative influence,” says Telzer. The
Neuroscientists have used this game to colleagues found that teenagers who were real picture is more complex.
test how a teenager’s propensity to take more socially excluded or victimized took Interestingly, the same brain systems
risks can depend on their social stature. In more risks. The work is part of a drive to that mediate unhealthy risk-taking also
one study, a team at the University of Ore- understand who is most vulnerable. “If we seem to help teenagers to take positive
gon got adolescents to play it in a scanner know the context under which teens smoke risks. Activity in the ventral striatum, par-
after hearing that two other teenagers were or make good or bad decisions, we can ticularly rising numbers of dopamine re-
watching. Then the researchers got the par- push them into the contexts that are more ceptors, has been linked to the greater sen-
ticipants to play another video game, in positive,” says Telzer. sitivity that teenagers feel to rewards for
which they were excluded from throwing Peers can have positive effects, too. In a positive as well as perilous behaviors.
and catching a ball with the same peers. 2014 study, teenagers were asked to do- Telzer’s studies suggest that teenagers
When they returned to the driving game nate or keep money in an online game, who show heightened ventral striatum ac-
after experiencing social exclusion, ado- supposedly watched by ten peers. If a par- tivity when making decisions that help
lescents who said they were sensitive to ticipant made a donation and their peers others, such as donating money, take few-
peer influence took significantly more approved—denoted by a “thumbs up” er risks in the long term and have a lower
risks. Those who demonstrated this pat- icon—the participant made more dona- risk of depression as adults. “There’s very


much a yin and yang to this,” says Dahl.

There are limitations to these lab-based
studies; it’s hard to reproduce the social
Interestingly, the same brain systems that
whirl of teenage life in a scanner, says Gal-
ván. “How do we emulate what’s going on
on Saturday night in a cold lab on a Tues-
mediate unhealthy risk-taking also seem to
day afternoon?” she asks. The studies are
more likely to capture a teenager’s inclina-
tion for risk than the likelihood of re-
help teenagers to take positive risks.
al-world risk-taking, Galván says.
The other problem is that the average an X. Images with social significance—pos- they are “a very different type of adolescent.”
teenager in a study is only moderately like- itive pictures such as teenagers laughing Research on risk-taking has begun to in-
ly to take risks. “Most of what we know or playing games on a beach, and negative form the U.S. justice system. Authorities
about adolescent risk-taking is actually ones, including a group ganging up on are taking into account, for example, the
derived from relatively normative sam- someone—also appeared on screen. Most factors that might impair a teenager’s
ples,” says Telzer, “not adolescents engag- teenagers were worse at the button-press- self-control. Studies show that in emotion-
ing in high levels of risk-taking behavior.” ing task when the images were positive; ally neutral situations, young adults per-
Dangerous risk-taking could be confined their cognitive control was overridden by form cognitive tasks just as well as older
to a small proportion of teenagers, and the rewarding picture. Activity in the ven- adults. But when the situation is emotion-
there is evidence that they process risk tral striatum went up in tandem. But among ally charged, their performance drops off.
very differently from their peers. the expelled or suspended students, it was This and other work could suggest that
the aversive pictures that impaired perfor- crimes in emotionally “cold” situations
High-Risk Research mance. The teenagers’ lack of control, Tel- should be considered differently from those
Telzer ran an as-yet-unpublished study in zer says, seems to come from a different in which “hot,” or emotionally led, deci-
2015 with adolescents who had been ex- type of reaction to social stimuli. sion-making takes over. Similar work could
pelled from a school for serious offences. Scientists have assumed that the young provide ways of pinpointing teenagers at
Her team asked them to lie in a scanner people who take the most risks show an ex- high risk of doing something dangerous.
and push a button when they saw letters treme version of the standard teenager brain Steinberg testified in five court cases last
on a screen, but not if the screen displayed profile, says Telzer. But perhaps, she says, year concerning criminal sentences for ado-


lescents. After hearing his evidence on how

decision-making in teens is influenced by
emotion, a Kentucky court last year decided
“Every time I give a talk, I ask people to raise
to raise to 21 the age at which individuals
could be given the death penalty. And the
evidence has also been enlisted in argu-
their hand if they want to go through
ments against mandatory life sentences
without parole for offenders under 21.
Scientists are excited about the possi-
adolescence again. And no one does.”
bility that this body of developmental re-
search can inform policy. But some, such tic test, no imaging, no lab test—that’s me- 2014 the median start time for middle
as Satterthwaite and Galván, point out dieval,” he says. school was still 8:00.
some challenges in using fMRI data in The broader research on adolescent Steinberg has advocated limiting expo-
court for individual cases. The data from risk is already helping to minimize dan- sure to risk in the first place, for example
neuroimaging studies are usually aver- gerous behavior in daily life. For instance, by raising the minimum age for buying to-
aged out across participants, so drawing adolescents who don’t get enough sleep bacco to 21 or prohibiting alcohol sales
conclusions about any one brain is itself are more prone to a host of risk-taking be- within 300 meters of schools. This is likely
risky. “Honestly, I don’t think neuroimag- haviors, such as smoking and sexual activ- to work better than approaches based on
ing should be used,” Satterthwaite says. ity. Dozens of studies on the effects of in- informing students about risks, he says.
“It’s too noisy.” creasing sleep by delaying school start Other policies aim to take away the oppor-
The data are also too noisy for diagno- times—a move endorsed by bodies such as tunity for dangerous behavior. Graduat-
sis, but Satterthwaite is tantalized by evi- the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and ed-licensing schemes in Australia, New
dence that the young brain’s response to Prevention and the American Academy of Zealand, Northern Ireland and the United
risk might reveal early symptoms of de- Pediatrics—suggest that many of these States compel young drivers to build up
pression or anxiety. He would like to see problems, including risky behaviors, im- experience before they are allowed to drive
research get to the point at which it could prove when schools start later. The acade- with only teenage passengers. Such pro-
guide clinical treatment. “The idea that my recommends a start time of 8:30 or lat- grams have been shown to reduce casual-
you can come see me with a life-threaten- er; hundreds of schools in the United ties among young drivers.
ing condition, and leave with no diagnos- States have delayed their first bell, but in But a little bit of risk is a good thing,


says Casey. “I wouldn’t say that we want

people to stop taking risks,” she says. “A
lot of it is allowing them to be adults in
safe situations.”
Adolescents have a lot to learn in their
transition to relative independence—and
nobody said it was easy. “I can’t think of
a more challenging period of develop-
ment,” says Casey. “Every time I give a
talk, I ask people to raise their hand if
they want to go through adolescence
again. And no one does.”
This article is reproduced with permission
and was first published in Nature on Febru-
ary 21, 2018.M

 32

Egyptian fruit bat

Bat Man
How does the brain know where it is? Nachum Ulanovsky hopes his flying friends can help him find the answer
By Alison Abbott

n a sun-parched patch of igates a more natural environment. In par- like an artificial lab environment. Up next
land in Rehovot, Israel, two ticular, he wanted to know how brains deal is a giant maze that will allow his team to
neuroscientists peer into the with a third dimension. ask even more advanced questions about
darkness of a 200-meter-long The tunnel, which Ulanovsky built in how the brain copes with making deci-
tunnel of their own design. 2016, has already proved its scientific val- sions—such as which way to turn—on the
The fabric panels of the snaking structure ue. So have the bats. They have helped Ula- wing. “If we want to really understand how
shimmer in the heat, while, inside, a study novsky to discover new aspects of the com- the brain works, we need to study animals
subject is navigating its dim length. Finally, plex encoding of navigation—a fundamen- doing more natural tasks,” says Dora An-
out of the blackness bursts a bat, which ex- tal brain function essential for survival. He gelaki, a neuroscientist at Baylor College
ecutes a mid-air backflip to land upside has found a new cell type responsible for of Medicine. “More of us are finally start-
down, hanging at the tunnel’s entrance. the bats’ 3D compass, and other cells that ing to realize this.”
Nachum Ulanovsky, the study leader, keep track of where other bats are in the
looks affectionately at the creature as his environment. It is a hot area of study—nav- Armed for Science
graduate student offers it a piece of ba- igation researchers won the 2014 Nobel When Ulanovsky opened his lab at the
nana—a reward for the valuable data it has Prize in Physiology or Medicine and the Weizmann Institute in 2007, he was com-
just added to their latest study of how field is an increasingly prominent fixture at pleting a circular flight path of his own. His
brains navigate. every big neuroscience conference. family emigrated from Moscow to Israel in
The vast majority of experiments prob- “Nachum’s boldness is impressive,” says 1973, when he was just four months old,
ing navigation in the brain have been done Edvard Moser of the Kavli Institute for Sys- and settled in Rehovot. As a child, Ula-
in the confines of labs, using earthbound tems Neuroscience in Trondheim, Norway, novsky played in the Weizmann’s subtrop-
rats and mice. Ulanovsky broke with the one of the 2014 Nobel laureates. “And it’s ical gardens and attended science events
convention. He constructed the flight tun- paid off—his approach is allowing import- for local children and young people.
nel on a disused plot on the grounds of the ant new questions to be addressed.” Once they turn 18, most physically fit Is-
Weizmann Institute of Science—the first of And for brain scientists hitting the lim- raelis enter compulsory military service. But
several planned arenas—because he want- its of what they can learn from highly sim- Ulanovsky didn’t want to lose academic mo-
ed to find out how a mammalian brain nav- plified behavior in the lab, Ulanovsky is a mentum when he graduated from high
pioneer of natural neuroscience.” Over school at 16, so he enrolled in a three-year
the years, his arenas and tunnels have been physics course at Tel Aviv University—even
Alison Abbott works for Nature magazine. getting larger, more sophisticated and less though that meant starting his military ser-


vice late and, as a result, serving for is not by chance that memory and Flight Trackers
Several groups of cells in the hippocampal
a longer period. navigation are processed in the brain region help bats to navigate. They provide
information on where the bats are, the
His service proved productive. same brain area). The field was direction their heads are facing and whether Bats are fitted with
other bats are present.
In addition to getting general mil- dominated by studies in ground- brain-activity recorders,
each of which also holds
itary training, he was put in a re- based rats and mice, whose navi- Navigating a red light. An array of
through space cameras tracks the bat by
search and development division gational experience is relatively Grid-cell its light.
because of his physics background. easy to measure as they scuttle receptive field

Over five years, he learned techni- around small boxes in labs. But the
cal skills such as designing high- question of how different animals
tech instruments and program- perceive the world as they move
ming that would later prove in- vertically—swimming, climbing field
valuable in designing arenas and trees or flying—had not been seri-
Place cells fire only when
sensors for his bats. The army al- ously addressed. Ulanovsky decid- the bat is in a specific
Grid cells fire multiple Head
lowed him time off to take courses ed that to study the brain’s com- times in the same space, in
area. Their receptive fields
overlap to create a mental orientation
a regular, lattice-like
that supported his growing inter- plex navigational code more holis- pattern. They act like the
map of the environment.

est in biology. He left the army in- tically, he needed a mammal whose cross points of graph paper,
providing a coordinate
tent on becoming a neuroscientist, route-finding experience is mostly system.
and launched into a PhD at the He- 3D, which led him to the only fly- bat

brew University in Jerusalem, ing mammal: the bat.

studying how the cat brain pro- He joined a bat lab at the Uni- It’s good to know where your
friends or foes are. Social
cesses auditory signals. versity of Maryland in College Park place cells track where
He discovered that auditory to learn more about the creatures. other bats are, relative to a
bat’s own location.
neurons have their own type of He found several similarities to ro-
memory, and promptly immersed dent models of navigation, discov-
himself in the voluminous memo- ering that bats, too, use special cells
A bat needs to know which direction
ry literature, where he discovered to get around. By 2007, Ulanovsky its head is facing. And unlike with a


rat, this involves movement in three
the overlapping field of navigation had his own bat lab and a ten- dimensions. Bats’ head-direction Head pitch
cells encode this information and
(animals have to remember where ure-track position at the Weizmann. respond continuously as the bats
they have been to navigate, and it Ulanovsky is a composed per- flip and roll in flight.
of travel


son, but his equanimity can wobble when he

talks about bats. His voice gets louder by a
few decibels, and his face lights up. “In the
West, people are frightened by creatures of
the night—in Hollywood movies, when the
heroine goes into a dark building and bats
come rushing out, you know something
bad is going to happen.” The fear is mis-
placed, he says. “In China, bats are consid-
ered a good omen.”

Space Odyssey
Neuroscientists have been mesmerized by
how the brain encodes its spatial environ-
ment ever since the 1970s, when John
O’Keefe at University College London found
that the rat brain had a neat way to know
where the animal is. When he placed elec-
trodes in a region of the brain called the
hippocampus, O’Keefe found neurons that
fired only when a rat was in a particular lo- ranged in a hexagon. These cells make up a Nachum Ulanovsky with one of his research bats.
cation in its enclosure, creating a sort of brain code that allows the animal to keep
cognitive map. He called them place cells.” track of its relative position in space, much tion, or to a border such as a cage wall.
Nearly three decades later, Edvard Moser like a tiny Global Positioning System (GPS). Almost all of these discoveries came
and May-Britt Moser, also at the Kavli Insti- The Mosers shared the 2014 Nobel Prize from rats: animals that—aside from, say,


tute, discovered another type of way-find- with O’Keefe; they and other scientists have raising themselves on their hind legs to
ing cell in the nearby entorhinal cortex: grid also discovered other types of navigation sniff, or accidentally falling from shelves—
cells, which fire not just at a single place in cell in the hippocampal area, including live their lives on the horizontal. One imag-
the enclosure, but at multiple points ar- those that fire in response to head direc- inative attempt to get around this moni-


tored rats with implanted electrodes in Bat Cave bat, and the species Ulanovsky studied when
weightless conditions during a 1998 flight Before Ulanovsky could put his ideas to he was at Maryland. Instead, he settled on
on a NASA space-shuttle, but the result the test, he had to find the right sort of using the Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus ae-
was inconclusive. bat, check how it explored its natural en- gyptiacus). It’s ten times larger, approaching
For Ulanovsky, the virtues of bats ex- vironment and, most challengingly, de- the size of an average laboratory rat, and
tended beyond the animals’ suitability for sign instruments to collect data from the common in Israel. “That was the low-tech
understanding 3D mapping: he wanted to bat and its brain. part of my approach to miniaturization—
work with a wild animal, to build a better Data from the brains of rats running choose a bigger bat,” says Ulanovsky.
picture of natural behavior. He started to around small enclosures are generally Some bats can be vicious, but Egyptian
think that highly controlled lab experi- picked up by implanted electrodes and fruit bats, he says, “are easy to tame and
ments, so crucial to understanding some transferred to computers using cables. very nice to work with.” A couple of times a
basic properties of neurons, needed a real- “Clearly, that won’t work in flying bats,” says year, he picks up a giant net and heads out
ity check. “We don’t know nearly enough Ulanovsky. He set about designing wireless on a bat-catching safari, collecting speci-
about how all these cells work together to GPS and electrophysiology devices that are mens from colonies that inhabit abandoned
map the environment that animals inhabit small enough for a bat to carry. It was a tech- buildings, or caves in the Judean hills.
in the wild,” he says. So he reasoned that nical challenge, and he might not have suc- One of his earliest experiments, started
bats caught from the wild and flown in less ceeded without his army training in instru- in 2008, aimed to find out how far his bats
constrained environments would be the mentation and software, he says. chose to fly when left to their own devices.
ideal subjects. Moreover, Ulanovsky was His GPS logger is a 5-square-centimeter Very little was known about the natural be-
convinced that studying the system in device tipping the scales at 8 grams. His havior of bats, he says, so he needed to gath-
something other than a lab rodent would neural logger, with 16 spindly electrodes— er some basic information. He armed 35 bats
help to identify which aspects of behavior each thinner than a human hair—weighs in with GPS loggers and discovered that they
cut across species. at just 7 grams. It is sensitive enough to re- flew 15 kilometers or more each night to
Edvard Moser agrees that studying the cord several individual neurons firing, and find dinner—remembering the exact loca-
same skill in many species is important. it can store many hours’ worth of data. tion of a particular heavily fruited tree.
“Knowing the different ways it is possible Tiny as they are, these loggers are too He also built flight rooms in his labs. The
to solve the same problem will help us learn heavy for many bats to carry—including the largest is about 6 × 5 × 3 meters—close to half
in general terms how brains, including the delicate 20-gram bat Eptesicus fuscus, com- the size of a squash court—and is decked out
human brain, work.” monly known, ironically, as the big brown with cameras, landing balls for the bats to


hang from and feeding stations where they

can be tempted with fruit. Clad in metal and
a layer of black acoustic foam to shield it
from external noise and electrical signals,
the room is silent. The lighting can be ad-
justed from dim to very dim.
In the control room next door, the bats
appear as tiny dots of light moving across a
screen. Each bat carries a red light-emitting
diode (LED), tracked by the cameras as the
animals flit about the room. Their brain ac-
tivity is monitored with a neural logger
whose electrodes are surgically implanted
into the hippocampus and whose external
hardware is fixed to the skull with tiny
screws. The cameras and loggers enable Ula-
novsky to correlate the firing of neurons
with the bats’ exact position in space.
In this setup, he has been able to reveal
the 3D territory of a typical bat-nav neuron. A neural logger designed for wireless recording of neurons in flying bats.
For example, place-cell fields—measured in
rats as flat circles of a particular size—turned to a particular goal. One series of experi- social world. When he put a companion bat
out in flying bats to be almost spherical, ments helped put to rest a once-popular into the flight room, he discovered that the
showing none of the vertical elongation that theory from rat studies that proposed that a monitored bat had “social place cells” that
some rat experiments had predicted. He certain type of brain oscillation creates grid- track the companion’s position. He’d imag-


worked out how head-direction cells oper- like neural maps; the oscillation turned out ined that such cells must exist somewhere
ate as a 3D compass, and discovered anoth- to be absent in bats, and therefore not nec- in the brain—bats obviously need to know
er type of navigation cell—the long-sought essary for such map-building. where their fellow bats are, as well as their
vector cell—which tracks angle and distance He also explored the influence of a bat’s predators—but was not expecting they


would necessarily show up inside the hip-

pocampus. He is now monitoring how the
brains of two or three bats register the so-
From the bats’ point of view, flapping through
cial interaction of up to ten companion
bats living together in the large flight room
for several months.
the tunnel is much easier than a 15-kilometer
But Ulanovsky’s burning question was
how this set of navigation cells would per-
form outside a flight room, during more
night-time foray to distant fruit trees.
natural behavior. It would be impossible
to monitor the positions of bats in the through the tunnel is much easier than a cation in a small area but also at a quite dif-
wild—cameras would be no use because 15-kilometre night-time foray to distant ferent location in a large area, indicating
the bats’ ranges are too large, and GPS fruit trees. But Ulanovsky’s team has tried that place cells might represent multiple
would not give high enough resolution— to recreate some of the features that the spatial scales, not just one particular scale.
so Ulanovsky decided that an artificial brain uses as navigational aids. Graduate Researchers hadn’t been able to spot this
tunnel was the best option. student Tamir Eliav collected a variety of pattern in experiments in small enclosures.
As a bat flies through the 200-metre objects and scattered them at intervals Ulanovsky needs more data to confirm this,
tunnel, he can monitor its exact position along the tunnel for the bats to use as fixed but it would be in line with the predictions
using a tiny signalling device on the bat it- points in their internal map. Walking along of some theoreticians. “If place cells all had
self and a suite of 15 antennas placed at the tunnel’s length in the low glow of a dim small, laboratory-sized place fields, there
intervals outside the structure to pick up LED strip light, past an old chest of draw- would not be enough neurons in the hippo-
its radio transmissions. Each antenna ers and a rusting bicycle rack, feels like be- campal area to individually cover the great
sends its computed distance from the sig- ing in an art installation. distances that bats travel,” says Ulanovsky,
nalling tag by Wi-Fi to a workstation at the Since the inaugural flight in March 2016, “so it makes sense that some place cells re-
tunnel entrance, where the full 3D move- Ulanovsky and his students have collected spond to multiple scales.”
ment of the bats is recreated. The whole data from more than 200 neurons across dif-
set-up cost around 900,000 Israeli shekels ferent bats. These early data hint at inter- Tunnel Vision
(US$250,000) to construct. esting insights. For example, Ulanovsky That’s motivated him to design a bigger
From the bats’ point of view, flapping found that a single cell would fire at one lo- and better tunnel. Earlier this year, a pri-


vate sponsor provided half of the 9 million monitor more natural rodent behavior, memorized. He has questions about how
shekels needed to build a kilometre-long such as foraging for food scattered in their bats choose between several goals, or re-
tunnel with more densely positioned, wired enclosures. She predicts that more re- compute a path, or how cells respond when
antennas. This will allow measurement of searchers will start setting up their experi- a bat loses its way. “Do the vectors in the
even larger place fields, with more precise ments with an eye on the natural world. brain start rotating wildly?” he wonders.
3D localization. This tunnel will have a “Over the next five years or so, results will “These are all fascinating questions to
15-metre side branch to allow the scientists start to emerge and there will be a big which we have no answers.”
to study how the same neurons respond to change in neuroscience practice,” she says. And the bats are obliging subjects. On a
short and long flights, and how the brain However, as Moser notes, Ulanovsky’s good day in the tunnel, a bat can soar and
stitches together these two scales. Air con- bats aren’t yet doing anything as clever as wheel for thousands of meters before tak-
ditioning will allow experiments to run finding a fruit tree in the wild. “It doesn’t ing a break for its banana. “They are mis-
throughout the blistering summer. take much thought to fly up and down a understood creatures,” says Ulanovsky,
The tunnel and its once-wild bats rep- tunnel,” he says. So Ulanovsky is nursing standing at the end of the tunnel and gaz-
resent a useful halfway house between the an even bigger mind-reading ambition. He ing at a just-landed bat with obvious ten-
real world and the lab, says Angelaki, who is seeking funding for a maze 40 meters derness. “And they will help science.”
researches spatial navigation and deci- wide and 60 long—a little under half the This article is reproduced with permission
sion-making in the brains of mice and size of a football pitch—to test how bat and was first published in Nature on July
monkeys. brains represent more complex environ- 11, 2018. M
“Behavioral neuroscientists like myself ments, then plan and make decisions about
are increasingly realizing how important it how to navigate them.
is to move away from overtrained lab-ani- The maze will be made up of intercon-
mal brains,” she says. In typical lab experi- nected tunnels in which the bat won’t al-
ments, animals are trained in a very specif- ways be able to see its goal (usually a food
ic, usually unnatural, task. “That may not treat such as a piece of banana). It will in-
have anything to do with how that animal stead have to rely on memory in its cogni-
has evolved brain connectivity to optimize tive map. Ulanovsky has a series of increas-
foraging in the wild,” she says. ingly complex experiments in mind—set-
Like others around the world, Angela- ting up multiple goals, for example, or
ki’s lab is starting to use neural loggers to suddenly blocking a path that the bat had

 40

Yes, Make
Legally Available,
but Don’t Forget
the Risks
Psychedelics have
psychological and spiritual
benefits, as a new best seller
claims, but they’re far from
a panacea
By John Horgan



ast spring, I descended into the base- my investigation of psychedelics, medita- Pollan serves as an ideal guide, especial-
ment of a suburban home with two tion and other mystical technologies (and ly for those who are curious about magic
dozen people and swilled fluid from I’ll tell you my answer below). That same mushrooms and LSD but haven’t dared try
a plastic cup. It was ayahuasca, a tea brewed year, 2003, I proposed in Slate that psyche- them. Far from being a thrill-seeker, Pollan
from two South American plants, which delics be dispensed by “licensed therapists, is nervous about psychedelics’ ill effects—
contains the psychedelic compound di- who can screen clients for mental instability with good reason, because he’s had heart
methyltryptamine, DMT. and advise them on how to make their expe- trouble. He’s an atheist skeptical of all su-
Ayahuasca has the viscosity of spit, it riences as rewarding as possible.” pernatural claims, but he’s also curious and
tastes like beer dregs into which someone This scenario seemed far-fetched at the open-minded. And he’s an exceptionally
has dropped a cigar, and it is nauseating, time, but it is looking a lot more likely late- clear writer, even when describing experi-
literally. Our guides gave each of us a plas- ly. One reason is that researchers have con- ences that defy description. He reminds me
tic pail in case we vomited (which I did). tinued producing evidence of psychedelics’ of another hyper-rational explorer of spiri-
The brew induces visions that can be bliss- psychological and spiritual benefits. Per- tuality, Robert Wright, author of last year’s
ful, excruciating, terrifying, sometimes all haps more important, journalist Michael best seller Why Buddhism Is True.
at once. As our guides played music and Pollan—author of the best sellers The Bota- Pollan recounts the discovery of LSD’s
sang, we groaned, retched, cried, laughed, ny of Desire and The Omnivore’s Dilemma— effects by chemist Albert Hofmann in
stared open-mouthed into space, retched has become an advocate of the drugs. 1943, the subsequent surge of scientific
again. A young man beside me oscillated Pollan wrote a surprisingly enthusiastic interest in psychedelics and the backlash
between giggles and sobs. We each paid article about psychedelics for The New York- against them in the 1960s, often blamed
$200 for this experience, which lasted about er in 2015. That was a preview of his new on aggressive proselytizing by psycholo-
five hours. best seller How to Change Your Mind: What gist-turned-guru Timothy Leary. This his-
Why, you might ask, would anyone in his the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us tory provides the backdrop for Pollan’s in-
right mind want to do this? I raised this about Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, De- vestigation of sanctioned studies at uni-
question 15 years ago in Rational Mysticism, pression, and Transcendence. I’m a fan of versities in the U.S. and Europe and of the
psychedelic literature, including the writ- underworld of psychedelic psychotherapy.
ings of Aldous Huxley, Terence McKenna To supplement this third-person re-
John Horgan directs the Center for Science Writings at the and Alexander and Ann Shulgin, but I hav- porting, Pollan ingests psilocybin, LSD
Stevens Institute of Technology. His books include The End of en’t read a more eloquent defense of psy- and ayahuasca and smokes toad venom
Science and The End of War. chedelics than How to Change Your Mind. (which like ayahuasca contains DMT).


Drug tales are often tedious, but Pollan’s ports on a psychedelic-research meeting *Far from making you wiser and nicer,
accounts of his trips are my favorite parts attended by Thomas Insel, former head of psychedelics can make you an arrogant,
of his book. He doesn’t see the God he the National Institute of Mental Health. In- narcissistic jerk. It can be hard distinguish-
doesn’t believe in, but he is fascinated by sel was impressed by evidence of psyche- ing an ego that has vanished from one that
what happens to his self. “Of all the phe- delics’ mental-health benefits but warned has expanded to infinity. As Pollan notes of
nomenological effects that people on psy- researchers, “Don’t screw it up!” Timothy Leary, “It is one of the many para-
chedelics report,” he writes, “the dissolu- Pollan seems to have taken this message doxes of psychedelics that these drugs can
tion of the ego seems to me by far the most to heart. He could have derailed the psy- sponsor an ego-dissolving experience that
important and therapeutic.” chedelic movement by being too critical or in some people leads to massive ego infla-
We see ourselves and the world more evangelical, so he finds a sensible middle tion.” This problem plagues Buddhism and
clearly, Pollan suggests, as our fears, de- ground between these extremes. He rec- other spiritual paths, too.
sires and self-absorption diminish. (Wright, ommends not total legalization but a re- I spent a lot of time hanging out with
in Why Buddhism Is True, makes the same gime in which people take psychedelics psychedelicists while researching Rational
claim about meditation.) Pollan felt more with a trained guide. This is essentially the Mysticism and for a while thereafter. I start-
compassionate and attuned to nature’s same scheme I advocated in 2003. ed pulling back from this community be-
wonders after his trips, and less anxious Like Pollan, I hope to see the day when cause some members struck me as self-righ-
about death. “After a month or so, it was people can take psychedelics safely and le- teous zealots. And as Pollan points out,
pretty much back to baseline,” he adds with gally, especially given the limits of current psychedelics boost suggestibility—or, to
typical candor. “But not quite, not com- treatments for mental illness. I nonethe- put it less kindly, gullibility, which means
pletely.” He can recapture feelings of less have misgivings about the populariza- that trippers are susceptible to bizarre
self-transcendence in meditation, and he tion of psychedelics, misgivings that I sus- claims, such as apocalyptic predictions.
realizes that “the mind is vaster, and the pect Pollan shares. Here they are: *As William James notes in The Varieties
world ever so much more alive, than I knew *Just as most meditation researchers be- of Religious Experiences, mystical experi-
when I began.” lieve in meditation, so most psychedelic ences can be hellish as well as heavenly. Af-
His trips, plus the growing peer-re- researchers believe in psychedelics. In oth- ter a wild trip in 1981, I suffered from de-
viewed literature, have convinced Pollan er words, psychedelic science, like most pression and frightening flashbacks for
that psychedelics can help the mentally fields, is rife with bias (although probably months. Supervision can’t eliminate the
troubled and enhance the lives of the less than, say, psychiatric-drug research risk of hellish trips. As I note in Rational
healthy. Toward the end of his book, he re- funded by the pharmaceutical industry). Mysticism, in the early 1990s psychiatrist


Rick Strassman injected DMT into 60 vol- just to find a little happiness! We live in par- 1994). Just as important, Richards seeks to
unteers, and almost half experienced “ad- adise, but we can’t see it, because we’re so render their adverse effects innocuous.
verse effects,” including terrifying halluci- trapped in our petty schemes and troubles. Contrary to the universal practice of ex-
nations of “aliens” that took the shape of But these feelings lacked force. They cluding prepsychotic or formerly psychotic
robots, insects or reptiles. [See Addendum.] seemed familiar, even trite, like postcards individuals from psychedelic drug admin-
Why, given these misgivings, did I take from old trips. Within a few days, I was as istration studies, he casually suggests that
ayahuasca recently? Well, I just finished a self-absorbed as ever. I think I’ve gotten psychedelics may actually help such peo-
book on the mind-body problem (which I what I can from psychedelics, so I’m going ple. Psychedelics may hasten their entry
plan to self-publish online soon), and I’ve to try something more dramatic, a silent into treatment (through precipitating a
been feeling restless. I wanted a jolt, meditation retreat. No talking for eight psychotic break?) or prevent psychosis
something to knock me out of my cogni- days, no phone, laptop, email, Twitter, Face- through uncovering relevant psychic con-
tive rut. My best trips have helped me book, Kindle, New York Times. I’m much flicts (p. 185).” M
see—really see—life’s jaw-dropping im- more nervous than I was before my aya-
probability, which I like to call “the weird- huasca session. My digital self feels more
ness.” I wanted to glimpse the weirdness real to me lately than my flesh-and-blood
again. When I heard about a local ayahuas- self. When I’m disconnected from the Inter-
ca session, I signed up. net, will I still exist?
We were a diverse bunch, black and white, Addendum: Strassman has accused oth-
young and old, male and female. At the be- er researchers of inappropriately down-
ginning of the session, we expressed our playing psychedelics’ risks. See for exam-
hopes for the evening. We wanted to heal ple his stinging review of a 2016 book by
old wounds, to feel less fear and anger and psychologist William Richards, who is as-
self-loathing and more happiness and love. sociated with psychedelic research at Johns
I had moments of what might be called Hopkins. Strassman writes: “It is important
transcendence, during which the world to refrain from glorifying the psychedelic
seemed heartbreakingly beautiful. My drug state. Simply look at how Charles
strongest emotion was pity for those retch- Manson used LSD’s meaning-enhancing
ing and moaning around me, and for all effects in those similarly predisposed to
humanity. I thought, Look at how far we go particular goals and aspirations (Bugliosi,

 44

What Your
Facebook Network
Reveals about
How You Use
Your Brain
If your friends mostly know
each other only indirectly,
through you, you're likely
to be a better problem
solver and to be more
successful overall
By Emily Falk and
Michael Platt


f I asked you roughly how many Face- acter “Finn” on Glee, who as a football play- while they made social decisions (about
book friends or Twitter followers you er who also sings serves as a bridge between whether to recommend different products
have, you might be able to give me a two different worlds; or someone you work to their peers). We found that information
good answer. But what about the shape of with who knows people from every depart- brokers use their social brain networks
your social network? For example, do the ment who don’t all know each other. At more when making choices about what to
friends in your social network know each workplaces, Ronald Burt and his colleagues recommend to others than people whose
other independently or are they only indi- have shown, information brokers come up friends all know one another.
rectly connected through you? with better solutions to problems, poten- This may come about because informa-
Decades of research have shown that tially because they are exposed to more di- tion brokers have more opportunities to
having more numerous and stronger con- verse perspectives. practice using their social brain when trans-
nections predicts better health and well-be- They also receive faster promotions and lating ideas between different groups of
ing, but the shape of your social network higher pay. More broadly, being a good people. More broadly, people who are better
matters too. People who are “information friend, teacher or manager often requires at selling their ideas, literally and figura-
brokers” connect people who wouldn’t oth- taking the perspective of others—seeing tively, also tend to engage these brain re-
erwise know each other. Think of the char- the world through their eyes and under- gions more than people who are less suc-
standing their joys and sorrows. These ca- cessful. Considering another individual’s
pacities depend on a social brain network, point of view more deeply (for example,
Emily Falk is an associate professor of communication, psy- which is a neural circuit activated when we what will the person I’m going to share with
chology and marketing at the University of Pennsylvania, and connect with others. A new series of stud- think about this idea?) helps the sharer tune
director of the Penn Communication Neuroscience Lab. She ies shows that the structure and function her message to resonate more clearly with
studies persuasion, behavior change and how ideas spread, of your social brain network is tied to the the mental state of the listener.
using tools from social and brain sciences. structure of your social network. Genetic studies in people and monkeys
In one study, we asked teens (with their indicate that the brain hardware supporting
Michael Platt is the James S. Riepe Penn Integrates Knowl- parents’ permission) to give us access to social interactions is at least partially inher-
edge university professor of neuroscience, marketing, and psy- their list of Facebook friends. This allowed ited. Although the tendency to be social is
chology and director of the Wharton Neuroscience Initiative at us to see whether teens who are informa- hardwired into us, our genes are not our des-
the University of Pennsylvania. He studies decision making and tion brokers use their social brain networks tiny. Studies of monkeys also show that the
social interaction using tools from neuroscience, psychology, differently than teens whose friends all social brain network responds like a muscle
economics and anthropology. know one another. We scanned their brains as a function of use. When monkeys are


forced to navigate a larger social network,

their social brain networks increase in size
and connectivity. This in turn confers a
As people change the way they use their
greater capacity to network with others.
The idea that social brain networks ex-
pand with use is an important insight to
brains during social interactions, this can also
consider in educational and workplace
contexts. These observations suggest that
providing access to wider and more diverse
have ripple effects on others.
networks of social ties may fundamentally
change the way people use their brains shows that the more activity an idea sparks who we are as a species.
when making day-to-day decisions. Even in one individual’s social brain network, the Understanding the biology of how peo-
earlier in life, research by Cornell Univer- more that person tends to elicit similar ac- ple connect may also provide practical
sity psychologist Katherine Kinzler’s team tivity in the social brain networks of others benefits, for example by identifying new
shows that toddlers and young children when they communicate. When this hap- ways to boost students’ curiosity and en-
who are raised around people speaking pens the two brains become more in sync gagement in school, select people for
multiple languages—and hence who may (that is, show coordinated patterns of activ- teams, monitor employee onboarding and
have more practice keeping track of differ- ity while the speaker speaks and the listener fit with corporate culture, and identify and
ent perspectives like who can understand listens), and the more in sync their brains cultivate more effective leaders. It may
whom—performed better on a task that re- become, the more successful their commu- also help us to develop new ways to reduce
quired perspective taking, compared to nication. loneliness—a major contributor to health
kids raised in monolingual environments. Most people are born with a high-perfor- problems ranging from heart disease to
As people change the way they use their mance neural toolkit that drives their desire the current opioid epidemic—and thereby
brains during social interactions, this can to connect with others and their ability to improve health and well-being.
also have ripple effects on others. When peo- understand their thoughts and feelings, but As we look ahead and consider ways to
ple communicate, they influence the ways learning how to use the tools is critical both offset the current climate of political tribal-
that their conversation partners see the for students and for relationships at work, at ism and disconnection, the science of social
world. For example, work by Princeton Uni- school and at home. This toolkit has deep connection is more relevant than ever. M
versity psychologist Uri Hasson’s team evolutionary roots and is fundamental to

 47

Why We Need
to Take Pet
Loss Seriously
How to handle grief after
a pet’s death—and why we
all need to change our
attitudes about it
By Guy Winch



oug’s amateur soccer team had just Losing a beloved pet is often an emo- have found that social support is a crucial
lost its playoff game and he need- tionally devastating experience. Yet, as a ingredient in recovering from grief of all
ed a pick-me-up. So he decided to society, we do not recognize how painful kinds. Thus, we are not only robbed of cru-
stop by the local animal shelter on his way pet loss can be and how much it can impair cial support systems when our pet dies, but
home. He was by no means looking to adopt our emotional and physical health. Symp- our own perceptions of our emotional re-
an animal, but puppies always put a smile toms of acute grief after the loss of a pet sponses are likely to add an additional lay-
on his face. “Rookie mistake,” he told me can last from one to two months with symp- er of emotional distress. We may feel em-
in our psychotherapy session. “You set foot toms of grief persisting up to a full year (on barrassed and even ashamed about the se-
in one of these places and no way you’re average). The New England Journal of Medi- verity of the heartbreak we feel and
not leaving with a puppy.” Delia, the pup- cine recently reported that a woman whose consequently, hesitate to disclose our dis-
py in question, was a five-month-old mutt. dog died experienced Broken Heart Syn- tress to our loved ones. We might even
“I had her for seventeen years,” Doug said, drome—a condition in which a person’s re- wonder what is wrong with us and question
wiping tears from his eyes, “Almost my en- sponse to grief and heartbreak is so severe, why we are responding in such dispropor-
tire adult life. I knew it would be rough they exhibits symptoms that mimic a heart tional” ways to the loss.
when she died but I had no idea…I was a attack, including elevated hormone levels Feeling intense grief that is then lay-
total wreck. I cried for days. I couldn’t get that can be 30 times greater than normal. ered with shame about these feelings not
any work done. And worst of all, I was too While grief over the loss of a cherished only makes pet loss a bigger threat to our
embarrassed about it to tell anyone, even pet may be as intense and even as lengthy emotional health than it would be other-
my old soccer teammates who loved Delia. as when a significant person in our life dies, wise, it complicates the process of recov-
I spent days at work crying in private and our process of mourning is quite different. ery by making it more lengthy and com-
muttering allergies” whenever someone Because pet loss is disenfranchised, many plex than it should be.
glanced at my puffy eyes.” of the societal mechanisms of social and Further, given our societal attitude that
community support are absent when a pet invokes responses such as “It’s just an ani-
dies. Few of us ask our employers for time mal” and “You can just get another one” we
Guy Winch is a psychologist, speaker and author. His books off to grieve a beloved cat or dog as we fear are likely to overlook the variety of ways our
have been translated into 25 languages and his two TED Talks doing so would paint us as overly senti- lives are impacted by pet loss (both real,
have been viewed over 10 million times. His new book, How to mental, lacking in maturity or emotionally practical and psychological), which can
Fix a Broken Heart (TED Books/Simon & Schuster, 2018), cov- weak. And few employers would grant such blind us to steps we need to take in order to
ers both pet loss and romantic heartbreak. requests were we to make them. Studies recover. Losing a pet can leave significant


voids in our life that we need to fill: It can Losing a pet thus disrupts established rou- We also need to fill the voids the loss has
change our daily routines, causing ripple ef- tines that provide us with structure, sup- created in our lives, and there are more of
fects that go far beyond the loss of the actu- port our emotional well-being and give our them than we might realize. We might need
al animal. actions meaning. This is why, in addition to to reorganize our routines and daily activi-
For example, whether they are trained to emotional pain, we feel aimless and lost in ties so we don’t lose the secondary benefits
or not, all pets function as therapy animals the days and weeks after our pet dies. we derived from having our pet. For exam-
to some extent. Cats, dogs, horses and other Lastly, we often consider ourselves par- ple, if our exercise came from walking our
cherished pets provide companionship, they ents to our pets and are even known as dog we need to find alternative ways to reach
reduce loneliness and depression and they such in our communities. Everyone who our daily step goals.” If our social media
can ease anxiety. Thus when we lose them owns a dog knows that neighbors on the reach was built on our cat’s starring Insta-
we actually lose a significant and even vital street are far more likely to know our dog’s gram popularity we need to find other ways
source of support and comfort. name than they are to know ours. When to remain relevant social-media wise. If we
Caring for our pet also lets us develop our dog dies we can become invisible and spent most Saturday mornings with our
routines and responsibilities around which lose a meaningful aspect of our identity. Vizsla meetup group, we need to find other
we often craft our days. We get exercise by We post images and videos of our animals outlets through which we can socialize and
walking our dog and we socialize with oth- on social media and are followed for that enjoy the outdoors. If we were known in our
er dog owners at the dog runs/parks/beach- reason. Losing a pet can impact many as- neighborhood as “Delia’s dad” as Doug was,
es. When our dog dies we might experience pects of our own identities. we need to find other ways of feeling con-
a significant drop in casual social interac- Recovering from pet loss, as in all forms nected and involved in our community.
tion and feel left out of the unofficial com- of grief, requires us to recognize these Doug suffered far more than he should
munity of dog owners to which we be- changes and find ways to address them. We have because of the shame and isolation he
longed. We awake early every day to feed need to seek social support from people we experienced. It’s time we gave grieving pet
our cat (or we are woken by them if we for- know will understand and sympathize with owners the recognition, support and con-
get), but we get a lot more done because of our emotional pain and not judge us for it. sideration they need. Yes, it is up to us to
it. Without our cat we might experience a Our best bet is to reach out to people we identify and address our emotional wounds
real drop in productivity. Or we spend hours know who have also lost pets, as they are when our pet dies, but the more validation
over the weekend out of the city so we can likely to understand our anguish and offer we received from those around us, the quick-
ride our horse, and find ourselves going stir the best support. Many animal clinics offer er and the more complete our psychological
crazy when our horse is no longer around. bereavement groups for pet owners. recovery would be. M

 50

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Some of the articles in Scientific American Mind originally appeared in our

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