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p In this ocassion, I would like to introduce our team of College Reviewing. Our Team coantion
of two person which is myself; Tomi and My assistant Sutra Melkisedek . Our Teacher Miss Monica
want us to interview any college that was there in education fair and make a brief review after
interviewing. So here we are the result of the review which we called narration.

G. MDIS University
The first university that we interview with is MDIS University which we called ͞Management
Development Institute of Singaporeº. MDIS University is a university which famous for business
carrer, this is the right place for people who want to study as a businessman. MDIS Univ. Have an
interesting vision and mission, they͛re vision is ͞The choice for lifelong learning with global
recognition.º And they͛re mission is ͞A caring and socially responsible institution that maximises the
potential of individuals and organisations in Singapore and Asia through the quality provision of
globally recognised programmes.͟ For the down-payment you need to pay at least S$26.800, there is
a scholarship if you want to attend this univ. But it was valid only for singaporians and for foreigns
you need to study there first and pay the down-payment but of course for the Business carrer only.
There are lot͛s of interesting facility, to make it easy to read we͛ll make a list of it!
2. Comp LAB
3. GYM
4. Library
5. Cafeteria
6. Classroom
7. Special Lab for each subject
8. Room rental
9. Medical room
10. SAMTAS Hall
Basicly this is the regular facilities that MDIS have but there are more than we͛ve listed. For your
information about graduating, it took you 3 years until graduation and to let you know lot of
indonesian people have graduate there. You will get full educate within three years in MDIS because
you will know the secret of MDIS core values which make you the winner.
Here is the only word that we͛ll share about the core values and if you want to find it more enter


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· pRaffles University
The second University that we interview is Raffles University. This University is famous for
designing knowledge which is people who likes to design something was recomended to enter this
college. This University Vision is ͞To be a leading private higher education provider in Australia and
internationally in the areas of design, commerce and design/commerce education. We will achieve
this through the excellence of our curricula and the fostering of a creative, supportive learning
community within our campus/es.͟ And mission is ͞RCDC aims to deliver high quality teaching and
learning through curricula that consistently emphasise: 1. Creativity and innovation 2. Enterprise and
entrepreneurship 3. Industry relevance and employability 4. Professional excellence 5. Socially
responsible, ethical professional practice.͟
Now for the down-payment there are different payment between International student and
Australian because this University was build by the Australian therefore the Australian get cheaper
payment. For you who want to attend this University first you have to pay $23,000 for design
certificate it took you 4 years to complete it as long as you are diligent you will enjoy this precious
Raffles University provide you with lot͛s of facilities to make it easy look at this list!
1.Comp Lab
4.Design room
7. Hall of fame & more
For your information about 40%
Indonesian student enter Raffles
University which they enter the
Campus that was located in Melbourne. Before entering Raffles University you need to take
homestay system which want you to stay at melbourne for about a couple weeks so you can
experience the circumtance around Australia first before entering this college and you have to be 18
years above.Most of the students from Indonesia graduate with amazing scores! So, for those who
like designs come and enter Raffles University you won͛t regret it.

PSB Academy
Move on to the third one is PSB Academy. So this is special we would like to list all the vision and
mission which is the same as written in the note that the promoter wrote.

·p   p
To be Asia's leading Academy for the Industry

·p   p
1.Prepare students to respond more readily to today͛s challenging world, with capabilities that are
fresh, practical and relevant.
2. Be the choice provider of continuing education to individuals
3. Be the one-stop integrated solutions provider for corporations striving for business excellence
As you read the following vision & mission did you realise that PSB Academy is also famous for
business & engineering! The Campus covers a total area of 26,500m2 and is equipped with the
following facilities:
1.p Engineering, science and computer laboratories
2.p Indoor gymnaium
3.p Footbal field, basketball court, netball court
4.p Cafeteria
5.p Library
6.p Bookstore
7.p Fully air-conditioned classrooms and lecture theatres equipped with advanced audio-visual
You soon realise that they are lots of facilities you can use if you apply to PSB Academy. For the fee,
it actually depend on the programee that you want to study because PSB gazed upon business &
engineering so we͛ll only tell you about the fee of this programme for the first three years you need
to pay S$42,372 it include all of the administration. There is a scholarship for this but it was limited
for international student, for the international student they have to take part of a test first and
prove that they are able to pass the standard point. So PSB is a university which change you to a
genius it also depends with your diligent in studying.

^. UCSI University
It͛s almost the end of the narration so let͛s continue with the fourth one. This time we bring you
the University which Malaysia own. Introducing thw UCSI University which famous for science to the
world. Let͛s not wasting time move on to the vision and mission, UCSI vision is ͞To be a university
par excellence.͟ And UCSI mission is ͞Take on the world, UCSI University for life, Value Innovation,
Research and Discovery, Education for all͟.
Isn͛t it relieve to hear UCSI Mission! Taking part in the world with there own life by doing
innovative research and discovery and everyone could take part in it! For the fee.. well the promoter
didn͛t really tell us how much is the fee so that means that we only got the scholarship information.
The same as PSB we need to take a test but there is an exception on UCSI which is they comparing
our high school report card and toefl results score!
UCSI University have lots of facilities because it͛s to many we͛ll only listing the main part, here you
1.p Student services
2.p Science Laboratories
3.p Music facilities
4.p Accomodation
5.p Engineering Laboratories
6.p Fashion Design workshop
7.p Psychology Laboratory
8.p Other basic facilities

Another UCSI advantage is that it is a ͞wirelessº campus facilitated by e-Advantage, a homegrown

electronic system that provides strong academic support to the whole process of learning.
Therefore, UCSI University graduate of any programme is fully equipped with the latest skills and
knowledge, and can expect to achieve a high flying career to meet the needs of the local and
international industries.

c London School Public Relation(LSPR)

Finaly the end of the day, let͛s not wasting time shall we? The fifth interview, currently we
interview a university in Jakarta but it͛s not exactly the university that Indonesia own. Going to the
vision and mission, London school vision is ͞aims to be an institution which produces highly qualified
and skillful graduates in Public Relations, Marketing, Advertising, Mass Communication, and
Performing Arts Communication, to be accepted as a role model in Communication science
development and implementation in Indonesia and to be internationally recognized.͟ And the
mission is ͞To operate education and learning based on cutting edge technology and knowledge in
Communication science, To give the best quality teaching to the student and also support them with
specified expertise in communication studies, To prepare competitive graduates in national and the
international area, To implement the three responsibilities (Tridharma) of the institution, to help the
society in delivering the knowledge and comprehension of the communication sciences especially in
Public Relations, Mass Communication, Marketing and Advertising.͟
Now you͛ve read the text above we guess you should know what LSPR is famous in?, and you͛re
right LSPR is famous for Communication Faculty. About the payment if you really want to improve
your communication technic you have to pay around 400 GBP and another administration but first
you must pay 400 GBP. Then let͛s see the list of the facilities:
1.p Locker for student
2.p Library
3.p Classroom
4.p TV Studio
5.p Radio Studio
6.p Research centre
7.p Gym
8.p Stage
It͛s almost finish here but anyway if you interest in LSPR don͛t hesitate to join in! It͛s really important
to improve your communication technic because if you can make a good relation with others and
can make a good speech maybe someday you could become a President!.

Finaly the review has finaly done thank you for all readers that kind enough to read this
narration. We give a big thanks to God so that this narration can be done! Special thanks to the
readers who like to join the University that was listed above but we also appreciate readers choice.If
it͛s not because of you readers, we can͛t bring you this narration so to close on I; Tomi and my
assistant Sutra like to say ŒThank YOU for reading .͟

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