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WEEKS 7-8 Various Techniques in Summarizing a Variety of (4 hours per week)
Academic Texts


OPENING PRAYER: Before you proceed, please offer a short prayer to God.

You may have heard the Starfish Story. It goes like this:  

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently
throwing it into the ocean. Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?” The boy replied,
"Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back,
they’ll die".
"Son", the man said, "don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You
can’t make a difference!" After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw
it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, "I made a difference for that one!”

Change begins with you

Most of us approach life like the man in this story. When we think about all there is to do for God in this
world, the mountain top seems unreachable, and it really does become a wearying headache with no relief
in sight. Where to begin? How to start? 

Start with the Bible and with prayer - God often begins with one: one person to be changed, one task to
accomplish, one day to consider at a time. And in most every case, change begins with you, not the other
person (Matthew 7:5). 

You need to begin with the true base point: you and God. You will not get anywhere unless you begin by
humbly relying on his strength as you reach out to others.

God is ready to use you

Too many of us feel we know God and have “been there, tried that” without seeing our actions make a
difference. But God can still use you and wants to use you for His purpose of changing lives through the
Gospel and through your actions.
There are so many people who need to know God's love in their life ... and if you can make a difference for
just one of them, then it will be worth the effort.
-Adapted from an article on
PRAYER : Dear Lord, thank you for reminding us today that each of us can make a can make a difference.
As we study our lessons, please empower us and guide us, Amen.


In the previous lessons, we learned important terms in academic reading; types of
academic texts and structure of academic texts that helped us understand and identify better the
structure and the content of an academic text we read.

This module introduces various techniques in summarizing. This will lead us to answer the following
1. What is summarizing?
2. What are the various strategies in summarizing academic texts?
3. How can effectively apply the summarizing techniques to retell the stories in the Bible?


At the end of the lesson, the learner
1.uses various techniques in summarizing a variety of academic texts CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-c-5
2.uses any of the techniques in summarizing the stories of the Bible

Have you read a story or watched a movie and retold it to your friends? Did you find the retelling of
the story difficult? Why or why not? What strategies did you employ in order to retell the story? Did you
find those strategies helpful? Why or why not? This week, we are going to study the various techniques in
summarizing varied academic texts.

What is summarizing?
According to Buckley (2004), in her popular writing text, summarizing
is reducing text to one-third or one-quarter its original size, clearly articulating the
author’s meaning, and retaining main ideas.

According to Diane Hacker (2008), in A Canadian Writer’s Reference, explains

that summarizing involves stating a work’s thesis and main ideas “simply, briefly, and
From dictionaries, it is defined as taking a lot of information and creating a
condensed version that covers the main points; and to express the most important
facts or ideas about something or someone in a short and clear form.

When is summarizing useful?

Summarizing is useful in many types of writing and at different points in the writing process.
Summarizing is used to support an argument, provide context for a paper’s thesis, write literature reviews,
and annotate a bibliography. The benefit of summarizing lies in showing the "big picture," which allows the
reader to contextualize what you are saying. In addition to the advantages of summarizing for the reader,
as a writer you gain a better sense of where you are going with your writing, which parts need elaboration,
and whether you have comprehended the information you have collected.

What are the Strategies in Summarizing?

1. Somebody-Wanted-But-So Strategy

The Somebody-Wanted-But-So tactic (MacOn, Bewell & Vogt, 1991) is used during or after reading.
Commonly used in social studies and in history based subjects. Students use a chart or a folded piece of
paper. The task is to identify who wanted something, what they wanted, what conflict arose, and the
 Somebody: Who is the story about?
 Wanted: What does the main charter want?
 But: Identify a problem that the main character encountered.
 So: How does the main character solve the problem?
 Then: Tell how the story ends.

2. The Gist Strategy

Known as “the main or essential part of a matter” the GIST way (Cunningham, 1982) is organized so
that you have 20 helping base words on which to lean on when developing summary writing techniques.
The student must convey the gist in 20 words, this tactic is often used in narrative texts.

3. SAAC Method

The SAAC method is another useful technique for summarizing any kind of text (story, article,
speech, etc).
SAAC is an acronym for "State, Assign, Action, Complete." Each word in the acronym refers to a
specific element that should be included in the summary.
 State: name of the article, book, or story
 Assign: the name of the author
 Action: what the author is doing (example: tells, explains)
 Complete: complete the sentence or summary with keywords and important details

4. Cornell method
Divide the paper in two columns. On the left side is the MAIN POINT/KEY IDEAS and on the right side
is the EXPLANATION/NOTES. (If you noticed, this was what I used in my weeks 3-4 module)
5. 5 W's, 1 H
The 5 W's, 1 H strategy relies on six crucial questions: who, what, when, where, why, and how.
These questions make it easy to identify the main character, the important details, and the main idea.

 Who is/are the character’s?

 What did they do?
 When did the action take place?
 Where did the story happen?
 Why did the main character do what he/she did?
 How did the main character do what he/she did?

6. 3-2-1 Strategy
How does it work? You need to fill out the so-called 3-2-1 chart, filling the information of:
3 – Most important facts you found out
2 – Interesting things you found
1 – Question you still have

This tactic is very flexible and versatile, for instance, if you’ve just started studying the subject you
can modify it according to your topic, you can work in a pair or as an independent student. The key points
are then written down into a paragraph. You can use our article writer to get some idea of how it should
look like. The strategy can be modified anyway that deems necessary.

7. Using Graphic Organizers

The majority of people perceive the information visually, that’s why using graphics and
spreadsheets might be more effective for them. The variety of schemes can be found online, developed or
modified according to the task.
Examples of graphic organizers are comparison-contrast map, concept map, problem-solution
chart, persuasion map,
Sequence Chart. ...
Story map. ...
Biography graphic organizer. ...
KWL chart. ...
Learning map. ...
Analogy graphic organizer. ...
Problem-solving organizer and a lot more. Example:
8. First, Next, Then, Finally Strategy

The "First Then Finally" technique helps students summarize events in chronological order. The
three words represent the beginning, main action, and conclusion of a story, respectively:
 First. What happened first? Include the main character and main event/action.
 Next. What happened next?
 Then. What key details took place during the event/action?
 Finally. What were the results of the event/action?

Sequence Signal Words

first, at first,in the beginning, Afterwards, after that, later, Finally, lastly, in the end, to
to begin with, initially, in the sometime later, following conclude, in conclusion
first stage/phase, before that, soon, soon after, then,
that, earlier, previously, prior meanwhile, during that time,
to, from this point the next step is/was to,
subsequently, consequently

When these strategies are used, reading comprehension will improve and we will be able to
effectively visualize and internalize the material we are reading/learning.

ACTIVITY (use the Activity sheets provided)

1. Summarize the essay below using the 3-2-1 Strategy

Importance of Education

Education is a process that involves the transfer of knowledge, habits and skills from one generation
to another through teaching, research and training. It can be in a formal or informal setting. Formal
education involves institutionalized learning based on a curriculum. In today’s society, education and
learning play an indispensable role in shaping the lives of individuals and the society at large. The most
effective way of boosting economic growth, reducing poverty and improving people’s health is by investing
in education.

Human labor is essential for economic growth. A highly educated labor force further stimulates
economic growth. Additionally, a highly educated labor force can easily adapt to new working
environments and conditions. In view of that, it is evident that education serves as the driving force for
innovation of new products and services. Educated workers exchange ideas in the work place and come up
with new ideas that help in the growth of the economy.

Education reduces poverty in a number of ways. One way is by creating employment opportunities
for educated people. Through employment, one is able to afford a decent living. Education helps to
increase economic security, create income opportunities and improve livelihoods of the economically
disadvantaged by providing sustainable environmental management mechanisms. Education further
alleviates poverty through skills acquired in the learning process. Skills such as carpentry, plumbing and
masonry are relevant in non-formal economies. One can acquire these skills through technical and
vocational training.

Educated people are health conscious and live longer than their counterparts because they engage
in healthy habits such as eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly and going for medical check-ups. By
investing in education, one will also be investing in their health. Education serves to create room for
technological advancements in the field of medicine and agriculture. Advanced technology used for
conducting surgery has replaced traditional methods. This has seen an improvement in people’s general
health and an increased life expectancy. Most developing countries have a low life expectancy compared to
developed countries. This can be attributed to high illiteracy levels present in developing countries. This
translates to poor health and poor eating habits.

In conclusion, education is the only means of alleviating poverty, improving people’s health and
increasing economic growth. Improving literacy levels in marginalized societies will go a long way in
improving human living standards.

2. Read Genesis Chapter 1. Using the First-Then-Finally strategy, write a summary of the CREATION STORY.
If you happen to read the books “My Bible Friends” you will notice that the stories told in the Bible
are already summarized. That is one way of helping readers understand the story. As Christians, we are
encouraged to tell the Good news of Jesus’ love to the people around us. We can apply the strategies we
learned to retell the stories or this good news to everyone. In this way, we will be able to make a

Closing Prayer (by the student).


Prepared by:
Mrs. Rubelyn dela Peña Gaa, LPT
cellphone #: 09086153080
Email Address:

FIRST QUARTER MODULE 2 August 24-Sept. 4

WEEKS 5-6 Various Techniques in Summarizing a Variety of (4 hours per week)
Academic Texts

Activity 1. Using the 3-2-1 Strategy summarize the essay found on pages 7-8 of this module.

TOPIC: Importance of Education

3 Facts I Learned
1. Education is a process that involves the transfer of knowledge, habits and skills from one
generation to another through teaching, research and training.
2. A highly educated labor force further stimulates economic growth.

3.Education helps to increase economic security, create income opportunities and improve
livelihoods of the economically disadvantaged by providing sustainable environmental
management mechanisms.
2 Things I found Interesting
1.Educated people are health conscious and live longer than their counterparts because they
engage in healthy habits such as eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly and going for medical
2.Most developing countries have a low life expectancy compared to developed countries. This can
be attributed to high illiteracy levels present in developing countries.

1 Question I Still Have

1. Is it true that, even if people are educated, there can still be bad and good education quality?

Summary in paragraph form:

From the essay “Importance of Education”, I learned that Education is a process that involves the transfer of
knowledge, habits and skills from one generation to another through teaching, research and training. A highly
educated labor force further stimulates economic growth.
Education helps to increase economic security, create income opportunities and improve livelihoods of the
economically disadvantaged by providing sustainable environmental management mechanisms. Two things
awaken my interest. These are: Educated people are health conscious and live longer than their counterparts
because they engage in healthy habits such as eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly and going for medical
Most developing countries have a low life expectancy compared to developed countries. This can be attributed to
high illiteracy levels present in developing countries.
One question still needs to be answered, Is it true that, even if people are educated, there can still be bad and good
education quality?

Activity 2. First-Next-Then-Finally Strategy

Title: The Creation Story

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. God said, Let there be light, and
there was light. He separated night and day. And so, it was the first day.

For the second day, He created firmament, and then land with all vegetation on the third day.
And on the fourth day, He created the sun, moon, and stars.

Then on the fifth day, He created the living creatures on both land and sea. He created Man
in His own likeness on the sixth day.

Finally, on the seventh day, He rested from all His work of creation.

Summary in paragraph form:

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. First, God said, Let there be light, and
there was light. He separated night and day. And so, it was the first day. Next, For the second day, He
created firmament, and then land with all vegetation on the third day. And on the fourth day, He created
the sun, moon, and stars. Then on the fifth day, He created the living creatures on both land and sea. He
created Man in His own likeness on the sixth day. Finally, on the seventh day, He rested from all His work of

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